Hearts of Iron 4 The New Order Last Days of Europe Mod Is BONKERS

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what's going on everyone it's me yeah boy oh my god alex the rambler and today we're on hearts of iron four i'm playing the mod which literally hundreds of you have requested a new order last days of europe uh this is the alternate reality mod where germany uh wins and it's now like 1960 something and we get to look at the state of the world and just how well i i think that this image here sums it up oh sorry the new order not a new order what did i say did i say it i don't know anyway so um because hundreds of you have have asked me to play this um please do if you haven't already subscribed about 50 of you that watch my videos aren't so if you want to be notified of when you get to see more of this guy do it and also leave a like 5000 likes would be fantastic to reach and also a comment what do you think of the mod have you played it yet i don't know just whatever you feel like commenting really hello everyone just to let you know that games planet have a big old summer sale on at the moment in case you're looking for some uh rather fancy deals and that does also include a 75 percent off from the base edition of house of infor just in case you've been watching these videos for years and have never actually picked it up uh most of the dlc as well is also on sale as you can see here fifty percent off most things apart from malaria which is still 10 off and if you do purchase anything from that site using the link in the description uh i also get a little percentage of the sale as well so it helps me and it will help you get some decent deals all right cheers uh in order to increase the chances of this video even being monetized i'm going to request the editor to plot my face wherever they may be any symbols that aren't advertiser friendly you're going to have your work cut out for you so a new water has descended upon the world uh the world has been forever changed yesterday's great empires are now dust under the boot of today's victors a german lands on the moon oh in america the old system lies shattered the mediterranean power balance lies on a knife edge etc etc i have played this a couple of times before and like the demo versions i haven't actually played any of the any of this now but i thought it might be fun to play as the uh kingdom of england so we're led by alec douglas home we're on a voluntarily on democracy uh we have such things as across the channel ah that's not good cannot train disband or edit unit templates uh-oh oh dear that's not good either her majesty's most loyal resistance has been a persistent annoyance for over a decade absorbing the communist and rogue military units which form the majority of their assistance and then we could have these things keeping ahead the king's speech and writing on the walls uh so it seems that oh england was actually invaded i presume by germany in this timeline and now england faces its darkest hour with no arthur to save it don't worry you've got alex better than king arthur who needs that guy so this is the state of the world uh just in case you weren't aware mr nixon is in power over here we have a happy looking english fellow over there uh russia's just split up into all of this just a complete and utter mess australia still exists hey and so does new zealand all right it appears the italian empire uh did they try to damn the mediterranean in this timeline and it's all gone a bit really quite terrible yes uh it appears um devolution has hit england we've got the kingdom of england cornwall wales and scotland and yeah oh fresh when i tried to subscribe to this mod it said it had been uh dmca i don't know why who knows yeah i don't really know i don't really follow mods developments i just see when they're released on the workshop i'm like oh that seems like it might be fun of englishman and the rest of the world what is there to say okay well if you want to read this um i'll just scroll down now or you can subscribe to the mod yourself it's definitely a very well developed mod i would say though i don't like the ui this glowing neon just does nothing for me it makes it really hard it's been cleaned up since the demo that's for sure like it's not as bad as it was but i just struggled like this i know a lot of effort has gone into designing this but it just doesn't work for me i don't know maybe that's just me so we're in the uh unity pact scotland isn't i think scotland's got their own independence wow britain is a land of chaos a land of unrest a land of opportunity whom shall rise and whom shall fall is left up to those who take power for themselves that the winner take it all taliha huh seems like scotland might be the best place to be in the in the 1960s in this world well let's go for tick-tock tick-tock the surrender of the united kingdom at the end of the war unfortunately wasn't enough to keep dissidents quiet in england got quite a sizable army though still 19 divisions that's not that's not terrible i'm squinting just trying to see what everything is montgomery stayed loyal all right montgomery there you go i always hate this sussex doesn't encompass kent okay kentuc i don't even know what i meant to build really so we're in uh defcon 2 and the world tension is already 75 growing chaos in germany it would be nice if there was an option to disable the schwa sticker i have no problem with seeing it in a historical context but it could be very hard to monetize videos that are set in a historical setting especially especially one that's primarily set in ww2 um so i know in the base hearts of iron there isn't the shraw sticker can i get demonetised for even just saying that word oh well i will find out right but just in case you're watching this and you've never seen a video