SPIFFING VS TAUREOR --- Hearts Of Iron 4: Competitive youtuber game

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ah hello there ladies and gentlemen welcome I am the spiffing Britt and you have tuned in live to this meeting Britt versus torial I hope you're all having a lovely evening sorry for the delay the real delay was basically I yeah I I managed to pull out the power cord of my PC as a result there wasn't a stream oh it's my bad macaroni just subscribe thank you very welcome to the show where cyclin cyclins not gonna be here today it's spiffing Britt vs. toriel the ultimate dream team combination who do you thinks gonna win personally you know I think it could be it could be me but we never know basically this scenario we're gonna kind of brief you for it in a few moments but generally how it is tourer is probably gonna have to capitulate me I want to basically start a series where I play the UK and my opponent can pick any country and one mod and then all they have to do is try and capitulate me that's the series Torrio has decided to choose the what's the name of it again it's it's something like I can't remember right I'll just close toy for a restart it it's being a bit picky this evening oh well but yeah um someone in chat mentioned that you didn't really um when you asked if I knew toriel you didn't think it would actually come true I mean Toru and I've collaborated before he's really lovely guy he's very business driven he's well informed and he's willing to ask questions and answer questions which is quite good because certainly a lot of youtubers never like admitting that they don't know something so I think it's it it really does take something in the world of online entertainment to actually ask a question because generally people don't and it's quite depressing but anyway let's try and launch up this high for tell you what model using today's mod is world of alternatives so basically it's a mod which gets all the AI countries like France Canada United States Australia British Raj all of them anything with a focus tree and it will basically go the exact opposite route so typically an AOA Canada will support to the UK and without historical settings it is still likely to do that about 90% of the times this time it will always choose the opposite and it will probably go against the UK it's almost guaranteed is this a crossover episode mate this is this is the ultimate crossover episode but why not' which this is on twitch don't you worry Torres streaming on YouTube I'm streaming on YouTube but I'm also streaming on twitch go to Korra both markets I'll be front-page hi for just you watch well they're to be fair there's only one page on i-4 and as none of the big boys are streaming at the moment I probably will end up at the top it will just take a while you know in my games just loading up now it's pitiful win come on you Britt thank you very much spiffing you better win I really do hope I win I know we played at a game recently with Vale Fisk and some people cheered for Vale Fisk and then they saw how badly Vale was plagued and then they all cheered for me and then we played against the metacommunity and for some reason you guys all thought we could beat the method community and it turns out yes I could beat the meta community we ended up winning that game too so yeah hi four has been pretty good fun lately teams Biff thank you very much for joining teams with Joe so nice to have you here down for productions spiffy you have no chance my friend all you have to do is just believe believe in yourself and it will come true I've chosen the most difficult password hack in the world and I'll give it to toriel now right I'm pretty I'm pretty well yeah I'm set up Oh switch to the game footage now mmm look at this wonderful stuff what a lovely scenario all right I'm now gonna unmute myself and talk to Toria ah is that a team Turin shot my friend banished him from this world Jakob Eriksson just subscribe thank you very much my friend all right let's do this multiplying such a long time dependent remember I did stuff all right let's so let's change the scene hello - oh yes changing the scene right now you guys should be seeing the game now all right from now on I will be talking less to my chat and more to the spiffing Britt I will still read out donations because you know yeah I understand completely if you get donation I'll just go a bit silent and okay so we should probably discuss yes so I think we should have a few general issues which are always good fun for these kind of multiplayer games so probably no starting a civil war in a play country so I can't just suddenly decide to flip you know boosting is generally a good rule there's also not at all posting yeah no please do a country okay so you can boost all the other nations in the world if you want to there's nothing stopping you the other rule recommend is no Wars before 1937 unless it's part of your focus tree but honestly as it's just the two of us I'd say go wild do whatever you like I wouldn't like that rule because I do like to attack people quickly if I can right there you go that's fine then we can have Wars before 1937 okay so that's generally the only rules that normally rolled out for these kinds of games would you like the game being put on a high difficulty are you happy with regular regular because you know it's if it was versus da I don't know could you know prop it up but I don't see a good reason to do it if it's versus honestly putting it on the high difficulty it doesn't make the game more difficult it just slows the political power gain which just makes the game more tedious if I'm being honest it's not really difficulty food all right okay let's go then I'm pretty happy with this yes I have no right okay speed and pausing yes so if there's something you want to pause I'm pretty sure you should have the ability to pause if you want which is fine and generally as a whole I'm pretty sure we should aim for speed for we're not at war but when at war we probably drop down speed free or two depending on what you're comfortable with how about we do speed three all the time okay speed for setting up armies when you have as many units as me and so on will be a bit problematic okay have some time to prop stuff up yes so typically I in a multiplayer game I'd give about god I probably go for about maybe three minutes of setting up your country maybe five minutes depending on how much stream shot I have to read so yeah we'll go for about five minutes because you know there's a lot of stuff to do I've got to like bring back all these crappy troops defending the colonies yeah okay let me set everything up then you watched have used the whole CD Projekt streaming should we talk about that yes I think we probably should talk about that so for those in chat who haven't seen it it's basically the the people who made the which a free CD Projekt RED and probably the ultimate game developers honestly they're lovely and of course they're from Poland and they have a new game coming cyberpunk 2077 and it is it's a very excited game of which they just did a stream in which they made about one oh I'd say probably about 200,000 people sit around looking at a screen with meaningless text for about an hour and then they played some gameplay footage for about 45 minutes and it was pretty glorious yeah I don't really care about the you know the game mechanics like oh you can get the blades out of your hands and stuff like that but I did like the general feel of the world it was it was like fallout but better at least that's that's how I got it I mean although the first-person feel and general feel of it yeah for me combat and that kind of side of a game that is an RPG kind of takes a backseat for me it's really all about the world building and the kind of environment that they make and I personally feel a CD Projekt RED have kind of they've kind of nailed it for this one in my opinion did you play much of The Witcher 3 or was it kind of a game which kept you by played a lot of it just for myself and but but not for the channel I tried recording it but it wasn't very popular although my channel was like 1/10 of the current size back then or even less yeah there's there's really not many popular Witcher 3 series up there like on YouTube I'm pretty sure you'd struggle to find anyone who played the game from start to finish finish but it is a very personal game I think and the people and the stories that are made generally it doesn't make for the best content if I'm being honest but it's it's still an incredible game to play to ask you this because since we're doing this in a semi casual manner not you know like a competitive game and just talk about shares right so do you actually watch a lot of YouTube um I would say I watch feasibly as much as I could given my situation considering the play that YouTube is a hobby but I would say a probably watch maybe about at least 3 hours a day but generally it's also a lot of background stuff just whilst I'm working if I'm working there's nothing to do it's kind of like you just pop on a podcast or listen to a radio show in my case I just find like a YouTube let's play to listen to just mentally insane I physically wouldn't manage it it's um it's for some people but really not for me certainly from speaking to a few of our colleagues in the oil industry and certainly Remy who I think has possibly the worst situation being a an australian youtuber or a streamer there's just no one out there in your city in your situation like at least in the UK there's a lot of other streamers and youtubers you can beat up with but when you're in a place like Australia you've really the only one and I think it's it's a difficult job to explain to others but also of an active social life as well as doing YouTube because it does suck up a bloody lot of time I suppose but I don't know it's a job like any other for me but maybe less stable yes it really isn't a stable job but you can put in a load of effort into a video and you think it will do great and all do terrible you could put a load of effort into a video and it gets D monetized and so no one sees it you could put your you could put in like no effort into a video and then suddenly explodes and it's the next big deal but it is just all hit and miss really with YouTube you never really know what's gonna stick and when you do find it you're just gonna make as much of it as humanly possible well I have stuck to a format that didn't work for a very long time I was just making less plays like you know uncut Let's Plays and I did get my viewership and I do have some some viewers that like that's tough but when I started doing those heavily edited videos like like this one a little not not this one like the ones that I normally do yeah it was just so much better yeah I agree when you put in a little bit of effort videos become so much better and also certainly there's a lot of youtubers out there who is as myself and feedback I've discussed quite a lot there's quite a few in the paradox community they've done like one let's play series and it's taken off and then they've just done the same formula over and over and over again and eventually certainly with unedited content the viewer fatigue is a lot faster because it gets really boring after a while to just watch the same thing over and over again well I suppose but it works for someone like a Roomba for example yes but a Roomba is he's really something indeed I think there's there's a few let's play youtubers that have their niche audience which is perfect for them so quill eighteen people follow his let's plays for his personality because even though he doesn't edit them he's like a twitch streamer he's able to get his personality across from just standard gameplay for a Roomba I think people watch him for a whole host of reason it's quite a lot for the analytical side behind a Roomba and his love of spreadsheets you know I'm just gonna um pause the game if you already actually a Roomba will and he Cuban named gofer I'm not sure if you're familiar with him by the way should we start the game yeah yeah just unpause it now alright and thank you by the name of Kufa what the reason that I got into YouTube I just watched them quite a lot and thought hey I could do that yeah I've got I guess I have similar origins I guess I I actually used to watch a lot of Vale Fisk surprisingly they're high for youtuber who I now do a lot of games with he genuinely was a channel I watched a load recently before starting actually making YouTube videos and when I made YouTube videos I started off making like time lapses with just bottom text and that was it and that actually took an influence from you know Kerbal space program there was a youtuber who did Kerbal space program videos and just never used their voice they just don't put in some text and some funny music or whatever and then I saw that there was a time-lapse audience for of a paradox games and I was just like sure fine this is an opportunity and I did it and it just somehow took off I have to cut your but I just gotta he's doing nation Alexander 749 roubles as well as these dollars but it's so something anyway thank you for quality of videos yet again I've been watching them since the very first hard to file for challenge thank you very much ok back to to the game it's actually quite cool to you know play and think at the same time I'm just trying to figure out how many divisions I should train and I have no idea yes that's the joy of multiplayer you especially multiplayer streaming you have to keep a chat entertained you have to micromanage a country and of course you've got to consider everything else going on in the background that's why streaming is quite mentally strenuous and why I tend to only do it in about two hour or three hour stints okay also that donation incredible I once had someone donate four thousand Hungarian kronor or whatever and it as extremely you say pop up saying four thousand just instantly your mind is blown and then you've run the quick trend like the quick conversion rate and it's like Oh brilliant two pounds incredible helps the ice donations are greater they do help oh speaking of that I just got a donation for two dollars fifty thanks very much I'm conquered fool you don't like the Brits but you hate the Communists even more there you go mate that's even more reason to donate to the war fund against toriel the Communists do hmm all right which one was that well shouldn't be doing that and stream yeah trying to figure out which army was trying to never mind that oh so have you have you told anyone about your upcoming sets of videos oh no sorry let's not talk about I still don't know how that's how that will work out I didn't mention that something is coming but not what exactly so I'll be working on it this week but I want to keep it you know on a known until I figure it out because it might end up crappy and then yeah I agree I I haven't said what's happened but I I mentioned to feedback in our weekly business discussion that um your channel was likely to explode again and I think it is I think you've got a brilliant idea there and everyone should cross their fingers and pray that Tori or doesn't do a Vale Fisk and just suddenly retire I don't have the cash to do that money come here what so Fred thank you very much for you donation their group returned you're indeed that's another two quid for the war front yes sir newbie just donated another $50 that's a hundred today $50 Jesus Christ do that I'm not that great oh come on he's still great but not that great come on he's at least he's at least $500 of greatness mate that's not really sure what to say to that haven't gotten a donation like that ever yeah it is yeah it's really I've I think the first big donation I got was about 200 euros and honestly it made me a bit scared I didn't know how to react I felt like I didn't deserve the money and afterwards I had to kind of like sit down and for about an hour after the stream I basically just collected my Forte's because it was a bit stunning to say the least and to be honest it still is for me it's an absurd figure of money for someone to donate and I don't really understand why why people who aren't in the online business world do it because I know why ISP drops huge down he does it but he can write off as a business expense which is fine I guess it's networking write it off as a business I never thought of that maybe I should say that the business is you know I'm just on a I'm just I don't have a business for that for you to a bunch of doing it normally you like it like a regular citizen yeah same at the moment but I'm going to try and speak to my accountant and see if I will switch this up into a business because honestly I think there's a lot of expenses that could come from like you could the incomes fine but what you could do is you could take the you could probably write off of ridiculous amount of it as expenses so say you're traveling to another country that could be a business expense but you're going there to say I don't know film a vlog or do a sponsorship deal or whatever there's loads of different possibilities yeah because there had been a crackdown on such a stuff in my country of course yes sorry to keep going but the great emperor Putin just donated 200 roubles and that might interest you because he's the author of this mod I don't have a lot of money but I'd like to say thank you for playing my mod cool we have the models of watching that's very good I once did a game with thee like God was it War of the Worlds mod and we had the model for in chat who was trying to talk us through the mod and we screwed up every single aspect of the mod hey we just completely failed anyway the mods working because Canada is going for the partition they're trying to exit from the glorious United Kingdom if you can believe it those cheeky sausages and bloody South Africa's abandoning Westminster don't tell me Australia's doing the same Australia is doing the same in New Zealand I think they're doing the same as well yeah why is everything is leaving me goats to modern nations that's the person who donated all the cash earlier I just got paid but I found out I found out I might go blind in my right eye oh Christ oh Jesus let's pause the in-form a lot of stuff happening okay in that case okay so there's a lot of things happening crush the godless call me Canada you saw I recognize it you know cool I'm just muted myself thank you very much that for I found deletion of the donations - sorry unconquered for I will crush the colonies done you warring yeah I mean it's supposed to be said differently but of course we physically don't have the ability but Wow lots of interesting things happened Yugoslavia please be going Communist Australia kind of leaving Germany goes for their civil war and losing your vision in your right eye that's an absolutely horrible thing to have it's very unlucky it's not the nicest right let's go again now for a new national focus mature keeps going ballistic for me to try and release the Lebanon but it's held by the