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uh the first thing we're going to go through is we're going to go through bugs bugs are going to be the first thing and I'm just going to put like an overarching kind of caveat on everything is that light armor is superior when it comes to bugs you having Mobility will save your life more often than just having 15% more armor if you're curious about armor values and stuff like that depending on the tier and padded armor versus normal armor in our Discord and the R&D uh Channel there's a nice infographic that uh Tony did for us uh and it shows the different armor values in relation to light armor so for a small example light armor to medium armor is a 15% damage reduction trench paramedic I think is an easy s+ it's probably the best overall uh termined bug Light Armor just having the extra stems and your stems being more effective is extremely powerful extreme ex powerful if you don't know how your team is going to play and you just want some good armor uh it's fantastic you can get this in the supert I'm not sure when the re rotation is someone made an infographic on Reddit not too long ago I'm sure if you do some Google searching you can find the your graphic uh The Eradicator is fantastic the B Titan does explosive damage that's why when you die to a bow Titan it says explosive damage uh so this should reduce it by a decent amount I believe it's just the splash effect of it uh mortars from B spewers uh your teammates a lot of them are going to kill you with explosive damage The Eradicator is like a good allaround if you don't have the the trench paramedic and you don't like grenades so I would say probably s+ to like s minus somewhere in that range depending on you know do you love your stems and grenades right there's a little bit of play style difference there but it's a very good allaround tanky piece of armor both for your teammates and baltins uh Scout armor is somewhere in the s s to a a range uh but I always I'm putting these variances because it depends on play style Scout armor is fantastic for people that tend to play more Solo or stealth oriented they don't want to attract as many patrols it's good for that but in four-player Co-op you're not going to see as much of a benefit of it especially if you know your teammate next to you isn't wearing this armor they're going to get spotted not you but like you're still getting spotted so just keep that in mind it's very good for solo play but in team play it it's harder to do unless you just go run off by yourself but you know there's some negatives to that and some positives to it so uh same kind of thing it's just a little bit slightly tankier variant I call it light plus it's pretty good you know if you like uh with the other one if you want a little bit more tankiness but you don't want to give up on too much speed there you go I would say extra grenades is like a a tier maybe s minus extra grenades are fantastic especially now that stun grenades exist awesome it's the super light variant so it's only 50 armor max speed very good definitely would recommend adding this to the collection if you like your grenades it's fantastic especially when you're like leveling up you need to close more bug breaches fantastic uh the next piece of armor little bit more armor but you lose some speed um I would put it very similar A+ s minus this is more just a variant of it that you know for people that feel like they're a little too squishy with like light armor but they want a little bit more but they don't mind giving up a little bit of speed it's not a bad op option right same kind of thing grenades are awesome a plus s minus uh medic armor medium is a fantastic pickup I would say this is probably like an A+ rating because the perk on it is just so good it sucks that it Medi it's medium but this is very easily accessible to most players so I'd probably put it in the a tier pretty solidly it's not as good as the light medic cuz you're losing at a bunch of Mobility but you're at least getting the extra perks uh this is just another variant of the trench medic so same rating same rating now for the interesting ones the 50% uh to fatal damage it can be awesome if you are a gambling man or woman it's probably a a tier pick uh even though it's medium uh if you feel lucky but it also can do nothing for you other than like preventing some hemorrhages I find the hemorrhages happen more with automatons causing bleeding rather than with with bugs I don't normally notice as much bleeding when it comes to bugs so this is better for tomaton not as good for bugs it's good but definitely would recommend other things uh we're going to the same ones uh same rating as the 50% explosive resistance on medium armor same kind of thing as eradication but you know you're giving up a lot of Mobility to use it you will feel the difference between the two uh proty X it's kind of like an a to B somewhere in that range B+ a minus depends on how much your team is using Arc stuff if you're entire team is using Ark throwers and Tesla Towers it's awesome it's like an s+ but for like General use it's all determining you know determined on you know what are your teammates using hard to say uh extra throw range a limb health I'm going to give this like a b to like an a tier as I said earlier the limb health is kind of a non-factor cuz people are always taking Vitality so the limb Health doesn't seem to do anything at the moment uh so the really thing you're taking is throw range which is is useful for some people but I just make the AR just run forward a little bit run backwards like I don't know I don't think it's all that great it's it's a nice quality of life thing but it won't impact the game as much as the other armor sets that you can use extra padded for those that like medium armor and they're Maybe medium armor users and they don't want to stop using medium armor uh and but they want the benefit of having the maximum speed right that you can get in the game it's pretty good it's basically just think of it uh extra padded on light armor is an extra 15% damage resistance it's not bad uh probably like bday somewhere in that b plus a minus somewhere in that range you know I I have a hard time placing it just because it's kind of like if you find yourself taking a lot of damage that 15% can help with like a couple extra shots here and there but it's most likely for most players a b cuz there's just better options it's it does something and it always works but you know extra padding it's essentially heavy armor without being heavy armor so it's still medium armor but having heavy same kind of problem though like you're only gaining an extra I think it's between uh medium and heavy I think it goes from 15% to 35% so you get a 20% uh damage reduction which is nice but like like I said again You're not going to notice it as much as just having one of the other perks that just keep you alive longer or do something a little bit more immediate in like those stressful scary situations it's decent it's good I'd probably put it like B+ uh extra grenades like I said earlier not too bad but because it's medium it goes down a tier probably like a B+ same kind of thing for that one it's just a different variant of that one uh this is the grenade armor uh just like I said on the other one it's probably around B uh same with this one same with that one same with that one same with that one and this is Scout armor but medium for those that like want want to play more stealthy but they want that extra 15% damage reduction I'd probably put it in B plus a a minus somewh in that range you're giving up so much mobility and usually when you're scouting you want to be more mobile so I've already talked about the servo assisted you know medium armor I'm probably going to put it like probably towards a c tier just because Servo explosive resistance now this is a bit of an interesting one it's that in between between heavy and medium it's a medium plus has a little bit more uh tankiness on it but you're giving up even more Mobility I do not recommend heavier medium armor in that regard if you're looking for Mobility Mobility is so strong versus bugs it's hard for me to say you should do it electrocution armor it's same kind of thing if your team's using a lot of Arc hey it's fantastic use it but if your teammates aren't using Arc it's like a troll in tier it does nothing for you uh same for that one uh I'm just going to blanketly say heavy armor uh while in bug missions is troll I don't recommend it you can do it but you're not really getting much because a lot of times when you die fast in this game and don't have enough time to stim it's not because an enemy is just hitting you in the leg over and over getting Chip damage it's it's because they're hitting you in the head and which is still a thing with heavy armor so you're giving up so much Mobility just to take some more like scavenger hits that are not hitting your head so yeah don't recommend it um across the board you're just giving up too much Mobility okay so that's bugs your top three picks for bugs in summary trench paramedic if you don't have trench paramedic medium mer uh paramedic um grenades Scout those are my top three light armor light armor armor if I'm extending it out a little bit Eradicator and if I'm extending a little bit out more electrocution conduit is or electrical conduit is fantastic for those teams that use a lot of Arc throws but it's situational
Channel: MaplewoodLIVE
Views: 10,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tierlist, gaming, helldivers, helldivers2, ps5, pc, stream, twitch
Id: pILdencYfKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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