Hoi4 Usa World Conquest

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hello and welcome back to another hearts of iron for video so today's you probably saw on the title this is gonna be my United States world conquest series so this is something new that I'm trying out basically my goal is to provide two videos a week for these series and it's not limited to the United States I'm going to be playing a whole bunch of countries and basically just trying to provide more gameplay so that way we can actually have a meaningful discussion people are able to critique my decisions see the mistakes that I'm making and learn from them because otherwise as it currently stands my guide videos and achievement videos well they certainly are useful to some people I feel like there's no room for anyone to really learn from them because you never see any mistakes basically everything is fine-tuned in those videos to look perfect or as perfect as I can make them given the circumstances so that's why I wanted to make this series it's also just because I wanted to have some fun and I think this is just a great way for me to interact with the community more often now the other thing I just wanted to say here before we get into the video I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has taken the time to subscribe and has left comments on my previous videos as well as liked them and shared them with their friends it has been absolutely amazing hitting a thousand subscribers in just under a year and I'm incredibly excited to keep making videos and providing you guys with content that you can watch it honestly makes me motivated to make videos when I see all the support that I've been getting so again I just wanted to say huge thank you to everyone who is taking the time to subscribe to my channel thus far now without further ado I'm really excited for today's video let's get right into it already so first things first here we've got our national focus tree now this hasn't really changed since man the guns came out they've probably made a few adjustments in terms of numbers on your national focus tree and what each one does but for the most part nothing has really changed so the main thing here is as the USA we're democratic so we have to actually switch over to either fascism or communism now personally I think the fascist route is the best way to go you can certainly play around with this and decide for yourself maybe I'll do a communist one in the future but I want to conquer the entire world so I really have no interest in going communist and I just really like playing the fascist country I think it's just better that way so the main thing here we can't continue the New Deal we're gonna go down re-establish the gold standard and basically we have to wait until Franklin Delano Delano I think that's how you say it Roosevelt is no longer leading the country so we have to wait until then so we can't actually do this right off the bat and as you can see here if we want to go down the fascist route you have to have reestablish the gold standard so in the meantime there's some other things that we can at least do to get our country on the way the other thing that really limits us as far as I know is we can't actually make any changes to the Great Depression at least right now because again we have to wait so that does limit our industry a little bit but for the most part we can also go down here and kind of provide ourselves some bonuses and get started on our army which is one way you kind of counteract that delay the other thing too you have a very high number of civilian factories and you can build yourself up very quickly once you make the switchover to fascism and you know get rid of the Great Depression and its effects so you really don't have to worry too much about being all that far behind any of the countries so the best thing you can do in my opinion is focus on your army itself your Navy and the Air Force and stuff that goes along with that so the first one that we're gonna pick here is just War Department that gives us a maximum command power increase of 25 not all that useful but it unlocks all of these sub branches and all that good stuff along with it so we're just gonna pick War Department off the start one other thing I thought I should mention here I'm gonna be aiming for around 45 minutes to an hour in length per video and again I'll be releasing two videos per week that's my goal for right now if I find that I'm able to get more done in a week then I'm certainly going to be doing that but at a minimum two videos a week and that's excluding any guide videos or achievement videos that I do along with it it's exclusive to this series that I'm doing so United States Germany the Soviet Union all those countries I'll be working through them and providing videos every week on it and that way there's enough content for everyone to stay up-to-date on what I'm doing be able to have active discussions and not feel like I'm just leading guys in the dust that's basically it so anyways we got four research slots available to us as the United States which is always very good and of course we're gonna go into our engineering tab first we're gonna be completing our mechanical engineering because that raises our research speed which is always good at the start of the game industry wise we're gonna do some construction here just to bump that number up a little bit basic machine tools as well raises our production efficiency cap which is always nice and then we have some choices here so we can go down air doctrine naval land doctrine there's some infantry stuff supports but I'm just gonna take the time here and switch over to mobile warfare I think this is very well-suited for the United States because again you have a very large industry and you can catch up to the Germans extremely quickly in terms of tank production so it's best to pick mobile warfare also because again with a very large industry you have the capacity to produce a large amount of airplanes so that goes very well with the mobile warfare doctrine at least in my opinion it does so next up here we've got a bunch of civilian factories as usual now it always comes down to personal preference I still think it's a okay idea to build civilian factories if you want to you can certainly go for military factories off the start but personal preference mine I just like building civilian factories out of the gate and again we're always going to focus on the areas with the highest infrastructure although it's not absolutely necessary it's just best off to do that because it will make it slightly faster in the long run now as for our military factors you can see here we only