Furi """""Speedrun"""""

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alo'lay folks it's the day after Christmas which I believe is called Boxing Day I think I just wanna you know after all the stress of the holidays I just want to sit back and relax and unwind with a nice relaxing game so this will be a spoiler full stream - I had just recently played this game for the first time I liked it a lot I want to play through the game with the dialog and now there is a speedrun mode like literally there's a dedicated speedrun mode I will not be doing that because I have the true strats alright I'm really excited to like after seeing the ending and getting a bit more of a grip on the plot I just want to see if if it's it leaves a better impression on me this time around there's the [ __ ] JPEG that they show you every time you die no speedrun mode skips the dialogue though yeah I said I know what I'm doing actually might not have said that but I know what I'm doing his hair is so gently animated it's in like a different frame rate to everything else it's so distracting fight like sometimes you can go into areas that are like optional in these cutscenes but is there anything are there any like pertinent sequences your secrets and it [ __ ] up saying the word secrets and then I was like [ __ ] it sequences I'll just salvage the sentence but it seems like the kind of pointless yeah you can there's a wok button there's a dedicated walk button yeah this team does have absolutely dank music though it's awesome what are you gonna do what oh he's just gonna [ __ ] sit there Wow baby boss Wayne no I will probably die at least once on every boss apparently this guy and some of the other characters were designed by like a famous Japanese character designer I love the taunts like some of the bosses taught at you and they just like give you an opportunity to hit them basically sometimes they do it when they've got like no health left and it's like you you [ __ ] buffoon fast enough are you gonna okay that was weird but there look he taunted when he had like one hit of health that's so stupid even music for just this first fight is dank I think this soundtrack has oh it has born I didn't know this I didn't like realize it was a Lauryn song when I was fighting the like the see glowing ghost dude but that's a boring song I actually really liked one it was a little more like up-tempo and that he usually does which is what I didn't really recognize it I especially love the like last for raw attacks that are just like sheer insanity I needed to do the big - you know the game Baker's which is the company that made this game they released a video that was like speedrun tips and I actually watched that thing got a few top tips and one of them was that you can charge past that last thing what a thrill yeah there's another can yeah I was gonna say I remembered going over here because what the rabbit does here then it's kind of like okay now I'm over here for a bit this is that was awesome this is a pretty looking game until you look really closely at it like I said is low framerate hair is distracting when it's up close there's one part where it like zooms in on a dude while he's talking like his mouth it looks so bad I think that's the sword and shield good I'll be really happy if I can do this without getting any game overs deaths are inevitable I think I don't think I'm good enough to get to zero deaths oh yeah this one doesn't talk she just goes apparently according to the developers the intended difficulty curve was for there to be a pretty big spike in difficulty with the monk guy and the sniper Lindy I didn't have a huge amount of trouble with the month guy he certainly was extremes sniper lady is just obnoxious cuz she's it's such a long fight so if you die it's just like wow you just wasted like 20 minutes on my life I like how the different phases of this fight are sort of like breaking out of her bindings business what are you doing you shoot into the ground what are they just what Oh did you see that she faked me out with the animation don't pick me up [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah she's [ __ ] krumping oh my god call the police these big like huge attacks is so cool and I a slowly walk around her for this face I indeed can walking it's very powerful easy look at his hair it's going [ __ ] nuts do I have like a Genki version of the game or something like what is up with his hair like what happens if I oh god this is such a huge area like what if I go over this way oh look at him look at his leg clip into the ground [ __ ] Chin's like go around the backside of this can i trigger the okay there's another camera angle I'm gonna say can i trigger the load zone from behind it no okay like what is the point of this camera angle why is this in the game alright I think 0 deaths so far which I'm mildly impressed with myself but this is the one where I die yeah it's