FOUND LOCK BOX I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes

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we found all of these so stick and heavy all right we found all of these keys earlier so we found all of these keys none of these work for the lock box this has been one of the most epic huge profiting units i've ever seen in the state of ohio and i've had the honor and the privilege to share it yet again with rob of second sentence uh i've been kicking your butt on competitions we've done two trunk competitions two unboxing competitions i think i won one of those um i just want to invite you to get your butt kicked yet again are you ready what are your thoughts about that rob well i believe i think i'm winning three to two right now so i don't know how i'm getting my butt kicked but you know his math is a little fuzzy is he thinking here's how this is gonna work you see i'm gonna pull something and unbox it or unbag it then rob's gonna pull something and unbox it and unbag it and we're gonna find out who can find more profit now obviously i've got new eyes and you hopefully have watched the video this week found gold in trunk and you have submitted your entry for the 5 000 free lasik package from clear choice if you haven't go back to monday's video make sure that you do i'm seeing profit already with my new eyes let's unbag this monstrosity look at this here look at this here rob there is no way there's no way i don't think there's dolls or tonka those are the old old tonka look at this look at this old tonka this isn't just an old tonka truck the old tin these are the old fire trucks look at this this is you step [Music] what's that remind you of george and is that as high as a prank is that one will it crank any higher oh it'll crank it'll crank check that out crank crank crank crank crank crank crank crank crank and bam and then all of a sudden before you know it you'll poke an eye out so bam just like that now that's money not only is that money rob there is no way no way you're going to be able to beat this look at this because you're a gentleman and a scholar that's true at a bare minimum you're at least an auctioneer check this out this is part of the fire truck disposal army as well there is the fire hose excuse me this this is where some money looks stuff that's always just goes right there this is the piece that's usually missing you just put it right in there you're good to go or you just you put it right on here and then bam fires out at least not on this unit though because this unit is pure fire hey jeremy you finally get that ladder down that truck it's been about three hours yeah well you better call a doctor i will all right i'm gonna go with i guess i just gotta take this top box that's a good one that's a good one it looks like a good one you think so all right let's start with this one let's see what's in here what the heck oh i know what this is this is that a vintage that no no no that's what it looks like after george shaves her legs oh no it looks like a boot oh it's a boot sorry i thought it was it looks like some type of costume and that's the foot so maybe it's a a gorilla costume maybe it is look at this oh man maybe is that the koala suit i don't know remember that box that you found that remember i mean if i put it on i should automatically just win ladies and gentlemen i think what do you guys think out there let us know look at this look at this this is like a jacket look at that i don't know if that's a suit a jacket i think you're you're supposed to be wearing bear or something caveman i feel like i'm styling you know all that hair is flying off my nose but if that's just the hair actually in your nose oh that's right look at that so is this a gray box or what is that like the caveman oh this is a caveman costume it's got a baby it's got to be a caveman costume oh i know what this is hold on i'll put this on i'll be right back while rob is changing we're going to jump into another box i don't want to see him with the heels he's wearing all right this says assorted sorted keepsakes look at this oh this looks like a junk drawer george this is oh look at that staples that has got to be worth some money right there vintage vintage staples now the crazy part is vintage pins and pencils that's money this is like going through somebody's junk drawer i don't know why we're fascinated with junk drawers but you and i i mean you yeah you at home and i we're fascinated with it for summer because it's so random let's see let's see we got paperwork bulldogs uh something for moms we got stickers check these post-it notes out oh that's so check that out oh there's not only one look there's two those are even used those are awesome those are decorative post-it notes usually this is where we find the flash drives that we share with you oh look at that two pads two notes every sunday night on the live stream we got a pocket dictionary who cares about how to spell right irish proverbs and blessings irish notepad okay come on come on do you think there's staples staples all right this stuff is so cool there's more staples there's binder clips oh my goodness look at the binder clips bells are brand new gold gold i just found gold binder clips that's got to be worth something all right let's see what else we got markers and pads this is usually there's something in there that's usually where the money is or the flash drive we'll set it aside we'll get