The Helldivers Community IS NOT READY (New Enemy Race) - Helldivers 2

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we cannot let ourselves get distracted by small victories when something very Sinister can strike super Earth at any time the ministry has been very vocal with their thoughts on this rumor and has been actively denying any evidence to suggest such a conspiracy however unfiltered spy Intel has proposed that baleful horrors of the universe known as the illuminate are scheming against superar and are in talks to make themselves known once again in the galactic War at any time information regarding the illuminate has been buried deep down in the ministry's archives however it may be time to dust it all off and dive into everything we know about this Potential Threat this is not the first time superar has seen the illuminate race and what better time to prepare and educate our ranks against them than this broadcast right now we're going to get into the thick of why Joel might throw our formidable psychic foes back against us and what the future of hell divers 2 could look like we'll be getting into some real good meat for all the hell divers so let's not waste any more time dwelling on the planet's ban on procreation services and let's dig in make sure if you guys do enjoy this content to like And subscribe to the video appreciate it it helps me a lot and uh I love you I mean that do I mean that yeah I mean that hell divers is the predecessor to arrowhead's latest title and while it still has the guns still has super Earth and still has the democracy it's not quite a third person shooter game more so a top- down shooter shout out to my dead offs arcade fans but to give more credit where it's du the first hell divers laid down a lot of the groundwork that the second one walks on especially when it comes to races and Equipment hell divers 2 improved on almost everything with its arrival taking massive steps into improving the franchise solidifying itself into gaming history and raising the bar but though we have the terid and the automatons at Hell divers 2's launch we are missing in the illuminate race as an adversary so it's not entirely unreasonable to suggest that they'd make a return these psychic viny brain fiends have been roaming the universe for centuries before superar ever declared itself to the Galaxy so let's meet the hell divers one illuminate the main Frontline infantry units fronting the illuminate cause in Hell divers 1 was the Striders and the apprentices Striders serve as the illuminate heavy infant unit causing devastating electric damage to all of their foes and typically arriving on the battlefield in groups of three to five upon arriving at the fight they will engage any hell diver in the immediate vicinity and fight with their Close Quarters melee weapons only needing a few hits to down any season player they are also dawned with standard issue illuminate Shields that can save them from punishing hell divers attacks apprentices are seen among every battle where the illuminate are present and will generally accompany any high-ranking officer they're a Light Armored melee focused combatant with some ranged means to slow players down in order to approach and attack them these things are no joke as they are willing to put everything on the line for reverence in their own Society to become what's known as an Illusionist illusionists are highly renowned beings of their own right and use this classic powerful illuminate shield for protection they are also granted Advanced nanotechnology to forcefully control any sentient being it chooses is and strikes an apathetic feeling and fear into hell divers this mind control takes the form of momentarily reversing the players's movement shooting and even strategy inputs they are ruthless in combat and would typically only be seen in higher tier planets council members are illusionists turned up to the max level not only does their technological and combat capabilities hit much harder within illuminate Society they also gain diplomatic favor and are entally the Masters that dictate the actions of their entire species they gain the Mind Control Powers their counterparts have and light up the battlefield with very concentrated electric attacks also gaining the ability to teleport around the player's line of fire to avoid damage they typically only appear quite infrequently on highlevel planets causing Mayhem to anyone that crosses their path and the biggest of them all the great eye the great eye is a giant illuminant machine powered by artificial intelligence that oversees all over illuminate Society correcting any mannerisms or behaviors that go against the race a battle against the great eye can only be accessed on special planets after the player gains a certain hand against the illuminate faction the great eye will launch multiple homing missiles onto the player to damage and cause confusion like their friends they initially spawn with many Strider enemies to help defend as you deplete its Health the guard trip is reinforced by apprentices and as the battle against it reaches a climax you will be fighting a plethora of the faction's finest Illusionist putting everything they have in their kit to stop you I'm sure if we ever see this thing in battle it would be undoubtedly a Giant Raid boss for you and your fellow hell divers to focus all of your efforts on in the current hell divers patch the only main cause of Ark and plasma damage comes from the player's equipment such as the Tesla Tower no actual enemy type the illuminate Harbor an extensive variety of electric attacks in the first hell divers game and as we're dealing with an ancient yet hyper Advanced civilization it would be safe to assume that if the illuminate make their way to the game they will utilize both of these damage types to their fullest potential whether it's a small Apprentice or a giant metal squid eye there is no explicit electric damage type but I'm sure