3 COIN TOWERS Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY / ASMR

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that had to be the most epic coin pushing phenomenon I've ever seen in my life yeah lucky sock could have done better hey and if you want to see more what should they do George make sure you subscribe hit that Bell icon so you get notified every single time we release a new video and when we go live every Sunday let's do it it's pretty easy yeah that's free there's no 99 it's just free [Music] you like this one that much because of the top would you look at that yeah but we have no clue with the 500 we have I want I'm not gonna ask you go house starting with the lucky 25 the $500 chips or the square chips yeah are kind of used like in house credit okay so you know pretty so you can use it okay so you can use it at the casino which would mean that we could actually use it as a buy-in on the machine again right yeah so we could actually if you got if you knocked all three down we could actually use it all three on the machine okay look we're up against today we are up against the mammoth guy chanting we're up against these mammoth guy chanting pillars of that's what I heard I've heard the aliens actually built these years and years and years ago you got all four remember that what other Tower that you crashed they're moving they are they're moving that was epic that other Tower you got to go if you if you guys have not seen the coin pusher power that once you got it the fault it's it's on the channels and the playwrights died in which well we'll put it I'll put it in the pin comments so in the comments section we'll share the playlist at one for sure with you and you can check it out it was one of the most epic thing what's beyond epic would you call that epic beyond epic to be epic beyond an epic together oh there you go good push lucky buying gonna do it for you again Cheetos cheese curds oh yeah fried cheese curds with ketchup ketchup fancy sauce dipped in ketchup first and then the fancy sauce be part of my chick-fil-a you and your chick-fil-a sauce okay we can get some of that do you think you can get 1500 and credits so we can keep playing while we're here and that would be really if you average profit of thousand per play that's 3 grand right there I think you need to get those now a lot of people absolutely comment on the world can a casino stay in business with people winning if people didn't win people wouldn't come period so there has to be something for them to win and what people do with their winnings is they go spend it somewhere else the casino bets just like this that you're gonna spend it in the casino so here they're telling you you have to spend it in the casino they try and keep it here so they gotta give you something to win that's where you know you have to walk away from this machine don't go play other things so if George goes that would be like the whole power is actually left side is moving all that whining speech that's crazy that's crazy so if you walk away or you only play the games that you can win and you know you can win you come home a winner this professional gamblers that's all they do they know they know where they can win and they walk away that's why they're professionals they're not adding reporters come on come on come on come on burger burger break it shake it shake it shake it break it up George shake it George it's George on George [Music] good lucky bag actually might be lucky today usually you're going backwards out in the first stop pull and today you're going forwards nice lucky bags gonna fail me but I get it I get it it's like lucky spot lucky spot has never ever ever failed not even one that hold that hold power no nothing only lucky sign now power keeps moving it's oh my goodness if that whole thing drops that one's [Music] shake it out this come on quit it alright so you're just gonna basically go for one tower right cuz she's doing for the tower she's going for the left tower she's playing devil I just want middle move oh man oh man man I mean woman o woman o woman are you seeing this are you seeing the same thing I'm seeing the whole thing is moving at once how can one quarter push that whole mass all at the same time that is these are some pretty powerful quarters so if you're using some Egyptian magic on this or something a lien set it up that whole thing has moved what 4 inches 5 inches forward I mean when you compare where they're sitting right now to the other amazing drops I cannot believe that thing moving are you watching it's not knocking over the whole thing is sliding on the table you know the funny thing is everybody we get people to actually say there's magnets on these tables number one these quarters aren't magnetic yeah so they're like oh there's magnets it keeps the portable quarters are magnetic so that doesn't work and that much weight on the table would with a magnet wouldn't be pushing on it one solid mass or maybe there's a magnet in between it keeping them all together and one solid mass what do you think I'm gonna try and drop low and show how close it is to the edge [Music] I saw the center me too oh if that whole thing falls over the edge at once I wonder if