have 10 available to us so that limits us right out of the gate we don't have a large amount of production so we have to be very careful about what we're making otherwise we're just wasting resources and whatnot so basically I'm going to put four on guns maybe two here three four and honestly I find that's a good bounce because we're gonna be going for seven twos and then the 14 fours which means 14 infantry for artillery or if you're doing a 7 to 7 infantry to artillery so you just double the number and that makes it from 20 widths to 40 width so by having a even split of four on guns and four on artillery and we're gonna leave that for roughly two to three years before you make any big changes to that it's gonna help us the most now the other thing you have to remember here is sooner or later we're gonna run into a civil war that happens no matter what as you try and switch to fascism obviously the Americans are not too receptive of the idea of I guess having a dictator in power so basically they don't really like that so there's a civil war that's gonna kick off in the future so we will need to prepare for that that's also why I'm producing just artillery and guns there's really no reason to make much else if I'm not mistaken when civil wars start they made this change a little while ago but civil wars it basically splits up equipment evenly and the other thing about the United States here is there are some decisions that we'll need to make when it comes to actually getting ready for the Civil War so recruit example the Freikorps that allows you to basically have more units during the Civil War and allows you to conquer the territory faster so there are certain things that we can do to get around that but that's basically it for now not much else that I really need to show you guys so I'm just gonna speed that up to five unpause the game and I will see you in 70 days okay and so just like that I know very quick we have already finished our War Department so next national focus here there's four that we can select I guess three because I don't have enough senators and representatives on my side right now so the next one that I think I'm gonna do is just build the Pentagon the reason why I want to do this is just because it increases my planning speed and if I know that I'm gonna be in a Civil War it's just good to get out of the way the other choice that we have here may be air war plans division because that reduces my fighter production cost it also gives me two bonuses for my air doctrine which would help me a little bit conversely we could also focus on Navy but again we don't have enough senators in support right now so it kind of limits us to these two and then the only other one is the war plans division but it really doesn't do anything for us right now because none of these countries we're gonna be going with in the immediate future so again it really doesn't do anything so I think build Pentagon is the best one that we can pick here and it's May 20th 1936 the next one that we're gonna do for our national focus here I'm just gonna get that air war plans division done Department of Defense an extra 25 man or command power does absolutely nothing for us so the best thing that we could really pick is our air war plans division because of those air doctrine bonuses and it also goes a little bit of air experience and reduced fighter production which is great because it gives us a little bit of a head start on the other countries now as for our research here I've already completed my mechanical engineering so the next one that I'm doing is mechanical computing I think it's just good to get those both out of the way and it really doesn't harm us in the long run now as for industry I'm gonna go with dispersed because as the United States I'm gonna be changing my production around a fair bit mainly because I need to catch up with some other countries I also basically have to take it upon myself to do everything no one's really gonna be allied with me because my goal is to basically take out the Germans then take out the Allies and then take out the Soviets and the Japanese last because the Japanese really aren't going to do much to us in the long run they're really weak they really only have the home islands and if you drop a nuke on it then they'll just give up so they really don't care all that I don't really care all that much I should say and I think they're not really gonna be a big challenge as for concentrated you can certainly still pick it you do get a little bit of a bonus in terms of factory output but I think for what we're doing as the United States we're just gonna be best off with disbursed industry now construction one is going to be done as well pretty soon here and as for that research slot I think improved machining tools I'm just gonna bite the bullet and get it out of the way sure it's ahead of time but 180 days a little bit less than that really isn't gonna hurt us so that's just the next one just does a heads up with our air war plans division now out of the way the next one that we have for choices here is air support or strategic bombing now personally I think strategic bombing is very good and especially with the combined bomber offensive it allows you to get an extra 50% range which is great for strategic bombers but because of the strategy that I'm trying to do or at least my end goal which is world conquest strategic bombers are not really what I would recommend sure they're still very good planes but overall if you're comparing it to something like fighters and close air support they're gonna provide more benefit than strategic bombers would at least in my opinion so for that reason I think air support is the best one that we can pick next again it gives us some air experience but it also reduces the production cost on our close air support by 10 percent so that's going to help us a little bit we also can then go down the cast effort which gives us again a research bonus for close air support and then there's some other things in there another air doctrine as well I think it's gonna be a good idea for me to complete the war plans division as well as intervention in the Americas and the only reason I want to do this one is because it raises planning speed by another 5% so compared to the rest of them you don't really get all that much out of it de Mille daily Command power increase is okay I'm not the best not the worst it's gonna be helpful to do these things later on when we're actually going to war with a bunch of these countries but as it currently stands it's really not that necessary so I think the best one to do is air support simply because it's gonna give me those lower production