of mine before and you're like why the heck is he playing a mod that contains the schwa sticker uh it's because the modders this is their this is what they've done it goes without saying i i think that what they did during the war is abhorrent uh and i and i do not support that ideology in any way or shape or form these videos are just meant as entertainment they're not meant to be political statements at all i don't even know if i need to say that in a video it's just i just in case you were thinking that for some reason i hold extreme right wing ideologies i don't to me uh seeing this is the equivalent of seeing it in a game like wolfenstein etc right there's no at least from my point of view and i i know the very right and i can't speak for the modders but it's it's it's wow there is so much detail to this timothy o thatery considered himself about as normal as one could be under the circumstances okay so that's just talking about uh various people's experiences um so we can either go for the prime minister's speaks we'll enable a gameplay perspective from the government which includes preparing a safe speech for edward okay or a state beneath their feet which the ability to monitor the extent of the government's territory control i think we'll do the government's perspective england as a nation to compromise our very existent existence dependent on the fact that the germans consider us not worth the other to puppet us all her majesty's most lord no let's do it her majesty's most loyal resistance yes yes we'll do that i miss the regular colors of the map too like the ocean is very dark oh wow there's a ledger huh that's pretty cool griselda was only one part of her majesty's most loyal resistance hmm ah griselda wasn't fast on the return of the queen but more about her own personal vengeance well fine griselda so this is all about planning um and and and kind of running the resistance movement uh it seems uh all leading up to a king's speech and i don't know what goes on from there but this is actually the the the detail in the text they're putting in they put the f-bomb in there oh my gosh there's a map within a map game oh and it's oh boy oh my god and look you can actually you can touch it look it glows oh oh you can interact with a map within a map that is that is without doubt the most exciting feature i have seen in this ah so the north would be in yeah this the midlands are disputed and the south is firmly in in control of the government this is exciting holy moly i don't know what to do but if i just click on things that works right i can infiltrate the planet planets the palace ah okay so albert speer might be taking over the german reich i see canada doesn't appear to have a focus tree i think the usa does right oh my god so this is just telling the a story of griselda and her meetings with cell leaders there's so much depth to this opposites attract most of the her majestial residents are moderates by any sense of the word men and women who want freedom more than anything more specific who do they have writing this stuff this is this is this is great i i mean i'm not going to read it all out for you um but it's just like i think that they're all planning uh to invoke some trouble uh at the at the latest um king speech oh reach out to ofn contacts yes please the king's speech is shaping up to be quite the event some might want to break out the champagne and call it a day but london is practically being isolated in preparation for it hey they're stuck dumb freezing wait is my town in there no dover there's never anything here actually i don't i don't think they need to put the town where i grew up in that's not necessary whispers has reached edward whispers that her majesty's most law resistance intended to kill him at the speech something that he had initially refused to believe as surely no group loyal to his niece would kill the reigning monarch but at the same time a voice in his head had asked what if they were right edward hadn't got any sleep for days oh griselda on the other hand had memorized every guard rotation the writing on the walls so what is the current safety of the speech the safety of the futures edward species that's made to be around zero percent oh oh my god germany actually let england keep a lot of their navy and look at these little cute tanky divisions is hirohito still there no he's gone i guess oh no he's there he's there timothy oh flatter he was offered 500 pounds to stay at home on a specific day uh oh and then we go for the king's speech no more preparations edward goes live we will gain the ability to contest control of states by other decisions yes i get to interact more with the map within the map game i don't think i've been so hyped to see what happens this is clearly really detailed like they must have been they they've spent years creating this mod haven't they oh they've even got swansea i can't speak in a welsh accent my apologies uh my scottish accent is also uh not very good either i can do a cornish one though oh you got a brand new combination and i'll give you the key that's an actual song by the way the grenade toss had almost been perfect landing landing amongst the people behind the king rather than that at the trade his own feet but the result had been impressive nonetheless the king have been hustled off unharmed also the king didn't die and claude alkenleck who hadn't been sinned since the uh surrender has now oh he's leading the resistance okay claude an assassination attempt on edward the eighth in a stunning news today the king of england edward viii has had a narrow escape from assassination during which to speak i could do this in a time radio presenter voice shall i in stunning news today the king of england edward viii has had a narrow escape from assassination during a speech he was