How to get a man’s attention?

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hey Tony gosh is here car chronicles I keep getting this question and it's asking about how to get a man's attention and sometimes the question comes from a woman who she's seeing a man in church sometimes it's a man on the job sometimes it's a man on social media so I'm a sharing from a male perspective kind of take you through this now it's already understood you already know that it's in a man's nature to approach the woman a man wants to work for his woman it's just hardwired in society in tradition in our upbringing the same reason a man has to get on one knee and ask for your hand in marriage is the same reason he is supposed to approach you now in person in real life I want you to understand all you have to do is be seen all you got to do is be seen and when what I mean by be seen is in a inconspicuous way be seen not heard it's not about you drawing attention trying to laugh loud trying to talk loud a lot of women do that is very unattractive it is seen as unladylike when you are loud and obnoxious so please understand that but I understand sometimes we operate from insecurity and we exhibit attention-seeking behaviors but please understand it is not to be the loudest woman in the room is never a good look so have your confidence know who you are yes you talk you laugh but you're not attention seeking so the key is just to be seen it a man this is what you have to understand about a man when a man goes out anywhere his head is on a swivel unless he's inebriated or something like that men see every person that walks by them men are just talk and kind of trained and it's instinctual to recognize and to pay attention to your surroundings because especially in today's time with you know stuff happening just out of the blue whether it be in a movie theater whether it be at a public park or wherever a lot is happening in our world so men are always kind of paying attention so I know myself personally I recognize I notice every man that passes me and I notice every woman that passes me every single person and I remember having to express that to my wife early on because you may think your man is looking at a woman or lusting after a woman just because his eyes is in that direction and I remember having expressed to my wife early on I said just pay attention to me when I'm looking somewhere and you'll notice that I look at every person that passes me and I read their body language and I think a lot of men do the same thing most men so if you are within 180 degrees of a man if you are within 180 degrees that man if he is single or and if he is available he will see you because even married men will see you so a man who was single and available and ready he will see you in some cases he might see you behind him but if you always behind him you can't count on that so what I mean by this is if you at church then you may just need to sit in a couple roles in front of him he may sit in the same place every Sunday you may need to be a couple roles in front of him you may need to sit on the same row but you just walking past him to go to your seat but if you are within 180 degrees see all of us right here this way that way or in front of him he sees you he sees you if he is ready he's open he's emotionally available and he is physically available so you don't have to ever approach a man you never have to approach a man and because what happens is when a man sees you it's a few things if I see you I can recognize that everything is together that you got it all together I can recognize that I can respect that but I can do nothing about it so if you saw me or a married man at the gym five days a week at church every single Sunday at work every single day and you saw that man and he doesn't approach you it's for one of two reasons it's because you are not his type or he is taken and he is trying his absolute best to be 100% faithful to his woman that is the only two reasons it's the only two reasons you are not his type he is taken it's the only two reasons I know just some of you may say well what if he's emotionally unavailable that's not gonna stop a man from approaching you if he's single now emotionally unavailable means that he has a soul tie with his recent ex they just broke up a month ago two weeks ago a week ago if you look like the one that's not gonna stop him from approaching you he will be emotionally unavailable and still approach you and be working through his stuff Wow he getting to know you while he's courting you the other thing that I hear women say well what if he's an introvert what if he's extremely extremely shy why was that man I was that man who was extremely shy but one thing a man is not shy of is approaching a woman I don't care what your brother has told you what your daddy has told you what the Scheinman that you approached and ended up dating and end up marrying told you if a man looks at you and you look like the one you check the box of what he is attracted to he will find the courage to approach you and what you have to understand is that if he does not have the courage to approach you then he is not ready for a relationship because if a man cannot be man enough to muster the courage to get out of his head and to approach you then he is not ready to lead a household to do what it takes the sacrifice that it takes the discipline that it takes the courage that it takes the strength that it takes see everything that it takes to be the man of a home it takes 10% of that to approach a woman so if a man cannot approach you then he is not husband ready point-blank period don't know I can't go back and forth with you about that I'm gonna tell you what a shy person would do what a shy person what a shot man would do I was shy and I was I was looking for my wife I was looking for my wife this is right before this is right before or this could have been went and went the six-month break when my wife had dumped me right around that time I remember I was in the mall and we had a flip phone back then had a flip phone and I was shy I was on the introvert and I'm shy and I saw this young lady and she looked pretty and she was in the store and I saw from outside the store I'm walking past the store now in the mall think about the mall right and think about you know the look clothing store hot tropics or Claire's or you know when they look cheap Charlotte Russe think about one of these stores in the mall they look cheap stores that you know you get your budget in there get your deal in there and I'm walking through the mall down the hall and I happen to look in there and see this list in there I said look like what I like now I'm not all the way wasn't all the way wasn't everything but was enough and what I said man she look a little hood though she look a little hood because she got on some short shorts her thighs I she got a big tattoo on her thigh you got to beat and went through