His comeback! | Grown-Boy University | Tony Gaskins

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hey tony gaskins here popping in for uh another part of the grown boy university now we're walking through this because you're going to meet a grown boy if you have not already it's just it's just the way the mop flops in the cookie crumbles like my college football coach used to say and you got to understand that it's inevitable because men try to get what they can get and so but here's the thing it's different levels to grown boys so i got a little grown boy in me you know even at this level of my life i still got a little wrong boy in me by my standards now by my wife's standards by other people's standards i might be a full grown man but it's time where i say all right tony you probably been a little petted up but that's human nature almost every woman got some grown girl in her every man got some grown boy in him so what you have to realize is that the grown boys is not just going to be cult all the time you ain't gonna catch him on first date you ain't gonna catch him on first month you might not catch him on the first year he might get you on your bike he might get you on your bike a time or two before you start to seize the signs now y'all gotta forgive me cause i'm talking but i gotta ear open because i ordered something for my wife for her birthday next saturday and uh i'm trying to heal cause i got the sign for it so y'all gotta forgive him so i'm talking i'm kind of listening to him if i miss this thing he'll be hurt i'm going to be so not hurt because this thing he'll cost me 9. so understand me this grown boy you're going to get to a place to where you watching these videos you in you in the academy in the university you're gonna notice some stuff you're gonna see some stuff but when you see it you have to ask yourself is this a deal breaker or do i need to give it more time and kind of look more look within a little more you got to really pay attention and he may pass the three-month evaluation you know like on job get evaluation he passed the three month he may pass the six month may pass the ninth month it's gonna come a time now to where if you catch him and he got some grown boy in them that you got to kind of cut him off you got to cut them loose and it may be something that's not a deal breaker but you kind of got to get some distance you got to let them know you with the games you see my wife she left me two or three months into us dating because i was showing grown boy signs symptoms and i was trying to be controlling and i just wasn't being loving and confident and trusting and i kind of pushed the backwards i pushed her back you know toward her ex and so she broke up with me now i had an ego i was real arrogant when it came down to women and i didn't chase her i ain't do none of that i went on about my business and so we bumped into each other later six months later got back together so that was a different situation but see now what y'all going through with these grown boys a lot of these grown boys today they want to come up they want to come up if you missed the growing boy episode on his come up watch that one they want to come up so he's going to try to get back in so it's gonna it's gonna go a couple ways now see the first way that it's gonna go is he gonna try to make you feel less than he gonna make you feel less than and he's gonna give you the silent treatment he may cut you off and you like whoa hold on how you cutting me off i ain't did nothing and then when you talk to him he kind of you know you may be calling him texting him and he's ignoring you he's doing that to train you and he also may be dealing with his ex or with another woman and then when you talk to him he's going to try to make you feel like you're less less than him so he gonna put you down and it's only to make you want to live up to his standards is to make you feel less than so that you working for his love and you working to get on his level and so in that he he may be like well yeah it's just like it's like just the way where i'm at in my life it's like yeah i know i'm from the street but i'm on such a level that i really need a proverb 31 woman because i'm a proverb 32 man i need a proverb 31 woman and you just not being that woman and so it's like i can't settle at this point in my life i bring too much to the table i'm a future billionaire maybe me and now for a little season then i'm gonna be a big now and i'm gonna have a network like over so it's like red nine this season of my life i need a proper thirty one one and you you've been reading proverbs 31 every day you've been studying proverbs 31 you've been studying roof and you studied esther and you studied all the women of the bible and and so when he hit you with that you kind of like wow i'm not a proverbs 31 woman i really thought i was that chick like i really thought i was hurt and now he telling me oh my goodness this is like [Music] this earth shattering but it's just so amazing to have a man of god who wants me to be better and you don't even realize that this a grown boy attacked me and this how he getting you so what you have to realize here is if you know you have not done anything wrong if you know you living up to your potential you know you serving the lord you doing right and you know you have not blatantly disrespected this man or told a lie been untrustworthy stuff of that nature you know you did none of that you cannot fall for the jedi mind trick that to make you feel less than [Music] and if you go back and you do fall for it and you get back you got to let him know listen there is no breaks ain't no silent treatments you either in the relationship or you out of the relationship oh you gonna tell me what to do oh you gonna try to tell me what to do see i am a g-r-o-w-n-m-a-n he gonna spell it out for you to try to let you know like look no you even push me around and so with the wrong boy he'll get loud with you at times he might try to slam a doe he might try to drop something on the ground he might throw some up against the wall he'll try to do something like that but when you show him you're not with the game that you're not playing with him you ain't putting up with this you know what i realized it just hit me i got up in my other video earlier there call you on the cheating yourself and i got on these basketball shorts so i'm business on the top party on the bottom y'all forgive him it just hit me i'm like man i'm probably getting up thinking i'm just getting up walking