French so I've no idea how I meant to do such a thing probably beat up the French first that make you happier if I release Israel or do you want Palestine released I'll release one of them but on the other how'd you know that's to even think so no you can't boots they both have the same core state so if you release Warren it gets rid of the over can you say something because if you could cut off from the winter if you release Jerusalem it cuts off Palestine see ya you can just sees I'm sorry I thought you would that's fine see the means of making tea I'm supposed to do that you can't do that maybe there's absolutely mighty crops I mean they're grown in India and India is trying to escape but you can't seize the tea production that I guess all right what time is it 5:00 don't know $5 there from Michael thank you very much god save the king um yes god save the king until he's well he did die a few weeks ago and I've got Edward the sitter seventh owner eight Edward DF I don't know why I only really know the modern indifferent honestly my history of 1930s England is really bad reach out to more donations twenty-two cringes seize the means oh no sorry that was a word Diaz this procedure cover when you hit 1 million subs publish one for a moment but it's oh there it is what just keep going make love your horse and game but I think you didn't thank you much yeah I would honestly love to see you do it Esposito cover in Polish I think that would be would really be the pinnacle however it could just be slightly to me me for your community but otherwise I think that's a be a solid solid subscriber goal set that as your 100k gold or better yet delete all of the videos with your face in and do a face reveal a hundred K yeah face review works when you haven't done that before I guess yes so just pretend you haven't done one and do one again just dis called as beeping even when they aren't called that shouldn't that be you know not happening oh that's just ignores maybe what do you I mean I don't hear anything what kind of beeping is it the beeping is if you're receiving a call this is though I'm receiving a text message so just oh yeah say that that's every time someone is pie one of your discord chats for some reason you're getting a sound notification for what is going to user settings and pretty shorts and notifications and find it just I don't wanna you know take care of the game no it's fine I'll do a quick search it's been a while since I turned it off okay I found it I found it okay good oh I just turn turning off older all the sounds for messages it should be find out nation let bombed 400 rubles have some money thank you why's everyone donating in rubles this evening right true but have you got your donations set to own your receiver rewards or is it set to anything no I I'm component we we don't have rubles I know you don't but I was just wondering if you done it for just a laugh or anything I don't know what a cut YouTube takes is this for stream labs or is this the super chance it's super chat okay so super chat it goes by your network I'm pretty sure so YouTube doesn't take any cuts but I think a potential cut comes from your network depending on what deal you've got set up with them they're not taking anything wow that's an incredible deal with your network so yes you'll be getting allowed to discuss this so let's forget that I said anything please okay good point um just just to figure that out hopefully you'll be too mad maybe there won't be because it's free advertising that's a good point that's a good point Jack's the sacs Canada is Britain I mean that's never been the case for like the last hundred years or so but if we believe I'm sure so what's gonna be your opening move you're gonna invade and take Finland because that's oh oh my I've only just noticed what you're doing Wow that's certainly power play there toriel I'm trying my best so the invasion of Germany in 1936 Wow I mean I have two things to gain from this either it will put me in a major war and then can justify wall goes quickly or I will be able to invite the other a bit of the civil war into my faction which would also be beneficial or you know they'll just end before I'm done and just fine but I don't think that'll ever yes hopefully you'll get your war goal and you should be able to declare anyway you're rooting for me should you I shouldn't be actually I really hope the German Reich instantly capitulated and you lose your political power but laboum just donated two hundred rubles that's two hundred rug points thank you very much so what do you think the future of the high4 community is because of course we've got one new DLC coming as I really hate Navy management I think you'd do as well but maybe they'll make it fun finally so that would be nice honestly I found my new favorite mod farts of iron for it replaces all naval provinces with just like where where the sea is it just replace it with a big kind of like zone you can move infantry on and you can capture so basically United Kingdom controls as if it was land all of the Atlantic and so it basically gets rid of naval invasions and it allows for you to just cross the world a lot easier and it just deletes the Navy entirely so honestly in my opinion it's an incredible mod that makes World War was much more fun sounds cool I need to try it out if I'm done with the secret project yeah secret project have you got any specific beverage of this evening or is it only um is it only just water on your end I overdid it with the coffee a little bit today so I'm getting an extra headache from that just drank and drank three coffees today and usually shouldn't be doing more than you know - yes in that case I'm just drinking water and - you know quell that and currently I'm considering whether I should that no let's get returned a lot um you know he's an interesting fellow an absolutely lovely chappie but you know it's up to you because he's a great bloke and some say he's a little bit crazy others say he's great it's just a bit hit and miss with Trotsky you know well he has an interesting thing if you have a him and the NKVD divisions you can instantly stage coos right sitting that's quite a nice thing to have definitely so you can always justify war goals ten days you know even if you're not in a major war you know you have to go through the Civil War I've just been asked to write the Morgan the stream description so I'll go do that no wait I just I just closed my chat panel but I was trying I figured out I missed a donation for 999 dollars I'm sorry about that I'm going to try and find it but unfortunately my my chat close so I need to reopen that all right let's see who was that Pentecost thank you very much and new message and also Tony I'm sorry I can't pronounce that pack Conan you two sound so common all right if yours and spiffing voices had sex it would make greatest choice we thank you for the donation it's very it's very common don't worry I did one stream avail and then I was deemed about six different versions of Vale X with fan art it was pretty intense but hey I appreciated the gesture Oh interesting Wow you got them to join the common term hmm do more than that on the world stage oh and also um basically I'm going to try and find a way to count to you and it's quite difficult as the UK because of course all of my puppets are flipping to communism or whatever and you're flipping France to communism so my slight workaround is becoming communist myself but I'll of course be British communists which is slightly different interesting idea but I've been communist the first I have more experience and know dead people that's true but as the British you can invent something and then we we can claim we've invented it before you because you know we have a slightly better flag and you know you just put down the flag and suddenly everything's yours that's how it works my friend Oh apparently you know we're contending for the title of Hansel inform Bob Ross because I've seen you called that and I've been called that as well oh my god yes that's true it does yes this is a title that gets handed around a lot yes I think we can fight for that whoever can make the greatest borders certainly will deserve that guys get to Germany yes you can yes you can I forgot to deploy all my forces ahead of time as always and tons of forces ahead of time as always wasn't drew the high for us um you see drew is an interesting person because you can't really call him the high for Bob Ross because it's a game he hasn't had she played before so you can call him the observer Bob Ross because he is very good at observing the game but actually playing the game is a very difficult thing indeed did you ever did you watch the holy for youtuber Free Day War event tutorial 3 I think I was sad I wasn't in it but at the time ya know a lot of people were and even though I was just a replacement I got a lot of the flack for actually being invited to the event but hey you know that's just the way for community no I wasn't angry I was just I was just sad I I don't think I deserve to be invited to anything if they don't want me also they did invite me to mr. iris event and to paradox con once so I got my share I'm not you know angry the more anything it was just oh I wish I was there something I left I get the feeling too because it's it's a lot of fun when you get involved in these events the only issue with the Free Day War event was that I think they kind of misplaced a few people because they put drew in Japan and Alexander in China and the issue is China China at the time with the kind of like beta build of waking the tiger we were playing with China was actually really quite underpowered but drew in Japan drew physically couldn't invade China he just didn't have enough experience in the game to beat Alex and as a result the two were in a deadlock because China wasn't strong enough to push into Japan for Japan wasn't strong enough to push into China and so basically for two days of the free day war event all of Asia just did nothing think you're lagging a bit territory there I know I think we've lost connection with him oh no oh no hello Chuck how are you doing that I still in the discord interesting I'm just gonna grab this grand battle plan yeah you feel be is dead rest in peace what's Italy doing interesting surprised they haven't gone for something crazy like you know befriended Yugoslavia what's important nationally Spain here we go Spanish Civil War good stuff free naval dogs does anyone know drew do you hear me still yes I can hear you now hello you know what happened there was it just like her instead [ __ ] discord was being weird yeah it does that sometimes yeah oh crap did that dissipate one thing what the Germans have in military needing to be at peace to send volunteer forces to Spain aha the Nationalists victory bocce they'll probably still find a way to cook your help they'll probably beat Germany before you know you have the problem I had an army and all that no bloody paw the conflict couldn't took my field marshal the thoughts on ER the mutinies in the army event Oh a few of you got the event oh my god you have oh man I have I have eaten those events since they first started being introduced to the game yeah it is it's really annoying especially when you get it so early on in the game because it hits you and you have to just sync all of your political power into it and it does sometimes seem really unfair how it strikes Italy I feel like there should be a bit of a better logic to it especially when you're when you're fighting against a nation which has significantly but you're fighting into Germany which has about 20 divisions and you've got at least a hundred or so maybe 200 well it is annoying it always is annoying I don't like you know I suppose it's a matter of choice some people like it some people don't I don't like random stuff that damages you in games I mean I know it's linked to that ability and stuff but it's way too random in my opinion if it for example if it always happened once a war if you're at a certain level of stability or something I'd be okay with that but I had games when I got it three or four times in a row which can really destroy you I agree I think RNG is important it's important to keep a game being replayable but if it's RNG to a point where it seems unfair or random or just downright stupid and doesn't make sense then it just shouldn't be there especially in a historical game like this but you know I can release Israel Lebanon's the one that I can't release so my dad is asking you to release Israel and send its subsidies very well Israel will be released as a puppet I I will obey the chat and oh my can request for such time that's quite nice you know I'll do the same start the question forces watch y'all release eluting yeah that works quite well yes no I was supposed to be checking all the other countries aren't doing only August 36 it's not going too quickly I wanted justify someone goes but I'm not sure who to attack um Poland's always an option you know Finland as well Romania is a good choice if you don't want to let them snowball but then again the guaranteed by Czechoslovakia have another idea no inbound an invasion of China the nation giggle Gor I think that sounds less pronounced but I'm kissing hello there hello as well alright damn it you can't influence you can't build up communism in France we don't have political power oh so they're kind of stuck have 100 the goes with France so I'm just donated saying have 100 and gave me one pound fifteen so something tells me they gave me about a hundred roubles maybe less I don't know what the translation is but thank you very much German Reich has capitulated rest in peace interesting that you didn't get anything out of that peace deal it was a civil war so I wouldn't but I have a powerful ally in Mike in my faction now that's true that is true which is worth something in itself yes quite concerning powerful ally as well not one that's easy to defeat necessarily see how that works I suppose you might be actually at the disadvantage in this model because of all the rebellions in your profits well I mean the whole point was that that it's it's always given to like the advantage for me is that I only have to defend my Island so it makes sense for me to give the opportunity to choose a more to you but is that way you can choose the mod that makes it's like easy for you and in this situation inadvertently you've chosen a mod which forces all of my puppets to leave me so I'm good choice have played Poland B apparently according to someone in my chat at rust its kind of meta boy saying that am i Germany will likely leave your faction soon because of the focused treatment well I did read the description and I suppose they was the German focus tree yeah until either revived the Kaiser Reich or reestablish free elections and if they who divide revive the Kaiser like they might stay in my faction because they'll be non-aligned what did they re-established free elections they'll beam democratic I think I'd not you guys think I haven't played through all this yeah if it's very established free elections there 100 go Democratic but I'm pretty short reviving the Kaiser like it because it flips the employed changes the party completely I'm pretty sure it might kick you out of we might kick them out of the Comintern nice pills although it doesn't it just gives them extra support so it doesn't necessarily yes if they go full reestablish free elections and they go the monarchy compromise they can actually turn all of Europe into a faction that is against the Soviet Union which is always a good laugh well maybe would have been better off with vanilla okay Diego go donated I may be British but for glory to Stalin let's do it was the trail yeah communism has always been attractive I mean in theory well yes but I that's the same with many things in life only attractive in theory just like no man's sky just late night when sky what a game they play at that I I did play I won't necessarily recommend it it's not much of a game 35 people watching how much 935 people-watching nice Wow basically over there were four night streamers now if we add my my view base to your vo base we can calculate just how long it will take us to overtake ninja who's currently streaming for tonight probably I think if we get another 70 times this audience we can do it that's not very encouraging but okay cool you know you've got to set yourself many goals that are achievable and goals aren't achievable just to keep you driving forward right no no I said something about communism shouldn't have done that now we're gonna get political questions in my chat let's do that Stone has a great massage that's why he was so attractive I was planning something in the fair isn't and I forgot just got into talking was the nefarious things something to do with invading a country that didn't deserve invading the old deserve invading that's quite a bold accusation to make toriel quite involved one indeed you know I'm from Poland we are the experts and getting invaded I'm pretty sure there must be one country I hope I actually do wander what country has been invaded the most in the world it has to be something it can't be Poland it has to be France Germany one of them or not Germany there they've not existed long enough probably honestly I don't know all right the Germans in perfection right now we're about to see what happens more ideology puffs they go down as they pick their next national focus Maharaja makes gains in provincial elections secure the new state oh no does the generic thing they still haven't chosen a bit unless you're talking about sawdust oh yeah I was talking about you I mean that's fine I missed it yeah that's fine okay we've got another 90 days to go until we know how what kind of what direction they're gonna be swinging okay we have a nice chance to do stuff right I don't think I'll be attacking anyone in the near future unless it's Poland let's see which path is Poland going well for at arianism to kill you go right I'll go left so I guess we'll have to wait another 9bo 70 days and see which way all of Europe is gonna be flipping Oh Romania is definitely going for communism and oh no I forget someone I think I'll have to stop doing the focuses for a while I'm not a political power wait until there Oh actually you're not going to do the purge there's of course you might want Trotsky to return it's a risky move but I want to try it Evan dumped out a coin toss only played like two games with [ __ ] yeah it is good fun I haven't ever attempted in a multiplayer you know give it a go I played Soviet Union air the paradox con I wasn't invited this year but the year before that I played in the molecular game as the Soviet Union we automatically lost and part of it was probably because I did the purge yeah if you miss timing the purge certainly in a multiplayer game you you will just lose because people will see it is a brilliant opportunity all right how Spain doing exactly as it should be I do more it really is a lot of world tension this early on