EXPLOIT YOUR WAY TO GREATNESS! [1] Form Zimbabwe Empire - Hearts of Iron IV

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I'd like to give a massive shout out to the support from my patrons if it wasn't for you guys contributing to my work I will move to make these videos thank you so much it's fee button gaming back with another how to form a country series and today we're gonna be forming the African oh my goodness what is it called it's got like four different names depending on what ideology why if you don't already know guys if you are a different ideology in house of one for your name of the nation changes in this case it is called when you form it it's called crate the Zimbabwean Empire so this was the Zimbabwean Empire at its height South Africa will be referred to as a mutata I believe it's called the Zimbabwe Empire if it's fascist but we're not going fascist but we're gonna play South Africa it's gonna be your site's kind of mid maxi video it's kind of video where I get to chill because this is relatively easy because I've played this before and I kind of have a gist of how to play it we're gonna exercise you gonna make you a district force which is slightly larger template and we're gonna do something completely utterly different we are going to go for Hanks and South Africa I'm going to show you a way of going for tank a tank built in South Africa that's kind of on a budget three infrastructure interests of I'll just let you know this focus changes where he puts the infrastructure every time you load the game when you reload it it randomly selects one of the four states in South Africa if it's like this one bad luck unfortunately not only anything from that if it's likes one of these two you wash any of these three Tyrion's with the yeren log trans Valles good because it increases the amount of steel and it's just capital 2 so there's more supply the down says you can't build as an in there until you've gone for more dispersed industry thanks Mies and we are going to go through military factories early on because this is gonna be a war build I'm not gonna go for that one yet but we will go for it soon because that's gonna give us more steel we are gonna abandon Westminster ok it's time to go for our first trivia question to make you guys comment more on my videos and massage the YouTube algorithm I would like to like this video go ahead like the video it isn't like bang that like book blech that like blood give it a good full hand slap a bit of a backhander you get the idea actually don't need to do that what I really would like you to do is reply to this retrigger question so if you do know the answer to this trivia question please comment below with your answer the question is this in the Second World War what tank was most produced by the Germans which tank is the Germans mostly produced in the Second World War do you guys get that did I say that wrongly I felt like a word of that really badly but I think I got the point right I had to look this one up I do google it and actually look up find out the answer because I wasn't quite sure if you guys want to be a big brave big boy and don't look it up on Google which you can but you can't if you want to don't free to comment below in which tank you think was the one that jelly produced the most in the Second World War also we're currently doing a giveaway to give away a paradox DLC of your choice if you win the giveaway you get to choose which TLC you would like the link to enter the giveaway is in the description of this video and it is the pinned comment at the bottom click on the link there's many different ways you can enter feel free to enter and you have a small chance you have a significant chance actually of winning and getting a paradox DLC we are going to go for artillery we are also going off for the guns as well yes okay so we've abandoned Westminster we now have the ability to empower the workers we'll do Ethiopia is holding on for dear life so we can either go for mechanize offer construction I'm actually gonna go for mobile warfare you didn't see that coming did you no actually you can't you could have seen that coming cursor I am going for a tank build we start with this tank template now what sucks about this tank template is it's a tank division that can't go fast the only way we can make this go fast is to add motorized or cavalry basically costs as 30 XP to add cavalry I'd like to add artillery onto it too and reconnaissance but that's 50 XP I can't believe how expensive it is to do though so we're gonna have to make this division bigger to hopefully get more XP the larger this division is the more XP you will get from it that's why I'm making it bigger and bigger yes we're gonna empower the workers and then we are going to burn the royal portraits then we're gonna go for the railways and we're gonna hire the revolutionary so this series is slightly mid Maxine I've can refine this a little bit there would be ways you could do this more optimally ideally I'd recommend you go for artillery infantry over mobile what mobile divisions yeah I'd prefer you to go for our two divisions they're just more efficient they're better attacking and defending but the tank divisions aren't as flexible that sort but I thought about doing something a little bit different but the objective is to form the Zimbabwe Empire which you need this day this day this day and this stage is for stays and the overcome cause and you get quite a lot of pop from that as well three million or million or million quarter of a million and so that gives you a significantly more manpower or people power hey hey hey boom Dave miss me oh my god Republican Spain what has happened oh my good golly I don't think they're gonna survive if they lose the might if they lose Madrid right now there might be at the end of them three to one we're gonna support Speights only thirty five day focus but it gives us the option to get