i got these back wall shorts on but what you have to realize here is it's going to come a time with the wrong boy that you got the lead you're going to have to lead and it may be three days and this what you don't want to hear what you don't want to hear is that you are the catalyst in a man's life that's what you don't want to hear what you don't want to hear from me you don't hear that from me what you don't want to hear from me is that a man really become y'all i'm looking for the for the trump man a man really becomes a man through a woman a man come out a woman a man come from a woman a man you really do not meet grown men that don't have a woman like when a man becomes a real man a grown man it's with his woman so you're going to have to send a message at some point in the relationship it ain't just going to be perfect it ain't just going to be smooth selling you're going to have to put him in check about something it might not be you have to leave you might have to check him on um excuse me i understand that you want to be pescatarian and all of that but me the lord bless every animal so if i want me a little bit of bacon i'm gonna have me some bacon if all you want to eat is that tilapia that's on you like god bless you mobile tea but i'm not going to be around here with fish breath every day all day because all you want to eat we have mullet we had catfish we had tilapia you're going to have too much magnesium in your body you ain't got no protein in your body so if excuse me for having me a piece of uncle jack's fried bacon like i understand you was in the military or you all this and that but listen to each their own and this is what i'm have to do it might be something small just like that right though you might have to check him on listen i get it that you want to work out six days a week but me personally i'm a three day a week type of person and when i work out understand is i'm not trying to be a navy seal like i understand that you want to work out like a neighbor but me personally i just want me a brisk walk okay i'm just doing a british power walk i'm just burning some little calories but i'm not trying to go to the olympics so if if that's how you want to work out then we don't need to work out together it might be something small just like that because see with a grown boy a grown boy it could be a grown man with a little bit of grown boy in him so when you have to check him that's when he gonna try to come back and he tried to get you back in that same little groove he had you in because things were going good so now that's a look that's a little side story right there this the head i got on too tight for my head two love for my head white boy you know blackman and black man somehow we got a hook back down man baseball cap here i need a football cap so uh i understand this right here ain't done though when you leave him and he try to get back [Music] hold on right quick i think that might be a truck [Music] now when you leave this man you know what i'm gonna do y'all forgive me one second what that is oh oh that's the man coming to pick up my little trailer okay i thought that was upf but we had one of them trash trailers that you fill up he was out here to put that up hey y'all gotta forgive me now cause hey you're on the real you know i'm a real element see this this will let y'all know my video real i don't do no stage video with no script and all that editing no this goes it's right up all right list this real this from the heart this brother sister brother brother whoever watching this so understand is when you take and you step away from this man that's when he tried to just win the grown boy do is get back when he trying to get back uh yes oh i'm just giving you a call like i just i don't know what i'm gonna do right now it's just like it's like everything is on me right now it's like i wake up this ain't i'm not crying okay i know you listen to this you think i'm crying i'm not crying but like i love my auntie last night i wake up that morning my best friend and got shot and it's like everything against me because i lost you too okay listen i'm not crying but when you get this message can you give him a call please can you give him a call thank you i love you that's what he gonna do he gonna hit you at nine that's gonna be on one of them that's gonna be one voicemail but see now with grown boy he shows fangs because he can't just be one way so you're gonna get one of them voicemail but you also gonna get one of these voicemail listen this is not right and it's like we in a relationship and we need to be on the same page and it's like give me a call you know you'll never know when somebody say last day my best friend that i went to high school with just took his own life and that's how i'm feeling right now give me a call i love you you gonna get you one of those so then you like all right you look aggressive you're trying to get me back this is what you're saying to yourself you're trying to get me by you trying to get aggressive but that's he gonna hit you with one at all so understand that when he's trying to get back in your life he's gonna say and do whatever but you still gonna see the signs if he don't have a grown man in him see some grown men got a little bit of grown boy in them that still just got to be weeded out and then some grown boys don't have no grown man in him because they're not ready to grow and they're not gonna grow for you and then the next thing what's gonna happen now is you gonna get this right here from now [Music] uh yeah so what i did is i went on my mentor.life uh the mentors and the guy uh tony tony guess i bought the session with him i bought a session with and and listen this is how you know i'm serious this man charged 330 out jesus don't even charge that much i taught jesus for free manchester united three hundred thirty dollars out but anyway like what i said i paid that and we got a session and i just i don't watch a couple of videos so i already know what he's about to say he's about to go off and just be talking down to me but i'ma just deal with it because i know i got to grow like he said grown boy i'm a grown boy i got to grow so i just want to let you know that's what i'm doing this ain't even really to get you back anything cause i'm working on me whether we get back together not on working on me he gonna hit you with that here you go here you go i see you like oh my goodness oh he need to talk to tony i know tony gonna get on the way i'll be in the video then you calling your girlfriend