Hearts Of Iron 4 25 Player Chain of Command CO-OP as the USSR

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hello there ladies and gentlemen I am back and we are online in this USSR is fully operational and ready for battle I'm afraid we're gonna be jumping straight to the game there's gonna be no time to grab a cup of tea well unless you're ready to go on which is a brilliant idea zom guy you've gone and had some food great ideas sir vine that's the best way to do this oh look at this let's turn on some co-op and some more join there we go everyone can gain splendid now everyone will be playing the USSR in 1939 yes everyone's playing the USSR in 1939 and we're co-opting now these are field marshals for the evening feedback gaming of the dragon the spy crap and herrings of the dragon will be in control of the air force spy crap will be in control of infantry same for Harry and same for Al phirni feedback gaming however will be in control of our armored divisions general Killzone has joined this is one of our many journals will be working underneath one of the various field marshals not sure which one yet but I guess we will find out oh my how are you guys doing this evening it's gonna be lovely to be in Chapter I hope you're having a wonderful time it's people who only know how for make me sad I know more than Y for its feedback gaming indeed it is sniffing pretty how did you get that factor the interesting question my friend I promise they just appeared the walls just melted away and everyone just appeared I did nothing my lord the cat hello there to you too I hope you having a wonderful evening never grab just a quick bite of my pasty and then hopefully wish get me over general zone [Music] yep sounds good to set off the password and a few more times who do you think is going to be the most incompetent general statistically speaking the most incompetent general I don't know yet but the most incompetent Field Marshal if I had to hazard a guess and even though I love him it's gonna have to be off the dragon now I know Alf can play quite well I know dopey can play very well I know feedback can play exceptionally well and I've seen Harry play very well as well of the dragon I've seen make mistakes as a result he is my bet for person who will make mistake that's why he's in control the air force but you can't go too far wrong with that we're getting some more people in which is good [Music] hmm lovely party this evening we're going to change ideologies mate I'm the spiffing Brown the Soviet Union I don't need to change out all the cheese what mean isn't forever my friend for anything else something's gone wrong general Killzone okay we've got ten people in I think we are about 15 maybe nice thing about generals we got in have a nice meal sniff oh thank you very much Casper it's been quite a while since we've had the sniff squad around not too many people were around well not too many people remember the sniff stream what a stream that was pretty sure is actually remains my most viewed stream of all time might break that record tonight who knows who knows we are forever when you don't do the Great Purge and we're not doing the Great Purge we are starting in 1939 it just makes it so that we can go straight into war and enjoy the best part of this setup so we're not doing the Great Purge we've basically ready Benford so yeah the wife she'll be good though that does hurt - 25 % division organization literally ever and Wow how many different jobs are there there are a few different jobs so Fraser 2a9 here is in control of production and research as well as my number one advisor of the Dragon is in control of the air force I will delegate to spy crap control of spike rope is in control of a large amount of infantry but he will also be in control of the Soviet Navy which will be non-existent I just won't enforce it at all but I am supreme leader Joseph Stalin himself a totalitarian dictator who's spreading communism everywhere and we're going to absolutely destroy those Germans or communism forever tommy's him forever indeed yeah haven't never bite I was discord dying in the moment Oh God it's a real shame yeah discords been having a few issues today I don't know why [Music] feedback doing some subtle self-advertisement with its feedback gaming in each other hmm Furber haven't we my pasty I just in Roseau take this long to cook probably got it in the oven earlier and last stream kind of over round a bit of ah it's fine I'll eat quite quickly before the games Josh give every person his own NKVD officer I'll give it to the field marshal that sounds like a great idea no like my men will not eat eating is for the weak exactly exactly I guess I'll wait till I get given the heads-up everyone's in mera teaser Boris I'm actually quite an interesting point of history which is often overlooked the fact that Hitler killed Hitler technically would that cancel out heaven who knows anyway um something you want to do this evening if you are excited and you want something to do and you want a free copy of hoy for in the description of this extreme is a link to avoid walking away which I'm doing my famous everyone splendid see if you want a free copy boys for um damn it's good um you can get a copy boy for all you have to do is really be subscribed and you could win a copy boy for if you own wife or maybe give it to a friend get them interesting Highfill think it's the best way to do it make italy communist war maybe maybe that perhaps you could be a good thing that i I consider it anyway I feel we're good to go Phil misses everyone let's go [Music] we didn't diss your lighting the gameplay or making the lunch with two birds oh my god this is gonna be interesting as the new DLC also count in that DLC is it only hold for its only vanilla wafer because I find that most people don't even need the DLC anymore because you don't need it for multiplayer the host shares it so generally high for DLC it's required by memory I'm to be honest you don't need it honestly it's a lovely poem in chat where's the red Hitler is a nitwit this boy is my favorite Brit Oh lovely poem kind of doesn't rhyme there at the end but I love it nonetheless okay it's jump helping my field marshals let's do this right guys it's time for me to assign you who the characters you'll be playing yay okay so everyone will get a theatre by the way which you'll be working on so this top hitter here will be assigned to I'm gonna say fever yay v oh my god the second theater will be assigned to I'm gonna say therapy so someone could rename that's at the third fit can be assigned to alpha and next for theatre will be assigned to Harry and that's it feedbacks field marshal will be I'm gonna try and find an armored guy um it's someone you're gonna have to promote I would have to promote someone cuz there's only three field Oh we're gonna also per no wait no the birds already happened right you will be Gregory Kulik any old guard inflexible strategy is politically connected in career officer incorrect politically correct field marshal the best science therapy spycrab you will be kill MIT Voroshilov Alf you will be send me on food Union Harry all of them are exactly the same by the way except the fourth one I know Harry's actually from oh I need more comment so I do want that you don't exist until we have command power so your blank slate now you can I will assign you your divisions now so feedback you are getting these divisions here and it's up to you how you divide them between your journals basically Dave I'm just manually giving you all of the armoured divisions we have you're gonna have quite a few divisions and also you're a small amount of infantry as well cool you ma'am like guys you can rename your army groups as well you could also manually select 24 infantry for yourself to take trying to get mixer via yes how does some good to cavalry as well and now you can grab cover as well if you want here I don't mind so there's a small bag right I think I've given Dave all of the power the power troopers will just be for Alf to use wherever if right I'll just put it on souse army then but I mean of the dragon sorry of the dragon oh oh oh you didn't make an army for dragon did you know I didn't know could you make one for him oh yeah sure so I'm completely charged in air Dave you've been given all of the unit's you are getting and I will now assign Harry his divisions Harry you will be working on the Eastern Front I'm afraid yay well maybe much excited okay so I'm gonna start off loading a load of infantry and trash you to photo crude it's not gonna be the best divisions some highest bus army right here yes highest now that is debatable to be honest I think you should read when I see a force or something lots of changing the army fit stop changing the theater name what's this roof I keep seeing you change it you can we stop changing feedback spheres at Ephesian no Dave you can keep that as it is I can understand because that will be you doing that okay I'm gonna be goodbye controller for the moment sorry those are all of your forces oh god I got the right one the biggest Arnie's you've got the village or equally they're probably the worst yeah which one no Smith the spiritual says he could totally one be 15 us as in Germany I could do it easily now which general semi Center you are allowed to use whatever journals you want it's up to you okay just don't steal the generals that are in use by someone else all right they're gonna pee the rest of the infantry that aren't paratroopers of all yours of I think I've split it relatively evenly between your last you know two more divisions for Alf there we go so there we go that's all set up for you guys Alf you will be working on Finland to start with and spycrab oh I shall realize I haven't given anything to and off the dragons they're rated the sexy two divisions are for me yes the rest of the divisions aren't assigned are for you dirty can can you not can can you not do the attack orders so the breast of the chrissake can't see who's doing them yeah I mean I could just up I'm guessing it will be the law but hey anyway what sadly yes it's microbe you will be working on the border with Poland eventually invading Germany Alf I want to see your troops against Finland Harry you deal with Japan Asia or the dragon you want to start off focusing on Poland and Finland yell I'm doing I'm ready working on and feedback you are effectively our utility I need you to split your forces evenly two points where I need a push to occur so basically you can keep your forces kind of hanging back but spread evenly on the Western Front eventually be used for a certain push you wait that's all you field marshals get until the world star somebody's stealing our people no I'm moving them around yeah all right I'll see you guys in a bit I'll hop back and talk to Ricky as we discuss our strategy is that is he like your wife rights Fraser we've done it we've organized it Matt really we've actually managed it so as you can see feedback he's in control of basically all of our mechanized and tanks with a few infantry divisions it will be our utility spike ramp is working on the Western Front against Poland and Germany and basically Europe Alf will be currently working with against Finland and Harry will be just dealing with Japan she'll be fine there we go no of the Dragons just gonna be using his Air Force however or any mind okay no we haven't you already do construction what for mod buildings but more construction engineering is that what you want no I mean like you know construction oh you're in charge of that I wanna charge of construction okay rights darling let's do this I want military factories I already did the things that I have done okay I've got a few ideas put some stuff there I would like some stuff here do you think we need to build up the defensive line against Germany cuz I don't think we do I think will be quite happy wait I don't know what I'm building toward anti-air for you know yeah the threat I was because of China as well yeah there are a bit of an annoying threat anyway what should our first national focus be because I think it could be a good idea to get the plus 20% bility like we are we go collectivist propaganda or we go positive heroism I mean something is up to you but one gives a research lot that's think yeah the fourth research law I think would be good and we'd get it faster if we went collectivist propaganda but positive terrorism gives us the research bonus so I'm goodness I have to say I'd probably go with positive heroism yeah it has a slot as well okay we'll do that and let's modify our government so military High Command I'm guessing we want the army regrouping guy he'll be good chief of army good for army drill we need a tank engineers kind of part of medium tanks Oh like in production yeah put planes there something that's for better for planes do we want medium tanks or light tanks definitely prefer okay right phone reliability in softer tank it is for a theorist I think we should probably go for a military theorist yeah yeah okay first is political advisors captain of industry and hopefully a figurehead are basically the only good ones rights before is it we're doing in gold mine one's doing in you are on the Western Front against Germany okay don't not one step back not one side if there's one step back there will be they'll be purchase well it's not no you control the Navy I'll say yeah okay you can use them or not use them that's basically my advice using aid your invasion of Finland or don't it's up to you I'll just steal one general hair and just call it my yep also if you can relay on to the other field marshals if they need more generals being created like army generals tell me and I will create them personally they can't make that okay okay anyway I'll see you later so Ricky what do we want light aircraft design or medium light right and that's how please go power gone for the time being a few decisions available um expanding some steel mine will give us 10 steel we have a lack of steel I don't think so do we lack a rubber like cradle yeah that's to come I could build a radar station on the front that might be useful or an anti-air lose it instantly specific military factories kind of further back maybe we could do with a few bits of infrastructure leading up to the front line ooh aid our supply line oh yeah might be good yeah okay we'll just make a line from Moscow kind of light to the worst parts of Poland the