Helldivers 2 - AT-AT Walker ARC Thrower is Meta vs Automatons // Helldive Difficulty, Full Clear

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you can twoot a Hulk howdy and hello I'm do hope you're doing good apparently they buffed the arc thrower and they also buff the bunker Mission so I figured why not use both cuz I've been hearing some crazy things about the arc thrower you can stun Hulks and it just feels good to use I'm landing where uh I'm landing here now the arrow also got nerfed you can't fire it as fast and you have a bit less range but truth be told the range isn't that big a deal I do believe I will not love the fire rate Nerf though cuz it was fun shoot that thing fast any I'm doing Arc thrower mini nuke and then or laser scor to Redeemer impact beef cake armor with explosion resistance apparently the Vitality freaking icon boost does not give you more Vitality which is called HP Health points it gives you extra limb Health that's not as cool I thought I was a Omega beef cake with the Vitality buff turns out my arms are just thicker than the usual Snicker so I'm back on the stamina hype all the Galaxy looks to you for salvation hello let nothing stand in the what am I supposed to do against that thing I'm behind a rock that's cap deploying support weapon I just got here is there a bunker here the bunker part checks out the bunker park checks out pretty heavy what the reest appr reinforce on the way oh yeah the thing's still alive dude I like I didn't know the bunker had the freaking courtside seats to this I heard it demy I mean this is my home now what can I sayoy support weapon this is my home how's it feel to be the target I need that thank for oh no it shw me off if I just keep moving moving we're good wait maybe that laser will go all the way to the base you think or is it coming here it's coming here yo big dog I'm sorry this my yo if you go out I'm going with you I kind of needed that laser can't you can't see you can't you can't see I can't see you I find it a bit rigged that don't stop I mean that's not even fair approved reinforcements on the way that's that's just not fair man to the enemy um we do be having a long cool down here those turrets got buffed they buffed the bunker turrets damage and fire rate they gave them more bunker turrets not this patch it's been that way since like the very first time we had this Mission the bunker just were like a joke I think at least maybe my teammate carried me I I have footage of that not getting carried I never post those videos peep the Stagger who's n tossing over here you can aim the shot where you want it to go It's just tough to land it that's money it bounced but you rolled anyway uning democracy they I should break a couple of the turrets so I don't die the moment I walk inside the base also lag my game out yeah any any donors of a uh probably like multiple thousand graphics card I'd say thank you i' be eating rockus for breakfast might I swear see that guard dog gave me a lot of energy like hyped me up okay question that no one's going to answer but is it cool if I don't do all the side objectives on like a main objective like poi hellbomb request approved on it way now I don't understand I don't understand how that guy he just head shot me push me on the ground and two Taps me puts me down reun can we talk about the legalities of that like that move should be a little bit uh I toss my nade as I get launched by a rocket on the other side of the wall you cannot make this stuff up my grenade killed me now they're they're trying to like switch me right now this game's Twisted let going do some twisted stuff land oh this guy my back appreciate you it's good enough distance bomb arm clear the area don't break the hell bomb nice oh thank the lord we tank those um I kind of don't see the point in clearing the base right now because I'm going there anyway later dude why why aren you that why aren't you there funding approved oh don't even turn around you don't want the smoke don't want the smoke I just checked and uh definitely seems like it okay whenever I ping whenever I ping on these areas are kind of like this is a consistent spot with being something useful like you like a bunch of rub rubble and stuff it's a pretty large Basin and that's actually going to be a massive ship fabricator y living be nice here LP the B now the movement Tech he's mad iquest approved reinfor one guy there too I had to land on him I couldn't have killed him all I could have done is maybe done some Serpentine serpent tender and hope it doesn't hit Meo South 100 me okay here's the issue I currently have my cool Downs of the orbital laser variety so I can handle the base kind of ruining that par at the moment that gour dog definitely put a number on the horse oh that's going to be a big base it's going to have two tank Towers probably I know my strap for that base now I have the mini nuke I'm going to just go ahead and handle the two tank towers and then the two Fabricators and there's like one fabricator by itself off in nnia uh first or bidness handle the new gunship Factory build the gunship Workshop however do I handle this Mission at 30 minutes remaining yo sending down support weapon oh they're here help bomb request approved deploying now I'm out missing that so bad add reinforc fing approved not killing it there so bad as well wait so the anank gets us to one shot it gets it to one shot and so I fall up with a scorcher hit that's so money do not forget your Ark thrower brother you do that all the time wait I'm good imagine though hit that that other hell bomb and I die one St closer to Mission you can two shot hulks which is hard I you can just trust me it's it's difficult support weapon you to live huge yeah