Helldivers 2 Beginner's Guide

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Shields up iron Breakers Welcome to Hell divers 2 and today I'm going to be bringing you my beginnner guide to this game so that you too can bring freedom and democracy to the Galaxy now before we go any further this right here is actually a video that I'm going to be pausing as we go through the guide because I needed to be able to play the game without having to worry about providing commentary because as you will soon find out things can get very chaotic very very fast when it comes to Hell divers 2o but anyway we're going to start things off by giving you a brief introduction of the services that you available to on the ship right here we have the strategy hero miname this is for all those of you that are still struggling to deploy uh your strategy in the field of battle you can kind of do a little bit of practice here in the strategy hero which is an interesting little console you just go in there press the button and it gives you a couple of things uh for you to do if you want to practice your strategy inputs next up we have this right here and in this terminal this is your ship management terminal allows you to change your ship name as well as purchase new strategy in the form of heavy machine guns you know rocket launchers orbital bombardments air strikes uh anti-personnel Mine Fields bunch of other stuff whereas here are passive effects for each of those strategems that you have on the other side of things so for instance if you really like you know your air strikes you'll want to make sure that you upgrade the hanger on this side of things if you really like turrets you want to make sure to upgrade the robotics workshop on this side of things in order to upgrade uh your passive bonuses for your strategems you're going to be needing this currency right here which are the samples and the samples that are available to you depend on the difficulty of the missions that you tackle more on that a little bit further ahead whereas when it comes to buying new strategems you're going to need this specific currency right here which is called requisition chips but that is the purpose of this particular particular terminal on your ship it is to be able to fully upgrade your ship and all of that stuff now this terminal right here is where you go and you can choose your primary weapon secondary weapon as well as your armor helmet and Cape armor currently is the only thing that actually has any stats on it and then in here where it says character you can come in and you can customize your character you can have it be a female or a male hell diver or whatever else you happen to identify with they give you you know two different voice pack actually four different voice packs uh that you can put onto the character you can also choose your Victory pose your player card title emotes all of that good stuff then you also have a booster section now currently I don't have any booster but these are things that you can get from the battle pass as well as the both on the free side of the battle pass as well as on the paid side of the battle pass which if we actually jump into the game here I can actually show you guys that if we press R you can see that there will be uh some somewhere around here there should be a booster so this one and it will give you effects such as hell divers come out of the hell pot fully stocked of ammo grenades and Stems which is pretty useful but in this case we don't have any of that yet so the video will reflect that once we actually deploy Planet side but this is where you would equip your booster if you had one next up we're going to be going over to the galactic war table now really want you to pay attention to this because this particular part of the game is going to be dynamic which means things are going to change as the game progresses so the idea that the developers have here which is something that I've mentioned in my first impressions video is that you are going to be able to basically change the course of the history of the game depending on how well we all do as a community this means that the story of the game is not set in stone and it will evolve as the game evolves this isn't always online game it is a live service game and the narrative will be defined by the community so right now we have the automatons on the left side and we have the terid on the right side but there is space in there for potentially like a third faction maybe even a fourth faction who knows on how many fronts we're going to be fighting this war so these are the automaton planets as you can see the community is currently working on liberating UA because we want to stop the advance of the automatons because I get a feeling that if we don't stop them pretty soon the automatons are going to start advancing further and further towards our planet this again this is determined by the developers there's a human actually uh you know deciding the future of the war as things work out so if the community is able to liberate planets then the war is going to work out in our favor and then maybe they'll Counterattack or maybe they'll back off or if the community is not liberating planets potentially our enemies are going to feel emboldened and things are going to advance forward but basically there's going to be plenty of planets to engage in combat in plenty of different sectors for instance right now now the community is working on liberating Angel's Venture actually by the time this video gets released uh the community will have liberated Angel's Venture because I remember that when I finished this mission was when that objective was uh met which by the way you can see the objectives over there where it says major order this is like what the developers would like us to do but it is our decision if we want to engage in that or not so right now we wanted to free this and we've achieved that goal I'm assuming that pretty soon we're going to be getting another Community goal as matter of fact if I go into the game right now we can actually check what that goal might potentially be right now we don't have anything so if I actually go on to the um if I actually go on to the galactic