HIDDEN INSIDE TRUNK I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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away we go I know I know those pews they gotta be in here somewhere maybe maybe in the giant trunk we still haven't looked let's open our back up Georgia guys check this out check this I got my special safety shoes on all right I for sure thought you'd put tennis shoes on I even remembered to all you want to see if we find the pews make sure you subscribe and hit that Bell notification right now go ahead do it it's free [Music] I actually like this one with all the show officer you think I could get this one for a steal without getting arrested number two I'm not going to jail a lot of these boxes one two three four I don't know six seven right here look at this this one's labeled on let's take a peek and your favorite George your favorite look at this oh my goodness all with the tags the ABCs of sleep alone back crib do not place this Benny bear in your baby's crib safe nights save lives okay so what do you think these all hospitals for a newborn could be like is that the the fight off what do they call that since yes all right let's see what's here oh my goodness look at this wait wait wait something else is down here we've got the top we've got Benny bears Benny bears org okay Oh from Lorraine Benny bears are from Lorain Ohio that's that's where you're from nice nice we got me good Rand new plastic bags who doesn't need those right alright that's it here this has done by done what it must mean I bet you done means they put a tag on it I bet you that's written probably holy cow another one this one's sealed this box is sealed this is another one of wedding bearers we might have six hundred and twenty five dollars of teddy bears but I think you know what I didn't bring a connive but if you look right over there do you see this utility can i mm-hmm alright can you hand that to me all right here we go oh nothing in it alright that's alright you anyway things in here you have you're gonna have to start auctioning yep these ones okay oh yeah there you go so done men think they put their own tag so they bought these from Yoona pack brand-new done means they put their own tag on it so that is a ton of stuffed animals that's pretty epic start towards $625 investment look at this we got a shelf here we got tools all right this is a cue tape usually it needs batteries and that will push out okay no gas but [Music] let's see what we have in here so this this kind of thing there's always there's no junk drawers and drinkers there's always crazy stuff what is this we got pumpkin masters okay Oh what do we have here is bella 7y berlin oh maybe that's to the right Tim I don't know not sure what that is all right not sure what that is definitely junk in the junk drawer let's see what's in the trunk see if we got junk in the trunk oh look at this look at that already is that up get a bunch of oh yeah we got a bunch of cords phone cords so we should start holding on to those [Music] something's in there all right so that's where sewing machines you got shells there's a bunch of shells bunch of handles that might be the most expensive thing right there heart rate monitor stuff off the shelves we'll just go down the wall and then we'll load it up as we go so let's stop with the box it's no big big so it's better right here looky here you know what that is right look at that look at the intricacy on that oh my goodness okay what's the term ornate ornate intricacy are you ready yes beautiful box all right we should add that to our next game you wanna hear it okay definitely something in here alright well I'm gonna set that aside okay see let's see what's what else that looks like a makeup bag that looks like that probably goes to all that - wait wait wait wait no no no I'm there okay so there is oh I see money do see money all right look right down there there's money and nice silver 925 right there that's silver and I bet you bet you that school okay definitely put stuff in here there's a key all right let's see what's in here okay ready mm-hmm all right here we go whoo more keys all right hopefully man if we find a lockbox if we find a safe we already know we already have the pew pew pieces I must set this I'm gonna set that right there okay we're gonna go through the warehouse run the unit right now there's some kind of thing yeah here we go here we go yeah they need us out of here today sometime sweet way dad look at that you know what that is you know what that is that's money all right and then look at that 25 this is gonna be the one see this is the old matchbox right there look at that the double-decker bus that is the double-decker bus all right what else is in here George yeah I no longer can say I don't have a Kenai fin here yeah and now you're prepared this I don't know what that is but look at that later that could looks like a start of a blue tada okay we got a million different million different rewards and keys Celtic okay so those shipping supplies your favorite right there I do love finding shipping supplies okay and hard drive there's a hard drive don't worry the camera goes off to work as a matter of fact it's about an hour from the first clip to this clip [Music] gross my first year there's a tiara you should wear that no thank you there's a purse handles are you seeing what I'm seeing a card wallet purse 1000 dinero's right there I'm a citizen I reckon money that is how do you know it had Arabic writing on it oh how do you know Iraq on there no okay here's another here's another kidney key and here's money here's money okay so here's some coin down here definitely some money okay and there's more coin all right Oh guess what hmm found stamps 44 cents damn that's awesome always love to find stamps