more organization gives us two option to send volunteers or two just to send a boatload of manpower which potentially if they win out lose gives us a national spirit delay mechanize cap you ensure free trade would be a sound option right now but I'm sad to think is that the right option for me though gonna send support in the form of manpower we're gonna go for the civvies are the royal portraits I think we have one more focus we can go for so we'll go for the mining industry because the reason we're gonna fire civil war is it does two things one it flips it's a communism and two it will instantly break us away from the UK so now have to play all that rigmarole of throwing political power and having to wait this is a quicker solution than having to wait and be doing that now we need additional hundred political power to fire a civil war we make this division bigger getting more XP from it that way and then we need a hundred political power then we can fire the civil war so we do anti-fascist raids that drops below 50% stability that allows us to ignite the civil war when we've got 50 political power and the stop exercise knew almost it you could make is if you continue to exercise you'll notice the division won't we have to move I've made that mistake before don't make that mistake they'll just recall why have we done this the reason why I've done this is it breaks us away from the UK instantly yeah breaks this away from the UK instantly and it also makes us instantly communist otherwise we'd have to wait to 50% books not gonna do this time because that instantly happened yeah and we're taking Cape Town yeah but the glorious war boys now that is a war I like okay I'm not a big war thirsty kind of guy you know and I feel like a war where no one dies that's a good war maybe there was some friendly fire maybe South Africans fire to each other thinking there were other South Africans technically in his South African Civil War the only people who can die are actually South Africans hmm Dave hmm hmm that really makes you think doesn't it that really makes you think that really gets the knock in jargon I don't know why I just did that we did that there we go we met one military factory which isn't too bad okay so right now we need to get more political power because we need to go for anti-colonial crusade why because it gives us an extra 10 percent war support which will allow us to go for partial mobilization now it's very useful for a small nation because you want to get mobilized as soon as possible oh my god I can't believe it the Republicans are actually winning now okay and also saving political powers gonna be so because we want to go for extensive conscription free trade is good though free trade is so good but I don't know when we're gonna have the opportunity to go for free trade antlerless riots in Cape Commun are we are the Cape commune I'm not actually too sure what the name of the nation is gonna be when we form the South African in Bob way can remember the name of the nation we can go for extensive but we can't do that really more than 20% war support so I think we are gonna go free trade let's just do it that's just commit to it come on Day be a big boy still make it let's get that free trade going a free trade results in more construction speed more factory output and more research time there we go bigger there but we lose our goods we only don't think we're gonna lose this steel though which is a bit of a bummer but we're not losing that much because we don't have a lot to begin with yes I thought this was all over boys but I guess not maybe the South African the Boris Boris Boris arrived from the doing that I always think up around that's what is it bores his bores isn't it they were like the Dutch South Africans weren't they all right construction is not that worthwhile is it think about this think about it look we've got artillery we've got ank's I think I'm gonna go for construction I think I need to focus on the industry we've got 50 tanks guys we're really going for aren't we anti-colonial crusade now we can go for ashram OBE and this part of focus tree I stopped but this point I guess I could say to myself I could go for the extra political power no so what this is gonna do is potentially gives us more factory output but no we'll come back to this we'll come back to this and it actually gets 5% more support as well oh hang on I can't do that until I've gone for this focus our balls maybe I just ignore it I've changed my mind geez man I'm gonna ignore it because what will happen is well tension will spike anywhere now get over 25% anywho now if you're not already where guys war support and will attention it tied into each other when world tension goes up and everyone universally gets more war support its the idea is that the whole world is interconnected and when the world goes into turmoil everyone is affected by in some way or some respect being the fact that it's a world war get the idea of world and it's the whole world damn alright so we looking on the Japanese right now cuz they're gonna go for their Marco Polo right now and I'll do or I took 20 with cuz we could always pump out 20 others this game progress will have more manpower eventually anyway - - so I've got history of segregation loses half of our manpower which is really annoying trying to catch up on technology you're not going for that cuz we want partial mobilization and I need factories really badly the easiest way of getting factories to South Africa's get through national focus this your industrial output is quite trash I'm curious to see if Marco Polo's gonna add enough world tension puristic or partial and imagine it workers this adds extra to doesn't it or one then you have the declaration of war which adds additional five maybe I don't know we'll see we'll see so ideally we want to make our tank division that's the first step and will pump out a little crappy infantry whichever