FOUND MONEY IN SAFE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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mother smoked did you hear that did you hear that holy cow I just heard money look at that today I'm back in Paynesville picking up my second unit owned by the same individual I've already moved and hauled the $1,800 unit in that unit we found tens of thousands of dollars of brand-new tools brand-new items antiques collectible coins you name it it was in there no garbage I've never seen a unit like this before in Ohio this second unit I picked up for $1,700 we have no clue what's in it yet we just got out here to actually pick it up who the Hales knows what we're gonna find it's only money ladies and gentlemen Haiti now Nigel how you make if you don't spend it Haiti now 1989 1989 1990 1999 to 1989 90 left I'll call 1800 now 1900 last work all in all good 1918 hundred we have collectable money for sure is this silver yes silver certificates brand-new silver certificates I can't frickin believe this unit I love it oh my goodness this next one looks organized as well I just asked the manager for common owner the one I just bought for 1,800 is the same owner as this one and will be the same owner as the next one 18 18 18 years 18 now 80 now 1889 London I guess empty now eighteen uh fifty now eighteen money something I'm eating all in on dirt eighteen hundred years down your way $1,700 goes old here it is finally back finally getting a look to see what's inside now remember we don't even know everything that's in the first unit that we got for $1,800 we haven't had time to look through it it's gonna take weeks and now we get to see the second unit so let's open it up totes and boxes for as far as the eye can see let's take a look inside just a quick glance look we got a table folding table we've got I don't know if that's quartz crystal we definitely have quarrel we've look at this wall look at this entire wall of totes that's what I'm gonna focus on loading up first so we're not gonna yeah what did you call it that's the totes tower so then on the other side so there's some kind of organization to this these are all boxes now in the other unit this side was all brand new merchandise we don't know with that one look at this we've got mini Crocs we've got shells some kind of freaky deaky rabbit all right George go ahead open it up that's the extra light and here we go okay we've got all right now buttons all right definitely that that can go in your live option for sure because we're making button lots so here I got it check that out that is an antique mousetrap so bought it for $25 antique mousetrap tail remaining that very could be that we could have some remaining Mouse here no now that could be nasty it could be probably that'd be my guess there's value added ten dollars for what I don't know something for a pair oh okay okay so ten dollars for a pair of whatever whatever those are I don't know where are those buttons bow teak buttons oh my goodness wooden buttons I've never I don't think I've ever seen any wooden buttons like that before and that could be gold is it desk blotter corner $6 I'm not sure what that is this guy had everything costume jewelry four dollars so we we did already search because of the first unit check that out stopwatch we did search and see if this was a reseller he was not a reseller he owns his own business travel and tour bus company and he takes people on tour all over the United States look at the camels those are Egyptian they've gotta be $12 it's got to be $12 little hand Carvin camels super cool vintage vintage everything so big time yeah big time collector without a doubt will you give me a nickel for my pickle yeah nice we've actually we've seen quite a few of those before we get those along there's an old folding comb for $8.00 those bandages are they military or adhesive compras mind safety appliance company MSA Wow such cool stuff that is I don't know maybe they should let us know in the comments what it is it was four dollars whatever it is I see an antique razor in there that could be ashtray right there that's one of the antique razors German so yeah they put them in that slides out right like that that you know you know who would use use that the Barber of Seville would have used that what was that isn't that how the song goes what was it yeah that was it that one is a freaky deaky sleep me on the handle of the broom to capture the cobwebs in your room okay somebody somebody's rhyming and didn't even mean it was just your fingers were created $8.00 for old I bet you that is a bakelite or the comb or what is that Berlin it is Berlin sure is it looks like there's another razor in there and some other sewing supplies to look there's even stuff in the sides oh man baby baby look in here look in there forget that look in there your favorite your favorite there's antique connives look at that antique connives hidden in there this is crazy am I seeing things or is this postcard made out of leather it definitely looks leather turn it over post cart what's the date on it it's got the 1 cent stamp I see the date oh it's hard to read fifty two words is there other postcards there's one is that another leather anywhere eaten well so maybe maybe nineteen twelve whole week now leather postcards that I have never seen before never seen a postcard made out of leather yeah radula I mean you know how much we love tote all right I pulled one so we're still loading we're halfway through the tote wall I pulled one just too we got to know the anticipation is killing us you ready mm-hmm here we go and not sure what this oh you this looks like honestly I don't know what that is all right let's set that aside baby something oh here's toys here's an old taxicab check that out old taxicab it is not it's tin it's not it's made in Japan old Japanese taxicab look there's stuff in here for sure here's another one of whatever those were not sure what it was I'm sure it's something we'll figure it out we'll figure it out look at this this is no this is an old telescope way check that out here take a look take a look