and yes yes okay stuff for there's Toys R Us that's gotta be worth money okay there is gonna be there it's like built a bear my very first library card okay I'm gonna have to go through all this and see how many actual how many actual gift cards we have here we go FedEx stuff here and I like it already that's not Gucci is it maybe Gucci Gucci [Applause] alright let's see what we got nothing there and look at all these cards look at all oh there we go my favorite right there goodwill yep that's the member right there shopping member like those like those a lot see what else we have remember when you try to get a discount at the restaurant by offering your goodwill yeah these are reward cards let's see if we have any actual she gave you the stink eye like I give you the stink eye when don't you doing those think uh it's a female thing okay all right so definitely we got to go through that we'll go through that later this that looks like looks like preschool stuff kids sakes let's let's look at this look at that chest piece is hand-painted this could be a nurse has breakable it looks like it was taped halfway let's see if somebody [Applause] look at this okay this hand-painted chess pieces I actually think there is gonna be some value here for that there's the castle some gargoyle gargoyles that might be pawns or nights I don't know no look at that that's pretty awesome you know what this means to me that means these guys were collectors and let's be honest chess usually you equate with nerds I like just I'm a nerd nerds like to collect things and therefore there's gonna be some money in here games if there's somebody that I know who likes playing games who doesn't love to play board games alright cranium now if you get the right board game you're looking at good money there's an old battleship was this is that what is this reality is a madness night where for your eyes every time they tell us the storage unit numbers at an auction when they're like 3 to 34 I always oh I think it's hilarious I think it's Hales Larry's okay there's some definitely some money it's the horseshoes by Spalding let's see if it's in there it definitely feels like it yep gold silver alright so that looks like they're camping all right here we go top tape foiled again oh come on look at this mini-golf hello kitty yes look at that that okay we got we got we games PET SHOP The Sims Bowling League never never have enough in bowling right what's that a CDC look at all these CDs nice I want to do a CD lot oh well I think you just got them CCR trans Clearwater Revival the concert nice white zombie so if you have the right CD CDs I mean I everybody obviously download some music nowadays but write CDs all you have to do is check on eBay yeah one can still go for taunts yeah especially the original stuff can go for thousands that's that's the most expensive CD I ever sold it was a gospel one for $50 we haven't had $1,000 to do you see what that says camping supplies my favorite alright oh they got tricky on us where'd that can ice go III told you I would lose it alright an old cooking supply set see what's under there oh nice garbage bags okay more meds than you could ever want first aid kit Wet Ones oh look at this look at that that's shovel for burying your poo they never even used it they never even used hang on to that one that one actually has a blade in it ah come on hang on but I would ever need that for we got paracord okay this that's what we need get backs that actually Swiss Miss right now because 105 degrees just isn't hot enough okay so this is definitely camping supplies I know my camping supplies I don't know much closer we are getting closer that big old trunk is up there we see military evidence we see evidence of a lot of things lots and lots of things antiques collectibles so that's pretty cool there look at this the artistic evidence so somebody was obviously an artiste yeah little drafting table some Hello Kitty some Crayola as well right see lots of cool stuff let's take a look here because we want it we want to get up to that look at this more hand-painted look at that look at that I bet these are chess pieces that's the king there's the castle yeah these are hand-painted chess pieces oh my goodness look at that there's the knight alright there is definitely definitely some value in here now how much that's that's a tough one so this is what we would actually put up for auction on eBay because how do you put handcrafted value on something that there is nothing else out there like it right she was in here oh we got Girl Scouts craft box this should be good the troop 303 and troop 303 what troop were you in George none the goof troop that's what you were in remember that remember that one that was on TV oh look at that watching Batman and radio me Bart man and radioactive man somebody was into marbles but they weren't smoking the cigarettes all right let's see how a my dentist everything is loose okay I think it's safe to say we have an absolute ton of craft supplies here right yes all right no doubt we got craft supplies we'll go through this all 800 memory card isn't there always let's see there it is memory card badda Bing badda Bing badda boom Sunday night Sunday night on our live Q&A every Sunday night that is 9 p.m. Eastern Standard we go over every flash drive every memory card we show you we show you what's on there so we'll set that aside didn't see that one coming all right let's we've made some crazy things on memory cards we won't show it all another box labeled fragile let's see is gonna be kerosene lamps it is gonna be kerosene lamps see yep there you go kerosene lamps that is made in the USA I do not want to open all of these let's just died and let's start getting in here we go alright let's see all right we've got backpack