Hearts Of Iron 4 - Community VS Zombies Challenge

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hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the game today is a very very very very special game we are playing a brand new scenario this is a zombie horde versus community now the premise of this in our is that I myself and two VIPs from the discord warm freezer who is my admin and the other the law who is a donated to the stream will be playing the zombies and will be versing the entire world being the community hello lovely to see all of you in chat it's gonna be very interesting evening I hope you've all properly prepped for this because you know where it's gonna be your nice one off little stream that we we're just gonna be trying out yeah there's still time to join just hop on the discord and the details are there for you to join and thank you can't stand teen mapping for subscribing lovely to have you here this evening and thank you to all of the people that were ready like the stream even though we've only just started is that 20 free likes not bad at all in 71 people watching thank you all for turning up and liking it right I think someone I know in this game they were kind of misbehaving on the discord sorry dug for three five five well lovely to have you here this evening anyway so who we got in the chat this evening we have king of ideology we have Nick Starr 25 hello Greek mapping Ola indeed Andrew GE oh hello Vietnam boom mapping hello that's an interesting name you are SS hola indeed it looks like an alternative history of a purlin bull for a picture quite interesting zombies how does that work so I am playing this custom nation here effectively using the infection scenario mode you'll find the Lord in the description of the stream you just get it downloaded and then you join the game and so I'll be playing this with a admin of my discord co-op ping and then we've got someone in this of a nation Jesus Christ what the heck is that whoa that is mm huff oh my god law how much is that that's mm half is that the Hungarian currency of huff nurse because no well uh the lul is playing over here in this separate zombie horde combine the zombies have an army of about 1000 divisions it's gonna be interesting to see what happens holy shite them that is more than $1 congratulations on permanent VIP rank and subscribers we also have XP you see moh BTD is to subscribe now that is a lovely and complicated name Jesus Christ thanks law Wow that is indeed a currency I'm not gonna quickly google how much that actually is in Sterling why is the stream pitch-black oh that's just me or is it pitch black no it's true lovely and another person subscribed Dovie das and john zu e lovely thank you very much here very much from me I can't even convert it honestly law I can't even convert how much mm half is [Music] so perrolli it could be five British pounds so 2,000 Hungarian France is seven point nine US dollars which means it is about five British pounds but I can now profess that I am the proud owner of 2,000 Hungarian for net forints whatever that means Wow thank you very much hello oh what a donation and thank you to catch upload for subscribing a fee websites for subscribing gabriel balls for subscribing david beak is subscribed and mine Boog is their height for subscribing there we go all these notifications going straight through and garyun floor needs off what an interesting currency right i think we are roughly good to go we've got 24 people in the game that seems like a good number interestingly no one wants to play turkey we've quite a few people liberally playing rather far away from them not the spy couple the waiver in china I don't think I'm gonna be reaching China anytime soon failed to connect hmm that's been interesting if you've failed to connect you might want to turn on for your mods yeah I would recommend turning off your mods and getting this more to the wave for infection scenario would make sure you've got it mounted when you join doesn't need to keep reading other people who subscribe yeah we're on a complete train here thanks for the people liking as well so that is is I said ylv he's a ter that is not pronounceable I'm Luca Bronte see that's pronounceable that is more than pronounceable oh yeah play alleged game on yeah that's a mistake right there anyway so technically the law was donated five pounds into my paying for my bills brackets crippling t addiction I think the island is probably going to be the safest well we'll have to see zombies can float no I'm someone is now following be on Twitch and thanks zippy war to free for folk not even streaming on Twitch but nonetheless thanks for following it it does give you a notification so is this speaking for us everyone this is spiffing vs. everyone right I think I'll be starting it very soon what version my on I'm on 1.5.2 with the public one yeah I started now let's do this [Music] now that is how to do it counter who's not ready there we go Han will stop lovely now I've got a hot joining enable to have too many people drop out we can always have people come in and replace all we've also got the meta guy plane is this peda Joe it's pedo Joe in disguise that's good fun always like having predator in these games what happens when you take England well hmm good question I never really thought that far ahead and thank you too and draw warrant for following me on Twitch once again not streaming on twitch but hey good love password ID all of that it's on the earth on the discord yeah oh yeah good for you just open youtube when they started now that is a good stroke of luck good luck to everyone for they can meet it they're going to me and they louver snack bar what a name thank you for the subscription you've signed up to a year supply of me right games ready to start now I'm an interesting situation myself and Fraser we have lots and lots of divisions over here we have plenty thousands in fact okay declined some of these I'll join in it slightly too many we've no commanders as well oh looks like these guys are just gonna have to learn as in planning - 20 planning + 20 Porsches and reckless wonderful guy I mean vaping Eagle lovely to you it's been a while since you've been around I'll tell phrase to control the Middle East right looks like we should be ready to go hello g-man three two one how many divisions do you have yeah how many do we have looks like we have 775 on our side ain't bad but let's take a look at these divisions because they could be pretty weak template wise oh I see this is what they are they've got padlock symbol so it's just standard 18 whip infantry I think too special to them 72 soft attack one two heart attack how much equipment do we have oh do these guys not require equipment no they do require 19 weapons so we will actually need to reduce guns although of course we should be able to produce loads of guns there should be no problem we're going to need of course towed artillery and probably some support equipment as well so we'll get them producing a national focus set it's probably best we go for army effort to get some experience in or do that non-aggression pact with Iceland - no everyone's getting invaded I'm afraid now what do we do here well with maxed out our infrastructure so that's good could do it some more military factories I say throw some in here decline all of these non-aggression pacts research let's go for infantry defense break or should we give for the research beat okay yeah lots of lots of divisions but we do get a few negative d-bus I'm pretty sure yeah no political power I'm pretty sure we generate negative political power so we're never going to be able to have positive political power stuck in a closed economy got extensive conscription Ireland is apparently trying to boost democracy in us it doesn't really matter still gonna invade everyone keep producing our guns or is it I feel like I'm gonna be burning for artillery as well as manpower and guns as for the rest of it maybe some fighter planes that I should be useful but we don't have any much manpower do we have 106 million okay can I please explain why your game is slow all the time could be your plane with too many modes could be your processor isn't fast enough to keep up with y for derpy words derpy derp he's playing a little over in China over here is derpy who knows what he's gonna be going he's going for it secure internal politics anyway I need to be focusing on this theater because