Why Is Helldivers 2 A MASTERPIECE?!

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hell divers 2 might be the only game where you can say wow there's a lot of bots and bugs in this and it's a compliment democracy why did you do that just now why who who needs her democracy liberated OMG me I'm leaving the game I'm I think it has a real chance to win game of the year in 2024 and a bold statement act man let's see if it ages poorly but if it isn't at least nominated then we'll know for a fact automatons have infiltrated the game awards and compromised our democracy I don't know about you but I'm really enjoying this trend of Indie developers releasing games with little marketing that manage to topple their AAA competitors the ones that keep puking out the same garbage we're tired of I could get used to this it's refreshing like my morning cup of Liberty El ders 2 has skyrocketed in popularity it became the most played title on Steam and PS5 one of the top selling games on both platforms and in a rare twist of fate the the player base has remained consistent even a month after launch games like this deserve their success and much more because the developers at Arrowhead have clearly worked their asses off just look at the difference between hell divers 2 and the original might be the biggest leap of sequel ever made did you know hell divers 2 was in development for so long that the engine they used to make it was discontinued meaning Arrowhead had to improve and modify the engine while working on the game now I don't know much about all this game development but even I know that [ __ ] ain't easy so what the hell is so special about hell divers 2 why is it thriving while recent AAA releases are struggling has it uncovered some secret to make live service games not so boring and formulaic and most importantly is Hell divers 2 worthy of being called a masterpiece well let's praise democracy brew a cup of Liberty and get shck for a combat drop together we must take back control of Freedom we are so back we dude we are so backo bro dab me up dab me up right now we are with you s for freedom to the death my leg my leg grenade for super I'm calling an Eagle Strike run run run why are you calling this on me will die if you stay [ __ ] you die oh my God there is no [ __ ] way this is there is no [ __ ] way this is going to be possible okay I'm going to go to the I'm going to go to the Escape pod data oh wow that you are not going anywhere oh my God oh my gosh why the down the Liberty this one's for democracy sacrificing myself on the there's three of them there's three of them yes nice yes this is it baby [Music] oh what's that news from the ministry of Truth they say this video is sponsored by erup indeed it's the life-changing water bottle built by science and Liberty AR uses scented pods and flavor to turn normal water into flavored water without any additional sugars sweeteners nothing it's pretty ingenious because our sense of smell influences our taste and the way it works is that by drinking through the straw a slipstream is created where water and air go through the Pod and into your mouth now I know a lot of people who don't like drinking water for some reason they prefer tea soda energy drinks and they go through life totally dehydrated if you know you don't drink enough water then this is the perfect solution for you and you have the freedom to pick and choose from a variety of different flavored pods basil lemon is my personal favorite and it's super easy to swap the pods out bang just like that you want flavor pull up leave it right there and if you don't just push down easy so order your airup water bottle today using the link in the description and pinned comment and don't forget to use my promo code actman 10 to get 10% off stay hydrated stay healthy and thank you Arup for sponsoring this video and Now for Something Completely Different what would you get if you took Starship Troopers Terminator payLo left for dead and threw them all in a blender you would get every wet dream I've ever had check it out watch how it shoots I think it that looks really cool oh my God it dude it just hit the [ __ ] no way that just happened but I'm biased because guys in space shooting aliens is a concept I have SED for my entire life in Hell ders 2 you don't have the traditional kind of video game storytelling it's more commun community base and I'll explain what that means later on the game takes place in a sort of Utopia where Humanity has formed a one world government called super Earth and life here is perfect but Freedom doesn't come [Music] free sweft liberty no look familiar that's right our glorious super Earth is under attack our democracy and freedom is being threatened why did this war start I'll tell you why because our enemies hate Freedom do you want to know what I hate more than anything else in this world anyone who isn't free the fascism aspect the whole for democracy sweet Liberty that's all just window dressing you know it's flavor it's no different than terrorists versus counter terrorists Nazis versus everyone else the Absurd levels of patriotism not absurd the reasonable levels of patriotism ISM opens the door for some of the funniest dialogue you've ever heard say hello to democracy my life for super Earth I'm hit sweet Liberty the blood obviously there is a Vibe of extreme nationalism militarism and patriotism and the best part I'm brainwashed into all of it part of the beauty of Hell divers 2 is that it has no deep thought-provoking story it's not