diesel 25% boom the boys oh look and Japan's given up Beijing Remmy historic girls turn down right now and that's what's resolving that hmm hmm Wow so ideally we want 30 XP that's the minimum barely minimum that all hours to add on all we could have a pure tank division that just won't work because I'm attacking jungles I'm gonna suffer from soulja bad penalty it's extremely hot - man just tanks feels like all the wrong thing to do is South Africa it just feels like the all the wrong things but you know what sometimes what it feels wrong it's actually right oh my god boy D monetize all right instruction is done and we can go for excavation but will only result in more chromium so that's paintless I'm still exercising that scared we now have access to seven civilian output which we gonna go for extensive conscription we could step our way up to extensive over time and he's justifying on China almost like the Japan Japanese didn't want just Beijing didn't they they didn't want just Beijing they wanted a little bit more they'll be sadder than that in a that is just wrong on so many levels the only thanks is is a hundred and twenty twenty that could me one tank division and this is why we can't have nice things and we're doing for steel right now sub - for it's not too bad with wall support being so slow our mobilization is pretty slow as well you know we're at 0.9 right now with a maximum of 2.5 we're only mobilizing at 0.06 0.006 per day because a mobilization sucks because no one really wants to fight it's almost like war is like something people not opt for you know I people not really a big fan of it you know I wonder why so to make this division worthwhile and probably not to slap on loads of cavalry on a I'm not gonna gain XP one thing to know is the one division trick only works if you're not training any divisions but ideally I'd like reconnaissance on this division too and I also like artillery support I probably could go for the better tank division as well we go for industry and then we go for the research slot so I want to try and get this first industry three to once again we don't have a lot of factory output so you're trying to make the most of what little we have for another horse boom we could always bang out these visions of lightning speed anyway how many of these can we make make 15 of them you need lots of we need lots of guns need to make sure the production of guns we stay on top of so one thing I know is - is you don't need to make an airforce to South Africa due to the lot the large air zones in South Africa what southern star of Africa and the lack of airports you don't seem to see much money people contesting the air zones in these regions there's something I've noticed all right sensitive conscription and we can also go for the armored expert that's the reason why I've done this by the way and go for armored expert and I can I go for maneuver going get a fast tank division like plowing through Africa all right so as useless radio is useful doctrines will be useful to artillery attack is probably gonna be more useful so are we getting ready to attack Portugal now I think we're reaching that point we need at least two of these though yeah we need two of these and then we need to train a bunch of infantry to I'll do a brilliant so factory output or the research side I think we need one research like just the one now and then we go for disperse industry it was just about a year had six months ahead we can get it must good this war has been grinded on for a while total mobilization I've never seen AI and the civil war go Tomo Wow what's their war support like I wish there was more ways of getting higher war support is there any way you can do it as if well tension gets high enough in a new fire war propaganda that's the only way you can do it need 50% world tension to do it and an extra horse unto you or you boys and then delete you yeah oh yeah yeah we are boys we're gonna promote you gonna get into a new guy oh it's a horse guy okay that's alright okay I'm cool with that hope you boys hear like half of you and Bob yeah yeah good exercise a wee bit oh my god we're actually prepared and then we could probably grown into the four dudes we're definitely prioritizing the tanks yes that's good exercising you boys do very well with the tank production here are we we probably should assign a few more on what's the oil penalty like send the research slot then we start working on fabricating on Portugal yes look on the artery which is going to be our base damage anyway raelia we're going to war so we need to prepare from the attack now don't we this is the reason why you got the military factories at South Africa so you still out you do add on more and more as time goes on but you because you're going to war in the first few years of the game you've you've got to do it well I got the event ah so you don't get the event so the the are the Republicans have to win to get the National focus event Wow okay then you realize that so just give you the heads up if the Republicans win the Civil War once you've said and support with manpower you get a national sprayer that fires that gives you a +5 organization of some like veterans of the Civil War or something like that and probably like the other day that just exchanged up okay there you go so whether they win or lose you get it whether they win or lose it all matter all right what are we doing so I think army expert right now would be a worth what I mean then we can go for liberate the Portuguese colonies so the beauty of the focus tree for South Africa communist South Africa is you get the ability to fabricate and you know all the neighbors a lot quicker they will start working on the doctrines to I mean organization is a flat attack and defense value they start dark attack in diverse we just means you can last longer in combat which is always good and where we were maxed out and we get split you boys off