performing outside buckingham palace the assassin believed to be a radical member of the organization hmmlr attempted to flow a grenade at the monarch in the middle of the speech and was only stopped by the fact their device landed against members of the government standing behind the king shielding him from its wrath this is a public representation of the instability many have long believed hides behind the facade of civility in modern england give me a radio show auckland alexander and sterling hmm together they represent her majesty's most loyal resistance so we're already pretty popular in lancashire yorkshire newcastle yeah the east midlands and west midlands are contested so let's try and do a pop up yeah let's just try and increase support i don't know how long it takes so we can either go down for bill claude or sterling now claude is the original leader right so i think we should probably let's do that it's all about gaining strength and unity hmm yeah you're targeting the cells that should be good so increasing our weekly trend yeah i should probably do that in all of these contested states oh so cornwall has actually stayed occupied but they're technically a puppet of the kingdom of england i believe yeah with france okay let's get a the leader speaks propaganda has value something claude has come to know quite keenly for the fight for british english liberation then i'll do a flood of volunteers i'll probably regain some political power first it's kind of a bit weird how you share the political power with the government that you're trying to overthrow even while you're trying to role play as a resistance as a member of parliament and a war hero claude orton leck is afforded a certain respect by much of england he was the last man standing in carlisle after all and has such become the patron of several charitable organizations it's also it's just a coincidence there how imaginative resistance recruiters also frequent to the offense of course of course hey we've gained control of the east midlands uh the west midlands might be on its way fairly soon and i'm just gonna do a expand the cells in the seven then i might try and work on east anglia i don't know because in london only twenty percent okay staying in the north clawdog fought the last battle of the united britain around carlisle a desperate defense that culminated in being forced to surrender oh dear i haven't explored too much of carlisle but i would love to spend more time there it's a beautiful area of the of the country oh no the bergen dinions have successfully tested a nuclear device burgundy but why carl newcastle is really loyal and yorkshire lancashire me uh midlands is increasing ish let's dominate lancashire it's perhaps the third most populous area in england containing much of manchester and several populist towns okay yep let's do it oh italy wins against turkey all right but what did they get okay so now lancashire has 82 support okay we're very firmly in control in the north good i mean my support with them is already pretty good i think boop almost got the west midlands please oh good we have control of the west midlands now woohoo no epic launcher go away why would you pop up when i'm playing again collapse of german madagascar okay operation stock a surplus of munitions is a consistent problem for our organization quite so the mystery of lufthansa 302 so what essentially happened is when they uh left where they were flying to apparently the plane gets hijacked and then they fly to scotland and then they just land safely and it was all part of a plan just to let people get off the plane if they want to and defect over to a free and independent scotland which boop nice so we're doing pretty well i think we've got control of all of the northern most of the midlands so i think like the border if we do have a kerfuffle we'll be like so that's a nice front to defend from really oh wow gloucestershire really doesn't support me at all oh at least anglia they do hey well they're starting to at least but i take a long time for them to switch over i'll just target some institutions we have no support in gloucestershire oh dear so i'm going to lose a lot of guns and support because these things aren't going to complete did i just not read that properly activates mission inspection it doesn't give you it doesn't tell you what the mission is until it happens so i didn't know that i was meant to control these two that's not good oh well not much i can do about it why exactly the boss told us to head down to cornwall was fairly obvious we don't get along with the germans all that well yep be more practical so we're doing some bit of sabotage against cornwall call wallam dragon wales would join me come on wales he's gone so germany's probably gonna go into a massive civil war war now take what's ours we get a couple of thousand guns oh there we go a nice old kerfuffle so there's spears borman's gorings oh my gosh they're all at it now be a great time to rise up oh wow okay so i've already risen up uh shite i was hoping for a bit more time i also wasn't expecting divisions from east anglia so i'm gonna try and hightail it out of here give up norwich would try and gain northampton et cetera yeah my divisions in east anglia already encircled that's not ideal i thought this was going to be firmly under my control but i guess i was wrong either way that's annoying i better take liverpool shots have rung out across england yep okay we've been circled a few divisions up here so i probably just need to keep up the pressure and we've taken nottingham so we're getting like a solid base to defend from oh i don't like this i think i have to give up taking leicester i can't believe how badly i'm well not how badly i can't believe i am microwing and i've actually encircled a lot of their divisions now