hey girl listen to this voicemail listen to this voicemail so hey you know tony guys i'm gonna sign up on and you got girl you heard that he said he went to sign up on my mentor like with tony guys girl you know he finna get right now so listen what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do and you just hold me accountable is i'm gonna keep him on ice about 24 more hours and the next time he called me i'mma answer because i think he read it now i think he read if he didn't sign up on my mentor like what's going on he read it now gotcha now when y'all was together now if he doing session with me before y'all broke up that's different or with a life coach before y'all broke up when stuff was getting out of hand and you trying to get him a session he already doing session y'all still broke on up that's different if he was giving me his behind the kiss and every other life coach on my mentor.life we got over 400 coaches on there and he told all of the kids his behind before you left him that's a grown boy and now he trying to set you up and now you about to fall for it so listen to me now you got to get this place to where you could read between the lines and you could look at this thing and you could see if he really being serious and what and he going gonna go to whatever end that he got to go to and he's gonna keep piling it on until he gets you until he gets you back if that one session don't work he calling you again he calling you again it whatever you know what i just did is it's like when you want something you got to go and get it so it's like hey i know tony guys is cool and all that i did that session with him hey it was good but this is what i did i flew to dallas and i stood by the race the roll royce ghost or td jakes and when the bishop came out there i fell on the floor i fell on the floor and i just went to shaking and i just went hollering out to the lord and i got bishop jace to pray for me and when i tell you that prayer that bishop prayed tony that's ain't on his level listen what i'm telling you actually give me a call bye give me a call i don't want to get to but listen what i'm telling you tony guys ain't even real no more it's about bishop jake's that prayer he didn't win that oh yeah he had the bishop church he finna go meet with osteen to get some favor spoke on his life you know olsen ain't going to convict him about nothing well you know it's everyone is growing and god has favor for you he's going to go to ocean get the favor he came to me and got cussed out without cuss word he went to the the bishop out there got hand laid on him first it was security laid hands on him then bishop felt bad then bishop gonna lay hands on him and pray over because he hit that ground and went in the shaking but what you have to understand he gonna go all around this what wrong what gonna do now and what the grown boyfriend to do your little ugly friend forgive me i don't edit it so i can't take that now she's not ugly okay she's not uh this is god's child all right this god child is beauty in the sight of the lord everybody beautiful inside of laura but he calling her your friend okay yeah she want her man she need her man she wish she had your man she wish he had joe man but she ain't got your man oh it might be the devil playing with me he just hear me hear sounds i can't miss my wife delivered now this is for her birthday and this whole thing cost me and they deliver i don't want this thing to be at the post office and get stole so listen y'all gotta forgive me okay and when i get to get up go away and hopefully make they might put an ad there so you got some time all right but he finna call your friend and that's what your mistake stop letting your man have the numbers to your friends he need to talk to you not to your friends he calling your friend or he calling your mama whichever one got insecurities because sometimes some of y'all mama got insecurities sometimes some of y'all daddy got insecure yeah grown boy can seduce daddies too especially if he got money if he got money he got status and don't let it be an athlete don't let him be an athlete your daddy be ready to sell you for the next ticket to that boy game you me don't let the boy have a lot of money because that hey they don't worry about that dowry you know over there in africa they had a dowry where the man got to pay some or get cattle or money or whatever you know back in the day the man like how i think jacob had worked on 14 years that what daddy was worried about that was like listen you finna get a little challenge daughter because she's the oldest and you finna get the the pretty daughter that you want but you've been to work for both of these and what you're going to do with them i don't care i don't care what you do with the law you put they're working at a put their work in so see some of y'all daddy get seduced so don't feel like oh daddy superman he didn't love little man nope daddy could get seduced too whoever got insecurities in their life that's who the grown boyfriend called and when he called him he finna have a sob story he finna be on there just whining and crying he's so hurt he just going through the devil been attacking him since he was two he almost died at two because he walked in the street and got hit by a car and the lord let him live then he almost died at 16 and then at 21 and now he feel like he did because you didn't left them so now just you know hey you know miss jackson can you please just i want to be your son-in-law and i know that there is not another son-in-law in the world that's gonna treat your daughter the way i'm gonna treat your daughter and everybody make mistake even you told me miss jeff you told me mr jackson made mistakes you told me he made a mistake and that's all i'm trying to say is that we make mistake but the lord is there for us and i'm being redeemed in this very moment and then your mama she like babe i hear you babe i hear you you know what i'm gonna call her i'm finna call christie right now and i'm gonna talk to him because ain't no man perfect ain't no man perfect and i just want her to understand that because i understand you're a good man i know you're a good man i know you love the lord and so i'ma call christy and then your mama calling you and then when your mama called you now you like mama is you serious calling me to talk for this grown boy that then did this and did that and he didn't got you too and don't let the lord be then left you for a second well why don't you sleep with them oh oh so let's