you're making a bit easier what am I making a bit easier you're making it a little bit easier for myself on all of the democratic powers at least so the United States will be able to rearm earlier than it normally can because of this I suppose direction they feel nice ways to come to that what I say they haven't done war propaganda yet I don't think but of course because we're now above 25 percent they can remove isolationism which is the main thing which cripples the u.s. I'm not sure how the AI plays that in them more in a world attention world but usually as the US I just go for preemptive intervention to get in a walk with the in them get access to all the things yeah good name on manpower you need more manpower I have 24,000 oh my god I used up all of it what have you been doing I suppose you probably can't say but this part of your master plan but I'm still sure they have a master plan I'm trying to be relatively casual now I mean I'm developing a master plan which will involve quite a lot of stuff if it works out nicely what we'll we'll see but didn't also might not work out so you know trying to be not too I don't want to be too min/max it because then I wouldn't have a pleasant time and conversation you know what that takes a lot to say because there's quite a few people in the whole community if you take it take the game a little bit too seriously and just min/max everything do not so consequently don't have too much fun in maxing is sometimes fun that's not enough you know I don't like min maxing and multiplier because if you destroy me if I lose this if germany leaves and you destroy me together I'm still you know have had a good time and exploring the mod so if I were to focus on the competitive aspect it wouldn't really get anything in terms of you know joy out of winning I would get a lot in terms of being unhappy if I lost so it's better just to you know not care about that at all make yourself not care about that good status I think I'm quickly gonna nip to the loo so I'll give you a brief opportune moment to try and launch a rapid invasion you can pause if you want okay then I'm alone on the stream for a moment so if you guys want to ask me some questions in the chat or whatever I will be answering them a little while I'm using way too much political power on this well now that spiff is not here I can give you some clues on what I'm doing with this I'm influencing the German Empire so they stay in my faction hopefully it'll work out I mean France in France so they would flip I'm influencing the West for the same reason and the kingdom of Hungary is we inviting the Habsburg princess which means they'll be forming austria-hungary which means they will be a very valuable ally I've just got back to read my chat saying they're gonna send spies to spy on your stream by all means [Music] communism welcomes all apparently I mean Soviet Union well my people to ask me questions because we're gone and they received it with the delay and now they're asking them but you know the questions it's like lots of stuff that's no leave me any time soon stuff like that but you know it's and it's more of a stuff for solo streams right so I'll just have to not answer them unfortunately someone's asking about the CyberPower thing I said what I liked about it but I didn't really let you get a word in I liked it but if I'm being honest I wouldn't say it was um I once said necessarily completely blew me away like I really liked it I did enjoy it I could see myself playing it but if I'm being honest I feel the setting of The Witcher 3 appeals to me much more than the setting of cyberpunk so whilst I think I will play it I just don't know if it's um it's gonna get as many hours as to which you're free go out with me I'm not sure it depends how open-world it is and how explorable because mmm I do love fallout games but not fallout 4 so much but it gave its enough fuel to new vegas for some reason not sure why and if it delivers on that i think i'll be spending a lot of hours in that game i agree i agree i think the main thing that piqued my interest was them saying something that happens in a quest or a side quest affects you as you're just going on exploring the world which if I remember it's that's a big common in the Fallout games it happened occasionally in The Witcher 3 and it was those kinds of like random encounters made you feel that you actually did a quest that impacted the world rather than you just did a quest got some XP and that was it so I think that's something that will really make the game a lot better than its capacities now we're gonna see what Germany does with the next focus revive the Kaiser ik okay that might be good for me stay in the Comintern cuz this doesn't delete when you alliance does it no it doesn't do it leads to some stuff at least me but only it enough infection with me so I think I'm safe of German you can stop wasting political power boosting communism there yeah I think you are actually find though yeah I think you yeah you manage it because they're not gonna go down any of that side of their tree congratulations you have actually got Germany as a wonderful little puppet it still works out because you're kind of countering if I don't come with yourself can for a moment I thought about boosting non communist ideology in your country but then I remembered we're not supposed to boost the other players yeah also I'm boosting communism myself anyway so it would you know if I if I boosted fascism for example that would slow down your communists boost the few miles you can only boost the you can only boost the ideology that you are so you can't boost you can't boost for sadly so I could boost democratically in uber that's it I think if you have enough support of a certain party you can do or maybe eating on the line can do a lot I don't know because I remember instances in which I had multiple ideologies that could be boosted um I know you can start a civil war for an ideology that isn't yours but I'm perhaps it's maybe like 20% or something I don't know could be I'm not sure about that part finally guess we'll just get someone in chat just shout us with all the answers that's the most likely solution for these boosting good luck it's almost telling me to look at the German focus tree you can formalize the treaty to do Attis faction is that really how what I can do formalize treaty or is that um I don't see anything like that you can't see those who formalize the treaty see it I think he might be confusing it with the central powers which allows Germany to create the central powers faction but that's bypassed of Germany's in a faction so that doesn't matter no there is there is something that could still turn out in your favor look at return of the cars and then expatriate the Communists put the shade yes need to get a warg and so on with them in the faction to prevent that if they go down that path because that would put them in faction with you it would be a problem to manufacture with me no that would be good fun let's hope they let's hope they do that cross our fingers everyone in chat and hope they go for that instead of focus on the true enemy sizing is so much micromanagement because you know you have to detach the troops that have already exercised so they don't waste resources yeah I do quite like the idea of expert ray the Communists as a focus but though it's basically Germany hates communists so much that they get all the Communists and just tell them to leave the country and the instant effect is that all of the German communists just go to France and that's the only logical solution they only go to France and that's the only country they choose to go to they've got Austria they've got Czechoslovakia all of the countries that can speak German but no no let's go to France he could have got the Soviet Union I suppose but the Soviet Union wasn't a very nice place and France had a lot of communist supported to start of the game so I suppose that might be why I haven't been doing and and interesting developments there's gonna be some problems for me I think this is the u.s. going for war against you know they busy do anything at the US but I am looking at another major power Japan perhaps exactly it has a war go on me down to point away ah yes the pre-emptive war yes quite problematic it's a possibility although oh they're going for the non-aggression pact with China are yes it does look like that's what they're going for because if they go the other way they offer you a non-aggression pact which it's an interesting non-aggression pact because you're basically forced into it and if you don't go for the non-aggression pact they're likely to attack you and they will never attack the US whereas if you accept it they will always attack the u.s. later down the line okay the Chavez saying you arrive below ideological defense let's put Germany right okay formalize the treaty Germany sends officer all members of the anti Kommandant pack to join the defensive line that means the Soviet Union the defensive alliance will call members to war if one of them is attacked by commenting yeah it would be a problem yeah I don't feel like let's see that although oh no they can't do that because ideological defenses only works if they're not in a faction with me yeah yeah you'll be fine then that's fine oh well you've done it quite well too nice to each other you've done it really well because the German military junto if you hadn't gotten them into that alliance they would have most definitely down the line eventually gone to war with you you've played the game very well my friend we'll see how this works out they might still change they're mindful the other thing we talked about but you know the civil war can be very beneficial that's why I'm looking forward to Trotsky's return if I can make that happen painlessly hopefully because you know it's really powerful if you can just choose the moment when stuff happens I have had France fully join the access just by playing around with Trotsky all I needed to do was do a coup in Alsace Lorraine on the budget line at the moment that Germans attacked them my separate French faction would form that join the axis immediately in the next France and we had separate France in the axis that had all the Navy and could lay the United Kingdom for example I was just playing around it was not something I necessarily wished to do but it's something you can do that so that's a very interesting play yeah that's good I like the way you think especially about your games you do put a lot of ohm there's a lot of thought that goes into all of your decisions which is quite impressive very much Oh since we are you know being sweet to each other and whatnot I've seen your your video about the naval weapons oh yes the naval super weapons my latest history video you know make them those history videos don't get the track of you know normal classify and stuff but they are quite interesting if you're into that sort of thing yeah of course it's it's always the standard thing making history videos is my passion but it just hasn't got an audience so I just put in a bit of extra effort and occasionally one will do really well but the vast majority will just you know be watched by some but because most of my audience it doesn't appeal to them they're more of a slow-burning video that will just accumulate views over the next few years it's asking about the purge I'm not doing the purge we won't Trotsky back for fun like Dwarf Fortress kind of fun I guess but fun nonetheless yes I do like playing games like that what was where you want something bad to happen just for just for fun sake I mean seeing how I got Germany in my faction with my brilliant starting move I think I can afford to risk that if not then I'll just lose but you know who have lost knowing that I did the fun thing if you manage to get home your political power back to being positive fortunately I want to free trade and more economy before I was stuck in for yeah I had to stop my political meddling for a while because you know it doesn't progress if you are in the negatives but always going according to plan more or less hopefully you can intend to don't know what your plan is because my plan is pretty clear I get as many people in my faction as I can and crush you afterwards with my huge faction but I wonder what your counter for this is no my counter is the this I mean I was definitely of course yeah I wouldn't necessarily tell you but um it's reminiscent of how I like to play RTS games generally and that's why I play yeah that's true that's true people much are saying it's the meta play but it's not really tell me you can show me later of course well I mean you'll find out don't worry find out suppose you might want to steal on my faction members which would I suppose work yes although I'm gonna be honest that AI it's something but it's just not for everyone and I don't really think it's necessarily for me so you cut off their phone on it Dao is great but it's not necessarily for me I'm I'm thinking of you know just being been free of it all I think I understand you you keep cutting off in the last sentence something is not for you but it's great but then it's the the AoE nations at all or the mod no no is in like bursts I okay so I appreciate your idea of getting lots of AI nations into your faction but personally that's not really my kind of strategy I'm much more very on a solo kind of player so as great as it is to have all of these members of a faction I don't intend to use any of them - well I am the opposite I actually one of my favorite challenges to make was the no army challenge when I played as the Soviet Union without any harm whatsoever just relying on you know protocol meddling and puppets do that but that was very good good for likes let's say that regard no I won't get you this love in my fashion that is a bit of a problem they go you know communist but their own communist ah that's interesting I mean they might join anyway they just won't ask to join ding yeah because when they do you go sign about the communism and then do the pan-slavic workers Congress they found her all in the faction and you can to join a faction if you have a faction and I don't think the ever dismantles their factions yes typically they weren't so yeah that's Yugoslavia out well that's fine for me my chat is spamming me to say the name of the Polish Alliance I mean you can just do it on you know Google and make it pronounce it but it pronounced me and zamora which means of course between the Seas I've always pronounced as Medes me or something I was completely incorrect neons in water I love the way he just ensues like no that is 100% wrong I'm really bad at foreign pronunciations I'm terrible at them although she's a difficult language non polish people smoke or as bad as Dutch but yeah this is pretty difficult sure I haven't really tried to speak Dutch on anything there's all very well liked to polish the world war two comedy called how I started the Second World War about a very unlucky infantrymen who you know falls asleep and in the train wakes up in Germany and then believes that because of that the whole war a war started because that was on the day that the Germans attacked still mmm when he's captured by a German officer and he's asked a four D for his identity that is one of the most well-liked scenes in because gives his name and place of residence or birth I don't remember do you want to hear it in Polish yeah sure give him so because that goes represented to give it which is well Greg Rogers Gregory I think is that yeah and to give it will be a surname of course and what was the location I think so poor got away awarded something like that it's a good comedy scene not sure why I'm talking so much about that particular one but have you ever heard of it Lowell oh it's uh it's it's very similar I would imagine it's the British but it's a British comedy and it was like a really long running series I'm pretty sure it got about eight seasons and it was basically following the life of the French occupation and it was just a pure comedy it wasn't it was true British colony because yes of everyone yes like the Germans were portrayed as idiots the Brits were portrayed as ed idiots the French were idiots everyone was idiots oh it's perfect I'm gonna have to pause because I have a choice a Soviet Union supports Indian independence I have a nice guy I could I can kick them out of the allies and they join you which is pretty annoying yeah all right good news or I can okay fine I'll let you know let you have them you can take the British Raj it's not point is there's no point losing British British lives over defending the Indians from the Communists for that well the other way just leads to total war so it's not really for me a anticipated that would be the outcome but Indians People's Republic and against Home Rule is it independent yes but they join your faction do they still have to debuff stu-man power from not having Pakistan released okay tea agrarian society risk of famine and the marginalized Muslim community so yeah they do still have their vampire issues but I think they can go through and fix all of that with time well that's that boosts my strength again good mmm no good even me and all my eyes don't have enough of a navy to beat yours but you know like we can get the planes to bomb it or something yes maybe you can't get planes hmm we'll have to see plane based experience you're getting full and cut off again it's fine so basically all of my subjects are now making themselves free and I can't really stop them so you're gonna start seeing all of my subjects release themselves soon you think this model to have such an effect I mean such a strong effect and you did were going to try and be independent but you might be in a very disadvantaged position I'm sorry no it's funny how that works out I think I think it works you know it was the right decision to make it was a good choice and I've got it I've got to deal with that situation wait hungary has annexed Austria but they still have the Treaty of Trianon it's not removed by reforming austria-hungary it is removed when they do report their focus tree a comment which one it was I seek enjoyment or something like that I mean there is a renounce Treaty of Trianon yes that's a normal thing to do they can do but I'm talking about the EDD path to austro-hungary and that is removed as well I just don't remember when yes although that gets automatically removed when they go to war I think so it doesn't really make itself that much of a difference yeah personally for me it's something I've never had to worry about exhaust air has never given up normally they go for a war and when they do that of course you lose it which is good value okay 892 people watching concurrently that I had a thousand and two hundred at one point but it just dropped off right after and this is just continuing so uh yeah this nice thing my volunteers from spare we're having too many who I haven't checked on Japan for a while Japan hopefully they're lining up for a war with you