really trying to to make a statement it's obviously inspired by Starship Troopers but you know the story is basically like hey do you like Freedom yeah Sweet let's go kill bugs the only good bug is a dead bug one of the side objectives you can get is to terminate illegal broadcasts which are spreading the idea that the war against the terminats is all because of oil I've checked with the ministry of Truth on this and they have confirmed to me that this is treason and it's not true brood free back home yo it's leading all the flavor poles can you believe that holy [ __ ] of course I believe that because to not believe it would be treason the ministry of Truth said so yeah they wouldn't lie yeah they would never lie but hell divers is so silly and over the top that it's more fun to play along especially when you have game trailers that are like this the Socialist automatons terrorize innocent families babes are torn from their mothers voters from their balance in the item shop only reviews approved by the ministry of Truth are allowed review under investigation for treason it's treason then sometimes when the UI loads it says please wait democratically this is super unique because these are parts of a game that you know aren't ever stylized in any sort of way and yet they take this concept and they just they plaster it all over the game in every way they can you also get to name your ship by choosing from some pre set words mine of course was the fist of patriotism you can also choose something like wings of Liberty Patriot of patriotism founding father of family values games like power world Deep Rock Galactic and now held divers have this uncanny ability to tap into meme culture and create memes and capitalize on all of that without being cringe oh yeah oh yeah that's good Brash tactics use them D me the name of [ __ ] propaganda [ __ ] put her there put her there already the fans are making their own propaganda posters like take back the creek Stamp Out the bot I [ __ ] love the culture and fan base and Community around this game it truly feels One of a Kind dumb check uh yeah check check AC boys appear to be you're being rescued run so hell divers 2 is a third person Co-op shooter where you and three buddies bring Liberty and freedom to an army of Killer Robots and a race of giant bugs and by Liberty and freedom I mean explosives and bullets that should right there got him okay got on with that [ __ ] hell ders does a great job of combining familiar tropes into something that overall feels fresh bugs and propaganda from Starship Troopers automatons and robots from Terminator armor that kind of looks like Spartans from Halo hell divers equals hell jumpers even the drop ships are called Pelicans but unlike power world nobody has brought up the word plagurism cuz these designs are unique and they are [ __ ] sick but much like how shooting zombies in Left 4 Dead 2 never gets old neither has blasting bugs and clankers one cuz the gameplay mechanics are more solid than snake and two two an important phrase visual feedback when you shoot a bug it doesn't just fall over and die no it gets eviscerated their limbs are torn off they might start limping puking up blood you can strip off the armor of a charger for example and see the green goo beneath it's visceral and satisfying like no other game I've played the amount of ways you can inflict damage on the Bots and bugs is crazy it's so Dynamic it's like a technical Marvel oh that is danger close R going to kill all oh my God I'm a [ __ ] torso when you shoot automatons chunks of metal go flying everywhere you can shoot off their arms destroy the weapons on their back almost every single firearm and sandbox tool feels powerful and satisfying to use in its own way the ragd doll effects are hilarious [ __ ] sometimes your character just gets flung across the map so hard he smashes into a wall and dies on impact and you got this sick dive move which makes avoiding enemies and explosions look so dramatic there's some games that you play and you're like wow this is like playing through a movie and that's what hell divers is like except you are the action star and these scenes aren't scripted the animations and attention to detail is what makes every moment of combat so damn cinematic with games like this most of the fun comes from the enemies you shoot at and what you shoot them with there is a huge variety of enemy types in Hell divers 2o and each enemy type has weak points which force players to use and swap between different tactics on the Fly certain enemies like the charger look like they can only be damaged from the back but if you get a powerful enough weapon you can strip the armor off their legs and [ __ ] them there's always more than one way to get the job done I mean you got things like Drop ships bug holes giant laser cannons tanks bile Titans these [ __ ] Abominations oh my huge robotic hulks with flamethrowers and the visuals are so important because you know in a game like Destiny they would have a bunch of numbers on the screen when you shoot something and Hell divers doesn't need that you can see how much damage you've done to something just by looking at it on higher difficulties they increase the number of enemies instead of just boosting their HP and damage and I think that's the right way to increase the challenge it's why the difficulty and balance in this game feels so amazing and since there's no PVP and there never will be the developers can go Hog Wild and create a bunch of overpowered [ __ ] that you can throw