look at your mama that's your mom calm down calm down the bible say honor thy mother and father and your days will be long upon the earth let your mama talk just let what she say go in one end out other because you need to be shown and prove you need showing prune and i'm gonna tell you the pen he need to do at least two sessions with a coach on my mentor.life if if he what he did ain't one bad at all okay y'all could read a book together you don't need no session if your son you feel okay you need a couple session if it was something real that like you you should not be going back for like you got cheated on caught him cheating but just something you you just whatever just i don't know feel like lord call you something y'all be telling me you know i try to be tough and be tough with y'all and just look do not go back but i know that's not always the reality there's a lot and that's why i got to that's why god put me here because a lot of people be in the comments tony you should never tell a person to give a second chance if someone cheated on them easy for you to say single as a dollar bill ain't never came close to sniffing no love and so that's easy to say when you never came close to sniffing no love when you ain't never fell in love i know how to when y'all fall in love with somebody you feel like it was a mistake they could work on it they could change to each their own that's your own person me personally you cheat on me you cheat on me ain't got to worry about me no more ever okay i'm turning over to the lord but some of y'all feel like god called you to this mission and that this is your husband this the man listen okay team 12 session he need 12 session he need 12 session with me he needs 12 sessions cheating on 12 seconds and but and then you go down from there based on the offense now listen okay listen to everybody to the comment warriors you should not go back after cheating did you hear me let's do it again you should not go back after cheating let's just let me make that clear because i cannot believe you i couldn't donate you know what i was i was loving this channel but now i'm gonna go back to such channel because he do not condone cheating i'm not condoning cheating what i'm saying is i'm meeting people where they at because i do this every day and i know nine out of ten women have been cheated on and they gave a second chance so what i'm saying when the grown boy come that's what you got to be ready for on his git bike and then you got to have some stipulations if you gonna take him back and in them stipulations you got to be paying attention to is he growing so when he come back listen to me he didn't talk to me he didn't talk to old sting he didn't talk to jades he didn't he didn't uh fake like he read a book he he read about long enough to get a quote out of it got that quote you know um y'all was reading this book and it said that and the whole book was good i mean from cover to cover it was just amazing and i know i'm on your voicemail and got four minutes but i'm here to get through this but what it was saying was and just even for me for somebody who from the streets it's like it said that some men have been raised so cold they don't know how to be warm and that right there hit me cause i'm trying to learn how to be warm and i want to be warm for you hey give me a call when you get this message i love you i love you and i'm praying for you lord right now in the name of jesus i pray that you just put a hedge of protection around christian that you just be with her and you bless her and you pour out in her life and you show up and you show out lord that you do the unthinkable that you have never done that you pull out like number four hey baby i love you give him a call he can hit you with that right now and depending on where you at look you love this man you care for this man so he just prayed on you you felt chills down your spine that praying have a little anointing on it but you felt chills down your spine because you care for him you love him so understand now when if you take on this he'll come back and this what he's trying to go through and it's different levels to the wrong boy so the grown boy that's got some grown man in him or he could be a grown boy who is really really really a grown boy like he one of them what y'all like to call narcissi he wanted him and he's so good well that grown boy he know how to do everything perfect because he to do it perfect he won't get loud he won't point any blame to you he'll accept all the blame he will ask for forgiveness and he will work on himself he will read books give you the summary of it he will be going to church he will be doing coaching he won't be contacting your family and trying to get them on his side and trying to turn them against you to protect him to be on his side he won't be doing that he'll be doing it he'll give you your space and but here's the thing is that could be a full grown boy that just really really is good at what he do or it could be a grown man with a little bit of grown boy that you getting up out of him so it still takes time it still takes time and you got to be mindful because see this the thing he get he get his book uh make it work and he go to reading that or or one over here um a woman's influence and he go to read this how you gonna tell her grown boy i'm gonna put my book back up growing boy you gonna have this here he gonna get right here your relationship is like a house now see this nah nah see this i was reading the book and everything was going good until i got to chapter eight and it said your relationship is like a house and see this one i don't understand about these so-called relationship expert because a relationship is not a house see your relationship is like the ocean because it's full of different feelings like the ocean and that's what i'm trying to sing because see in the ocean you got sharks and you got minnows and that's why sometimes in relation you're sharp so what he's trying to do right here is he want he gonna start arguing he finna take the man that's fake 100 faithful been married going on 14 years and he barely could hold on to a relationship and got kicked to the curb by two and he finished coming here and tried to argue he finna be being here trying hard and see right here this see everything see i ain't agree with that one part right there see that was the part i didn't really agree with because that right there let me know that he faked that that one part right there so it's like you almost had me with this here