101 WAYS TO BREAK CANADA - Hearts of Iron IV

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I'd like to give a massive shout out to the support from my patrons if it wasn't for you guys contributing to my work I will move to make these videos thank you so much it's feedback gaming a few people asked me Dave where is the character series when you're playing as kena tell me how to exploit Canada tell me how to mid Manx Canada guess what there is no Canada in hearts of mine for it's the Dominion of Canada why can't you get the name right huh why can't you get the name right huh huh huh there we go Canada I know but what exactly what you asked for but it's the closest thing this enhance of I own for boom goddamn gotcha done the first thing we'll do is go for the demagogue as the first step in the path performing the perfect Canada right yeah we have four Admirals but only two ships they get out one out hmm hmm yeah that's right make any sense yes okay so tribute time boys comment below if you do know the answer this question this is very tough question only the bravest 1% know this question but in 1940 France what nation so the British evacuated from France in 1940 from what port ask the question again in 1940 the British evacuated from France in 1940 what was the name of the port they evacuated from what was the name of the port what port is ever only one less than 1% of people know the answer to this question and you guys smart enough to know the answer to this question do you know the answer we do a comment below we have a superior firepower we are going to go for hand tools and we are also going to make that's about their very own so this is a build where I tried to glitch Canada I realized that making infrastructure here is gonna be a better idea are we also going to make convoys as you can see I'm not making any guns there is method to that madness because we are gonna fire an early sibel were a civil w as what else I'm missing a hint of importance don't you think so it was such this a 40% reduction there might be a good idea hmm okay let's go so we are in a place Canada and we are going to rush down the focus tree as quickly as possible by using loads of little [ __ ] and today I am going to demonstrate all of those glitches that's right there are quite a few too I think I've found a really good method for doing it as well the first issue is you are a Dominion of Britain getting away from a Dominion of Britain is fairly easy cashier autonomy just tick down pretty quickly after a part reiation patchy ation but sadly what now but positively good news is we can do it a quicker way and that is by firing a civil w throwing that w as early as possible that's method number one and after that whilst we're in the the war against ourselves there is a few little sneaky ways of rushing down the focus tree which will give us other goodies we do have a lot of guns at the moment that is a problem because we want to minimize the amount of guns that we've got I do realize that we have got some factories and summer look I want to do that they're gonna be a good idea yes sir because I've done this so many times I have a really good idea of where the the land separates once you do declare and this new Nova Scotia and New Brunswick goes to the opposing side and Seattle British Columbia and all this eastern wasteland at western wasteland goes to the opposing side as the will we've got 5 XP so I'll make this division bigger bigger we make this division the more like guns we can bank in this one division oh the bigger we can make it the better bigger the better or monitor old old old meme yep so we go for the demagogue group which you need to get it to unlock this guy as it says look you can't get to get it until you've unlocked this dude - that's not what it says but you just say here there you go need to complete the S Club so I'm going to say that word s club 7 clubs or you can proceed down that route that's right boys I'm not going to say that word cuz that's a naughty word nutria doesn't like that word so I'm not going to say it as the closed captions will detect that word and therefore I will never be able to make a youtube video ever again because that's the way you YouTube works at the moment by the way are you subscribed to this channel have you hit the subscribe button well guess what the subscriber means F all that's right it means nothing you have to hit the bell icon if you don't hit the bell icon it's like you're not subscribed at all I didn't make YouTube okay I don't make it that way bless just didn't make the system but I follow the system the demagogue is next we're gonna go for disperse industry we're gonna go for delay because why not Brian that's right that's right we were if there's a focus I could go for at this point uh hello kapow is usually always a good idea so let's do that one so now we have the demagogue we need to go for open we need to prepare for the CE bail or what a civil w throw the w it's gonna be my new to me to throw the civil w okay so we're working on that working on that we can't get rid of de depression okay that's why it's do one choice it that needs to be talked about you can only go for removing the great depression or forcing conscription you can't do other so you've got to say to yourself am i okay losing some manpower in the sacrifice from on production power or vice versa from my experience of playing this it is better off to go for the economy over the manpower in a perfect world you want both but welcome to Canada where you can have one or the other that's right that's the word words that Canada we are saving political power right now we need to get more political power to prepare for the civil then do the expand the civil support reduced ability and throw the W and then we can do the things and all the things so we are making this division Baker's we're trying to eat into as many guns as possible we've got the political power now it's really other focuses I could go for the meantime let's not to waste time with this crammed corporations yes good one now stability is dropping that's one of the downsides of Canada you start with really good stability but the good news is there's quite a lot of ways to boost stability as Canada as well play around you do get access to this guy I need to get a few other ways you can boost ability to that's within your focus tree I think as I say that out loud I think that myself is that actually true you know we're gonna extend the civil support once again to reduce that stability hopefully I'll drop it to down at least about 59% then we can fire an anti F raids and that will reduce stability by further 10% then you can throw the Sybil W oh my god it feels like I'm speaking like coded speech you know that mean Brit says if your kids say this online you've got to keep an eye on them and they're all like they're all like mm-hmm like political things like deep political things that are into like beep political memes I don't know this meme is probably I love it too deep maybe it maybe somebody should link the mean that I'm talking about then you know so many inside jokes so many inside references like an only in so many less excuse me alright so right now stability 59% we can throw the MTF raids and then we can ignite he severely world and there we go boom done and oh that was lucky and he lost half the gun zone okay so we gonna convert you to the cavalry move you across the country to here here and we'll capture New Brunswick and Nova Scotia but this time as well I guess we can switch out this the guns now make the crap of guns around cooperation feel for war bonds now because we are currently a war but and we need world tension to do this one so to do world tension the easiest way of doing it excuse me you guys are gonna frag my throat i'ma declare on you so you make more world tension and then I can go for defense of the Canada regulations it's the only focus tree that requires actual world tension so once