costs as well just a little bit of air experience as well now the last thing I thought I should make mention of if we go back into our decisions tab it is important that we continue raising our Senate and House support and the only way we can do that right now is through the small lobbying effort sure if I stopped picking these and I just allowed my political power to build up rather than just continuously selecting these I could actually select an advisor and increase my political power daily and then select medium lobbying effort but overall even though it's a little more tedious the small lobbying effort basically does the same thing so you really don't lose out on much so it is important that you have these up because there are national focuses that you must complete to change the Americans over to the fascist side and there's requirements for that so if you look right here adjusted Compensation Act you need 218 representatives and 49 senators so while we currently meet that need in the future as you complete certain national focuses you'll lose senators and there's also just events that take them away so it's good that we get that number up at the start of the game because it's gonna hinder us less later on so that's all for now and I'll see you guys again in 70 days so as it currently stands the date is now October 7th 1936 we have two more research slots available to us so under our engineering tab the next one that I'm going to be completing is radio this is only 96 days and it raises our reinforcements rate by five percent I think it's good to get this out of this out of the way because you can unlock your support companies as well it's gonna give you a slight edge in combat when you're fighting against the Americans in the Civil War so it's good that you get that out of the way as for industry we're just gonna go back and complete the next construction I always prefer to do construction before dispersed the reason why is just because you don't need the factory output so much as the construction speed because that's gonna help you more in the long run although I guess it kind of is counteracted by the United States being in a Great Depression so maybe it would be better off to pick dispersed but I don't know let me guys let me know what you guys think in the comments below maybe I'll make that change in the future but as it currently stands I'm just gonna go with construction two and the only one that I did hear I was completing the first level of infantry equipment I think that's also good to do because again slight edge in combat after that's done in five days I'm gonna be just selecting interwar artillery which raises the soft attack values which is again good and as for national focuses I'm not actually gonna pick anything right now I know I said I was going to do the war plans division next but as you can see here if we click on our flag the next election is November so very soon that's going to happen and I have no political power so I think it's just okay to pick political power basically for 20 days it's just gonna help me and I can also make some decisions if I really wanted to I think my support is more than enough as it currently stands so if I did have to make any decisions that took away from that number it wouldn't really impact me again I haven't gone down this route I think I've only done it once or twice as the United States to be honest so I'm not too familiar with it I want to make sure I'm in a good position for when some events start occurring so that's basically it I will see you guys in 23 days okay so this is the event we were talking about I guess I was a little bit off it's November 8th is when the event fires so just in case that matters to any of you guys now you know what day it's gonna happen so we have two choices we can stick with the Democrats or conversely we can go with the Republicans obviously we don't want to go with the Democrats because that is Delano or Franklin Roosevelt's political party so if we pick that one we basically screw ourselves and we would have to restart the game so by picking the Republicans we gain a little bit of political power which is cool I didn't really know that we also gained Industrial Research speed and resources research speed so that's pretty cool Alf Landen becomes leader for the Democratic Party staunch constitutionalist ideology drift avenge 50% so not much that really comes out of this the people have spoken if we go back into our decisions you can see we've lost a bunch of support so I'm just gonna take the mmm maybe I'll hold off I think I'm not gonna take special measures right away you know what yeah I'm gonna do that that's fine so the next thing that we have to do here if we go back over to this side we can now reestablish the gold standard so again we're gonna lose some senators and representatives conversely we also raise our consumer goods factories 5% but we get a little bit stability out of that so it's important that we start this right away because the sooner we get this done the sooner obviously we can switch over to fascism and that's what's gonna allow us to get started on our industry quickly because we don't want to delay ourselves the longer we wait the basically the better off opposition are enemies are gonna be in so for example the Germans are really the big one when you're playing an AI game if you let them build up for years and years and years you're really putting yourself in a bad position the Germans are quite difficult Russians are difficult once you know how to beat them it's easy but for a newer player it's gonna be very challenging so it just makes it a grind and it's boring as hell when you've waited until 1942 to start attacking them so that's just my advice take you to leave it it's your choice otherwise I'm just gonna wait for this to complete and I'll see you guys shortly okay and so just like that we have now finished our national focus reestablish the gold standard so the next one that we're gonna be doing here is America first and the reason we're doing that before adjusted compensation two reasons for starters I don't have enough representatives and senators and the next reason is because after you complete America first you can unlock a political adviser that raises your fascism and it will also change the popularity of fascism by five percent so this is incredibly important because the sooner we can get this done the sooner we can get into the Civil War and then make that changeover to fascism and if you delay it too long again like I previously mentioned it just allows the rest of the countries in the game to get built up to a similar point where the United States isn't really gonna have