Helldivers 2 - Best Way to Farm Super Credits

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howdy and hello I'm do hope you're doing good and here's how you farm a bunch of super credits and medals really fast so look for a map and do it on low level I do level one most folks most folks recommend level two whatever works you want a map that's pretty visible and relatively flat if you can help it right now we don't have any options because we only have two bug Maps available at this very moment omnicron and something else forgot and this is a map I've already done if you do a certain thing like all before you leave the mission you can redo the same map so I'm going use this mini map or screenshot I took to my left as a guide for where things already are cuz i' I've already been through it uh we go and land right here it's a decent spot you want stamina enhancement and then jump pack the rest of it doesn't matter too much but do take things it can break the blue and orange crates which you'll see in a moment so grenade launcher Works autoc cannon works I don't know if rean can do it I forgot to test out correctly my bad or Slugger I just have a slugger in my primary weapon as as my primary weapon and that can break the doors launch initi and I didn't really tally up how many things I had but if you get lucky cuz this is going to be kind of luck I'll explain that once we get to some of the things you can get easily 1,000 super credits per hour solo but getting that lucky takes some time as a Duo I think it' be much more manageable because bunkers do spawn on even on theow levels here I think I have two bunkers on this mission that I can't open because you know I'm by myself so look for yellow blinking lights why is not blinking on some maps it's freaking insanely visible maybe I'm too close but these are one of the major pois that you can get that will have super credits sometimes or have a support weapon or it'll have medals or requisition slips there's four things that can spawn super credits medals requisition slips and support weapons you want the super credits most times so that's one thing we found check in my little list here I can go this way there's something here and this is a bunker that I can't open there's a chance these can have easily 20 credits in them cuz super credits normally spawn in stacks of 10 I've heard they can be stacks of 100 but I've never seen that personally and they can be on these little racks right here that I can't get to because you need two people to open the buttons unfortunate but so far if you're following that map by chance this is looking pretty similar I'm going go up the heal now the best thing you can get if you're looking for whatever you're looking for metal metal super credit requis slips is going to be the bunkers not bunkers I am I can't take words it's the crates I think that's a better word for it they're blue and orange you can shoot them open and they usually have a Double Stack The Double Stack it can be a stack of super credits on top and a stack of super credits on bottom giving you 20 in just a single POI that you can access as a solo player or you know by yourself whatever which is nice there's something here but if you have a Compadre gaming you can just go and do other stuff oh by the way I started at 2400 super credits speaking of which this little orange crate creds on bottom creds on top now we're already at 24 we got 30 crets so far in this Mission and a few medals so if that had that had you know double credits this could also potentially have double credits and that could have double credits that'd be 60 super credits and just three pois which I've had before luckily unluckily though we only got one creds one of the super creds I think it's easier calling it super sheckel and when you go higher level like level two for instance you can get much more many more pois and the reason why I don't do it though there something here it doesn't seem as consistent for me and that's a problem dude this could have been 60 this could have been 70 creds in just this one area for me it's 50 though 50 is good and I forget what's over here you can sort of like run off what you don't want to get at 60 credits and that is all the pois that I covered in the little screenshot now ala 4 took about we'll say five minutes but I could mid Max that and only go where I know I should go alt4 I you can complete the mission if you want to as well but I don't think I don't think you I don't think you get anything from that my brain is doing some weird stuff where I cannot speak properly right now and it drives me nuts I can't calm down it's bad it's really bad ala four the only thing you can't do if you're trying to Ala four and have the same Mission repop up is you can't fail the mission you can't die five times until you don't have to respawns and then try and Al up four cuz at least in my experience I tried doing that did not work out same exact mission is back again like I never left and I'm sitting at 2460 I got 60 credits solo right there and if I wanted to Mid Maxis even more I could make sure I write down which of the pois has what I'm looking for I think most of them are actually pretty good though how much faster can I get launch initi from memory I can't I can't remember what was is what for the life of me I think when I when I went crazy about this not too long ago to try and test it and get more knowledge on it I got probably 800 to 900 in an hour and 30 minutes when I was like constantly cycling through missions and not really finding decent ones or maybe I found decent ones and then gave up that's bunker day is a good day to die for democracy credits sending down equipment yeah you can take a phone a freaking you can take a photo of your screen from your phone and use that as a reference I'm just using Snipping Tool type that in a I think your word search or your search bar on Windows and it should pop up and that's my reference it's pretty freaking smooth pretty easy you can also land directly on these if you wanted to something here and this wasn't that hard to find but I tried doing this Mission at level two and I was getting so many pois oh I it's Metals it's two so Metals spawn in either plus one plus two or plus three increments so you can get plus one medals plus two medals plus three medals and obviously you want to get three medals if you can it's just more found something but any I was doing level two missions and I just for Life me could not get any credit any credits to spawn cuz I do believe from my Placebo testing that you're more prone to get support weapons the higher level you go like there'll be credits there on the map some places but nothing like this like I've here s or 60 credits is crazy it could be so much more it could be at least 80 if the bunkers themselves just had double creds but even just getting one bunker that has double creds is nice okay we're 2 minutes deep almost found something I wish we had accuracy in the air I really do I don't need the the the requisition slips so I'll go and order that and that is creds as well I think I forget found something it's that simple like that's that's a rotation right there I'm not sure how long that took but I think it's a lot faster than what it was and then you just start the game again if you're down bad for credits that's what you can do I'm not saying that we should all be doing this guys it's so crazy no it's just more if a new war bond came out and you're jonesing to play it and you don't really want to spend the extra money you can do this I have no problem giving these devs money although recently they been kind of trolling so it makes me feel some kind of way another defense Mission and hm's back well we have more missions to choose from now I guess that's pretty cool so when you're looking for a mission to go into in the first place if you do level one the missions that I like map-wise would be having the objective or the extraction Point more north of the map this one is pretty good level one missions aren't usually going to be full like on that mission itself we had water wait let me go level two real quick but on level two missions you can have many more pois which is a better chance technically but in my experience level two missions are are not the play if you're grinding credits cuz I have not seen anything that wild and I've done them a lot nothing that wild level one missions if you get the right setup are freaking lit and what you're looking for if you're trying to get a th000 credits in under an hour or roughly an hour is to have three pois that are really close to each other and two of them at least have to be a crate POI the orange and blue ones that have double credits each and the third POI can be another crate to like which would be a total of 60 credits or a yellow blink which would give you 10 so you get 50 to 60 credits and you can be in and out in about 2 minutes and including the restart it'd be roughly 3 minutes that would give you 1,000 creds in an hour if you're being efficient just grinding those out getting to happen is rare I've had it happen once and I ditched it because you know I've been playing the game
Channel: OhDough
Views: 33,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 walkthrough, helldivers 2 mission guide, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 super credits, helldivers 2 super credits farm, helldivers 2 best super credits mission, helldivers 2 super credits guide, helldivers 2 war medals
Id: YkuTRRttS-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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