to it there's some white out how do you put a price on a good white out look at that some more official milky gear milky gear i'm not sure what that is but hey there it is it's official we've got staple staples we've got paper clips you know what you know what you know what you know what you know what what this is money this is money all day you know why because everyone uses calligraphy calligraphy not only this is money we would never have to spend in butterfly note cards or posters you ready to see what's in here george i am are you ready i'm ready i don't think rob's ready oh what do you think is in there oh man i'm going to say rob you remember we still have a black box you remember we still have a lock box right the keys let's see what we got next in here there's this big old box right here oh feels packed like foam plates steel stack no foam plates uh-huh dust everywhere everywhere look at this oh that's looking good oh wow wow this that was years of dirt bay berry village wow everyone likes that that's money that's money so christmas comes up everyone likes to decorate and who knows what else oh man i still think jeremy's winning oh calculations get out of here look at oh no you didn't find the wreath and it's a train rain wreath so it's a train and a christmas wreath and one cross collectible you collect christmas you collect trains okay you can own that you're pulling it back a little bit comfy you're just jealous you don't got one it's resealed it looks like oh this whoa it was better to find than santa claus on a christmas morning that's what it's like there's this unit it feels like christmas right now oh man and during christmas time probably a twenty thirty dollar bill this time of year at least ten bucks oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh whatever that oh is that a talking dancing tree it's not even it's the 14-inch taco yeah it's from the home shopping that that came from the home shopping network that thing was the bomb diggity remember elmo tickle me elmo before it was tickle me elmo the thing the item everybody wanted the 14-inch talking dancing tree came from the home shopping now who doesn't want one looks like it's sealed right there who knows what we're gonna find next uh rob is loading the trophis you know what there goes all the profits but he's loading the truck let's look at a couple things this thing looks awesome i think i can get away nothing why don't you tell us what was going on out there oh that's you just you're upset because conkey has given me more money it's okay it's okay all right let's see oh my goodness look at this thing look at this thing this is the animatronic i mean i want to pull this whole head off but yeah careful okay here check check it out from the inside here no i got him i got him i got him this is the santa's workshop elf and then when you plug him in he actually here his saw goes up here and he's working on the toy back and forth these things are actually these things are pretty collectible so he's sawing that thing that's probably conkey what do you think good 50 dollar i would say at least 50 50 there you go 50 right there how how the heels could you go wrong with won't work well would anything in this unit not work unless i break it okay and that that could happen i might break it on it well that's that's true rob rob's got people to do his work so all right here we go all right he's loading the truck again listen for all the bangs okay look at this i just got a carousel i just got a carousel right there check that out check that out don't tell rob that i'm in this second box though oh there you hear it man there's a mess in there oh look at this look at this we got a we got a foil charm necklace we got we got all kinds of irish things what is this is this a inner tube oh it's a budweiser four leaf clover and it looks like it's brand new totes i'm going with the green tote down here so i'm gonna just move all this stuff i'm gonna leave all these boxes for mr hales totes my goats right here with the oh it's happening oh my goodness is this that happens i hope it's money i need money it's green need something to try to make a comeback and it's dusty green and dusty come on baby come on baby oh wow no way oh for all the train lovers collectors oh my goodness first of all we got a 1983 market price guide for all different types of lionel trains passenger cars very interesting and right here 45 to 69 post award wow wow wow wow we got another one right here 1901 to 2005 25th anniversary edition look at that my buddy ken kincaid is going crazy right now shirley pearl is going crazy we got lots of train loving folk out there we do tonight jeremy when he's in the gym reading this stuff i will be in the gym i feel the need i feel the need i'm really excited right now because well there's a little oh my goodness these are all actual lionel i hate to even take them out those are those are but worth more than look at how the pristine condition this is in wow wow it's amazing let's look at the first page because we'll find the date hopefully printed in the u.s i see that so we know it's all just printed 1954 copyright right there 19 1954 unbelievable look at the condition of this i mean it looks brand new ladies gentlemen obviously they had it oh it's actually labeled 1954. let's go through here and let's see what we got oh my goodness you might be killing me right here look at this one 94. i know 84. oh my goodness they