all that much of an advantage so that's really the main reason why I wanted to do this outside of that the really important thing as well is just making sure that we work all the way down to this one right here work with the the boond I think is how you'd say that and the reason why is it it will ensure that when the civil war kicks off we're gonna have a certain set of states in our possession so he won't actually lose them and I've found in my previous playthrough if you actually complete this before the Civil War starts you're actually in a much better position to win the Civil War because you'll have no issues basically securing your front line otherwise if these states get taken out it makes your front lines are very choppy and unorganized and with your limited amount of manpower and troops it's very difficult to maneuver around that and basically win the Civil War are quite easily so just thought I'd throw that in there next one America and just as for construction here if I can actually click properly same thing just civilian factories we're just continuing to build those up and we're just at 10 military factories as well so otherwise not much else to really report I'll see you guys in 70 days just like that we've now finished America first so the next national focus down these branches we can't actually increase them at all until we get 10% support for the silver Legion and then 30% over here we also need a certain amount of Representatives so the big one now is the first adjusted Compensation Act this is going to affect the Great Depression it's going to raise our political power resource gain as well increase our population and reduce consumer goods so it's very good that we get this out of the way early on because that's just gonna help your industry in the long run and yeah it's just good for your country so we're gonna do this one we also have the option of modifying our government so this is very important where is the guy captain of industry editor blah blah blah blah blah maybe I'm blind ok so right there so daily fascism support we're gonna get through this gentleman right here now I'm gonna let this go for 70 days and then I'm gonna build up some political power because that way I can at least start reducing the effects of the Great Depression and then start building up some fascism I know it's not the most efficient route but I personally believe this is going to be the best for our country in the long run you can go ahead and click some other things if you would really want you could maybe go for this guy increase some stability and political power if it's really that important but personally I think the best thing is just wait for this to finish and then we're gonna wait another 70 days and that should give us more than enough political power to actually unlock that adviser and then we can continue down with some national focus is already so the data is now July 24th of 1937 I figured I should also go through my research here so on the infantry tab I am now at the second level of the infantry equipment just helps raise my infantry defense as well the breakthrough so that's just gonna help in our war the civil war that will occur pretty soon and outside of that engineering not much has really changed same with the industry these are just at the second level and I will be doing those later on but they're too far ahead to bother with them right now I'm just using up my two bonuses for air doctrine because that does help us a little bit I've also researched the p-40 Warhawk because it's better off to have the most up-to-date fighters otherwise you're just setting yourself up for failure if you're producing the old fighters they're just gonna do horrible in combat as for artillery only at this level right here in 1936 and I figured that I should also get started on my signal company I'm probably gonna do another one of these and then lastly I'm doing my tanks as well right now the reason it's important to get these out of the way is because as America you do have a bonus over here in main battle tanks so it reduces your medium tank production cost as well as light tanks and it increases the research speed if you select the Detroit Arsenal design company so it is important that you go with medium tanks at least in my opinion if you want to go with heavy tanks you're more than welcome to the Americans certainly have the industry to do so but I just think it's better to pick the medium tanks because you get that 10% reduction which kind of offsets the benefit of having heavy tanks because in the long run if I can produce you know let's say even 20% more tanks than your heavies even after accounting for those losses I think it's more than enough to overwhelm any country so it's just up to you what you want to pick but I'm gonna be going with medium tanks today otherwise national focuses I waited and earned enough political power to select my daily or the fascist demagogue here so I'm getting 10% fascism support every day and it's important now that we at least try and get as far down this branch I don't think you actually have to wait 180 days it didn't say anything as far as I'm aware that we have to wait before completing these next ones so I want to try and at least get these two done because that will raise our production efficiency cap and then it's also gonna reduce the effects of the Great Depression a little bit further and if we can get these two done before we hit 10% then we can ally with the silver shirts and then you know just work down this route over here which is really in as I previously mentioned so the next one we're gonna select is a labor management Relations Act so I guess I was right we don't actually have to wait so that is the big difference I guess between the Democratic countries and the fascist route I should say if you're going down Democratic you do have to wait a certain period of time before you can go to the next one but in this case we can just jump right to the protectionist tariffs and that's going to again reduce the effects of the Great Depression it's gonna give us almost all of our daily political power back so it's really not gonna affect it I think it'll leave it at let's see so right now slow recovery 0.65 if we take off another 40 so 0.35 every day we lose which is more than enough sure it's not the best but it's also not the worst the other thing here we also can now complete a lie with the silver shirts that's going to push us a little bit closer to Civil War and we'll lose some representatives or I guess we gained representatives in this case it also raises the fascism support a little bit more so that's another good one if we want to complete that I think I'm