How TANKY Is The Exo-45 Patriot Mech? | Helldiver's Handbook | Helldivers 2

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greetings hell divers today we're going to dive in deep and learn a lot about how the newly introduced exo suit or Max work in the game we're going to be covering everything from the basic information about it to its combat potential and its durability and trust me when I say you'll want to learn about how tough your Exo Suit actually is as well as some interesting interactions it has with other parts of our kit finally I'll end the video with my verdict about the exo suit and its impact on our missions so Let's Get It On starting with the basics the Patriot XO 45 is a straty that is available to everyone at the cost of 20,000 requisition credits bringing the exo suit Shredder jam with you allows you to summon up to two EXO 45s with a 10-minute cooldown in between summons upon calling down the exo suit an aite drop ship will bring the EXO 45 and drop it near the beacon it's important to note that it won't land exactly on the beacon but it will be dropped very close to it because of this it's best to deploy your other support weapons and utility strategems away from the ex45 less you end up crushing it by accident when you get the ex45 it has no timer nor any Fu gauge that you need to manage you can keep using it as long as it has not yet exploded it moves fairly fast for something so big and it does so at a very consistent rate allowing you to Traverse all sorts of terrain very easily it can move forwards and backwards well but struggles with strafing left and right doing so in a TP tap fashion it is best to use your aim to control show your direction rather than just using your directional movement alone the EXO 45 is also unimpeded by things like Gates fences trees and small rocks and can break them down as it walks into them this makes it pretty good at clearing a path ahead of the team to follow behind it also has a pretty slow turning Arc which makes it feel sluggish when having to deal with enemies up close given this it's best to engage from some distance away where your slow turning Arc won't be too much of a problem now let's talk about its armaments the p XO 45 comes with a set of 14 rockets and a machine gun with a th000 rounds of medium armor penetration the machine gun basically works the same way as the machine gun stratem allowing you to lay a hail of fire to take down many enemies in quick succession without worrying too much about their armor value or their numbers if you have to deal with heavier enemies like Chargers and hulks that's where the Rockets come in these Rockets are a lot like the Expendable anti-tank rockets and basically have the same level of flexibility as them some notable things the Rockets can do are you can two shot charges to the front leg the first shot will break the armor and the next shot will kill it you can also save your rockets by breaking its leg armor first and then moving it down with your machine gun this is my preferred method you can twoot an automaton drop ship to the thrusters you can twoot an automaton hul to the face you can two to three shot a ball Titan to the face you can destroy bug holes and fabricators from a distance and of course you can destroy side objectives like the Spa mushroom and the illegal broadcast Tower from a distance as well while they are great at taking down heavy targets and securing objectives you are limited to 14 of them so try not to waste them on enemies that your machine gun can handle now if you run out of both rockets and machine gun ammo your ex45 is basically unable to engage in combat anymore as there is currently no way for the mech to rearm itself without Munitions it becomes a oneman APC instead the only enemies you can still fight are the smaller bugs like scavengers and the Lesser automatons and you do so by stepping on them like the bugs they are speaking of Step your Mech also has a melee ability to stomp on enemies as well but for the life of me I have not been able to activate it at all in my missions from what I gather elsewhere you aren't able to use your storm once you start smoking which brings us to the next Point let's talk about the EXO 45's durability without damage numbers or having a controlled environment it's pretty hard to know for sure how much punishment your Exo 45 can handle so to kind of give us an idea I I've used our very own weapons to show how much damage the EXO 45 can take I spent a good amount of time testing various weapons and stratagems against the x45 and this is what I observed the main parts of your Mech most likely to sustain damage is going to be the center of your body where the rectangular part is this part is classified as light armor as well as your legs which are also mostly classified as light armor your max arms back and sides appears to be mostly claded in either medium armor or very resistant or sloped light armor since weapons like the Liberator and Knight have their shs deflected entirely some parts of the Mac that are supposedly covered in medium armor have little vents or panels which can be penetrated by light penetration rounds when shot directly at the center with light penetrating weapons like the aformentioned Liberator KN SMG and the stalwart the EXO 45 can take a lot of punishment taking well over 250 rounds to bring down however the moment I swapped to The Liberator penetrator which has medium armor penetration it only took 39 rounds to blow up the mech to put this into perspective it took 272 rounds from the basic Liberator to destroy the x45 that's a total raw damage output of 14,960 assuming no multipliers on the other hand testing it the same way with the Liberator penetrator I only needed 39 rounds to destroy it that's a total raw damage output of 1755 this suggests to me that the XO 45 doesn't have a very high Health pool but instead has a lot of damage resistance built in against light arms fire and attacks assuming this is true knowing the ex45 probably doesn't have a very high Health pool is helpful but what would be even more helpful is knowing how much health the mech has left while the game doesn't give us a health bar we do know one thing if our Mech takes enough damage it begins to smoke knowing this I ran through a bunch of different weapons and mapped out a simple spreadsheet to see how many bullets from a specific weapon did it take for the mech to start smoking relative to to how many rounds it would take to destroy it now considering that our weapons have many many many hidden variables behind them these numbers are only a guideline rather than a hard figure to follow from what I can tell if I average