War map and we pan out there's nothing we only have our personal order which is a different side objective that we can go and do and it'll give us 15 medals for doing it but yeah so pretty soon we should be receiving our next major order which will likely involve attacking the planets ahead of this one or or maybe even pushing back the automatons we shall see if that is the case this planet right here was actually under attack by the terminats it was 100% liberated before we liberated Angel's Venture so the community is actually doing pretty well with completing with the major orders which is pretty cool now another thing that you guys will notice is as you choose the planet that you're going to be going on missions on you are going to be able to choose a difficulty I want you to pay attention to this portion of the screen and you will see that difficulty easy trivial so on and so forth however also pay attention to the sample section on the bottom of the video as you can see if you play on trivial the only thing you have access to is green samples if you play on easy also green samples if we go into medium also only green samples and only when you get into challenging you start having access to Orange samples uh on a hard it is also only orange samples so I'm assuming maybe extreme or beyond the extreme is where you're going to be getting the purple samples which are going to be important if you really want to upgrade the passive effects that you can get uh for your ship and for your strategems which is kind of like how you really take care of business when you're Planet Side now we're going to be choosing a quest on challenging and I wanted to choose one that had heavy enemies because this is probably going to be one of the first difficulties that you guys are going to be facing off against and I want to show you a couple of techniques to deal with that so we're going to be taking on this mission of eliminating a bile Titan now once you select the mission your ship is going to position itself in that specific location of the planet which is a pretty cool thing I appreciate the attention to detail that they've done here and it is something that is cool but basically once you do this you can just go up to your hell pod and you can start your deployment to the planet but before we do so I would like to call your attention to a couple of things in the options namely the remember aim mode which I have set to per weapon and remember weapon functions what these two options are going to do is they're going to remember the setting that you had for the way in which you were aiming a specific weapon because you can aim in third person or you can aim in first person and you know having the game remember that is going to make things maybe a little bit better for you if you don't want to you can also just turn that off but personally I like that when it comes to weapon functions it is things such as firing rate you can choose the game to remember that stuff as well so we're going to be jumping into our hell pod and this is where you start managing your deployment onto the planet now in here you are going to see that it is going to show you the main objective as well as a your extraction zone so fundamentally what you want to do is you want to complete your main objective and then exit to the extraction Zone but also shows you an optional objective that you can choose to take on or not depending on how things are going Planet side but like I said you know ideally you want to do your main objective and then extract or if you can do as many things as possible along the way so my plan is to deploy right there on top of the main objective because if we actually scroll back just a little bit here in the video you guys will see that we can go to the main objective and then from the main objective to the side objective and then from there to the extraction because that just makes one quick line right however the situation on field was quite quite different so we're going to be deploying here now the reason I'm deploying there is because I'm trying to avoid enemies as much as possible before we head over to the um before we head over to the the main target now I wanted to just show you guys the uh deployment phase where I picked my strategems because our objective right here is to eliminate a bile Titan so I'm going to be taking some heavy Weaponry now we have a lot of selections here at the beginning you're probably only going to have this which is the Precision Precision orbital bombardment as well as the machine gun I've unlocked a couple of more things which you should unlock whatever you prefer to play with but fundamentally one of the things that you are going to need is something to deal with heavy bugs and in this case we've picked the recoiless rifle because it is going to allow me to also tell you about uh Cooperative reloads and all of that good stuff right however you might not have this available to you one of the things that I would recommend most definitely before you tackle uh missions that involve Heavies let me just go over here to the to the strategy screen before you do any missions that involve Heavies you want to make sure that you buy yourself uh a gun that can deal with them so one of those options is the expandable anti-tank the problem with this one is that uh you can only fire one rocket per minute uh well a little bit more than minute because you have to basically keep sending these down and their coold down timer is 70 seconds so you know you fire it once and then is like well there it goes it's done right however if you shoot this into a heavy and you create a big enough opening you can keep shooting on it because when it comes to the Heavies in this game they don't really have uh a ton of HP while they do have more HP than the other ones it's not like they're super bloaty it's just they have armor and you have to shoot in the weak spots otherwise you're going to have a rof time now these are some of the two first weapons that you have the one that I selected here is the record less rifle uh before you have these options dealing with the heavy is going to be a pain you can kind of like dive behind them and hit them in this sack right here