at the enemies of democracy there's rarely a dull moment in Hell divers it's a Non-Stop Rush of adrenaline and unscripted cinematic chaos and after 50 hours it hasn't gotten stale one bit hell diver's biggest strength comes in its Variety in every aspect of its game design especially the sandbox the people of superar clearly pay their goddamn taxes and apparently it all goes to the military because we are well equipped Lads you have these things called strategems which are essentially kill streaks you pick and spawn in with getting the shield Boys The Shield is here wait what the [ __ ] oh my God you landed on the shield and destroyed it you son of a [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] and each one requires a button combo the numbers on your credit card and the three digits on the back in order to call them in picking the right strategy at the right time is Paramount to success and when you're trying to do this [ __ ] while out running a horde and and trying not to kill your teammates well it's it's just awesome oh I spawned and instantly was killed again orbital lasers carpet bombs Nate Palm strikes mini nukes you can have guard dogs that watch your back with laser beams jetpacks that let you quickly Escape Sentry turrets to watch your six mortars Shield generators gas bombs the Geneva Convention is no more I mean there is a meta which becomes more prevalent on higher difficulties because you need something big to take out the bile Titans but even on suicide mission that me and the boys can bring in whatever the [ __ ] we want and still come out okay hell divers 2 doesn't pigeon hole you into one specific optimized play style and that's what I love about it part of the reason the game is so replayable is that it's a lot of fun to mix and match primaries secondaries grenades backpacks and synergize your strategy with your teammates hell divers rewards good teamwork and strategy not to mention that I have played a lot of Shooters in my time and I've never played something that felt like hell divers when it comes to the aiming when it comes to the actual shooting mechanics and you can't just like max out your sensitivity in order to zip around and like instantly do a 180 to shoot something behind you it takes time to line up the shot and you have to know when to crouch to improve accuracy and recoil when to reload so you don't waste ammo pacing your shots there's so many little mechanics you can Master to really flourish in this game and it makes the shooting feel awesome H diver's core combat is complemented perfectly by its level design which which emphasizes risk versus reward sure you can do the main missions and just xfill out of there but a real Patriot completes all the optional missions clearing out every Outpost and Bug Nest to maximize XP and wreck slip gains samples are also an important resource to upgrade your ship permanently but they drop on death let's say your team is starting the Evac and you just died and dropped all your samples You've Got 2 minutes do you stay with your team and help them defend or risk it for the biscuit and make a beline for your samples all this for a couple of samples you're crazy sir for democracy at times you have to decide do you split your team up to tackle multiple objectives at the same time or stay together as a single unit throughout each Mission players are constantly making decisions like these based on the risk and the reward as a team you have to decide when to do the optional objectives and when it just ain't worth it man on top of this there's a time limit and a limited number of lives if the clock hits zero you can't call in reinforcements no respawns and you can't use strategems so when choosing where to spawn on the map you want to plan the most efficient path to complete everything and when you do when you maximize the rewards and see that fat XP gain that five-star Mission completion yeah yeah it's better than sex for sure that's like the one of the best missions I think I've ever done and it caps off the whole the whole thing outstanding p patriotism look at those samples man W that's beautiful and like I said teamwork is important you're dealing with a bunch of really powerful explosives and carpet bombs and [ __ ] and friendly fire is on run just go just go just go just go o right there right there what what you killed get in get in EXT how did you kill me oh my God no how did you kill why my sh why spny almost sold that whole mission in the last 5 Seconds that is the worst place you could my god get this guy away from the [ __ ] stove immediately he can never cook ever again and while it's very hard to resist griefing your friends when [ __ ] hits the fan sloppy teamwork will be the death of you and all the Democracy you're fighting for and the friendly fire has been up to chain this session I know oh look out oh my God my God holy [ __ ] speaking of Jesus I I had the opportunity to that's kind of how they balanced all these overpowered strategems with Friendly Fire you can't just carelessly Chuck out a nuke whenever you like oh I'm dead okay he just knocked a [ __ ] my hands you need what the f oh god oh I'm dead again dead again instantly in a real war you got to watch out for your brothers and yourself because even the drop ships can kill you requesting oh my [ __ ] go you got to be [ __ ] me you have actually got to be [ __ ] me he got landed on he didn't know where he was standing he didn't know which way he stood oh my God shut up you can also kill enemies and teammates with your