sometime soon that'd be very nice have a garrison there but it's hardly gonna be enough against the Japanese invasion they think all right this is this is a rather mmm-hmm this is like World War one we're just entrenching ourselves and not fighting at all yes but that's generally how the British should be playing the game if I'm being honest it's how I choose to play the game oh I find the British to be the most overpowered nation in single-player that there is in single-player because what you can do is just invade everyone without anyone guaranteeing if you do France first I want are yourself agree if everyone if you are an aggressive British player then it is the most overpowered nation what do we do next I would like to attack someone but I don't really have a good target or the pórtico power because is to get the portico power to do these things you might be able to have anything actually no you don't have any wall goes really free or focused or do you I'm not doing the purge I'm not doing the other stuff I suppose I'll just stop doing focuses don't really need them at the moment and we're gonna wait for Trotsky see it's apparently we stopped training new units which is not something I usually say or do well I mean I physically carnage don't have the manpower in your case how many divisions do you actually have I have a little over three full army groups but it's in the actual number because my game places you somewhere between 300 and 600 that's about right I'd have to how do I check the number of divisions have to select everyone we have a second vision 425 divisions there this one South African division part way by just to the left of the Ural Mountains for me just one random South African division can you see yeah there it is how long a physiocratic defense brigade I mean with the Soviets we might have shipped them there no but he's not even in your faction he's oh I see the they fight in the Civil War kind of yes technically no makes a bit of sense right come on like I need the extra research thought you provide I need the world tension to increase but with Japan not attacking China and doesn't seem like it's gonna happen maybe I should invite China invades China I mean it I think China is one of my one of my favorite ways to get manpower as any nation it is pretty good if you can invade them and grab a hold of them they are an incredible plentiful source of manpower the do Communist China not China because if you first of all puppet or release at all the negative multipliers but if you get companies China and give them all the territory they're out there better I was supposed to exercise my units was not think so I have carefully crafted plans and all that and garrison orders and when I still walk that's all gonna die isn't it you do your work around to maintain my army when that happens I do you know the naval stuff yeah yeah I will always have the naval advantage that's that's the one guaranteed benefit of being the UK you're never going to lose the Seas well the correct if my plans work out hmm hopefully you don't spell out the wonderful naval bombers that would be an absolute pain hey you never know necessarily be what I mean but yeah you haven't given up your plan I'm not going to give up my completely that's completely crits although we probably know all the stuff that I'm doing I think I just made a mistake what does the in civil ways really happen like something around 240 right nineteen forty something like that um you don't know I think it's a it's like a mean time to fly so we can it's a bit randomized but I think the earliest it can happen is 1938 I'd have to check just curious right it's not to stop doing focuses and start getting ready to do some more goals because we technically didn't ban exploiting are you gonna do the troop transfer exploit to make sure you win the Civil War was what I was talking about with the naval stuff meaning that I saw that in your video oh I see I see you want to ban that no no I'm completely fine with that um it was a purge if you want to say you'll bandit I'll just start the purge instead so no no no don't didn't start the purge you can you can do you think we actually saw that in your video so that's true that's true the spiffing [ __ ] spiffing Brits actually said it was no case drat so it must be no case for us to use against the spiffy invert a little bit of Tooting my own horn did you know I'm the one who came up with Chado puppeting uh I thought it came from reddit originally but actually know that shadow factories came from ready shadow pop ding incredible well done I didn't realize that was only you I wanted to toot my own horn a bit no sorry about that but I I believe this is one of my two only real contributions to the answer fight for community so that's yeah it's one hell of a contribute contribution things that actually it saved a lot of vanilla hi for games in my opinion from just having the AI like ruin a multi played like a multiplayer peace conference but it does happen the law should actually just before maybe even ago was a bit tool yeah that's just beautiful for it why not no I'm the one who insisted on speed three but I might have been wrong that's fine more factories how do you know more get some factories at the sides even of eight people I mean you can make your own factories as well if you like oh yeah but that's that's work we wouldn't want to do that now would we was in vain to Finland oh no I wouldn't invite Finland because Finland that's now and then it's gone communist when communist sinking sinking its communist as well the option oh right I forgot Iran Afghanistan let's overlook what you're doing Iran's going faster so that's a good choice yeah let's close to go around Iraq come stay neutral Afghanistan's going communist mm-hmm hoping to be the go-to communist action tour is almost passing means sub count toriel passed me like a few months ago in sub town and then I over terribly correct because you have passed me when you did the unimaginative it's no so I only makes logical sense for Torrio's next set of videos to absolutely surpass me and then in the future I have to come up with a similar idea and then surpassed Oreo or again it's it's like the gender yeah and Sif's you've just got it you're racing for a hundred thousand oh yeah that's that's definitely when it gets congratulations the congratulations letter I said one all the way from the UK it's probably gonna cost some stuff in postage nothing's only something like five quid or ten quid it's not too bad ten quiz really that's like to the restaurant dinners here oh my 10 quid would struggle to get you ten quid would be the cost of one single cocktail at my local pub well a Palance cheaper that's true I am planning to go on holiday there hopefully next year just for City break in Waterloo you know I mean sorta yeah that is if from the pound hasn't crashed even more against the euro we're currently a parity which is pretty impressive considering when years ago you could get quite a lot with a pound and now you can't say parity you mean like because pound is more expensive than two euro or something no not really anymore it's all changed in in recent days it's basically just on a one to one conversion at the moment and in the future it's likely to switch to the pound being stronger sorry it the euro being stronger against the pound in People's Republic is in a civil war ah interesting very interesting he's name is not John Doe war yet could I and she can't even send forces to help him out at all I can't do anything he's gonna lose I can do something just not for sitter's it's okay India's gonna lose anyway they've only got two divisions and they're choosing to go at the border against a round rather than defend the capital yeah the Indian Civil War sometimes very very weird you just I have oh where it's before now able to do stuff although I might need you to stop my war go on Iran because France is guaranteeing them France which would probably put meet what with you complicate things a bit on the other hand might be beneficial ways France going at the moment they haven't done any like political folks is they've only just been messing about with our own country probably I mean they might just go communist without focuses you know because they have all the come in support there yeah but I don't know about the communism get there to level of my generals but completely and I have for example a whole army of infantry and neither of them got an infantry expert to trade because I forgot to click that lets exercise you a bit crap I've crafted those and garcin others so meticulously and now I'm gonna lose all these forces to the Civil War yeah why am I being so defensive I should be attacking yeah go for it try not trying to attack if you think it's the best thing you can do but um my Europe you're immediately going to take around on you know I'll find a way to survive just you watch you know trying to figure out if it's in my best interest to start a wall against France because in that situation they will either join you in a faction if accept or they might create a new faction with the US for example probably one but they could a good choice to to invade them right now or not I'm more worried about Japan at the moment yes they they are the I'd say they're the greatest major power risk to you at the moment I don't think you will see much conflict from any of the others I still don't know I can't decide if I should attack France probably but they're so close to switching to communism yeah you probably shouldn't be stay gonna do it I'm actually amazed that they haven't already like 59% it's not bad I wonder mm-hmm do the countries that feel threatened hmm including that calculation the proximity of your forces fear false because I know they take into account the amount of forces you have I'm not sure about the location let's go intonation not really too sure if I if I can actually read it out well it's basically or summarize it someone really likes the Polish language a lot perhaps maybe too much but thank you for the donation nonetheless it's that you can't pronounce it you can copy it to my chat and I'll say it it's read something you don't want to say that the sister mostly just a bit ways right austro-hungary has been re made : does it devastates vision into that Kingdom same goes for Finland and Romania still not around this is someone you see more Germany's doing against cousin which one is that wait for it where is that I mean so focused resuture so it's it's over yes so basically what happens is provided they're fully independent they get extra factory output and it gives them a negative relation with the Soviet Union but the national spirit will be instantly lost if in a faction with the Soviet Union so it's basically a useless focus for them because they're gonna get it and immediately lose the benefits we are the choice they doing I am enjoying this mod really this is weird doing weird from time to time because even if you know I forgot to do research on two spots well that's a pity even if you do non-historical focuses they rarely take such a bizarre turns I agree this is it's kind of like it changes the way the games going and I enjoy that because quite often you get the same old same old with before and it's nice to mix it up a bit I was checking out if my viewers can see the cards because I tried cants in stream for the first time ever and okay they can I think what the cards is it the cards advertising your stream because what that does is it shows it to I put in a poll if they'd like to see me stream more or make more videos okay I don't know if that works yeah that sounds good strength or someone who should be strengthened they I am the Soviet Union and I'm running out of steel to produce stuff with it's usually happens is it what I mean I've actually got all the supplies in the world I just need a little bit of oil and then I'm fine I'm on free trade let's see what you are on someone suppose a miniature which might be an interesting discussion topic did you do you hear about the boxing match between certain infamous youtubers I have heard that there is something like that and then I I recalled and discussed and try to forget about it forget about it good choice to summarize it basically there was an incredible marketing campaign to basically prove some you know fake conflict between some people and then make a lot of money out of it and they've succeeded in that quite successfully so the bogus me think we should have faked beef between us to or something like that exists I'm not good at being unfriendly I don't know would have been good though just basically hype up that this would be like some kind of massive conflict in the high for community that the single greatest hearts of iron fall play was at stake and ending in a draw and then immediately schedule the next one that would have been the best idea I suppose there could be a like a copy founded it yeah that won't work would be a bit boring quickly I think some kind of like wife or youtuber some kind of like I don't know it would have to be a series of duels or so to work yeah yeah come like a lot of one V ones otherwise it's not really balanced unless we've got a mod which was a perfectly balanced world that had enough countries that match the number of people in the game there's a few more like though I don't I don't think I would enjoy something like that the game for me is mostly about you know what I'm doing here manually manipulating the AI and modify how the world will turn out yeah I agree that's that's how you play the game and I think everyone should play the game the way that they enjoy the most okay I'm gonna need to do some things what should we do [Applause] let's see that is sufficient [Music] in the mind let's see if I can influence the eye just huh I say the one thing I hate about being UK is the ridiculous lack of manpower it's always a shame of course you can't just extort it from your puppets but you know that's just not my style it is mine of course yes I am going with Trotsky what year is this 38 radio-wave you know got the radio yet I suppose it's a technology I start with but still yes I mean it is useful but when you start fighting if you're not fighting it's low priority for me yeah how do I donate the tower a or I want to tell him our little joke we had earlier d your boy gone let's see that works indeed okay so I'm just donated asking me how do they donate tutorial so what you do is you go to youtube and you search for toriel and you find history and then you go on to a stream and he only has super chat available at the moment and so you go onto there and you basically give your paypal information to youtube and then you donate for that that's what you need to do me hey thanks he's going to he's going to tell you the thing about the Polish language which he told me earlier and you know that you can deal with that he just enjoys it a lot I think that's the best way to put it now the moment I've done the standard UK overpowered thing of having minus 24 yeah - 24 percent research modifier which is always quite nice we were at 49 the communist yeah I'm gonna be communist him how I need to act in that case let's see if that works boss is not who I was hoping to increase the world tension enough to invite some people to my faction oh my god as the 99% Jesus Christ how have you done historian justifying all the United States of America I suppose that is one way not as justifications because I don't want to attack these people just wanna just wasted a lot things are essentially like a love to you no no I gotta get some trust back down to 39% there could be my wallet unity to change up for my my economy but you know I need war support really okay then let's see who's the more communist communist yes the communist of as my civil war damn it oh wow you can invite rush up to your fashion no it won't work I mean it could work but it's not going to change much mmm do next maybe I should not have Frances taking forever to flip yeah they really are i think it's cuz they need to go down part of their focus tree before they generally flip I don't know maybe love to see oh we should have attacked them or thrall then Iran because you know of not wanting to do that my check is asking how Germany is in the Comintern that we're playing in the more that's called oh crap I forgot I have it written down here I've got it written down now as well turnips and that essentially makes all the countries choose weird focuses in Germany started the civil war immediately and then I attacks there i and got allied with Germany Germany and now we have an underlying to Germany in the Comintern that's what happened that's kingdom of Romania doesn't like me anymore might have someone to do the fun you justified on me before and I stopped a justification they just didn't want to join my affection because there are non-aligned still even though they went with the Communists oh because they just haven't done the last thing in it I think interesting the government or something I think if the checker modifiers well the Romania can actually go with multiple of these local development figurehead King I mean [ __ ] boost there one said something would unbalance the war with Britain not sure what you're talking about I should probably invade China I don't know because I feel that if you invade China actually now it might make Japan go down the kind of like cooperation with the Soviet Union instead oh come on Trotsky come back to me well let's see the factions McMillan we have Germany and Poland okay the United States don't like me for some reason Oh someone's just pointed this out was the first time I've been offered zero amount power for this dream that's incredible forty free manpower do you know that when you're at zero manpower you're not deploying shape-sorter yes I am aware all of them get held we start with a navy that doesn't require any more ships probably I've been nips little readings of chug mighty a little bit too fast but hey you can know it's all those questions okay but guys be very quick with those questions moment and I might not be able to answer anything a brief opportunity to ask me questions in chat okay get Yugoslavia in my faction I can't really do that right now because they have gone down the path of your in my faction basic reluctance you know what Oh Oh a moment I think I'm going to what with Italy with Italy yes future plans future plans I have some videos planned I'm editing the Bulgaria challenge right now when you play as Bulgarians have to take over the Balkans and probably a bit more we called it that and I'm editing it also show my divisions it's the basic stuff I haven't modified it at all I'm right later but I don't think I feel like I need to at the moment was the hardest country to play as probably someone who is who starts as a puppet is very weak I don't need to boost Greece because they already have a common common a communist revolutionary someone is asking if I will date them I will not I am happily married any more questions it is back so I was just listening