labeled it all ninety ninety six wow oh man look at all this stuff these people are just huge collectors in 1996. they might have every year here look at this 1955 wow unbelievable wow i mean i'm still getting started ladies gentlemen unbelievable stuff here 57 o track and like we talk about condition all the time as you can see here we have some tears there's been tape on the binding here not the best condition but things over 50 years so valuable right still valuable but then we have one like this just to kind of show you 1954 and 57. this one is three years older but the condition is near mint wow and that's going to make a huge difference and look at 66. it just goes on to 96. oh wow wow that's cool graphic right there and people buy that frame it and hang it up just like oh that means this goes on and on 95. this is what i wish i actually had a restaurant and i could hang all this cool stuff up in a restaurant never cook but just hang it up and i actually can cook so we can open a restaurant called jeremy's and the other guy 95 oh wow 82 71 1960 well me and mr hales are both born in the same year so we'll be fighting over that one if it comes up look and if you guys don't know what year we were born please guess in the comments down there 61. that wasn't the year oh he's not that old is he not quite not quite level 93 nope no no no oh we're getting closer this is crazy 71 getting closer track layout book wow how cool oh wow look at that one set up 59.59 look at the condition once again he's just unbelievable ladies and gentlemen i mean it goes on and on they might have every year 68. i don't know why they're not in order that's the only thing that kind of confused me because they were so meticulous and everything was so well taken care of i'm surprised they didn't put them in order this is just this is crazy awesome unbelievable i mean it's going to go on and on 1958 62. this is wild and this is wild ladies and gentlemen i mean i think we might have every year here all this lineup look at 75 we're getting closer real close now closely real close 90 86 no no no no no no no no 86 again 73 man it just goes on and on this is wild but that's just one side if you look on this side over here ladies and gentlemen it is a whole nother stack wow and we got all of it 94. 63. uh uh oh oh oh close close but no 76 eclipse [Music] right here and that's me the nerdy friend here's jeremy and we actually this is the first time we met that was the first time yet on the lionel shoot i remember it was 1977 we weren't born yet yep good times good times so who knows i mean it's this is unbelievable look at 53 ladies and gentlemen and the graphics 56 your favorite your favorite george it's labeled nurses nurses no wait wait that's my favorite your favorite is purses purses okay holy hails we got a lot of stuff in here okay look at that that's a little thing there that's another little thing there i got some shoes we don't want shoes we don't want shoes no that's not what we're looking oh here we go come on big money big money baby shoes are worth 50 to 75 a lot of shoes are worth a lot of different dollars but that is not what i am in this for i don't do it for the shoes i do it for the purses i do it for the purses all right let's see come on there's gotta be something gotta be something in one of these purses i think something's in here no no no no nothing in there all that stuff that was in the boxes flying off my nose mine too oh man what kind of purse is that there is no there's nothing in there we got another purse we got another purse we got another another yet another leather purse look at this peek in here george i know you're trying to get away from the smell that doesn't help that doesn't help the camera come on all the way in here don't be shy don't be shy look more purses this is more purses okay george you know what i'm thinking i think i pulled the wrong box that's what i'm thinking there are way too many shoes wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can i pick something's in here i think something is actually in here look at this look at this i think something's in here all right come on come on come on something's gonna be in here this thing feels solid there is there is something's in here oh man oh oh i just found a wallet i just found a wallet i think wait hold a second i think there's more in here okay we set that right there we'll go through the wallet there could be money in here oh rob's going down on this one there is an organizer and okay okay okay here we go here we go okay i gotta man that was stuck right to it all right whole second let's see do we have any gift cards we always like it when we find gift cards we do love finding gift cards no that's not oh man okay everybody's gonna think i'm ridiculous we teach you a lot on this channel that things are worth money that you would never think are worth money this right here this blockbuster rewards card that probably sell on ebay for twenty dollars think i'm joking check it right now that's a twenty dollar piece of plastic right there okay what else do we got we got some bulldogs and look at that there's a five dollar coupon that's kind of nice five dollars right there okay let's get into the actual wallet now oh man don't don't look down there oh yeah we've got some stuff we definitely have some stuff [Applause] this wallet is packed all right let me see what i got here um there's medic there's a medic discount card