out all the smoking points from the weapons I've tested if your x45 is smoking it means it has lost between 60 to 70% Health about 65% on average meaning you've only got about 30 to 35% more durability to work with before it explodes sometimes you might notice that one of the legs is on fire this means your leg has been damaged and your Mobility has been hamstrung in this state you basically can't outrun anything anymore and depending on the situation it might be best to abandon the mech but how much health do you actually have left when your leg is on fire well I tested this by only shooting at the lake with various weapons the same way I tested it smoking point and the approximate Health you would have left is about 50% durability of course this assumes that all the damage you've sustained is purely on on your legs alone knowing how much damage it takes to set our legs on fire and destroy it means I can sort of calculate the relative durability of the exosuits legs versus its body compared to the body your max legs have only got about 30% of the durability against light attacks this means when engaging in range combat against automaton light fire you'll want to do your best to keep your legs hidden or in cover since any damage they sustain from getting hit hurts a lot more than getting hit in the body now let's talk about the XO 45's great greatest weakness explosive damage while the XO 45 can resist light attacks very well and somewhat tank medium penetration attacks for a bit it is absolutely terrible against any form of explosive damage a single autoc Cannon shot to the body blows it up a single impact grenade landing on it blows it up two shots from the pl one scorcher which has explosive damage blows it up hell if you accidentally get too close to cover on your left side or if you turn too quickly to the right side and you launch a rocket you'll blow yourself up too the EXO 45 absolutely cannot deal with explosions so it is vital that you avoid stepping on landmines getting hit by Rockets cannon fire and explosive stratagems in fact speaking of stratagems apart from the stalwart and the Machine Gun to an extent everything else that you can summon will destroy your Mech pretty quickly grenade launcher one shot Expendable anti-tank one shot L Cannon 20 heat worth of damage flamethrower burn to a crisp in no time HMG imp placement about 15 rounds Tesla coil one shot knowing this make sure to be careful when using your support weapons near Allied Mex you don't want to accidentally throw away a limited use 10-minute cooldown mag from a little bit of Friendly Fire before we reach the end of the video I also want to share some interesting interactions I've learned during my testing first for some reason the shield generator backpack does not switch off when you are in the XO 45 this actually allows you to use your Shield to tank some extra damage to the body which increas increases the durability of your Exo 45 a little bit previously you saw how I could destroy the exo suit in two shots with a plus one scorer but in this clip you can clearly see the shield generator taking a hit instead of the mech this interaction is probably not intentional since the guard dog backpacks all switch off when you enter the x45 but in the meantime having the shield generator gives you a little bit more protection against automatons since you can absorb some of their range damage instead of tanking it secondly while in the EXO 45 you are immune to the effects of the EMS while you might lose all your stamina you won't be slowed down by it and you are safe to walk through the static field third and coming right behind the second point the EXO 45 is either immune or has a very high damage resistance against the orbital gas strike I've dropped about four of them while standing in it for the whole duration and I wasn't even sure if my ex45 was taking any damage from them the good thing about this is that you the hell diver are also immune to the damage of gas while inside the ex45 this makes the corrosive EMS combo much better to use in close quarters situations without being at risk yourself you are also seemingly immune to the Flames from a naom air strike as well not the impact finally if you summon your x45 in a pretty enclosed space like next to a wall or a building you can actually make the drop ship stay a little longer as it will try to find a suitable space to drop the XO 45 this lets you take advantage of a few more seconds of supporting fire from the drop ship as it hovers over you so given everything we've learned about the x45 so far this is my verdict on it it is a heavy Armament platform housed in a wooden shed on legs the XO 45 is not really a tank but used at the right time and used correctly it can provide you with enough cover to execute some tactical plays safely and supplies you with additional Firepower to support a push or a defense its ability to Traverse terrain unimpeded and the capability to break open areas and paths without having to maneuver around offers a lot of potential for playmaking the XO 45 is is a strong addition to any Mission given the potential it has but I think having too many people with the EXO 45 strategem might cause the team to lose out on some utility or on more flexible shatter Jam options this is especially the case on higher difficulties where you can't afford to be in your XO 45 for long since you be attacked from every whichway or run off ammo very fast all right that's it for this video I'm a little rusty since I've been away for a while battling with PC problems so I hope this video was filled with some information that you'll find useful in your mission this is the first video of my hell divers handbook Series where I do my best to dive into the untold and hidden mechanics of the game to make them more understandable to you so you can better know how to make the most of your kit I especially love covering underused and underappreciated weapons and Str the gems so if you want to see more of the hell diverse handbook series to come consider subscribing and dropping a like on this video to show your interest and love what do you think of the EXO 45 are there some interesting strategies that you've picked up are you having fun with it in in game like I am let me know in the comments below thank you all for watching and I will see you in the next one over and out hell divers [Music] supp requesting air support
Channel: Ryken XIV
Views: 10,029
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Id: xadkPIQc9q4
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Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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