own drop pod it's [ __ ] awesome why didn't Halo ever think of this another cool mechanic is reloading some weapons require ammo backpacks and it's slower to reload if you carry it but it becomes almost instant if your teammate does allowing you to launch shell after shell down range this emphasis on risk and reward teamwork and Synergy makes hell divers 2 one of the most enjoyable and satisfying games to play with your friends so I'd say the core gameplay is basically perfect I really don't have many complaints except those escort missions against the [ __ ] automaton that was hell but a game like hell divers might completely fall apart if the objectives are boring thankfully there's as much Variety in the mission design as there is in the sandbox and enemy types the objectives are much more involved and creative than you would expect you have to do things like manage the terminal enter proper combinations and do all these things while fighting off waves of enemies often you have to make yourself vulnerable to complete the objective on the galactic map you get to choose where you land what types of missions you do what time of day and you see what modifiers might make the Run easier or more challenging because you have a choice you never feel like you're doing the exact same thing every time and you know precisely what you're getting into many other multiplayer games get repetitive and dull in a fraction of the time I've played hell divers for on bug planets sometimes you run into these big ass stalkers these guys are no joke they are tanky they can chase you down and kill you fast but if you take out their nest and tell them to [ __ ] off they won't spawn for the rest of the round there's artillery stations you can find and if you load them up with five shells bam you now have five extra artillery strategems for the rest of the mission so the game rewards you with XP and progression of course but also in making the mission easier that's great design there's also plenty points of interest and you can find premium currency and war bonds out in the world just by exploring you may be encouraged to complete everything and try to do that every round but ultimately it's your choice when to call it quits and those are two words I love player choice did I mention the planets in Hell divers 2 are procedurally generated yeah I know it doesn't even feel like that when you're playing making procedurally generated content feel handmade is one of the hardest things I can imagine for a game developer but the result is an endlessly replayable experience every planet is stunning and gorgeous in its own way now I got a nice rig 4090 graphics card and I tell you this is one of the best looking games I've ever played each planet hosts a different biome and once again variety is the spice of life here you have space Vietnam in mlon Creek snowy planets lava planets jungles Rocky Mountains yo yo what is this make snowball yo excuse me what how do I how do I make a snowball I don't know there was just a button prompt for it over here what some places are engulfed in a bright orange light that obscures Vision it's not just giant bugs you have to overcome and contend with but the environment itself darkness and fog can really put you on edge because sometimes you don't see the enemy until they're right in your face go to you and I can't see [ __ ] [ __ ] right now crossing a river might not seem too challenging but when there's no cover you move slower and you throw a [ __ ] ton of robots on the other side Crossing that River becomes a massive hurdle snowy planets can make you move slower and reduce the fire rate of your guns so many little details oh my god oh oh god oh it almost killed me I could see the [ __ ] yo and here's the thing all these factors weapons strategems planets modifiers mission objectives optional missions points of interest all of these things make each Mission feel unique from the last even when you're doing it on the same same planet in the same biome I genuinely cannot complement this game enough so whenever new planets are unlocked I'm excited to get on and see what else the game can throw at me what Freedom Peak Li Liberty Ridge also whenever you dive onto a planet you're treated with a spectacular backdrop which seems to change depending on what part of the planet you dive on now this might not be true but it's my head cannon that when you travel somewhere and you see all these other ships I like to think those are other players ships if you look down you can even see strategems being called in I mean it's it feels like a real war man this [ __ ] this game is so good there's even a bit of battlefields Levolution in destructible environments I mean this game has everything oh God he just blew that house up holy [ __ ] to make matters even better hell divers 2 is a $60 game being sold for 40 you get more content and enjoyment out of this than a lot of other AAA releases and like balers Gate 3 and like Po world there's no catch no scummy business practices aerohead just wanted to make a fun video game and it shows everything the CEO has been saying online is so [ __ ] based he was straight up telling people to wait and buy the game until the servers were fixed have you ever seen a CEO be like yeah it's okay if you don't buy our product right now no no you don't hear that so Health divers doesn't have a battle pass but it does have a freedom pass which is way cooler and like Halo infinite these seasonal and event passes will never expire that's right no fomo grind at