you've got broke and destroy this one you can start fabricating on the Soviet Union it has actually knowing actual impact on the overall game so just go nuts we go for you gonna go for you boom good good good good good and these Arab boots secured now go across the whole country after all the land recruit them more horses we don't really need the horses but there's a lot of strap that you can do with this just to make it a little more secure and a little more safe if you do need to make sure if any problems you could run into alright now we have zero steel so the production of convoys is pretty much next to nothing mmm I know you're across the country - you are and firmly and I guess we could have you guys go here and then there we go i I did actually just realize there was a small moment where I messed up that did that I guess they've just been deployed he when I do that I've done that so many times now oh yeah yeah yeah I go yeah that's it I realize didn't make a mistake just to throw just a throw out mistake that I made just then is that I did choose we can go war economy because the world tension is really high yeah I'm actually do that you know yeah I just realized I'm in the mistake the mistake I made is I declared the war before I scrapped my guns I should've scrapped my guns first cuz there's a chance they're gonna make a division now but if I'm quick enough him I have to get to Vancouver and surround it before they have an opportunity to make any guns that would be ideal that would be ideal yeah we're gonna war economy we can't sustain world economy because we need to have a higher war support but we will do our best to work on that regardless 70 days boom and then we can go for we have to do war bonds because we have to be at war the probably I'm just doing that one now and getting out of the way but the other the only two focuses that require you to be a war our war bonds and commit to the war once you've done these two and you've got the world tension for that one the rest of the focus tree is unlocked so I think we're gonna publish couple war bonds just so we don't forget about it there's always that small chance we're gonna forget about it and I don't want that to happen so let's make sure we don't do a free trade works kind of okay for Canada kind of you have some resources but it's probably it's probably those nations you wouldn't stay on free trade forever oh and they've spawned a division in the north oh I'm gonna make you promote you look at the sky starts one one two four like that hell is this guy I'm gonna move you boys here and when I move you here so you can block him in yeah this is the slight error that I made at the start it's not a big deal like cuz all we have to do is when he moves down here is surround him and kill him off now the only division they'll be able to make anyway so move here they move here then you guys get here brilliant and then what economy awesome this oh no he's surrounded don't know do that one coming did you know there's significantly stronger division than one I have rubber being this in surveillance low supply its chance of winning is significant Slean nothing and now here's dead person piece F in the chance F in the youtube comment section boom go go here and then go and capture that one and then get full surround on the capital what usually they do is they spawn a division here and then they'll convoy it from here they here so in that case why don't we just nip that one in the bud and prevent them from doing that by taking that poor and that way it's locked into here I guess the only way they could do is move it from this port to no they're not going to the poor so they can't do that so nevermind dose of that happening is now zero boom what other advantages are keeping in your democratic civil W partner alive is they can rush down these and get all these factories for you free factories good because when you gobble them up and eat them up for lunch you do to get to eat those factories as well all this area is barren wasteland so doesn't matters when your resources here there's a bit of aluminium in the north do i care though no because i don't really need the aluminium so there we go there we go we're gonna work on artillery i realize they're not having any artillery being made so what works quite well for Canada is excavation as well this is so good we've got the poor ports here isn't there we've got a different mind go here and railroads yeah Oh Oh some more horses they we need more horses oh why not we're just born up never mind deleted them I didn't want them anyway I don't want them anyway I guess the reason why I'm building two infrastructure in Kubek is to get more steel and there is a prospect for resources here that gets an extra 12 steel that's a lot of steel the restrictions is you need excavation too and you need infrastructure 3 which we are currently working on that I just realize the probably working on excavation tubes but they're gonna be good idea right now so we can get that other way and get extra Steel's it is a steal ha ha antastic anyone has an awesome pond feel free to share the comment below because we're desperate to know about there's a really exciting ponds right because you guys are really hyped on them right I don't know I get the impression you guys are really mad on you know what this area the mat reminds me of it reminds me of the EU for you know that when you make a colony that goes here and like someone's been really obnoxious to build all the colony Newfoundland and this area and then all of a sudden some girl just plop a colony right here and you Blake so incredibly mad does it on record a is playing me for those were the days those of the day so I'll people ask me why don't you play you you for anymore I guess I'm burnt out on it I played it I played it so much now that I feel like the game isn't a new experience whenever a player I feel play a little bit of the expansion packs when they do come out but I just don't have that get open girl like I used to play again like it's a brand new game I just don't feel that motivated passion anymore alright great so we can go for war economy once again this justification will be complete on the 4th of June so just remember that 4th of June this is knowing me guys I'll probably forget and I'll be kicking myself but don't remember 4th of June we have to cancel the justification and justify again to Kiki but over 51% world tension otherwise bad things happen we have to make sure that we do it all in one day as well I'll just do it now so don't forget so pause answer justification read justifying on Northeast Siberia because that is land that we desperately need right and now boy if you look really close to we're still going to maintain we are going to mess up the world massively here because remember we've got more world tension so Germany can progress tonight's focus tree quicker I'm not sure if it actually does though you know like if it likes to circumvent the AI I'm not certain I know what we're doing today we're gonna give guns to you one of those ones girl given to Republican Spain I really care who actually wins we give it to Republican Spain because they are losing so they're more likely could take advantage of the guns that follow them I like the grind XP for us it's just a simple amount of granting XP doesn't serve any other purpose we just want to get a bit of XP going you can do you want XP trick if you want ice up to you but I just have a preference of doing you through the Civil War throw those guns away you gotta throw your guns away either way I think the cheaper option is to go for the one civil built for the one the one division trick captive industry is used so because there's only 50 political power to hire for Canada's like a special dude but what significance historical significance is CD Howe guys does anyone know what the hoes all about let me know in the comments below there's a pan here goes he keeps saying comments