How Sunset Harbour Broke my City & the Journey Back Again! Cities Skylines #TeaVille

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are we cleared for landing at the Metropolitan Airport yes you are come in please take the western landing pads enjoy your flight hello everybody and welcome back to city skylines with me a differing in the city of TV and the new sunset Harbor DLC we have a couple of things that we need to fix in this episode one of them being the trains particularly the underground metro and then we're gonna get to finding our place for the new Metropolitan Airport as well lots of good suggestions about that so I'm just gonna pause the game we are gonna take a look underground at our Metro let's put by the way toggleable whiteness mod is back fantastic so there has been a change in the Metro which many of you may have already noticed and the trains have got here look at this perfect example the trains are now longer and they don't properly fit inside the Metro which is causing a little bit of an issue so the easy way to fix it that I found is so you can see it the minute that this is obviously connected to the tunnels go in each direction if we select this and do move and try to place it down again look the length of it is longer so our tunnels are now overlapping so they've made the metro stations longer but for some reason it hasn't gone through the game and automatically updated the length of them this is a vanilla metro station and it hasn't updated the length in-game so you're gonna have to go through and fix that only what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna delete that delete this I'm gonna remove a couple of lengths of that and then we're gonna place it back in again so now it's the longer length and then we should be at just connect up our tunnels yeah with no problems at all I have had a bit of problem with tunnel connecting like this at the st. this is the issue I've had before so that's underground this is underground I should be able to connect both of those together underground but it's trying to put a bit of it above ground so if I use the anarchy modern say okay look it's put a piece of it above ground something here is interfering with it I've moved it over to the right and now it all connects up correctly I've no idea what's going on there and I'm just going to move my stops over so basically you need to go around and check all of your metro stations be placing them in place that looks flat to me we're gonna get that still won't let me do it well tell you what I'm gonna go round and fix my metro do all of this and hopefully that will stop it all backing up I've got a lot of metro to go around the new stations we put in they're perfectly fine but yeah any old ones this is the other one that gave me issues it tried to do that weird above ground tunnel I just moved it over to the right a bit and it all connected up fine but yeah that would be causing the backup on your metro so get that sorted get that fixed yeah worth mentioning also affects your large end station multi-platform in station as well so I'm gonna remove that pop it back in place and now it's telling me space is already occupied Aniki that back in am I gonna get loads of issues with everything I really hope not I saw the look underground yeah so this is definitely longer I would check to make sure it's all connected up it looks like it is but yeah so keep that in mind folks also I believe big right angles and now and no no something used to be able to do with your metro lines before so worth keeping in mind if you've got any big light angles to sort of smooth them out a little bit give some space for the trains to get in and out this one should be okay but anything tighter than that yeah you're gonna have issues okay so we've got this spot here that's just become completely clogged with traffic we'll get back to that but under here we've got this double metro station that just seems to be entirely broken now I cut I've replaced it I can't get my lines to come into it I don't know what's going on with that so I'm gonna delete that we do have buses coming up to here look we've got bus stops in there so if I could fit in this new bus Metro hub look we've got the two metro north south east and west which would be great and the bus station as well I'm just wondering where the week do a little bit of rebuilding of this section here let's grab that that that so I might just use that thing is though I know if I use Anarchy to place metro staff the metro lines can get broken yeah so let's then connect these up and see what happens so that can go there look yeah it's done it it's done the above-ground thing darn it let me do we need more space people we need more space aha there we go no anarchy we can fit it in now perfect so then if we get our lines yeah they will connect up you'll get no weird above ground staff fantastic there we go and now we can move our metro stops whichever one they should go to there we go that one goes for there that one goes to there and I think that is them all joined up oh we got there and then our bass stops let's just find the little bus stop symbol where were they stopping we can move that in there we go look there it is we can now move that inside here well that is like taking one weird detour all over the place and that one as well [Laughter] stops up here what the heck is going on with that I don't know I might just take another look at that but yeah there we go we've got another Metro hub in not sure whether that's gonna cause all the issues but let's savor whether it's going to cause issues or solve our problems but at least now we've got another metro station sorted okay so that's pretty much all my metros fixed up and at the bottom of the Hamilton district here I'm trying to use as many of these new hubs as we can and we've got a train station here and a metro station right next to each other so I'm gonna just see if I could squeeze in this new train Metro hub as well which I'm sure I probably could do by just delete and move around some of these roads now of course I'm gonna have some people laughing at me because like I did with this station over here it's an aboveground metro but I immediately took it underground at either side well there isn't a train station with the bill you know this sort of size with the built-in underground metros so I'm quite happy to do that and have it go underground and above-ground to join up to here why the heck not there we go I think that fits in really