your own pace what a concept and to get the premium you need 1,000 super credits now this is where companies like Activision would do something like charge you $10 for $800 super credits or $15 for 1,300 credits they would pull some scummy little tactic with the in-game currency to get you to buy more than you actually need not here you just spend 10 bucks you got it some armor sets in this are straight up like $2 or less meanwhile at Activision Blizzard buy a different portal color $30 at a time where many gamers are fed up with how greedy big corporations are I'm happy to say that the developers of held divers to respect your time and your wallet they earned that money they also wanted to make sure they avoided any pay to win comparisons or mechanics what you get in the premium pass is arguably worse than the free one and unlike other games where you can pay to skip tiers you can't you can only progress the freedom pass by playing the game the only issue is that the grind is ridiculously slow I put more than 40 hours into the game and I'm nowhere near unlocking everything if we could buy war bonds with requisition slips that'd be nice because at a certain point you unlock all the strategems and you just requisition slips mean nothing to you now like I said there isn't a campaign or a main story there's more lore than there is story but what's the purpose behind this War Liberation quite possibly one of my favorite features in all of video games is in Hell divers 2 Galactic Conquest 2.0 as I like to call it there is a war going on in real time every day the forces of evil push against us they seek to conquer our outlying planets kill our civilians murder our families H divers 2 has a sort of dungeon master behind the scenes controlling what planets are open what planets get attacked somewhat recently the order was for players to fight the automatons in these defense missions but now the terminats are moving in and we got to push them back so it's like this EB and flow and every time you and your team achieve victory in a series of missions you liberate a very small percentage of the planet liberate enough planets and players will push deeper into enemy territory if the community fails too much or doesn't divert enough manpower those planets may be lost and and the enemy pushes deeper into our territory who's the genius behind this idea I want to give him a medal I imagine it's very hard to balance something like this especially with the massive unexpected player count they had but they seem to be doing a good job of it and as long as I feel like I'm doing my part I'm happy and this is why held divers 2 has the greatest blueprint for a live service I've ever seen any event seasonal change new enemy faction can be introduced to the players and Community like a breaking news report in the ongoing war and they can take what is just like regular content and advertise it in game as if it's propaganda our scientists have been hard at work creating mechs and they're finally ready for the Battlefront and this is genius you know instead of making a live service that's just an endless list of menial tasks and chores to complete or an artificially inflated grind to maximize the fear of missing out the live service here is entirely based on the community's efforts and I think that's a big reason why the game is SU sustaining such a large player base and why it will in the future this is why there's been somewhat of a ceasefire around this game between you know PlayStation and Xbox Fanboys because we need all the men we can get we have the ships we have the weapons we need soldiers in conclusion hell divers 2 is one of the best co-op games I've ever played it's some of the most fun I've had with my buddies and I can't stop playing it considering I still play Left 4 Dead 2 and vermintide 2 semi-regularly hell divers 2 is going to be one of those games one of those oh it's been 5 10 years let's go play hell divers 2 and we go back to it as if no time has passed for their first attempt at a shooter game Arrowhead have hit a grand slam and their Pro consumer attitude gives them all the Goodwill in the Galaxy I think hell divers 2 is going to become a landmark title in the four-player co-op genre a game so good that studios in the future will look back on it to try and replicate what it does so well hell divers 2 is everything I've ever wanted from a co-op PVE game I'm going to stick around and watch every update from now until support is dropped and that is why hell divers 2 is a masterpiece but what do you think of Hell divers 2 have you been enjoying it as much as me what's your favorite part about the game let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below like the video If you enjoyed it and subscribe to the man for more awesome content all right everyone that's all I got for today this is the act man signing out peace
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 738,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers ii, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay, act man, actman, the act man, act man helldivers, helldivers act man, starship troopers, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 story, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 awesome, act man so awesome, act man review, why is helldivers 2, act man so bad, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 funny gameplay, helldivers 2 funny
Id: So0pn_q--Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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