tony guys character but when you hit me with that right though with that child that's what that's where it lost me that's why you lost me that's what he gonna say then he gonna do the coaching session and he's gonna use the coaching session against you this is what the grown boy gonna do he gonna take the coaching session because he with me i call it down the middle so if you got some grown girl in you and he telling about you i'm gonna tell him that's a grown girl i'm still gonna dress his grown boy he might not mention a grown boy so yeah i was talking to um tony gaskin and so cause like me and him both on the streets so like he from the screen i'm from street so he understand what i understand and so it's like me myself personally i got plenty of sense you know just like how he got sense like he from the streets i'm from the street not he not he you know successful life coach all that it felt like when i was talking he was telling me that i'm just like him and that i remind him of of himself and that i'm going to be bigger than him and but he said something to me that really stuck with me and what he said to me was that [Music] i am the man that i am because of the woman that you are and that you kind of push me to cheat on you and that had you been cooking and cleaning more and loving me and not telling you you got a migraine when i'm trying to do something with you i want to cheat it on you so that's really what i got from the call and but i don't know you may have talked to him for yourself just like have your own session but listen though what he says like what's for me is for me and then he said like what's for you is for you so like all i ask you is that you just take this with a grain of salt and when you talk to him that you don't mention that i told you this because i don't want to mess up the report that i have because he as a way i'm talking to i feel like i'm gonna be able to intern with them and that's gonna bring a lot of money into a household so i just want everything to be smooth so please do not tell him that i told you that so now and i've seen this happen now this is a true story this true story this happened several times so nah you what that's what 20 years is it you know what block unfollow bless tribe unsubscribe oh yes for the last six months i i just noticed on my account that i have a dollar ninety nine charge for the last six months from google or apple that was not made by me that charge is a fraudulent charge i did not make their charge oh real love university [Music] 47 no i did not make that charge tony gaston academy i have never heard of that this is oh my god this is such a shame can you dispute all of those charges it's a total of fifteen hundred dollars dispute all the charges yes right now thank you that didn't happen oh yeah the man that got off the coast called and went home and put words in my mouth and now she hate me i cannot believe tony is condoning these grown boy behavior he's telling him i need to be cooking and i'm not seeing a man do it a man did that to me went back to his woman told him what tony said you lazy tony said someone said that she ain't got no excuse not to be cooking you or no job tom said that i really ain't supposed to be with you because you might be a gold digger i'm like what i mean the couple beat them signed up for eight sessions she threw her session feeling good he knew this session he made like he feeling good next thing you know session counsel why they don't asking a refund or not but just don't hear from no more because he got to manipulate and use some stuff and i look up later facebook status be gone they'd be back in my dms yeah that relationship ain't worked out y'all know they work out cuz you got bamboozled cause cause you let a grown boy tell you what a grown man said when you should have either been on a call yourself or you should have asked me for yourself on your next session what was said to clarify but that's how it happened so this is what wrong boy gonna do not when he don't want to change he's going to take and do what you ask him to do but he's going to use it against you you know what i was just looking on because you telling me this to this pastor so i googled them and it was like i was kind of taken aback uh what you call throwing back throwing a bike taking a bite whichever way they said but i was kind of taking it back because as i was googling them i seen this his second marriage and i was like i ain't even been married yet why she got me this to a man that he already got a divorce you see what i'm saying [Music] and then as i was looking at the man this other person told me look at i seen that he was like get all your stuff ready we're going to cancun and he's going to put his jump off on the plane that's what it looked like to me i don't know if that the video was asking for his wife i don't know but what kind of caught my guard is that that pasta doubt that you told me to look at he asked his son what he eat every night for dinner and throw the wife under the bus so i'm like why she got me listen to this so everything that you take ask him to do he's gonna find fault in it and then he gonna use it against you so now you gonna be sitting over there feeling stupid now you like hey i try to tell the man to go get coaching and then next thing you know him and tony guys are best friends he ain't growing no mo hill you feel like he got to grow no more because not him he's only got his best friend not tony got a client of his and that happened to the way i talked to a guy who getting coaching and then he got a service that i need hey now what that's her but i still give him the truth but and sometimes that'll help a guy you know they help him grow it does encourage them and it does let them know i ain't judging you i'm gonna be real with you ain't judging you though but i'm gonna be real with you but sometimes the man can take and manipulate that and use that against the woman where the woman start to feel defenseless and he will make you feel like you don't have any protection like nobody on your side like nobody in your corner and that every time you get have him get coaching to get counseling the coach or the council always on his side and it's not that they're on his side it's just that you can't even hear them because of the way he twists the words so you believe in him when actually everything was in your favor but he twisted the words with his grown boy ability and then you believe that it's in his favor because of how he twisted it so now you feel helpless you