you know that was great a hentai question was coming up so it's good you came back hey what are you doing to chat to mean right my plans early on if you return quickly you know what they are I didn't manage to get your plans sounds exciting nonetheless what else to do the purge after Alma Trotsky is just too much fun y know what I could do get some body countries worked out good guaranteed damn it don't do anything I mean I can but it would not be a good choice to do it yeah on to war with France that would let me invade Spain Spain doesn't like Japan that doesn't like France very much positive and for do I have over a thousand I don't remember exactly I'm just about to reach your files now Xin hoye for I'm quite surprised that actually given the high fall community of quite low hours for all of the way for youtubers I remember I recently tried to check your steam profile to see how many hours he heard a noise sadly or private so I wasn't able to snoop yeah I don't know I don't really like the the steam communication stuff it's I have accepted some people to steam and then I get random messages while playing I have to stay off you think so I just decided to private this I think it's a good idea something they know oh yeah something I noticed is that in the community there's a lot of people who basically feel that it's quite often that youtubers are perceived to be the best hearts of iron for players there are and I know that from recently speaking to a few people I know a lot of people who think that you are hands down the greatest hearts of iron for player and I'm afraid toriel but personally I don't feel nice the case I think you're a very good player but I feel I don't think that's the case either yeah I think you are probably one of the best single player hearts one for players if they know what they're doing and they're allowed to use some kind of cheesy cheesy tactics I think probably at the moment the single greatest hearts of all I own four player who makes content is probably someone who might know called Tommy Kay he's a bit of a controversial hearts one for streamer but he simply plays the game every single day just has hands down a strategy for every single country in multiplayer and singleplayer so I think at the moment statistically speaking he could be the best hearts one for player but I never claimed to be the best possible for player I neither did I but people for I was for some reason as well somehow he got Cerf who said that people weren't telling you that you well yeah I never claimed to be the greatest artists of our four-player over but it doesn't stop people from saying that you are really still gonna believe it I don't know I never claimed to be that good and I'm not very good interpreter actually if I was good that probably would have won this already I'm just too cautious always ask for single player I do I do enjoy it a lot but yeah I did make two contributions to to the community apart from you know just entertaining videos if you can say they are so one is the thing that I told you about shadow puppet in and the other is also came up with the name very happy with that because that will that will immortalize me in the house of iron for community at least for another month something like that alright and the other was that I was the first to record a world conquest in this game and post it on YouTube and I did it is Poland and apart from that I don't really claim to have any any achievements as that or contributions like this that those are the two things I'm proud of with that game yeah that's about it I like doing cheesy strategies and telling those videos but I never claimed to be you know a pro I agree and honestly I think you've missed an opportunity instead of calling it shadow-puppet 'you should have really called it like tory or puppeting now for the free marketing etc i think would have been a good choice I suppose but I'm not sure if we're towards have caught on like that and distributing has apparently your stream randomly and you are you were talking about someone's shadow forwarding someone so I thought hey yeah I've made it people know what I did no not oh not in the way that they know that I did it but they know something that yeah you've influenced the community that's what you know all right I need to go to war with someone Restless all right in 36 days I should be going to what with someone it can why at the visors because I've spent all my particle power influencing ideologies that was the best idea ever but they may be a little work out especially now that you are also coming this then you can just steal the people I've spent some white vodka bar on yeah but we'll have to see yeah I'm not communist yeah I'm going to stay for as long as I can being democratic because I'm pretty sure I lose the Nazi scientists when I flip I don't think you do I played as a communist country I don't remember which one it might have been Britain no at the decision to invite them when I was communist okay let's do it you'll see if it works if this doesn't work I'm gonna well actually I can't be annoyed because you know you my enemy still got a new ruling party there we go uni of Britain do I still have Nazi scientists yeah I still have them perfect good and I'm communist and that is a very powerful modifier very powerful modifier indeed trying to figure out what my next move should be and this game has been pretty small hasn't it but that's good I supposed from time to time maybe get some better guns I was still in court because I haven't heard anything for a while um what am I still on the cool yeah I'm still here don't worry that's just really oh you know it's broke off there in there so I'm okay yeah I understand the fees making making sure you haven't suddenly lost me somehow mr. Griese is going communists who else is doing stuff anything no it is also not doing anything same yeah well the countries are affected are they no Portugal is actually going fascist Britt got silent for a moment I'm sorry some question if you wanted to sorry I was just seeking you know my country but feel free to ask questions oh don't you grab them to do that - yeah you start that jab me under attack generally under attack what that's an interesting event I guess okay German Empire how are you gonna get through though can't we get to I can't really get to Yugoslavia until you decide I can't get to military access I could try and do Navy naval stuff but either will just kill me you this I am NOT able to donate because it's not available in my country but there will be just between us winking face I wish there was a system that showed us who hates who like in the you for then for example I wouldn't know - for example declare war in Italy because then austro-hungary for example would be friendly with me yeah be able day war know some person who tried to donate - you came back it turns out he couldn't find a way because supergiant available in this country that's a pity I need to set up the other nations and apparently I'm losing money that way it's actually you're limiting yourself though yeah but you know I don't want to give up my people I have to figure out the thing he told me about business before yeah we're discussing too much details though yes let's let's get into the business side of YouTube alright always get caught off of God on those streams my buddy gets either Slava so I was asking what's the goal of this game we're trying to capitulate each other although we're being very cautious about it both of us which is not necessarily the best choice it could be fighting it out already all right all right so they're being quite sneaky at the moment I'm forging non-aggression pacts with all of your puppets and allies but you know they don't really work if you attack me yes if I attack you but remember the aim of the game is for you to capitulate mean not me to capitulate you that's the deal here you pick the mod I pick the defense that makes sense that means I won't be able to invite people to defection that easily now we need to get to Yugoslavia somehow form factions oh hey you guys I couldn't get the fire is gonna get defeated military accesses Romania or someone I'm going to risk one for me maybe you can get me the Traxxas for a turkey perhaps if they allow it I think if they do that you can get access through the Straits I have assigned one unit to I'm going to try to send one army through Germany and around it the end of probe to get killed but a lot of my other allies are in this so if at least one unit gets one in gets through that would be good for me although when you've got this much manpower it doesn't really matter the equipment oh I know what I should do I'm just going to make them a small cavalry division for the transport time in units for the win it would weigh that much equipment in that power then pick them along because they're going down to Hamburg to embark and they are going around Spain which is weird but sure what's called after the same war all right it's my papa's asking me to join sorry I misrepresented the situation also you've ever done have any ports anymore so this this has become pointless damn but it is a defensive work so I have a lot of war support now I could even go to for mobilization oh no that would be pretty crazy for me which is the wrong humming to cavalry hello planes out of Rome but they need someone to do it weird right I'm not sure ok I'm going to I'm gonna answer my chest for a while all right that's fine you're free you're asking me where all the videos on my polish channel because I also have a channel in Polish essentially mmm financially viable because they take as much work but give me like 1% of the money and I'm pretty open about doing this as a job so yeah I think generally you can understand that as especially if you want Tory or to keep making videos then it's just kind of a loss but yeah I did stumble across your second channel today it has been fun doing them in Polish but I know it's just it's something I can do as a hobby but right now I don't really have time for a hobby I'm doing this and the fall time job and you know family stuff and actually I wanted to ask you what because you do you are not doing this full-time what is your day occupation if you're open it's a bit interesting it's something that I can't really disclose nevermind juice fine for its discretion for there's always a fun topic to talk about loads of people like to speculate and I kind of get a laugh of them attempting but yes it's not the kind of thing I can publicly disclose it should be so funny if I just if I just was right although I understand you can't discuss stuff let's not discuss that you haven't let you have one attempt and I will say yea or nay no I've been accidentally accidentally hit it which I probably wouldn't it's like a warning a few hundred thousand chance but hey you know if you never know right so I'm kind of setting myself self up for the ultimate you know British turtle strategy and I think it's gonna be it's gonna be impossible to stop hopefully see I need to focus more on the air force although I have been just business be fing up my infantry lately British turtle you say yeah it's the wonderful British turtle [Music] I have time I'm we've been doing it for one to two hours um yeah we've been over for two hours not bad at all game starts slowing down you know what for for the process it was a senior stuff yeah I'll speed up to speed for it's the no we're not doing too much I'll do something a bit sneaky actually as you know I won't do that it's been useless right so I feel like I'm wasting so much political power nothing is happening to the people are influencing and then if it happens then you can just steal them from me it's true but they're just as likely to join you as they are to join me so generally speaking I think you're kind of okay I'm going to need to the who in Italy now let's not do that yeah because of an urban boost incoming study ology in Italy for all that time I've just found a way to grants Mayor experience Poland's accepted my air volunteers good stuff I didn't even know that their volunteers are saying so yeah I don't like see me just do political stuff and infantry okay so our volunteers kind of like a new system in the game I'd say it's probably easiest way way of explaining [Music] how should I approach this especially I need to get a Romania into my fashion what if I bring my planes to the Romanian border probably won't work but let's try it now they don't feel more threatened you are doing crack that's why sure didi lull JK I really don't have a clue how to approach this properly I mean I could just attack them but that would be such a waste of a good Ally because they are they are they are incredible they are like Poland as a whole if you can get the nation on your side you are in a pretty solid situation I suppose I could just attack Switzerland then it would waste France but do you really care about France I don't think so yeah I think I'm going to play my original plan I just wait for Trotsky to return and do then then do all the [ __ ] I was planning yes I still plan on bringing Ruska back some people are asking it's a possibility that Trotsky will never actually return okay I mean if they get the event that he was assassinated then I don't know then I want to stop then won't be you know waiting for him anymore but I think I've never had him not returned I don't know it's a very small chance but it is a possibility from what I understand [Music] I'm going demands who that's not you hashtag Lebanon lifes matter much rise demanding more and more aggressively for Lebanon to be released there you go you've got your Romania got my Romania but I also have to fight some other people that didn't want to fight but now well I suppose that's fine goodbye austro-hungary interestingly Italy was guaranteeing Romanies independence and so it was called into war against Bulgaria but then of course Romania joined your faction so Romania is not in that war but it doesn't matter if I can get austro-hungary on that oh no now you've got a straight line access to Italy oh what a mess it's not everyone called in to this what is austria-hungary at war with [Music] we're not attacking until this war what isn't one with Bulgaria and austro-hungary and polish war on austro-hungary puppet focus we are here and probably miss read something try something maybe it's time to start building nato bombers mm-hmm I mean miss revolution yes oh no you know what we'll break out soon I know that's a pain but this now's your opportunity to start using that little exploit although you do need to look I am at a war right now it's gonna be problematic to do yes beaver tricky situation oh well I'm sure you'll find a way I'm going to try I'm not sure if I'm gonna succeed time unfortunately [Music] is by some of my stuff I'd have to leave one army behind probably no I don't need to leave the army behind the problem is I won't have enough convoys to get all of them yeah well just take it as it is will suffer some will suffer a bit but and the gains should be greater than that stuff is about to happen I'm very curious how and how exactly things will go down yes it's gonna be interesting to see how it breaks down because of the moment it looks like Romania could get a sudden capitulation but of course the Soviet rescue do that is not a problem for me really yes because everyone should win we have will have access through austro-hungary it happens girl bang some her experience at last which is good stuff are you also hungry has capitulated alright this is the end of this war yeah it seemed just move straight in oh well why am I not in the Peace Conference interesting so I guess austro-hungary got pissed out by Romania and is a war of Italy so you can no longer access it to Levi that way I have to go around oh I am with the war against Italy with Romania yes but that's something that's gonna work hopefully literally Germany also has access to them problem really hopefully Lola Field Marshal level orders and me time it would be nice if we could reattach austro-hungary so I still don't know what happened in that oh cool this is gonna be exciting not to do the thing I was so interested in what happens in austro-hungary and if I forgot that I have to click the you know navel thing before I accept the event and I just accepted the event okay host yes - interesting they have hardly any divisions you've worn all of your divisions one of my army groups disappears a problem that all of them well they've got about 24 and you've got a few hundred I think it's because all of your your men were effectively in foreign land at the time they're all invading Poland well invading it to be violent I suppose detached from armies so maybe that's what work out in the end for now - what if ski it's your turn to take stuff [Music] Trotsky back DVD primacy you know Trotsky thing and then we can get instant will go stop but I have to stop justifying what one austro-hungary outlet stopped on its own hey soldier Henry it seems which is weird what time it's what was Italy say whatever I was too hungry wasn't next I'm gonna have to do some releasing call a talk submit state lean that's good as well Albania forget it reorganizing your armies when the civil war breaks out while not paused and fighting two wars is a bit of a pain but in my agency no no no okay that's fine because it's getting late and I do want to get this done that's a good answer I do have to capitulate to you and that's not something that's gonna come quickly or easily especially since I forgot to research aerial stuff do stuff like that quest you not to join my one my su or no thank you little Warren that could lead to trouble couldn't it washes both of my field marshals are cited against me what about two or three your shame I'm sounds asking what is the goal of this stream the goal is for Tory or to capitulate me and I'm playing the UK he chose the mod and all yesterday's capitulate make that's the end of the game and if you can do it well it's yet to be seen yeah you do have to to it all strategy I haven't really thought that are proper I mean I have thought it out but just not the way I originally planned well we'll see how this works out the civil war is going on you guys go for Stalingrad because that always ends well and what do we do next well we do need to beat up Italy who did they attack Yugoslavia yes and we got Yugoslav into our fashion I'm gonna do quick check on Japan they're researching bicycle battalions the best thing ever they could have gone for something so much better but no bicycle battalions fine Italy it's your turn to yeah and I probably started to keep my division so many of them just good Italy and those only to do some naval blunders and stuff oh that's slow one of my viewers in the chat commented that Italy is better than Alex nice the idea to start doing challenges from Alex I think he lost it I know do then do the challenges and stuff like that but it was actually his channel that's prompted me doing it so pops delights for that interesting um something I've also noticed