Ark and plasma would succeed as their main source of damage considering our options for defending against the that in the game right now I'd hope Joel doesn't stage a surprise attack on us anytime soon but I did just see him give somebody else a vehicle so you never know okay yeah when I say if the illuminate make their way to this game I really mean they probably will or more likely will or just will this is the part of the broadcast where we get into the reason for all of this speculation about the illuminates making a return our favorite super Earth spies have been doing everything they can to uncover anything we don't know that may threaten our people and our livelihood on superar and deep into the hell divers 2 game files was the best place to look for some I once again have Ministry permission to break these data mind photos down to shed some light and some Clues these exor Twitter or whatever they're calling it these days and Hell divers League subreddit posts allegedly show illuminate enemies that we may have to face the first one we see is riding a pretty sophisticated vehicle with some vague similarities to Hell divers 1 according to to our spy iron sights there is little to no information about this one besides being named flyer it kind of looks like an Illusionist or council member minus a limb or two next we see a wait is that a Scion there is no way Bungie had a hand in funding the illuminate faction all along that's really something oh wait no that's its own thing these things do share a lot of the same features as the cabal and the Covenant from Halo this Arc warlock looking thing is called the Summoner and holds AAP weapon that can take the form of a disc sword and a whip this enemy supposedly likes to wrap around the player and is very agile in the air which gives the player a hard time to hit next is the hulking brute illuminate with a body that looks built to shred any players to threads unfortunately this photo and render is the only information we have about this enemy and there is no known name for it now if you ever stop to a halt looking at the Havoc being Unleashed by the bile Titans on the fiery lands of helm you may want to take a look at this extremely unsettling Walker thing I mean it's literally called an illuminate Walker here iron sights puts its size against a Titan fiend and while it's not got the long piercing legs of a Titan it does match its very imposing height moving on to more of the Reddit leaks we can see a render of the stalker enemy a very visible enemy that apparently shoots 6 to eight projectiles out of its many holes we did not cover it in the previous hell divers one section but it does look inspired by two information-based units called The Observer and The Watcher from the last game Who Scout for hell divers information and weaknesses so maybe it has a similar purpose to top off our actual enemies we have this also very looking Scion fella called the outcast it shares a name with a hell divers one enemy that was Loosely based on its counterpart The Apprentice the outcast was formed to fight on the battlefield for being a disgrace to the illuminates because their knowledge was too insufficient to become an ill Illusionist some notes about the hell divers 21 is that it's roughly the size of the player it can dodge by Rolling and flipping around the battlefield almost like a Dark Souls boss they can pull out a sudden haduken attack on the player and fire a pure energy ball out of its hand it is one that is summoned by other illuminate and will rise out of the ground in a portal-like fashion it also allegedly knows forms of jiujitsu and is extremely fast on its feet imagine being a proud soldier on the battlefield serving your country and having hands unbeknownst to you grown at Mock speed another interesting thing is that it can be seen praying and worshiping another type of entity this causes a lot of questions we have never seen this type of behavior on either terid or automatons so what are these guys up to looking at other posts there is one of a similar build but in a very authoritative cloak referred to as the Elder that leads these warship ceremonies probably something akin to superar democracy officers we can also see renderings of illuminate statues preying iron sights had this to say after looking at various models and animations I have developed a theory on the illuminate the illuminate has been able to come in contact with some sort of ethal deity the illuminate can be seen praying to or worshiping this deity across multiple models this deity then bestows weapons and Magic on to the illuminates in exchange for their full loyalty it seems that the illuminate have started using some sort sort of dark magic in conjunction with their high-tech Weaponry since then the illuminate have taken on a more mysterious look commonly seen in tattered robes if this is the case we can infer that after nearly being wiped out by superar all of those years back in Hell divers 1 the illuminate had to adapt their lives and move towards a cult-like society that gains strength from this supposed deity and may have forcefully evolved as a result this idea could also be backed up by more rough models and the fact they have four freaking arms for combat instead of two honestly I back up this theory for the simple reason that we have a hunch on who the illuminate Patron God is apart from some very Destiny like weapons that these new foes wield that pretty much wraps up our Intel that our spies have been able to find this just it new classified Intel about the illuminate have made their way into Super Earth's hands while the last segment was being produced new information is surfaced about our illuminate friends which most definitely further exemplifies the claim that they'll be added anytime soon to Hell divers 2 many highquality renders from our good friends iron sights have been produced to show the community more of what we could expect we will quickly sum this new