this is my theater okay so this army here is going to be dealing with all of this and fading hopefully north up to France these divisions here will be invading watch go hopefully I need to narrow that gap Portugal and you'll be invading in Vincent Manor up to the north and you unassigned middle divisions are all going to be in one great big an efficient line but that's just how it has to be Oh 160 Wow we do have a lot of infantry here and your job is just to take the bulk of Spain there we go right I can either set all of you up to be good to go and we can get all of our armies under this one bloke let's see if we a nice little face on him well we don't actually have anyone who can promote oh that's a shame babe pictures on bees don't my brexit you who knows maybe they do thanks to uh things on twitch for following me I guess I know that one twitch behave nice alright let's start one speed my berry joins our low speed joins alloys it's a good start but it's not gonna save you oh my god games going a bit slow to be expected I guess [Music] I really want someone to March straight into to Madrid that'll be good I'm actually going to disable hot join the time being and I will join my friends over in the discord for a chat people playing a zombies that is thank you to a human DW for subscribing lovely Tavia this evening right dude I just got all of my divisions removed look what did you look yeah they start with no man pal so just dies yeah I had literally just got my boots right okay I'll pull you to ohms you know British Filipino you did what can you use the show sack on the bonnet sure do we have to be movin fleet yeah we have a massive fleet of wasp if it doesn't really matter it's democracy you get less stability is this spiff yeah I can't play why what's up you got no army I'll send you some of us but no I can't actually we have sent a diplomatic request so we can't send another for a while and we are allied with them sending volunteers I think I think we should just we need 10 to a 40% if you can really think no they can they can say dude so it would appear your kind of buggered because you don't have an army or manpower nor do I have manpower this is very stupid it's very stupid worked in my test game I would say then just try and [ __ ] now a few actually you've got a fleet do you have manpower in your fleet cuz maybe that's where were your manpower well yeah I still eat like half your Navy that's wrong my [ __ ] god no I was known maybe not yeah yes he does he's like five hundred ships doesn't shout for me well yes you tough man it still means I have no guns so I can send you guns yeah I can do that but apparently I can send you an expeditionary force now oh yeah no that'd make I've said you oughta divisions there we go oh that's I don't think that would help but thanks yes someone just funded five PLA PLN five whatever that is it's not a Polish currency what's the only leader you only need 19 infantry equipment oh yeah yeah but they're not rating fast yeah it's gonna have to train first and defend your capital really oh my god this is so stupid I lost my landing in like Mexico and [ __ ] it sounds will for subscribing lovely to have you here that's about a pound six pound nobody's dragging it down okay America taking a kick where we go thanks for reminding me and we lost on like I said Jesus so remain decent girl there is good news the zombies of bloody marching straight for Spain America's going the Allies anyway oh my god if I'm getting intercepted I hope you're maybe will help me with that intercepted okay I mean my Navy for some reason seems to be oh my Navy's defeating the British at the moment yeah you're helping me those are my Conway's you're like a baby I don't know probably it's all someone disconnected so it's probably the game where it's a bit off you only have one donkey on toast with yeah yeah getting your chips are really cheap or something that they're just a load of crappy destroyers really 762 of the shittest destroyers in portugal yeah the Suez Canal don't know if I should kick the boy is playing Germany laughter it's too far behind don't tell my dad no tell my dog don't do it I have the Heineken on here look look at the world tension history is Germany send divisions to us nice I can hear you guys I'm okay I'm gonna build a massive forth around there guanxi cleek greatest well we're gonna play on the speed to Smith yes yeah the next person you see lightning just told me no getting the cake encircle the Portuguese East on the port yeah no he's like Inghams down brass man okay Bruce my dancer click and we just accidentally over I'm sorry Union it's mine trust we have a board and all of them yeah if you get bored with someone the older clever on them nice so we'll get cores on everything we conquer rights but yes I'm pretty sure we do when you get control of this day I think once we declare war on them we get cos on it and claims on it yeah claims are not [ __ ] yeah don't about pools me claims thanks to the free for subscribing or so dopey I'm pretty sure in the wrong voice Cho this is the zombie chuck this rule the dead remain oh so I am dead inside its feet to spiff and Tom or derp is leggings down from speed to fill my dip is gonna that's like the but the Great Purge right just hand me on your coffee can literally at all but I've discovered a negative of our Navy it's a song resume if for some reason can't actually move attended just to defend our ports yes to defend the pool nice that one single port yes I see you're a medical all right so I think France is mine it yeah Franz is the player that I'm going to be bordering 94 2 vs this shouldn't be able to stop me but I think they're trying to stabilize it's possible intense fire four or five if you have you have Empire at war right yes good game I personally prefer Napoleonic the mods are great and I second I've got oh no it just glitched okay the unit my column for this infantry was submarines it's a plus it's quite okay we pushed over the Suez Canal yeah we did no it's okay no we hold the C where's that something yeah my fault Iran would take you longer they only have three divisions some reason a grocery what I'm pushing which is quite interesting yeah zombies are a little strange we're about to gain an order it's over France yeah it's very soon I go Spain's capitulated turn to sign all these zombies to the French border is actually for real the [ __ ] doctor intercepting my divisions the Dutch okay derpy now you have to leave him sorry Italy the German volunteers have arrived goodbye derpy no Germany wants to send us two divisions now I'm gonna repeat that non-aggression pact Spore we don't need them I know right Macy laughs by the way you handle all the economics I'm just you know do the economics then I need some militarizing in the main funds yes like oh well we were waiting for distraction never we captured suez canal now every zombies over as it was gonna literally Christ what's wrong Oh Africa is gonna fall in no time yeah my god you guys don't even worry about attrition that's the best part cuz exactly three dockyards oh my god Germany actually pushes it I'm just gonna cry tears of joy sniff I made my first divisions good job two divisions whoa okay whatever Jane France declared war on France it's time to offensive line up to the maginot the Honda you Frenchie's aside you bring the Pyrenees not the Maginot yeah whatever I think we should also research fighters because zombies should be allowed to fly France has capitulated what oh my god what France capitulated ease up to the Belgian border holy [ __ ] oh my god that's zombies defend the Maginot Line very fair that is impressive else twelve to one who is that okay I'll boost pasta he's Republic of Vietnam I'll get my kick be France train co intern oh yeah just to save himself from actually getting annexed you know yeah vive la France oh my god the fastest war I've ever had really if you just took one province and they capitulated resistance to occupation literally everything right I'll make an occupation true but I think our divisions are not very fast are they no they are very slow I notice said instantly it will take me 12 days to go you're realigned overpowered by the fact that they don't actually require MA and they don't and they have infinite amount of ward yeah but instead of training cavalry it's probably cheaper just to train more infantry because the only thing we're missing is artillery and support equipment so largeest