is that Germany is yet to do the return of the Kaiser event they're going through all of their focus tree apart from that area joined at the war just spam infantry of infantry and go to Naples we do two focuses and I can start all the fun stuff both Kapow I know you're just gonna sit there and put my defenses yes you there is a strategy at play here and you might work it out you just have to see there's a trying to you know monitor all the stuff that you're doing but I see you're doing not much really yes I look like I'm doing anything suspicious does it okay yeah I can't boost ideology into who's in your country because you know there's a bit of a problem with America unfortunately they weren't fascist yes they did there wasn't really any way to stop permanent revolution all right I can't start a lot of civil wars in the UK because we agreed that's not allowed yes no civil wars against place because they're kind of a little bit cheeky and impossible to counter Germany isn't it so they're afraid it won't get supply in Italy I think probably gonna take a while then but it's all good I know half that ski back and I have to start using on my massive factory still work on some air force apparently because we'll see we'll see plan but it's gonna still take a moment if you want to go to speed five final things you can do it right I'll attempt it for a bit kachunk the game a bit we'll have to find out and it's something that we think would they increase my clicking speeds most they have to just wait for stuff to happen we can't really do much search I should go to total mobilization um it is good provided you then just accept women going into the workforce so yeah I'd recommend it absolutely women in the workforce automatically go away as soon as you're at peace yes I think it does actually yes it's a bit of an issue unfortunately oh yeah concentrated industry do you always go for concentrated industry like I do or do you favor something else it gained play style I'm going for so on yes generally I would always have concentrated though that is generally the choice oh it's the go-to one if everyone's being honest she doesn't make sense go for anything else Frances John comment on what France has Naviance France why have you done this to me we could have been friends but no instead it's like this France peasant Navy and France also I know they must have something else I went to France twice I think it's very good sort of I don't I don't like any sort of seafood any sort of seafood yes I'm I despise fish usually but there's what do you call those like they live in the bottom of the lake they have a share and the open now some pears inside yeah but there's a mussel a general thing or like a specific species mussels it's a type of species if I remember correct it refers to the length of the creature that lives inside the shell but yeah a very popular in France and kind of popular in the UK we've added some event dress thing hey Communist China would you like to be my puppet I don't know we got we got I got an event to ask them to be my puppet and it said it would lead to a war if they refused I supposedly probably have some time to accept all tonight oh but I was talking about Oh glad to say it's clams Oh flowers well I mean they're similar things which I thought you were referring to mussels because that's why remember specific one kind of them it wasn't mussels it was they were cold st. jacob's clams something like that is that the thing I'm translating from you know one of the polish names because the other polish name is probably incomprehensible to you it's shag shaggy oh yes I know that very well Tory or interesting that you'd mention is that so they were they were actually very delicious and that's the first time I I preferred a seafood some sort of seafood fish you like thing to steak so that's what I remembered I know it's a typo but when someone in chat said that mussels as in as in biceps are a general thing but I just spelled like this the patrician because my boss orders oh right oh you like a bit oppose the game both your your chat and the game but I can hear you again yeah sorry you're just liking that you forming a little bit behind so I just paused the game until you catch up but I couldn't hear you and the game was like moving I didn't see at this pause that just wasn't oh I'm still lagging a bit so I suppose I might be just which probably play on the slowest speed playing on phone speeding always the best in terms of stability so you know play on free speed for a bit I think rather than five speed I have a lot of orders to redo my guys are getting horrible attrition because you know I didn't give the proper notice but we now have almost all of Europe in our faction to beat you up yes I mean I'll just do the standard British thing and find a way to survive hopefully it's all about that stiff upper lip you know the ultimate defence yeah I went to Britain a day to talk to you about how many times I went to Britain stuff like that no I definitely expected though oh and you've been to Britain please do indulge all right but I feel like I'm talking way more than you and being able this the ranty manner so have you ever been to Poland first um no not yet in my life but of course I plan to hopefully next year we'll have to see first I thought you ended the subject do you have anything else about Poland to say I do welcome it yeah I've had I've had large amounts of my family like visit Poland at times and so it's certainly a it's a place that I think would be worth is I think in my opinion and so that's hopefully what we doing well it is I mean it used to be a more popular tourist location for Brits before your currency lost some of its value due to some events yes this close just went out for some reason mmm yes no why oh you've got bloody Republicans Fame as well from the very beginning that's why I was you know I sent two tanks to them and you into Civil War good point hopefully Portugal stays true to being fascist but I do have the prison is always best route blyat very good well maybe that'll be enough we'll see probably not though and maybe I try saying the communism is the best fruit indeed it is we'll have to find out if it holds up well my true communism holds up against the fake broken : yeah Trotsky don't think communism that's what he is like we didn't do communism right wrong type of companies [Music] have favorite countries to play what favorite country hmm interesting if I to pick I'd say probably Germany's my general go to fun country to play Emily yeah I feel like they just have the most opportunities really my opinion well they are di powerhouse is it's kinda like you get to pick what happens which I quite enjoyed but you decide when the war will begin the fate of the world yes indeed it's the austro-hungarian troops not happen I know sorry Italy Annette them I forgot you're gone yes that is exactly my plan I'm sorry I can't really say what it is although you probably what do you think I'm gonna do if I it has to guess I'd say you're probably gonna build up some kind of massive Air Force and attempt to strategic bomber me into submission well I suppose but like in the immediate future in the immediate future if I had to have the gas you're going to attempt to do a coup in Ireland that might be something that would work but it wouldn't give me much because there is no direct line connection agreed and I've completely pulled out of Northern Ireland I feel it's a lost cause so they gone looked at what they've done David did it go fascist they have gone democratic actually quite interesting League probably the only country in the game to actually do that this is again I forgot yeah for partisan suppression not really not really okay I've pretty much succeeded in all my apart from Italy which I apostle was boosting ideology and but it didn't work also and and the US which has gone fascist I mean I haven't given up on them yet but that's probably are gonna work Navy would have been so helpful actually thought you would invade them early on you know it's a bit late now yeah I was considering but then I've kind of like evaluated that in the grand scheme of things it's just more land that I have to hold on to donation hi Adrian a story message to my friend [Laughter] that's one way just like donate and say hello to your family although that would really surprise me if I had like whole families watching yes hi for has never really been regarded as family friendly or just did that that right oh I'm wasting such great opportunities damn it what opportunities do you have oh you made a war I can justify yes Trotsky I can justify anyway even if I'm not in the war don't ski has you know that the justification speed as well yeah he's a pretty incredible character imagine him in the times ten multi be you could just instantly do anything really since we're not doing the times ten mode I can tell you what my strategy for you was if you want sure what was it you I was placed Poland we do have a look at the Polish focus tree I would do first strengthen the Polish state and then published militarism then polish for Evan Chisholm you 1000 times mod polish revin Chism has justify war called time - how thousand percent someone just donated one clip just to say Wow Wow indeed thanks Vera so it has - like ten thousand percent walk or just occasion time yeah I'm just in store when it's not expected saying another thing is the mobile warfare doctrine has plus ten thousand percent unit speed hmm interest in the on my soul stream while I was you know showing off the strategy I was going to use to beat you yes huge on him because of course he start with millions of men part just put them all in one army ended up with around five thousand units or something and by the time I declared war just and then just garrison the world and the most and I started declaring war on everyone and they were related before they knew they were declared war and because by the end of 1936 I owned Eurasia and half of Africa Jesus Christ um I mean that is pretty impressive that's my strategy division speed is I think it's something that's really underappreciated in just how powerful it is because if you get higher division speed your divisions are just insane they especially in the times 1000 more they just teleport although if Poland's allowed I find in the times 1000 what if Poland's allowed to kind of like exist they are physically impossible to defeat I did again where I was basically observing and then I jumped in as the German Empire and I threw a few of their tank divisions like they've been getting upgraded oh I mean this peace deal apparently I need to take a short break and we do that at this moment yeah you go take a break I'll go listen to my chart for a bit two or three minutes that's fine alright hello there chat have you got any questions for me this is when Torrio's chat has to put up with me for a while well how's everyone doing hello Astro gaming and black-owned I've seen black irons name popping up quite a few times all Taurus mites doing the weird thing I can't stop you oh no it's stopping out good hello there kill zone nice to have you here mate hope you're doing well don't have any pets yes I am I have pants quite nice you know they're great fun I forgot over Wow indeed free Lebanon I physically can't free Lebanon Lebanon's here this is France I am here I don't control that I've released Israel for you aren't you happy with that sniff I'm German but I like you and you're British that's fine Germanic mapping you're allowed to like me you're allowed to locally-made hot water in with a random leaf called teat men don't dis tea it's incredible exceptional substance there you honestly can't get anything better I've really gotten into going out and just getting cups of tea from different shops yeah you never know what you're gonna get sometimes the tea's incredible and it's well worth it public Ireland it's too late for me to invade Ireland as tour is not here I'll quickly explain my plan my plan is the mega turtle strategy physically it will become impossible for toriel to capitulate me and eventually he's just gonna have to give up because it's as soon as he realizes that there are no breaches in this mighty Britain he will know that um it's the end for him really provided he doesn't get the u.s. on his side I feel that if he gets the United States on his side it's all lost for me Helen sniffing Britt I've been watching you and Toria for a while and have been really enjoying it keep it up thanks Christmas tear right store are you back I think I have just returned yes I just clicked to the on the mute button on my recording let me sorry edge you do don't have to record you can um you can just download this dream from YouTube no not recording I mean on obvious I was the meeting that's not that okay let's do this quickly okay okay going for that nice little shadow copy cool I'm actually not trying to do a shadow puppet I just don't want to Germany to get everything did important most important bit for me is to pop it to Italy but I would like to sublet some people from them as well yeah you do want to get the puppets to get their navies how long do you tell in Navy but I also want you know puppets to be separate entities I do enjoy them and it does work well for Trotsky throws because never about controlling directly right I mean I normally I would do this sort of a shadow puppet that I not don't really do a shadow puppet but do a puppet with the cheapest province but let's not waste time and just do this normally if Germany's takes stuff so be it you just taking they're taking Africans really the thinking collodial interesting wasn't non-aligned Germany I didn't nobody had to separate I like that yeah they have a they have an AI that tries to get them to basically recreate the German Empire so they do like colonial holdings it's definitely though I want anything else apparently look at that don't nobody do what that study satellite if you'll be on satellite Austria that's fine by me and stuff like Jo Slovakia and austro-hungary thing cause I can satellite not really no I suppose I could take some land somewhere but it will not be necessary i center turn not make this last too long to the take all the Italian land and take both may Bulgaria take older Bulgarian land I know if I just clicked and right now it should all go to them but I haven't always had it work like that yeah there's sometimes just you just run them again aaaah attempting to take you there you know how much Navy do you have one boat from Italy oh you've posted them but they evidently lost all of their Navy it's probably is likely the French Navy sank it which would explain why France only has 50 ships you've actually got the largest Navy out of your entire fraction Wow and Poland has a larger Navy than Italy I mean that's the real it's not quite a lot no oh wait I almost let my will expire ah of course war on Iran rest in peace around you fought bravely well not really when we sense may wings to you let's see who is in my fashion almost everyone did not everyone I can invite you ran to my faction cool but didn't go for it Dowdell would a defendant though so what's the void if I suppose choice don't want to be in this war though so yeah you're right no too bad I don't want to sorry around you're gonna have to fight this one you're just what chess is asking you to notice something I don't know they're saying I can't even invite invade you because you've covered all of Britain with something oh come on chat you can't spy my stream as well as - oh yeah I was actually talking tutorial as chair as well so explain my strategy - to mind chat but of course you left your stream on so they can flee to tell me what that's fine I mean it's it's fine if they do tell you basically I've created fortress in England and you're gonna struggle to crack it and that's the intent why why is my chat spending death if to pay respects that's that's the joke why is extreme yeah don't you double-check these streams fine I see on the mini mini thing it's just delayed yeah and when I search for Tori or my stream comes up benefit of tagging they quickly check my yeah your street she's up for him yeah someone was miss informing me oh I think there's paying f to pay respects yeah that would make sense I suppose attacking Iran yes well I just seem to have sent two few troops there Iran is fortified apparently people that are spending I've started asking why they're spending f I mean it often happens when you're playing these kinds of games you just forget where the memes come from but don't worry the meme exists and that's all that matters really for them I mean I will be coming after you relatively soon I still have to do some things before that but that works out you know I don't have Marines or anything like that well then please yes please well a research done just researching my first heavy fighter it's gonna be a problem but you know I I decided to go the political route so I'm hoping that's my numerous allies would be able to do so much damage to you that it will be an overall victory and yes we'll have to say good enough at the moment I've just created a plane Gordon Spitfire and it's the kind of plane that you might struggle with did you name your Spitfire Spitfire of course that's what I do every game I play it's got to be the Spitfire what else would it be doesn't make sense to call anything else time to camp around um my planes actually making that much of a difference my peen even arrived screw that I'm gonna call everyone into the war that should do it yes no c'mon stones in the sky I'm defending it round to the best of my ability it's but it's not gonna survive but you'll get some air experience I guess to innovate next oh you yes yes yes so it was a slow start but I'm getting you know more into it let's say right now I should be done in making other people and attacking you relatively soon good it'll be nice to see see the invasion and see what you can accept oh oh there's something poor Netherlands what did they ever do wrong probably something they only did something wrong even Poland they don't even want to join my faction they just really don't like me that much I have to call everyone manually because stead of doing it for me good good look don't you guys want to form a faction of your own or something me stuff no here Iran Iran something happened oh yes Iran has done something I didn't read it they formed a faction yes they formed a faction with the Dutch East Indies in the Dutch we know that but now that I'm in a major war my war justification time is reduced so very much because I have Trotsky NKVD divisions and world tension I get multiple war goes at ten days each Christ that's um that's pretty good not bad at all oh there's death who should be next you're in my faction already or my affection already you're a communist you're a communist you should be in my faction yeah it's gonna take me a while but I still have a few countries to take over try to be as quick as possible no Jim Jones interesting our vote team is going for the invasion of France