Helldivers 2 - Heavy Armor Testing If It's Good

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or the odds we now live a bit longer I tested a bunch of weird stuff that was pretty fun and interesting and I have footage from the past patch and the current one which the current patch is going to be 0 1.0.20 the patch will be a 0. 1 z z at the very end and headshot damage also got a slight Nerf which may not seem like much but now you won't get two shot by the smallest mobs anymore and by the way damage you take in Deal does not change based on on difficulty at all what can change is the type of mobs you're facing and they have different properties and whatnot but the same mob on level one does the same damage to you and takes the same same damage from you on level 9 enemy mortar strike you're chilling pretty heavy honestly regular rocket guys have the worst aim okay they that shot was that a fake shot though it'd be kind of hard to miss I feel I'll back up y just a little confused I think it's based on how many limbs it hits reforged it doesn't make any sense I was going to say hit the shot dude rep what's the point in having explosive resistance when you get one shot refor what are you resisting the most point blank possible I barely live I'm alive all right bpar got it spew nerfed or so they said I still died super fast for having 200 armor can that also head shot you rocket Devastator volley part one alive and well two rockets and a rock as well we're surviving before those would one shot you know I'm confused I'm confused I feel like there's a there's a thing that happens where you take a lot more damage than you should I don't think that rocket hit me in the face cuz Rockets can't head shot right I do this I took even less damage head shot me rep reinforcement budget yeah maybe we just Nerf headshot damage by at least and I mean at least 25% potentially 50 I think it's fine to keep it but we should do something right now in the future maybe add helmets to do stuff and bonuses and different armor whatnot I don't know but pep the uh watch running this way almost died this stance comes on and he shoots where you kind of already are or where you were rather do it again I didn't know that KIA deoy repl I think I threw a grenade as he shot me it left my hand and exploded me I have explosive resistance it's just a lie it's just a full-blown lie di check rep that M Works dolphin dive check interesting that's with vitality and the heavy armor and explosive resist okay impact grenade test before the patch you couldn't blow yourself up what about with Vitality light armor with explosive resistance and vitality H dolphin dive lont test take one I'm alive I feel like people are so wrong about what they Define as meta and for what reason qu replaces rail gun nope arur does how's the fire resistance can you get head shot by those things cuz sometimes you die instantaneously now I think set objectives you don't dude throwing grenad Kia deploying bullets that can head shot still hurt really badly Liberty my arm I'm alive the armor is working oh I I lived I lived and then I died 200 armor rating body shots do next to no damage but head shot do all the damage in the world there's the head shot the main takeway from testing is that explosive resistance is amazing head shots still hurt real bad they don't make armor useless but I mean when you get head shot they do armor is still good to wear in certain situations I'll explain that later you get head shot by melee attacks bullets and apparently Rockets I'm not too sure on that but it makes it kind of checks out a little bit and if true dude that's crazy it's amazing they fix it so you don't get one shot by Rockets as of often cuz before a body shot would kill you and that was real confusing armor passives are still the most important aspect of what you're wearing if you're a lower level you don't have many armor sets unlocked armor passives at the moment engineering kit two extra grenades and reduced recoil when Crouch or prone medkit two extra stems and stem duration which is insane fortified better versus the Bots you get reduced explosion resistance and more reduced recoil electrical conduit this is for the folks that play with their frza on the arc thr or they have a Tesla Tower to not get destroyed by said Arc weapons and I'm not sure how good Servo assisted is I wouldn't I don't know you you run that if you like it go crazy uh extra padding is terrible right now cuz armor rating doesn't change how much headshot damage you take making it useless IMO and Scout armor is fantastic for two different players the folks that don't play the game and Crouch everywhere like crawl around and then you have the ping you can ping the map and it pings en for you which is awesome and I think in medium you have an armor that you don't have in light for passives and that's going to be democracy protects 50% chance to not die when taking lethal damage that is crazy good and prevents all damage from bleeding if chest hemorrhages and I believe the rest are pretty much the same I'd suggest wearing the one that has the best passives unless you're facing certain factions there's no illuminate in the game right now but for the bugs I wouldn't wear heavy or medium personally cuz what you want to do is just outrun the bugs if they get close to you you can get two freaking tapped in 2 seconds and be dead double head shot gone heavy armor doesn't matter 200 armor rating it's irrelevant so having light armor gives you more stamina more movement speed and you can hopefully outrun them more efficiently maybe even run jetpack whatever verus the Bots heavy armor is much more viable much more beneficial because they can shoot you from range and they're not really that fast the Marauders can chase you down a little bit but even still it's not that bad and aside from them not many robots will chase after you the ones that do are the really small guys that get one shot by scorcher not a big deal also side note please don't Nerf the scorcher devs yall y all doing some weird stuff sometimes with the Nerfs not a big fan but love the recent patch just got to say that real quick I would also mention the robots don't push you like the bugs do they don't hold W key in the same manner instead they get to a position to try and shoot at you and they'll just sit there shooting Rockets shield and just busting off caps and they don't advance that quickly so running heavy armor means you can outrun them or you can stay in the fight longer and sustain damage so vers the Bots I think sustain is more important versus the bugs I think endurance in terms of well I think speed is more important and stamina gives you more speed because more stamina you can Sprint longer main takeway also Vitality is huge Vitality gives you more HP Health points you make to tankier the folks say it doesn't are smoked beyond belief and they lied to my face I thought it did this and I read a comment saying no man it's not how it works now I was like you know what I trust you face value never again I can't do that the amount of misinformation in this game is crazy and I don't want to be a person who spreads that willy-nilly I don't my best not to any thanks for watching have a great day he's
Channel: OhDough
Views: 66,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 testing, helldivers 2 armor, helldivers 2 armor sets, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 new, helldivers 2 heavy armor, helldivers 2 heavy armor testing
Id: -rKslmhFmBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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