Helldivers 2 PSA: Use the Shield Relay, not the Pack

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hey guys mono here this is going to be a fairly controversial topic I think but after doing some testing with both the shield generator relay and the shield backpack I'm just going to go ahead and say it the shield relay is so much better than the backpack it's really baffling why nobody uses it and why everyone goes with the shield backpack instead I'm specifically talking about the situation where you're fighting Bots and not bugs I don't think the shield relay is any good against bugs at all but once you see the footage that I'm about to show you against the Bots I honestly worry this video might cause the devs to actually Nerf The Shield relay it really is that good so here's the thing if you've been playing against the Bots like I think most of us have during the past few weeks the argument for the shield backpack not only as a desirable strategy to take but almost a mandatory one is very compelling we don't want to get damaged all the time from the insane volume of Firepower that the Bots can throw at us and we don't want our aim to Flinch while we are lining up a shot with a quazer cannon or any other weapon it also pairs extremely well with support weapons that are very good against the Bots like the anti-material rifle or the quazer cannon basically we want to be able to take some shots at the Bots without them hitting us back right well it fails spectacularly at that task you should instead be using the shield generator relay let's take it one step at a time because I know you're not going to believe me but just take a look this is how the shield backpack performs against a single rocket Devastator it was fully charged and it won't even tank a full rocket barrage and its performance against a heavy Devastator is not much better take a look so it provides some protection against the first few shots or Rockets but it depletes so quickly that you don't really have any time at all to shoot back and at least stagger the enemy before you're already getting hit and then you die so what do you accomplish by using this well you're not instantly dying so I guess that's good but it's also not providing the expected function of being able to actually fight these things without worrying about damage for even a single second we also did some testing with fire and it turns out a single scorcher shot depletes The Shield entirely and it takes just a few sickle shots to do the same and that's bound to happen in a situation where hell divers are together so that makes it extra bad now let's take a look at how the shield relay performs spoiler it is much better this thing can tank through multiple rocket Devastators or heavy Devastators even hugs tanks lasers turrets cannons firing at them all at the same time yes it will go down if it's absolutely getting hammered but by the time that happens I'm pretty sure you would be already dead with the shield backpack anyway but under most situations you'll be able to fully retaliate the enemy for 30 seconds which is the entirety of the relas up time without needing to worry about cover at all you can take your time to reload you can take your time to assess the situation see if you want to use a strategy line up your shots even when you're facing an absolutely overwhelming amount of enemies but mono you Valiant and honorable researcher who risks his life and that of others fighting the automaton forces for our educational value I hear you say what happens when the shield goes down how do you get from point A to point B if you can't leave the safety of the shield and isn't 30 seconds too short of a window of time to be of any use well my fellow hell diver I appreciate your democratically motivated curiosity but I assure you there's a very simple answer to all of your concerns you know how in the mission preparation screen you'll often see every single hell diver carrying a shield backpack sometimes it's going to be two out of four with the rest of them not bothering to bring a shield because they are using something that takes up the backpack slot like the autoc cannon or sometimes they will just wait for the cool down on their friends to be over to get a Shield themselves so they can run another strategy well we ran a lineup yesterday at level eight difficulty where we each took a shield generator relay and the results were absolutely unbelievable once a shield deploys it is active for 30 seconds but that includes the time it takes for the shield to wind up basically to pop up and actually become active then once it depletes you have 45 seconds until you call another one in this means if you have three guys in your squad you can have a shield up all the time if you have four of them it means you can have two Shields up at a time for extra extra safety and then still have two shields on a backup it requires some coordination so you don't all just burn through your Shields at the same time leaving you exposed and with that 45 second cool down but we were doing things like dropping one shield in front of the B to move safely closer to an objective without taking any risks at all we were carelessly dropping artillery barrages very close to ourselves even getting hit by them without any damage or any risk because the shield can just tank through it honestly it completely changed the way we approached the game and I've never had a level eight mission against the Bots go as smoothly as the one we did yesterday we took some casualties at the beginning because we dropped between two patrols but once we were set up that was just pretty much smooth sailing all the way through by the way I think my next video will be on how the 110 mm orbital barrage is actually better than the orbital laser I need to do more testing on that one but I'm really surprised at how good the 110 orbital barrage is at taking down just an insane amount of enemies very very quickly and once you can do that safely thanks to the shield generator relay you can just throw it basically on top of yourself it's very very good all right now is probably a good time to remind you that if you're enjoying this video please give it a like And subscribe to make sure more people see it it really really does help out a lot because that is kind of the metric that the the YouTube takes to show it to other people or not right another benefit to consider about the shield relay mind you is the fact that it allows you to safely take something like an Auto Cannon without worrying about dying as you're unloading every single shot you have into the enemy I wanted to run two autoc cannons and two recoiless rifles just to try it out because it also means that with multiple guys running the ammo backpack you can do the Twan reload very very easily and safely because you can do that standing up under the cover of the shield without taking any damage the antimaterial rifle while very good is still inferior to the autoc cannon rifle it takes one shot with the autoc cannon to kill Striders and you can kill Fabricators with it from an extremely long distance that's functionality that the anti-material rifle or antimaterial rifle doesn't have plus you also have a lot more ammo and every shot is deadlier so in terms of just raw output of Firepower there's really no comparison between the two lastly the relay allows you to safely deploy additional turrets like an autoc cannon turret or a Gatling gun or a mortar or EMS mortar you name it without it getting focused and destroyed in a matter of seconds from a few shots that could be coming from the Bots 100 m away so now you see why I'm worried making this video and showcasing how insanely effective running multiple Shield relays is will maybe get it nerfed if any developers are watching this video please don't it's just it's a lot of fun to use It's very effective yes but it does not take the fun out of the game or the challenge because there's a lot of coordination that you need to do the only real downside is that it's the coordination if you have this strategy honed down though I bet you can run a level 9 difficulty without ever taking any damage at all all right guys I'll leave you with a bit more footage showcasing the power of the shield relay generator thing and I hope to hear your comments once you've tried it out let me know if there's any other lesser used strategy that you think people are sleeping on and I'll make sure to test them and try them out remember to subscribe if you haven't already and as always thank you for watching and I hope I will catch you in the next [Music] one standing in an e reinforcing down fortification requesting orbital democracy has landed calling in reinforcements sending in an eagle in reinfor democracy has landed a calling down fortification requesting air support e liberty down reloading sending in an eagle reting fortification located e one rearming be back shortly reinforcing ready to liberate
Channel: monoespacial
Views: 71,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kHbyWS7_cyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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