supply line that can be perfect new decisions nothing looked too good we already need 37,000 guns Jesus Christ why I think we keep producing the basic infantry equipment even though it's updated I think that's fine that's what I've set up yeah good good good good good good right let's um get me ready to go find some Germans I think everyone's ready so let's do this list progress time I don't even know how the [ __ ] did they manner sad well how they managed to organize it well I'm really close to what something's happened let's roleplay as Russian commanders who wasn't caring about their men carrot carrot carrot wait dopey are you saying you're going to delete some divisions yeah it's just we only have two shortage for us don't reallocate you're not allowed to this is the this is your high command speaking there is no deletion of divisions yeah but we're in a 50k 75k deficit yeah that's fine that's fine that's fine makes me even more upset is that you're not going with the Mosin you're going of the SVT whoa whoa Wow are you questioning Stalin's opinion here like I was that is that what's going on do we already have to kill perch someone oh my god we need to move the army you have in the North sir so I can bring in my own just select the icon house I'm not to control if that's take control of that you can still select the icon move it that's your job you've tuned in your own units throw in the way you have to move them is to stop people accidentally clicking on other people's units right anyway dopey sounds like you have a job to do we've our job to do so I guess you just you you move down we will take your opinion on board but boy Everett is executed or not is unbelievable man absolutely the Chairman over gamma to purge the choice say he's on the list we're done with the purge I think I need to make I need to find like an army division and it can just be myself it's just the stalker power we have to use heavy tanks I don't believe we should I don't think we should use heavy tanks now Tara would I'm gonna take one division from off the dragon assign it to my own special theater and this can be stolen this is Stalin's personal gulag and this is a single one division which will be used to bring terror to the generalism for the time being was it a nice girl I was using heavy tanks I was he ain't getting one it will it will be Dave but I would imagine he's not using them extensive leagues we don't have too many heavy tanks we don't have any yeah Oh what's this non-aggression pact with Communist China should we accept it we probably should I doubt we'll be going toward them anytime soon I mean they're gonna die anyway so yeah they're dead they're pretty dead there's no point in it I need more military factories I don't like it how we are none heck you eating Cornish pasty Wow hmm very tasty you're very changing mmm did you take one of my power tree priests I took one of yours it's for Stalin's personal gulag I hope you understand okay you'll be fine with the amount you have right you'll be fine look that's okay you might want to give them give them and give him a little commander to use you want me to assign you never take everyone Poland what no ice dragon left role it has drawn the Allies hmm it's not gonna save you Poland I'm interested by what Derpy's taken on board by my not one step back approach he's got all the West bit would it be I to send some divisions to China just to try and help out um yes however if they lose if we lose a division you need to tell me the exact amount we're sending okay okay is this the Communist China to China and Communist China okay so we can send a maximum of three divisions so if you set aside thick to China oh can we send six to China very well we'll send six to China and they will be your control use them wisely they are the maximum we're sending to China them okay okay thank you the we have claims on eastern Poland that we can use and is only 80 days the but it will also draw good eyes yes I feel like we don't return the elbows just yet I think we do a much better job of justifying all the fins hey thanks derpy I don't think you have to do that I mean this can do demand eastern Poland what is someone where you're automatically get the war with Hank wasn't that like a focus no which one are you looking up no I mean I wasn't there focus for against Finland yeah before I forget well justify on the Baltics because you get an event to basically say something it or will invade you and take you anyway very well just phone on the Baltics I'm gonna dope is too much here you know it's getting too much control yeah it's good way but I don't I don't feel so ready against Finland don't worry you will be it's like you know not so much equipment you know how to you're allowed to request the supportive feedback if you feel that you would like some bail in this operation we are probably ready but it's like actually forget it we actually have the valid do your job soldier yeah I'm doing my job man exactly suggesting combining yep you're doing great keep going only steps forward right but yes please do request the aid of feedbacks feedbacks tanks but otherwise they're not that much to do for a while ok I can ask for air for Stuart yeah yeah here we go it's feedback gaming mm-hmm the trap is saying the Derby is doing much power and he must be purged we got 300 people watching this thank you very much also huge price all of you given the stream alike really helps me thank you I'll research the t-34 it's good stuff I'm a big fan of t-34 oh we have an interesting option here war propaganda against the German Reich but there's no real point we have 97% of war but we've always believed it hundred again now think about think about the hundred okay what I think 77% is good enough yeah cyclone crash cyclone crash yes what was he in control of he was again he was the green army under my phaser the bright green one okay um will you be able to manage without him probably okay I'm afraid a casualty of war we must move on from my soaky's rest in peace speed first general you got assassinated that was dude I know what that was that was a warning to derpy that was yes to tell him you know shut the hell up the chance tank to poach the remaining 3% you don't support war I road approach it general I'm gonna start oh sure that's not a lot too long though no cuz we don't actually need to 149 340 there one is four hours a year yeah okay what comes well useless and okay also don't be isn't there like a focus it gives us comfortable yeah claim claim on the Baltic we've got our claims at the moment we just up what was that I click through the power of God Estonia oh we got it stone yeah yeah cool that's it what happened Stoney which is like you know what they seem like cool guys go for it yes so this Soviet Union thing I can get behind it told you understand it he got purged rest in peace she was saying Derby instead of Derby in chat well the automating so what I'm saying Derby by the way for those of you don't know derpy is just here we call spycrab my cousin Joyce oh we do we do we are going to take decisions yeah good point is my decision but I think my my idea at the moment unless the situation changes we will take the claim state and pop it them okay okay man should you maybe do the basic infantry equipment upgrade it or something no we just need as much infantry command as we can being produced at the moment so that's okay it's doing anyway I hope you enjoy your tighty thank you very much DM towed and Ryan muscle all right yeah versus we found and said that to you thank you thank you i knew i tell them ladies my natural birthday today but in a few days time this was just the earliest I could do it well all these generals coming in here trying to influence us what the hell oh we just got lucky as well oh cool what's happening are we just getting them that's what the event is basically only 11 people if wainy Ascari acting is a buff estate if we were to lose it we'd be bordering the German Reich well we will border them anyway good boy it's gonna happen we might as well might as well remove lift weight new from the equation Oh God help here we go oh we have freed opiate of Ernie um I guess free doc yewll's providing we do need another battleship yes provided the auditorium on the strengh resources build whatever you like it's gonna be a better trip and one year will be done good Navy need to be strong you don't have a Navy that song or maybe strong country which is not existent this rubber is really killing our building cos of Fighters yes I think we could import rubber we have spare civilian factories at the moment so we might as well import some from British Malaya hope it gets soon enough for medium tanks military factories because I need a release 5 yeah I agree it's a medium tank production would be incredible because now we have faith we have filled every slot that I wanted yeah now we just need more for the medium things but we have we have 128 days before they will roll out anyway [Music] big dopey runt an achiever oh that's what we should have done if don't be does badly we just banished him to talented think well he's the Oh hah mean responsible garrisoning and - let's see how our general fighting in China is doing at the moment actually this is Harry himself personally leading these forces are there currently losing losing in one point but they didn't okay in a few of us hello who is it Harry hello can I become a person now what do you mean by that oh yes would you like yes we do have this back man power let's give you a person let us promote a commander for you I need to promote someone who's not in use do we know commander he's definitely 9 News there's a couple there's Philippe I think Philippe Philippe can be given to you then promote Russian neighbors on oh yeah don't forget better obviously you need to like yeah Bessarabia I mean you need to you need to calm yourself down spycrab I'm senator sensing we already kill our generals you want to have another one kill mm-hmm you can't just go around killing people willing that's wrong because we're about to kill the Finns die cuz that's how it works it's just hard no it's not yes there's a reason behind it so chill the [ __ ] out yeah general general I request that you can't know that's swiftly exit the war room mr. Kurt mr. Field Marshal please exit the war room go go go there's a reason why we have two airline because one is full full in full speed the other one isn't there's also a thing called eventually switching fighters my favorite thing about this is that before for derpy what this means is he will find this devastating and he will confide in the law and the two of them will be very annoyed by our non-metro to play in the game the chat history screaming to just send him to target oeuvre well I mean yeah three honors and that's your elf only God military factors for you I can't use him yet I guess we have to build shitty polite medium tanks well she it right our general cyclone who suddenly disconnected once joined back in we live in well he was dirty scarily which is a sad loss Sabri we could we could bring him back in and then give him to someone else watch everything the only person who makes sense to give it to is dirt because derpy has the most armies to control at the moment well somebody's lying behind honey only briefly oK we've got positive here isn't right nice we could do claims on best behavior it allows us to steal stuff from Romania should we give it a go type of that all progress cult we just sound on Romania sure ok good why not a volunteer forces from Japan free how we need to eventually get their research slot though Oh God Hungary Romania accepted hungry oh oh oh Romania well they're definitely gonna accept best of Arabia then because his memories of those I swear they're not you're like there's gonna be pissed off people yeah yeah wait for a oh that's good oh they're screaming to ver - ver wait no military factories oh yeah because I mean a Finland sweet something is this look like Sweden to you Ricky anyway now we see if the Germans want to split land wait there was something happening you're I guess I'm gonna build some I'm gonna build a small amount of transport planes and a small amount of strategic bombers yeah but only a small amount but you what do you mean I have free will here but God Jesus Christ I don't what to do with them turns asking inch my he's a casualty of war he's the general who disconnected Ricky we have frames free military factories I know I love this Jesus Christ I did this was such a good idea like a feedback he's actually doing for freed rights didn't capitulate Finland full of Paris what the hell happened there when did France for they went through the Maginot Line great they went through the [ __ ] Maginot Line we don't need unto tank we don't need that shared we gonna build a search infantry line for the for the next change eventually all right new research flow let's debate these I'm thinking lateness we could go further down on land or true I'm thinking for Rollo progress so do we have rubber do we have like a synthetic old snow but I'm happy to trade because at the moment we can trade with British Malaya quite happily so I think we should just take the claim state right take claimed state take this state take this state turn well I need did he said if we're still not done because I need you know I want the Z as you oh I guess we go for a logistic company then we're real our next assignment be ok um your next assignment you are going to take and have to weigh this up I'm thinking we could make a push into Turkey Oh Turkey I'm feeling like Turkey is a great idea because they've still got a civilian economy number two not too many divisions number three brilliant source of chromium and we like tangs do our tanks require chromium I think so that's no you're not going to find Turkey we have no reason to Vader Q I've just checked instead how about I'm gonna say you go fight I'm gonna say you helped reinforce derpy when you focus on the base their best the point let's let's not focus on derpy let's instead give me yeah I don't don't be please leave I'm debating where to put okay alpha there's a few good intra-city it's always local historical yan No okay I'm thinking Alf we could have your vey Iran for the oil but the thing is we have here a second so it doesn't make sense to invade them I would have been a turkey but once again it doesn't make sense to bait them just leave them at the north for now I