Helldivers Moments that really Spread Democracy

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that is a horrible 120 why is that right there call it in call it in that's got crazy spread I did [Music] see can't fit come out Frozen as a rock baby call me the freezer I be coming out frozen I be like frozen chicken nuggets fire fire we going to call you the freezer in the freezer would do the freezing shut up liberal all right listen up John I know it's your first mission and it's going to be intense it will be nuts it will be bugs each member of my squad takes out a personal debt that you owe me I want each one of you to get me 100 bug scals and I will get my scills the bug Jew the bug je there's lots of mines around here careful I landed on a m there's no you guys be fine don't move machine gun I got to do for the what get watch out for the swap oh BL what happened I'll throw my machine gun on literally already killed me man come on it's been less than a minute can I roll I forgot from the tutorial oh no they have their airpods in Ultra they can't hear it watch out what we got to do John is we got to close up these bug holes or little extra objectives come over here I'll show you where a bug hole is oh no they have their airpods in again bug hole I love America super you like got that grenade go I only have one I only have one well perfect amount actually no there now there's two more and there goes my Sentry Kobe that should be right on the money I think that's what we're supposed to destroy there I don't know I'm a colonist that's just here to blow things up know what theegg look like yeah I think I destroyed part of it they're independent eggs there's like 31 of them that's what we need to do I see that one person to hold all the samples okay that I mean that's not a bad Strat yeah but if that one person like that what happened there what is this thing what are you looking at oh the score yeah mushroom kind of funky too boom God huge XP coming at oh [ __ ] heads up don't go in there I threw a grenade don't go in there John back up don't go in there back up oh my God dude that looks awesome I have an idea does it involve throwing an air strike crazy it does involve throwing an air strike ditto stay there don't move shoot him in the pipe oh you got it I didn't know he was facing this way he's dead is he no he's not he's dead now he's dead now surely he's dead bom he looks pretty dead to me he so alive shoot his ass I'm [ __ ] his ass hard wait huh in game in game game we're supposed to be doing that Soldier I'm going to drop an air strike in here okay go for bugs I would be correct in my assumption that there is bugs incoming damn that little guy got out of there just to slam into the ground and die like that oh right here bro I'm not over there oh my God thank you for the call out I got I did call it out actually I did no I didn't listen to you all right no no we got turn up just get to the extraction I don't exactly know where they are oh a that is a bad spot for a [ __ ] turret buddy here she comes boys um that is interesting oh Jesus Jes Christ s I'm flying yeah I'm getting in [ __ ] y'all John don't run back wait is he in wait John did you get in why did they just leave did you die get hit I don't know what do you mean you don't know are you currently playing I'm in the game I never got hit you guys just left probably because the 17 air strikes that were called on it maybe two accidentals not bad first one was probably not an accidental I pushed flam into an explosive device Cadet what are you in the menu or are you looking at me f I'm looking at you now I will not let that happen again soldier that will keep you alive I doubt it you're probably right how did you push ear somebody ask you for a friend uh that is secret shut the [ __ ] up that is secret information stay frosty there's things to get knocked into and get killed by on this map we have an artillery somewhere around here we do that one John drop that drop that yeah I'm just going to set it here what the hell just happened here sorry what happened all right okay material okay okay who just is that it is that wait bro I'm just so blind I'm tunnel vision bro on the ground what's happening i r I'm going to definitely do more team damage exclusively oh somebody landed on him yeah yeah it was me better we were still going for him go for God what is that what is happening that was I just killed him with the anti-material rifle that was me that time that was oh I ran out of ammo that would have been sick you're not slick I'm never slick baby I'm just efficient stabbed you with Heroin my addiction's coming back yo wait they just spawn in my Minds behind us L's coming I'm going to save you he's coming you so [ __ ] the most there's no music playing there's no threat just die just runs up and [ __ ] clothes lines me everything okay kind of I got some bug in my throat what' you say bug in my throat traitor traitor it's one of them that's our [ __ ] r one of them danger close huh huh oh that's what he mean we got it let's go let's go somewhere we can look there's a rocket here someone should take that yeah already have one what's wrong with my arms right now dog yeah your arm's kind of way out oh my arm they all bleed bro this looks like a big old pack of cigarettes right here you got siggies on your mind oh they do they look like cigars oh [ __ ] look missile's getting [Music] horny you shoot wa watch me shoot wait you're still alive I surv dude what that's some Call of Duty Clore logic