Horrible Histories - Rotten Romans | Compilation

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rotten Romans lots of Roman emperors were a bit mad and one of the maddest was a bloke called Nero Nero really hated the Christian religion and he did some pretty nasty things to Christian people he even made them into human candles and set them on fire at his parties horrible his head came completely off the crowd one excuse me Emperor Nero fabulous party well thank you thank you I love what you've done with the place I particularly like these huge candles oh yeah I had them made specially shaped like Christians they are Christians sorry what real Christians yeah actual Christians can we get another candle please candle on lawn six in prayer and how can you do that oh it's very simple you just get a Christian time to a stake different mint are stick a wick on top of it voila Christian camp you're an excruciating pain it's brilliant isn't it you know you get to light up your garden and torture Christians at the same time so you know two birds one stone but isn't it a bit dare I say it seek how so I mean torturing a fellow human being like that honey I didn't know any better I'd say you feel a bit sorry for him you're not Christian eying only that candles just gone out we need another Christian you were saying yeah well I love the party particularly like this it's great candles I agree really good [Music] you know at the candles used to see the fireworks later it's horrible but it's true Nero made candles out of people he really hated Christians when he wasn't burning them for fun he was making them fight lions in the Colosseum without weapons I mean that's hardly very sporting is it I mean imagine that man vs lion whoa I'm imagining it oh well commiserations Luke yet another convincing victory to the Lions well yeah very disappointing for the Christians but when all said and done you know we had some very unfortunate injuries early on didn't favor us that jonno got his leg chewed off in the first minute that did seem to affect his pace a bit absolutely yeah I mean fair play to the Lions attack you know I mean they ripped us to pieces I mean there was an arm here there was a leg there and our striker simply lost his head was bitten clean off and it has affected your record that's Lions 160 Christian's nil you have to be gutted well very nearly but luckily I was a bit too quick for the lines do you think that the Christians will ever beat the Lions well I'll just take each game as it comes so no no not a prayer now we do have some good news Oh have you found me like some of our Roman emperors were pretty crazy an Emperor Caligula was one of the craziest you should have heard his speeches hail Caligula and proof Rome Josephus who am i Caligula no I'm the famous Greek general Alexander the Great this is his real arm and everything I had them dig up his grave so I could wear it look a woman sent to help you with this speech we're little concerned you might come over a bit crazy Caligula crazy I'm not crazy yeah I just have a great sense of humor did you hear about the sacrifice of the Bulls the other day yes you hit the priests with the hammer and sacrifice him instead oh that's still funny so anyway what's wrong with the speech well take the beginning oh yes my big opening I only have to nod and all your throats will be cut right how about starting with hello hello mr. city of makes waiting for me - job yeah yeah it's good how about hello it's great to be here in Rome what a city hmm so you'd lose the whole chopping next thing completely I wouldn't start with it you liked it didn't you yes I did never mind how about if I just say hello it's great to be here in Rome what is city thank you all for coming they might not think I'm crazy yeah by the way what is the occasion oh I'm making my dear friend in citator sack on sole well there's nothing crazy about that no he is my favorite horse he's a good horse isn't he were me no I don't like him Emperor Caligula really did make his horse into Tate as a consul but what was in sight ATIS fed was it oats mixed with a flakes of gold be caviar or see bats earrin the answer is a insert a terse the horse was fed oats mixed with flakes of gold he also had 18 servants and the stable the size of a palace battle is upon us I have come to appease the gods before we face the enemy Mars awaits your general hail Mars God of War on this great day of battle may we fight with honor in your name good to war hold on general you must also pay homage to Mithras God and patron of soldiers of course my mistake hail Mithras on this great day of battle may we fight with honor in your name great thank you and your poni goddess and protector of horses horses got a cavalry haven't you Heil hip owner on this great day of battle please look after the horses garlic and Chloe Cena goddess of the sewers why would I pray to the goddess of the sewers soldiers get very nervous before a battle general if 15,000 men decide to go to the toilet at the same time I'm not clearing it up Hey look over Sina on this great day of battle will make the bogs work properly thank you and felicitous goddess of good luck can we skip that one because the battles already start you want to the other side to have all the good luck hail felicitous goddess of good luck please be on our side now I really must ops god of Plenty I'll calm or want to run out of arrows hail ops yadda yadda be on our side done Janus god of good beginnings you want