are focusing on building wall anyway it's time to invade the Netherlands and doujins easy fight should be an easy win but complicated in Africa okay your divisions have arrived in we have no political power we've lost 10 divisions along the way though spiff and actually there are currently seven under attack in the in the Atlantic Ocean oh yeah yeah I'm watching yeah missions are landing them seven divisions of their attack like look they're just dying yeah getting intercepted I'm not seeing as a five percent well attention hey there's gonna be a pain now oh my god mistakes a very long time I will make an advance into Russia I wonder if we should invent all the way to Russia what kind of like hold the border right Iran's left and they've accepted that is not possible to win Petter Joe is playing in Turkey what yeah but a drummers here yeah he's disguised as meta going oh yeah you know why he's the medic is this for real no this is not na na nananana I'm getting navel invaded the [ __ ] if invaded by what oh you'd I suppose you did delete your Navy that Portugal's anyway Portugal is naval invading where they've got their colonies still in the self remember [ __ ] just putting the division on every record that I have think we all right Italy no no he says war with Ethiopia we will be at war with Italy at the end of this month oh well technically we should be already losing so much political power daily by the way yeah that's normal you know it's so confused by these division pictures they constantly swap around can't even change them I'm not gonna read off some subs guys so just give me a moment um thanks to the boys dog Ali Sparky on the tail crew I've met fan TWD gorillas and it's old mark his friends now do free the dead man walking Timmy Jimmy dog matter I'm stolen extreme line games PvP reach and touch faith Daniel Zen mini Pekka Federico wider and Petra Rosa thank you all for subscribing solid chaos just released himself as desire instead of playing his Belgium so please think now yeah it's not like an album it's not gonna say there's every name of the country what would Luxembourg know that's about to know okay they're safe don't worry basically during Switzerland it's Monday so you joined the air light that's not gonna help you is it you have nothing I'll operate ELISA war with that invite a faction Ethiopia Ethiopia welcome to the fold my friend best country America Canada they've all sent divisions down here Japan wants to send an attention they can if they want to know I'm pretty sure our forces and armed aggression perilous a lot of Russians on the border here books and books go hundred and seventy-eight guns we need more production I shouldn't have research research bonuses I should have gone for industry what do you mean research bonuses the engineering yeah that's weird zombies have stability I mean their society has to be stable yeah they just worship patient zero yeah now this advanced into turkey takes ages even though you know oh we got some playing in Switzerland lost on Nevada Nevada this would remind you of anything workers think that how are we losing that will be as great as so it's about strike to push you in [ __ ] yeah okay Lauren vine all right they're pushing down there they're actually encircling you though the AI general management is not doing good with all this the greatest let's say that yes it's you know we either should have played with the no no division limit or we just you know I do as I did and don't make generals for an army oh we don't have generals yeah like a huge army together then yeah that's what she thought might be a good idea it doesn't matter you have 24 divisions like you don't need that shot yeah good point okay all mojo everything up to one big army well not everything but at least like I mean it is one huge front Alliance whatever any mind yeah they're they're it's normal that I'm saying like anywhere else make separate armies for separate places basically yeah I mean I'm an offensive line lovely attack Egypt has capitulated no repeat Finn's the ten convoys so glad we've Ethiopia on our side now now I have a human voice to represent zombie people he they understand this you know hey nice elastic he's he speaks the language of our people the rich was asking for for the MVPs Turkey because he's actually [ __ ] holding because you guys are doing zero damage yeah because of the attrition and stuff like that and we've gained learned and he will eventually run out of equipment so it is all okay no we don't need well I mean to be fair we have run out of guns oh my no [ __ ] way yeah cos you're sending them to me stop doing them no no it's not the guns the equipment we've run low on so okay I'll go industry yeah yes stops council this Leslie's now it's okay we've got enough guns it's just the artillery we need so I'll cancel the lend-lease artillery yeah I I make it more factories in artillery then actually I need support equipment not artillery yeah female on sports equipment and artillery switch okay just [ __ ] it just remove it I don't need this [ __ ] we're doing mmm to make forward it with but it increases 63 additional infantry equipment will be needed mmm thinking launching very hard thunking de mogi very hard song love song if these are your divisions correct no these are my divisions right that's okay there we go I should fix in our situation now a second it just deleted my front line and say I thank you game 10/10 game eventually push into Switzerland look there's an empty province yeah recive Lee I execute everything you guys are not doing well at all whole issues consume bees have planes they will do one day case of a bigger industry than up than like mine or IGAs because we also have a bigger army than you yeah but still I'm gonna send to suicide divisions to just walk straight into Berlin all right oh you're just sending two divisions to walk to Berlin now yep should be fun yeah cuz the Germans are quite weak right now build this slow these divisions Gonzales of nukes here's all these converts know people saying they love me in chat but the real question is do love Fraser because everyone wants phrase think so I don't think very popular how do person everyone tonight oh oh man somebody's in northern Africa very slow or just my curly hey I guess that man ever burns the meme of wolf I'm okay with that though I'm more than okay with banning news Oh isn't earth French for egg what yeah I'm pretty sure is do something Liberia okay potatoes asking if we can negotiate with you guys ah the negotiator it's like he's saying yeah I don't know if zombies can dig okay we don't really have the ability do we yeah okay well he's in the chair no better job better job use your mind use the mic pedo Joe use the force a how strong Raziel was strong small pony he wants to negotiate this doesn't sound like if you repeated Oh anytime using interesting I wonder why you get served muted when you get moved into the IP dude yeah you have too many oh there we are Hey okay better Joe do you uh what did you want to negotiate about I mean it doesn't seem like you guys are making very much progress in Turkey you know I've made enough and that it will eventually kill you you think so yeah I mean I'm producing more guns than I'm losing with us and you guys aren't killing any of my industry so I can just keep drawing more divisions to the frontline the only way you'll win is if you get the constant to know and stumble from the other side in Istanbul which is possible I think the main thing we're going to do is eventually just bleed you drive manpower although we are doing no damage so only time oh my god I just hear the beeping again for some reason China requests production of weapons war no German writes about to solve how abouts alongside with Ethiopia where we become the only humans in this faction mmm well first up for you and we cover that yeah yeah if he leaves the oh we can't actually he can't leave the story infection sad yeah wait and I feel like there's a thing happening currently in Turkey I'll be able to offer peace eventually if you kill enough of yeah if you kill enough of the Soviet Union eventually you'll be able to offer peace I've been circled to Swiss Army oh not the Swiss that's a good finger than defending in Hills or over the mountains but it's the capital that you've been circled so yeah am I the only one noticing this slight issue that when I make a naval lake I second the Brits landed in bloody Normandy again over