like we get it I played space junk galaxies - well girl you Stran there why to get eggs alright he's got three eggs okay so there's a fast way to do this but I am NOT gonna do it no siree you can do this like a big brain [ __ ] with the charge shot I think boss car has their own like set of gimmicks but they're not they don't feel gimmicky at the same time like they don't fit it's not a bad fight they just sort of all have their own unique concepts in their fight oh right no shootings [ __ ] no shooting in do mode I like his little mouth body that okay that sounded weird those always trip me up when they do to parable attacks and then one dodge attack I always instinctively dodge the third parry the third time so on there I parried the third time when it to the Dodge repair we have done fights at a very very well [ __ ] if I know all that rock almost [ __ ] me up there's the first death I knew it wasn't it was too good to be true Oh what the hell you shot his little Gerudo ass actually it's kinda he's more like a goron there's kind of move for this this attack looks into me but you can't just walk and you'll be fine mm yo ii yo ii yo eat won't know double rate keepo mario look no blood a man just got [ __ ] stabbed through the heart no blood oh yeah he starts off with this and I was like oh no this guy's gonna have like a cloning gimmick and then he literally uses it like once in the entire fight hey beauty look at this he taunted right when he was at low health who does that there you go that's so satisfying actually do some variable things please [ __ ] I gotta do that Perry that [ __ ] yeah you taunt it again at low health here we go clones this part is tricky that's why you should do it more like you have the ability to clone yourself then you use it for like one of your patterns we just did like a sonic breakdance move that was like the cover of Sonic Adventure 2 we've got this like spaghetti limbs yeah this I think this is the phase that like [ __ ] me up a few times now okay I guess now he's using his clones again oh this guy oh right you slightly cut this guy in half but like not actually he just like slides a little bit actually that's another do reference hope comes from the strangest places yeah okay Donnie Darko 's friend Frank from Donnie Darko me so I've heard people say I will free mice but the plot of this game like the this guy the architect what avakov made the prison because he was trying to like convince this alien guy to like turn on his robot masters which does happen at the end and it's all part of his like grand design I kind of like that theory because it did I don't know makes it feel a lot less contrived I guess it keeps me going it keeps you running yeah it keeps you running there's a good voice crack it almost sounded intentional that rock over I'm like the top right looks like an alien from Star Wars or like the Mass Effect do you guys see that does anybody else see that with like a weird head or somebody who doesn't want me to destroy humanity sure is going about it in a weird way though he's like destroy all these humans symbolic of humanity so that you'll learn to not destroy humanity oh this is kind of tiny arena look at his hair just did something [ __ ] nuts he's not like wash Zelda's down be from Smash Brothers great idea for a boss guys his hair did it again keeps doing this me all right no shooting no shootie this guy when he's got a shield this is carpenter brut it has to be look at this sleep are we already prancing around the meadow now I forgot about this he runs away to do is like projectile attack I've never tried just chasing him you can do ping pong with him for an achievement really I kind of want to do that now hold on hold on nice how long can we keep this gravy train rolling though that's hilarious I guess it just goes forever huh oh oh it actually hit him just right paid off isn't it lovely in the fields this time of summer [ __ ] [ __ ] you yeah like really a dark nut from Zelda that's a boss cool this is what passes for games in France I swear [ __ ] it is such a long delay there look you just okay [ __ ] around there yeah spin one thing I always find kind of disingenuous about the whole like you were the villain the whole time thing it's like I'm not just gonna not play the game like I paid money for the game I feel like that's on you guys game Baker's whatever there's a pretty cool trick coming up I researched this I'm pretty excited to show you guys so mercy from overwatch here is like listen I made the Garden of Eden stay in the Garden of Eden alright guys well that's it for the run the game just kind of beats itself right now I honestly kind of have to pee I'm gonna take the set the controller and take a little break alright when I come back just let me know what time was hurry alright see you guys in a bit game over yet I'm walking through this bench I think there it is I believe that this is what we call time folks