Helldivers 2 - Making Railgun Meta Again, Solo Helldive Geological Survey

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howdy and hello my name is do hope you're doing good conduct Geological Survey might be the hardest mission to full clear in the entire game my goal is to do that solo on Hell dive and I might lose my mind we'll find out luckily I'm not missing a stratum though Vitality for extra HP to be tankier Shield backpack rail gun and then Eagle Strike hopefully I use it I tend to bring that and not really use it much I don't know why scorcher Redeemer impact and I'm a beef cake brother living that thick life 50% increased resistance to explosives and just heavy armor if I crouch I get more recoil reduction and going prone to it's an added bonus kind of but I think the explosive resistance is massive for spots cuz the amount of rockets they shoot at you is a lot um okay so couple of things already happened we have a tank to my left the light ofy what we have this place right here East 100 me I'm going to drop my stuff that'd be smart deoy that's a that's a microwave dropping awest 100 me and that's the I Sauron I think you guys heard me pinging all right what is this set up here if that lands I'll be kind of static Li it could hey all right so these guys are also here ran needs to go to unsafe mode aka the only viable option if you're not if it's not a Devastator or something like that or a Hulk I should not use my weon on it okay and that's why we chunky downage these fences are messed up they can shoot through them perfectly and I have a tough time seeing them it's kind of evil what is that I'm waai for the shield hello CR shots do more damage to those guys I'm I'm feeling that pretty heavy someone said that and I didn't quite not believe them but I also didn't believe them however now it checks out no we can't be panicking right there I thought you could break that EMP in the I could have sworn that you can shoot that off with the uh scorcher you can mark imine if I messed that up I'd be really tilted um I threw down this that I did that I did Southwest 100 me there's a sea Right [Music] Here Right Now the scariest thing is head shot yeah it's head shot the most dangerous thing to me at the moment the deadliest thing is just head shots wickedly spooky cuz I can actually tank a lot of rockets if they're not a direct body shot I'm pretty sure I can't get one shot which is kind of huge I'm checking the Rockets closest to it to figure out what is what looking for red and orangey support pick up and drop it it be quicker and I'm not sure why you do this the pick up and drop makes sense but I'm not sure why another one I'm out I'm the best a if you guys want to crash course how to miss those shots I got you but I'm not sure why why you wait to activate the button I was just told that you do and I listened didn't ask questions on the bugs there tend to be like a bunker with these sea turrets one more okay so mini nuke I think that the red ones are high yield explosives and the no yeah yellow is mini nuke and red is highi explosives that gu's AFK now will I use these we'll find out I'm bad about using strategy in anything it's not gas strike I'm or exp antitank I'm pretty bad at using just going to go Ahad and Crouch real quick it done they didn't know I was there there's no way they knew I call it Shenanigans okay outp deploying support weapon that bounc pretty heavily throwing Gren if I land that though I'm the best but I did not land that oh I hit you bye sir so if you explode that stand away it'll explode up he'll blow you up how about a ni cup of Li okay I can't trust myself with these things so I just shoot them we're at 30 wom's and we've cleared a few Outpost we've done two side objectives so two Outpost two side objectives that's not bad there's two home Bros guarding this disagree objetive critical stratem available oh I can't use my antitank I almost want to run away because there's a lot of things approaching right now sending down equipment package you see how his aim assisting to that rock that's rigged I to aim above it so much Mission at 30 minutes remaining here's a deal this could work out deoy support weapon maybe if I was smart it works out I'm done though if I'm smart it works out because that timer would have already been all get smoked and rolled have a of democracy yo SE going kind of hard right now that get you goodbye M that misses you hello mire he like moved his shield to block that okay so grenade get away from it they'll explode and send you a different country okay we lived I could have know that so fast though if you wait on the terminal and you do the the whole thingy you're chilling one step closer to Mission comption what injury Tagg mwest 100 me I mean to do that uh this thing has to die deoy support weapon I'm so thankful I hit that shot if I don't he just turns and burns me I die instantly something they us have ammo up here hey I may be kind of thick but guess what I'm still a track star and that's why I ring The Shield brother going this way now guys are guarding a grave apparently G y shift all guns are mostly fully reloaded enemy tactical asset within range back empty I go for his backpack there I'm sing dude what this is very nerve-wracking I tell you what all right you're going to help bomb now right place it as far away from the patrol as I can I would place it I mean I could