Normandy Prince of landed in it that's pretty neat Brittany whatever it's all the same get your facts right Frank check d-day eight years or Everly let's go oh [ __ ] I'll deal with your sure Smith Neverland develop the county of horses are dead if you just seems to be doing well it's I saw them yeah I left Italy we do the fat of extant encircled is army yeah I'm gonna need some actual divisions probably protecting like naval Ares I just leaved one division on my ports and that's enough Gophers ooze go nice well Turkey I'm sorry to say and so the British army landed and then immediately pulled out after grabbing the Beaufort Sea stolen here because you know yes he's about to break do you think so the battle will end in 23 days for this point yeah but it just keeps going back and forth now it's 36 no one in the North is 500 days yeah we'll see Russia is falling as well at the front line so you know it will happen one day we'll take you Turkey no take you I'll be the last country then I know asked when standing except Ethiopia deceptive here they'll always be standing well and I asked alone the by suppose I hate like fighting in South America it's so slow yeah they [ __ ] like anyway oh my god the border Gor to Sambi hordes in Brazil what what what excuse me is there you know I'll give it to you oh [ __ ] you guys actually still occupy your problems no no Ireland is boosting our party so if I feel like we have to invade Ireland has been taken back what are you talking Ross that's been taken back you know paying attention no no I'm dealing with it but I can hear an elf talking clearly not with Brussels on dealing with it's okay it's okay don't worry oh it's not very hard to imagine why didn't you you know they want us to and they consented exactly right well I suppose I'll be person standing a longer than Germany which is surprising come back oh this is not real my divisions manpower were fully reinforced in 410 days what that mean is that your guys problem - maybe holy [ __ ] I like how I'm I'm actually the one destroying divisions here because you're at zero strength [ __ ] they don't want this yet she's prepared oh now the Brits are giving me stuff now that I've proven I can survive alright feel like you know it's Turkey yes leave now or I'm gonna get triggered yeah sorry petty Joe sniff what are you doing with our division anyway we're bored officiants yeah all my divisions have like the tank division of parody that that's just a taxi glitch it's just working text revenge why did I have to have like no it's Frank what are they're missing I think they need to like reinforce yeah and its support equipment and it's Hillary Bernie did you change the tablet No we're not producing anything we are producing stuff we just don't have enough stuff Wow our [ __ ] efficiency is that 20% was this our production efficiency yeah that's good small so Turkey is falling by the way yeah I know it was never this is basically only pushing up one front and eventually you go fall cause these zombies won't loose they won't do Stern just need Germany to put individually I honestly feel like I want to kill myself okay I was taking such a long time so he's gonna take a long time five days for a single province in South America spiff five days is South America it does take a little time they don't even have enough divisions to fill up the entire frontline you know if I could have started with the amount of divisions that I spawned wait game wouldn't have been [ __ ] that would have been easy Oh what oh yeah what switch focus tree is Japan doing even good question I don't actually know you know oh they went support the canova factions and they went the modern Shogun hello hello guess I'm hot joining why did you crash quite an image crash now oh Christ okay sure you cannot run in spiff can I hold your dinners is your country to because no seriously this is on be hard that I'm playing guys is unplayable yeah but I was on the orders already taken managing all of it yeah look you've got 12 million man no you're fine sure sure you're with all of South America have more divisions than me combined okay we've got a lot of divisions to the game I have to find the [ __ ] I peed on oh my god I need so much [ __ ] support agreement it's so stupid I'm finally I'm able to take Poland and push into Russia oh you know thank god you're still control in the country though at least now you know my board is not gonna change cause now I'm gonna push all the way around to Palermo oh I just need some of these Italians to die in the hills yeah the hills are a bit of a problem oh my god what the [ __ ] is that encirclement you're the one in Italy you could run every neighbor country Denmark I'm not gonna actually invade Denmark I'm just gonna hold it the board it's I feel like I might overextend myself if I go too far so that the client join us come on bro oh yeah I've turned oh so true no it's oh no Roger hello sheriff Mateo I should probably read started scrubbers was Frazer joins Holly Hills connecting I'm actually suffering mentally it's okay it's freeing mentally it will all end soon soon that's I don't think soo donated mm Hungarian stuff for this enjoy your to KFC meals spiff yes thank you I'm pretty sure in the UK it's actually more like other ones have 65 pounds well than one meal yeah I guess border with yep no no writing wit for everything are you able to select the zombie horde coop not allowed I turn it off so you actually can oh my god you cuz in a little bit start over okay no you have to rejoin now again no no no no I is it on till now not selected on artists alright okay radio let's go oh no spike crash Oh too bad that's fun I mean apparently you weren't on early in the game so that's fun we can do though you we don't need America yeah oh did somebody go but look who pause the game did you see that he was it no one nobody pulls the game no but it was it was like no name pause the game well thank you all for working efficiently all the time 24/7 wearing well-made game guns 219 gameplay by me the DLC please know I'm talking to you know that that half a paradox developer who's watching this right now know who's watching you know them I don't know it doesn't look like we have any paradox developers in the chat so I don't think we are now second why is Yugoslavia with us what come you ever stop us up with us you just love or is it crazy no Yugoslavia has during the hold why how you just did it for no reason or we just got industrial what [ __ ] it's just gonna join it's all jungle here like - what do you think about Africa dude it's the same literally just exact yeah but it's not but it's not everything you do at least you know everything you guys are pushing in like Soviets Floyd in the it's far in the and then what a port so you put more divisions in it stupid yeah salvia wants to join their war how wouldn't you oh I voted to do his love you to join ours and all right yeah let's not during the Civil War wait what oh yeah because they're in the same faction as oh we lost the most people right now in the Italy enjoy most lost three million manpower which is zombie horde is that I've lost a man you guys have lost three military lost 23 keone okay that's not really good is it yeah I've lost three K because because I I don't have many divisions of my own actually and we're abusing your guys divisions that might be it it's helping greatly don't don't don't misunderstand me but sounds like you're ungrateful let us remove the divisions Oh No [ __ ] I mean look my newly trained divisions have full strength oh that's that's that's nice what is happening here oh my god Poland's doing the Poland game they've stacked 40 infantry divisions on Warsaw oh we can't take them you can actually I think no no you guys have the you guys can just be organ by because you guys have so much org as true it is yeah trying work on the incircle Malone was no production just put your entire just put like 50 divisions on war so let's around it and then 170 guns are not enough but it potential is taunting us he's saying we're doing well and very well why do we need so much support equipment have you looked in if you looked above I ran on the east yes that's interesting you have not see I'm not in control of that Rikki's but all those divisions are really though strange so we can't really attack with them you know not a lot of strange right now Frank I think it's best we hold cuz at the moment we don't overextend ourselves wait oh the [ __ ] I just got encircled hungry now this is what I read I have no divisions and I just get [ __ ] it circled it's not bogus future is there any sweeter than this awesome is there any player in America or am i I think you actually Bolivia Peru yeah you are you are the only player well look as soon as I can get a decent enough army to kill this then I also help to Europe if you can't kill something there's how much people wanted to go hide over in Asia yeah that looks like it actually yeah [ __ ] der peace playing guanxi I forgot yeah yeah he's gonna run off I'm sure where to send my army to look next I've got 103 divisions kind of sat around doing nothing how many hundred and three the Marchman to rush we get them capitulated yeah you should actually push through poland innocent and in a suniye innocent in the same you you can you can also push hungary from the north yeah just extend the hungarian line let's go set up oh god this is a field like we've gone through half a year in game time cuz that's all we've done oh it feels like I've been dying inside this entire time [ __ ] we have British can yo look at least a record capitulated something safe now now it's time to capitulate the second biggest country Argentina whoa 410 divisions from paregoric oh that's worth it sorry 10 divisions however pretty happy if that would happen we have only one research lot really yeah we're not supposed to research [ __ ] I think it my big idea if we beeline for the new research love kingdoms military factories kind of cut it is no bad choice is this much play this is multiplayer in the most chaotic reforms come on I hope you guys want mass assault by the way you don't even have stuff like that you guys didn't you guys didn't start doing get auction I'm not I think charter that don't have research okay we're trying to get our production up so that we can actually a get his staff ROV I mean last you only have like 20 or 30 divisions we have got about 650 oh my god we kind of have a problem with support equipment currently yeah we're currently in a deficit actually you know there's thousands rate increases by 15% with human wave offensive maybe we should just get yeah maybe you should just go mess cuz that would actually be really resource I mean oh my god and just go to with divisions so much org just constantly reinforcing oh you have another tortoise Hillary thank you what no we have to total terror alliance why don't question it ones entirely broken so I'm just you forgot about the 15 no yes asking for your ass by the way don't attack polled no no that's good so let him build any more forts and don't let him repair it yeah I've got to keep it a tacking so that the fort's car it's gonna cost like put like ten more divisions on that line though no we should be fine with eight divisions holding no no no no no there's nothing we should be okay you're actually losing gorg pretty fast though not wolves never come true before any in Romania Romania Yugoslavia you better deal with this [ __ ] the a is actively trying to encircle me the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] oh don't say improvements I'm gonna see if I can do play in there John Smith hasn't upgraded his stats yet it's a sad sad state I second the Danish infantry is fighting in the Netherlands instead of Denmark yeah that's how it's supposed to be just swoop on into their capital then don't mind me helpers doing for manpower Oberlin's out of manpower that's ok we should be able to break warsaw eventually no way the Germans are still holding on and in like Austin where are they lucky nuts priceless oh yeah yeah god I saw it like seven Germans they're dead marks capitulated first full support equipment Jesus Christ it was worth yes it's so much dude peridot saying he'll offer peace if we puppet him we don't can't do that III say you guys but maybe we don't need Turkey turkey we need that for ourselves for the chromium you you have so much probiem when you weigh more where is your where is your resource state because they're all of us our resources right now are sick only eighty six eighty nine chromium wait oh you guys don't have a resource state like me know you built a yellow Jesus Christ mm of everything we got yeah mininum tungsten iron and oil that's it we don't have oh you know I think he [ __ ] up look you guys you guys got two of everything not now we have the resources it's just a chromium or rubber we have to look at our trade disappeared as soon as the game started also beat up Germany and stuff of that so we have a lot of Steel yeah I think the more days a little bit broken but there's better ones like than this to be honest out there yeah this was the top some people better Joe if you're watching the stream I did relate a message no he did what do you all about yeah he's talking I told him - I told you guys about the property yeah he wanted to be profited for peace I just noticed something follow ways but the Soviets aren't actually defending their border in Crimea yeah yeah [ __ ] that border right here's the Soviet Army they've got a hundred 50 divisions so no well they're not even on my border with them hold it think I think they put all of it in the Caucasus no wait what we find there are we there probably do you want to do the same as Poland yes pedo Joe they said that they wouldn't do that I I told them they should they said they wouldn't I mean I will take pedicure as a puppet because you know he's a youthful puppet but I feel like I want to win the war what country pedo Joe if you retreat back behind Istanbul they'll win the war and then puppet you we need high chromium though know what should be a possibly cut papadum because we had a massive war no but it's against a comment or not the this is some big duty and they pulled back it's you know it's not that easy as you think it is where dafuq did the Soviet Union pull back to he can offer peace he says and separate peace well then do that for the job they will puppet you they just said it you sure no no Stefan we should not do that and we should not truck so do we [Music] the Ottoman Empire anymore that Turks eventually okay we'll take it we'll take it peace deal we can take some chromium states as well so we'll grab this one in this one grab the curb yeah grab all the chromium oh it's your turn others all be yours oh [ __ ] Yugoslavia is in our faction Yugoslavia gross that's actually yeah you don't have to do that because there's nobody else in the peace deal you don't have to do that special okay yeah when I was going okay okay yeah he doesn't want that he wants he wants you guys to actually just normally pop at him well he still doesn't come through on my end he still he still at war with us yeah he doesn't accept that okay we need that Chromeo so literally it furniture just give them let them have that one chromium state because they kind of need that I'm big naval invaded again he deployed oh you press done a press done who cares of Yugoslavia takes learned no don't need it Pedro can keep it didn't just do done so accruing war score stop it well the peace deal is doing some part it works that worked it worked I'm not happy with that but oh it's not it's not our on our side here which does raise issues there is all right been playing tacky I believe so yeah we know we can just hover of his name into the Azam B's ain't happy or patient zero is not a good patient zero I firmly found the Soviet Army whereas an emboss cow well I mean not all of it just a few of the divisions that's it's just first editions I swear the rest will probably be in we're getting naval they didn't arrive yeah I just noticed well I'm the only one with the proper fleet here am I not well we can't actually move off fleet so yeah well yes that means I'm the only one with an proper battleship and such yeah we have seven hundred and sixty-two ships which you can't actually move so might as well just to leave them okay so the British have naval amid rest of it in Arabia you guys should really be putting more on planes we haven't researched planes because we have been of research loads how come you have 14 planes then captured Oh first some zombies in the one we can see how they fly I'll go mass assault here just I mean mobile actually yes make tags yeah so I'm gonna be the only one able to research anything that actually does something in the battlefield I just realized if we actually make things they will have nine hundred ninety percent more org here it's time to those