gonna go with protection of tariffs first just to again help my industry get a little bit more ahead and also so I have political power because I do want to select some advisors and I think there are some decisions that come into play later on where you do need political power I could be completely wrong there but hey this is a learning experience for everyone so anyways that is the National focus we're doing protectionist tariffs and the following one will be ally with the silver shirts the date is now February 9th 1938 and we've completed a lie with these silver shirts so we lost a little bit of stability not a big problem we gained some senators and some health support which is always kind of nice now at this point I don't think it's really necessary to be increasing this anymore and the only reason for that is if we complete extend the Chinese Exclusion acts we can actually get a bunch of senators and representatives to support us so that way we don't really need to actually use the decisions anymore and later on as we complete the rest of these we can basically ensure that we'll have full support for our government it's just a waste of political power past this point so as of right now the very important thing that we must do is complete war with the or work with the boond and then recruit the Freikorps because if you don't complete these like I previously mentioned you won't have these states in your possession and then through the Freikorps you can actually recruit infantry units that will fight on your side and basically allow you to overwhelm the constitutionalists very quickly so it works in your favor to have both of these done if you don't complete them you're just setting yourself up for failure and the other reason we want to do this right away is because this is essentially a timer so after we've completed this the Civil War is going to happen now it will not stop it will happen so we have to make sure that we get these done before that occurs because otherwise like I just mentioned you're just gonna be in a bad position so the next set of national focuses are these four you can do them in whatever order you would like but that's the next four that I'm gonna be doing I don't think it's really necessary for me to record myself saying each one of these afterwards but I will be stopping in if there's any decisions that we need to make or important research and things like that so that's all for now and I'll see you guys when I have these four pretty much done so it's definitely been a minute or two the data is now November 18 1938 and as I previously mentioned I have now completed all four of these national focuses so from here on in there is nothing really essential that you need to complete but the best thing that you could probably do in my opinion is go down and complete income tax reform that's just because it's going to remove the national spirit slow economic growth so then you're no longer suffering from the Great Depression now conversely if you really want to you can go down not national prosperity program and the only reason you'd really want to be doing this is because of these ones over here they essentially raise your production efficiency military factory construction speed and then it allows you to complete honor the Confederacy so that helps you rebuild after the Civil War because America is essentially destroyed afterwards so if you complete these before the Civil War Soph you're just essentially helping yourself get up to speed a little bit faster after the war but if you also don't complete the Great Depression or removing it then you're still gonna be at a bit of a disadvantage so that's why I just want to complete this one right now and I don't think we're gonna need to go down this route any more we have more than enough support still at 271 and 68 in the Senate and for the most part enough much is really happening you can tell that they're preparing for the Civil War because our memories are being raided the army went AWOL and deserted so I lost a thousand manpower stuff like that and then certain states declaring that there's militias forming so it's definitely gonna happen soon the other thing I deleted my whole army because supposedly if you have your army in the field it'll actually give more units to the constitutionalist that way I don't know if they've changed that it's certainly been a long time since I last went down this route and there's been a number of updates that have come out for the game so I could be totally wrong you don't need to do that but at the end of the day you also don't need the army in the field it doesn't hurt you to delete it it also just makes it a little more organized because you can see what you have available and in its in its entirety so I have 23,000 infantry equipment almost 5000 artillery and 2,000 support equipment I also have 24 divisions I was recruiting I was hoping that these will be trained up by the time the Civil War kicks off and then all I'll be able to do is just click and deploy I'm not going to deploy them right away I'm just gonna let them sit there at a hundred percent and hopefully I can maybe cheat the system just a tiny tiny little bit but I could be completely wrong about that so anyways that's all I'm really doing now as for national focus again just income tax reform here are all of my political advisers that I've selected so far Standard Oil I didn't select it just does it for you through the National focus but I still have my fascist demagogue I have a silent workhorse just to raise my political power a little bit and then I have my war industrialists just because that helps me with my military factory construction speed which we will be getting to pretty shortly the only reason I've held off on my military staff essentially I don't remember who actually stays with the constitutionalists I believe Douglas MacArthur he sides with the fascist so you can see right there he's not the current country leader so if we were to select him then we would lose him and Dwight D Eisenhower I'm almost a hundred percent positive he's on the constitutionalists side so if the Civil War kicks off I don't want to select him and waste 150 political power and then I have to go and select a different advisors so I've kind of just holding off on that I might try and pick a theorist or maybe like a material designer or something I could even go here and do a few of the prospect for resources and that would just help me get a little bit more not like we really need it as the Americans but just if you want and then finally I decided to make my Intelligence Agency I did this a little bit late you could certainly do it sooner if you don't have the