there trying to keep these upside down to protect the identity of the another another twenty dollar right there twenty dollars protect the identity of the innocent um and those are collected yeah because they all went out you guys all went out of business except for the one there is a savings card that is probably worth nothing okay and this that will be worth something that's coca-cola and so that is actually that would have collectibility on ebay as well how much right now i don't know but i do know that there's probably more awesome stuff in here man there is just like so much stuff in here i can't show you because the name is all over it but okay let's just let's just say the purses weren't the best they all are leather but the blockbuster cards that's where the money is i don't care about shoes all right what the hells did find some vintage blockbuster greatness so i give it to him that is worth money people don't think it would be collectible it is collectable so i got i'm gonna take these two things right here i'll tell you what i i'll let you take three three that my blockbuster stuff was so good why don't you just take that third box remember the last time i got a box with a heart on it yeah you well that one actually looks like it might be money wait let me let me use my new eyes go ahead take three three first mickey mouse holiday lighthouse it feels like it's in there it's all taped up where's your connive pails what would i sold it that's what i do i'm a reseller you're just gonna have to manhandle it right i should have been on the auction and bought one of his knife lots but i hate to just rip it open we did find six or was it seven brand new barlow knives from the package from the industry package was absolutely incredible i forgot about this yeah there's been so much great stuff there's so much great stuff it's just unbelievable all the greatness has been blending in huh yes sometimes it's a blurb greatness oh look at that looks like it's all in there right there beautiful you got mickey minnie donald duck all going around the lighthouse it's got the plug i mean conkey what do you think about 50 bucks that's fair that's fair i would agree with him on that one so it is mickey mouse anything mickey mouse is collectible we all know that and it's mr christmas all right we're gonna go with this one next let's get all that dirt and dust [Music] that's a junk drawer look at this look at this we got magic colored pens markers this is and this is probably all brand new in here paint brushes this is yeah this is a junk drawer oh you know what that is that's that's the magnifying glass to see your profit margin right now because it's so small compared to mine i don't know it looks like it's getting bigger let's see what else we got uh-oh and sons of pads to jeremy from robert buy more units with me we got stickers nice nice worn center pad so i guess you get a little sticker each time jeremy does this chore every time i actually hey george you want these when you pee at the gym yeah and i pee at the gym so when i go pp in the gym i get a sticker i know most people would never think that but that's true unbelievable those are the 3d pens yes 3d pens oh man i just hope they work i mean talk about hours of fun and i've been touched by an angel with this bunch look at all those vintage scissors you have down there too unbelievable great wrestling great trains no way yes so you can you guys are gonna have to start a cooking channel rob since you can cook recipes from trains and maybe we should maybe i should teach jeremy how to cook on a cooking channel that would be great i'm sure comment if you want to see him after his coin pushing videos he could do some cooking videos but we might he might be nine fingers after that though i better teach him oh my gosh look that's money that's money right there scrap booking kit wow brand new that's the high-end stuff and it has all the different ends there for you can use that's the high-end stuff a set like this could go for fifty dollars i haven't looked it up i know some of these high end is that your own calculations that's my calculations concrete's been made here look at those you got a bunch of those are old scissors that right there is fifty dollars put all those scissors together there's fifty dollars right there look at this yeah that's fifty dollars right there so we got oh there's more in here oh fifty five dollars now i didn't see that pair oh yeah just adding up right here and they look at it rex cutler made in germany you know they're good those are german scissors i wonder if they speak with an accident they say they're probably cut with an accent oh any flash drives i think this is free flash drive i mean this locker is here for 13 years ladies and gentlemen you know but some of these pens can be collectible and but look at all those nice scissors right here nice who knows what we're gonna find max we got one more box to go this box for the victory it's labeled money blanket oh man ribbon maker there's that heart there's that heart again that heart means first off oh cleveland [Music] that's right ladies and gentlemen the cleveland browns ornament very that's money people love the cleveland browns that is money that's a great christmas gift i mean it's not it's look at this blanket right here that looks brand new what is it star wars oh no no no no no i think is that nascar oh is that oh dale earnhardt wow that's a brand new dale