but it's going to take you a very very long time to kill them that way so I would recommend maybe playing difficulties where the Heavies don't show up until you can level up enough to get the expandable anti-tank or the recoiless rifle to be able to deal with heavy units like I said I'm using this one because it has multiple ammunition however this one is also preferred if you are playing the co-op because you can have another player reload for you I'll tell you how once we get into that portion of the video but yeah that is going to be the stuff that I'm going to be taking down my air strikes my recess rifle as well as a mortar Sentry and the mortar Sentry is going to get me killed quite a few times but that is part of the magic of Hell divers 2o you're going to be jumping in there and you're going to be getting killed by your own Weaponry it comes with the territory okay so we're now deploying onto the field and as we deploy they're going to give us a little bit of control over the Pod by the time we reach the final stages of approximation uh however there's no bugs here there's nothing so boom here we are now very important thing notice what was the first thing that I did when I landed because right now I'm playing solo I crouched the reasoning behind that is crouching appears to make enemies uh it appears to make it harder for enemies to spot where you are crouching crawling any of these things works so keep that in mind now I also deployed outside of the combat zone because we're right at the edge of the map so we're going to have to go back into the combat zone now one of the first things that you want to do is you want to bring up your strategems and as you can see the the button for this by the way on controllers is going to be the left bumper or the L1 and on PC it is going to be the control button and then in in order to input these Direct C on PC you're going to be using WD which should be fairly familiar to anybody that plays mouse and keyboard you can also use a controller on PC should you choose to do so and on controllers it is going to be your d-pad and it's pretty self-explanatory just do this sequence of uh of motions and it is going to bring down the specific strategy that you are going to ask now in my case I'm going to try and drop a SOS Beacon this is so that other players can join your game I was not lucky however nobody joined my my game and I had to do the mission completely solo this game is quite simply much more fun when there are more players with you so I would still recommend try to get a couple of friends to play with you stuff like that you're going to have a better time but if you must play solo this video will hopefully also help you with some of that stuff so we're going to be deploying the SOS Beacon right off the bat then immediately after that you want to bring in your heavy weapon which in our case is the recoiless rifle so we're going to be summoning that as you can see these strategems basically give you grenades that you throw and these grenades serve as beacons to deploy the different things now the next thing that you want to do is you want to drop down a supply but an important thing about supplies they are shared with your whole team so if you call down a supply it means that nobody else in your team can call out another supply for like 2 and a half minutes or 3 minutes or whatever the cool down of this thing is so keep that in mind before you're just summoning supplies willy-nilly only summon supplies when you actually actually need them don't just summon supplies because you feel like it because the cool down of this is shared by your whole team so the recoiless rifle as you can see this is basically a rocket launcher before actually before we even get into that we're going to be talking about the weapon modes the firing modes I had forgotten about that there's a method to the madness here so as you can see we now have access to this menu if you keep your reload button pressed which on PC is going to be r on controller it is going to be square or on the Xbox that is the cross not cross X the x button and if you keep that pressed you're going to be given this menu now the thing in the bottom is basically a a flashlight I just always leave that on auto so that it turns it on when I'm in a dark place or whatever doesn't really matter that much but the one on the right side that actually dictates a couple of things as to how your weapon work so as you can see we can go between Auto or semi-automatic which is basically single fire also if you happen to have say a heavy machine gun it is going to let you choose how fast you shoot you can shoot faster and you get more recoil or you can shoot slower and conserve your ammunition at the cost of you know you're dealing less damage per second because naturally your rifle is not firing as many rounds usually whenever I'm playing with the machine gun I have it like set to maximum speed but you know just be aware that this is something that you can do and you're going to be able to change how each weapon functions test it out see which one you like the most and this is why that setting remember weapon settings matters because that is what this refers to once you set this it is going to basically remember it throughout the rest of the match now besides that there's also the aim functionality but I guess uh yeah here it is once you aim which is using the left Trigger or the right Mouse button it is basically going to put you like this it's going to zoom in a little bit it's going to give you a targeting reticule and I want you to pay attention to one thing there's little circle next to the targeting reticule and that circle is where the gun is actually aiming so the dot is what is what you are looking at the circle is what the gun is aiming at there's a little bit of a delay especially with heavier weapons so as you turn you will notice that sometimes the circle lags behind that is where your weapon is at actually aiming at so keep that in mind while you're shooting it adds a certain degree of realism to the whole thing which is actually very much appreciated personally I like it I think that the third person shooting mechanics in this game are way way above a lot of