The Horrifying Lore and Timeline of Helldivers EXPLAINED

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as we hell divers fight for managed democracy freedom and our way of life throughout the Galaxy against fascist bugs and socialist robots sometimes we can't help but Wonder despite our all inspiring patriotism how all of this explosive Madness started in this video with tool tips and dialogue from both hell divers 1 and two along with developer story post we'll be exploring the universe and surprisingly fun lore of Hell divers that answer your questions about what exactly is going on when we drop feat first into hell to liberate a planet sometime in the early 21st century Humanity underwent a socalled great war on Earth which resulted in the dominant supremacy of a single world government that established the regime of the Federation of super Earth we can assume that October 26th also known as Liberty Day celebrated by the citizens of superar was the date of the founding of the human planetary government crackdowns by the superar government with its governing arms such as the ministry of Truth truth Ministry of intelligence or Ministry of Defense on political dissidence after the war led to an even firmer hold on the Affairs of earth based on dialogue with the crew of our destroyers citizens are encouraged to even turn in their family members or friends if they suspect that their loved ones are anti-war anti- superar or suspected to be sympathetic towards Humanity's enemies such as the terminate bugs or the Socialist automatons even seemingly small offenses such as not saluting the superar flag or questioning the government's decisions can be prosecuted under the law more than likely such offenses lead to being re-educated or prison time while the more seriously perceived offenses such as anti-war activism could lead to public executions that are broadcast all over the superar network even we hell divers the elite spearhead of super Earth's military are not exempt from such prosecutions as some hell divers have been accused of being alien sympathizers and summarily executed in the past by the military as one can guess the culture and Ethos of superar is quite Corporal fascist and Military focused every citizen is issued a M26 Constitution bolt action rifle at the age of 16 so as to be encouraged into entering military service presumably like one of its Inspirations Starship Troopers the citizens of superar must enter into type of government service one way or another to attain benefits or citizenship privileges indeed according to one of our crew members in hovers 2 there are different levels of citizenship for those of super Earth to progress through and that one such priv to be gained at a certain level is pet ownership I'm hoping to raise my citizenship level by the time I retire if I ever have kids I'd want them to be able to purchase a small pet someday like a goldfish or even a hamster superar citizens are also required to fill out what are called C1 child permits so that they can legally reproduce children should they wish to have kids corporations and self-defense development companies are given Financial priority by the Federation and government of superar it seems every aspect of civilian and military life is strictly regulated which in turn is largely aided by the existence of the galactic white web which is heavily monitored by superar government branches while incredibly Advanced to the point that Transmissions via Galactic wi web can be received or sent in a variety of scenarios from deep space no matter the distance using Quantum devices the gww can have significant delays based on the work of surveillance officers who sift through all the data for signs of dissidents or Traders the galactic white web is also used for super Earths so-called managed democracy in which citizens must answer several unspecified questions that determine who or what their vote goes towards this managed democracy voting is only possible with computer voting software and algorithms built on the foundation of the gww sometime in the early 2030s Humanity managed to invent an alaer Drive the alab drive worked by creating a wave in the fabric of time of space distorting time and space around ships so humans could reduce travel time of hundreds of of thousands of light years into moments around the year 2044 the superar government after commencing deep space missions made peaceful contact with extraterrestrial life forms which consequently led to 40 Years of an Intergalactic War also known as the first Galactic War the official reason given by the government was that the non-human factions wanted the total annihilation of the human species and that it was they who started the intercol actic war that lasted up until about the year 2084 perhaps the biggest political reason for super Federation and government continuing these wars is to keep power and control over Humanity after all it's a regular theme in both human history and science fiction that a common enemy often unites different groups of humans or existential Warfare can lead to a lot more shooting and ask questions later scenarios while it's not completely clear what happened in the 2040s we can make educated guesses based on environmental storytelling when we hell divers fight the enemies of managed democracy it's important to note here that hell diverse 2 takes place 100 years after the the events of Hell divers 1 which had resulted in superar claiming victory over terminats and cyborgs and advanced alien species known as the illuminates or squi who he liberated actual faster than light travel technology from along with other advances in human technology things were so peaceful in the time period known as the great democratization that the entire branch of Hell divers was officially dismissed and deactivated by super Earth's government and Military until the events of Hell divers 2 the bugs were terid are sentient and intelligent