law resistance DLC it's not a problem just ignore this part but basically all I'm doing form Department localized training centers then I'm gonna do my economy and army departments and then from there you can kind of just pick whatever you'd really like there are certain things that are better than others so for example suicide pills those are pretty good because they help make sure that your spies won't give up intel as well it reduces their ability to be detected it's really up to you though so play around with it figure out what you like and I will see you guys in 70 days so the date is now January 24th 1939 and this is the moment we've been waiting for so the United States changes their status we have the Boston rebellion so the series of protests against the president have at least or at last reached a climax yesterday after the March had reached its destination in the center Boston the prosze protesters did not disperse to go home instead they broke into smaller groups and seized vital locations around the city by nightfall they had full control of the city the police who have largely gone over to the protesters and the governor of Massachusetts has refused to send in the National Guard so blah blah blah the Democratic supporters start a civil war Non Aligned becomes the ruling party and Fritz Kuhn becomes General I guess that's a German general it sounds kind of weird Midwest declares for the government as well as they should so we gained a little bit of stability so we can ignore this we have unassigned divisions so we have 48 available to us as you can see and then recruit and deploy nice we have another 8 divisions so just to be safe I'm thinking maybe I should try and deploy them right there and we're just gonna put them into a second grouping and then we're gonna split these guys in half so we have 24 and 24 we'll assign them into one army group they're all gonna go into one army group under Douglas MacArthur and then as for generals again obviously pick the highest ones that you have available this guy right here pretty good he's an infantry leader very high attack values the one right after that again brilliant strategist so good as well as reckless so his planning speed is higher as well that's great and then the last one here mmm you know what you have a little bit higher defensive value so we're gonna go with that now I'm gonna assign these 24 units right over there maybe these eight on that line as well and then I'm just gonna wait with the other 24 just for a couple days here so we can see what happens because I just want to make sure that all the states actually stay in my possession because otherwise we're just gonna get you know shafted from behind basically that's the only way I can really put it the other thing we're gonna move all of our Air Force over to the eastern side of the country because that will just help us obviously so there we go rebellion spreads to the west coast so or sorry yeah west coast the east coast joins the rebellion that's kind of weird I guess they messed up the wording on that so send volunteers might as well except it's only eight divisions but hey that helps us in the long run otherwise we just finished income tax reform so I'm just going to do the national prosperity program because again the sooner we can complete that route the better so that's the constitutionalist over there so we're gonna send these 24 basically on a front line like so because it's more important that we take the capital points over here than anything in the north there's essentially nothing up here so it makes no sense for us to set a front all the way up to the north when we could rather just concentrate our forces down on the lower parts of the country we're also going to set all of our generals to aggressive that's just what I like doing but you can certainly change that around if you desire that now I'm also going to make sure I have an offensive line set because that gives us a planning bonus and that's just going to help your troops a little bit more in combat and then the last thing I guess I should have done that at the same time will set both of those we have some factories available so I'm gonna cancel ok so sorry I just had to pause the video real quick so as I was doing before I'm just gonna cancel my civilian factories right now the reason I'm doing this I have 161 available to me so there's no reason to be building any more and we will get a little bit extra after we finish this war so the best thing we could do now for ourselves is just build up some military factories because it is 1939 so we need to get started on this we're also not suffering from the effects of the Great Depression anymore so basically there's no reason to just be building civilian factories at this point so when it comes to military factories you can build them up towards the north I think it's still totally fine to put them in these areas you're not really gonna have run into that many problems with regards to the constitutionalist taking that territory from you oh and we can still build a little bit more so you know what let's put a bunch more there as well otherwise my troops are just gonna get into position here so I'm just gonna close that and we're just gonna let all this oh I have my sound on let's just turn that down okay so we're just gonna unpause the game and let all of our troops move and you can see where they're all going right now as for our air forces everything for the most part is divided so let's just do some shits close air support and strategic bombing on that side and then we'll just set the remaining of our planes like so and see if we can get that up there you know I guess we're gonna move them to the closest air base because it's not really gonna reach so now if we set them all there boost it it'll help our troops just a little bit more in combat oh my god what just happened okay so that's interesting we're gonna tell all of those troops to go back you go there you go there you go there you fall back go there go down to Washington you hold them split those off and yeah you just go you fall right back just go this one will tell them to merge you go there and then across the reason I'm doing it like that is simply because it's gonna allow my friend lines to get some composure again and once the front line is actually reset a little bit I won't actually have to worry quite as much about these troops all just being surrounded and cut off so that's the only reason why I'm sending them all over the place and they should reject on their own pretty quickly here I hope at least not really sure why the game would take that long to change the borders that's kind of messed up but can't complain