the stuff that we see in the market and then you have these different a modes as you can see you can swap into first person the way you do this on PC is you press down on the middle Mouse button the way you do this on console is you press down on R3 or your right um right analog stick just press it down and it'll switch to this and again if you have it to remember uh aim mode per weapon it will stay like that until you change it back which personally I like so now let's talk about the recoiless rifle this particular thing comes with two separate uh items it brings the rifle itself which is already loaded with one missile I'm actually trying to get to it but it's a little bit glitchy because of the height and then it comes with a backpack now the cool thing about this weapon the combo of the weapon in the backpack you're going to need this backpack in order to reload this weapon if you don't have the backpack you can't reload the weapon however one of the things that I would recommend if you happen to be playing multiplayer with friends this is something that I do with my friend all the time he usually carries the rocket launcher I carry the backpack and whenever we need to deal with a heavy you can actually latch on to your teammate you can just walk up to him and press e in my case which on Console not exactly sure what the interact button is probably going to be x uh well not X cross on PlayStation and a on Xbox whatever but basically you'll get a prompt whenever you have the backpack and your friend is uh wielding the recoiless rifle and your character basically latches onto your friend's character and will automatically reload until you run out of ammunition in the backpack and that makes it so that you can fire this thing really really fast if you're playing solo however you can still reload it but it takes a very long time so you're going to have to look for openings in order to reload and I guarantee you be able to see me do that it was not a fun time that we had in this Mission now the reason why it's important for you to bring down supplies at the very beginning of the mission is if you look to the bottom left hand side here you'll notice that we're sitting at three out of four grenades two out of four stim packs these are our heals and usually you'll also not have the maximum ammunition on your main weapon so when you drop you're already at a bit of a disadvantage that's why you need supplies so that you can go ahead and reload all of those things to maximum see right now we're at four out of four when it comes to our healing items we're at four out of four when it comes to our grenades and we'll also have full mags on our main weapon now the map that is going to be the touchpad uh button on your PlayStation controller or I'm assuming it's going to be like what is it called the back button on the Xbox controller whichever one's the button on the left uh and on PC you're looking at tab now if you actually then right click with your mouse if you're on PC that is going to allow you to set up like all types of um all types of markers and stuff so that you can set those up and those become available for everyone to see and they also show up on the compass on the top middle of the screen they are important so that you can kind of like organize yourself because the map is not always available to you you have to actually look at your watch which prevents you from running and doing other things so you have to use navigation points in the map in order to be able to figure out out where you're going okay uh in console in order to do that you're going to be using the d-pad and I'm not exactly sure what is the button I'm assuming it's going to be like a or cross depending on what your controller is but it should be fairly easy to figure out you can also use the bumper buttons to zoom in and out of the mini map whereas on PC you can use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the map so you can see that our Target should be somewhere in the vicinity of that orange circle and I'm not exactly sure where that Target is so we're just going to do a little bit of a light Recon of the situation and we can already see a couple of bugs now another thing is besides doing pings on the map and setting up you know spots for navigation you can also do pings uh that will inform your teammates of what is ahead of you now on PC this is done by pressing the q key and on the on the controller it is going to be a right bumper or the R1 button which informs you of what is there like because you can see it says BR command brute Commander all of your team would be able to see this now I'm going to be looking at the map and my suspicion is that our Target's going to be over there on that red spot because it's slightly bigger than the other one and usually your targets tend to be where the most concentration of monsters is so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to place uh a pin on the map there so now we're still doing a little bit of Recon here and we spot a heavy heavye 50 m so this is a problem because this is one of those monsters that you can't just kill uh by using regular Small Arms fire you're going to need a big weapon like the recoiless rifle that we have or even an orbital bombardment an aerial strike all of that type of stuff but at the same time I notice uhoh there's mobs now notice how I pulled up the map and you can see this red dot here this indicates where enemies are so if you hear noise around you you want to pull up your map because that way you'll be able to identify exactly where the noise is coming from so that you can prevent getting swarmed without even realizing it so at this point I was like maybe I'll just sneak around cuz I don't want to engage these dudes so close to the heavy and the rest of the stuff on that base so I was trying to like get away from them but at the same time I'm at the edge of the combat zone which is not good so then oh hi how are you doing so at this point you want to bring in an air strike and orbital bombardment you want to do something you don't just want to start shooting willy-nilly even though that's probably what I did no yeah I was trying to bring up an air strike but we were too close