rendered powerless and you feel like well i might as well give it another try maybe he is not that bad maybe he is a good man and i'm just a broken bruised woman maybe i'm just still hurting from my past and just everything i've gone through and now you going through all this in your head and now you get back in there and you just feel dejected you feel weak you feel worthless and it's kind of like man what's going on and you feeling a certain way and you kind of like what's going on and he taking and using that against you because you feeling like you nothing hey buddy how you doing that's through the video what is that [Music] what does it say tayden heart you did so good at soccer yesterday save your food if you don't eat it and no going to the nurse today i love love love you mommy oh wow that's a nice note from mommy did you not go to the nurse today no okay that's good you let the nurse oh you're playing with your hair daddy finish off a video here take this you know close that it up yeah yeah say that come here he came here i don't ain't hurt people come yet did the ring go off yeah who the hell uh huh [Music] did the ring go off yeah it didn't go off on your phone okay it didn't go off then you ain't worried about hauling guy but um yeah we'll play the holy grail i was just worried about your delivery i'll worry about your gift all right close nobody they're almost done now i told him come here he alright they're closed though so now what you got to understand is when you come back in here you feeling dejected you feeling down so i'm talking to y'all the man who came to pick up the little trash thing i'm supposed to pay him his money and they couldn't reach me because i'm on here talking to y'all see how i be missing stuff and and and losing stuff and sacrificing and all that and my wife looking at me crazy because i'm on here talking to y'all all right all right see i sacrificed too so you come back in and you like man my mama telling me to be with him pastor telling me to be with him uh he talked about the life coach said that he right so you like oh my goodness what what is my intuition maybe i'm broken maybe i'm lost maybe i'm hurting maybe i'm just maybe it's just the level i'm supposed to be on and see that's what a wrong boy will make you feel like so you always have to trust your intuition you always got to trust your intuition you always got to know what you know you always got to be able to assess the situation and look at the situation and say listen i know this is wrong and i know i don't deserve this and i know i don't have to accept this so i'm going to do what i know is best and if that means stay apart for another two weeks if that means y'all get counseling or coaching together for 12 sessions if that means y'all break up for good you have to know what you know you got to know what you know and don't allow a grown boy to talk you off your stance to where he got you where he wants you to be and he will pull out anything he'll pull out anything and see men hate to lose and the reason why this the reason why he coming back because you like well why he trying so hard when he could have just did right the first time around or the second time around why are you trying so hard to get me back and it's because he needs you you hit supply when i say need you not on me won't you he needs you for the money you spending for the convenience you provide for the companionship he needs you you his supply he getting what he get his fix from you you his fan you his fan you his dude girl you see you his personal assistant you his mommy that he could put on your bike see a lot of men a lot of grown boy looking for a mama they could sleep with and that's what you are to him you cooking fun you clean phone you do it laundry you organize his life you remind him about his meetings or his interviews or his appointments you make it lunch for word you iron it closed so he got a little crease in his jeans you do all of this so he needs you for what you do for what you provide because you truly a good woman but he not a good man and you got to understand when he's not a good man and you got to understand when a man is not reciprocating in your life and he's not given to you equal or greater what you given to him that's what you got to understand so understand that and really analyze this situation from your heart and in this process you might have to check your mama you might have to check your best friend not oh i forgot because i've talked to your mama but what he do what happened in this get bike nine he may call your friend and you got you got a couple different friends that he'll call and use against you got loose booty 901 that he didn't already touch he didn't touch her or he can't touch her or he don't touch her and then you got insecure you got the insecure friend who feel like she's less than and she won't hug man and she mad that you got men to choose from and that you keep walking off on these men so he calling one of them and if you got both of them you got the wrong friend group sister but it but he called in them and when he called him hey listen you know it's like you know my heart and like you know i'm a good man because like cuz like look what john did to you he beat on you spit on you cheated on you ain't never did none of that crystal but it's like so you see what a good man is and you know i'm a good man so this one i'm asking you like can you please can you please like i'll give you anything i do anything like i'll get you a foot rub one day like of course we can't tell her because she'll think we're doing something she'll think insecure or whatever but you already know i see you like blood you like my sister like i i'll take a bullet for you so like can you please please talk to your friend for me just tell her that i love her then i'm working tell her what's the name of the book i just read uh make it work 22 time tested real life lessons for sustaining a healthy happy relation until i just read this book by the man should be listened to online and not just screaming you because you like my sister i ain't really reading the book cause i think man cheating on his wife but can you just tell her that so that's what that's the whole conversation he having her that's a real conversation that he had so a lot of times your friend is working for your grown boy and it's really because she like them and she want to keep them around she mean on your side she want her little meat leg off of her she want to keep her around cause she keep around long she