is that a world record that's so different after you bet your ass it is any % any % I your that's that's weird is that like literally saying like sex or like servitude and that's a weird line lady anyway thanks for watching guys that was fury really great game I really liked this game so uh you know don't forget to Like comment and subscribe thanks for watching this speedrun see you later guys what you want more what wait what is this you want more you want me to play more of the game what I have a backup save file that I made just for this just for the bit you guys realize the lengths that I go to for the bit normally you would have to start the whole game over again if you got that ending fun fact alright alright alright alright let's let's drop the facade yeah that's called sexual servitude percent just look in the other room she's like she's like we're like Oh God we're just like over you're smoking a joint in the woods I don't know why she's muffled it's like an open area oh hey Zoe I'm gonna this is gonna be here for real damages I'm down to one life just one of the bullet Holly air fights I believe this lady's actual name is bullet Helen this boss you know cool boss a little you II let me get help me get heals oh [ __ ] Oh did she get her health bar back does that happen if you don't do it fast enough [ __ ] [ __ ] there we go Oh nerve-wracking back to full full lives full health yeah yeah whoa not even close baby well why do I say that I really need to stop saying like spin and like not even close I can't do that anymore now it's ripping people off when I do it I need to like go up and hit her close-up she's not like glowing I feel like I need to go hit her close-up [ __ ] what does she curse me three times in a row topless insane I am incredibly cursed I think I should've just hit her in that last face oh just do the laser pause what I was dodging through it that was some [ __ ] hey I got this [ __ ] oh wow oh it's a single hit Wow oh Jesus why did I get an achievement for that what is that the true morally righteous option is to not melee her of course you just dodged forever all right no true deaths yet but I think now it changes oh right we got this [ __ ] I am the architect that achievement is hitting a guardian ten times with melee in one fight without game over ten times I feel like I hit every boss like 30 times what does it mean headings you deserved a little more from me look his hair just went [ __ ] nuts it always does that when it like changes to a new camera angle yeah I mean this game up to this point already kind of smelled like something was up and here I'm like okay that [ __ ] reeks oh but this part in the center is just a map of the world below all right and now I'm gonna get my dick knocked off this is this is where the first game over happens just going back back to the past Samurai Jack this is why this fight is so hated I think it's just it's just like come on wait through the fight [ __ ] I don't even like what we need to do something specific to trigger it but then why does she go okay I'll fight you let's just run away it's sleek clearly that was working a lot better but that way I literally can't defeat you and leg there we go that's how to do it I didn't pick up on that for my entire like first play for you to be honest I just chased her lunch okay okay okay okay okay okay fight meet you frigid [ __ ] there are Oh rocket jumping with such [ __ ] why did that why did that obstacle go away somebody says this is basically halfway through I'm pretty sure it ain't this is number seven and there's ten bosses in the base game and the ninth boss is a bit of a joke oh I found my own way to taunt them oh that's cool give me the health give me the health give me the health give me the help give me the hell okay next level here we go she looks like a splatoon character for Christ's sake where's the wall there we go that's so tricky where's the wall I don't see the wall mm-hmm they're so hard to see it's dark I'm losing my sight oh don't worry this [ __ ] is coming out now [ __ ] yeah no true deaths so far no true deaths oh my god she select the jellyfish dudes the Rastafarian jellyfish from Shark Tale all right this guy's a badass feel like I'm actually gonna die on this dude for real there no it's dead cells hyper light drifter fury there's the Jake mouth look it looks like sfm that's what I was talking about earlier it looks like it was made an sfm here's the first true death yeah I'm gonna need to relearn this guy's patterns charge Oh what Yahoo nice oh I'm just hanging on by the skin of my teeth you move now the badass phase happens this was a genuine like pogchamp moment when it happened for me for the first time charge they keep getting back they keep getting back up no oh you hit away give me something charge [ __ ] you no oh ez game ez life not even close big feet so this part has the best song there's like an extended mix of this that I added