found information so spoilers inbound the illuminate Walker is actually named the illuminate tripod and shares the name with a hell divers one enemy that is a lesser variant of the Striders we talked about earlier it also allegedly has a fog horn that it blasts in battle these giant brute enemies are named Ghouls and were resized after some updates and are actually small and Nimble enemies that will dance around the player and attack in Rapid succession and these sophisticated illuminate Flyers are actually named illusionists which honestly makes a whole lot of sense given the similarities they share as mentioned earlier all of these animations look very unique and I am genuinely curious and excited about how they will play in game back to the final segment of the broadcast a a lot of the community has been divided in opinions after Arrowhead CEO pad's recent tweets regarding many reports of suspicious blue light formations and even blue laser beams of Arc energy directly focusing on our fellow hell divers to many these strange phenomena May insinuate many beliefs that an illuminate attack is approaching fast and steadily but pillis dead sternly claims blue beams aren't real it can't hurt you against all evidence being put forward to report the illuminate blue beam hypothesis however many of the hell divers that originally reported this claim have gone back on their word after re-evaluating the gravity of proposing such a narrow Theory good thing I don't have to report them to proper democracy officers for this despite the close call of heresy there may be some truth in many blue beam reports after all just 3 days prior to ped's denial of the phenomena he publicly refuted the existence of flying terid being spotted among the battlefield the ministry of Truth backed up up this claim too though what's interesting to see is that only just a few days ago the ministry of intelligence had officially confirmed their existance I swear I didn't suggest the ministry going back in their word it was my neighbor I promise I'm just repeating what they said I realized that pillis de believed in flying bugs the whole time have a look in regards to the mo int report on a new previously unseen flying bug I want to be very clear I have always believed there to be a possibility of flying bugs everyone knows that most bugs fly and it was only a matter of time before this strain would evolve naturally and to those unpatriotic citizens that question the timing of TCS and termicide testing and deployment this is completely coincidental and unrelated nine out of nine reputable and super of sanctioned scientists agree well it' be high treason to say the government is messing with our perception of what we know it is still a very interesting connection to make that with pad's original red hearing comment disregarding the existence of blue beams and furthermore the illuminate race it may actually imply their presence in Hell divers 2 universe as exemplified by flying termined controversy all in all this constant communication to the hell divers Community has been nothing short of very positive reinforcement to the integrity and reputation the hell divers team has been upholding the constant in-game lore tidbits alongside rewards and Punishment based on the outcome of major orders should also be appraised as good involvement by the de it is very refreshing to see a live service game with a very vocal company at its head and one that plays along with the tone of the game not for a long time has a community scene developers this transparent about what's to come for their game in terms of content and appreciation for their fans and especially not in such a creative way pillet has set the standard for interactions from figureheads in the gaming industry and I for one really appreciate it and truly hope we continue to keep up this enthus iasm for hell divers 2 in the years to come kudos to our favorite democracy officer the Raging war is still full speed ahead and has zero indicator of stopping anytime soon with pilad and the arrowhead team upholding their super values when it comes to their Community we will continue to annihilate the termined threat and push them back all the way to zon Prime and the fight on the automatons at Malon Creek still Roars with anticipation but I say we should keep our guard up in preparation for our future battles with these illuminates it was extremely interesting at looking at the history of these squid-like guys and it was exciting to speculate how we may encounter them in fights to come it seems Arrowhead are concentrated on some very well thought out and Polished changes to the illuminate race in terms of combat and lore while still keeping their familiar yet striking demeanor and intimidation Factor high before they officially join the fight in the galactic War I for one can't wait to start the assault against them and we'll be going a mile to tell legendary Tales of our new foes in future videos thank you all so much for watching this video keep the fight for our freedom up and high I'll see you on stream at evanf1997 where we can hell dive together and until next time Evan 2 uh Evan signing [Music] [Music] out [Music] bambo [Music] bamboo it's three symbols for three houses
Channel: evanf1997
Views: 646,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers illuminate, evanf1997, illuminate lore, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 details, helldivers 2 orbital, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 how to upgrade, helldivers 2 stratagems, joel helldivers, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 story, the helldivers community, helldivers community, patch notes helldivers, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 live stream, helldivers 2 new strategems, best stratagem helldivers, evanf1997 helldivers, helldivers new enemy
Id: SFVMzu77eAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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