below over and over and over again it's almost like Dave doesn't like googling anymore and just wants everyone else to do the work for him mmm thinking face 390 Ross rifle wow wow wow how does a meme there right there's someone making me a brother out of Matt's probably some new chip I've never heard of yeah okay that's right all right what do we go how many factors do we have how many factors we have three mils and two series of one naval dockyard are they all here that's the question though if only there was some kind of espionage system in house if I'm fought for us to actually know if it was actually here hmm thinking face hmm thinking we have controlled British Columbia right not really oh no probably this is all this area okay we've got we've got this area this area in this area do I really care as a victors reflect your point here oh is that what does a chance that their national focus might be plunking factories in here here and here even though it's barren wasteland but there's a chance that might be building in British Columbia as well I don't know I'm just guessing I really don't know throwing a lot of guesses out there I'll make sure I'll be totally totally clear with you guess what going on right now maybe maybe not I'm not building my division say more than likely they'll be spawning them here maybe they're warm over the wheel i don't know they've only got like three factories so maybe they want the AI seems really struggle to like prioritize where to put their factories and where to assign them well one our two-piece has gone to the Republicans are they using our guns amazing the Ross rifle being used in actual warfare Wow we Ronnie the Bren gun girl it's like a special event just for Canada it's sometimes it's somehow relating to a war poster specifically for Canada and women in factories but it doesn't actually do anything different to any other women in the work force which is kind of sad I wish it would have done something slightly different being the father it's got like a flavor text and a coffee just like gave I don't know like maybe gave more recruitable pop maybe on oh maybe it didn't lose as much stability maybe iMovie didn't lose any stability never kind of core just bit make it a bit flavor ish you know just make it little bit taste a little bit different you know different texture commit to the war so we're pretty much done all the focus is now the only reason we maintain doing what we're currently doing right now is so we get more stiffies because right now if we end the war there's two things gonna happen right now we're gonna lose a plus 30 percent for a defensive war that's right a civil war apparently is a defensive war figure that one out and you get extra 30 percent war support and the fact that were justifying on the Soviet Union means as well that we're gaining extra war support because of world tension and so we lose those two things instantly then we will instantly lose our ability to go to war economy which really sucks as war economy's awesome yeah so you feel the option you can use some in bassam B's or you can go for the national steel car Zombies gives you extra curl ball it's really strong 1% recruitable and the recruitable factor as you expend the temperatures between these to recur ballpark is similar to recur but population so that's one point five percent but that increases to two point five percent with this one and recruitable population factor is like the overall hundred percent of your population is a recordable factor so that's like more of the population become candidates for conscription in this case you can see here it says TOEFL modifier seventy five percent and it is reduced by 30 percent due to Conscription crisis the french canadians which you can get rid of here you're gonna get a fifteen percent and 1 percent and then remove the conscription factor the conscription I think we need to go for the research slump so when it go for national resources mobilization Act which will reduces stability as Canadians are pacifists around they don't want to fight all of oh the memes boys the memes babes trying to pick fight with other countries oh my goodness running behind by one puppy of steel hill we can also go for the iron ore in cubic which we're gonna do that immediately which as you can see here you guys probably know seen this before but a special project lose three billion factories for iron ore in cubic I know artillery is done ever attempted to rush the artillery as well because those are the ways we can get buffs you know what I am actually gonna rush that that's good I go for the electronic mechanical but engineering and so what we're gonna do is a combination of Mountaineers and artillery and we're gonna make a really fat big division we're going to use a little exploit to allow you to make big fat Mountaineers and yeah we have Mountaineers research I don't think we do [Music] you'll need a lot of guns the reason why we've gone for Ross rifles over there more reliable end fields they regularly gain a lot of XP from this I thought I'd be getting a lot more XP but I guess not you got the options they pick up for more severe disk is resources civvies civvies and they're more fuel economy is a nasty one cuz you've got to do like so many different things you have got to do national steal car and you've also got an eighth day and if they requires all this and then this requires there's so many things to go for and we are going to go for integrated support because support artillery is OB are we have a justification on on Soviet Union will we actually use it Moop Moop we will not all right I'll reach the point now that we do need to continue this war is a real any incentive because I mean we're only gaining three plus these saves is pretty good I guess they never look you what's really interesting when you go into a civil war with yourself the national spirits actually have different names Frederick young and our accounting for so we got right now Great Depression and as it was a Great Depression and the national conscription crisis which would usually by yeah Nutcracker right but the crisis of French Canadians has now been renamed to I'll put count this game makes me laugh with some titties we got steel now yeah steel yeah I got the mechanical computer in I'm just starting to think you know might be better off just keep staying on more economy into light the whole world goes into war maybe I don't know the United States now because well attention so heís probably slipped on to voluntarily it has and he's come from undisturbed isolation to just isolation I have pushed world tension up due to the Canadian aggression Omega law what the world turns is still pretty high anyway but I'm still gonna lose today for some world tension so maybe I should stick to stick around stick around so this gives us oil and Robert don't actually need that I could probably deal with a single into war maybe this was the purpose I think a little bit of air superior to because it just stops them from dominating in the skies into was really so they get shot down really quickly but the truth is if your prince is getting bombed in return it's gonna be helpful in the long run for all Jews for excavation against they're gonna have lots and lots of deals actually no no at this point we need to go for the Mountaineers so I'm not big fan of commandos they've got less HP they take more casualties they have more organization and there's slightly more attack damage but the problem is with divisions with more organization is they don't fight harder they just fight longer so tent potentially could take more losses I guess they're pretty good for holding ground I guess and suicide missions as purse I'll fill a figurehead get loads of stability back stability is pretty bad at the moment use the fact that we're a war - 30 percent so I guess it's a play off really I guess I don't know just like war support what's boys just so good in this game you could wait a