think yeah okay we'll keep you in the north keep garrison there and I bet we'll move you around when required okay you can use this opportunity to train your troops how's that that sounds great Luxembourg has capitulated very uncertain times when Luxembourg package no rest of house cut stained oh and there goes our Netherlands I mean really Germany the best thing and easiest thing you can do take Belgium and then taken evidence makes it so much easier so much faster alright let's take a look what Germany is doing operation verson big which is what these are evil yeah it's a training for a river basin yeah well it's a river divisa and you all means training so okay um it's a river training base Negus okay there so they they're gonna fight Denmark I'm cool with that the chat are actually saying to invade Turkey I'm actually I'm considering what if we just we see why don't we just go to a Romania yeah that's one thing I'm seeing I'm thinking we do claim on Bessarabia if they don't accept it we go to war and we take it yeah sorry I'll tell Alf - yeah yeah I move Alf up and tell him to line up on Romanian tilt Derby to move away thanks to race producer by the way for subscribing olivia's have you here this evening right is somebody building troops hey oh oh oh hey just my back right now he generally ran away disobeying orders now as well watch it it's okay basically I would like you to you see where Romania is yes put your armies around our board with Romania with attack plans to invade you might not have to this is just a case of if operation FS for a beer doesn't work okay I say and you can tell Derby to move his forces away okay somebody changing divisions they're changing the names of divisions and the temp and not the templates but they're changing the icons and I'm fine with that they can do that cuz we are now missing 56,000 I just saw something really original enjoy you know how loads people say well hi for Moors before - someone says what are you for modest and you say we're missing more guns are we yeah we're just missing Borg I said before I don't know what happened there are peace templates 20 combat width let's take a look at one of our standard template 18 combat with so he made it 20 please bring the right in here drop he's going to die you can say nothing I'm doing speaking here - W here yeah sadly okey-dokey um we've just done a bit of research and our spies are telling us that if we look in the recruit and deploy section and go right the way down to the bottom we see something called Derpy's template yeah the log did that please remove it because as lovely as it is the extra Infantry Division you whack on causes immense supply disruption for the entire Soviet Union so please don't use our templates or actually I'll use it for that deficit anyway I'm just gonna remove I've just removed that it makes a huge divisions I've just removed a shape from tree division it's all fine we're back down to the level we should be when we have a surplus I will be the one to increase your combat with 220 oh is not the time for that I didn't do it they'll all did it because he just think well you you need to tell me yes your properties under your command he's under your command so tell him off anyway we're telling you often you have to tell that's how it works that's the chain of command he's going to do stuff in real life that's [ __ ] all I can do anyone else that's good I gotta leave it's gonna tire for Army's myself you you can get up early or maybe we can resurrect so flag okay right well wool verse Rick cyclone do you want us to very well we weren't very excited and so I clothes desk for good asking for people to purge me Jesus Christ that's fausto coppi you do know we don't purge we just simply sent to tanni tuvo still be [ __ ] better than whatever babysit hello how are you I don't think I could hold China without heavier armament yeah the incident with China is I don't think we will ever be able to win because thanks the new update China simply sucks unless you start as China and you solve the army corruption they just will never win ever so you can use our divisions to slow down get some army experience but genuinely you won't be able to stop and you never will be so it's not worth investing we could get some planes hopefully just to get some more air experience if we're gonna be then okay I agree yeah like I could do with sending well send volunteers send air volunteers I just go speech off about that yet speak to Dragon about that may go that was a very useful this is a useful Field Marshal one that comes up with brilliant ideas see I know my dude I thought I was like that was that noise no don't be you twenty whip traitor somebody's justifying oh yeah that's me I'm just far enough away near yeah probably sure and that's that but we're gonna I just said the noise dude I see everything man people think they can't get behind me man you know yeah you're finding you're finding these things out they're gonna be saying that you're producing tow downs here and I can be like what the [ __ ] is going on yeah there's a reason behind it we don't have enough yet do we yeah don't because eventually it will become a support unit into all the inventories yeah so they can you know don't get shot from above when we take Germany but it takes time I go claims on best for review let's see what they do in the meantime we can go for progress court yeah Louis Romanian alliance yeah sure mate great seems about right it seems like every colonist definitely still think so how do we go this do I need to justify on them ain't normally this should just you know say now yeah there should be an event where they just give it to us or deny it yeah we should at least be told if they deny going on in what he's doing whoever claims are not well we have to quaintly whole claims here looks like removals chosen their side and the side is of the enemy yeah okay mistake I probably need to finish on if we're near and then we'll do Romania cuz I was up take a hundred days and I can't really be asked to wait around that long for Romania we're doing well with how we are the plains ensure we have a lot of like surplus except guns but they will soon eventually come there after and yes how's the air force coming along actually because it's strong air force we have a nearly a thousand fighters in the reserves I'm actually really impressed by the way of the Dragon sets up these managed to evenly split his forces up and I think we've done a great job here my generals requests for tea with yeah sure for tea with warts with yeah I mean I don't know if you are know our situations but we have no infantry equipment okay you can tell them what I've told derpy which is the case that we can and will modify our infantry templates once we achieve a surface and only then and conceivably won't be achieving that for a while okay what are these I don't know did Jesus Christ man of course the same as the Baltic so you just know just finding they give it to you right cool I'm doing once the Baltic finishes and they eventually give it to us alright you just need to just further claim state and then cool Thank You Chet you're very useful until it's been a long while since I've played the USS l but I've only thing I've played the USSR in high for maybe four times actually playing it like I did a lot like like you know four even deals this came out yeah actually was the the last time I played the USSR Wars I think when the second AOC came out can we research one marine please what you want the ability to make naval evasions yeah yeah no you want Marines I want so he can do I don't think we know but we can't do Marines yeah we can't do Marines you can just use standard infantry that means you have to be before you plant and play which means you have to train new people I mean I don't know okay how about field hospital son that might come we mailed only researching logistic companies a bit more important right now yeah okay thank you manpower is you know we'll come don't worry changeable they come and go as they say huge hospitals as Roger our Hospital what do we think this is I can guns are way more important than manpower who needs mocha anyway we got we got the tiny you got some more stop no let's just try and take over games date 65 days that's cool I'm noticing that remaining is managed to capitulate and take all of Bulgaria just people that you know hmm oh and also we could we could boost popularity for something we could clip why sure like we could flip a nation to being communist and helping us out turkey yeah yeah the only logical warm really would be Turkey but since the place has to help us the Germany gets a focus right here yeah the issue is that now as they do war with the USSR they can do befriend Turkey which really would just not allow us to use them we could do America but something tells me they're never gonna flip yes that's too late the thing is like it's probably too late anyway yeah I agree it's too late we stopped him the [ __ ] was that noise you know I was like a ship being set set sail Christ don't be stop waving the amount of hours you have in high fall in the chat it does like you know it's like oh look I got a tiny penis yes you're the first isn't he comment down here mr. minister of Technology and Field Marshal spycraft he's overcompensating you know like oh look I ran my game a thousand hours at art like it mr. plan to invade Germany right now the plan is to see what Romania does if Romania does what we want then we will take the land in a very Jeremy for maybe it doesn't we'll invade Romania and go from there okay I hope they won't join the Allies because they're like a very mixed state right now yes I really hope they don't join the Allies it would be quite annoying Oh finally all right good luck yeah thanks oh the gamers crash no I'm still going all right I just had a massive like you've just your little exploit let's go what the hell I didn't even drop the game speed though so hats off to you so people know what I was doing I can't stand the criticism so he burns me XD whoa derpy what did you he just typed someone out in the chair for being mean to him which I can understand the people being mean to you we have our standard policy of no insulting the boards etc yeah all right we got some reading tape we now have t-34 it's going to photophores in production this is wonderful I want to see I just want to see as many t-34 is out in the field as possible like millions of t-34s are free civilian factories well that's pretty good you will be going I'm gonna say you can work improve here a little bit you know we could actually improve around Leningrad any grad could really use some military how many ant could anti-air do we need for the basic infantry to get anti-air support for basic infantry yeah for the support how much do they need okay you would change it they accept their demands I think good we will evade them nonetheless for the one infantry division we would require 20 anti-air okay if it would change it you could it tells you oh if I change it yeah if you go to support our panel you'll just save actually hover over it it tells ya we wouldn't need 2060 towed on T air what you don't have him so yeah yeah we will get there soon yeah it's Romania accepted but I think nonetheless could conquer them because although they are they are friendly with the German Reich is my issue what about Turkey Turkey's not friendly with anyone so yeah they're more likely to join the Allies are they I don't know they've got nine percent support for democracy I don't think they would I mean we haven't had Kirlia raising their debt amok receipt you know you've got democratic oh no no no but they're nine point zero nine okay mmm oh she's a bit strange I feel like we should just we should take him nonetheless let's just see we can justify and see what happened yeah let's just afford see what happens if I think I can't hear a nod what did you decide I'll drag out Finn and we can move him around Turkey yeah huge Frank's the new subscriber thank you I'll try Kelton Oh Turkey you say Turkey yes turkey is the new way to move round and prepare your men for that yeah I'm gonna I just know there we go North Romania doctor you will be made in Finland and now you will invade Romania and finally oh I changed my mind you will go Turkey Jeff right the clothes were on Yugoslavia Yugoslavia joins allies yeah where's Tim peace Yugoslavia rest in peace all right you could send them some volunteers but I would imagine it's not big why there's no more food five divisions of video fine well I guess it's time for you having new smoke oh you got it you know I do kids hide your wife often or miss divisions are gonna take your life Oh My look at these naval invasion they've already set up they are beautiful look at that apparently we send a load edge air wings to the Chinese stations at war with Japan yes yes that's not that's okay I gave it heads up you basically it's a great way for us to get some air experience and we can upgrade up ours oh yeah I'm ready in there okay oh I need some ground crew support so there you go all right can we get some reinforcements maybe would you like some more divisions yeah a few more at least oh I'll put in the request and I will see I only see what happens yeah we might success are not success but finish I will instead of actually giving you more men to - Moo - too late that's out I think I would simply enlist feedback to provide some support okay and you will have to collaborate with him yeah I'll go speak to feedback now personally okay I know beat Japan hello guys hello right we are encountering some interesting situations here spycrab in law they're working well but they are being annoying and threatening the sanctity of the Soviet Union however you feedback you and your men violently capitulated Finland I saw those tanks moving regardless credible and so you have been rewarded with the wonderful brand-new t-34 tank of which we're going to try and produce as many as feasibly possible however in return you will also assist alpha and his men with the invasion of Turkey okay okay yes the air force will also be required of course off the dragon and the Air Force will be getting an upgrade sometime soon - oh yeah yeah yes yes yes yes the role of a good commander loader delegate delegate just delegate more and more it's perfect Charlie can I get increased food rations you've been up from one potato a week to two potatoes how does that make you feel amazing