well got plenty of space here for trains to come down and that will work perfectly well for our metro might just add in a couple of walking paths over the top of here so people can easily get from this section without having to walk the long way around but overall I'm pretty pleased with that so after I've done this little walking path we need to go and find out where our Metropolitan Airport is gonna go the new massive great big one yeah I'm looking forward to that [Music] Oh before we do that we need to take a look at this little industry section remember to the left of the Hamilton district the traffic is just atrocious basically they're struggling to get out the end of the road here let's take a look they have dedicated turning lanes these are give way okay I'm wondering whether a little roundabout or you've guessed it some time traffic lights might help let's just give a quick go with some automated time traffic lights and see whether that helps but also what's happening is is a lot of the traffic's coming out of my cargo train terminal and when they come out they're going up here they're just then trying to turn around and it's all just becoming a big mishmash I could connect them up to here you know let's get a one of these one of these roads here are you symmetric here we go and just connect that to here I want that the other way round I want the two lanes going out they've got where they can turn and then just connect that of that and then what we'll do is we'll get the lane arrows so we're just giving them another option out there we go dedicated turning lanes I am gonna say give way and I'm gonna say these ones on here you just keep going whether that's gonna cause more issues or not I'm not entirely sure it's just a disaster isn't it this area I put it in ages ago didn't think it would ever get this busy and it's just absolutely gone to pot there's just so much going on that all the cars can't get out but if we could solve this with these cars getting out better it would work much better so let's maybe just keep a little eye on what's going on here for a few minutes and just see whether this helps well I have to say it's not too bad the traffic coming from this direction is okay this traffic coming from this direction is backing out something chronic this one up here is not backing up coming out anymore so what I'm thinking we might be able to just do is just adjust the tire in on that so freest know what this left-hand one here there we go this one so it's number one so let's just edit that I know it's hard for you guys to see there but nothing much I can do about that and change the max time we've done this before it's a five and this is on eight I'm gonna rock that by a couple as well ten and we'll save that yeah see they can't get in because of all these guys up here let's just start that again so we need to get these guys to get out sooner okay okay I'm getting there so this is working better because this is cleared up I put two lanes coming up here now so we've got a dedicated lane for turning up their dedicated lane for going straight on the same coming down here and we've got dedicated lane for turning that dedicated lane for straight on I've now got a little roundabout at the end of this road here just to keep this moving that's working fine I've given them another exit out here which is another little roundabout and that was working fine other it's just backing up a little bit I've only just put that one in we've got another little road up here that one I might take out but overall it started to go down quite quickly now that there's any parked cars there this is all cleared out the guys are getting in and out of this quickly now there's another lane to go around the outside if they need to so I'm gonna leave that running and I'm pretty sure that is that sorted well I tell you what there's been so many new issues that have come up 73 percent yeah so many new issues that will come up with a new sunset Harbor not issues necessarily in a bad way and what's going on up here they need some water bats things that needed to be sorted out so look you've got a water pipe why are you complaining about lack of water let's give you a brand new pipe hopefully that one will work [Music] good good good so metros fixed traffic in there's fixed our growth is still we've got loads of demand but something just changed with the growth last episode I believe we put in yeah the child health care and eldercare did we not gotta say I'm a little bit confused and I thought I put these in last episode so we know about these the eldercare makes the lifespan longer so it's gone up I'm gonna just have another look about and the childcare every flick on the Swan increases the birthrate which i think is one of the issues that we've got so okay so all the areas are now covered and I've just seen this symbol I think for the first time ever not enough workers and you hover over it not nearly enough workers that is really really bad and looking at the population over here we are getting 101 births a week a hundred and sixty seven deaths a week now the deaths isn't due to the health care everybody's healthy plenty of health capacity remember we put in this great big where is it this thing over here so we've got the Medical Center everybody has got the health stuff death care we've got plenty of death care it is basically the childcare and the elder care which you can now see the childcare we've got them dotted around all over them all over there all the little purple things all over there and the elder care we've got those dotted around everywhere so they need to do their work and increase I mean I don't know how high the ages lifespans gonna go but I mean if we could get that up to a hundred or something I really don't know although that one says eighty-five years this one says doesn't say anything I know that's 167 deaths a week average lifespan of 167 and that would be fantastic wouldn't it I don't think that's gonna happen so we want to get this up and we want to get our childbirth lay up as well so I'm gonna have some lunch I've put all those down I'm gonna let the game run and sit well we've already got a plus nine down here oh that's good and see what changes and I will be back with you in a bit and we'll see how much of a difference they made okay so I've been sat here watching my population dropping and more deaths a week but now the births a week of risen and look we've gone from what was the population now 82,000 we're down to 58,000 and