right there baby this thing going to go you have to I forget oh there we go I got it I got it you got it that's crazy oh my gosh guys I'm going to blast us back no we'll be all right well we I think we should be fine all right watch it where this go watch it watch it turns around I put the Homing missile on flam by the way guys wait a minute for democracy for Liberty early yeah yeah or John see y oh the amount of times we got to head let's head so oh my go s you're good you're good oh [ __ ] oh I'm dead oh no I back into that you need to get my samples call me back no yall going to have to wait cuz we only have one oh no looks like you couldn't hold your promise oh my God guys what the [ __ ] is the air strikes for on the ship those are personal I'm going to [ __ ] you put around the ship just get out that M no dude are you serious I got it I got it I got you a piece of [ __ ] Eli good kill Eli good kill yeah why would you the one who put the what are you talking about killed me and youy he's the biggest piece of [ __ ] I did it in a funny way he just you put mines on the around the [ __ ] funny about rehashing the same [ __ ] you just did last game you put the mines around the ship [ __ ] you yeah that's kind of creative that's the second time John hasn't been able to extract and I it's your fault I'm currently the enemy now John is going to turn this game into a PVP game what do you mean how many times you guys have killed me it's already been that way for me putting M around the [ __ ] you [ __ ] I walked 16 miles with an explosive barrel and got behind you and Eli shot it all right so you're not as efficient as we are not the same we are not the same let's see accidentals seven accidentals fl's like I'm getting revenge and he's like [ __ ] like Jeffrey add up all of yours that were against me I knocked you into one thing and walked behind you with an explosive barrel and maybe maybe maybe pushed you over so it's kind of close look at the friendly fire damage all right boys we're going to the creek I've never been to the creek you've never been to the creek I've never been to the creek well the robots are too hard we might not make it out of here alive Eli hello what's this guy doing I just blew one uh-oh dude I took care of him come up here Terminator freaks John don't say that they're going to Su us they get really upset when we defame them with that why do you think we're at War who's this guy bro am I injured sneak up on him I'm going to take out his little battery pack is it working come here circle around this hole check it out saur over there no what's going on don't go that way don't go where I was don't go die or sa it didn't blow up oh well brother all right Plum's dead on site again I didn't yeah I still died and you didn't stop it so true are they growing weed guys cease this operation oh the robots are [ __ ] Stoners dude we miss so much that's how they get you on the creek dude if I make it back this is the most [ __ ] this is coolest thing make it back cuz I'm going to die to a [ __ ] air by my own [ __ ] what the [ __ ] who did that what who did what oh it was you John get in John get in the [ __ ] get in I'm in dude all right I'm just make go go go oh that's convenient I hav I want Drake lip balm this is um this is awkward all hey guys there's rocket guy to our right seven factories we got to deal with he called in a ship um yeah I haven't moved a muscle I'm just waiting for this and we're good all right are we going to E1 I'm going to E1 yeah I marked it oh bingo bingo that's the closest one it's not a word it's not a letter in Bingo cover me while I throw a grenade in there huh wait I just threw it I threw something bigger okay I threw a grenade in nice we got it that's it nice we just need a couple more let's go to the north I'm running for my life oh no no no no no no there we go he's here God damn boys well done we don't each other it's not bad the creek is not a problem anymore this looks beautiful as hell oh boy let's see right here oh my God we're in okay so that was an interesting drop spot not going to lie well I didn't realize there would be a base right here well oh man the distance on the shotgun is insane take out these little factories over here where sm's heading uh okay I'm going to air strike it I guess oh man goby he's aiming at us oh my God all right it's dead careful careful danger danger danger dang zooming in Eagle cluster bomb that's insane why would you call that so close what is wrong with you [ __ ] enemy spotted let them [Music] pass we can get past them before they how the [ __ ] did you get another snowball dude it just says make snowball you crouch yeah these bigger snow things what's wrong with my what am I doing this is not right Soldier this oh you Moon walking dude I'm doing more than move Mig man oh that's the Hulk you guys want a cluster uh I can try sniping him hold on actually oh I got him from here back up back up back up someone grab mine if they want a look oh my God it's I you know what guys I'm making a judgment call no more mines how much time is left on this joint 10 seconds get push John John John John I I don't get in don't get in I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not don't get crushed by him man that would have been really funny all right all right get back in in the ship in the ship bro why why I just had have samples s he deserved death oh my God five accidentals SL what are you doing what are you you killed three of us and one fell one last one it's just a h