How to Solo Helldive - Destroy Airdrops Mission- Tutorial Tips #helldivers2 #gaming

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I'd like to address the recurring comments that I've noticed within the hell divers 2 Community when I record my Tik toks and YouTube shorts I have a format for the video which basically eliminates majority of the screen when I record my Clips is to post because I think it's a cool clip and I feel like that's something that I want to share and I get a lot of positive comments but also I notice the negative comments right the negative comments are generally about the difficulty I'm playing on right so it's either one they don't believe I'm playing on Hell dive or or you know when I'm not playing on Hell dive and you can tell you know based on like the mobs right for example that spawn it's just a negative comment about you're not playing on Hell dive you're not good yada y yada but this is a PVE game and like we're all playing it to reach a common goal and that common goal which is liberating planets doesn't really factor in with difficulty so I see comments about you know where are the drops where are the tanks where the hulks and in my head I'm like does there really need to be a tank in every clip does there need to be you know a Hulk in every clip do you need a play on Hell diver in every clip and I just think it's pretty funny that some people think that way yes you can play on Hell diver and solo the game sure and you can be the best hell diver in the game right you want to be but not every game needs to be played at difficulty 9 for instance if you're max level and you have everything unlocked currently strateg gems you have all the samples and medals that you you know need or you're maxed out there's no real reason to play on difficulty 9 we still have the same amount of Liberation score if you're playing A8 seven or six so it depends on the operation and how many missions you have in the operation so if you have three missions you'll contribute three you know I think it's what 0000 one Z of a percentage to the whole planet like you know for me I don't need 250% bonus to Hell Di gives me but sometimes I play it for the challenge and sometimes I play it for stream but if there's no real incentive for me to play it and I don't feel like trying as hard I'm going to play on seven right Seven 8 six whatever and it also depends on who I'm playing with I'm playing with people who don't have the same amount of gear i' rather just play in a lower difficulty and level them up and another funny part is that some of the videos that I edit I edit in the the timer and difficulty on the top right because you can't see it unless I do and it's right there and some people are still in disability that it's nine because I don't have as many tanks or I don't have as many hulks in the game but anyways to the video here's a solo hell dive playing a simple mission where you have to destroy you know drop ships and the air base very easy to do um and the only thing I'm doing here is the main OB objectives how you like the taste of freedom but I'm going to talk through this video and just go through what's in my head right here I'm going to pinch here uh I got overwhelmed and I'm just trying to grab what I've thrown in the beginning of the game to try to take out this Hulk and then reposition but the explosions pushed me back and I'm getting shot at from basically every direction what I wanted to do here is just go left but I got hit by that rocket stunned and then stomped on um I think before this happened um you know I pushed the objective and I just decided to throw my air strike to destroy the drop ship but I remember in my head I thought I took laser and I was just taking it back that I threw a rail Cannon and it destroyed the objective Shore so then I kind of choked I got overwhelmed too quickly and I I tried to hold that rock and that's why I died him on this side I'm using the plasma Punisher here because I like the fact that I can just one shot every Strider that comes across me and then I can just stun lock Devastators I think it comes really in handy before my strategy for Striders would just be like impact grenades and such but I feel like the plasma just works better I see mines here and typically in my experience with mines if I don't blow them up and I'm playing near them I get hit like with some CC a rocket you know pushes me and I'll land onto the mine or sometimes I just accidentally push back and walk onto the mine and I'll die so that's why I blew them up so right here I just got hit by something and I move a little forward right so that's my reasoning for destroying the mines I'm having some trouble with this machine gun tet here and I try to throw the uh air strike but it didn't work try to blast him so I'm just holding my ground I don't have any more heals I'm popping these plasmas on these Striders one hit fairly simple and I decid to throw a resupply but I don't know why I threw it so far up I should have just thr right next to me I decide to peek again and see if I can take this guy out but it doesn't work he I think he's dead but he's still alive we'll see yeah you see I'm shooting at them again um luckily there's no bot drops coming down and that's the main focus when you're playing on higher difficulties is that when you're engaging these smaller targets that they can all shoot a flare up whenever they want and call a bot drop but I do have the booster which basically reduces the amount of time they do that so it makes everything fairly simple I throw air strike to destroy the Ator and the objectives and I think I get them all in one hit yeah objective complete there's one more fabricator left that I want to get rid of I'm just going to toss my nade you can either toss it on the top two vents or you can toss it when the front doors open but typically I would run see when I was saying before I used to run impact grenades for the Striders but with the Fabricators to get a impact grenade into one of the vents just doesn't work out you have to be at a specific angle or you have to wait until the doors open of course so it's just too much of a hassle sometimes and that's why I just prefer taking the plasma the plaza works pretty well I'm also taking the quazar here but I you know I left it behind I didn't get to pick it up so I didn't get to really use it this game