little bit longer as well because we could go for war propaganda oh you can only do that if you're less than 50% war support I didn't know that okay okay I guess what I could probably do I kept seeing I guess yeah I guess I guess okay I heard it's three civvies and this gives oh okay that gives three mills but removes Great Depression Russian is really bad I'm always than one is really surprised have now made another division here Raz time it's time let's do this end up GG wait now change we might not know what no too late oh wait hang on the Wars not over yet hang on hang on are the walls still continuing now oh that all the factories are in different locations okay alright yeah I I thought I had a feeling that might've actually happen all the factories are not actually in the hell that one tire they're all in other places if I could have play it again I want to play this any differently I think I think is the right strand er it's another bit known victory point area of the map they lose this doesn't mean we get control of it I don't think so because if it's not a victory point that doesn't matter ninety-nine percent 98% 99% [Music] and they got all got beautiful timing right yeah Hilary's done um I got that finished really quickly I'm gonna put support artillery and that's really he's everything else made I think so the reason we got the commandos as Canada is you have the commando expert and the artillery guy so you can combine these to make it like a really hefty girthy division we need to wait for the Mountaineer to fudge that we can go from the national steel car getting extra for civvies so I need to make a pretty healthy ten with infantry right now it will probably go for this one oh we haven't got the XP in that case we could convert you into you and exercise you it's good you've got a lot of guns now we've got most of those from the enemy factory output now all right now we've got the issue with demobilization well if I could just a finally on the Soviets again that brings it to 40% the marshal island how does that cost so little I start making knowing I once whoever okay we get up to demobilize and this will drop us down to partial O'Brien this is one of the downsides to have been over mobilizer you have to spend political power to drop the mobilization which just sucks otherwise you're gonna get workers strikes and workers Sykes alright so we're gonna make a healthy ten with infantry oh yeah we have to create a new template a lot of data out there I'm sure thinking this is a mess this person just it would be nice but wouldn't make deal what let love go mmm girl from Pew in them maybe need XP so need to go full of military theorists and I would I I am what that I disappeared in that reappeared there we go oh it's only five it's 5% consumer goods but extra 10% actually output for factories no no no anyway so we go so now we need to get all of this [Music] commenting that the Canadian focus tree requires you to like go down sip there's so many different routes there's not like a narrow way of getting through out of the depression I guess in a weird way it kind of makes sense because I mean I'm really quite difficult to get out that'll create depression isn't it shouldn't he shouldn't be an easy path so there's a few bonuses around here for extra artillery which we're gonna rush down we've got options to go for more civvies so we should really do the civvies requires bits and pieces why does that line here shouldn't even be there this requires bits and pieces program it's just this that that line should be there oh my god paradox I'm finding bugs in your game what the hell official FIFA gaming is now a beta tester phone for unofficially all right so we need to help our conscription law - we've gone for the first focus so that one's that one's out of the way by the way the focuses I've done so far they would only be available to me if I was out I would have only be able to done those focuses if again and I've gotten those focuses if I'd been in a traditional historical role and the allies and declared on Germany so I I've done these technically like two years ahead of schedule yeah anyway the four move on yes so you have to commit to the wall we've already done that once we're going to do that one next and the need to excessive conscription you have to do if day there we go defense research grants need fifty factories that's a far away but trick is because we're gonna need lots of divisions I guess what we could do all that divisions fine now we've got the we've got this dude so I guess now I need to stack Mountaineers once again we need a lot of XP to do that there if they requires both of these bits and pieces is a nice national spirit just gives you a bunch of extra production efficiency which is always good Canadian Canadian people's efficiencies our amount yeah build the infrastructure now actually this point we should be making meals actually want to build this up some moss get more steel having more Steel's always a good idea actually don't think about it probably isn't top pro right now pop those on the bottom for now how many your civvies up a cart 30 do you know what that's actually about the minimum amount to we have a little cheeky look that's good high that's fine happy with that now yeah I think they're I don't know why it's an arbitrary number but I feel like thirty civvies is like the minimum you should have for any kind of minor nation to actually feel like you getting the ball rolling and it's quite easy for Canada Chris a lot of these national steel car and Albert coldtown ba-ba-ba-ba they give a lot of civvies so so it's nice gives three mils that gives three mils we're gonna have a lot of mils behind on rubber right now no big deal we can get a lot of excess rubber anyway don't want to start making other artillery pieces yeah right now we need to stick to what we do best that's what we do best right now is producing old weapons that we're going to go for disperse industry is for production output do do do bom bom bom bom china is losing 2,500 pounds all right we're running XP we're gonna make this division nice and fat no no okay so as I mentioned before one of the issues of Mountaineers is that they have very low HP means these the same more casualties they're the same fall for sustain more equipment loss which ends up resulting in many tears of lost troops and equipment one way of fixing out those that add my HP to the division you can do that by just adding it just an absolute crap turn of battalions more battalions my HP less losses cetera et cetera et cetera [Music] but we're gonna go from a 40 width so we need to add on a crap-ton Oh Tim the V what's the big issues we're gonna run into our lack of guns before we're now have artillery the guns have arrived yet anytime anytime no legal transport path okay how many divisions have you got gonna send you a thousand guns Oh will they arrive I have no idea all right limit of conscription get that manpower rolling we need a but one battalion and division which will be explained a little bit later yeah we will need it but right this second I really could do with support women as well just on one Rhine for that we've got the aluminium to do that so why not probably could do with better planes as well just for the range and extra security an extra agility oh by the way I don't really explain what I'm doing I'm gonna I'm gonna attack the United States basically will it win and probably not sure and probably not really but we need to wait for the water cough the Americans gonna get distracted and then we can proceed on from there that's the plan oh you can do the rebuild civil war as well you lose political power and your result is you get more civilian production and factory output you could probably rush all through if you wanted to but then you lose all your political power like that was quite a big meme so I don't know I I don't really see it's a good trade-off maybe you can find a way of using it