earnhardt look at that the intimidator i mean i'm intimidated by his blanket and jeremy should be intimidated that's this block that's a meat acid easy fifty dollars easy fifty dollars don't you think so conkey um calculations maybe more jeremy probably probably yeah that's big money right there that's not that's not bad nice fine are you intimidated by the intimidating blanket i am a bit intimidated right now i admit that i am a bit of tomorrow what is this oh yes i can jeremy what is it oh it is oh yes oh yes i can it's the professional decorating technique nice and nice i should put this in a little package for you where you open it up and you can say rob one that's nice i should hang that up in my gym but last but not least the musical guardian angel and child fountain but is it in there come on oh wait it's filled with gold coins so oh i obviously won everybody just oh leave now okay maybe it's not full of gold coins but it looks like brand new it's brand new in the box oh wow we got one more box and we got a lock box i'm climbing them both all right here we go this oh and i finally had a knife i didn't need it okay let's see what we have here whatever it is it looks epic already okay oh no what did i just drop on you oh oh my goodness you know what this is guys this goes to the other dope all the doughboys i found this is where all the doughboys go right here this is a pillsbury calendar all those doughboys the 240 dollars per dough boy they go in here oh wow and it's gotta be money brand new it's yeah um yeah it's worth money i got it right here right here holy cow okay that's money i don't even want to embarrass rob with how much money that's worth that's highly collectible worth a ton of money the price tag is in there all right so let's uh let's get to the lock box because i've been dying to get to this lock box the good news see we have found we found all of these so sticking heavy all right we found all of these keys earlier so we found all of these keys none of these worked for the lock box we found that key that didn't work we found this key ring obviously this did nothing didn't stop me from trying but i still did nothing then we got lucky in that one all right here we go and oh we're in rob we're in we're in we're in i was ready okay oh you were ready just in case okay okay see you brought your tools see i see your name you gotta be prepared okay careful george i don't want to show there's life insurance okay paperwork i'm gonna set this oh man there could be some really good stuff in here uh rob do you have any idea what a notice of the right of recession is what's the 500 whatever that is what is the right of recession all right if anybody knows let us know not that we're in a recession right now let us know what the notice to the right of a recession would be let's see what else we have in here this is like opening a history box scheduled church events let's see if we can find a date oh oh careful don't rip it jeremy we can we can here's a date right up here in the corner 1970 october 3rd 1970. what is this oh you know what this is rob i bet you that's a christening candle oh i bet you that's a christening candle or that's not that's not knight's templar is it that's not illuminati is this a candle from the illuminati no no this is baptism i'm sorry this is baptism that's actually i said it definitely would illuminate that is a baptism candle okay so that was saved as a baptism candle let's see what we got here okay got some lone paperwork you don't want to see that you don't more paperwork i'm looking for any collectable monies all right lots of stuff in there all right come on big money big money big money what do we got here the right for baptism okay that would make sense with the candle and what do we have is this a love note it's just a love note um oh it is here we go my dearest george for a fortnight and a half i have dreamt on view on a daily basis with my eyes closed and with them open i long for the egyptian you know what you don't want to hear that okay so we've got something else in here okay oh look at this look at this we got a high school high school diploma i can't show you okay that is that's the diploma there's a lot of crazy stuff in here uh this is the that is the immunization record probably i'm just guessing probably covered 19 right there vaccine all right we just found an uzi we just literally found an uzi in a lockbox that's the first time we've ever found it oozy we have ever found in a lockbox or at all in a storage unit that's the first uzi that's a doozy of an uzi all right let's see what we have in here if i had to guess what is this i had to guess it's elvis you know what forget the gloves forget the gloves forget the gloves the gloves are coming off because i'm in a battle and i'm trying to win come on come on come on big money big money hurry a class picture wow that is that's an old school class picture when he was in band just like that it's gone the lord giveth the lord taketh away all right we've got taxes we've got oh oh we got all kinds of stuff here we've got taxes taxes taxes careful george careful we've got what else hr block all right we've got more tax what else is hidden in here [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 38,611
Rating: 4.8770685 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: eWDykPKyNuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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