now another thing notice how it says there bug breach detected that is because if we actually just go back a little smidge here you will notice that the second I opened fire on them let me see if I can pause this one started spewing out pheromones now now what this does is there's a bunch of bugs underground and when somebody up top starts puking out pheromones they all Rise Up from the ground and basically this means we are going to get absolutely swarmed now in hindsight I probably should have done this tutorial on an easier difficulty because it would have made things significantly simpler for me to explain but this way you get an actual real life scenario right we on difficulty 4 which is challenging which means we are going to get bruty swarm so in this situation one of the things that you need to remember your best friend is the Superman dive now Superman dive button on PC is alt by default I'd actually recommend potentially changing that I use Mouse button 4 and mouse button 5 for both diving as well as healing because these are going to be two things that you're going to be doing a lot now the healing button is going to be V on controller healing button is up d-pad and the Superman dive is pressed twice on Circle or pressed twice on B depending on which controller you happen to be using these are your best friends when you're getting swarmed and pretty soon you should see me start diving into the ground all over the place because that's just one of the best ways of doing things so I'm backing away creating some distance throwing some grenades basically trying to blast them open but you know it's not going to be easy cuz there's a bunch of them right now I ran out of bullets another important thing when it comes to ammunition in this game one of the reasons why you're going to be like we're kind you should have just reloaded early rather than run out of ammunition however whenever you reload in this game you basically throw away all the bullets in the magazine you just throw them all away so if you take one shot and reload the rest of the bullets in that mag they're gone okay they're gone this is not like Call of Duty where magically the bullets keep coming back uh-uh in here you throw the you throw the magazine away the bullets go with it just like it is in real life this is why usually I will shoot until the end of the magazine to make optimal use of my mags however ever sometimes I'll also reload if the mag is like below half or something like that just that I have a fresh mag and this particular rifle uh you can have up to 10 mags with you so it's a little bit more forgiving but certain weapons will be less forgiving so make sure to keep that in mind we really landed on the edge of the map so here I'm trying to get back to the map whilst also creating some distance we healed right there it's important that sometimes you might think oh let me get clear before I heal no just heal right the middle of the mess okay because the heal in this game is brutally powerful okay it will regen you while you are getting hit on the other hand if you keep running and keep getting hit and you never press the healing button you're going to die so again we're just creating some distance I think I was trying to bring down the strategy and here we go we're going to call in the Napalm air strike now notice how I dropped it right in front of me this is very much you know not advisable if you can all if you can avoid that however if you can't avoid that well that's too bad but you want to drop it and then you want to run in the opposite direction which is what we're doing here and then you want to dive like I told you use the Superman dive because that is going to clear a certain amount of distance and it should clear us of the Napal strike hopefully how you boom beautiful now you can see that we've also aggroed the heavy not this one this one's The Brood Commander but the heavy is coming in on the right side right there the heavy is going to be very annoying one of the things that you want to try and get in the Hat of whenever you're tangling with the heavy is you want to start dodging sideways right as it's about to hit you because that is kind of like how you avoid them there's no other way of doing he has ungodly tracking and he is going to track the crap out of you now rocks are also going to be your best friend because sometimes he will Ram himself into rocks and he'll slow down a little bit that's why you see me playing Ring Around The Rosy next of this rock however he just trampled through it it's because this rock has a slight inclination on the other side which is not perfect however I was also lucky here because the AI for this heavy kind of glitched out kind of sucks but it is what it is the AI for the heavy glitched out so he's just going to stay chill over there and I'm going to keep firing at this guy but I was constantly wary is is he coming at me no okay good sounds good going to keep shooting at this guy are you coming at me now no all right I'm going to keep shooting at this guy however naturally if you had to you would be diving and dodging and basically trying to avoid the big boy as much as you could now as you can see this guy summoned another the two dudes so we're going to bring in another air strike this is how you're going to have to deal with things pretty much in real time so if you're not ready for the chaos of el divers 2 you're going to have a bad time okay this is the way the game is at all times this is why I needed to pre-record the video so that I can pause and explain everything to you you're going to have to basically deploy these strategems on the Fly and then avoid the potential you know fire from your own air air strikes because there is friendly fire also be careful with your teammates you know because as as your teammates get hit by your friendly fire they're going to die and as you can see there's a number right here number five that is how many lives you have available they're not really lives their reinforcements but whatever so we're going to bring out the recoiless rifle and we're going to shoot this guy right in the face now shooting him in the face is not the best spot because he is armored I was hoping I would