yeah yeah makes sense makes makes a lot of sense that's exactly how I want to hit I want to hit the small guy and I don't want to hit the Hulk yeah yeah yeah yeah unoc stun him into it kind of that was like a bigger nuke than normal it feels like like not in terms of like how many kills but just the girth of it I missed the old fire rate I'll say it right now the Stagger is cool though me getting staggered is not so cool though all right how you like the taste of freedom things I'm terrified of those have to die so fast they kill me more than anything else like 100% I die more than those than anything else I should have jinxed it thank the Lord for jle shots brother I just want to get more stems and I'm on my way I've heard you can't I've heard you can't kick it back now you'll crash I'm scared to touch it feel good if you kick it back you might crash those are not things those are not odds I want to deal with there like the possibility of that happening I don't like that this pathing is scuffed I did like I did this I went here and then I went here and then I went here and I went there and then here it's like jeez Louise I kind of had to for the gunship though and the gunship went really smooth so that was cool and now it it legit be faster to just go this way again though there's no point clearing the base all I have to do is clear the base before the mission ends I'm pretty sure and I'm good they finally hit it sending down support weapon these have to die things I don't like doing getting cross mapped by a tank Tower not my cup of tea don't forget the AR thrower found something I heard you can't break anymore you can't break doors anymore AR unfort welcome to rail guns world baby welcome enjoy your stay except arrow is still way better now and it makes me not sad like I'm glad for the ran or the arrow Gamers but why can't I have nice things how many bases are here there's that jam Tower over there dropping a pinest me where even is that okay out Spott before I get to combat I'm doing this I can't can't do it yet how about I live real quick the just don't let the don't let the bunker see me I'll handle anything you want me to handle just don't let the bunker see me just something just don't so Bop happened over there I run away strategically I strategically retreated into a more advantageous position enemy tat why sees it I'm need to start putting those Fabricators next to these here things again so I can blow it up with one grenade and be on my way they were so close okay well throwing grenade stamina has been a problem not a big one but I've been noticing it now I'm on that thick live I've been bulking I've been bulking you know haven't been hit my cardio like I good in real life I have though I've been going for walks every day growing up stuff hellbomb request approved deploying now so this going work out pretty well that's over there I think I hit this I hit that and I hit the bunker and then 100 me yeah then I go hit that thing the drop ship place which hasn't triggered on me yet I think around the 150 M range is when that thing will go after you the drop ship place just going to go over here drop a package destroyed going to very gently place this package in a very precarious Place goodbye if you flick your camera you can spin I'm turning my head away from you you can't head shot me if you can't see it okay I have stems he can't wait me I'm safe I was hoping that would happen a bot drop over here I can just run away that's why I didn't shoot him I kept him alive to Sugar a bot drop I got 20 minutes left we're doing decent on time 200 there's no way that tank tower that I just noticed is going to turn and destroy me there's no way been too good too goated even sending down support weapon and Dodge I can actually kill it with a scorcher I keep forgetting that dude that's cheating he's got a peak he's head glitching it keeps the anti-tank it's like they Nerf the anti-tank oh wait s down crazy I still get one shot can we address that a little bitquest refor on the you still get one shot by these guys I thought the whole point was to fix that deploying support weapon deploy support the alarm is a good thing hellbomb request approved deploying now out I shouldn't be peing that what am I doing bomb arm clear the area kind of don't know where uh stuff is oh come on you guys didn't hear that mission progress Lo H what I want to have happen I want to trigger a bot drop okay I'm not no I'm waiting for this this I'm not going to die to a bunker in two shots but I'm going to trigger the orbital laser and then go down here and then work my way up that's what we're working with we have 1 two 3 four things left to do cuz I I don't think you have to do all the red stuff in the objectives I was told you didn't but maybe only applies to One mission this game is very particular like that the hope is that it doesn't apply to this Mission additional reinforcement funding approved um if you're on a turret I think the play is to throw this from here I'm not peeking that how to fuse this is a mission you have to you don't have to cheese but you have to use if you don't use your strategy you don't get to play the mission there two options pretty much are either sit there whittling away at the turrets and whatnot which you could do but there's a few of them so it takes forever or you nuke it speaking of which actually no actually outt attack e one with to rearm I'm looking for Gunners they're aiming at me with their Gunners with the the turrets because of headshot damage you die so fast to a gy a turret a small a small little minion dude on turret is just as deadly if not deadlier than a shieldon so I'm avoiding those guys so they'll Crossfire I haven't been using Arc throw that much spot out