what's the French are going to do about it please say they don't defend from the Belgians please say oh my gosh yes attend take my house please but you they are oh I'm good I once said Natasha if I can but I can only have one division to fight a new was that expeditionary force no thank you no most people in my chart are saying F because they think I'm going to lose but the thing is I don't have to win all I have to do is survive it's all that matters that's the British way survival any cost my friend is viable any cost soon if you indeed survive you should but I mean I'll do my best I think I have this figured out it's a pity I didn't cover the u.s. because that would have made a hell of a difference George yeah if you had the US I really wouldn't stand a chance against anything you throw me I do have some plans which might you know see oh I have a ward oh sorry dr. tech Portugal Oh will they be the last one left maybe I need old and Navy I can get interesting you might find a fun surprise Beaufort everywhere I can I can no naval force everywhere what oh you did good anti-air everywhere that's not it either did you do it suppose we'll see soon enough all right I still need to attack someone else I keep forgetting which countries I haven't invaded yet survey survey I think I've invaded just about everyone but I'd like to make sure good pitch elated Denmark has joined Iran in its faction am I really going to pick up everyone aren't you that's gonna be interesting in 10 - unless you're getting bored because it's taking too long I know you know I'm smelling things up I mean you can attempt to try and take me now just I'm just hoping I have a little bit more time but we'll have to see I think I will manage it I think I've got my way sorted out asking between the way the giri's well you know Greece is almost in my faction they've gone communist I was hoping I wouldn't need to invade them hmm so yeah that's a bit of a bummer I know Greece I know about Greece I know the real Navy is not that big but unfortunately their Navy would probably get killed let's take the Baltics already just to fine on you hey let's win you 40 days damn not bad at all the fires I don't like them having modifiers mm-hmm it's gonna be better than dance know how this Gloucester on swing yeah you have to yes oh my gosh poor food seemed too young and you've absolutely ruined them get there peacefully oh so chill until hasn't capitulated that's very strong of them yes they're you know they're usually an absolute pain to try and take especially if you live in the build-up forts they get that ability then yeah they tend to be impossible I mean unless you have strategic bombers but I usually don't bother with planes like I forgot to build them this time which might mean you'll win we'll see all right more justifications just a few more Oh Vanilla's political correctness division recovery Latino it's pretty damn nice it's a good thing normally I decide the communist tree because the fascist one is so much stronger with militarism which is probably the best focus ever and if you didn't know the ones that she directly puppet people for no cost it's just so powerful someone donated 50 SEK I don't know what the currencies SEC is is it the Luigi anyway they say F in peace because they think I'm gonna lose but I'm gonna prove them wrong see I need a little bit more time because I'm still doing the things I'm doing yeah no that's fine I understand everyone a Turk am i justifying forget to justify the Greece I was hoping you would come peacefully but you didn't I'm gonna have to wait until the other war goes already no that's a pity we're going to invade me and I started with you know sort of capitulated with a lot of Garrison's on all my coasts my whole coastline was garrisoned yeah I don't worry you don't have to worry about a surprise naval invasion for me it's not known but that was my beginning strategy someone who's asking me how they can invade China as Japan well you have a territory here I just put a lot of troops there and go to capitulated the easiest way to take China as Japan I tend to find is just get a few town divisions and [Music] it's really easy example 1/2 organization so just with a bit of breakthrough you can typically grab a little bit I do enjoy one ways Bulgarian my faction he is why my troops not invading Turkey then do you want on aggressive so you know so that should tall and being aggressive it's gonna be crazy now finally the US has gone for prepare intervention let's take a little while I wonder what they do exactly did I stop just a up ideology there yeah you must have listened home ii returns good for them Denmark's gives up alright um however we someone who am i justifying them justifying on the little wing yet 14 more days let's taking turkey Iceland is free good for them well done Iceland no I think I've just been sent enough with dodgy sponsorship deal yeah how many do you receive on week per have Ridge roughly many actually many some I actually am not averse to doing sponsorships but the last one I received that I definitely knew that it said and know was for kiss online casino yeah I've received of you may be free of them yeah I think I'm I've received the same one as well yeah I receive probably about free of week and the vast majority are just kind of like mobile games that you've never really touch and it's like I can't recommend this to anyone and I I agree I'm not adverse to one I just have never seen this one should deal which I'm I'm the ball taking that I feel his honest new product I'd be willing to sell these any sponsorships at all no I've done none the only one I could I would consider doing as if paradox approached me to do one because I'd be willing to do that but I like the game so I'm more open to that and then what you're saying essentially if the game doesn't suck I can you know give my honest opinion on it and then I'm open to it you see well even if it's not the greatest thing ever you can just show it off and if people like it they like it and if they don't they don't as long as it's not garbage yeah I agree there's a lot of it's a lot of like I think feedback had a similar kind of sponsorship deal recently where I got a game that just wasn't good and so in the sponsorship deal they didn't ask him to necessarily they didn't force him to be beneficial to the game so he genuinely just said I don't like this this game is bad I think that's sometimes how you just have to do it I think I'm going to leave Greece alone because just Fanning will take me 100 days oh yes I need to do something a bit weird go to Portugal I'll go to port oh you are in Portugal already that's fine then you know what I think I can leave a round alone for now on my own eyes walk figure it out you could probably do flow war on Sweden Norway and Finland and your allies will just sort it out for you probably but I have another plan Ian might cost me tea early Oh mint I suppose just need my guys in position first right I was I just went in yet no it was not no I haven't no walk on this way Nia there won't stay done quickly all right has capitulated the default who's still standing Dutch East Indies we'll have to capture these things easily as you can probably expect I'm gonna get all the puppets I can yeah that's fine don't you sit backwards wait a minute is Communist China not the thing anymore it is I get the option to satellite Communist China which is I want I hope the cane doesn't break when I do that hmm there's a strawpoll going around in my chat I'm voting on who should win I'll read out the results although it's only been up for a brief period of time at the moment in the lead drew Donnell is apparently going to win with a 44 percent majority Tory or is in second place and finally in third space for debating to me which isn't the best but hey you know I think honestly you guys shouldn't lose faith necessarily just because tutorial might have effectively the entire world in his faction doesn't necessarily mean he's going to win in the moment what would some people who moil at war with oh crap the game has bugged out a bit I can't click the war screen so what do you what do you mean I click that we are at war button you know we're currently at war plane yeah let's maybe unpause the game and see if it changes anything okay just doesn't pop up nothing pops up well we should still win before we're near capitulate which will happen eventually damn it okay then okay then works out meantime I do have a plan stupid it's never good when Torah has a plan it's never good be topless way no I I suppose I can I can have them in the water still okay mm-hmm where are you guys very long time dude yet anywhere all right you know what no time to waste let's try the plan and see if it's stupid or not so you don't justify me and declare was for a moment I'll set everything up just one when I say it oh my god okay interesting interesting the question is can I get there quickly enough you might be able to actually um we'll have to see you will have to see see if I can do something to uh negative States of America all right Oh someone mmm can check the walls at the water up on the picture of the world with the world tension see Asian has happened all right I should I should be calling everyone into this right yes you probably should yeah yeah India is involved why attack on you but you know that was always my plan to to just do it late now the thing is if you don't get this surely you can just immediately um start another one and no I mean I can but it will be less and less effective because with each of them the Communist support decreases see if we click on the US only has ten percent and when I did the thing it had much more oh no oh no old Boston don't think i'ma get it I think yep I think we've done it is a good idea of me to send my fighters in school I mean it is just so slow dammit dammit dammit yeah looks like they're going to grab it before you can do it should have done isn't Floyd a cat damn it well maybe you can get another one still there still have ten percent ten percent might be enough we need to just continue yeah they're about to walk into Boston and take the vault they're not walking - oh they are and I've taken I don't have a port yeah so your war the u.s. now but you haven't got your advantage well worse than nothing all right all right all right I pitch elated which is a horrible thing and Bart I have something else that I know can you do another cool can I quickly do another cool crucial stage a coup no because they're still understood act damn it nothing I just now thought of a great way to fix this but I only just now thought of this great way to fix this what is your great way to fix this then fix this is that you're now puppet Canada gives me military axes think you can forbid them to I don't think I can actually stop them from doing anything because of how they're they're almost independent if I'm pretty sure they basically are I don't even think they work on these mine anyone oh I can request therefore since that's it how can you guys move into Canada we're currently at war with something something I was just dead dangerous really yeah let's try it I just screwed myself should have started that was an access from them before I did the coup which was a pretty dumb thing for me to do I only did turn communist so I can't cool them I'm not allowed to cool you but okay something else something else all right so something else we could do well how do you want YouTube home my daughter still got a lot of people viewing what an interesting evening this has turned out to be Torah I think we understand what you're saying you're being very quiet I'm sorry um yes I think probably the time for war will be soon upon us I'll try to be as quick as possible just need to do this one last thing I want to try to maybe get us and if it doesn't work out and I'll just attack you and see what happens click something I didn't know what it was something with Japan apparently Japan now all right let's just be quick about this hmm learn something in America I know can I get you little moment longer I think I might have the answer oh right just succeed his answer hopefully hopefully just need to check some things this is important this is a France all right into cooler I need to get to France well not exactly image also it sounds nice you you guys you guys need to transport here it was not friendship damn it sorry I have an alternative plan it's gonna yeah are suggesting that the cool Mexico I can't go Mexico Mexico has too much stability you can't cool someone with 99% stability ten more minutes maybe can we go to a higher speed sure four or five main fuel in full my risk lagging your eyes so I'm gonna stick with I think when I like glass it was at five so far it's dutiful stick to for fun moment para drop don't really have an Air Force do I even have any transport planes pay attention to that moment but my troops arrived and cribbing yet they have not they are on their way Romanian problem problem we're friends with the Romanians this my name is my army going to be sunk by the Americans perhaps will you survive damn it alright alright alright this might work as well I'm gonna try and do something okay could be interested to see what it is mmm risky be staging some cools what a mom oh this is one state so I don't think a coup I was thinking that maybe like half of the state would become the coup thing I don't know it doesn't seem to be happening so probably done it doesn't work yes who else could I do I could maybe do Nicaragua but they also have one state apparently Colombia Venezuela as I wanted to get into you know into Mexico and then attack the US from the South but if I have to go through half of South America and that just we won't have enough time and I will lose my default good you try and cool maybe Canada I mean it's that can't cool in a communist country oh yes you can of course I've protected Canada that was a very good choice of mine brilliant idea I'm gonna try something else but probably want to work one more thing and then they think will be I'm gonna try and do it pour a drop because one province will be enough for me can I do a peridot from a country that gives me military access I don't remember if not then this is not going to work if I remember correctly I don't think you can okay then leaves me out of options unfortunately three so not completely out of options that's completely out of options I have something I can do I can do I'm sorry sorry I guess I'm just off its phone just read the next donation which is maintenance company only when talking about that how did you find the artillery only challenge on a scale of one to ten how much did you enjoy it at all see I actually because I had fun when I did mine because I did it with Alex the reverser an ALP surrounded with Vale face when we did it live on stream cover like a competition against each other it was actually really good fun because because we were both doing artillery only it wasn't physically painful to do oh here we go justifying against me perfect it's tired this is what what I was waiting for it was to be expected it maybe you will be the toys you can only hope and is he gonna take you to justify have you already got it okay not yet wait a moment see soon and so many days left I mean they snuffed it should be able to let now remember who wanna justify non just someone that's ten days all right that works here we go perfection you've declared war - well can you vouched yep McHale boss a must be cool since I just years a lot of notifications that's what all right and now it's war you don't just beat three okay let's speed for its let's go safe it bypassed a few folks is I can invite Japan to my faction so I'm gonna do that have fun for a bit I guess rest in peace chacorta you were too young for this world too young I can't access the war screen to call people in so I'm gonna have to rely on and you know the manually being come here I'm gonna cool in Japan's for mom cry - yes they're not in this war at the moment okay cool let's see oh you've gone down speak to what's lacking oh no no I just thought it was slightly more appropriate I can increase it if you want it's just you know go to three with all your house hey it's no big Africa soon you're not aboard my states and now I just have to sink that bloody Dutch navy don't go Christ is that I can just immediately declare one time if we're at war we don't think you justify oh wait a minute it's not so easy to clear them all there you go Oh why do you have to declare war on him he was so small you didn't have to attack him I have to take whoever I care oh no you seize my beautiful Suez Canal so file some program all right what's next better but one save you the effort I've just called in all the ones that requesting to join so there you go very much that's what is what I was waiting for are the Japanese in yep they are okay interesting for do you know why why have a good Quebec what's up we've cue back have you done to them oh my thirty seven divisions just sat there from that neighbor oh yes of course you asked yes you asked for that land there didn't you hoping he was just calling everyone because I couldn't declare war on them because I had to know there's less you have troops that make sense well it's my fourth call in the man but hey you know it was a bit sneaky but we're allowed to do sneaky stuff aren't we yes 100% sneaky stuff is what makes the world look after us for that oh maybe not who knows we'll be in separate feed the u.s. isn't stupid enough from actually going on how about there but you never know it is the u.s. tell us the fight over the sea is in a separate faction so if I can capitulate them we'll get a peace conference and I can use older Navy against you if it works it killed on the way to Canada because I don't I didn't send a few more I probably shouldn't have told you that in retrospect that's why I'm not gonna turn something in my table summoners friendly ships the thirteen enemy ships 251 to 300 are there none of mine there'll be the Americans what expeditionary forces but he is I I can't really go no maximalist portable but this is Mars Portugal I suppose that would make sense okay so weird more I am actually have to rely on my own eyes very heavily for this and say if they can do anything that's all my strength I'm just securing those alliances oh that's what the American Navy's actually coming to help me out in Europe that's quite nice but at the moment the British Navy is just absolutely flashing everyone and being quite successful about it what's the French Navy looking like okay French Navy down to 24 hours the joannabee tally maybe yeah okay cool reigning naval superpower nice to see that is a bit of a problem to me alright if I was of Germany damn it yeah I'm going to have to a bit more on on the planes I did build up some naval bombers but they're not gonna be enough years left on the game although we will probably be ending this at some point polish situation Joe Slovak Union wants stuff from my allies all the time this so they just always want something