punch through his armor it didn't so we have to get rid of these dudes even though his AI still appears to get glitched which is nice cuz now I can just like sit back hey what's up buddy but don't worry about it there's another example further ahead where we actually go and we have to punish one of these so I'm going to shoot at his leg but that was pretty much enough he's had enough he's done it's over him he's gone so we cleaned house now we're going to be reloading our recoiless rifle which is going to take a very long time but hey it's better than not being able to reload it right and we're good to go so now once again we should be uh checking in our map but I'm just very curious to see what these particular structur are cuz sometimes you will find side objectives like this so in here I'm sending my Eagles to rearm this is because whenever it comes to the planes that do the air strikes if you actually notice when I bring up my strategems here you'll see that we only have one Napalm air strike and one Eagle air strike that's because you get two of each air strikes and then the ships need to go back and rearm so I'm sending them to rearm early so that I have those two available the way that you do that is just you just use the eagle rearm strategy and that will fix things for you so that's going to send them out and that is going to basically put them on cool down for like 2 and A2 minutes or whatever it is however we found a side objective which is this Tower structure so the way that you solve this and you can see the sub objective in the map right there the way you solve this you just go up to a terminal and it is going to pull up this Tower the thing is whenever it comes to these objectives is that you're eventually going to get swarmed because there's always enemies kind of moving in on your position so we're going to deploy the resupply to make sure that we have supplies available to us while we're doing this thing now I'm going to move a little bit further ahead in the video because the tower takes a little bit to go all the way up once the tower goes up you're going to see here that you're going to need to aim the tower to a specific position there is a giveaway I was actually trying to do this without even looking at the terminal but I kind of messed it up there is a giveaway which you guys will see here when you're aligning these towers so we're going to be pressing the button and then pay attention on the right side of things which is where the terminal is it's going to make a different noise you hear that when you hear that noise that means that you've hit the jackpot so when that is done you're going to go in now we deployed also a turret which is currently firing at the enemies that are coming up and I already know I'm going to have problems because I spot a heavy in the middle of them so we're going to go ahead we're going to try to punish that leg which we hit but we also got completely destroyed now very important thing when you die or when somebody on your team dies you don't automatically respond if you're playing solo you do respond automatically but if you're playing in a team people who die do not get instantly resummoned if you want to summon them you're going to have to go ahead and use a strategy which is the reinforce strategy which will be available when you are playing in multiplayer another important thing as you are falling down you have a chance potentially to land on top of one of these Heavies and you will just kill it but it's not easy and the downside of it is that if you miss you're probably going to die so keep that in mind risk reward all of that right as you can see we didn't really have the option to do that because our hellot actually landed over there so I have to basically run back to my body pick up my rifle pick up my backpack and we're going to have to reload it because we're going to have to deal with a big heavy like I said this is chaos at all times ladies and gentlemen I'm trying to hit that leg I think I actually miss that which is really bad we're going to try and gain some distance from the enemy here e the building which caused a bit of a shock wave but he's also stuck up there so he can't he can kind of jump down but he's at that ledge there and I'm just like all right I'm going to blast you right in the ass boom right there beautiful so he's probably going to die no matter what at this point because he's like he's leaking green fluid and stuff they eventually do bleed out kind of but it's still going to take him a while and I don't really want to take too many chances so we're going to blast him again he's still alive it's pretty impressive so we're going to have to once again get some distance and reload but since we've hit that leg quite a few times he's also going to be slowed down because he's going to be hurting cuz depending on where you hit the monsters it also changes their behavior as you can see he's kind of limping now we're going to blast him again he's still alive however notice that that leg no longer has any armor so at this point you can use small arm fire on it you can also shoot him in the ass and and you know at this point you no longer need a heavy weapon but you could just use a heavy weapon to do it faster but there you go he's gone he is down so we punished him and now we can go and we can complete our objective we now once again have another bug breach so we're going to bring in an apalm instantly you got to like basically be ready at any given time also whenever you jump Dodge or whenever you do the Superman dive you're going to be able to fire from a prone position make use of it as you can see right here then you can get back up and you're good to go Napalm is really good cuz it creates that firewall between you and the monsters so they all end up burning and stuff while they're coming at you now we're going to activate the objective and we're going to be moving on so as you can see we've completed a secondary objective and one of the cool things is whenever you complete secondary objectives you gain requisition chips so that you can upgrade your strategems you gain more exp sometimes you will find rare materials at these locations so you know it's pretty cool however