Who Are The Automatons? - Helldivers Lore

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today at re-education Camp we're going to cover the automatons they are Mindless bloodthirsty robots coded for nothing but murder and violence but despite this mindlessness they are extremely capable Fighters make a mistake and they will be sure to murder you their Origins are a mystery but their unthinking hatred of Freedom makes them a threat to all citizens of superar battling automatons requires hell divers to adapt a drastically different approach compared to battling the termined bug Menace the Socialist robots are not as numerous compared to the hordes of insectoids but what they lack in numbers they make up for in Firepower the automatons are capable of employing a vast array of Weaponry from energy swords and chainsaws to rocket launchers and heavy laser guns thus hell divers will need to find a good balance between offense and defense seeking cover whenever possible and focusing on scrapping the automaton Heavy Hitters before they can unleash their devastating attacks while many automats are well armored their humanoid structures possess a very notable weakness namely their heads thus Precision Weaponry can have great effects on even the armored versions such as Berserkers Devastators and hulks as long as the hell diver wielding these weapons possesses suitable Marksmanship the machines can be rapidly deployed in large numbers or reinforcements via drop ships but much like bug tunnel breaches it is possible to disrupt these reinforcements by either eliminating the trooper or commissar calling in backup before it can launch a signal flare or simply shooting down the drop ship using heavy anti- armor Weaponry such as the spear automatons can be produced on site via Fabricators set up in their numerous outposts destroying the Fabricators can be done in a similar fashion to destroying bug hives by serving a fresh hot cup of liberty down their exhaust funnels or simply level the entire area using Eagle strikes or artillery bombardments we warned however a fabricator will explode rather violently when destroyed so hell divers to keep their distance when making their deliveries furthermore it's worth noting that automaton outposts are often defended by troops Manning machine gun imp placements and is therefore advised to approach as sneakily as possible this socialist faction known as the cyborgs share a similar star-shaped logo with the automatons this is most likely due to the automatons being descended from or a creation of them it's also worth noting that these machines have been shown to engage in a limited degree of psychological warfare such as decorating certain makes and models of themselves with human skulls as well as using the body armor of Fallen helders to make decoy dummies to defend their Outpost from snipers finally before we get into the individual units please note that attempting to discover the origin of the automatons is a crime against superar managed democracy and freedom superar would also like to remind citizens that anyone engaging in any way with the automaton propaganda regarding anything known as oppression or enslavement will hereby be known as a socialist terrorist and should be reported to the ministry of Truth as soon as possible with all that said we shall go from Little to large and we will begin with with the punniest of the automaton machines the trooper Troopers are the most basic of the automaton units and they are widely equipped coming in with at least five different variants that we have identified the standard unit comes equipped with a simple assault rifle there is a brawler type equipped with dual energy blades a radar or support unit equipped with heavy machine guns or a rocket launcher there is also a variant called The Marauder equipped with a rapid fire Laser cannon or finally the assault variant equipped with a jump pack pistol and energy sword the most dangerous in my experience are the rocket launcher equipped Bots they will stay at range and throw Rockets into your squad seemingly completely disregarding all sorts of Friendly Fire keep a watchful eye out for these guys at the edge of the combat Arena all Troopers have the same weak spots their heads simple light arms Fire To The Head will shred them irrespective of the variant assault Troopers will attempt to use their jump packs to rapidly close distance they are not very dangerous in terms of armament however using only a blade and a pistol however when destroyed their jump packs do tend to explode violently with the force of a grenade therefore hell divers should refrain from engaging assault troopers at close range where possible or at least be prepared to fall back upon executing one finally there is a known subgroup of Troopers with higher damage resistance that appear with blackheads rather than the normal white skulls these appear mostly the same as the standard variant but have been known to take far more punishment than a regular Trooper the commissar the commissar is a leadership class of troop they are a crude simulation of military leadership the commissar is augmented with slightly faster processing and a crude command sub rutine it stays out of combat where possible as despicably cowardly as it is unequivocally non-sentient the commissar appears is to have the responsibility for calling in bot drops and reinforcements although other machines are also capable of sending up signal flares it does tend to fall to the commissar where there is one present as such hell divers are advised to keep their eyes sharp and gun down the commissars before they can launch their signal flares furthermore once the signal flare has been fired the commissar will attempt to stay out range and either throw grenades or overcharge their pistol for a powerful energy Attack Just just like the average Trooper the commissar is vulnerable to grenades and head shot the best way to defeat them is therefore to aim for head shot or use grenades for a quick takedown the Scout Strider the Scout Strider is a machine operated by a machine a walking turret Guided by the Limited intelligence of an automaton Trooper they are effectively mobile turrets with legs the bot