effectively I have not found a way yeah [Music] there's not one dude extra Mountaineer on one of the issues you guys probably gonna complain about is like how are you gonna be able to do this damn you're just not gonna have enough Mountaineers ah well that is why we use all the exploits and fit back gaming don't we all the exploits are we going to use and that's how we're gonna get things done we sent the guns if they arrived yes they have 60 Ross rifles they severely lack convoys there I think probably a lot of them have already been sunk but look so others has equipment sunk our equipment 7:26 equipment arrived 82 okay oh we haven't researched something yeah and we go from pure machine I guess we could if the artillery next then we can start rushing the other artilleries support commence good now good now feel like I want to import as much deal as I can therefore to keep the production efficiency as high as possible but it's one that all hints at information any probably not aware but if these a lack of steel for your production line from this case for guns not only do you produce less guns but you also your production efficiency goes up slower as well it's just a good idea to have the guns to have higher production efficiency for therefore in the future produce more guns as time goes on yeah now you know knowing is half the battle if they reduce and we have 51 factories oh damn it's quicker than I thought well there you go I thought they'll be a tricky thing to do but I was ever good it looks I guess because there's a lot of factories built within the National focus I guess that's why it becomes a lot easier in more steel again need tungsten yeah I'm getting from America but America's got such a big industry me giving them three cities is not really gonna make a big deal so it's not cry about that let's not cry about that and we're doing chunk 54 arrived 96 and then we've just sent a bunch more none of them got sunk come on man the Japanese Navy what are you doing my dudes what are you doing boys buh-buh-buh-buh 26 combat with we're working on it making progress all right is there anything on here that's gonna be the light aircraft dude because we are working on fighters I could rush Spitfire as well very good idea we have gone for disperse industry so that means that when we do change our production lines that we're gonna lose the least amount of production efficiency Oh Lincoln refuses the German ultimatum huh what could that mean all right so do we remove yeah we've got to remove that uranium mining yeah that's a good point so there's a technically there's a chance that I could electronics minus one I'm sworn if there's a way that I could rush down electronics somehow but that's the only one they get at the Walker to the walkie-talkie okay Sony division Antares 144 is that here the entire division I think maybe I'm making too much artillery then yeah I actually might be making too much artillery hurricanes done next Spitfire I don't my ideal division template before proceeding I try and get as much de battalions of Mountaineers in there as possible so therefore when we do attack we're doing the best damage so we want artillery guy and we also want the commando guy I saw this tool stack and we can also get the offensive guy so that a stack as well and ideally we want to chew out as many ten with artillery support artillery divisions as possible for the damage oh my god German is such Jimmy such a baller going for Poland and France both at the same time hola good bye look something we got enough guns I always feel like we never have enough guns you know so I don't want to switch out right now particularly in the situations Canada where manpower becomes an issue as well all right do we did I just cancel a production line there I just did that in there let me go for extensive conscription which is going to double our manpower just mean we will need the manpower probably seems like we're making too much but now we will actually use them all right I think we've reached a point now that I feel like the more that we do is just gonna be stupid so it's just spit out all these one battalion so you probably given what is this what is going on why is David doing this is he being stupid is there a method to the madness you're about to find out you are about to find out what Dave is bad to do ideally we want at least five Mountaineers I'd aim for six probably but then get fired I'll be happy so if you probably don't gather what's going on right now I'm trying to make it of mountaineers I'll actually I probably do need the full size battalion for this don't I otherwise it's just gonna be the rest of its just gonna be infantry isn't there is that gonna trigger you guys are you gonna get really triggered if it's not just all one lot of oil industry one civvy to infrastructure why somebody's focus age is really bad the Imperial oil is pretty good though refineries uranium that's like what the blue shirts yes a good one actually cuz I get the extra who recruit pop [Music] that's good up today radio doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo oh my god the mad ones we've got right now boys it's impressive right I'm factories it's insane deploy these and make another load many as we can make in this case and 101 so if you gather what we're doing we're trying to make as many Mountaineers as possible and to do that I just realized can we gain more arm xp5 from there now that's it's just the five okay still cylinder guns to the wagon click bygone gin click ok um Mountaineers show get the extraordinary soft attack I'm paramount about this I like to bang on about it but organization means nothing and Laster division is doing more damage because otherwise it's gonna take more losses it just it frustrates in there it's just restraint in a way and a lot of people make these big old divisions with a kind of useless but I keep setting this to make only one of those and we go over an item and power there's so many different things you better remember for this specific build I make it today I don't know it's like feels like there's a lot of things you could take into account if I really want to exercise all of these divisions in one go [Music] goodbye China beep trying to find a way to grow more XP by the end of the day I think the rest of this division is gonna have to be up Italians are just regular infantry I don't think is only will the way I can do it we are mobilizing maybe I should immobilize a little bit earlier maybe that's where I've gone wrong [Applause] but a bit up so we come the motel mobilization we can go at the moment is about 7% or at 2.8 right now so potentially we could triple the amount of manpower in our pool these guys are all good right now we can go over the doctrine we're gonna go for shock and awe lots and lots of firepower alright we'll wait for this final tick up to five then we'll go for the Mountaineer and then we'll start making the troops that we actually desire now wait for these guys to finish drop them there's a lot of steps of this as you probably already gathered it's a cool little trick but I don't like to do this very often because it just don't think it's cost-effective you have to do a lot of feeling around making battalions of infantry for no real purpose well just for a purpose cause you get the Mountaineers I guess but otherwise I just want to I would really wouldn't bother I know you've got you divisions on you stop exercising then you convert them to the big fat template boom they're gonna go really big right now and then you can make your battalions of oh my god and we can make so many we can pay way more than we actually need we can make sixteen will make ten alright that's good and then you can select all the other ones and delete them John and you've got your ten divisions there of all the desired template that you ever dreamed up there you go there we go we're over the commando limit by eight divisions a division yeah oh but eight yeah by