it even 10 because of the mass of it but man George George George of the coin butcher nothing rhymes with push George George George George the coin pusher Queen up top push she turns to the machine what does oh come on Elvis shake it baby take it for daddy yeah everybody at home sake guys you need your power and Elvis's combined to get that tower it's Walker go oh wow nice really nice draw she's got a buck left four quarters here we go with the rapid fire come on Tyler come on power to take that tower down take that tower down come on they're stuck they're stuck one got out come on I think we're gonna pull break it up you two there's some PDA going on in there with those George's I am holding a $19 even and Oh what you know about Steven what about what about Eileen what just who does Eileen even or does Eileen I knew a girl with one leg you know what her name was yes you're right oh man look at these towers that's a good thing look at the floors falling out bit the towers just look at him would you like that right back the threat right here every single one of them are moving [Music] they're all falling for me yeah the center in the right shifted closer they're just like sliding on ice this was this was well after you play one side a bunch of them get bunched up over there too so you can really get a lot of good drops really quick if you play to the other side because they're close to the edge and that keeps you in the game so if you play one side say you play all the way left and you play it off we go wrong and then you pull try touching it up to the other side and I'll get you more borders you'll stay in the game oh my goodness like that like that that'll get you better get you some quarters back come on this is epic my face what was smiling Robin look all your face hurts smiling is your paper are you out she's out $25 and 2500 you're ahead of where you started to see them that's the beauty of going to the other side so now she can play wherever where you gonna go you're going stay to the right to the right I thought she was going to the left to knock that power over you're gonna try and drop off three at the same time trying to even it all yep I'll believe it when I see you now middle one you might do it you might do it that middle one just if you can rapid fire left right middle all at the same time then yeah you might get it I'll swallow my words remember that time when you clear cut the entire $100 woods you are lumberjack and crank it crank it yes that left size is fragile II the foundation of that tower is fragile the taking the woods isn't enough for George she had to take the wood all the pyramid building blocks now she wants the towers but I mean the source don't you mean this org [Music] [Music] that was an epic drop she literally is trying to push all three of the edges together at the same time I called you nuts it's a damn mess what we're Lance what you say about me definitely crazy about me is debatable [Music] you literally are gonna try and push all three at the same time you're gonna do it our suit is doing that going left right middle I don't know you're definitely dropping quarters like it's hot making it rain drama quarters like us huh they're sliding forward Oh [Music] [Music] zero [Music] George can I be your dad Bob Baer well instead of a teddy bear it's a dad Bob Farrow can I be your dad Bob bear yes that's why I house if it's not a statement three number three quarters or three powers still standing oh that was close that was close that's encouraging twenty-seven baby nice you going above the original 25 all right new battle plan or yeah I'm gonna mix it up and see what happened you're gonna go right right middle left left middle range if I can get all three of them well now we can finally go camping in my camper you want to go glamping [Music] come on get one of them tillers get a tower get it [Music] this times from what smiling my ponytails on so tight smiling my butt cheeks are clenched so tight I'm on need a laxative and I don't know what that spells you know I can't read shout take you quarter by quarter if she has if you need to switch it up you may come in there and you know if your flick of the wrist is getting sore my wrist is doing great this isn't touching what that thing's gonna do she's worried she's worried it's leaning backwards it goes up on that lip so obviously they designed these the lip goes up they want the prices to fall backwards sometimes George can actually give them the paw boards I just smile enough I thought it was when Elvis thing what happened it does help when all these things maybe it's the vibration of his voice okay maybe you could find a Beach Boys once it's a good vibrations [Music] you still do nice drop oh man that thing times two quarters left she hasn't knocked a single tower off yet she's definitely still in the game though come on drop it drop and drop and drop and drop it back then here goes [Music] $29.25 that's the good news the bad news when we pull they fell back we didn't see it we didn't get it for you and look at that not only that that is the buy-in five hundred dollars no we can't even get it and the other one is right there we've never seen anything like this happen before we actually