we all know that infants child won't die it's missing meal he's again saying that you know how there's a multiply thing where you can like you know two times five I'm like yeah there's still it's still a reason why is because when we change we keep a bit of research Oh a bit of production speed we don't go fully down do we progress cold the British think they are Oh dare they that's good for social science a free Pacific rural population don't mind if I do in two days we have and easy as you [Music] which everyone thinks what the [ __ ] am i doing is because I'm preparing for against our air forces what I could do yes is after we get socially saw it's an extra research law I'll go for aviation cult and this gives us like a research bonus for basically one aircraft of our choice that's pretty good because I want to kind of get the all - okay we got this now and now we go for the Z Z Z su well that's a bit ahead of time this you oh that's very nice it's a bit of a head of time by us only eighty good time yeah just go for it look yellow yellow all right they got no medium and here go freezer I think we just need to sit down for a moment and just take him to the fact that there are 350 people watching meaning this is the most viewed like everyone I've ever had yeah I think the second biggest one was the zombie game we did which was great fun where you kept making like impressions of people and people found it terrifying in the chat like Steven Hawkins yes please don't do it god only if the child's bliss Utley requests one go of Steven Hawkins will I allow it I need to both go around hearing you know mm-hmm I feel like we don't have enough rush a year I think I should wash it before just barge in privyet Garth Oscar which probably just meanwhile it just means hello potato but hey I can only say that derpy joined again when you were gone der fuge on again like you said that I was like oh give me something to do looks like I get the feeling he's gonna be bored and him analog a often some nuisance so I'll get that they can support I'm gonna get them to send volunteers to Greece for a love yeah so have you seen the border with Italy and the hungry yeah this is a great this is a more crap we save you people will fix it in do cause the world excellent oh my god spiffed you know what our quarters will last for 67 days this is good okay I'm producing 278 rifles and now for now for spring next guy I'll like next politician I think we should go for the armored genius because plus 15 percent attack and defense for armor he's incredible I mean yeah let's bring it he selected alright I think medium tanks are currently converting right yeah they are and I would go speak to Derby in a sign of his mission now so beer at beright someone said Stephen Hawking in chat people say do Stephen Hawking writing do once that's all our lives I am still alive German Ethiopian war and the Italian British war and they're also about to attack Switzerland they're taking the sanctity of peace we're gonna go speak to derpy bareback yo derpy yeah you probably know what command I'm gonna give you if you've been watching the stream no I'm annoyed because I have it deathless music that's good yourself and hello are tasked with helping the Greek people you know can send free divisions and you all you have to do is simply slow the attack and grind some army experience that's right some of 18 with absolute trash yes we're gonna be like the Greeks but worse without then you'll find the Greeks that very well so what I recommend grab some of your mountainous troops and send them yes that's literally what I was about to do thank you great neither a black take this upon myself look at that look at that Franky the law extra rations for you you're up to two potatoes a week now thank you great leader no problem I coach the divide between deaf in the low by giving the low extra rations with the Laurel circuit up to me but I guess he might ask them we've invaded Greece and Derby was really cynical about it the law was just like sure I love it when no one questions your authority alright we've got seven medium anti-air set propeller here which is uh a lot like how much would it we're about to go to war with Turk you know what stop I give her elf the heads up Roger complete obvious magista heads up at the end of the day we will be going to war with Turkey okay in the end of the month I see there we go I've given them the heads-up all righty people are saying boost Iran now might be a good idea because Iran is untouched and we could boost it and get it in our faction perhaps hello hello may I humbly request to you great leader that I upgrade our mountainous divisions to be twenty combat with yes because 24 is unsuitable no this sound rating so you want to downgrade to 20 with basically yes no I am doing that now for you thanks for the thanks I appreciate your generous in this great leader but I don't think our volunteers will stay longer considering you guys I've been you greatly they will declare war on the mighty puny nation of everybody exactly but for the meantime they can stay there briefly and just enjoy the country so I can say hello think of it as a holiday abroad for them they haven't even arrived yet great leader they'll get there soon oh god I should get a the chat saying to give him and give the Lola promotion and devote everything I think you can't be alright because they'll achieve 0% is tabled what take who take ages the pretty yeah the only thing I could I would consider boosting is the British Raj to like encourage them to go down the Communist route of their focus tree but I'm pretty sure they're going for strengthen ties with British investors yeah so British Raj is too late to touch really Afghanistan maybe 10% communist but they were pretty useless no let's back up my cuz i play warframe right yeah and I just got a drop which he is literally I go for the whole time and I got it up to my first try and he just dropped me die die die look at our divisions are actually helping out against German tanks that's very good what are the German tanks like Panzer divisions right logistic companies aren't soon up which means we can upgrade okay good I think we got a more they don't agree if you have enough support equipment but you can check if you ever know Oh a support equipment at the moment 1.9 K but so you want me to try and add it to the regular infantry yeah if you hover over said you see how much we need we would require uh two thousand and we have one thousand so almost but not yet anyway mobilization Oh deep battle I don't know what what I I it slightly better because we have tanks yeah let's go deep battle we're going for tank focus I say deep battle right anyway it's almost time for war Turkey yeah let's do this yeah let's hope it goes well my carrots will go well and we're gonna brush in full speed and we're gonna take Turkey I'm no today so it's the plan just to hold them on the right was you naval invade yes and they hope to get feedbacks thanks in there have you have you made sure to get a sizable fleet into that Baltic what about sadly we just got one fleet in there because we are locked up by the Germans and the British and Turkish ok I understand right war it is our fun good luck comrade all-dancing losing the war [Laughter] oh great I mean the main reason why is because and Cho give our planes are buff in the region let's do that the main reason why our forces suck enrollees because we still have the effects of officers purged and I think instead nabel's bombers okay I don't know if I want to give us naval force naval always repairing repairing new no we're not Hank we've we have to destroyed military factor right when I'm repairing them oh we know well I mean they repaired naturally over time pretty sure really simple this 3-foot taking all right and is it oh did we just nice good we could actually capitulate them immediately they're not yeah rush Ankara Oh England's giving us a lend-lease nice I wanted you three again is you sillies noise hard eight day seven look at this this is a lovely invasion just landed tanks in Turkey oh she's going well what has a lovely invasion listen this nice it's very nice a lot of problems for me you know yeah there's quite a few programs at the top of the moment unread a naval battle resources we're lacking tungsten is it something we worry about i we're using tungsten for tanks we use tungsten quite like yes but we're getting tungsten no we're not I've called it some tungsten from British Malaya probably offset our lack of tungsten well they got ankarana means that computers do nothing now a family need to grab one more and then they should easier I figured yeah once who Garvey's Miller should go hello off the Dragons bit nope I know Harry gasp if um can we have the Navy come to the Pacific because I feel like it'd be most useful here like their new naval units being produced the innovation is going as planned actually actually off this is something that involves you with our remaining fleets fighting up we're not fighting but the ones lying around this gun Naevia would you consider moving them over to the Pacific oh I can't they are the ones being produced now both want their Jews eat okay very well also Harry Thank You al you can be in control of all of the Navy's on the west or put Harry in control of the navies in the Pacific I think it should be easy for you guys yeah but just know that's they are trapped in the Baltic right now by the Germans I understand off but um great invasion boat down there well done thank you thank you cost look at that borer cancer Ricky oh just reach of the butcher people are wanting cycling I took it okay okay actually I'll do this let's put cyclone angle is putting in Finland let's do this alright then let's do this so I climb for Finland I think that sets a pair bear that's Mir that's Stephanie bear oh man my company that that invasion was insane do for now yeah it was a really good Navy invasion by that it's the joy of having so many players because it you know it's such a pain to micro the AI we just have so many people doing it for us this chat was so happy oh my god I should have actually done a poll but basically if you wanted cycling in Finland you gave a like and if you didn't you have to give a dislike or so I could've just done a natural proper Paul I love it I love how derpy right it's complaining about my production structure but it's not complaining of me building [ __ ] that no one is currently using yeah yeah seize the means of Finland these the names indeed alright this is a brilliant invasion of Turkey absolutely amazing the Oregon circular and everything that's the thing yeah if they want to be rewarded but their templates when you can the first place yes it's not known yep I agree you will be rewarded with a better template we will create a template of uber soldiers and you will be given a handful of them to be used tomorrow Thank you Thank You Ricky we know it's hard what so we have enough like yeah we haven't about armor experience who are creating new tablet yeah so what I'll do is I'll just create a template which is 20 with them maybe they want 40 with right now let's stick with 20 with you will make too many of them to be honest yeah so infantry how many - how many yes yes three armies so I would say six yeah it's two for every army it's about six oh god what's happened it froze a bit I made sure to grab a save actually they get spooked okay so we want to give them logistics and cyclist lag behind all right so if we give them a logistics company anti-air and I'm gonna save Rico yeah they can get down here we could also give him an engineering company that might need it okay no wait I'm happy that all right okay this is the Stalin's reward division let's give it a logo I'm gonna go for the let's see you know how my mystical symbol odd there's a sickle symbol we'll go fier boy okay this is our Turkey right so for Turkey Istanbul will breeze will be Russia that's just the way it has to be so damn it and and one more chromium or tea what yeah we'll grab this as well laughs sound it here and there as every war what the hell is going on here someone just took control of that not happy that fit and resume control Finland needs to it hid don't there go and then we'll pop with the rest yeah turn done oh that's fine someone did the chromium we grab the program I'm fine with that that's too much chromium who did that I can understand yeah we don't get that much chromium I know have to remake my template I know I don't stones reward divisionist it right give him the sickle right so then I move in and I'll be round to Romania is alpha feedback on that um why do you think no you draw an axis well they're going to okay probably alpha be like getting a deal let me do do yeah yes it's awesome yeah look at what they can do wrecking yeah that'll join me wait it out also why did you not take Ankara and Antle ASI can I need to go spin - no of course we don't have to the oh yeah you you may need to challenge no no you you know meant to be the Stalin's reward division you get give them the stones reward division and you keep your old divisions I've been moving upstairs whoever changed this dollar reward Division net it means we can't make the starter or divisions for in such a massive deficit of infantry equipment I did swap I just looked and then I just realized oh [ __ ] they've changed okay good I have not done anything at all no it's fine it was just one of your subordinates and they if they've rectified the situation so it's all good it's all peachy it's all peachy I need to add you find me misty old stuff nicely ripe job done I'll see you guys in a bit then well done also Alf you and your men are now to deal with the Romanian and Italian border that we now have yeah good and that means remaining Italian border on both sides both to the south and to the east or west I'm imagining a troops of camp yep yeah we're gonna need any reinforcements feedback well done with your job in Turkey that was really well done same to you bass incredible I will what kind of reward would you like if you were to receive one ask me or feed you what would you like oh I lost four divisions I would like tanks if it's possible we've got [ __ ] tanks so bass you want do you want some more tanks gsella you are yes if it's possible they shot down one of my planes a few more a few more tests so basically you want one more tank division I need you what how old I don't know Oh Oh consider anyway