of you we need to make everything's okay like I'll bomb on that I'm sorry after this focus actually no and after the second next focus I mean actually hmm yeah I do need the manpower British Raj office to capitulate decline they want to try and do the same please do the Pedigo go we're not providing that we know Parature better Joe's a cool dude am i no okay Joe stop doing the exploit you do get I'm not doing the exploit that was a proper request well it's it's a declined requests no denying back and forth now he's except trying to get control of states no you denied to me so I could have accepted if I wanted to but now now we're just ping pong it back to each other just leave it there then don't think it oh but I have to I just clicked it oh my god just don't click it then leave it on my screen disappear yeah mates are really [ __ ] slow way welcome to the you see my you see my [ __ ] South American front now by the way for the Joe look at this beautiful soft much suffering I'm not having fun why are we here justice um why are we still here justice suffer looks like it can go to Ethiopia I'm gonna go contest their superiority over Warsaw Oh what mania they're showing affection yes just annexed and ah we definitely take everything voice fades button I know no depression is right before you could pass no give it the turkey give it the turkey give it the turkey the next level will means next leg place probably have a claim on that matter guys yeah I'm the Matt I'm the meta guy here to confirm it the meta community oh holy [ __ ] that I had to civilian factories in it Oh bad deal huh good we could have done with them fine all right yeah it's not like you already have 169 next month we're gonna be at war with Bulgaria so we should get ready for this that much civilian factories 50 yeah the problem is we're so crappy repairing we can't hope to stop it reward Finland now okay I got all the way up to Leningrad I'm gonna march from Leningrad to Moscow and then joined the Comintern waited service John London Columbia manager how did you feel about the fact that France capitulated after it took only one province I was wondering why he didn't have troops on every single part of the border already good point yeah well he did he did but after I took one province yeah oh yes sweetie kid adjust and done what I did like you can keep rotating out three divisions at a time yeah most people don't mind Kerr like you do hmm [Music] Oh fracases looks like first Musti haha try try South America so I'm also the only one with a general right Oh warm general yeah I have one Field Marshal yes Field Marshal and two generals put the gun reinforced rate you know because need that extra reinforced rate I've gotta get the division rear I did a little pause and why see so far behind good question he's not even he's capitulated anyways like okay if you guys want me to I can provide naval superiority in one region at a time war I mean I don't really know what region we need naval superiority in but as soon as it arrived I mean know what naval invasion would be nice or if you could naval made island that would really make my day it's Biff hello you know some of the people in Shutts is complaining that it's too slow game yeah that's just how it is oh yeah oh five we can't do anything okay sure we'll go free speed there and kick Derby for liking there was a very awkward laugh by the way this is how human level we are human we love yeah human oh now don't try pretending to be Zuckerberg Zuckerberg we speak human language we speak for the humans humans like socializing we make program for socializing I am a node model right speaking yeah of course everyone likes Ponzi buddy I'm gonna take mr. turkeys not in the war are you [ __ ] kidding me - Sophia war get inside this war right now get inside this good project thank you Jesus Christ I was wondering about my troops are not pushing in Bulgaria okay that's better spiff I I made my divisions so that they 20 with only infantry with only infantry given another training 90 percent per day well that's pretty good oh I found the Soviet Army defending Moscow elections are still doing a normal war in Bulgaria yes my army is rapidly expanding right now so if look at the size of it right now it was 30 with divisions a second ago look at look at like five divisions look at how much were deficit we have of everything apart from governments so something right should I delete this province called go for it why not you do know it's impossible to take Warsaw it's actually not going to be impossible to say Warsaw and we will take it eventually but for the moment we're just gonna sit sitting on wait till he's around hey if you guys want planes I got them and you couldn't ask for licensed resources for [ __ ] support occurred yeah I mean I'd love to but Ricky's right we don't have enough support equipment missing twelve thousand three same that I'm doing guys that's all my swords well cuz it gives us you know attack over you know a movement no no you guys literally trust me you guys don't need it I just swapped over and it's such a good fun we'll go for it but the movement is gonna be crippling I think the ice P fanbase is they're in shock by the way oh all right okay just [ __ ] vermin Bulger oh I'm doing it messes again that's that's the real horde not the zombies okay well cut back on this full equipment and we've replaced it with we don't have any more I don't know just these but why don't you want Turkish airplanes who the [ __ ] is doing this what's that it's Ricky's Ricky he's really good yeah you are holy [ __ ] hello I'm back from the dead Jesus Christ I think that was a good joke here's our 13 divisions back they have no equipment yeah okay this is definitely the OSP cream and just put them all on timeout oh wait what the hell do I have 353 people watching if you're watching yourself is be could you please unban me or get your admins ton ban me i got banned in a raid organized by Braun from obg thank you well can you please unban me I got banned for saying I wasn't on your discord for any other purpose than my little boy I even said no but hey I'm still banned can you please ban me from your discord I'm still not unbanned they're still after all the cool kids are doing you might and the pressures are being you know [ __ ] so what the [ __ ] is this bad exactly I just I just selected two divisions to attack one province and now there's just look here can I actually tackle the map yeah I think you can you can use Marcus yeah look here look here right now and there's a where's the there's nothing away for the world there's no one there yeah I have an concentrated industry concentrated industry concentrated industry is so bad oh it's at disburse did this.first i'm confused in the front if I'm gonna get rid of my frontline there by the way isn't that right just 50 new members since you started streaming Jesus okay well I mean normally we get an increase of maybe like 20 so it's not out of the ordinary concern we have like twice as many people normal hello everyone I should probably actually read out the Serbs and all that because we have had a like you subscribe I mean I've watched the isp's video and they didn't mention anything about you so I don't know yeah I don't want to ask people yeah it's probably something you do on discord because I don't have that many people from my space community watching so we have black laser can L Zoe pip early just a book Haru the sniper near green jab car hot man pro kebab going at the sniper yeah [ __ ] Z Internet to the illuminatus Nebraskan mapper scientist called pace John Riley yeah you're both you guys go to youtube and bring Joe thank you very much for subscribing ology oh my god so many people joining Jesus Christ of yarn when you're talking dude I'm so glad I have all of you discord Lords we need more wait what is this defensive line that the Soviets made exactly they have several planes promises not guarded by rivers or anything and you know why didn't they just hold the river and leave some units on the mountains that they were already holding what the [ __ ] oh my god more people subscribing time for you don't more names let's see what joke names we got today now [ __ ] their tanks are actually killer he goes broom chill we see let's is totally in our division yeah I know I don't have a deficit 20,000 guns okay okay where do you add one infantry division because that might be it oh yeah I added one infantry division should