oh we've got oh sweet still a cup you want a snack nope all right hand offer you this excel backpack and we have we've got all kinds of whatever that is there's the oh that's for a router isn't it okay so all the router information is in here that's that's interesting okay I guess if we have the router all right nothing in there we've got the tourist okay this is American tourist this is usually pretty sells pretty well we'll just sell this warehouse look at that new gloves are you destroyed this is what happens when you're a full-time professional treasure hunter see that this isn't from picking my nose people that's from picking up all this trash all right here we got we got a beautiful quilt okay that will actually sell really well we got some more oh we got some more stuff we got some more stuff all right let's see what oh look at this look at this looks like we got jewelry boxes all right eat seeds and all pick canary fries five cents I have no idea what this is do you know what this is all right I have no idea what's like watermelon Oh Jamaica Rum boots on I don't know what that is what are those cards oh maybe they're postcards jamaican postcards maybe Jamaican me crazy money maybe it's not from not on them maybe they're making postcards okay see where we have here you know Oh so whoever there's more stuff over there look there's a bank bag okay is this any idea no idea okay I don't know no clue no clue on this one all right where you want to start maybe with the gas masks is that is that Iraqi is that Arabic uh it's not Arabic because that would maybe explain the money that we found earlier if they this is for gas masks right yeah so or that or that works for this one or the other I might I might just hold on to these case you start passing crop-dusting me again all right let's see what we have we've got we got a wizard that's probably pewter right there there's a little wizard bag with some money and I have some changing it's a okay here is Jack Daniels 1913 gold medal Pantages chapter member Auto Club what's the owl Club Harry Potter possibly Harry Potter made all right let's see what we have here these gloves offs not like they do anything with holes go through a pair of gloves a week I must see the real silver is it 9:00 to 5:00 it is it is right 9:00 to 5:00 this is silver I bet that's black onyx look I can get it that far I can get it to knuckle number one mm-hmm knuckle number one look at that that is that is 925 labeled that's probably black onyx and look at all the little little pieces there as well all right there's there is some money right there right there nothing that's a great find George yes can you see this both of our favorites connive daggers I'm starting to think are you thinking well I've seen some other things and we haven't shown everything obviously we're not going to show everything we got a local working but I've seen some other things that all the GABAA you name it it would it would lead to me to believe witchcraft so this doesn't look that where I know though look at that cool piece but even that like we found some other like this what did I do with it this thing we've been finding stuff like this remember right we did show the one thing that had the the fabric in it just like little weird things that you would think that they would like okay like this for example like this all right here you go this I mean I guess that doesn't prove it but all right these are nail files but all right weird stuff like this okay we've been seeing weird stuff like this half burnt candles just weird things and little containers and we haven't shown the whole thing the Loden as we load like you don't that doesn't make you think that it is weird I find it very odd and well there you go look at that right there the bearded curtain or beaded curtains mystical moon okay I think Scotland there's another bullet right there right there there's another bullet here's another bullet we found hollow points earlier but oh there's a key alright just weird stuff like that we've got rainbow petrified wood back that hour okay so when I say weird stuff I mean stuff like this okay not weird on its own but you put everything together then you go okay Pizza start to come together alright so we've got there's the walking dead 9 1 vol.3 from the library okay what's this what do you think that is it is the Celtic knot okay well we have seen a ton of Celtic stuff - maybe it's maybe this is part of Celtic stuff United States of America half dollar it's a Liberty half dollar it's a 1943 Liberty half dollar nice but why would it be in here okay so right there there is a Liberty half dollar that is silver anything 1964 earlier silver see we have here right there first Federal Savings and Loan we've got oh we found the pews okay well these are oh that's great what these are the Bears so this is what they were using the hairs go there right there right there okay so that's that another jewelry box feels like it and we need a key yeah we might have to use one of those nope no no no this is you push sideways okay I was going down I got sucked okay here we go [Music] Wow is this look that's labeled c4 do you know what c4 looks like uh-huh neither do I apparently it looks like that what is this look at that there's the wick and there's black powder this is heavy this is this is definitely I mean whether you want to call it a small stick of dynamite or what it's definitely in it and then look at this what what woman what woman fills their jewelry just with explosives and ammo and shell casings [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 62,359
Rating: 4.9126639 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: B-Z51uSwZqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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