some pain see some pains to get your tiger on your time it was something like that and I said man she look like she she chew you up and spit you out you come and her the wrong way so what I did I come up with a plan I say okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna open this Hill flip phone and I'm gonna type we have flip phone back there now and I'm gonna type on the phone on the notepad like in the text message box it one of those I'm on tight and I type hey I noticed you you're very beautiful I can't speak right now because I lost my voice due to a sore throat if you are single would you mind giving me your phone number I type that in my phone walked up to her because I didn't know how to say ain't had no lines I have or in approach so I typed it in the phone that's what I want you to understand about me and I'm and I'm telling I was deathly shy you might not believe this cuz I shoot video today but extremely shy but that's what I did I want you to understand that if a man sees you and he's available because this man coming to you that are not available that's married so if a man is single and ready and available and he sees you he is going to approach you know if ands and buts about it so all you gotta do is be seen you just gotta walk pass him you you gotta be walking a normal pace you just have to be seen you ain't got to do a cartwheel in front of them you don't have to walk up to him and tap him you don't have to compliment him on his shoes or his outfit you don't have to say anything to him he just needs to see you that's it that's it now when it comes to social media what you have to do what you got to understand is this is a very real way that people are meeting today people are meeting on social media that's very real there's a difference between meeting someone online and online dating so online dating is when you go to a dating app or a dating website and you create a profile for the purpose of meeting someone to date them that is totally different than meeting someone on YouTube on Facebook on Instagram because those sites are social networking sites they are not dating sites so to meet a man online on a social networking site is not the same as meeting a man on one of these dating sites dating websites or apps so understand is a difference but the same rule applies all you have to do is be seen so what I mean by this is if you post every day and y'all are in the same area in the same city eventually you're gonna show up on his popular page that's the easy that's the way to where if you don't want to send any kind of shoot any kind of shot if you say what that ain't enough that may take forever I see this man he you saw him on your popular page or you saw somebody you follow like his picture so you saw him y'all in the same city when you go to his page and you scroll through his pictures now the algorithm gonna pick you up on his name and he may start seeing you on his popular page and and but I don't mean anything but here's the thing when you are active on social media when you post it so like on Instagram for example it may be Facebook now - maybe YouTube now - they have stories so when you post your story it could just be a picture of the sky it could be a picture you be in the car hit it to work when you post it your story everyday you got a ring around your picture now you are that is attention-grabbing so when a man goes to and he's just scrolling and he's just looking your story might get served up on his popular page because you active on social media you can't be on social media just creeping and just watching if you want that to be an avenue that you could potentially meet your husband and my thing in this day and time you need to use every avenue that you can potentially meet your husband other than online dating and I got videos on that and while I don't believe in or recommend that but you need to be active online and then here's what you do when you see a man that you see you see no picture of a woman on his page you see no picture woman which does not mean that he's not in a relationship because it takes a lot of men who have pure intentions with their woman it takes a lot of men about a year to two years before they post their woman and really it's because they have not solidified in their heart that she's the one and they're open to meeting another woman and leaving their woman for another woman that's why men don't post their woman on social media that's the only reason it's the only reason you're all this oh it's a business page or this is my marketing page or this is my brand page or I don't want people in my business or I'm not like that no it's all because it's the only reason listen so listen to me the only reason a man does not post his woman it's because he is open to meeting another woman online to either leave his woman for her or to cheat on his woman that is the only reason then you're gonna have some grown boys say I'm lying but I'm a man I know I know I know so understand this when you see no woman it does not mean he's single but at least is half the battle now this is what you gotta do you cannot like a thirst trap picture you can like a thirst trap picture and put the little eyes I'll put the preys and hands I'll put the fire when I say thirst-trapping-- y'all some of y'all know what that means somebody you don't but a picture of him in a selfie posing you can't like that Oh a picture of him with his shirt off you can't like that picture if it's a picture of him at an event if it's a picture of him reading a book if it's a picture of a meal that he cooked or something that he ate for lunch something else that's not thirst-trapping-- you can like that picture you can like that picture and you can put in the comments what's the recipe or oh I just ate that yesterday just some real chill nothing we nothing ooh you look mmm a snack mmm you don't see on nothing thirsty never DM a man unless it's a business question if he provides a service if he does something like that but never DM a man saying hey I saw your page and I really like what I see and wanted to know if you're single never never never never do that never do that and the reason why is because it's the reason one is you look thirsty because it I do not care what year it is and what anybody saying in the magazines on the television a man will see you as thirsty Point Blank period the grown boys will be in the comments saying that I'm lying because they want a woman to DM them and the reason why some grown boys won't that is because it makes it easier for the man it takes out the guesswork for the man so the same reason why man is fearful about approaching a woman is the same reason why he wants a woman to approach him because now he doesn't have to muster up the courage and be a real man to approach a woman and to say what he needs to say in some kind of way instead he wants it to be made easy for him by you coming him - a grown boy mentality that's