I'll go speak to Ricky yeah Ricky what the [ __ ] was it who did what did you just do why did you not copy this literally just gave everyone to stand the reward no I didn't I changed it yeah you did yeah I they made the mistake no no I make the stolen reward and yeah they changed I was we now let me now missing fifty no no I actually did yeah exactly so everyone has stopped missing the Lord of [ __ ] now we're not apparently were not missing a lot but apparent make a lot of sense does it yeah it's because I did not be on t air that's why should I add the anti air I mean no search a lot the ante will do but if you're honest did the infadoos Koopman can stay it can't stay though yeah I'm fine nothing everyone on the star award Division of the moment actually why you missing somebody light tanks medium tanks all of a sudden Oh what just happened are we yeah we said suddenly missing two hundred light tanks and medium tank or is nowhere hmm interesting where you've missed our medium tank design what did our medium tanks go don't know oh there it is oh yeah somebody added that heavy tank brigade with more medium tanks interesting interesting okay not missing a lot of medium paints and a lot of light tanks thanks right attention thank you guys oh I'm going to watch what we can do here I'm thinking rather Mansour + tan - because mine isn't every good yeah I know - is terrible for our overall support in terms of war support equipment I think that's because like if you have - - equipment and inventories days it might as infantry in the divisions that's worse than having so pause all this yeah even if you have less tanks in the division it's still better to have at least you know tanks in them I think it might be because the tank guys are training their divisions so awesome dude it's not all of a sudden it's at 200 and 200 a lot medium light tanks that's not just because of training yeah I'm not sure what even if we deflate now because I think somebody because as somebody did to her have you tanks okay somebody added to have medium tanks there which adds like 50 of them and I think somebody and somebody must have added somewhere like light tanks well well I think we'll leave it as it is because it is it an improvement in terms of division template and it is but it's still not going to change the fact that the units will now suffer because they have less infrared their less equipment agree and when they suffer we now know to put the blame on I think that is the way we should we should look at this because now we would just set like cuz it takes 60 days for the Lighting's yeah but it will take a hundred days for the moon which is a lot hmm so when is in the kerb look at the chair make the front line on the dip in the river not where it is now front line is is where it is I feel that our front line is fine because when the war starts we will plunge into the heart of the German fatherland oh my god boy the Germans doing well now you don't even need to like you know do more divisions yeah you can get rid of that again we need a new division plan template we need a few divisions so for with the dedicated out here I guess no then what like adjust a dedicated RTI division okay oh great like - aunty - aunty Aaron to be infantry and you can give that home because now they just got no reward at all so it will get a 2 units of anti-tank and 2 units we don't have anti-tank oh ok so just it's just full blowing is the idea is it genuinely just gonna be a full combat with blob of an ta no I it's supposed to be like you know for supporting infantry as well if said if they decided you know dragging that clothing the fighters like over like quick enough at least they have some defense I agree but should I throw some infantry into this division yeah like two but not many Yeah right I think I've got an eye this seems like a good idea so this is the Antarian tank division which was created it's at the bottom of the list yeah it's pretty good maybe I give them entrenchment as well good idea yes let's give them some let's give me a generic company it's blended right I will train warm it's just not free yeah ok we have enough em panttiere for anyway so it's just a case of when we get the infantry equipment and support yeah right Oh tell what about it now my god lives people are calling for derpy to go to the Ural garrison I'm holding somebody thinks in Lenin well in Leningrad because it's it it has so many building slots I genuinely don't think we're gonna lose Leningrad especially not only Finland is a player and a puppet all right the finished Democratic Republic is staging a coup in the German Reich Shore but the job site close and making the chair out yeah well we can't let me come like support the coup though like at least not invite them to our country because such it's gonna proc or way too hard okay I have an idea yes before that idea I noticed that Norway is in the Allies right yes so maybe we should have a little bit of something there if we somehow the world allies I agree and our buffer is Finland I trust in Finland hold it over if you feel that something is needed to hold it then you could have any troops yeah what one day which is good enough if if there is a time that we have to devote troops that it will happen but I got to go so quickly load my plan to Ricky here okay Ricky I'm feeling we have an immense opportunity here in China all of the Chinese miners are in the Chinese United Front a faction of which they are losing in a war I'm thinking we justify on sink yang where the PRC which is now the brand-new communist China we justify all that and then we invade China we invade Communist China we liberate the Communists from the Communists making them better communists and it means it doesn't go to the Japanese that's my view yeah all these know each other they're fully communist so they're not gonna go to the Allies I think we're good alright I'll go speak to hotel Harry he's gonna take a 60-day so he's got 60 days to prepare where's Harry hi Harry I I have a mission for you where you in the High Command have seen a brilliant opportunity vial of China is in a faction this means and they are also all communists this means if we attack them no one's going to help them so even though we just sent some division to the Grange II click we're gonna pull those divisions out we're going to attack Communist China where see my own used to be from there we will then plunge into China and liberate the Communists from the Communists and consequently we will protect them from the Japanese it sounds very confusing but sure Aiko I knew you'd understand it basically you're going to be attacking the Chinese and by movie well we're ready good good good I'll send off the dragon with the air force to support you in your conquest father's yeah with Germany no not yet not yet oh I need to grab her save actually Oh cliff do you want me to move some troops to Manchu ku to China yes I mean that's get to your thoughts up to your field marshal to decide so have fun they made mix baby big space hello over the dragon hello you have a little bit of a mission to do we are going to invade China basically yeah Communist China because even though they're communists there oh that's showing us yes the sink yang Communist China and we will basically be a war of all of China and the reason why is they're stuck in a faction no one's gonna help and it's either we take the land or the Japanese take the land so we're gonna take it early so prepare your air force to support Harry and his armies in their conquest of China Biff hello are we allowed to promote ourselves do you mean like give your command is better so yeah yes yes I will allow you to do it twice okay I'm gonna pull out my planes are in China Yeah right have fun also of the Dragon we're gonna upgrade some plane templates for you let's go put a suppressor on ah should I send some tanks to China yes if you if you want to support and help out send some tanks to China make sure to alert Harry first he's in control so if you had attacks over you will you can still fight independently but try and accept some of his commands right hopefully China will be as wonderful success as Turkey was and I think it could they're moving towards the border oh my god guess I can't go people have really powerful cyclone it still he needs to send 30,000 infantry equipment which is something I think even he can't do oh my god so infantry equipment why's that are we what Dan yeah it must be people training I'll ask them to stop training all these net so many I want yeah oh I'm stopped training also alpha could you and your men not train troops and we're going to be sending you a gift soon yeah we'll be given free divisions of special anti air units you basically want to spread these around keep them in the air zone some places where you're fighting they will be very powerful in times when off the dragon is not able to quickly respond to help okay fun right there we go sorted oh my god since I'm good I can make one army but not all they can like you know switch out at each other but they were all training at once they can train you like one army at once yeah we are at war with the Italians are we when do we do the Italians know it each is actually with you we are at war taxes right now know what they are or are we not the rest is just the way they are because because we have volunteers in yeah right yeah yeah what's our heads up we've modified the rules you can train the only one army at a time okay okay but we have experience of most of our troops now so that's fine okay so your program need it anyway yep just don't train to get army experience cuz we don't really need it at the moment yeah yeah free docum lot of free talk is all done Jesus Christ or our better ship got done mmm Oh the battleship is it complete where did you learn yet I don't know but we are let's just increase just increase the production its name this this nameless battleship after the one true person of this game cyclone cyclone battleship we've is that matter ship I think it's in Finland which to be honest is kind of fitting it's the Alpha got a second battleship here which needs a name let's see what the church I know it's a it's in the Sea of Japan no I'll name all of the battleships in our fleet come on check over name for this battleship we can't give : guns for me don't even have guns yes it's just like give cyclo guns yeah we're a deficit of guns it's not gonna be possible we could send him negative guns return you that actually so can combine it on from [Laughter] mentally sauce I think spiff come on dance laws also join a by the looks he mailed me not so okay where it's up to him it's up to here I don't want to like keep it on against their will if he wants to join obg gaming cup oh yes hello oh cool in Germany by the finish we've we've noticed after I came up with an old situation for dealing with the Chinese and what would that be if you do direct rule from Moscow should be able to get Communist China as a puppet and then tack for them instead of having to fight through that I don't think I have the option to do direct rule from Moscow it's 300 political power in the decisions oh sorry true from Moscow oh yeah okay I mean the Bentwaters faster yeah yeah we'll see what finishes first its plan that scoop the coup from Finland Finland yeah we're not gonna help them though we're not gonna help them if they can execute it in deliver cyclone is literally God if they card what are so sending us by the way as a Lebanese they're giving us like some guns I'm pretty sure yeah by the way sorry I accepted that Lynn least a Santos by accident by reflex it's okay oh that's what did it to you know accepting me unless did Linda this is fun yeah okay good now we need to name the battleship villain ended up in the Pacific the Sea of Japan is received apparent this one here it's called the arcane girls which let's just change that so you know I have this casual 61 ships in the Baltic Sea right now I can't get them out why what is doing because Denmark the state of Denmark having a fine they can flow around in the Baltic Sea oh not really yeah yeah people saying F of rest in peace for Trotsky let's name this battleship Trotsky xddd Trotsky xdddddd ffffff a brand new battleship can we uh I'm Emily no doubt some the air force in eastern Siberia and the Siberia you want airfields in eastern Siberia Oh some of the bill have something built up build up some of the air for Siberia so kind of like over near Communist China yeah okay I will build up a few for you but sank and they will be given a top priority oh yeah that's fine as long as I sell getting some written in your factories right I mean right I changed a change where the boats will drop down our drop and Crimea that seems like a good idea yeah yeah let's do that drop mean for me drew down or for the next battleship the fins on their own yeah they're also doing a coup which is not really helping because you know the coop needs empirical bit as well which means he's you you know I found the final battleship which isn't named it's not the true dermal ship how do you rename them by the way you click on the ship you details yeah this is the dream sack under Putin you can actually see its history I'm pretty sure it's got to ship kills it's a tunic Turkish destroys your job to eternal good job absolute mad lad drew down on here right so of course what we're going to do is well what's is fighting in Greece have returned because Greece is hammock dead dead completely dead so yeah we'll we'll see what happens we might go to of communist China we might not 60 days until it finishes however and it's gonna take a bit longer to get the free hugs political power I feel like you know yeah no they're not Weinstein on something if you get direct rule over them okay let's say we do that it changes them from being a true person no no no no no I think it will also drag us into the war yeah because of a sudden was Japan in axis though that's my question no are there any great hair course beer because I feel that if we were to be dragged into the war we wouldn't want that origin after Germans yeah because they are there infection I think we would bypass the fact that they're having that independence guaranteed by the axis because we'd be kind of joining through China hmm I know it's a bit risky I think we should actually just invade Communist China so I think that's what we're gonna do plus it gives Harry and the guys on the Eastern Front