to get a good start to the battle it was probably already finished can we wrap this up please found us god of sheep I am in a hurry fine fine but if a flock of sheep sweep across the battlefield tripping your men up you've only got yourself to blame how many more other well there's Diana goddess of the hunt strenuous of endurance and Phi DS god of loyalty okay hail them all okay hail them Oh blast I forgot the god of victory rotten Romans when the Romans were at war they sometimes used slaves to row their warships which were called galleys imagine what the conditions in that job must have been like can I have your attention please I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you slaves are bought this Roman galley destined for Carthage and I just like to go through a few safety procedures please ensure you chains are fastened at all times throughout the journey they do up like so lovely in the very likely event of an emergency and we are round by an enemy ship the emergency exits are here here and here but they are just for us Romans and to help speed up our evacuation please ensure that all your possessions have already been stolen by the Roman army and as the ship sinks slowly beneath the waves please dug desperately at you chains like so it just remains for me so thank you for choosing to travel with the Roman Navy not that you has any choice and I hope you have a very enjoyable voyage excuse me miss what's always toilets at least there's no queues a mate arm or rowing yes [Music] Georgiy war inventions number seven the Roman catapult called an honor the honor was a nifty catapult made of wood which used leather ropes wound up like a rubber band to lob rocks and flaming missiles long distances brilliant but there was one small problem leather goes all floppy when it's wet so the roots didn't work in the rain all right own up who's clever idea was it to invade Britain in February gamma guy do you know any other juice try this why my big mouth Julius Caesar wasn't the only Roman general who liked to win they all did to make sure legions wouldn't panic and run away from a battle there was a particularly nasty punishment if they did region's general Pompey legions of Rome you have bled in the face of the enemy the worst crime an army can commit you shall be punished right out I shall not run away from Spartacus 100 times no that's not gonna be enough this time a thousand times 1 million time.look lines aren't enough we need to do something that will ensure they never run away again I suggest decimation stay behind after battle every day this week that's detention what's decimation it's where every tenth soldier is beaten to death by his fellow Legionnaires Wow that sounds pretty strict every tenth man in line shall be killed oh by order I what what's going on nobody wants to be test in line general Pompey right need to find a way of choosing fairly I know listen up we will draw lots each soldier will write his name on a piece of paper the names general Pompey I shall now draw the name of the first person to be beaten to death my enormous butters where is my enormous butters it's behind you general I don't think that's a real name me mama stink us there's no one know me mama stink us yes we all know she does that's another fake name to be honest general Pompey I think they're all fake are you telling me they haven't put a single real soldiers name in there well there is one real name excellent read that out I don't think they wrote their own names down stop stalling general this has gone long enough already soldiers the next name you hear will be the first Roman to be beaten today general Pompey general Pompey there really did kill off one in ten of his troops for fleeing from the enemy it was brutal but he worked they didn't run away from their next battle the Romans one Rotten Romans when people died in Roman times we had some really funny ideas about how to give them a good send-off and above all messiness was a wise and a noble man who only ever beat his slaves when it was absolutely necessary he won't be sorely missed by us all and now for the fight latest roman thing you get your two favorite slaves to fight to the death in front of your gravesite very noble the losers like a sort of sacrifice to the dead man you know keep its soul company but most thing is it's really good fun to watch so this is catching on then oh yeah friend of mine died last month had three fights that means three more funerals and three fights at each one that makes nine funerals - it's been wall-to-wall funeral two weeks now really which one was that Marcus we are gathered here today to mark the passing of Marcus he was a good slave can't believe all this oh this is nothing my uncle sent Ellis had it written into his will that he wanted a fight to the death between two beautiful women seriously his funerals in ten minutes can I come you've got to pretend to be sad until the fight starts [Music] [Applause] a straight welcome to Horrible Histories [Music]
Channel: Horrible Histories
Views: 664,797
Rating: 4.8692665 out of 5
Keywords: horrible histories, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, horrible history, cbbc, horrible histories episodes in english, horrible histories songs, cbbc history, rotten romans, terrible tudors, slimy stuarts, vicious vikings, awful egyptians, history for kids, tv show for kids
Id: 6dohpfFPi6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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