a weak man mentality that's a insecure man's mentality that man needs to grow he needs to love himself he needs to learn what it is to be a man he needs to understand the courage and the confidence is gonna take to lead a household and he needs to understand that that starts with being able to approach a woman who you want to get to know and if you cannot do that as a man you are not ready to be the man of a household Point Blank period I don't get mad with me brother no do not get mad with me under telling like it is is so please hear not when I'm telling it is later do not DM a man telling him by he looked good or you like what you see or you want to know if he's single do not do that instead you can say hey do you provide workout plans hey do you provide meal plans if he is a trainer or hey um where could I go to learn more about your business and your services like that that's all if you're gonna send a DM if you have liked his pictures and that has not worked because he getting a whole bunch of likes and you liked and then you've commented something classy respectable something pertaining to the picture but not a thirst trap picture you've commented now and he still didn't see you still didn't say anything to you now your last resort your last resort absolute last resort is the center DM that is a business-related question strictly business if he does not respond and understand that he sees every DM he gets he sees every message he sees every message truffle when I tell you I got clients who have tens of millions of followers men and they see every message they go to that unapproved messages and they read every one of every hour of the day believe me when I tell you when you message me on Instagram I see your message I just don't have time to respond to it and I don't coach in the DM but I see the message Point Blank period and so he sees the message if he does not respond then he doesn't want the business or he senses that or he doesn't have the time to respond to Patti questions and you are and he is unavailable or you are not what he sees his wife looking like point blank period so all you have to do is be seen I have clients male clients who have met their woman on Instagram on Facebook and when I asked him how did you meet her how did you find her they say well she liked one of my pictures and when I went to my notifications I happen to see that she was in my notifications now see the thing about it is when he goes to the notifications it may be a long list it may be 50 people so the little ring the fiery ring around your picture because you posted a story gonna make your stand out so now he's gonna click on yours and your little headshot if it's a picture of your face it's a headshot he can see you now he knows what you look like he's gonna click on your page and he's gonna look through every one of your pictures and if he is single and ready and you look single and ready you can't have any picture your ex-boyfriend you can't have any pictures hooked up on a man if you look single then he's going to DM you listen to me he's going to DM you you mean and that's it so I want to wrap this up but that had a slogan be seen in 2019 but we're going into 2020 all you have to do is be seen this and this ain't no clue a wristband it's on my son's soccer tournament on my wrist on job day I go to the club it's all American soccer serious out here Panama City Beach Oh make sure that you listen back to this get this in your spirit and I want you to understand this is not about you thirst-trapping-- this is not about you chasing a man this is to address all of the time that I received the question how to approach a man how to get a man's attention this is a real question it's not me making this up and telling you how to bait a man this is me answering a question that a lot of women have and are wondering about and are asking and the hard truth to this is if that man sees you and you know he's seeing you he you y'all locked eyes and it's been multiple times or you wrote him or he's DM you and he has not shot a shot he has not come at you he has not asked you are you single he has not made any kind of move then let it go let it go let it go let it go he's not he's not the one I know you felt it in your spirit I know you prayed about it I know you felt like that's what God told you he's not the one God is not going to show you that a taking man God not gonna show you an emotionally unavailable man he might come on his own but God is not gonna send you to a man that is not for you so if he does not come to you approach you whether it's in person or online on social media then just let it go in your spirit have a resolving your spirit and keep it moving with your life keep moving with your life if you just so happen to be single six months later and he finally come around then that mean he was working out stuff on his in and that's fine but if you meet something but don't wait on that don't wait on that if you meet somebody else that you like and y'all hit it off don't say well man I had a dream about this guy or I prayed about that guy and he saw me he wrote me he DM me or we bump into each other all the time we say hey we talk but he's never said anything you're not his wife you're not his wife so move on with your life don't block the next blessing waiting on something else because this guy right here looked like an Oreo ready to be dipped in some chocolate milk and this guy over here look like a saltine cracker and so you thinking you want the Oreo to dip in milk but really this saltine cracker better for you and you really against saltine crackers but you just want that Oreo in the milk and that's what happened with a lot of women is you got a man that's right they're ready they're like you that love you that want to get to know you that want to talk to you and ain't really nothing really wrong with them but you want somebody that don't want you you want somebody that's not available to you that's a whole nother sermon but I ain't gonna go into if you've got this far please put be blessed in the comments thank you so much and make sure you check the links in the description I put some important stuff in there I try to I try to remember so as a right now to file all the courses still in there and before you roll into 2020 make sure you get your free life insurance quote from Zander even if you have life insurance compare your quote make sure you got the best rate and if you don't have life insurance please get a free quote and they'll give you a call if you don't find anything you like and you can ask the questions that you have for them and make sure it's the right fit and it's always the right time make sure you secure your family it is Tony Gaskins and we will talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 255,322
Rating: 4.9242234 out of 5
Id: C4KjPmWE-0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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