something and now I'm just on my way way to the next objective there's a terrant here and the terrant is you know trying to shoot me as long as you're moving at least with light armor I think I have medium armor here yeah long as as long as you're sprinting it shouldn't be able to hit you as soon as you see a flash if you dive as well majority of the time I feel like it never hits me now here I get entangled by this bush and it shoots and knocks me forward but I just pop another stem and just keep running and I get tired of this guy shooting at me so I just hide behind a rock for a couple seconds and after that it'll stop shooting so it's all about line of sights with automatons Tyrant all that stuff you break Los and they kind of just forget where you are so I'm just waiting a bit and then you can see the turr start to look away so I finally make it to the objective I want to try to sneak in here and get like behind these guys but I get spotted so I just decided to shoot one of them shoots a bot drop out I have a Expendable my back this is why I like to take Expendables as well the mortars are coming in I'm trying to keep my eyes up I just don't think those are going to hit me so I just focus on the Airship my other Expendable isn't down in time so I just decided to throw a air strike and I start to get hit by mortars I almost die here I don't have the quazar so I grab another this one hits me that should have killed me but my armor saved me for sure there with 50% chance to survive we were just going up top and luckily I I'm not getting bot drops because of the booster and the main objective is just to call down this SSD and you know place it into the terminal and then once that's done you blow up this um control tower trying to fend off the area as the SSD comes down this fabricator is just going to keep spawning So eventually I have to take it out but for now I'm just trying to pick people off using the second secondary which is more accurate than the plasma they're a little far with the plasma you have to lob it and sometimes it's just a little hard to hit I'm low on stem so I clown of the resupply mainly for the stems I don't really need ammo at all and then I call my quazar again can May mission complete that's it the main objectives are done it doesn't matter anymore for me if I live I can die four times and just get out you know I don't need the XP I don't need the um the R Points I don't need samples either right so I'm just contributing to Liberation score I hear these guys to my right so I want to pick them off first pi kind of sucks if you get hit by a random rocket trying to lob it here I hit him once but it was a little too hard for me so I just decided to get rid of this fabricator and then reconvene my nade misses here I didn't notice I hear these guys coming and then one shot this thing it's why I really take it it's just for the Striders I could use something else but it's just kind of satisfying to thren hit these guys with a plasma nade and then they die but you have to be careful with this um plasma here uh because it can can kill you all right it has some decent Splash damage as you can see right there I get hit I have to pop a stem but other than that it's nice you see I'm taking these guys out fairly easily as you know if I I you know as long as I'm concentrating on my shots and my positioning so it looks like we're done here and now it's time to try to extract I died because I think I thought a rocket was probably just going to skim past the cover and hit me and that those Rockets can one hit you so okay so finally at the extraction point I'm just engaging I feel pretty confident I haven't got that many drops lucky RNG I guess try to blow up this turret and then just push through bottom Do's open so I throw a nade continue to push in using the secondary pretty simple stuff bot drops come in I'm out of nades here I was going to throw a nade so I just decided to use the cant Cannon blow up the Fab and I call in to start the timer and just drop everything that I have typically drop everything that I have even if it's the same weapon just to have anything thing if I need it especially the Expendable tanks because you can there a low cool down you can just stagger a whole bunch and then you'll be ready for anything you know you have two of those down that's four shots you just keep continuously pick one up and shoot and shoot and shoot shoot down bot drops or you know take out Hulks and two [ __ ] two hits Plasma's just doing work for me on the Striders using cover as well picking up my stems and then just taking on enemies fairly simple I got really lucky here in terms of Devastators and all that and honestly I think it's attributed to the booster or just the Nerf they did to Hell ey difficulty in general but I don't know this is what it's like for me typically when hell dive I got overwhelmed in the beginning that's why I died right but I mean you typically you get overwhelmed if you have too many bot drops so it's actually smarter to take things slower I noticed when playing with four people that the team will just shoot at every little Patrol or everything they see or go for every objective and that's fine you can do so you know if you need the XP and and all that stuff but like you have to also keep an in account to your reinforcement level like if you're going for a base and you keep dying and you lose like six seven lives if you continue to do that for every base eventually you're going to run out of lives so I've seen people leave my game because they keep dying on this difficulty so you have to play a little bit more strategic especially with other people because your randoms will shoot at everything and aggro everything and then they won't shoot the Bots before they shoot the uh shoot out flare so you'll get more bot drops anyways this is the end be sure to leave me a like and sub if you learn something new thanks for watching
Channel: Joozies
Views: 2,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, hell, divers, helldivers2, solo, gameplay, malevelon, creek, helldive, level 9, gaming, automatons, Plasma, punisher, quasar cannon, best, strategy, to, play, beat, how, tips, and, tricks, commentary, live, tutorial, community, negative, comments, hate
Id: T5EgdO4l2Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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