all be fixed now oh look they certainly have 41,000 infantry I don't get rid of those artillery we have 12 divisions just randomly in America yeah those are don't move them off don't [ __ ] move them off those are guarding my dream while we suddenly have made three divisions those used to be the the guys who you send me in the beginning there are there are 60 division Expeditionary Force which ended up being the 20 division Expeditionary Force after I got wiped out by the combined navies of the world and then it just eventually reached this point now yeah yeah base my naval production hang on a second appeared why does Switzerland hold land in where South America Colombia Czechoslovakia of the Panama Canal is a better question these these are questions that means held by yo host of all it thinks oh I think poor Switzerland was actually trying to play the game and we kicked him nonetheless we kicked him oh oh oh he had a chance yeah what a joy it can ever even have a know of me and if yes it's currently marching up the Stalingrad nice he has six divisions he went from thirty to six we can find on the way you can find out it when I was I was a thirty two divisions other shots calm down friendly yeah I hope she knows what she goes oh how very interested she going yes very interesting choice ear bye I prefer the nightcore edition of Gucci day well the British gonna lose three divisions why why's nightcore a thing that's my no yes it's not basically like any baby music because the it sounds like anyway girls singing it because of what you you got me interested girlfriend be ours because that's not very nice oh my god our divisions trained in one day is actually ridiculous no no we got twenty can you make thirty in event of my green divisions over here well doing less than adequately I'm doing averagely positively just about you know that you couldn't do it anyway that's good if you go higher that's not like working out going higher good we discover the black old or a nightmare to article thirty society yes right it's hard alright no you guys heard the conspiracy theory about the fact that Stephen Hawking's predicted an alien invasion because of the missing flight mh370 whatever yeah and then he was killed because he I don't I forgot what it was but there was basically this one guy was getting like phone calls and people were like taking pictures of his house posted about it on Twitter and like people started researching [ __ ] and apparently people were messaging him [ __ ] and stuff and like people were peeing him stuff which basically translated in code to like I think like eventually everything just led to like there being a huge conspiracy theory about April the 18th or some day beings like the day they invade oh nice a coma for April the 18th God [ __ ] out my calendar can't wait to get invaded in however many days time luckily entire my YouTube paycheck comes alive James 10:50 we're gonna have a welcoming game to our new alien overlords I mean oh yeah April 18th we'll have a welcoming game where we play the world awards mode not the 18 you have to go to the doctor well of course you will have to you're gonna suffer a lot you know hey can you guys go off close the economy please I want to trade some iron we actually can't we would if we had by if you had positive you know I'm trying to produce some airplanes here can you please give me land with oil aluminium and rubber because that is descriptive one which gives us 8 million / - give me one of those states in France like the one was say oh dear was a tourist I'm sorry ok no planes don't know Blanc boosts spiff it was your idea I'm close to giving up especially because somebody asked me if I wanted to play what's this like defenseless Illinois if you want to play war somebody asked me if I wanted to play Japan / history and that's better than this you listen up good boy really so Cosmo welcome [Music] wanna go for me you know guys this was a mistake during you guys should have no joy in this fraction editor this is who you said I thought I told you that you and I were evil but what about the Droid attack on the Wookiees stones I mean in the air good night why that's good oh yeah you guys excited about there yet someone raises in chat you guys excited about the imminent world war free because of the invasion of Syria yes really hoping it time Soviets and that's what they that's would be predicted Smith April 18th oh yeah company for the world war and the alien invasion cuz it's all my frontier man I've been waiting since operation and thinkable is been called buff [Music] probably like zero we only listen to Stephen Hawking from now on it's gotta be really hard dude eventually you know eventually Ricky's voice folks will just give in exactly working our way down to the research slow it's gonna be a long game predicted you serious ok wait in 1936 the Nazis have no droids of joining them Jesus I was am so like that's a good point how much some divisions even deal with it if I counted some German troops what's happening here I still asking for control of state I'm not even gonna click on it you little potato now I want to produce fighters now time to read off these subscriptions something is really going on with a sub car today and I don't know warm because thank you spiff experience is the same thing that bolded where he gained like honestly I honestly [ __ ] hope I don't cuz I can't deal with the community that large I love literally sitting at a level where I'm doing basically nothing of Vale Fisk yeah okay I'm close I'm borderline to Vale Fisk that is genuinely how I feel about this all but I'm not gonna go to India Vale fear so thank you not my name Johnson for subscribing John Vic obey Bogdan gaming ftw Saturday she's doctor planning yeah turkey is net lining I'm snake lining everyone's doing it sorry I wanted to go into too long trying to find atashi I'm gonna manually I'm gonna manually send one of my baby pushing into India now so you will eventually encounter us yeah I'm gonna snack line across Indies in one of your divisions and said just use your 50 divisions in the north there for some reason why you put them there I don't know understand so now we also have Clayton 1015 Jack Tosi go boy Jesus Christ what a name Seagal boy and go and wrecked wreck - Kaleo for subscribing thank you very much and someone has donated 20 Danish kroner to kill the killer that's to kill the kebabs this is how I do it peridot someone just donated 20 Danish coins to kill the Cabal Danish coins Danish coins I don't think that's how you I don't think that's the that's like two pounds of Danish coin there's a line to Moscow I'm gonna be able to take it I'm gonna be able to take it and about 18 hours with my one infantry unit moves warm province around we're gonna get there first we'll make it somehow Bess you watch thanks - all right now - no it's not aligned why have we got 225 likes on this live stream this probably makes it one of the most I like yeah like everybody you liked it because YouTube's algorithm works in a way where basically if ten people liked it suddenly your stream is white turkey online streamer I asked Fred then he gave it to me it's bad yeah I gave it to him why is that i misclicked I'm making one or fighter a day in a week now Bolivia's capitulated right we do need to go we may I'm actually making progress superior there's somebody else on the other side of a guard I'm actually doing well so [ __ ] off I might have I mean why is still going my 30 divisions to break the siege constantly constantly attacking them therefore hasn't been able to repair your important one of their division group and that's 80 that's like half of your divisions killed if you do that nito nito actually attacking you know that rights but yeah are you just deployed like I've just deployed another 30 - dude you're winning Amsterdam actually well actually no it's just as winning it's pulling my strategy just hold me forever I mean it works out in the end it worked out for you guys worked out for you to actually don't actually need any resources I'm pretty sure now we don't oh my god dang this sub notification what the hell is going on but I think they might have broke it that might have been their goal or something not my sub count because I'm pretty sure you can't break hope it helps with the team brother drew apparently drew just donated one pound oh no no a different drew who's that developer from NC donated a power I've actually been