too much I guess honestly that's I I really don't know why it's like that it's so weird that the game would do that but already anyways troops are all moving it looks right now so that's not a huge loss for us I mean we lost whet three four divisions over there that's really not that bad we can also just get rid of this so they're not assigned there I'm going to assign you to this one this one and that one just making sure that none of my friend lines all get super messed up or anything I don't want that to happen we're also going to shrink this purple line because those are obviously the only eight infantry divisions there so we can't really extend it across the whole front that would be a little pointless and the rest of these troops are going over here right now so that's really good hopefully we can actually capture these points really quickly and once we do that it really shouldn't be big concerned I don't think they have a lot of troops over here so we can even cut the number in half and then send them back over to the eastern section of the country just to help our units over here right now because they do have a lot of the loyalists over here so not really a good idea to keep all my troops on the west coast if all the fighting is happening on the East Coast does it so anyways just gonna keep pushing troops here we'll send those guys we don't really need to worry about that right now and then if we go into our decisions tab as well we have raised the silver legions so we can actually do that right now we get some troops where are they located so we got a little bit more we'll just assign them to this general so now they're gonna help over on this oh okay a little more information coming up here so North West declares for the government their strategic territories Midwest seeds okay so they now have a little bit of territory over there as well that's fine we don't really need to worry too much about that let's just send you straight across take that port so we can cut them in half send one unit there and then you're gonna do the same thing and go all the way to a port and hopefully we can cut them off so they can't actually continue reinforcing their troops that should be okay we're gonna go back over here quickly make sure this is okay and they're still dispersing so MacArthur offer is to lead the government absolutely so division attack on Corps territory yeah that's going to help us a huge amount and we got a little bit more troops I guess so let's assign those right there we're going to now have a general with 16 24 and 21 and I don't know how often you can do this what does it say no I don't think so anyways that's not a huge concern for us biggest thing right now is just making sure we secure our borders a little bit with the enemy and make sure that they're not just gonna continue taking territory from us right now we can also just let them burn out their troops a little bit let them do you know stupid attacks on us and things like that we have to make sure we take this piece of land so that way there they're not getting cut off because if they take that from us then we're in a really bad position that's okay we can send you in now see if there's any space over here to send some troops I guess not Wow there's quite a few troops up there so who can we put in oh we have no field marshals all right so let's just I don't know why I did that I should have just promoted one of these guys highest one you sure will make you into the general then we can ignore that we got a little bit of research I guess mmm I'm gonna do some anti-tank okay so West Coast is looking not too bad let's unpause the game here so I know this is a little different than what you're probably used to when it comes to my channel but I honestly wanted to show this combat in real time I think it's a little more fun this way we got some Len Lisa's sure I'll take your stuff oh yeah I guess we're running a little low on infantry equipment well because we have no factories great and if we just go for the top we can see the current counts they have around 60 a whole bunch more lend-lease is coming in that's cool and as for our spy you can get some Intel for us up here if you don't have the law resistance DLC that's totally fine I mean don't worry about it too much but otherwise it is still important that you know you are actually using it to your advantage if you do have the DLC okay so our things looking here we can maybe do a little bit of an attack I would imagine these guys are pretty concentrated over here in the north so let's give that a shot and see how it goes okay where you got still a bunch more and we have no convoys available that's cool that's honestly fine I wouldn't worry about that too much let's break one of you off can I take one yes I can and we're just gonna try and cut off these units a little bit maybe maybe we can have a key little encirclement that's gonna go across the entirety of the Midwest that'd be pretty cool otherwise if it doesn't work whatever it's really not a big problem so you're good so these troops are gonna get cut off real quickly here we're gonna send you like that and make sure that they do get cut off and then they won't be able to send any more reinforcements once we take these so we can send the remainder of our units real quickly over to the East Coast and help our troops out that way so should be very good let's go that way you there so we can get a little bit of an encirclement and yeah that's just a big thing trying to take ports as quickly as possible because if you can do that like I said you're just gonna encircle the troops you hold that guy right there so you broke his entrenchment for that that's gonna cost him more than me and all my troops are going the wrong way you need to go up to Los Angelos so that's the other thing too because of the very large borders when it comes to the United States as you can see they're able to fan out very well the AI does a little bit better of a job because I think personally they can just respond to what you're doing faster so they get an advantage that way conversely though they're also pretty dumb at times so you can kind of use their stupid decisions to your advantage and like I said it just works out most of the time for you so that battle is happening right now looks like we're probably going to win it yeah there we go so now they're cut off I might be able to actually get two units out of that which is pretty cool let's try and help those guys win is it gonna work maybe not you just go straight for San Francisco now you go there you go there and like that so basically that was really all I need to show for now at least maybe I'm just gonna speed up the