to the grapefruits James playlist which by the way you ever want a playlist of my music that I enjoy not that I made I have a playlist of it wha welcome I'll link it in the description we're close close to the credits I think you guys all know I have to fight the real final boss though [Music] hey this is a cool idea for a fight it just sucks that it's so easy oh oh Jesus to see how much that shot tracked me it was obscene yo ha ha ha no and now I think the rest of the fight is a joke right just like sift the great gray wolf joke don't get blasted don't get blasted oh he got blasted this is a very intense face Yahoo Yahoo oh no it's everything we have been fighting for he said that like uncle Iroh I love the ending to this game it's super powerful choice it's like finally here we are at the end of the prison end of our journey we finally escaped what cost [Music] all you know is death you just destroy everything you touch you're finally free you can even move the camera but you've become death destroyer of worlds like I'm kind of like memeing around but seriously like even though I like knew there was something up in this game this really affected me this is just such a good moment freedom at a cost you're a monster oh excuse the [ __ ] out of me wait really what the [ __ ] was that did you guys see that weird invisible wall shenanigans that was some [ __ ] Matt Matt Matt and to you thank you for playing fury to the end we like to joke around pink a little wink there it's not really being booing I always I always figured I would fight this guy honestly cuz he has like a weapon but it's like a microphone weapon so it's like his weapon who's talking this game just becomes like an open-world Zelda breath of the wild game it's just all of a sudden this is at our sandbox this is the first tower it's an entire open-world after the credits now if there's gonna be any place where I'm gonna truly die feel like it's gonna be this one like I don't even want to get you guys hopes up like I've really lucked out and clutched it under the canoe guy but this this fight is [ __ ] tricky this took me probably like eight or nine tries playing through the game for the first time there's the whole jail yeah I like how once he's free and he's in space he kind of just lets himself float there for a little bit yeah it kind of does feel like oblivion with Tom Cruise that's a good deep cut sometimes the best deep cuts are to liking mediocre things you know all right right it's time for the like multiple choice question target this is kind of portal 2's with the manual confirmations animation can its own invasion attack mothership all right here we are I really don't even want to stress out about this I know I'm gonna [ __ ] try but you get a giant [ __ ] off laser in this one it's like a safe zone for this actually I'm pretty sure every where's the safe zone if you just don't get hit look I get what you're trying to say but that's literally not true everywhere is not a safe zone you have to go into safe zones in order to not get hit I'm sorry that's just not how this works I get the attitude of that comment but that doesn't that doesn't follow I'm pretty sure though this one I think the safe zone is slightly higher let's see if I can actually do it properly I don't know if I did looks like I did yeah Wow first try oh god oh this [ __ ] attack I mean this one really [ __ ] me up this one is like how Oh like most attacks II kind of get the hang up in this game not this one I did not get the hang of this one [ __ ] become deceased become deceased [ __ ] you ya can't even like see what the [ __ ] is happening well I'm scraping by by the skin of my teeth but this is where I die that sound always scares me it sounds like a woman screaming ah especially like this music sounds like oblivion music out of the ten she's an old woman she'd give herself a twirl I'd give myself a [ __ ] [ __ ] if I had less ribs all right but you'll hear me complaining about it should I just complain about oh that was the last that was the very last thing [ __ ] that [ __ ] that just literally [ __ ] it just literally [ __ ] it well it is possible scared me again sound always scares me every damn time [Music] II [Music] Wow zero deaths zero true deaths I'm sure everybody's done this game like hitless I don't even care I feel great zero true deaths on the run I feel good and that's what really matters like even this is oblivion holy [ __ ] he says [ __ ] you Sally and then he flies away hey holy [ __ ] what a thrill all that for a Snake Eater reference come on that was awesome what a great game you know I said in cuphead video that I would do this and Here I am having done it it truly was a thrill it truly was what a thrill
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 220,059
Rating: 4.957036 out of 5
Id: MVdeFfvM8K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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