divisions Australia I thought they'd read that as battalions I don't know why alright great so they go you've got the your ideal template oh yeah and then you can make all your the divisions must make all the others get rid of that now make all these actually we should have kept that Division should have made a bunch of those nine and converted them over I never thought you know this is going to be our ideal guy the attack dude I'm on him on here ideally would like and then you'd like to push through the center here and try and cut off New England New England an actual state of America by the way don't let anyone tell you otherwise all right good all right now we can work on things that's going to prove actual armed forces in this case go commandos also artillery this is a reason why you don't go for rebuild the Civil War national spirits the three of them because you just don't have enough political power you're gonna get the Spitfire now so you can produce those babies pump them out here only the swordfish you bombers as well I guess the the other side made a few bombers nice [Music] rushing the artillery suppose I don't really know how many guns I'm gonna need I'm taking a kind of a blind estimate here so this point that's the reason why I'm not changing out the supply lines I had a feeling that had way more artillery that I need but I wasn't certain that's why I didn't want to change out the production lines I think though for you boys make as many as we can how's the mobilization going we're at three point four percent and we have a total of six six seven percent ugly [Music] [Applause] the boys here our new guy look at this guy I've recruited this guy before I'm a previous game I'll just look at his face it looks so disgusted what a what a dude what a guy are you gonna go for that one that we can rush artillery we're doing for artillery good mm will not actually assign them to frontline just yet these building up your strength take a very long train to Train Mountaineers so when you change the templates out that's the reason why they take so long to and maneuver over you can't get any more Mountaineers and you're Marcus with Brooke the way the game works we'll just get two battalions of infantry it just based just means he doesn't have as much bite when pushing into mountains which is okay [Music] oh hang on what's the wrong dude it's that one I want to get rid of oh no it's wrong one um there you go at like one two three away Rhea officer so it's cool to see like these new portraits he'd never seen before he's like wait who's this guy who is this dude someone like this guy I'll be in the Eastern sign this will be in the western side go go go how are doing for guns we've got so many we can upgrade to the latest one in this case we're probably just barrack waiting for the m50 all right in the minute these guys are trained we can start fabricating on the United States there's a the way you can do it through national focus there's a wake of it by national focus the world revolution not today yeah we could join Germany and that way we can declare on that way we can go declare on America immediately well when they join the war anyway and I wanted we can annex the United States he's that supports a revolution in Mexico once again I don't know I don't know America's got 100 divisions and they're probably gonna be fat juicy ones as well nice make my life a nightmare my boys go here dude wait a few days national focus is just finished right yep and then we go to the Royal Artillery then we could stack that way ahead of time it is a triple we steal again a big surprise of this there we go right now our economy is a bit iffy right now we want to kind of balance civvies and militaries at minute we're just running slightly ahead on militaries guys are exercising how's the mountain is doing taking the time to exercise because that's what Mountaineers are they take a lot more longer to Train but these divisions are really fat so that means they can actually do some good firepower the only one thing we need for this now is watch your two things reconnaissance and support women will be really good energy is good for attacking over a rivers but they're more of a defensive brigade than an attacking one from my experience anyway there are a few upgrades you can get for them gives them more attack into urban and forts and other rivers but you've got a got work down the research tree for that just slapping them on and does not work [Music] I'm wondering if I should just make it to the 24 reserve right now a 4.4 mobilization we can go to 8% not have a percent 10% so how much extra manpower we're gonna get from this way a lot we're mobilizing so slowly I'm exercise for exerciser an entire army out me I'm just broke off my dude my Field Marshal it's probably the easiest thing you can ever doing waking the tiger war propaganda yes with war propaganda can go for war support and once I've got my defence Corps territory it's all core territory that's always good would always have one division to grab this because that will be grabbed I need a probably a handful divisions just to hold ports as well and that'd be fine as long as we can grab here that'd be good I do have a core on that too yeah and also need to be able to grab Alaska as well and just grab that port and that's fine actually nothing as a port no there's actually only one port in the whole of can Alaska so that's good we'll grab that one and that's all good good good good good good land doctrine boost and that Rocky Mountain is is a good one too Finland has been puppeted Mountaineers are getting trained that's good guys are almost done that's good I don't think we need to train all the rest of them because we're just gonna throw it away equipment once these guys are done and those ones burn we'll just wait for the mounted insta max out all right so these guys here can sort out this front line I don't what the hell is this again you girls go here and you guys yeah I think the reason why it does that is because you can cross over from here to here I need to make sure I've got reserves to pull up holes that's really important that Oviatt influence in Europe oh boy it's good that we can go for the guns and then we can change our we're gonna go from 200 a day you're 50 or observers gives extra plus-one reconnaissance which is going to be worthwhile to get the tactical advantage at this point we can add on honest ins may be difficult to choose between support equipment our reconnaissance they're both useful we've got loads of manpower again there can we make another 24 stack that'll be really epic if occurred maybe another 18 these are gonna be ones we're going to pump out and they're either gonna be reservist or they're gonna be one holding Coast lines oh and he's given Newfoundland to United States destroyers for bases actually gives land in Hawaii for we ice appear which is pretty good too we're gonna go for the attack these guys are trained but we are gonna have to exercise them they're gonna let a little while we are going to need we are going to need support artillery on those Mountaineers to get the most bite yes a plan to begin with is to use my air control and push through here [Music] a few bombers or might as well use them really nervous of counter-attacks in these areas but that's why I need reservists and we got one dude here this one yep this one isn't it yep feel like I want to no no no no no no no no no no yeah go yeah to here yeah been the wrong thing again I've gave it to the wrong general the these two at one yeah Oh enroll these are the reservists I don't know where I'll deploy these all where I'll need them but I think here will be most likely well they're gonna be needed the most and there's no other pause I don't think if so is there here and here it's gonna be one there everyone here I don't think I need to push you to Vancouver but we'll see oh hang on no I will need someone here I need to assign it to you first then