place it towards them just not in a way they can shoot it and break it and stuff I've been trying to get better at pulling out the SMG when a monster's too close that way I don't die instantly by shooting the other thing AKA um Scorch her hard okay this encampment has at least one tank Tower and my goal is to go and break those first cuz they have The High Ground and they can roll me I don't really mind like tanks aren't that scary those things those things are but what I could do here I want to break this first cuz the tank shouldn't snitch on me quite yet throwing grenades what I lose cover though okay so the tanks aren't after me yet that's good the tank towers are the thing I'm worried about right their tanks not so much I want the guy on the turret to not kill me oh no that's what I'm scared about deploying support weapon and then there's two of these little Shacks together so attack aim up a little bit aim down a little bit you should be good enough administering freed fact it missed one no the rocket hit the wrong thing want this I want this how devastating luckily I can climb though I think I can we're good sending the tank tower has to go it could be guarding stems and stuff feels good hello there's no way my life for super Earth this is stressful oh my goodness injury what injury how about a nice cup of Li maybe hi Faith close throwing grenad I hit one grenade you know what we take those Sub obje in your vicinity I need to do those other sub objectives heretical Strat available do the does like the microwave thing have a a limited amount of rockets you can shoag map Northwest 50 m or what's to do with that cuz I noticed it destroying stuff earlier I'm out Freedom never sweet Liberty making what sweet Liberty my leg oh my God Bad News Bears unleashing democracy found something okay so my current strategy I'm going to go to this thing whatever it is destroy it and I'm going double back over here destroy those then go to the objective I don't see anything in the middle of the map oh God what is that oh no the ion brother I'm in I'm in pain L pain we're in less pain now love that for us I need to figure out how to do those better I think it's easier when it's not on the flat ground and it has like a slight raise cuz it just means that you're throwing it on the Rock it's not connected to the actual Basin cuz the game doesn't quite like you throwing it on the Bas okay so I'm kind of noticing a trend here that looks like a broken structure so it has something broken structure has something and those other two not so much want to buy a stamina potion please your finest are they mirroring my strafe my rout there's no way this hole is as fast as me oh it's a Strider never mind he'd be moving a little bit kind of jealous I saw a red dot pop up on the uh is that 01 there a bunker to my that direction pass heavily the eye of Saron is trolling attack underway fire in the hole if that drop ship Cuts me off from doubling back this game is playing some 40 chess on me that's a rock they're kind of hard to go through all right next objective I got to place down my Expendable anti-tank and Supply the moment I get there supplies off go down soon the toughest thing about these missions with the modifiers it's not even it's like the toughest thing I think about the cool down and what makes it the most difficult one to play against is the fact that you have to manage your resupplies in a group it's even worse though cuz it's not just you resupplying it's your team too so if you're not playing with friends and you split up a little bit because that's what's going to happen with randoms chances are um it's a bit brutal I want to play not here looking for all the small guys real quick ra objective critical strategem available I'm playing back here deploying support weapon deploying equipment package make sure I have a grenade out when I loot the thingy the supply pack breaking the iar is going to suck I don't know how to actually break the iar correctly cuz the hell bomb always bounces off that pound means it's time to go grenades out I didn't need to loot that per se actually I did need the ammo some sometime today junior missed GG there's still a guy in there is that a Hulk you're kidding me it's a hul I can't see him okay I knew it was a Hulk I've learned to shoot these guys to jundal it works pretty well the first guy died two shots remember the Jon like the mid red glowing bit Mission at 10 minutes remaining deploying support weapon that's so sad dude that is so sad what a very fun and balanced mob to play against in this game it broke my shield and killed me two rockets to the en hell ocracy unfortunately oh 2 minutes and 30 seconds for that is so small what those guys are broken throwing grenad in the okay dude dude yourself never play in this little Corridor ever about a nice cup of unless you clear back and then you can run away maybe I don't know where to shoot those Marauders maybe I'm maybe I'm a little bit unaware I'm out in the can we get an overhand throw on that thing Jesus Christ bro what what is with this game oh my God if you throw a gr at me let me throw it back like a regular person I don't I don't know why it's a thing like why would all of a sudden be like okay it's crazy how many patrols there are it's kind of phenomenal honestly L and then eag back fight democracy that's crazy bro what could I have done better there I can't