combat a little bit here so I'm not just talking idly and not making sense a whole lot I think I can speed it up and you'll still be able to understand what I'm doing I will stop the video or at least slow it down again if there's anything really important but for right now I'm just kind of fighting back against the loyalists so it's just gonna take a little bit of time and I don't want to be talking over that for the next 20 minutes so I hope you do enjoy the combat and I'll see you guys pretty soon gonna do right here is go back way back [Music] [Music] already says you can see it is now August 21st 1939 the worst certainly taken a little while to complete but as it currently stands I'm quite confident that we're actually going to be able to win this the biggest thing now is just concentrating these troops up in the north because if we take these states here essentially they'll lose so they have lost about half of their victory points and these are some very big ones right here so even these three I might be able to actually force them to capitulate with I'm not entirely certain on that but for the most part as you probably saw from the combat the biggest thing was just again closing off the ports along the coastline here the troops started at Trish Ning and I was able to push them back and they also sent a lot of their troops over to the East Coast because that's where all their victory points are and then as for the Midwest the nice thing was because they have no access to ports they weren't able to resupply their troops so they basically burned out pretty quickly and then those six divisions that I had left there from raising the silver shirts or the silver legions was that they were able to just defeat them very easily so that's always nice another six divisions here so I'll just assign them into that army group and yeah we're basically just preparing to finish this off I think it'll be pretty easy again they're really dispersed here and I've got 81 divisions to their 38 to 50 they also have more losses than I do and not a whole lot of factories I don't actually know let's see if we can check what they've got so they got 40 civilians and 8 military factories I've got around 23 now so that's not too bad so let's just get this national focus done as well I've already switched over to partial mobilization not the most efficient but still good just to get off of undisturbed isolation a little bit sooner so that's why I chose that and also because my political power isn't really going to be used for a whole lot else other than just a military high command maybe a theorist and then getting into some of these designer templates here but other than that there's not much else to really share there's basically no way that I can really lose this they just don't have the industry or the manpower to do so for the most part it's just a matter of time until all my troops get over here from the west coast so I'm just gonna speed up the gameplay once more and I will show you everything once we're done [Music] already so there we have it as you can see we have managed to win the war as the loyalists so if we just go click on this tab here you can see our combat log we lost a fair bit of infantry equipment not so much any support or artillery equipment but four hundred eighteen thousand men dead again really not that bad for the states you have a huge manpower pool so you really don't have to worry about that otherwise factory counts looking pretty good we're at 184 sibs and building up a steady stream of military factories at this point so we've got about 36 at our disposal which isn't horrible I think that puts us maybe around half of the Germans they've probably got around eighty or ninety I would imagine let's see if we can actually just look at that right now because I think my way of doing this I definitely want to take out the Germans first before I go after the United Kingdom because at the end of the day the United Kingdom only has their home island they're only ever going to get so strong and the Americans can put up a pretty good fight because they have a large Navy and we can just build tons of planes and whatnot and we have the oil to back it up so I'm really not too concerned on that front yeah so they're at 83 to 118 but we'd Wharf their civilian factory counts so we should be able to catch up pretty quickly otherwise only thing concerning me Douglas MacArthur non-aligned I mean we all still be able to declare our wars against whoever we want because world tensions gonna go over 50% as soon as the Germans declare war against you know France and the UK so I'm not too concerned so maybe we're gonna end up doing a non-aligned route I don't know I definitely don't want to fight another civil war it's just been so long I don't recall how this actually works but anyways this is basically gonna be the end of the video I think I've drawn this one out long enough and it puts us in a very good position for the second episode where I'm gonna be starting that war against the Germans and then hopefully as we get through that war will end up making a third episode maybe on attacking the Allies and then the Japanese and then finally the fourth one I'm thinking Soviet Union we're gonna tackle that beast late-game I'm going to show you what that looks like because this is a world conquest video right we got to take out all the major nations really proved just how tough we are as the United States and it's also kind of weird I don't like how we're just called the loyalists I think that's pretty weak that's a horrible name honestly like if you imagine that imagine a country naming himself the loyalists it just has no punch to it there's not there's nothing there there's just nothing anyways it's been really fun making this video for you guys today if you made it all the way to the end thank you very much for watching and if there's anything that you'd like to see in the next episode or future content just leave a comment down below and I'll try and get back to you as soon as I can thank you very much hope you have a good one
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 18,786
Rating: 4.9503546 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 usa, hoi4 world conquest, hoi4 usa gameplay, hoi4 guide, hoi4 usa guide, hoi4 united states, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 usa, hearts of iron 4 usa world conquest, hoi4 usa world conquest, hearts of iron iv usa, hearts of iron 4 usa guide, hoi4 united states guide, hoi4 germany
Id: 72fUgW0C7Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 47sec (3287 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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