this is insane that we can't even believe it happen can't even believe it just happened so remember we told you they were on the edge they felt they made it to the lift they felt backwards when we were pulling [Music] you would think maybe somebody hit the machine nobody hit the machine and not only that that one's back but we can't even get this one now and there's no there's no going to an attendant and going hey it's stuck in the shoe it literally is on the edge they're only gonna tell you it's not in the shoes why would you complain our best bet is you attack this power with everything you've got attack it attack it attack it because that other $500 chips is behind it maybe it'll push it over see what you can do that's that's disheartening that that thing is right over there that's really disheartening but it's still in the game we ain't done yet I can't believe it I can't believe it we were counting then then all the sudden we looked up and boom it was insane literally insane [Music] the pull boxes down here so the pull boxes right down there so it all goes down the chute and then it's found in there so we were pulling out of there came back up and bam [Music] didn't even notice it hit that front one hard no survivors no survivors come on I think you can definitely get quarters to stay in the game if you could still pull a thousand out of there that would be epic I don't think there's any other way to get that one that's off to the left it's not in the shoe you can't go oh we knocked it out of the playing field I mean that would be that would be Oh can we have those ones when they're out of the playing field - that's crazy you fought and fought and then that's what happened [Music] got too hungry for it [Music] on the chip yep that's what she's talking about the quarters are piling up on it instead of pushing the quarters are surfing it well at least it's it's heavy and it doesn't float like hundred-dollar bills yeah that's so crazy those things they definitely fell backwards just like we said they were going to you think there's any chance of that middle one falling forwards for the chip because because really what we're after is $1,000 now Elvis we need your magic and show us why you're the King Elvis show us why you're the king we've been loyalty come on Elvis quarters left time to pull still in the game with 27 25 and there is that middle tower weevils always wobble but they don't fall down but that's how I ain't no stinking weevil is coming down she's gonna she's gonna get quarters left and right to stay in the game but obviously the game is rigged to pump backwards for the prize and very difficult to get the prize if she can play it right and get that power to fall forward somehow and they get to ha their $500 I mean that's $1,000 I mean that would pick that's easy easy it's easy talk about the strategy it's nowhere near easy to do it you can see that one was on that tower so all the way back there that one that one right there fall fell all the way back there so that middle one could literally fall back on the person first layer of pushes right now it's still standing straight it's not leaning back like the others find out really how lucky the bongos what would you say you want to marry me so you want the song no I couldn't went on that sighs Rachel this is this is the Battle of all battles here who's more determined that power or yours always means think so oh look that one just got closer that original powerbase well that one come all the way back so if you can get that to fall forward I got mad crazy respect for you you actually might get it to fall forward I'm shocked if you do that that'd be pretty epic really right now the goal don't stop now hit that middle tower no way just that tower teacher who the Georgia's show whose mama Georgia I can't believe you just dropped that whole base forward seat there you go she did it again everything fell backwards like there but she somehow got something to fall forward that was crazy all right I'm starting to believe I'm starting to believe again I was really disheartened with all this fell backwards but I was starting to believe again you might actually get this thing [Music] exactly four dollars not that you should everyone should do it at the same time with toes one balloon race any minute there were two dare faint on me I'm dirty no to dare fun got $74 to attack that thing all the quarters to spell maybe maybe you can maybe you could knock that thing back in place oh my goodness if you can knock that thing back in play you just got quarters back and play maybe gloat over that would be epic [Applause] [Music] never before film recorded before at $500 chip pushed back into play from the side like a National Geographic never before filmed in the wild [Music] Dean on TV you want me to use my manpower my head hurts from smiling I'm gonna do something like oh my head hurts from holding your breath for that I'm dizzy from man all right mind power is up that's what you want my power I mean yes this weekend would be greatly appreciated all right mind power all right I got to think all right I'm thinking for the power falling I have to use my brain waves to push it over do you want me to push it over backwards