Traverse this terrain there's a Hulk guarding my stuff what a what a Goomba just a Hulk though I saw that Mega camp at the end [Music] there we're not done listen I'm staying right here like I'm I'm I'm just has to happen 5 minutes left we can't stay this low much longer hell di another step towards Galactic Liberation you guys have got to be kidding me with the placement of these enemies how about a perfect I'm cool with that small dudes chill it was a tank could probably still done handle it a little bit but just not as ideally I have four minutes to clear so many things if I had a motorbike and could Traverse there quickly it'd be possible I think I actually killed the uh the tower first the eye that makes the most sense right now cuz it'll just keep telling on me the whole time if it has a view of my Evac situation there there a chance for there to be a Whatchamacallit pinned up to the back of the ifsar on a fabricator cuz that'd be crazy a there's one kind of close but not really there's two kind of close in the enemy tactical asset within threat range you may proceed to extraction when ready like how this is such BS you can't do that that is such BS request approved on it way now where and I think it still works no last reload one could hope H bomb armed clear the area thankfully it did deploying sport weapon one minute left Dy prepare toad that's the tower thing no I'm out extraction is available deplo equipage I'm going to have the extraction be called by the the actual game I'm not calling it I'm going to refill my Loot and just survive does it matter if I break things if I'm not near the evacuation point or is the mission just over and everything you did is now like you can't do anything else now cuz if you could do stuff that'd be sick that' make the four minutes make sense low orbit emergency extraction shuttle deployed I was already crouched guys you didn't see me quit fibbing I think it's almost a full map clear what the I'm dumb there is technically a possibility I could clear all these things but I don't know if they count so is it worth dying for and not extracting ETA tus 3 minutes here's the thing bro does extraction really matter if I can just be replaced easily I don't think so I think what matters is clearing the objectives ETA T minus 2 minutes 30 seconds throwing grenad he one shots me imagine it didn't count that's such a bummer dude that should that should 100% count I think destroying once the mission's over you can't complete the main objective that should be a thing right but the side obje should still count how you going to make me wait 4 minutes and not give me the option to try and do something like that I mean it's not a big deal but just something that I feel makes more sense or does [Music] it almost a full clear dude aeast 100 me so close and all I'm saying is it' be much easier if I didn't have these egregious modifiers I'm just saying just going to wait I guess may as well things I could have done better use my Eagle strikes and potentially my anti-tank a bit better I think I did really well with the rail gun and the scorcher I just didn't do well with the actual other stat gems and I feel it's like a mental barrier I see the modifi saying hey man increase cool down and whatnot I'm like M okay noted so I keep it in mind I keep it in mind too much too well so 1 2 3 four five five side objectives team those are all done all right we have enough time to go back now red thing is it's just looking at me look at it it's just staring at me and this is where the uh Tower was but that thing it's just mocking me so close to full clear man this is Pelican 1 I have visual on the extraction Zone Pelican 1 Landing sequence initiated watch where you're standing pel preparing to depart shuttle launch in 20 seconds exraction complete pel holy smokes they put the Jets on where did all those guys come from victory was never in I'm missing one thing trying to think what be an easier setup I think side objective wise it wasn't it wasn't the side objectives the main objective is what screwed me over I got lost in the sauce it was a oh it's so brutal it was a three star encampment too that would take a bit of time I'll still post it outstanding patriotism I tried but that's definitely the hardest map to full clear I believe I almost had a FAL no I died once I think and my death was scuffed I could I could have lived if I grenade those guys I live anytime you see a rocket Devastator throw grenades if you have nades throw them because you never know if there's more than one there's more than one rocket Devastator you just die and can I just say this armor save my life I wish it would tell you how much damage I took because I'm pretty sure I died once that's one that's pretty dang good I feel like that mission went really well I should just use more Eagle strikes and it probably would have been that much better huh any thanks for watching have a good day peace
Channel: OhDough
Views: 23,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 solo helldive, helldivers 2 helldive, helldivers 2 helldive difficulty, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 walkthrough, helldivers 2 map clear, helldivers 2 max difficulty solo, helldivers 2 railgun, helldivers 2 meta, helldivers 2 railgun unsafe
Id: o-PG30lRx3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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