want her foot massage her promise uh or the ticket to the game if her athlete uh the the discount on her car if her car salesman or free detail if he watched calls or the free electrician work in her house to put up her new ceiling fan if her electrician fleet uh free plumbing work for put in her new vanity see he then he'll hook your friend and he'll turn your friend against you he will get your friend a secret like he needed to work he didn't really read the book but don't tell her that cause she's too insecure she won't believe it because you know she went through a lot he'll tell your friend that and your friend will get on the phone with you hey girl oh best friend yeah girl i just want to call you so hi everything going everything going good like how you feeling and everything oh okay wow that is so good you know i you i was just like girl you know me and you know i'm a prayer warrior you know i'm a prayer warrior girl because i pray for you and so excuse me i ain't mean to speaking tongue right there but i was just in my prep closet and i was thinking that you really need to give him another chance you i and look girl i know you're gonna get mad listen listen okay before you get mad before you go to going off on me by here grown boy and all this honey got it listen girl i just had a two second conversation with him it was like two minutes it was like what's that a minute and 21 seconds so i talked to him and he actually read tony guy's book and girl he's a good man and you know it's hard to come by a good man and it's like he i see him like my brother so i would never touch him never do anything never keep a secret from you for him or anything like that he actually read that man book girl and i'm telling you right now i will shoot me somebody for a man that like that and you got that and you really need to give him another chance you gonna think about it all right best friend hey just think about it all right and then she get on the phone with you and she called him okay yeah so all right you owe me everything you said you owe me i call her i talked to her and you know i got her for you i got a face so come on over here with what you can find to bring me and we will keep it from her just cause i know she insecure whatever but you come on okay and that thing you know your friend got her ankles behind her earlobes and then still he coming back to you [Music] oh you don't want to believe that oh you don't want to believe that that's a true story oh yeah you don't want to believe that oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah i'd have been through it personally and i haven't seen it time time again oh yeah so you cannot be listening to what other people want to tell you about your grown boy you got to know your grown boy for yourself know your grown boy for yourself because he and y'all got to forgive me sometimes i draw my scenarios out but that's just how i teach because you know this stuff right here this this year this intense stuff and sometimes talk to somebody and they say man i'll be laughing this stuff here ain't meant to be funny now this stuff ain't meant to be fun this serious stuff but sometimes with these scenarios i draw these scenarios out because when you see it in your mind you prepare for it and i want you to be prepared i really could do three hours of scenarios every scenario but we ain't got time for that i don't want to put people through that i had to block a lady on earlier today for telling me all my scenarios threw her off and then she was the only one who said that but she got blocked but i gave her a warning i said list this ain't paid for you bye cause i'm gonna do my scenarios now because i want you to understand this out here what's happening and you got to be prepared for this you got to be prepared when your pastor called you and tell you to be with this wrong boy and you know he a grown boy when your mama called you your daddy called you your sister called you and they campaigning for the grown boy you like man that man could have beat trump in the election all the campaign managers he got this man really know how to run a campaign and and when it comes to the grown boy it's no end you have notes up under your windshield on your car you have no slid up under that crack under your door that you've been meaning to get fixed but you got the whole roach family coming from outside from the oak tree outside coming right up under your door he slide a note right up under that door because you ain't got your little door stopper down now if he got the money he'll have a billboard he'll have on the plane he see that you put on your story on instagram beach day beach day with it with the besties he'll have a plane fly right crawl take me back will you please take me by xoxo you like it didn't cost number 500. he sprung on that he spent that see with the wrong but he would go to no end to get you back to get you by may have to do a video on when he when he gets you back for those y'all who he get back see some of y'all he ain't gonna get back but some of y'all he gonna get back might do a video when he gets you back what that's gonna be like but that's what he'll do he'll go to no end you he you'll see every kind of letter you'll get all these phone calls when you go to his social media he'll have your friends showing you his social media and it'll be all subliminal posts when you mess up festa that's what railroad tweeted me one time he stole one of my quotes when you mess up festa i still remember to the day he gonna be tweeting when you mess up fessa he's gonna be tweeting oh he he's gonna be retweeting me he'll be posting my videos and you know what i'ma tell you this happened to me one time a man posted my book in his story on instagram i reposted the book because you don't me don't nobody buy books and so anytime i could promote the book i'll be trying to promote the book i don't know how to read no more so i've been trying to promote the book for the few last readers that's out there and so the man put the book in my story and he put it in his story and added me on instagram i added it to my story i got a a dm from a lady a little hour later said tony please do not repost that man delete that repost right now he beat myself he choked her he did it he spit already i mean all the graphics she put in i was like whoa who this hannibal look i went and i had to delete that thing so fast so i realized so now i really kind of stopped reposting me and i hate discriminate but it just had a mop flop and a cookie crumble i hate