extraterrestrial species that resemble the insects or arachnids of Earth though much bigger in size during the events of Hell divers 1 it wasn't clear how the species spread throughout the Galaxy settling on different planets though it's heavily implied by hell divers 2 in the mission dispatches that terminat somehow spread using spores through space the terminat were declared war upon mainly for the fact that they decomposing bodies convert into a resource called element 710 or e710 which we hell divers have been sent to procure on termined infested planets the fact that superar basically depends on the farming of terminats for this resource which coincidentally feels the same faster than light travel technology Humanity now possesses results in a vicious cycle of containing slaughtering and breeding terminats who are more than just angry at this point for being treated as cattle indeed the recent terminate outbreaks were due to terminate Farms being broken out of by the species on planets that possessed civilian populations the usage of terminate corpses as a resource maybe why when we hell divers are sent on missions to call determinate populations by destroying the eggs and their hatcheries suspiciously the amount of eggs we need to destroyed during our missions and the one or two eggs left over at each Hatchery after the missions have been fulfilled indicate the nefarious motive of humanity needing to keep the terminant alive and not actually extinct as much as the propaganda wants you to believe as for the automaton robots curiously enough these are not the same enemies we encountered 100 years ago during the first Intergalactic War although they are using the same emblem used by the enemy cyborg faction headquartered on a desolate frozen planet called cyber Stan in the 21st century superar colonists sent out to cyber Stan as miners had ended up revolting against superar timing their Rebellion at the same time as a declaration of war on the termined the cyborg secessionist had also carried out a terrorist attack on super Earth's District 48 which apparently killed eight citizens although later propaganda would say it was thousands of civilians who had died the cyborgs were of course Still Human who had cyberware implants and merely disputed the control of super Earth over Humanity championing the red star of their movement superar periodically suppress the cyborgs who are often depicted as socialists by forcing them to integrate into manag democracy or perform forced labor in the forges and mines of the super Earth construction company by the year 2148 the cyborg seem to have disappeared although the automatons fully mechanized beings instead of cyborgs have taken up the banner of cyber Stan more than likely these atom omons are the same cyborgs who have fully transitioned to being completely cyberized into machines rather than being a mix of Flesh and metal what they want is unclear as of now apart from fighting the superar government and staving off its hell divers for those far away from the warfront they are used by both government and parents as boogy men who steal children from innocent citizens lastly the third and most mysterious enemy faction of superar was and maybe is the illuminate or as these aquatic species call themselves The sth although they possessed Superior technology and weaponry during the events of the 21st century the illuminates seemed to prefer peace over war in avoiding the usage weapons too destructive to life unfortunately for them super Earth declared war on them for supposedly possessing weapons of mass destruction or nanofusion devices that could be used against humanity while the warfront with the illuminat seesawed back and forth eventually humanity and their democracy loving ways prevailed over the alien race as mentioned Humanity gained faster than light travel technology from their battles with the illuminate who primarily used n technology and bio electric equipments but other Technologies like the shield generator pack the arc thrower or even Planet killing weapons were gained once the illuminate were forced to turn over their weapons technology as far as what happened to the illuminate aliens he seem to have disappeared when no sightings reported in areas they previously frequented for the past Century however it's suspicious the terminate outbreak and the automaton invasions are happening at the same time which may be owed due to either direct interference from the Federation of super government which has mandated the construction of exits again on the planet of tianquan or perhaps it may be the illuminate aliens seeking retribution for their humiliating concessions a century ago and that's all the lore we have for you hell divers today hopefully this video gave a greater context as to what's going on in the universe of Hell divers as we fight for democracy and Liberty I quite enjoy delving more into the details of the lore there's definitely a good blend of satire and inspired stories from other franchises like Halo Warhammer and such that satisfied my lore seeking if you want more lore definitely subscribe to the channel and check out my other lore videos on other games until next time stay safe out there for the sake of freedom
Channel: NefasQS
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Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, helldivers gameplay, helldivers guide, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers worth getting, helldivers 2 moments, helldivers 2 cinematic, cinematic, game, gaming, helldivers 2 success, helldivers 2 game review, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 lore, helldivers lore, Starship Troopers, Halo, Gears of War, Star Wars, Starship Troopers game, is helldivers 2 good, is helldivers 2 worth playing, Helldivers lore, Helldivers lore explained
Id: h0F625UFoJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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