it's just a hoarde one unless you got to go uh sure I'll do one more if we go quick if we do defense yeah I'm down yeah yeah yeah grab the mortars F you call yours in first what my mortar yeah what if I get mines mines would be good on defense as long as you're not throwing them around where we're sitting oh no it BR it pushed me off dude the mortar pushed me off yeah uh flop what what I don't know wow that should be right on the money I'm going to watch this happen dude H yeah God bless our country our planet our galaxy our universe our everything we own it all we're the greatest Liberty holy [ __ ] that is a horrible 120 why is that right there call it in call it in that's got crazy spread I did see no we're not even close to it it's [ __ ] it's a goddamn barrage it's just in a general vicinity that's why I said it's horrible dude I knew that was going to happen I'm so glad I'm alive in here don't land on me yeah I didn't know if I was going to land on I'm inside I literally SP wait wait I'm stuck in this [ __ ] I can't hold on guys I know how to oh no you calling him bro guys a oh my God why John are you okay I'm good I'm fine we all got knocked off good Mission yeah really good Mission bro w why is somebody else getting involved wait wait wait I said [ __ ] this [ __ ] and boarded and took over all right I got to go boys ggary Recons hell bombs require manual arming but don't stick around unless I missed it unless you want to be stuck reason what the hell what are we broke what in the Tatooine is this the [ __ ] hello bugs oh it's just a radar this is called R punched it brother God damn it Cadet he didn't know what it was Sir he didn't know so John that was called a hell bomb Captain so you could call those in eventually when you get to high enough level but sometimes they're just on the map and you can use them so you just like detonate them by shooting them from afar cuz as you just witnessed you cannot run away from them you melee watch out watch out out was that another one of them Hill bomb thing yeah we're going west guys we're going we're going the wrong way we got to headit East I'm trying to kill I'm fighting a charger democracy dude that was sick I ducked it oh my God I saw you aiming I'm like yikes hey Eli yeah there's a hell bomb over here yeah okay blow it up letting you know oh no John call down SSS it's by the big dead bug over there oh John there's bugs right there why don't you just hit it with a rocket from this angle and it's going to [Music] explode I'm going go ahead and all my limbs all my limbs are injured holy [ __ ] I'm going to go ahead and use one of these closest you can get to death damn that might be a oh it's a static field it's not even a fun one I'll show you a fun one what do you mean by that I don't know oh yeah that is a fun one man what are you holding there I'm going just hold my orbital just in case don't get shot I dropped it it's a 120 it's a 120 I thought it was just a regular one oh [ __ ] no we got to escort the citizens just go around toe I'm about to call on an artillery you better not no not yet not yet got sa citizens I'm die why so you get for you could have kill me with that imagine if I broke my ankle in this situation I was waiting for you to do it jeez that's an artillery baby I could have died a little later Dodge this one what is it didn't know what it was [Applause] [Music] careful oh there's a [ __ ] spitter on me son of a [ __ ] [Music] bugs you know when you ran on my [ __ ] thing I was paying attention to mine I was trying not to run into mine you didn't say anything either I said careful careful come on huh [Music] yeah cool stats that's crazy that's crazy to me that's insane this map so blurry looking visuals have been turned down for this part I can't see oh my God we're already here I'm just going to run at Smitty so he has to see what I'm dealing with Fair uh landing on top of it [ __ ] uhoh that's that is that is not not move oh bro no he didn't even die get [ __ ] there's two uh-oh I believe that all right we did it nice had the extract oh I just dude the [ __ ] bug hit me as I was launching my we got oh my God oh my God what the hell that was beautiful in cover de 120 mm or you know you never know oh my gosh that would have been it that would have been it if you didn't say anything we would have died fine looks like it's time for the big boy dude there's so many there oh boy [ __ ] here all right come on tank tank tank I'm getting in I'm getting in get the ship get in go go go where Str oh my God holy [ __ ] dude I was shooting grenade launchers in the other way I didn't know which way the tank was it was right behind me how do I always have 2,000 for I like what am I doing you literally landed on me what do you mean there's no way that does 2,000 damage you landed on me too and you have zero [ __ ] I didn't kill you at all that round [ __ ] you're right I let you live my Vengeance just never it never cles is cles the right word I guess it's like a right word proba not the best word get Bo would be quenched wouldn't it oh yeah he right quen that sentence deserves a goddamn salute another day on Hell divers [Music] [Music] complete
Channel: SMii7Yplus
Views: 1,609,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smii7y, smii7yplus, smii7y+, smii7y plus, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 funny, helldivers 2 pc gameplay, helldivers, helldivers 2 best moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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