just to exercise them a little bit that's all what division have they got so it's just infantry here infantry I can't see what they've got more divisions would I'll put you we put you here a smaller infantry train a lot quicker I think when they've got tank divisions mobile divisions in them they don't train as quickly reason why didn't gain XP as quick for the twenty thirty days and then we can start declaring as he wore the one battalion of Tanks is [Music] sixty tanks okay I'm gonna need 120 tank before I can add another battalion on the more tanks we've got on the more breakthrough the more armored this tank has a toll on the value of 5.3 this infantry has a pacing of four so yeah so it's very close to getting pierced but it that way all right what are we doing boys we onto it are we on air let's go boom radios done we can go for encryption excavations useless to us actually maybe now we'll gain 10 percent more so that's an extra three okay see it's kind of you saw this point Wow Wow and they gives extra soft attack for our divisions are going to attack [Music] but planning running bonus we need to add a more soft attack on to our tiller onto our tank evasion tank divisions are gray because of their black damage values their flat breakthrough values but if they haven't got the softest out and they're just useless on the breakthroughs principle pretty good and III don't really like doing this because I lose my planning bonus but I'm gonna have to do it Michael we're actually breaking them really quickly oh my god guys am i under oath from the rest of me in tanks here I didn't realize they were that they were but there you go I'm totally wrong totally wrong need you guys to stay here I want to try and encircle that I mean cuz that's the reason you get tanks right you do it because you want to encircle there's there any other purpose of Tanks no thanks cannon circle that's the beauty of them a beauty of them again patently that the tank is probably not hard enough was it the tank division gone on dude go go the terrains probably heard me in the rivers blasts good we've managed to break through anyways that's good the reason why I didn't set the frontline to the border of Angola is because there's nothing to lose here other than for military factories Wow is this the series of what whoopsies is this the series where I'm gonna let go to say whoopsie like a thousand what's going on I've got our supply that's good you have to make sure that they don't break is here cuz they don't they're gonna causes a lot of problems oh there we go they broke them that's good oh I know why he's not getting Panzer leader he's not getting Panzer leader because the reasons he's not getting pants on it because the division this army consists mainly of infantry that's why you guys are gonna go here and then railroads yeah okay so we can't go for work on him because we are wall supports too low you know what the last minute we could get this and get the extra liability this off the top why not let's not make our tanks better why not okay and then we do Belgium no we need to get the extra Searchlight so do we get political power which we don't need and factor output which we don't need we don't need the manpower we don't need that that's extra political power that's all it is so in that case we need to start working into Belgium fabrication or the extra search like we do research flow how was Europe doing oh it's oh my god it's the 10th of December 1938 I thought it was 1939 oh my god we all way ahead of schedule boyos we are way ahead of schedule oh look at this Matilda's are you proud of me daddy Matilda's [Music] all right okay that's good we can go for breakthrough now right that adds to the cavalry yep all right well there now you guys do the frontline business everyone goes here oh my god you guys don't even have to move that's awesome I miss underestimate the power of just weak small battalions you know you I feel like this is something I should do more often you know I want to go 420 with tanks that's where I want but ideally if I want to do this I'd want to take these guys out in the center [Music] we're gonna rush through the center I don't think there's any reason why we should move just bash through them encircle these on the right and these are all planes - that's high temperature I think where I'll do is disable that and then you go oh no yeah hang on a minute wait why are you guys attacking you're all on the horse happening anymore is this guy artillery - dude my guys got artillery he's is he passing the tanks I don't want that I want encryption no he's not where's the other tank there we go surely he should be to break that no way he's removing most these divisions consists of softer tag but why there would even be hit in the tank because of the hardness of the tank it's only 34 percent hardness is not that hard he said alright guys you've enjoyed this episode room to like and to subscribe don't forget when you subscribe don't paint the bell icon if you don't hit the bell icon it's like you're not subscribed to all unfortunate that somebody YouTube works these days I don't make the rules I just follow them I hope you have an awesome day and I'll see you guys next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 205,957
Rating: 4.9071159 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron iv waking the tiger, hearts of iron 4 strategy guide, hearts of iron 4 advanced guide, hearts of iron 4 how to attack, hearts of iron iv waking the tiger gameplay, hearts of iron 4 guide, feedbackgaming, Paradox Interactive, how to, Lets Play, Walkthrough, south africa hoi4, hearts of iron 4 south africa guide, hoi4 forming zimbarwe, hearts of iron 4 form mutapa, Mutapa, formable nations hoi4, formable nations hearts of iron 4, south africa formable nation, Zimbabwe
Id: sTRzIZyuGUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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