something to do China's just happened natural China's capitulated somebody change my production no you just got an extra military factory no because I lost the whole five of them in the infant of equipment 100 Chinese Empress Ford we're not no we're not gonna do that tanks are not as important permission to buy some tungsten from British Malaya never you have a problem yes I've noticed so if this development which has happened we will basically be going for the direct rule from Moscow books for some reason we still have that as an option over the Chinese Empire it won't work if it doesn't we will go to war with Japan I think we get a casus belli on the Chinese and buy of therapy if I'm not sure so you can't advise yeah okay right oh we may need more divisions if we're gonna go for an invasion we could also demand an increase of tribute from the Chinese Empire which I think we should probably do that's for more justification finished David yet the tripod I packed by Damien think you'll trigger if we do on the track resume awaiting the Capitoline already well it's all now Japan can you give us a week to prepare our men into position before yes don't worry we'll give you a heads-up okay great not much more just a new start looking you know if you go you stuff you can no exit yeah bricky you looked at mr. we've almost almost balanced the supply of everything yeah because I'm managing it doing good you're doing a great job well done most people need to stop changing it one of our researchers is about to finish cuz it literally got rid of 200 weapons a day hmm f is for male y is 4 y is for naught now hello if what does happen please don't call him Mongolia that'll ruin us that's fine I won't call you Mongolian alright it's time to get the Isles Doric oh is that what we're going for mmm lovely love could be a Buy or two could probably do if upgrading our fighters but at the moment I feel great that we lost you know torrid importance a day that's good great really news guys finish Griffon today god I went from 200 to a hundred right let's clean it what you want right now the best we slowly stockpile the anti-air me you yourself upright guns it's pretty good I have noticed that we are in the surplus of infantry open right now shouldn't we just put everything on the equipment level - now um we can't build up a small store small sizeable soft well and then we will improve it what's changed stuff [ __ ] off I don't know who's changing stuff I swear to god man I will delete all the infantry cliff and if you're really gonna [ __ ] do [ __ ] like that then you will get know who's doing it I'm not well pseudo no I agree repeat it probably it's probably derpy but he doesn't like me how I use my own for a moment it's gonna stay like that because if you go to war you'll lose a lot of equipment quickly yeah they even have to love them tell them + right now which I don't understand how how does a little left because I don't see him in chat anymore oh he is yes left are you sure yeah [ __ ] off my production top well else they will get no guns anymore or Stephen Hawkins will come and Ray and you know well it's not therapy who changed equipment okay Ricky something I'm not seeing we could do we have a lot of experience lying around can upgrade a fighter but I kind of want to like wait for that yeah we have the level of one fire at the lava tube finder yeah like once we get the alt historic upgrade that instantly and to rely ability and something else something else I think I'm gonna do is I'm gonna build some forts around Istanbul because it's entirely likely though are we still like Germany or push in how how is the support equipment still so low well how are we still missing support yeah now we're losing 368 infantry up in a day so that's a concern same is motorized noises are we training things we exercising no no something's going on something is [Music] if we have a bit of an excess I might increase Derby's template to include the extreme from tree wanted because we have this we have the know a lot [ __ ] okay it's feedback [ __ ] off feedback Dave he's changing that made its gonna stay it - who is Dave are you touching the production lines Dave Dave I know you there Dave hello what are you touching the production line stage are you sure about that Dave I'm saying you 100% certain you're not you just deleted the t34 like why did you do that we've lost our production efficiency Fraser did so because someone was modifying with the production we have too many like tanks okay nice vision falls upon you a reason why we have too many low tanks in your eyes it's because we intend to build more we will have a field I'll build oh okay oh we've got a t32 - we don't know that they said can you convert those into empty airs and tank destroyers I'll pass on your request to produce a more t-34 I'll get it I'll get it sorted just remember don't touch the production lines else people are calling to have you purged in the chart Dave I'm loyal I'm done this will focus it on the Air Force I really need to build a Kulak somewhere and just say no we have no medians cut down it make more mediums will okay I'll build you your mediums moment of the Dragon why do you have to Mountaineer divisions in Leningrad they're not my mountain is where I'll seize them wait who turned it's Melanie's oh we need more heavy tank destroyers no no no they were powdered who turn into Mountaineers God fool you've got full power trip is done you know those I do now you want me to build you more paratroopers because I can't wear our Special Forces cap I I dunno what to do I can't I can't improve your paratroopers but I can like add extra stuff to them for that is it all right I'll try think I've probably pretend I'm sand using Bayesian or China and then yeah if you if you think you can help I would try to go do that anyway oh I'll see you guys later Dave stop touching stuff so I will send you to the gulag which is Leningrad I spoke to Dave the reason why any probably should have asked this in a request it's basically because we have such a large stockpile of like tanks he wants to basically change the production of light tanks to just one military factory and just really ramp up the production of t-34s and that is something I can get behind I think we need a lot more t-34 is out there and the mobile huge stockpile of light of course we've done that I've got rid of all the effort we had you know the production efficiency because clearly a spife hello what are you gonna be doing with the non-aggression pact from Japan why because they're sending a non-aggression pact in two days and if you denied they were going to play war in America all the Allies so needs to accept it if you're going to become America and the Allies is probably probably okay I will accept it and then we can try and break the system by stealing the Chinese Empire so let's see what happened okay see what happens it's a bit annoying because in there folks it requires a non-aggression pact work yeah that's cool we'll accept this finally we have a fall to eat your slot next time just [ __ ] tell me or like asked not just to grid because really I just got rid of all the efficiency because of that because you know you're not gonna listen to us you just get nothing apparently cuz that's how workers tungsten from the US by the way well I mean I prefer us stuff first out well I did ask you though did and I actually imported tungsten when you did ask oh so well I either british malaya or british rush or Portugal or the United States I don't know yeah oh it's fine don't worry I'm cool with that yeah right Ricky we could switch to a better national focus now I'm kind of happy on our national focuses I mean we go down to the close city network and get the extra research law yeah let's do that what yeah yeah that's really good so we've got unknown aggression people asked that's the whole point of this game yeah I agree cuz I you know what I don't care we now proceed to tanks - two tanks a day now because of that yeah well it's just how it is people you know Oh something else the ability to steal Chinese Empire from China Wow I mean that basically means Harry is not required on the pan front until we declare war on Germany on I guess yeah actually why don't we take out the Allies like the Allies are doing so Krang cause they're yeah but because they're so annoying to take out I agree but we could take we could genuinely take all of Africa and which is useless I agree it's useless but it was my main video not really it makes two names they're not gonna make it bigger I think it would work I do I might start because turkeys in the way of it no I think cuz we got a nearby coastline so I think we should know I don't think my family should just declare war on the ellos because at the moment they're really really weak they genuinely suck well eventually it you know Erica will joined I agree but Japan's I agree in addition Japan will declare war on America so I think we're fine provided Germany doesn't betray us we could probably well they probably will yeah yeah well okay maybe we'll just hang around for a bit it's 1940 though like come on tell me what you play now oh look somebody see somebody's changing that did you whatever yes not rules hey derpy I actually improve your divisions I just wanted to give you a heads up oh thanks I was gonna say if you want I could leave and reconnect to say the UK or the US and no no no we need you on your front line what I was considering is at the moment how confident are you in your abilities to take out the Germans not at all because usually I need at least a two to one division ratio of some of the best vision templates I can make okay yeah that's not gonna happen that's not gonna happen for a while but if you were to go to suddenly a war with the Germans with the supporter of Alf and Harry would you be confident in your abilities no okay the good news is though Harry and his forces will be able to move over shortly because we've this brand-new non-aggression pact from Japan we should be okay against Japan if Germany are the ones of the declare war on us so I think we're fine against Germany and I will also build up some forts along the front line you to improve your holding ability that's not gonna help well what what makes you say that Dobby firstly you would need at least level 5 level 5 force across the entire front and that is just the overall at this point of wasting need slack off my general no Dimpy doesn't have a general underneath them anymore I mean like you know the spunk oh you need to be happy derpy that's what I think we need to do is maybe throw some anti-tank divisions in there with you or at least something no I think it's already you know taking away because people don't ask anymore I agree the heavy tank brigade now is apparently anti-tank animals I don't wanna ask I'm looking at the frontline and I'm assuming that most of the German forces have been diverted here now if not most of them that aren't occupying France below look so forth and help in it away because it's Italy and they only have one medium pink in East Prussia and one in loveling so central Poland which is a medium again they think oh don't be also something I probably should have told you which you can do you can train your armies please do train your armies one army at a time though because some of your also I noticed you took two of the free Mountaineers ever since - you mean one died in Greece yeah for some reason they were under off the dragon so I just took one I'm sorry took two of them and then our mind I can divert them where they're actually required but for the time being their statements personal man I will admit I have seen some [ __ ] in all my hours but I have never seen what's going on in Greece right now it's honestly amazing we could send these brimful send volunteers back out you know we can't Rhys is apparently capitulated so we can't send send the volunteers know they need to retake all of their cause I believe to not be considered capitulated anymore something like that I'd never rate recovery key we need to take a moment and look at the chart here I know the people are coming for ya so maybe don't ask anymore like cause like you know suddenly destroy us all right in No I've been sitting here like be happy to noise chance watching YouTube because puffle for me to do yeah okay I understand that's a lot more eh work I'm gonna make it more exciting we're gonna go to war Germany then alright tell Dave to get his tanks up to East Prussia will do because this will go we're gonna take Romania Romania it's not even like into Anna exactly and I get I'm getting the feeling when we declare war on them fill join the exes and that I have a feeling they'll join the Allies they're guaranteed by Poland and Poland is at rest and we're gonna be a war of the Allies why what's all right and then orders of a Dalek there's no fur at all they can be trust me I mean more they got other than a massive Navy I mean it'd be a fun way to end the stream so I'm gonna want to end it soon the only way they can reach us it Norway and always exactly no no way no offense he'll speak to earth now Harry oh there's a new effort you are to invade Romania and the Axis powers whilst also defending Finland honestly you just have to defend Finland and attack Norway okay good luck Harry yes China is no longer your concern please migrate your forces leave a small garrison force over whole Japan just a small one very small bigger support army the rest of your forces however will be moving over to the wonderful western France congratulations for your group you will be helping the invasion of Romania oh yeah there you go oh great time right dragon feedback if I got some great news for you we are going to be doing a daring and wonderful operation called Operation ruin axis we are going to be attacking remain however we are likely to also then end up a war with both the axis and the allies for that rock please have planes ready above the skies of Romania and Norway Dave please have a tank division or like army of some kind ready in Romania and a small force up in Norway all right okay go that's your update have fun ladies and gents doing a great job so close he's in Finland also David you need to read the chat because it is just full of people asking for you to go to Finland and play underneath cyclone who is the guy leading Finland no you know what they should do how about they should know their place okay how about they know the I I'm