inside is protected from three angles and thus you must get above it or behind it or use an armor piercing weapon and go straight through the front Howell divers should note that these things are fast and will shoot their lasers continuously at you they do however struggle to turn quickly so if you can get behind it then do so do be careful about getting too close as they will stamp on you squashing you to death in a most unpleasant fashion the quickest way to deal with the strier are a single rail gun round can put it down as it pierces the armor completely and destroys the bot piloting it grenades can easily take down the Striders if thrown behind them explosive Weaponry such as grenade launchers or autoc cannons can also eliminate the Troopers operating the Scout Strider flamethrowers can do this just as well finally charge shots from the ark 3 thrower will pass through the front armor and hit the bot behind it the Berserker Berserkers are just as primitive as the name suggests picture a bulky version of the trooper with chainsaws for hands and you pretty much nailed what the Berserker looks like these machines have better leg and torso armor than their weaker Trooper counterparts and as such I would suggest aiming for the head try to avoid the chest and stomach as they are heavily armored there and will soak up light arms fire for days if the vision of their head is impaired you can also shoot their chainsaw wielding arms this will render them mostly useless these machines are slower than your average automaton but they do tend to group up and swarm you pinpoint head shots with the Liberator penetrator or a full auto breaker are both good options at thinning the crowd the Devastator Devastators are similar to Berserkers in that they have upgraded armored bodies but whereas Berserkers are solely equipped with melee weapons Devastators are able to employ significant heavy Weaponry there appear to be three variants standard which would be the Devastators equipped with cannons Heavies which would be Devastators equipped with machine guns and shields and finally rocket Devastators equipped with shoulder mounted multi rocket launchers heavy and Rocket are significantly more dangerous the Heavies carry a massive Tower Shield rendering it mostly immune to Small Arms fire from the front and the side that carries the shield armor penetration or explosives are needed if facing these head on Rocket Devastators however will sit at a distance and act as artillery hell div is caught by the Rockets will suffer significant L similar to Berserkers the body of Devastators is protected by medium armor and thus can soak up a decent amount of small arms fire however their heads are fully exposed allowing hell diver Sharpshooters to quickly take it down if their shots are accurate the armor is weaker in the waist and the arms if the head is too hard to hit the Hulk hulks represent a significant threat to Hell divers they are essentially walking weapons platforms they heavily armed and require significant Firepower and coordination to bring down hulks like other automaton units come in three variants the standard is equipped with auto cannons and rocket launchers the scorcher is equipped with flamethrowers in a buzs saww and the Bruiser oddly named for that is equipped with a rocket pod and will attempt to Pepper you from range huls have two weak spots their head and their back the easiest way to kill them is to get behind them their backs house a large power plant that's easily recognizable due to its dull orange glow even light arms fire targeted at this point will eventually bring down a Hulk alternatively destroying its head will instantly kill it the antimaterial rifle or rail gun can easily achieve this as can an Expendable anti-tank rocket if you're feeling overwhelmed remember the stratagy of your friend calling a 500 kilo bombb or an artillery strike as required the tank the tank is a somewhat Antiquated Design This appears to be the only tracked vehicle in the automaton Arsenal it is the largest ground unit that they're known to possess and obviously given the name it packs some serious Firepower there are two patterns of tank the annihilator and the Shredder the annihilator is the standard pattern and comes equipped with a heavy Cannon the shredder has quad heavy machine guns and represents a significant threat to light armored troops I.E hell divers despite packing a punch these are easily dealt with they have vents on the rear of the tank and the rear of the turret these are both weak points the top armor is also significantly weaker in fact a hell diver can destroy one of these with as little as two impact grenades the spear is also an option and will destroy a tank with a single missile beware however they often explode on death to make sure you're well away from it when you pull the trigger the drop ship there's not a huge amount to say about the drop ship it does what the name suggests drop ships lack an easily identifiable weak point however if you aim at one of the thrusters with either the recoiless rifle or the Disposable anti-tank launcher it will down the ship if a drop ship is downed with troops on board they will hopefully be crushed if they survive the drop ship also explodes on impact and will then hopefully kill the remaining surviving Bots any that do survive however are usually pinned under the ship and though they can't move they may still be able to fire back at you thanks for listening if you want to hear more about hell divers 2 please click the video on screen now
Channel: The Red King
Views: 52,956
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Keywords: pc game, lore, Helldivers story, helldivers lore, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 lore, helldivers 2 story, helldivers 2 story so far, helldivers 2 game, The Red King, Red king lore, The red king lore, Red king stellaris, red king stellaris lore, helldivers 2 lore explained, the red king, stellaris red king, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers automaton, helldivers 2 automaton message, helldivers 2 automaton voice lines
Id: yjJb8tx4LHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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