pop you yeah there we go anyway yeah oh my god I feel like such a developed Canada and I'm big boy Canada all right do you justify retake core territory Newfoundland oh my god and it takes 60 days we have to wait for them to join the war against the Germans that's what we need to do this [Music] we'll change your voice to white or Manhattan to template and then level three these guys should do decent a soft attack very good soft desert all right we are pretty much ready for war now we just need to wait for the gem that the United States to join the war therefore move divisions all around the world and that way I'll have an easier access into the United States that's the plan anyway and whether that actually plays out that way I don't know balls through that's right boys we've invented the best artery in the world but we still haven't mastered the radio yet and we hire a new league dude [Music] Hey I'm back that's right you didn't even know the time would pass but it has by a massive margin because the United States refused to join the allies until now that's right boom but this just shows the reluctance of the United States to join the war guys in this scenario because well Germany's already taken out the Soviet Union look at that font the font does not get any bigger does it let's find out so little Czech Germans applause the Navy gnat kingdom is holding the channel with their Navy Japan has been at free rein to pretty much conquer all of India by themselves they've done that because well the United States has not been in the war it just decided to join so something that I've done in this game even though historical turned on us cause the United States to join the war only a really late period why I just don't know I really don't know there we go anyway we're gonna tie the United States now okay let's join the war and let's do the stuff actually have we got more planes yeah we should take care of that we may have too many planes and let's go you guys are gonna attack with a very hefty big fat Mountaineer division's hopefully not to take too many casualties but they're attacking into mountains and I love the technique of mountains because I'm a mountaineer oh yes Vichy France has got the aluminium Venezuela has the oil of course of course so initial objective is gonna push in to the ante landed behind me nice we have destroyers here where did I get the destroyers from do we have that Navy here from the start of the game no okay these boys here okay oh I forgot this we need to do this immediately and then we also need to grab at a Newfoundland - we do have some 18 reservist here we will pull them into position if need be so if anyone doesn't really understand why I did here I needed to wait for United States to join the war against Germany John the Allies to the coast because that means their divisions will now be all over the world the problem would be in France somewhere around here as well and the transporting troops all over the place of the UK and we need to have less divisions in mainland the United States so I can attack the Americans and so far wishing to be blitzing through them with the relative ease to nice non-aggression pacts don't careful those New England trying to land on us here don't want these guys to push up I need to be able to take Boston Conn province province and New York then we can cut off New England and oh it's here they've landed that planet above was interesting I don't really know how big these divisions are we're working on an atomic research by the way we went for the atomic guy it's still pretty tricky to research too far ahead as Canada yeah I tried but I can't make any guarantees that can we be a bit more aggressive Mountaineers please come on guys a little bit more aggressive come on I believe in you yeah so here we should be doing lots of firepower against them sort of that look no waiting for a battle there we go yeah oh my goodness look at that defense holy moly a beautiful slice through Newfoundland beautiful and they're pushing against us in the north they're not a massive surprise I knew they would a little bit the back-up plan is that we could form a defensive line here and then that will hold the most industrial part of Canada all right that's good you guys are pushing in but should we ground there we go and then this area's all cut off once we take Boston we have air superiority yes we do but a lot of Spitfires only 20% air superiority that is interesting and well we'll just do to make life easier just assign them onto our air wings and naval bombers I don't care about them anyway a really hard time breaking Boston oh maybe not oh my goodness the firepower just sometimes just pays off to just get really big fat soft attack divisions I don't know it just feels cheesy but it works gonna delete six of these guys because we need the manpower cuz we go service power requirement no we cannot we don't have enough war support we need to do propaganda really difficult in your fascist nation to do war propaganda and we'll just stop for the time being these are I've got supply from somewhere that's so frustrating anyway I think we're gonna focus primarily on closing the pockets ice move everyone up and it's like you guys you and railroad you I've you just to clean this up and everyone positioned good I'll have access factories now do we put them in fighters I think that's a probably a good idea lack of resources is absolutely painful we can close our economy too so we might do that i justwe know we're just nowhere near enough firepower look at this poise a without a second thought I pushed directly into the mountains why is the combat with so narrow pursuit that's well high oh damn yes come on why are we all moving back [Music] oh my god and the recaps Boston one the game speed was a lot higher they have to go a lot quicker and get this done with but we've got late game lag going on right now oh my goodness this is so annoying oh they've got these boys off in the north as well I think what's like you guys a pop you guys yeah I don't know why I tried to draw up an offensive line in my own territory it was a bit weird are we instantly breathing that's so awesome to see alright so you guys are going now we've been aggressive right it's gonna push into them it's in the mountains once again shocker the firepower on the divisions are still pretty good so they're always going to put up a bit of a fight the only way you can defeat America okay so in the old days you used to have to defeat America really easily by flipping two flashes and then justifying on the United States straight away now they start again Dominion is was really weak so if you probably say in the church dude this is so easy well yes it was easy in the old days but now in the days of together to victory it's significantly trickier because you have to follow the focus tree and there's lots of nationally Nationals nasty national spirits in a focus tree for Canada is a bit annoying but that's how it plays out we go perfect why is so good right now is it this Airport maybe and everything else is going we've got a scan of a front line here this is completely burst [Music] let's go here good that we captured Alaska nope these guys are dead slightly annoying but we're gonna attack into the core lands I just want to kill those two divisions that was my mine priority so frustrating to cut them off here and not be able to get the encirclement straight away will capture the airport and this picture pointing that mine make the amount of supply and no guarantees there and how's the supply 15 they're still insane amount of supply for an area that has no poor as insane it usually says when you hover over it doesn't it says local so is all supply from the directly inside of the tile itself they're landing behind this in this island that's cool I don't care anyway I'll go serve aspire requirement we could close our economy there war bonds I'm gonna take a little gas that the airport might be