to discriminate because it's just so many grown boys it's not enough men genuinely supporting me that typically when a man repost me or support me is to try to get his woman back when he really don't even like me can't stand me so for y'all fellas that try to post me and all that and you don't get no repost you got to understand i'm just trying to be careful because there's so many guys don't posted me and i don't repost it or retweet it and then the woman feel isolated and the woman may never come to me and say tony that's my ex and he did this and that and that to me man when you reposted him i had to block you i had to unfollow you and it could have literally been because i was her safe haven and he knew that and he came to praise me so that when i retweet him or repost him she sees him and i see guys that adam can you give me a shout out hey can you do that can you do that can i can we take a picture together can i pose this and it's really all to get that woman back he a grown boy and he won't that woman bite and to use her some more and he will use me i had so many guys try to use me to get back at this woman so that she don't feel like she has a safe space and you got to realize that that may happen in his get back and you got to understand that and be prepared for that and don't feel isolated if if one of your [Music] people that you look up to get sucked in but they don't they haven't heard your story don't block them unfollow them stop going to their church just because he went and now he's serving and he he handing out flyers because he's trying to get close you go tell your story go to that pastor go to that life coach go to that person and tell your story and say hey the man that you let pass out flyers just put hands on me last week the man that you just reposted just had me healed up like conor mcgregor last week you tell your story so now that that leader can say oh okay all right i see what he's trying to do block d lee d up brother need to sit down you ain't gonna be able to pass out flies no more got it i got a little thing and we got all our us got to have integrity get a negative integrity report just like the navy we got to sit you down got your d merrick got to sit down brother just sit down and get the word in you all right he's going to leave the church he's a grown boy in the league ain't going back to the church see how he passes down he they just judge you and but hey is what it is yeah what it is i i took that butt out my story so fast he ain't no right man it's like man why you took me i'm saying he never say no cuz he probably knew what he was doing probably knew what he was doing and knew he got caught up in it and so i don't even know if i responded to the lady because then i ain't gonna have oh i might have responded to him saying okay thank you i ain't know so understand that all this right here is gonna be a lot of little tricks that's played and there's so much more that could happen that i didn't that i ain't got time to touch on because i had some stuff going on some distraction today and uh you know i don't want to put too many scenarios in here but i don't want to tire you out but i want you to take what i gave you and just you take and stretch it further and you apply it to different situations and just know that for a grown boy to get you back nothing is off limits know that nothing is off limits and don't be surprised when you see stuff and don't let that get to you because most men that i notice most men who don't plan on changing they could get a woman back on her back get up by on a bike now i had to say back for for those y'all who speak proper because some of y'all keep thinking i'm talking about a bicycle i ain't talking about a bicycle when i say bite get on a bike in after doing one and a half session these men do one two session got a right bike so understand this here stand your ground if you gonna take them back for whatever reason if you don't condone it you know your pastor don't condone it your family don't condone it it's on you but if you gonna do that make sure you stick to your gun make sure you stick to what you want him to do you want to do 12 seconds make sure you do them 12 sessions make sure you talk to coal make sure you sitting beside him on the set while he on the session he ain't got to be honest but you need to hear and hear that coach voice that he on the session he might have his home but hey i told him to do it um thing so what you do get that voice change out and then you know just talk to him don't read i'm reaching but hey you going what do it all now he'll literally have his home bowled up yeah so what you want to do is you want to read one book a week and then what you have to do is write down these affirmations he got a voice change app on and you think he you think he on the phone with me hey i'm talking home but you know what i'm telling you this is last minute what i recently had a man do i had a man come to my mentor.like and book three of four sessions all in the same day he bought three or four sessions my rate was three hundred dollars an hour the man booked 900 to 1200 worth of session and didn't do one session i called him the first time he answered i called the next time he said he needed to reschedule because his phone service ain't good i called him a third time he answered i said all right i'm done with it but hey do not write don't call that bank talk like this was the thing because you call that bank off of this right here this big of a chart well i'm coming to shoot the kneecaps but i gotta ask the lord to forgive me cause i'm coming to put lead in your black you call the bank talk my deal with fraud so if you listen my videos and your man book three or four sessions with me and showed you the receipt but you didn't sit beside him and hear my voice he got you he got you that's your man i'm talking about hey there's tony guys god bless you we'll talk soon and oh what i got 40 seconds to y'all aspiring life coaches the link in the description get your certification we need more coaches it's a coupon code on there and for those of you who need a coach the link in the description to go book your session with somebody on mymentor.life thank you if you got to this place god bless you we'll talk someone
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 58,217
Rating: 4.9505715 out of 5
Id: uP3sXFCL-Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 45sec (3585 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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