finally we're getting a rise population ever-so-slightly oh no it's dropping down again so it seems that the way the population changes the way the population works as definitely changes look the births are finally gonna go over this is taken about what's the time about an hour and a half and I think the births are finally gonna outstrip the deaths this figure up here we're looking at and then my city could possibly grow back to what it was before wow this is fantastic and there we go more births a week less deaths a week difference of three but we're actually growing now look plus two hundred and one down here I'm gonna leave this run I mean we're losing a lot of money because of the population dropping down then it's gone back up again the industry likes to do so I'm gonna leave this running and see what the maximum is that my current city build is gonna get to yeah look at that 350 318 yet we're heading in the right direction that must be the first ever death wave that I've had in my city I've never had a death wave before I mean everything is looking okay there's been a few sort of rumors about the changes to how many households you have in a building a taller building high density building but I've never seen I've not seen anything official about that so I don't know but lots of places saying not enough workers well that will change very soon so yeah let me leave this continuing to run and yeah I'll be back with you once it's all sorted okay so now that the city is growing back to what it should be let's have a look and see where we're gonna put the new Metropolitan Airport I am thinking this piece of land here because that is gonna be smack bang in the middle of our city as we continue to grow we'll come out this way and fill it all up and I think that'll be a perfect spot I don't believe the noise will be too high and it's just a zoom oh we need to buy another square so let's do that there we go thank you very much and I'm thinking of putting all of this just underground as well because this is sort of built up on a plateau a small little plateau here so we could put these roads underground and put it on top let's just see how big it is I believe it's under the hub section now yeah there it is Metropolitan Airport look at that that will fit in there really really well perhaps that way round I just think you've got this big mountain here if we can sort of avoid any of the runways in facing that too much there we go fantastic lots of 60,000 now as well which is absolutely brilliant I look at that more berth less deaths so turned out maybe it was I don't know I don't want to say it was a death way because we've never had that before but let's see where can we put this I think that there let's get it as close as we can there we go let's take a look at that that is looking brilliant I'm gonna remove all of these extraneous trees as well let's just take a closer look at this thing we've got the helicopter pads over here we've got our load and a little carpark so we need to connect this somehow to the highway system and then of course underneath we have our Metro as well so I'm thinking we could hook that up to this Metro over here for sure and then this one parlor at the end of that we could definitely run that into there and I think that will be okay for now and in the other one we command - yeah any other parts of the city that we end up building at some point so let me just have a look and by the way while I've been recording this episode of flights fine mode anarchy and Road Anarchy there's anarchy and Road Anarchy I comment what the - mod support are both been updated so if you've been getting any issues with them at all then go and update your game there we go there we go so we can now have up to I want to be on this one yes there we go and back again excellent that's good that's something else you mustn't forget to do when you put in your new stations and you've changed the old metro to the new metro and all that sort of thing be sure to check with your lines you might need to drag a stop or two to make it work properly but yeah that's now gonna bring people up to here and then we need some road access where we got access to the highway and I really do have to put in some sort of roundabout here for this to connect to and have that from there to there and from there to there there we go then we can delete this and then we can connect these two onto here I think that will be perfectly fine I mean we could I wanted to make this one why can I do that with this now if I touch these there we go can I then change them to one way in upgrade that yet go the other way there we go excellent that is what I want and then these are gonna connect to there and there then that needs to go the other way excellent look at that that is fantastic and then we'll get rid of this in the middle we shall use this control shift click that all set up like it should be giveaway signs and all sorts and now people can come in there turn around and leave and we've got a little bit of carpark in there I'm sure we're gonna add more car parking at some point and then these roads here we want to get those connected to the highway somehow I'm thinking of having okay we're gonna go with that for now we've got the roundabout here we've got this little road coming on and off this highway exits there we can actually change that to that and whether I'm gonna stick with us or not we may change it early today we'll see I don't want you going anywhere but there and I don't want you going anywhere but there so you got access onto and off of this way of the highway and also the same at the other end onto and off this one if we need to ourselves on Lane mathematics but I think we'll be okay and then what about access to this area here as well which that might get used a little bit more what are we at 260 mm nearly 63,000 and growing let's do give away there there we go so that now gets access to everybody via Metro via Road and what else do we have on here which we haven't looked at yet is of course their helicopters also so you could super team okay so let us take a look at our helicopter pathway now we do have a Depot that we need to set up and stop so that was the star pump you think yeah there we go a helicopter depo they're gonna be quite noisy but we could actually have that off the side there so that is our Depot for the helicopters that's where they're all gonna come a farmer hidden here in amongst the trees and then when are we gonna put our helicopter stops I'm