it's not even like a nice puppet to have they're just constantly taking stuff oh well indeed Israel has capitulated sorry Israel you didn't deserve this but you know what wasn't anything we could do when this goes down in the history books remember that you were on the side of the people Archie you were completely abandoned you know it's not my fault oh my god Japan's actually defending Hong Kong for me doing what with Japan no Japan is defending my like Chinese Holdings Oh for me I heard from me know something I'm using is a incredibly modified Spitfire which is basically even though it's technically outdated it's much better than the fighter 3 in my opinion 10 our turn incredible air attack everything about is just better I was still staging the coup and gotten go tomorrow it doesn't have enough land for this thing for it to fall yes the Pooh's said to fire as soon as Guatemala expands into the next ain't alright I'm actually getting into the u.s. a bit almost I mean your forces are a little bit all over the place but other than that you know things are looking great that yeah I do have a lot of them being sunk but you know the thing about Russia is that it has a lot of Russians all right now we need to produce a few planes do you have a time limit or want to just not want to sit past being tired yeah I'd say that so I'm just gonna fight over the Bison oil Socialist Republic good yes Iran yes so um aluminium a hungry Navy after war something is interesting torture come on Canada keep defending I mean I've composted by the rubber that I need that's a pity actually sending drops cool what is the supply situation looking like in Canada because you are currently launching what appears to be 40 division naval invasions from just one board you know the thing about the Soviet Union is that we don't really care about stuff like supply food for our soldiers or bullets or things they can find in themselves pick up a stone but there's enough of us the enemy with it British maybe give just being insane absolutely overpowers it's nothing quite like it well my hope is that that I mean I have now pushed all my industrial strength to I know if my industrial strength to producing what's the word in air force you find in Siberia I almost didn't notice but my hours were already going there too to deal with them so it's not a problem I'm getting very tired I'm losing I'm losing the words I'm feeling and we can always you can always do this as a part one and come back another time but I'm not sure it will get a lot of you know people interested if we separated like this you'll be darkness so you know because you know hard to tell which is be the you attempting to throw through Soviet bodies into the UK see to try and rescue Canada but if I'm being honest how long can you realistically go on for personally I think I could go on for maybe another half an hour let's try that if it's not you know resolved by tendon leader just put into pot one or just and surrender because my plan didn't work out exactly as I hoped it would because I can just screw it up with Canada I was hoping to have troops here and you know invade the US nicely obviously that did not happen fly but it's fine I am actually building naval bases in Canada ah that is an interesting strategy I've seen that done a few times [Music] there's still 640 people watching this on land jeez yeah soon you'll probably go about 250 something like that come on don't enough just keep one or two needs we've been able to put any dent in your air force we have no anything my forces been growing quite well it's all going quite nicely for my air force I'd say they're probably one of the strongest parts of my nation at the moment Oh some people are getting angry that I'm not reading the chat well guys that's because this is a multiplayer game it's quite difficult to reach your hand play at the same time we don't feel sorry first chief of air force safety yeah I feel like this actually yeah I'm struggling to also find a way in which you get an easy victory not an easy one but you know if we went for the full four time until the end of the game I'm pretty sure I can win with the industrial power and all that we have I think I could overcome your planes and the thing is we're both getting tired and the game is starting to aramis probably how can you try and give up just before yeah let's give it a go yeah yeah I do hate manual management I wish the orders would work about that's why I wouldn't have to do it yeah I suppose technically one way we could always break this is nuclear bombs would always guarantee a victory in this situation just drop a few nukes and their naval invade or nuke a few airports actually well I would need to get air superiority before that so it would not be that quick or easy I don't know I mean I I'm pretty sure I could win if we kept this going more time I'm not sure I can win this today not well after this after we reach our 30 minutes if nothing has happened we could always do a poll and see how many people are interested in seeing this continued people are asking me where I'm from I'm from Poland I do wonder where tourists from yes schnitz they're Japanese planes flying over the top because my country China attack Japan yes that's Manchuria interesting yeah it's very interesting I mean we are progressing in the u.s. a bit not a whole lot but we are something if she did a different cool well yes I'm getting horrible horrible attrition there but you know just throwing a lot of men at the problem is the suet way and it does eventually solve this situation as World War two eventually found out attack across a river gorge as passed and I believe in you yeah well that's March about to board or to history like you know to to know battles and stuff like that yeah yeah I think that's basically the one that everyone knows there's a few of us but then already that important it's basically stolen grundy day and that's it really actually I'll just ask you did you play a lot of hands of mine three or - no I'd you I've played none of them they're just games that I guess they've never really appealed to me massively and so I've ER I've chosen never to play them I've played of ridiculous - CK - that I can tell you that much um - a good boring for me after a while because [Music] just just a smaller message secrets you look boring for me after a while because I'm too much of a min/max I couldn't really play it with the role-playing way I always went for a vampire yeah it is a game that you have to play as a story if you don't then you'll just get a bit annoyed at some of the game mechanics I'm matching good think it's it's kind of boring unfortunately it's pretty because it's a nice thing in general it's the most idea and they have modified the game quite a lot you were at paradox corner right this year no not this year I wasn't invited what I don't know if I was invited I think I was kind of just I just never managed to go I was a bit busy at the time and have you ever been nope never been to paradox come but it's you know it's one of those things I'll probably visit well I was going to talk about meeting so that the creative CK to answer oh yes I mean loose interaction nautical sorry wrong or would a brief interaction at this the virus event and the conversation wait something want something like this mmm Crusader Kings - yes yes oh nice I do play a lot of you for and something something and oh I'm glad you enjoy our other games then I had to you know defend C key - yeah I know I'm a bit too much of a min/max for that you might get a few chat moderators if you continue streaming in the future before the Hitler thing that's generally a good reason to ban someone okay we are getting into the u.s. quite heavily maybe I wouldn't qualify this as quite heavily normally and but we are making progress which is more than we were doing and previously interestingly enough where now can no longer give refuge to Italian scientists because Italy is communist which is quite exciting but I can still give her a future to German scientists so non-aligned counts as fascist I suppose ultima had such nice modifiers its reduction trade low cost reduction everything reduction Germany you're getting control of a bit of Canada oh no poor gentle Ontario that's sometimes prompted the AAI descend course yeah it does I mean that well then just worsen the supply situation even more really - supply situation you know Soviet troops are used to that they are as long as they're moving it's fine they stopped moving because they don't have food or some other made up person it becomes a problem going forward we have millions of them despair I've only got about six hundred thousand vampire available what if you go oh cool almost three million still volunteer only then also oh my god yeah in general I'm pretty confident I can win this but I'm not that confident that I can live this in time that's the general idea on my side I might be wrong about being able to win this but I think I am especially after we have secured us and it looks like within I know maybe a year we'll be done with that can you go to speed five yeah sure I'll try speed five what's important Canada don't really have all the factories I want a bit too heavy on the profits should have annexed Italy instead factories to get that going nicely mmm I don't think I have enough planes to fight you another one thing I haven't had done the one counter is what you're doing in Britain oh yes what would that be hmm are you thinking about rockets um yes Rockets would be a good counter but can you could you get rockets to me on Britain I don't need air superiority I believe well yes but you don't have anywhere that would allow for rockets I could still invade Norway and an exit handle it there or Ireland I don't know I couldn't invade Ireland but you know if I saw the Vitara there are probably in necks and the Benelux and just launch it from there but I just don't know I thought of it good point I mean it would work but once again that's uh that's quite a long way away I think there's another poll happening okay this is the portal to beat another another stream yes this is this should we continue the stream Paul we'll have to see how this one does what speed five is going alright then red Finland what's our rule no stop it for free yeah you know if you had a lot of solid troops in a territory and they can't advance it sometimes but to go to the enemy's capital some of them might get through of starvation and stuff it's some interesting divisions hanging around in Europe one's got a lot of lot of artillery they're from Belgium it's a French tank two brigade with just four tanks and that's it particularly possible to launch a nuke from Calais to Dover well just well just differently oh my gosh I'd be good fun I mean it would be possible yes what else you be good laughs if such a thing was possible I mean the Americans tried to develop a atomic hand grenade in the Cold War period they tried to see if they could cause another nuclear sized reaction you know hand grenade and they basically did manage it the only issue is that it would be a suicide mission because you'd never be able to escape the blast radius well that never stopped the Japanese for example you raise a good point there what are you tracking at the time feed car for that might have gone fast I'm not too sure already perhaps can we go for a bit longer then perfection I can't that's all expired no okay cool I've added Saudi Arabia to my fraction they just wanted to join for some reason I have to pee they can't survey the war situation very well but hey they want to join it's their loss more wine and affection but not the war all right how many planes do I have in the reserves not a lot just like 3,000 two or 3,000 only yeah all right yours are asking about Japan now Japan is not going to cut your last KO I mean would be good laughs if they did manage it but yes it is quite likely they are fighting in a very interesting front because they're attacking outwards boss attacking inwards at the same time logically speaking this should work don't think I can win this with planes and stuff let's see how many planes Franz has 300 he has one I can tell you that whilst my planes have been active my planes have generally a it appears my planes that are having kind of like her even though there's less of them in the air of my planes appear to kind of take out two or three - every one of my planes which are destroyed so generally speaking I think my planes are working that's a pity [Music] do plays that are not fighters count for aerials priority I'm pretty sure they don't for being there right yeah no it's um it's you get s parity from anti air defenses and from air superiority missions and how effective they are okay apparently all right I think is everybody all the divisions are now need yeah I think I'm practically sorted I'm just try one more thing while we're doing the things to the westin their name the Americans yes okay where are you guys I need to find an army that's to where I need them to be and that's not easy cuz my armies are all over the place everywhere okay we're getting visibly tired aren't we yeah I'm positive now yeah my chat said it's probably time to stop I just want to try one more thing you can travel one more thing what is this one more thing would you like to talk me through Oh necessarily is it a surprise naval invasion power drop none of those things are probably going to work but you know I always hope that power drill might work I think tin tirely possible it's within the realms of possibilities directively my mind grand plan of attacking of the u.s. is probably not the greatest and here okay my poll results from should they continue 83% say yes really okay next time yep apparently so maybe people have to spiff do mean all-nighter I haven't done all night or in years maybe not years maybe just a few months but still it's been a long time this is not gonna work right we should have taken Ireland after all yeah you really should have honestly I I might consider just grabbing the now at this point what if I got two lives People's Republic of oh man is willing to join my faction oh yes come on in you come mate there you go look at out there gonna be a great help there one division is gonna be the main stopping factor something I've made sure to do by the way is um protect British Malaya to a ridiculous degree there's there's a huge garrison I'll be defending them because it is it's so it's such a valuable province in the game of Singapore it's insane do you ascribe that much I'm sorry you kind of cut hole there why do you value it so highly mostly just the resources are incredible 300 rubber it's got metal it's got every resource you really need and it's it's important I think to as the UK hold on to it make sure no one else in Asia can grab it but if they do you've just lost something incredibly valuable right try this Oh Greta mama's got to join my faction now parity I was trying to you know give them a different the Civil War whoo yeah instead they've just naturally become communist and another mine that I've got our Salvador's done the thing it normally does it's got 40 free divisions does get a lot on man I can't really understand why it's due to the a I've uh Salvador they're the only fascist nation in the area and they only have an infantry template if I remember correctly yeah they don't have any resources so for some reason they just they're hard-coded to build a massive infantry army they don't even have the manpower for you that's what I don't get they've got one province with a manpower of 1.5 million and yet they there's somehow able to feel forty warm divisions by your invasion of the US is done very well its Wars the plan at least not yet probable mmm I'm not done trying this one thing so well that's just okay yeah just a little moment I want to try out all the options because it seems like going great this will not work this will not work I'm pretty confident I can wear this in a next session but priority in the English Channel to get a motion to get an invasion probably not I have air superiority in the English Channel oh yes of course I decide to pull my Air Force out I noticed the moment I started we started discussing something different when I actually had the option to land troops in southern England but didn't prepare the attack in time and you pulled your planes back you might also struggle to land it if in northern England as well you know the problem is the range of the planes unfortunately over the transport planes so you can't really do a variant of them but I think we're going to have to answer for today I can't win today I'm pretty sure I can win afterwards but there's just pretty sure not completely sure so I don't know if you want to continue will continue yeah we'll have a chat tomorrow and if we can find a date that works for both of us just it'll probably only be like an hour maybe an hour and a half and we can finish this game and see who wins and I think it should we we should probably set a deadline of like if you don't capitulate me by this date then we finish and it's a defensive English victory so I'd probably say it's about 1943 is that okay with you read the end of 43 or beginning of 43 should we say midpoint of 1943 so gonna win by then but we can try it yes okay right right so if you've enjoyed watching thanks very much I hope you've had a fun time as well - oh you're cutting out yes I heard fun time so I'm going to confirm that I did I miscalculated your strategy because I thought you were going to focus on aerial defense yes what I've done is I've focused on aerial and naval so I've kind of got myself defended from a naval invasion by covering all of my ports and borders etc and put up naval thoughts I've also got the the largest fleet and I then inspect into getting just an Air Force really really early on so I've got my modified planes are just statistically the best planes in the world at the moment and they've just managed to be everyone and so I'll continue to use them we'll see what tomorrow you want to continue tomorrow or one um sure tomorrow yeah probably later in tomorrow it's not me same time originally when was Kent yeah yeah yeah if one of us can't then that's cool okay thank you very much Tori oh um I'll see you soon
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 697,591
Rating: 4.6287031 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts Of Iron 4, Cavalry only, hoi4 challenge, hoi4 multiplayer, multiplayer challenge, hoi4, the spiffing brit, hearts of iron 4, world conquest, drew durnil, hoi4 endsieg, alex the rambler, hoi4 mod, hoi4 meme, hoi4 console commands, belgium, germany, satire, family friendly, hoi4 in a nutshell, x10 mod, hoi4 x10 mod, hearts of iron 4 modded, taureor, 1v1 youtuber, artillery only, artillery only challenge, valefisk, isorrowproductions artillery only, hearts of iron 4 fail
Id: Wx9DUa2_5uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 7sec (13387 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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