this video is extending itself quite significantly so I just want to call out your attention to one more thing if you see over there you see This Little Light pillar over there but it's going to show again this light pillar over here and notice how it's going to Glow that right there is uh what me and my friends we call it a shiny but basically there's going to be loot in that location now this could be another weapon that you can use throughout this Mission it can be requisition chips it can be samples it can be medals that you can use on the battle pass it can be super credits which is the premium currency of the game that you can acquire by just playing the game so usually if you're able to I would highly recommend going to these positions and collecting that stuff but when you are playing solo on this difficulty not necessarily the the easiest thing to do so now I'm going to move us a little bit ahead to when we went to our main objective so once we got to the main objective we were kind of once again swarmed by enemies so we're going to be bringing in Eagle Nate balb strikes once again you're going to have to master this ability to thrive on chaos when it comes to Hell divers so just be ready for that we are still playing solo as you can see uh at this point we still haven't died since that first death that we had we only have two Eagle air strikes I'm going to risk it but I'm going to call in an additional recoiless rifle now the reason I'm calling in that recoiless rifle is in the event that I run out of ammunition there'll be a fresh backpack there and also there will be another recoiless rifle shot uh because the other recoiless rifle is going to be already loaded so I can just toss this one pick up the new one and I will have another shot ready to go because at this point I already know that my target is in here because I've already scouted my target and you guys will see him right there you can kind of see him I'm going to drop in my mortar Sentry this was a really bad position I should not have placed it there but I really wanted to get the engagement started you can see our Target right there I'm going to try to land an aerial strike on him aiming that a little bit up boom that should land directly on him boom I also detonated a little mine that was in there that's going to slow me down which is fine now we're going to get swarmed and we have our enemy coming straight at us because he's a big boy so at this point I just need to basically Blow The Recoil this rifle on him as fast as I possibly can waiting for him to reveal a little bit more of himself to me and right there we're going to call in the second air strike which will hopefully land on it we got a bug breach there's the air strike Direct Hit not that it matters cuz he got a really heavy weapon and he was able to just kill with the bile now at this point I'm probably going to try to land right on top I was I wanted to try to land right on top of him but it didn't really work out cuz our hellot was deployed all the way back here now keep in mind because it's easy to forget you no longer have your heavy weapon that's gone back where your corpse was so you have to go back to your corpse to recover your weapon and that's what we're trying to do however this whole area is getting swarmed out here as you can see and our objective is move moving away so this is when things got really bad but if you're a hell diver and especially if you're an iron breaker you know better than to give up so you're going to collect your ammunition Soldier even though I failed to collect my recoiless rifle but then again that recoiless rifle doesn't really have a loaded um a loaded missile in the chamber so we don't need that one remember how we drop the other one further ahead we're still going to pick this one up oh actually this one does have one in the chamber which is good so we're going to go ahead blast him but now we're out of ammo but remember how we dropped this one here this one already has one in the chambers so excuse me I'll take that that gives us another rocket going to blast him in the face again now we're going to move over here behind this rock going to play Ring Around the Rosie reload luckily the enemies are still trying to figure out the pathing to come around to us we have another rocket blast him boom basically blast him with Reckless abandon once again we're fighting at the edge of the map which kind of sucks but it is what it is Hell divers have cold blood which is why we're able to reload in the face of danger once again we've gotten another rocket we got hit by the barbs of his legs right there going to heal up blast him again it didn't fully reload because we had to move so we're going to have to find once again a little bit more space reload and I believe that at this this point a heavy is going to join the chase which is going to be annoying as hell blast him again this is all about creating space and reloading creating space and reloading and having a big heavy weapon to help you out so we're going to swap over our backpack if you remember because we dropped the other one specifically for when this happened now we are going to have to reload at some point so we're going to do it here we've gotten some distance however at this point we're kind of uh getting pretty swarmed here so we are probably going to die dodging away going to call in a Napal air strike right on top of us to clear the field a little bit and we got him with the Napalm air strike now at this point I got myself involved in a whole lot of uh complications which we don't really need to go over but surp suffice to say that you know just dropping n bomb strikes on myself and there's a big heavy boy over there and that heavy boy is going to make my life living hell however the way that we ended up dealing with him at this point we died wait I wanted to show you guys how we dealt with him we were trying to reload here to deal with the heavy but it wasn't happening we were getting swarmed so I moved over here here try to get some stuffff done he was just completely abusing us we got killed and at this point I was like all right let's see if we can hell Dive Right on top of him we did have that opportunity and