a field marshal okay and they can't I should take orders from in superior fairy beings perfect yes right I'll go I'll go speak so flow exam I imagine is what everyone wants to hear cyclone hello there hello I just want you to know you're a major fan favorite yeah I bet you're very happy to speak to the man that methylation so turned himself everyone's interested what your game plans here well I mean I'm thinking of supporting the Democratic People's Republic of Germany I'm going to single-handedly single-handedly I say I'm going to single-handedly defeat the Germans I think you could do it there's only one slight issue with very soon going to be going to war with Romania Romania aren't in a faction but they're likely to join the axis but they're guaranteed by Poland who are in the allies meaning we're likely to be at war with both of the axes and the Allies as a result we have some forces coming up to help you in finland invade norway so this is your kind of early warning that we're going to war the chair also saying cyclone we love you thank you thank you stop stop no I love you Chet Chet you're the real MVP oh my god thanks the plagues actually thanks for inviting me nice could have gone any better oh I will die to liberate the Roman II your job thanks general chorale thank you you're gonna you're gonna kill the room in Romanians Thank You cyclone for your wonderful service you might have built up a few more infantry divisions though yes if you can I don't know if you can you've got my god - yeah no I've got to civilian factories though it's so difficult you you'll be fine see you later third sphere I mean hello hey come back or it's prob this is gonna be an immense challenge of your abilities and honestly I think it's it's a challenge where a lot of people would fail and I feel that if anyone can succeed in this it would be you so spiff from my time in high for and I just positive hours of it is never ever was that's a reason you know just got positive gotta be positive you've got the support of many armies helping you here as soon as Romania fools maybe who knows we might have the Allies on our side and we could push up prove remaining or better yet maybe Romania just joins the Allies and not the axis and if that happens God imagine that imagine what would happen there no idea no idea but it's gonna be great I can tell how much so they've done point a proactive government point pro allied government and they're doing [ __ ] is the AAP so derpy I'm gonna give you free divisions of special magical anti-air infantry work with oh yeah it's not like they only work in combat that's it I mean they got a few infantry on them deploy ya sample look at it it's the ones at the bottom of the list yeah I can see so they have buckles soft attack they do some moderate heart attack we do a lot of air attack is that this all pointed they're only meant for air attack derpy genuinely only use them for air attack it's all part of them that's why they're called anti air divisions they also I just like to notify you of the existence of the up and coming Starling line which I'm building want to give you we need tungsten tungsten oh yeah we get some tungsten it's got some more tungsten from the United States actually let's get from british malaya no convoy is needed I think grease is a meme and we should just take a moment to relish this I agree I agree off site when the man the myth the legend you said so - sniffing sure I tried the lovely choice Oakland here is actually pretty solid force you never know what you're gonna get when you speak to people online yeah it sound me I sound nasal you know you so you sound like an SMR youtuber no I sound a nasally as [ __ ] I can hear myself on the stream you don't want no that's just then you know ones meant to like the way they sound don't worry you're never gonna be an exception to that no it's nasally a sparking everyone hates it no change don't know I just gave it's probably just your mind change the settings on your mic will be fine I can if I knew how to do that job to speak on your options but if there's something baby alright anyway I'm gonna go quickly speak to us can speak to someone I remember well let's see armored division's the armored division's you know where are they um feedback has them sat over in a chore which if you look to the left of the northern Urals there's just a yeah that's definitely [ __ ] useful there yeah they're temporarily until they're needed chop me dead take ages to go to the Western Front which was soon out yeah it's mostly just kept tanks as well I mostly just told feedback to defend Finland and so that's what he's doing I guess I'll tell his tanks to go invade Romania cuz we need two tanks hundred percent yeah I'll tell his terms to invade Romania accessory though you need it I'll go do this one de jour that we definitely dem tanks because we don't have any entertain yeah that's why we building tanks yo Dave put those tanks on the Romanian border and get ready to invade go for it then fine I'll let you get the colonisation okay I spoke to Dave of whatever he's doing nice tits blender haste if I'm now guarding against the Germans and the Finland right yes the Germans and Finland I guess some guarding the border of Turkey to Constantinople I'm sending troops there now but I can't go against the Romanians and at the same time apparently I am most I'm building up forts around Istanbul so you should have an easier job defending it and I'll build a few more actually you know [ __ ] people saying oh no he's gone for Massasoit when I didn't have a choice because we're selling 39 you did you wouldn't get far in superior firepower and also we start in 30 now which means we already had the the for how many hours at there at the beginning four or five how many are there three also praise the reason the tanks reverse because they're achieving 100% cold acclimatization about 90 percent at the moment so they are actually very close so I can't get behind this you have my 97% once they get up there it's gonna be very good all I see is you know that the people of Moscow have - I have 50% called acclimatization yeah and they were in Moscow but there's also a thing called Finland which is also cold Finland is cold as hell yes but we're not trying to do like a massive offensive push through Norway no but I'm just saying that you know there's cold conversation as well to get them there and there will be faster to be moving around to the west front yeah just gonna say it once past offending Moscow in the worst way I've ever seen that's just where he holds his troops when he's not using them right but why does he make a line though why does he know - basically I gave him something from tree in some tanks and he keeps all his infantry there and he moves his hands around elsewhere right I can understand people are saying if we do go to war the Allies you might want to move the Navy out of the Mediterranean well that's not yes we do I have a search-and-destroy in the Mediterranean it says ok it's true turning himself in the Mediterranean yeah that refers I can't really let drew die in such a devastating way Oh Daniel battleship oh yeah the one with the to destroy kills formidable so I have a question why are we producing destroyers and submarines and heavy cruisers therefore since the beginning of the game yeah battleships period if you want to play alone go play alone whoa [ __ ] hell dude Jesus hello just to give you a heads up the chance of advice is to remove your Navy from the met Iranian and keep them in the Black Sea because if we keep through Turner in the Mediterranean Sea it's likely to be sniped by the Allies okay okay that's my heads-up so I'm building up to level two forts along the border in Istanbul wait so you wanted me to keep them in the Mediterranean on the Black Sea now keep them keep that fleet just in the Black Sea get the mathematical coating in the in the Black Sea they should be safe from any allied attacks yeah thank you in a bit all right I'm back how did this idea come to my head honestly no idea it was just a brilliant idea at the time Toby's dead nope he's dead what's happened I Rachel him because he kept bringing [ __ ] up and I can't be bothered anymore you can do it's just it feels just like playing playing Stalin hey [ __ ] me dude oh you know you kept saying the production line and then he said to me you know this is that you know why we believe this and that and bottom you know what we're not doing this we're not doing that you know it's like you know January asked him do you think I'm [ __ ] do you think I'm not knows [ __ ] yeah instant um also Ricky you get a new political advisor I am thinking we should go for the air guy who's this air superiority sure there's no I don't know SPO steal our masters know I'm kind of pissed already cause you know Derby it's okay don't land we're in the game for you if you're calling for another Great Purge cause he's like just imagine if we could do civil war now how am i doing this moment doing that Mary because I won't try a P maybe I want to play a bit differently who the [ __ ] knows when it's a game it's gonna get finished anyway is it yeah I mean I think next time if we do this again it basically needs to be accepted the war happens happens and if you lower in the command chain you can't change the way is a perfume well there goes meat Morimoto rice infantry now in the divisions of feedback without asking I mean whatever you know I mean yeah we do have that we do have the motorized yes but it would be nice to know because now what's the whole idea of the game wasn't it yeah anyway I think we should train a few more divisions actually let me go quite a lot lying around and we could benefit from yeah you can make it a pure Infantry Division of forty with infantry division let's just do that why don't we don't have an army experience because everyone uses it Oh what is surprise you know there goes it again see it's just a [ __ ] circle isn't it syphilis is fingernail [ __ ] it's in CVD the closest thing but that's being used all these reasons you need another smoker you it's getting ridiculous if you don't guys don't hurry up to grease are gonna capitulate you access they already did grease is really yeah they just brought themselves back from the grave that happens you know I've given given derpiest twenty combat with I'm gonna stop nagging some Derpy's templates because Dopey's templates use the leaf stuff it's just guns and artillery so I trained xx let's say yeah 20 of them 24-hour teachers 24 Wacom down instable ensk and yeah this is what I mean right yeah please use them he's not a mutant or you can't tell him [ __ ] I know I'll go jump in to tell him where he's nowhere year that's what I mean it genuinely feels just like playing the Soviet Union like you try and get a hold of a general or a field master to give him an update of news it's just like no [ __ ] off I'm free oh god I'm gonna have to do everyone Steve busy we have lost electronic as well and dr. keno right there you go and I think we should also kind of reinforce alpha coz alpha is kind of been working with the lowest division numbers of everyone so I'm thinking we wonder what we did Jack shed yeah I think we should give him some way crappy divisions nothing special like that once I'm currently building it yeah I think we'll set another line of them going but this time it's separate and for him so another few sets of Derpy's templates say oh we come up too many bright that's why I won't just have that many eight eight divisions and they can drop in I'm gonna say she's just let you know what it's not burning the legend Chris you're better late than never right they're building some towed anti-tank level ones good stuff Alfie's news oh absolutely another two hundred down to Istanbul no I'm just gonna give you a heads up we've noticed there's some slight gaps in your lines and we feel this because we don't give you enough units and as a result good news you're getting a new set of eight brand new divisions to distribute and they'll be appearing in Crimea in about half years time yes for thing I replied to down lens tweet about a weather map mode can you retweet and like it everyone knows watching the stream can you each really like it as well let's go through go on today's users go it's weather map mode where they I just retweeted it okay like and twit me tweet everyone come on like really come on don't forget the bat mode as well come on Twitter search feedback gaming see where he says weather minute motocross give every tweet and then comment a single F leave a comment of an F and then go retweet like I've just done that in fact I'll leave two F's why not f2 F splendid Oh perfect I'm happy oh this new cough Snapple right good luck guys good luck you look I think there should be a splendid wall we'll see how this goes this will be the last war of the night by the way you might have to save and rejoin us also next time we do this we genuinely will be reinforced in the world that you're not allowed to touch anything and I know Dave I know you said you weren't gonna touch anything but where's the motorized gone Dave what happened to the army experience where do you where do want that's this new troops yes I'm naturally the new troops are bringing chromia you can use them however you see fit I don't mind okay I'll see you guys know the only frontline I can see now I love you all so Dave's tweet is know in the comments if you want to go do that yeah retweeting like boys we want to win a lab mode online comment F just remember the comment F don't even retweet in like just remember the F retweeted like is this how we do game development in 2018 we found the Deaf oh my god I did it with rise of industry guess what we've known most play about coming here pressure it work oh hey rookie wha okay I've had a good time that is by the way sniffing when are we gonna call it today by the way um I was gonna call are we having a more accomplished I don't know we're having a beer I know they're attacking at some reason the Japanese adjacent leave or accomplish the Japanese doing a border conflict we can escalate it we can escalate on a good idea the end it's because of a flare war yeah but we're trying to go to war with Germany oh I can see you can see benefit of escalating but if I'm honest the conflict will end before yeah I actually am able to get enough political power so it's great it would be it's not gonna happen I don't like that yes at least