thinking I want one right over here by our stadium area so this is the only way come to for the theme park over here you come over here for the stadium for the whatever center that is yeah lots of things going on over here so I want to squeeze one in oh where are we gonna get this one okay I've managed to squeeze their helicopter stop in right here so it's not too far away these are all businesses so they're not going to worried about the noise I've put a path in there so the person can walk up this road here and get to all the good sporting stuff that's going on up in this area and now I'm thinking of my which film stars that are wanting to visit this area that is one place they're gonna want to go the other one is all the way up here with this sporting district that we need to do some more work on but I'm gonna add one up here as well can you imagine you're all in here ready for your Aussie walls football and you just gotta wait for the very rich person to come in and land on their helicopter I think that would be a great idea so let us pop that in there yeah that'll be good and then what we've got to do is you mustn't forget we've got to connect those up so we've got this new tool down here helicopter pathway there it is and we can see that in pink so we want to go I'm thinking over this one I'm just gonna follow my nose like this we're gonna go let's give these people a nice tour we're gonna go across the river like this over the highway past the college and then it's gonna hook in there and then coming out the other end it's gonna go down them I look at that that is gonna be an amazing view we're gonna come up here over the industry have a look at the cool train station at your window never trying to get to I'm trying to get to over there there we go see the airport in the distance and we'll hook up to that but that's our depot and then we've got to hook up to these ones here so what we could do is actually come out this way and have that hook around so there there we go and then we've just got to add our helicopter line in after I've given these guys and girls some water thing so they get some electricity as well and our line is gonna go from from there all the way along here all the way along here all the way along the coast and stop over here and then it's gonna carry on all the way up to over here and then it's gonna go all the way back again and then it's gonna finish back over here by the airport we've got our first plane coming in look at that our first plane and he's gonna take off here he goes what a view taking off a what a view whoa we didn't even have to go all the way down the runway what a pro and hopefully we're gonna get our helicopters in this is gonna be the first one up here up and over the mountain let's watch this one instead are we cleared for landing at the Metropolitan Airport yes you are come in please take the Western landing pads enjoy your flight we need a cool name for this Metropolitan Airport you've gotta let me know some cool names in the description below something TV lated of course as always okay let's enjoy our flight over TV hold on to your tea bags we go up over the mountain barely made it over the trees look at that view look at that view [Music] Wow look here we go coming along the coast this is where we're going to have our fishing industry soon over there on the islands in the distance so we're going to get a cool view of that before it all happens [Music] oh look there's already loads of people here waiting for their helicopter lines [Music] and we're off again this time heading up to the sporty arena right at the top of TV on your left you can see the baseball stadium and then we're going to be coming in and landing over here by the Ozzy rules footage daddy amuck at that looks absolutely beautiful just imagine if you're Tom Cruise flying in on your helicopter and then then again you wouldn't land would you you just jump out of it with a parachute smack bang into your seat because that's the sort of thing you would do if you were Tom Cruise [Music] and here we are coming back to the Metropolitan airports do we have to stop at the depot first no we don't I thought that was the Deaf bar we have to get up and over the mounds in why not that's just gonna give you an amazing view of the city isn't it look at that look in the background in the Sun and here we are back at the Metropolitan Airport look how many people are waiting so we've got the two stops there I'm just wondering whether we should set up some stops on the other pad as well to go somewhere different that might be a good idea to spread some of these people out but look at all of that let's come at this view here so if we click on this guy here and do lines over view that that one line how many people have you got waiting 302 oh my goodness me well lots of 68,000 people we've still got a huge amount of births over the amount of deaths that we've got which is the right way for a city to go and we've got our helicopter and our Metropolitan Airport and our planes all set up and working people are loving this road here using the car park and the roundabouts it's all working really really well I'm really pleased so let me know a name for this Metropolitan Airport in the comments below have you faced any of the problems that I faced as well do you have any other issues don't forget oh you also do fix your city you can send me in your cities to be fixed submission form in the description and if you wish to buy sunset harbor then please consider using my affiliate links if you haven't already he goes our plane about to take off thank you very very much for watching and take care and I will see you all very soon let's just watch this plane take off and head off to some destination somewhere else bye bye [Music]
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 230,777
Rating: 4.9561467 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines sunset harbour, sunset harbour, cities skylines overground metro, cities skylines trolleybus, metropolitan airport, cities skylines new metro, cities skylines intercity bus, cities skylines modern japan, biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, Cities Skylines, cities: skylines, biffa2001, sunset harbour dlc, sunset harbor, cities skylines sunset harbor, cities skylines sunset harbour dlc, cities skylines hubs, broken metro, sunset harbour broken city, broken mods
Id: eP5WfkOLGE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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