or forward okay I'm sorry I was actually pushing it backwards you actually want me to pull the power forward all right here we go and pulling forward with my mind I've moved it a little bit for you let's see what I can do here for you I moved it just a little bit I'm pulling forward you want a little bit more there comes a little bit for you okay all right what happens if I pull it so far forward that I push a little something out on accident I'm just saying it could happen if you want me to use that much power it's in plane so we lost we lost that one that one's still in play the other one is under there somewhere that was crazy that I don't even know I don't even know what are we gonna do where do with my hand I don't know what I do with my hands now that sucked up there you're gonna push the baseball this is some epic battle of the Wills there's no doubt about its George vs the Georgia quarters oh yeah come on Elvis that's right everybody shake at home now take at home let's drop these quarters off the edge Elvis is singing let's drop them yeah the bass keeps shaking keep shaking at home people keep shaking at home shake it off sing it I don't care what you do get that bass ketball get it the folk you are the number one fans we're so loud right now security might save us or make you happy am I good [Music] the goal is to win okay so if you can knock that one pull-up inside can you knock the left-handed one off to the side and if you can do you think you can knock those ones off to the right as well I kinda have some faith in you now we've been here so long already [Music] no remember when you maybe told me to push no I don't need a bathroom break anymore I got that thumb pushing a little that's why I fell backwards yeah too late you and number three didn't you not tell them this is going to be the most difficult one you think it'll ever fall here's the she's not gonna run out of quarters there's no way playing this she here she's gonna she literally could play yeah she's not gonna run out of any quarters it's really a will of how long do you want to stand in one place yeah she's done the quarters life like it's like it's nobody's yeah like nobody's business at all this is how long do you do you stand without passing out how many hours before you and can we find the one that's buried in here for a second I thought the the one that's buried under their spell it very well could have I don't something's definitely buried down there it's got to be there somewhere see if actually it's on the edge George it's on the edge it is it is on the edge come on come on yeah you've gotta get it you definitely can get that one at a bare minimum that one is gonna fall that one will fall for sure if you keep pushing like that that one up on the upper level is just float it's confused it's like should I say or should I go I've felt that way before should I stay come on pull off that edge if you can drop that and that at the same time I'm taking you out for ice cream no kitty you can't be messing around with any double scoop it's so close that bag is so heavy Elvis was so kind all right we're not even counting in anything we don't even care all we care about all right that's we're not even counting the goal is to drop the chips that's it we don't care how many quarters were there we can count those all later we know they're gonna drop that's not the issue they're just gonna drop we've been taking time and count them out just for you guys at home but we're bargain Ben here we're gonna be here forever at that think you just slide him back and slide them back I'm sure I'm gonna hit to the right and see if anything will fall on the left I mean there's money falling absolutely everywhere I think they're gonna have to play the right side to get that one to go if you play I mean the left side yeah I think you got to play the left side to get it to go and it's gonna push this regardless you might get them both at the same time for sure [Music] hopefully that's $500 chip doesn't fall backwards [Music] visit it again and everything is calling underneath that ship right there is so close to go [Music] man there's so much money on the field oh my goodness you're so close to dropping that you're so close to dropping that now's your chance [Music] [Music] I saw it went down you got it that was amazing Wow Wow now if you could just drop that thing okay so we had a fair middle we got a $500 chip play here winner winner chicken dinner okay this is my first this is after almost an hour almost an hour doubtful that baby exhausted and we are not counting and this is where it is if you recall it was up there George dropped it she's been playing the entire time and those quarters have been surfing on the bathroom so it's been absolutely intense oh here we go again come on please everything is just about pushed ow thank you so much thank you I have to go to the bathroom I have to go to the bathroom and I am exhausted and need to sit that was a valiant fight [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 214,370
Rating: 4.9029179 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: 7A5m43ASFLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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