sending down support weapon it worked out a little bit so that's fine I'm real bad at ning these things those tank Towers cuz you could just use a grenade and it' be kind of similar to what I just did not that similar but similar enough damage wise I'm stocking up never making sure my arc throw in my hands I I've been getting real bad about not swapping back off of the eats East guess we have like I'm missing something far Super's finest back I feel like I'm missing an objective somewhere all right so my eagle rearmed I should my thing wait support I'm bad I deserve this ooms have a of democracy coming in h empty sending down deoy support I don't think this does anything tanks I'm scared I'm scared to even try don't you don't you make me Mount that right now it's a massive grief what is there a thing there's a Jammer dude that's crazy well where though but where 100 is it a Jammer or is it anti-air whatever it is it is messing up everything I can't even make it through this I don't think at 10es send love that fire buff super good what can I say had a feeling i' do that too me to the enemy found something I'm being shot from so far away support still making it back there might just be a miracle surely they' forgotten about me they have bigger fish to fry should I mean though like if you do not use strats you don't get to play the game against these bunkers on and that's fine that's kind of how the game goes Eagle One returning to Destroyer for resupply hell bomb request approved deploying now if I'm quick we're good additional reinforcement funding approved clear Thea Freedom has prevailed God now head to the extraction point I know was missing an objective I news it not turret I spoke about that earlier I I warned myself see two shot if I hit it like in the actual visor that's nuts no you have a small window to keep firing at this guy right sometimes there's like a doorstep that blocks that from happening but that time there's not I want not Peak when I don't have to I keep checking my ammo on that thing like I like I like it doesn't have infinite all right really hoping you don't have to full clear the objectives because that be lit am I missing right now extraction is available fire in theole go ahead and send a breach but bot drop butt drop do something cuz if you do I'm chilling if you don't it won't be bad they got five minutes 5 minutes remaining I repeat five minutes remaining I'm telling you it just doesn't get more textbook than that deploying support weapon are there even dudes here fire in the I got no points for that h extraction shuttle inbound dropping a p I think that's everything kind of a crazy Mission dropped on the dog that's my first time seeing it in the game myself I've I haven't even seen it at all honestly I've heard about it they call it the atat the RT at the the of this game has many names none of which I'll call the correct one I think it's like 880 sending down support weapon but solo this mission is still chill you have three orbital lasers for the for three bases and the fourth one you just nuke it so they can't shoot you back and it's still one of the easiest missions in the game it's going to be a tough thing to balance how do you like the tast of Freedom oh wait wait wait wait any any explosive Barrels have to die get get ETA TUS 1 minute 30 seconds we got two hulks I could nuke him but what's the fun of that ET T minus one minute I can't tell was hitting you adjust where it hits initially to try and hit the second one like look at this you're just juggling the hulks and they then they kind of die like chargers they take six shots roughly aror is pretty insane now I'll play I'll play versus the bugs tomorrow cuz it is late here I'm trying to change my sleep schedule to fit this game TUS because they post content at 5 in the morning my time and I wake up at 10 10: a.m. usually I'm a DJ so what I want to do is W up at 6:00 a.m. 7: a.m. by the latest from not tomorrow tomorrow is differ 2 a. right now I can't do that right now I do want to start changing things up I'm still anxious about did I get everything or notest 200 I think something no apprach there's one two one 2 3 four side objectives and because there's four main objectives that maybe takes up more space than usual I don't know extraction complete pelic one beginning a set h never in doubt real bad that was pretty simple pretty eventful from the start I was do I was full no no face cam but that see that guard dog kind of amped me up we did it 2% time remaining baby full objective full clear almost no death what can I say you know making it look easy how do I even die now the first death was not my fault there's nothing I could do there there's a bunker shooting at me there's a g doog I'm dead there is no surviving that whatsoever that was fun Arrow feels pretty good the slow fire rate kind of balances it out a little bit the Stagger is a little corny but we'll probably get more crazy mobs you come back bloody that look sick stats eight deaths to be fair nah that's bad whatever I'll do better next time 6.9 km ran it up and pretty soon there won't be any any thanks for watching have a good day peace
Channel: OhDough
Views: 107,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 arc thrower, helldivers 2 AT-AT Walker, helldivers 2 Automaton Boss, helldivers 2 solo helldive, helldivers 2 helldive, helldivers 2 helldive difficulty, helldivers 2 map clear, helldivers 2 max difficulty solo, helldivers 2 arc thrower solo, helldivers 2 lvl 9 difficulty, helldivers 2 arc thrower buff, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 arc thrower meta, helldivers 2 factory strider
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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