just gotta keep hold of that so i'm a little bit salty uh that the the cornwall has access to a freaking is that panzer division yeah i have no anti-tank i'm gonna lose shrewsbury you know when eunice don't i'm telling them to hold their attack right oh god so annoying so what i'm going to try and do is just shore up my defenses with a front line and pray we can hold and send my motorized damn they have divisions there we've encircled another division each one we take out just weakens them considerably more in theory it's just the cornish divisions who would have predicted the cornish can i somehow bee line it down to london seize the capital right from under them that'd be pleasant i can however encircle a couple more divisions around here it seems i can still micro when i want to every now and then you know put it to good use okay we're surrounded reading this is going all right this is going better than i thought it was then the panzer comes out of cornwall just like strikes at me in the middle of night what the heck this game is quite laggy i keep i'm saying that a lot recently aren't i hearts of iron is can be quite laggy i can't believe it though we do seem to successfully be holding and well we've made some quite good gains already where's the german civil war still going on it's just this tank division this tank division is really screwing me how why wouldn't they be like nah let's let's let's all just just chill out but no we'll cut them off in kent and then we've got london firmly surrounded unless this unless cornwall like tries to change that again take dover nice and then the battle for london begins i wonder if i have to take home i really don't have to defeat that tank but london should fall soon oh sweet victory oh her majesty's most loyal resistance has bested the kingdom of england and taken their first steps towards reuniting great britain and is that it we are now the english transitional government and without a focus tree so i i think that's where it ends yeah there's nothing else to do really could i justify manual use of this feature so i can't actually manually justify on anyone so that that is the end of this uh the kingdom of england tree i will say that it would be nice if they'd try to make these colors a bit more distinctive because it's really tricky to i don't know just to keep oh there's also germany they're not yeah there's not much meat oh i have decisions but there's no point in using that is there because we controlled everything oh there is a new tree undoing their evil so then it's just uh yeah you're fixing let's go around fixing england all right so you can assign commanders to everywhere i i don't really know what this does i presume it will help with stability an slp commander there are 15 seats begin to mobilization or clearing unexploded ordnance yeah we'll do that all right we just have a talk about disposal teams all right nice our stability continues to increase uh then i can do oh i have to do begin demobilization that's not going to be good oh dear then life begins anew we get a new event um we had no need to conscript and the vast majority of our fighters were militiamen or defecting soldiers okay nice great event thank you clearly clearly there are some bugs to uh to get to to finish sorry my brain is a bit of a scramble at the moment oh nixon resigns the oxford trials oh yes okay so we have to judge the collaborators i wonder what might happen to them let the trials commence all right do i get to do any now we must select our judges well i guess i can't so the traitor okay i you know when like i just don't care about all of these little things going on i'm just worried that if i disable like event pop-ups then i'll miss out on my own events but yeah if if if pladvavar goes to war with revita i'm over it you know did i not just turn them off or is that not for okay phil marshall burner montgomery you stand here in front of all of england accused of high treason uh i will do exile for montgomery oh guess the event uh alex douglas home uh oh dear all right it's all done the gavel strikes i've left some of them out uh just because i this mod gets a bit dark so um yeah i like to keep my videos kind of light-hearted if i can [Music] and then citizenship reborn at stake is the future of the monarchy the economy and the reconstruction process yeah like imagine trying to rebuild your nation in the 1960s after like 20 years of is it 20 years i don't know 10 20 years of occupation looks like borman's gonna win here yeah foreman has won all right and so dusk approaches thank you for playing through the full content for one of our nations oh we did it all right thank you um well there you go that is the new order mod if you oh my gosh look at all the people that have collaborated with it wow crumbs yeah that was that was good fun uh if you want to see more of this mod do let me know in the comments below and i'll be back very soon too many thanks to onion duck seth cutter stovavec maximilian foreman wyatt green zechariah mosby tyler colby tad house colby was taken matsuv vashq warren p george dave d y the don valhalla howls guzy dibs yeah boy da falcon ryan [ __ ] jake troku jiggly crotch used beef sean young and logan whaley for being ridiculous around the supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 124,913
Rating: 4.9082994 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, hearts of iron 4 challenge, the new order hoi4, the new order last days of europe, hearts, of, iron, four, the, new, order, last, days, europe, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, grand strategy, paradox interactive, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 mods, hoi4 mods 2020
Id: nd2P2g0UstM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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