see well they can't see anything it's up against your shirt that's because I have the cap on now take a look now we can see up your nose alright check that out I do not think we've ever found a prequel Tito Scott will be gentle with them there you there's a knife sharpener there is here look at this here's another one razor haunt non filling right there brand new never been used look at that how cool that's for sharpening your connives that's by case case and Sons cup tree okay let's see what else we have in here there's a cork - something looks like some kind of animal got in here we'll see the like a mouse hopefully not too much damage what do we have here look at that 20 pound vintage scale Wow man check that what an awesome display piece New York okay let's see this like whole thing is filled this I have oh it's an elephant look at elephant trunk wait wait wait wait is it a door maybe a door knocker look it's an elephant or a hinge or yeah it might be a hinge I don't know it's awesome okay Oh George George look at this you know what those are those those are vintage marbles Wow they're handmade holy cow those are handmade Wow subscribers solely faces his reselling marbles we have victors ever found them this old before this whole unit is just amazing look at this okay this is I'm pretty sure this is a cherry pitter old cherry pitter this would get clamped down on the table and when we put it in actually go this way and then whatever comes out through there what a beautiful please goodness this whole unit is money what is this can you imagine germicide and disinfectant how appropriate how appropriate every single restaurant gymnasium every every amusement activity in the state of Ohio meters down even school as little as EJ is behind us right now so well my it shut down because Rhona aronia virus pandemic there's all over the calligraphy pins in there Wow you see that izalith so yeah this you don't get to see this in your school do you all right all right we're gonna put that back in you've got our nephew with us okay amazing all right oh look at that fold this is really collectible the old African art this is really collectible that's awesome this is heavy whatever it is oh my goodness is this do you think it's real silver no it's gold it's a real gold though it is I'll see it labeled anywhere public all day waited probably gold plating take a look at it you owe me plated tonight go ahead down there whole set is in there oh wow set that aside Man Alive if every tote is like this I don't even know what you call that if every tote was like this you've got World Bank right there banks banks are awesome let's see if there's anything inside special especially after we found the wok box yesterday in the first unit oh the bottom is out okay that's okay that's okay there's just so much stuff I think this is for cake all right hold blog or whatever you don't know what you call it I don't know what you call it this is I don't know I don't know I'm sure it's something awesome whatever it is it's beautiful probably goes like that probably goes like that and then I think maybe the old gasps like an old scone that's my guess I don't know for sure I'm not as smart as sometimes I pretend to be but here the comb case I have never seen one of these before but check comes in it there you go there's a comb case if we have the old bakelite combs open there's some in it if you think it's money i z i z and i and then also papi we were going through all the money that we found in the lockbox counting and yesterday and we were counting oh there is a little wallet it was so much fun we had so much fun going through all the old old money's some kind is that amber I don't know we're gonna have to look at that I'm not sure what this is let's look at this I think this is an old key wallet yep look at those old keys eyes II do you remember do you have any keys in your house that look like that yeah they don't make them like that anymore Wow okay knife sharpener right there let's see little all little little press wow my goodness it every every tote is like this alright hold a second but I just saw my favorite old tin toys look at that wait is that a bank it is it's an old Bank penny nickel court I think this is what he was putting all his old money that he was collecting and should we do a coin Bank we should look at that there's an old bank and there's an old tin car oh man okay alright alright well it's like oh the comb case is falling on me alright get back here a little bit wrestler back here what is that close this is not close babe yeah oh this is uh this is a blue I see I see you come close eyes II look careful careful don't get in friend camera the careful look remember okay all right have you ever seen have you ever seen an T find anything like this before look at this okay week there's nothing there's a safe under the cooler no we're gonna have to dip it all right Isaac this is how we find out it's heavy this is how we find out was something's inside I want you to back up a little bit okay cuz if there's something dangerous in here alright here we go now listen be very quiet I'm gonna tip it and we're gonna see if we hear anything sound like okay let's do to get that jingle jingle let's do it again okay we're gonna have to see if we can get you know who loves to open safes auntie George who doesn't love to open up my things okay alright we'll have to dig this out I can't believe the luck we had on these lockers these have been amazingly weak we've got to get in here especially after what we found yesterday Oh see this George wanted to see another tote we moved the safe over to here we will get into it there's the bottom now the other unit we found we found so far we found two antique firearms look how big this boxes what are you thinking you think of it I'm thinking I don't know whatever is in there it's gotta be good thing here we go I've been amazing here we go and read the wool by its horns we got we got the horn for the Bulls let's put that right on the sacrum I think we might look I don't know what this is but we might you know what this is a sword Meyers shears