squash we got him he's dead however we ended up landing on top of all the other enemies but we did Kill the big threat which is good cuz now we can just kind of like Superman dive our way to safety lell divers never quit keep that in mind gentlemen but yeah at this point I roam the map for a little bit I wanted to do some more side objectives but I ended up getting completely swarmed because of the difficulty and all that so we're going to be moving over to our extraction area any second now because at the end of the day if you can go and you can complete a bunch of side objectives you can go ahead and you can do that however if that is the difference between you completing the mission by extracting and not my recommendation is actually extract because it also feels better and I think you get more rewards for it too but as you can see whenever the extraction time is about ready you can see that blue pillar in the distance that is where you have to go to for extraction now here you can see that I was being greedy and I was like oh but there's a shiny over there I'mma give me that shiny you better believe it even though I only have one reinforcement I love getting shinies so we're going to go over there we're going to collect that there's also there's also a bug pit uh in the background there we could do that if we were in multiplayer and had some help but solo I wasn't going to risk it there's a heavy over there we're going to go ahead and we're going to drop an eagle air strike on him bloop I was trying to cook that grenade a little bit sometimes you can get them to stick on them but it doesn't always happen so that should hit him it did hit him but it didn't deal enough damage to kill him cuz usually one air strike is not enough for the Heavies however the heavy is like moving back to the position that we were in so I was like okay I'm just going to go collect this real quick and that was some requisition chips and now we're going to leave So eventually I started backing myself up all the way to the um how do we even kill this guy I think we dropped an air strike right on top of myself or something like that we ended up killing that one but goes to that you guys get the idea of how to deal with Heavies by now yeah I was calling in an air strike and I think that's how we killed him yep the air strike got him and we're all like busted up and we ended up dying anyway no reinforcements I mean we have one reinforcement the final one and there's a bug breach and at this point I was like screw all this I'm going to extraction so you just started running it we booked it all the way to extraction and now when you get to extraction you're going to be required to input a code we still haven't activated that code cuz I'm setting up a mortar Sentry cuz I know that there this place is going to get swarmed now I was trying to get it to like be on top of the mountain that didn't really work out but I was like fine whatever so you come up to terminal interact with it put in your extraction code and you're pretty much good to go and at this point you just got to survive that's it to survive so I'm going to be bringing out Rec coiless rifles Supply beacons everything and the only thing that I have right now is one Napalm air strike so we're going to go ahead deploy that instantly now we're going to pick up whatever we can and right now it's all a matter of survival you got to survive for 2 minutes actually 1 minute and 30 seconds insects coming in from all fronts but it's all good we're going to kill them bugs we're going to bring the war to them we're going to bring freedom and democracy to all of these socialist insects okay socialist bugs communist bugs whatever I don't know I'm not a politically inclined person I don't care about any of that but we need freedom and democracy godamn it so as you can see I'm trying to keep them away from the more Mor turret cuz otherwise they can go over there and destroy it and so long as their attention is focused on me the mortar turret is just having their her way with it however the problem is that sometimes the mortar is going to hit you as well going to pick up some rare samples along the way so you got to be very careful to stay away from the bugs we are now 30 seconds away and you can hear the heavy coming down I was like oh no and the thing is you need to be close you need to be close to the extraction spot otherwise they cancel the extraction blasting the heavy here the heavy punishes us very badly and ends up actually killing us actually what killed us here might have been the mortar cu the mortar was trying to shoot the heavy however at this point I'm like I got to play it safe as you can see too far from extractions shuttle of boarding that's because we're getting coming in right now and now back to resuming the EXT action we got 5 Seconds that we got to survive I'm not even attempting to take out that heavy cuz we just got to leave you don't have to kill everything that is in there you just have to stay around the extraction Zone because once the Pelican lands you can just go inside it now very important do not stand in the landing area because if you do okay there you're going to be a pancake diver you're not going to be a hell diver anymore so stay away from it also stay away from it Jets because they deal damage they burn okay so stay away enough that it can land without hitting you it'll bring in a cannon to shoot stuff and whatnot now clear a corridor into that door and go in there congratulations hell diver you've completed your assignment hopefully all of these tips will be useful for you in your future hell diving Endeavors if you guys enjoyed this video hit up with a like subscribe Bell notification icon and all of that jazz for freedom and democracy across the Galaxy stay strong stay safe peace out
Channel: Rurikhan
Views: 423,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Gameplay, Helldivers 2 Review, Helldivers 2 First Impressions, Rurikhan, Helldivers 2 Guide, Guide, Beginner's Guide, Helldivers 2 Beginner's Guide
Id: -rcdfCA03pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 42sec (2922 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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