they'd do it over the river the battle by the way oh it is it should be right here also Duffy did you get my message yes I guess I got 24 brand-new swanky divisions oh that's that's just more me flick exactly more meat for the grinder that's what we want on this USSR meet me to meet in that grinder slam your meat in the grinder hey right Lonnie German right Katz was not a crèche impact well five days time inevitable yeah five days and now it's time for Romania you guys best be ready yeah let's do a quick check on Finland right um field marshals go back to your chair I'm gonna spectate this cuz it's gonna be good fun oh all right Ricky how do we think she's gonna go how do we form Romania is gonna flip okay somebody trying to [ __ ] allies do anything what's happened time should I just leave it there or you can you can move it if you want because I'm gonna be honest it looks like they have that place sorted I should really probably tell Dave he needs to move his time stone hey they are called acclimatized let's go let's go I think we're ready for war soo well I mean basically you've got until the end of the month derpy well you're the direct rocket Dave at the end of the the end of the month we don't or Romania move your tanks over yeah two days two days okay of God how do you tweet done okay I'll know tomorrow morning 19:00 F's going well oh well good job chat what uh but yes move those tanks Dave the guy that better be going faster come on all right let's go Dave's movie is tanked I feel good for this can we good [Music] I think we could actually be able to do this and we can do this [Music] okay Ricky I'm gonna grab the next and final research law that we can get all right okay let's do this Romania you fought well that's not where they're drawing let's do this let's go let's see what you do Romania do your best United Kingdom has joy desire to be good okay so Romania is gonna join at Louis allies please be our lives come on Romania nice free France is joined that's cool it's cool yeah all the other side right now their wall their lies looks like four maybes actually such a bit that's fine so what would the allies but remaining is not with them which means that we could end the war with Romania Greece is with them oops Greece Oh Greece well actually we're not a war with Greece Greece did join the war didn't it so the car no allies now I think Greece could be called in its possibility all right yeah definitely allies so hostile to us not it means it has to be reinforced yeah oh my god the Dru Donal battleship it's not the battleship it's honestly mobilizing 34 kilometers away from the fleet engagement paintbrushes could be battleships he's floating just you watch him go come on drew come on drew what how our Air Force is doing he could watch the stream boat back who knows I hope someone actually does an edit of this cuts up all the best bits because there's been a lot of fun fun highlights do you know I might make that I could do highlights yeah you're gonna you're just gonna steal those gig you know just to a spiffing braid wears reserves you're really gonna send us a troops you know did they haven't finished training do you want them before there's I see I see genuinely you could have them before they finish training it's fine it's fine okay give that army nearby spare I'm gonna lack and robber oh we close to know Malay what's this thing ah yes German Reich though they're gonna give us eight rubber that's not it up Brazil can give us six that's the next best there we go for the time being I'm afraid that's what we can do we cannot remain use God does remaining have rubber pretty sure they have a little bit no no they have oil they're so useless as no one in Europe has rubber where's our names rubber sauce nominee us can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that Turkey is on the march into into Africa really great yeah yeah run yeah we're now fighting in Africa oh wait I've realized that yeah we've got drew in a fleet but we don't actually have Alex oh you know it'd be better if Alex was a ship on the Allied side it just appeared Hungary is now gaining on that Romania Oh Hungary's attacked too interesting I just just make our job a little bit easier really sorry production yeah true sort of production it's my favorites are Asura Rambler I mean it doesn't work I mean if would I'd really wish it would but it just doesn't it feels like it should but it doesn't sadly oh we've encircled some divisions in Romania this is going great I'm actually very happy this you just need to take the thing north of Pickers yeah on the invasion of Norway no way do it look at that the tanks are helping out and the tanks are doing good we're lucky with my gear elf no don't get my ancestors you can't do that he says we can Oh Kingdom Irenaeus capitulated look at those encircled British troops we now Chavez a new new front line take a new front line we do have some UK forces that are set on a Greek island is a threat we're not at war with Greece yes yeah no no no we're not and we actually won't ever be because they've capitulated so they can't record it so Greece is actually effectively everything can be called in they just probably won't join because they're safe oh we're dead anyway so there's no point yeah anyway let's take use love you teleports behind you nothing personal killer thing is with Yugoslavia Romania under our belts I think we could genuinely take out the axis I think we have a chance nope you sure I mean first we're gonna have to clean up Africa but after that access all the way nope why not come on here's a two point plan as to why it still won't work they still outnumber us they aren't gonna but we are manpower them that's the big doesn't mean [ __ ] let's take a look at the German map our Germany only 500,000 manpower issue we've 10,000,000 Italy has for some reason almost 1 million which is quite impressive yeah what is this the absolute why does this only have so much manpower they lost two of Yugoslavia and Greece see there and the equipment to put into that the patients so they can't get manpower into the divisions oh I see so they just don't have enough divisions on the ground so that's where they've met my pal mr. Germany has about almost 400 divisions down that would tend to help oh well I still think I'm a pro situations looking great assuming that we have guns I can actually walk hmm these people are paying attention in Norway in for Norway any yes press n in chat for Norway athletes doing some fighting in Norway turkey lost a cruiser we're losing 296 neighbor bombers I don't know can you destroy sergeant Ricky what do you say and why do we have fascism well where do we fascism why do we know half fascism your own recent setback I just told him to push down and cappuccinos that come from that's a good question where is this fascism come from come from wait stop oh yeah of capitulate I told my general to just capitulate Norway why aren't we advancing who knows he said it will be a lie generation something what taking Norway yeah okay yeah I can agree if we hold that point there we hold the initiative you might also want to take the porters if you could grab the poor that would be brilliant a big uses the naval range but I honestly it gives us 12 steel only 20 tungsten because we need tungsten we do need not necessarily because taking the pole doesn't mean you take control this day but in my in this case because the next place is there is that village Narvik so basically grab that port I think grab the next yeah yeah after you have to grab Narvik to actually take control of the state because it's the blinking they Soto to your commanders to basically take up to Narvik so that we control it can take the tungsten yeah yeah I think he has no right now so it's blended right I'll see you later elf okay let's see we should we invade next Ricky because if we take a look at the resources we need Yugoslavia provides us with tungsten and bromium and aluminium which is altered we need aluminium and tungsten ranek no Iraq Afghanistan sir we're currently facing an issue and a lot of our convoys to America are getting intercepted by allies he's annoying today Australia it says pesky Australians actually you right the Australians are sinking our bloody peaceful is not directly the Australians but oh you know the Australians have they have tungsten press s to make spiff motors our demands for cyclone to get all of Scandinavia I mean I would actually give him this land but the issue is I need to control this land so that we can get the tungsten let's be honest it's not really something finding leads at the moment however I will give control of state to Finland and I will give them a gift burgers but burgers in eastern Bulgaria oh jeez come back Fergus seems like really a place to give them even better Julie jobina the little slipper thing this tiny little slip thing I thing the Romanians Bulgarians can't agree on yes there we go so many comment to copy us in chat I think we need a purge I think we do too will it be great you know it's only the greatest of purges here in the Soviet Union the oceans selfi so I think we're about to take Yugoslavia actually looks like it no they've already capitulated well you just love you yes it's gonna be one of those annoying things where you take the land and it does nothing I do like the German British war I'm the picture threat on the walls current wall screen is German Malaysia war excuse me what oh yes is the German Malaysia war yeah it's very important conflict between Germany and Malaya United Kingdom very little to do with it actually yeah something doesn't come only Malaya oh my gosh Ernie's so many divisions they just deployed another wave of like 20 they just lost that's Germany no more divisions of us which is a bit annoying yeah yet again how Germany works they do have about 160 military factories we have 130 yeah this is why you kind of need a player on the UK see if they can do a detail there we go they've accepted the state oh you can line into messes is a lowland a brand new finished state giving them access to the Black Sea finally Finland will have power between the sea between the Seas in Finland between the sea oh I'm really enjoying this game this was Britain it was such a stupid idea but don't be honestly thank you for getting all the people together for this you put a lot of work I think I got like three people yeah but I was basically really busy this day and you managed to effectively put a fair amount of this together and [ __ ] I say it's worked quite well though like you managed to get people in people got excited and you did screen people into groups or did was it the field marshals they did them I think you can choose who you want to be with well wouldn't be naked enroll for Alec generals and that work that worked if everyone was like Alf in his journals I think we might have even had an even better experience because I always had a great time ordering his guys around yeah so spiff hello most of my generals are now gone because real life stuff and I have to shoot and go to actually yeah same here I think I'm gonna end the stream here I'd say we yeah we've done we've done the Soviet Union Justice I'd say there was someone Harry actually let's drag Harry right Harry yeah I've got all my journals here basically doing feedback both feedbacks doing his own thing Harry you made a bet earlier today which was that you bet the entire system would break on the 2nd of January 1936 ah yes now technically we bypassed that bed by starting in 1939 but I would still like to say we did manage to make it past yeah well I think we've done a brilliant job and I'm even willing to do another another attempt of this sometime with maybe a different country something like Luxembourg Luxembourg I think if we get like an O P Luxembourg mod I would actually give this a go I would give this a go find it right now actually right I will see all of you later thanks for watching the stream ever all the field marshals do you want to say goodbye hi okay nice great have a good evening Ricky do you want to say goodbye my wonderful co-conspirator and Stephen Hawking voice impersonator goodbye everyone thank you three no way I just think of the fact that he's dead [Music] it's like his final message is there and people want to hear goodbye from so close I'll go get that so close hello there cyclone you there cyclone please be there cyclone he's not here my god he's at the voice-chat cyclone please do you hear recycler oh yes he's mics not on ok I will translate everything cyclone says yes Luxembourg is brilliant yes cyclone is there anything you want to say to your fans they're very happy I mean a few of them were questioning if you'd been assassinating yet so anything you want to say cyclone or are you trying to sort out your mouth mic or something oh he says love you chuck there you go guys so time says love you chat I hope you all have a wonderful evening watching cyclone forever every victory trees and indeed it's cycling says self to spiff and like the vid I mean if you have all of you in the chat and everyone who's participated if you want to watch the Lord I will put it up tomorrow's Wednesday right I will put it up on Wednesday okay yeah when it finishes Wednesday morning I'll put this stream up and if you want to give it a rewatch you can thanks for watching everyone I'll see you all in the next one I'll see you later bye bye also I love how the streams are they got one dislike that is generally the first time that's ever happened I saw you was it pause was the game the game yeah paused darn right I'll see you later spent no I had to go now so she asked if same see later Frank's everyone for participating bye bye
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 107,268
Rating: 4.8305311 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts Of Iron 4, Horse Only Challenge, Cavalry only, hoi4 challenge, hoi4 multiplayer, multiplayer challenge, hoi4, the spiffing brit, hearts of iron 4, world conquest, hearts of iron iv, drew durnil, hoi4 endsieg, alex the rambler, hoi4 mod, hoi4 meme, hoi4 console commands, belgium, germany, satire, family friendly, hoi4 in a nutshell, hearts of iron iv soviet union, how to, coop, hoi4 coop, hoi4 multiplayer in a nutshell, multiplayer in a nutshell, ww2
Id: gT2kZaEoDOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 47sec (9587 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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