maybe I don't know we may need this to actually get into the safe so here as Isaac hold that but be very careful very careful we definitely may need this to get into the safe okay we got okay now a lot of the oh wow okay a lot of the old canes the stoppers will unscrew and a lot of times there's actually there's a sword hidden inside a lot of the hand carved ones go for a lot not sure what all those are maybe places they hiked potentially or I guess you wouldn't hike with this cane it's not and you know what I'm talking about I'm too excited right now antique umbrella oh look at this one that's a hog so cool look at that that's a hog on the end that one's definitely Hannah and I would definitely say so sure what that is for you got a barrel this is from Buck Rogers I can't do you have any idea how much this gun is worth how much this is from Buck Rogers in this condition I know all of you toy collectors you antique collectors you're gonna hate with that I'm gonna do this I'm gonna pull the trigger and see if it still works ah trigger works spring action is still in there this is the original Buck Rogers gun look look look right there right there Daisy made by Daisy Buck Rogers Buck Rogers I can't believe this I cannot believe this what I was going to show you was this Wow I was gonna show you this this is a probably little BB gun yeah okay well this tote did not disappoint I went onto the ebay app and typed indeed any Buck Rogers ray gun okay and then I filtered out by sold in the green it shows how much it was sold for a best offer and the date okay side by side right there Wow very cool and that's just one item it's time and George you know I have tennis elbow I can't get into this thing I couldn't swing this hammer if I wanted to so it's all up to you but before we do Denis did come over who bought the third unit that was owned by the previous owner and he did give me an update he did unfortunately he shared with me that this individual passed away and so he's got an antique store the the individual was an actual vendor at the store passed away he told me that the two kids son and daughter actually took everything put it into storage and then they disappeared like nine months ago and so that means that that makes sense why they defaulted and didn't care yeah because they disappeared them this is what happens with abandoned storage units nine out of ten times okay so there is a legitimate you know thing that happens every tenth out of 10th time but the kids didn't care they took the entire life of an antique dealer and put it in to storage well we do know that the son owned his own successful business we know that you have time I didn't care didn't carry out his own thing going on so let's figure it out are you gonna swing the hammer first I can try all right what do you think you want you to put it on this back yes okay all right here Isaac you hold these for ante you hold those for ante I'm gonna you let's see if we can hear it again okay coming close coming it was coming close are you ready yeah definitely here some point we don't have a grinder today so here she goes bubble all right Jeremy I loosened it for you now you've got some there we go we found this found this almost almost here we go do you a hammer a crowbar we can dodge right there in the truck well close oh we're so close you loosened it you definitely loosened honey look get down in there look how close I am yeah we just need something up to hold it Isaac back how come you cheer auntie on but I don't get any cheers but there's stuff in here look there's definitely smoke did you hear that did you hear that holy cow I just heard money look at that okay hold it hold a second all right Isaac back back back don't want you getting hurt or sick all right holy cow look at this okay I think that's part here is look at this look at that this Oh luckily this was not a live round this is the casing for a this is a 90 millimeter hole the Hales Wow we might have just got real lucky real lucky if it actually might be a good idea if you subscribe right now because we may not be a rem-pod if we continue this with sledgehammers Oh oh my God look there's an ammo box there's an ammo box we have really got to rethink how we do this okay all right here here oh man what are we gonna do okay let me get some of this out of here look at this okay here I'm gonna set it over here and oh this is definitely okay here's this and okay I think are you hearing it Isaac oh look look down on the bottom do you see it okay let me back up back up let me get this this is damn oh hey that sounded like a mo okay we got to be careful with that okay there's a couple other things okay there's this there is it right there okay let's just listen we'll get back to that we definitely see coins there all right come on down over here Isaac back up back up especially from this we got an ammo box we got let's just start here let's start right here here do you want to do it or do you want me to go ahead are you sure yep okay it is what do we always say on the channel we teach you how to do this all the time and they always put the good stuff in the Crown Royal bags look look look no way Isaac look look oh my goodness okay put your hands out put your hands out put them out put them out what all right what we want to look for is there what are these these are yeah remember we found one yesterday from the other unit how many did we find yesterday though we found one no we found one we found hundred-dollar bills but we only found one of these now look you have a whole handful and you've never solved these before look 1973 anything we want to look for anything before night 64 1964 and before and it's got silver and from 1965 to 69 it's got a limited amount of silver yeah so if we look on the sides so if we look on the sides like this whoops oh my goodness I'm shaking I'm so excited so when we look on the sides and you see two different colors you see two different colors I see these silver and then brown that means it's not a hundred percent silver but if we find one that looks all silver then that's the easiest way to tell if we can