giving a lot of supply but not certain of that 15 to my goodness one on the arriving via in 15 15 we can push into this guy and push into here you guys can go here and I've got one extra division here now so will for sure alright the area's closed oh my goodness Norway's been defeated I bet they got invaded through the Arctic very rarely I see the German AI invading Norway from the south they always do it from the top when the Soviets have already collapsed these are all convoys probably supply convoys from around the world we're gonna run our convoys pretty quickly if we're not careful anti-tank all reconnaissance the fall of Pearl Harbor Wow that happens quite often in a lot of games that it doesn't really tell you if Americans are winning or losing their movement speed is so bad River air superiority oh wow we seemed to be shredding through that plane so that's interesting why is going on here guys we lost 26 in the last day days and they've lost to leave us 265 that's insane all right done all right well that feels good that we've actually made some headway all right you guys saw that out that's good we've got our Mountaineers we've got them all in position too so this is usually a good objective to slide through the center well maybe we could oh do you know what we should do we should try something really cheeky I've never done this before I'm really curious to see if it will work we should slice through Detroit and Chicago and see that's possible oh I'm so excited to try this I feel like every time you play - you invade their the United States do Canada you always do the same way so I want to mix it up and try some a different pellets well we're lacking a lot of accuracy and that's done oh this bulge is really scary I think we are going to do that yep I think we are gonna do that and those guys got surrounded so they're dead so I can't they span them I'm boys atomic research 111 days I don't think we're gonna get nukes before the end of the game counter-attack here is a little bit disturbing oh don't take New York back if you always should just take all the factories here but they're not going to want to try something different listen okay I just want to enjoy the game just let me play a bit differently pawns are you joking me all right well that they all come up by by the way I mean I've said this once I mean I've said this a thousand times but my I enjoy how for so much more when the game is really going quickly this late game lag is so painful please donate to patreon so I can buy a really fat CPU and when I play the game the Let's Plays are significantly shorter in length all right let's go my goodness so easy easy oh I don't know the river crossing it's pretty fun oh my god the Americans are resisting a few divisions need to make sure that man powers top top can't believe it we just can't go service by requirement the only way we can go service by requirement is with more than 0% the surrender process hang on Oh what you have to have compromised with the queue becky's or force québec in conscription to go service by requirement so you can never go service by requirement if you don't do one of these and you got on the production wow that is HUGE they're so big I feel like I never want get rid of depression then I never want to do war field economy because she could never get off service by get on service by requirement go any further than extensive conscription that is insanely broken holy moly Wow I is insanely broken I was actually nice up supply which is nice so I guess what I could Vantage of that we're gonna aggressive - that's good and one of you guys go yeah what yeah we have our control yes we do and the missions don't seem to be doing anything instantly shoot them down which is good a lot of XP right now for air so we can make a nice spiteful you are going to do that's you independently defeat those three divisions they're out supply right not they're in supply still I don't know how that works but they're Western Canada trying to land like that from the rear and East in Canada and they've successfully landed can't believe this I've never seen a maneuver like this before the AI is landed behind us insane okay I don't even know what to say are they getting supply no let's hope they burn out okay I'm boys aren't doing too well not those didn't too many though cuz I'd about 95 didn't I I have a funny suspicion that one of the reasons the game's slowing down is due to the convoys these lot like never ending like naval battles and I have a feeling because in wake of the tiger that's get gets fixed that might no longer be an issue it's a gas shot in the dark but I have a sneaky suspicion that is going to be the case and to attack in the center Yaron supply though in a crap-ton of planes we pop that up to there oh no oh my god game really I it's difficult to see sometimes that you've selected more than one Air Wing I know probably looks obvious but I guess maybe it's just when you get late game and this there's a lot going on for doing any missions bombing zero percent you'd really do with a little bit of a little bit of firepower from the Germans but they can't get unwise across the Atlantic due to the British naval control goodbye Western Canada I'm not really too happy how much losses I'm taking right now but there's no way around this thousand light tank spray same we pop the surjective z' here hmm maybe we in position curve go step off his plan and want another attack I'm gonna met I'm not really enjoying this the late game slowdown is taking a massive amount of my enjoyment now this I'm actually I can confidently say if I do grind this out for another hour I can defeat the Americans well I think they all are concept of this this build was to demonstrate how to play Canada and glitch it and take out the most make the most of it and I think if you hold here and then just hold key Becky in East and Canada you'll have enough factory output to defeat the Americans it's it's tricky to pull off why should no it's not the build itself is pretty straightforward it's just the fact that right now we're experienced in late-game lag and if you look at the top right here I'm on five speed and look at the speed that I got them it's going my poor CPU right now is sweating and it's like Dave come on give me a rest bro come on yeah but no it's too much hard work and it's probably reasons why most 44 games it's too so the late game like being so ferocious the bike I'm sort of obsessed with you guys but I am when this one here not the ending I would have liked but once again I have to say to myself like do I really want to sit through this for another hour and a half I'm just grinding tails what might one while the game speed is so incredibly slow I'm answer to that is no if you enjoyed this guy's nothing to light don't forget to subscribe don't forget if you do subscribe ring the bell to be notified of future episodes and I'll see you guys at the next one feel free to try and recreate this build you feel right you want to make an improvement upon it feel free to send me a screenshot and discord or Twitter now I have a little look apart from that voice I'll see you on the next one have a good day buh-bye
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 74,032
Rating: 4.8557529 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 canada, hoi4 canada guide, hearts of iron canada, hearts of iron 4 canada world conquest, hoi4, hearts of iron iv waking the tiger, hearts of iron 4 strategy guide, hearts of iron 4 advanced guide, hearts of iron 4 how to attack, hearts of iron iv waking the tiger gameplay, hearts of iron 4 guide, feedbackgaming, Paradox Interactive, feedback, how to, Lets Play, Walkthrough, paradox interactive, lets play, hearts of iron iv, hoi iv, world conquest, hearts of iron 4
Id: qLwoTgf8lNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 8sec (5108 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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