find one that looks all silver then we know we got all silver oh my goodness look at do I dare pour it out yes you want me to pour it out if you want oh man do we have something to pour it out on izc if there's a garbage bag in there just see coin collectors are gonna go crazy if we pour this out yeah my silver this guy being a dealer and we found another coin collection yesterday in the $1,800 unit this is just oh these are 50 cent pieces it's one dollar two dollars three four five six there's 20 bucks right there I just found an antique basket all right it looks like $13.50 - Grammy holy cow there's gotta be a few hundred bucks just right there put those in there put those in there let's see what else is here here 'less wait maybe this one what is that sign what's that a sign of you think ammo and the ammo boxes right there okay we've got oh and we've got Giovanni does that say Giovanni okay Giovanni okay come on gold come on oh there goes oh man look at that look some kind of golden rose it's some kind of Giovanni home look at that it's like a brooch I bet you that's gold and silver it's a pin it's like a brooch look at that is definitely it's metal it's gold and silver what we always like to find right okay we're like we like that that's cool I'm not sure does that the Giovanni is that the mark for Giovanni I've known I don't know either all right I've never seen that pattern you hear it you hear it okay it's not it's not loosening it must have been tied to look at all the smoke must have been tied up for a long time oh my goodness look another one another one oh my goodness look at all the the dust okay let's eat 1972 83 1990 71 okay we've got there's a Bicentennial right there okay let's see all right let's see if it's all the same again no did you find a different one I did would you do would you find eyes adjust fountain doubts a half-dollar let's see and it's a Bicentennial so it's not full silver all right let's see you want to see what's in here yeah no let's leave that - laughs that's the most oh okay okay Oh check this out this isn't money but I can't believe I just did that look at that antique antique knives antique connives what kind are they what kind you know probably if we open them we could find out it's probably on there but they must be worth something if they were keeping them in the sea look at that this one egg that one actually that would have some kind of Sigma can't this one is funky that's got to be like 60s were broken they're broken there's got cracks Wow okay I'm gonna put it in with that let's see what's in here oh man oh look look down there here I see Musel aunty can get in there do you see that okay all right all right all right all right gloves are coming off for this gloves are coming off no matter how much dust and smoke is coming out of here right now oh no no no I just dropped something where do you go you got it I see okay we got to be careful okay we've got a that definitely looks silver is that taupe ass no that's green I don't know what it is turquoise maybe I don't know it's like Indian okay we've got what looks that looks like some gems right there too look at that look at that oh my goodness look at that piece those are oh one two three cats four opals for all right and it's sterling yeah we got silver band Wow I bet these are little diamonds too oats missing one it's missing one diamond right there no - there's another one that's missing right there I bet these are I bet these are I bet these are real pearls Meridor the way to find out yeah it's gritty these are pearls so you've got you got opal diamonds and then one two three four five pearls holy cow this is definitely sterling Wow look at this piece what stone is that Wow are you seeing this what is it it's got a leaf on it a sterling leaf Wow okay we've got oh look at all six opals six opals six small opals no way that's got to be a gold setting look at that Wow and that's turquoise right this is yep this is sterling this is definitely sterling Wow Isaac are you paying attention are you learning look at that piece man alive we might we probably have we probably have the purchase price of 1700 is that yep it's in silver we probably have the purchase price of the unit right here in the jewelry Wow 1,700 paid for this unit I know I've said it already that's probably it is 10k all right this one is 10k and let me test it very gritty very gritty this is definitely that is definitely a pearl so you got a pearl look at this we've got something all around the pearl setting gem pieces some kind is that red Ruby I don't know all right pinkish okay all right Wow all right let's put this we'll set this aside we got to be careful we don't want getting we have ladder that bagging and the ammo okay all right so let's look see if we can I think this is more isay I think this is more we probably have I don't know how many hundreds of dollars do you think this dude odd 50 cent pieces this do loved 50 cent pieces this looks like look look look it all looks like 50 cent pieces we're gonna have to go through all of this and we're gonna have to check them all for silver we probably got I don't know how many hundreds of dollars right now in just 50 cent pieces okay here we go I I see I want you to back up just in case even further back up even further further me I want you safe all right especially once auntie was beatin on this stuff okay you ready auntie here we go George and it is not ammo it is not ammo oh my goodness we probably have what thousand dollars and fifty cents I think then they have fun kills have you ever seen anything like this before Isaac this is crazy this is what happens when you come to work with auntie and uncle that word up hey and if you want to see how much silver we got make sure you subscribe we'll let everybody know on our Sunday night life how many silver pieces we actually found in here hit that Bell for notifications
Channel: undefined
Views: 557,600
Rating: 4.7802339 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: NVWHzMhr_-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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