meaning to check out NC so thanks for donation you've never tried out a scenario which is like one and it's it's not even only antique like you can start in 1910 or 1940 mo no yeah 1910 right well am I giving turnips then or something oh no pretty sure the RSPO crowd just notice you all [ __ ] we will now be deploying the gas masks to defend yourself from cancerous means please brace for impact I don't understand lines anymore what's happening what are my divisions doing what it take like half of my divisions were going to the south which was saying sniff put the word sniffle Oh help me please [Music] I'm actually defeating the Polish better people help literally make marks what did you just realize nothing nothingness are you spamming no no no my friend please no no no no Reza has capitulated very good look how to Ethiopia it's thick that's how it should be right wait I'm fighting British soldiers over here fighting Germans inside Greece invade one of my cities what is this all those people that we did do though it's five divisions there no you can open stiff this sniffing sniffing great I haven't even got cold so if I say sniff I'm gonna get bad yeah burn you has no nose I suppose you could time the market yeah why sniff being spelled who knows ask yourselves this questions everybody Christian sorry no spits Oh am I gonna get banned now you actually banned me oh my god Wow did I teach his time you out Oh someone's trick the game they've said snap oh God breaking the rules there in games or noise left rib Norway yeah I am banned from talking forever five minutes how can I be banned for you know what stop to say you're on a power trip with them guys do know that you're gonna get banned oh right wait [Music] Iceland's a player yes he releases them went to that yeah they didn't actually timeout won't actually even be able to attack them because we cars just robic - negative seven thousand political power I think so good Moscow the Moscow you mine Oliva me that's all yeah I don't actually think you need Moscow on this so we're gonna finish before is even potentially now we are I need to I do you guys want to finish down there I mean I don't know I'm the one that decides when it finishes usually I need to read off from us when you subs apparently that so I got the space freak that's not too you know Alexandre Kristen record check this clean I guess no it's no see go boy that's devastating yucca fries Jonathan corner Poland builder broken all over the gamer 26 a jet neat gaming Kenny fries now that sounds frisky so spife yes not $5 that you gave me oh definitely some tears definitely some team hmm nice I don't understand my frond lies anymore what what what type of tea do you like what kind of tea I I drink English breakfast much English breakfast tea all the way eggs I mean I I went to Britain and I bought I think I bought English breakfast tea and it was glorious really so you guys drink it with milk right yeah you drink yep milk and sugar stop asking that's how we do it I love it turkeys getting greedy it's betterto I want robber I need to reduce plates I know you want to stay safe but no burger but you ain't robber luckily the siege of Warsaw was only went to less than of 131 days it's all good maybe might have to like split off like for life elite troops like a needy division of like ten you know exhume be divisions don't exist but we will have to move the turkey is great as super as a new division we can make them better and stronger thanks green banana of 114 lovely to have you here this evening the ever tried Turkish tea no I've only ever really had English breakfast a few like green teas etc but now I typically only stick to English breakfast mango she's the one that has all the foreign fancy teas in etc she does drink English breakfast but she like shots at hipster tea shops like tea - have any of you ever been to hipster tea shop hips a TV shoppers probably don't have them in Germany and hungry um so it's kinda like a shock that's just dedicated to selling were like really fancy foreign T's it cetera we're missing a couple production of fighters apparently oh that's for some planes but we haven't even researched them turkey is good please I mean you wanna yeah you can license you can give because I think we might be able to like divide like why don't you go into word fighters advances because it's November 1936 this entire game was the first level of [ __ ] mass assault and I'm doing the second level technically planes of weakness what we're going for doesn't it mean that if we get a division that has a lot of great fruit tanks in it yeah it would still have a [ __ ] ton award yes because it is just division organization and recovery so yeah if we if we had a tank division if we've researched a tank division it would be incorrect we had even tanks even had tanks it would be very impressive but these guys don't learn at all Jesus Christ they just returned with more sniffs I am banning every word as you know with it raining oh that's not really an effective way of moderating a chat someone is typing in a language it works for me okay that is how you have noticed I mean I I also broke and I smooth their attorney headed Josette's someone says Smith oh my god crazy Oh Sofia t-shirts a snap do I need to do it the man's gonna take four days to move in Africa Jesus Christ God it's gonna take ages China oh by the way some more troops do it well I need more troops okay just a ploy load in your land there to your pink one though oh I've accidentally flooded it with oh my god 96 divisions Greece doesn't need 96 divisions okay oh really I go there's 40 division oh he already lost two divisions in Warsaw yes progress they're losing a third soon what's that man power still got a bit manpower so actually everything around we might eventually go this it's near snarf snore someone says I really want through just been Guardian sniffy OSIS big Guardium [ __ ] I have any of you guys seen a quarter or just borrowed they'll kind of question is that yeah I mean is it's a solid solid franchise the movie and makes like a lot of parts basically yeah first of all snitch well stitch no no it's it's about a society where everyone carries weapons to school actually yeah that's not a British school if the students are allowed to bring guns Ireland is boosting our party popularity still I vote that we we move to democratic are we actually getting democracy yes the whole time both him too like we don't a switch to Democrat at the game will crash oh nice I don't think I've seen I've seen there's only switch to freshers in the force at home yeah joined the non-existent a non-existing access Gotham at the amount of Belgium Poland Bulls I'm seeing nowadays are crazy well I haven't won as my profile picture you do Pettit oh so you're any better than the rest what you are very first-ever speech problem there you know the program didn't work right you know how it is man oh very offended by that sniffing brute if the sniffing Brit Ecuador unbelievable what do you I think they are I'm just gonna I'm seriously reaching the point where I'm so tired of this [ __ ] attrition if I need more people you know let's have a ball people okay I'll give you some more people but I think it's another 50 okay where I'll give you 50 60 ago and they're gonna appear at all capital we should appear in most of that right so allow me to tell you the rivalry between disel Dorf and cooler now in Germany we have düsseldorf we have Cologne your very big city is pretty jazzy whatever but yeah cologne basically produces coach which is a beer and düsseldorf produces there are a pretty sure it's called like black bear or something like the translator and they have a huge rivalry between the two and basically the people in düsseldorf say that coach because it's a lighter beer is the piece that you excrete after drinking düsseldorf bit and so in the people in Korea just drinking piss why are we talking about this before it's just you know one of those things I picked up recently just random contracts I'm not sure minee miss Barrett it's not here in Germany I'm not I'm not in Germany on this biffing Brit don't worry it's here in the sniffing yeah the sniffing bro I mean I'm in the UK why just sniffing boy yeah it turns out the sniffing Brits not as sniffing as you might think but still very much sniffing 3333 Paul's left spit at me the snake sorry sneeze thank you thanks for the update what will end oh that's oh yes it's like a Africa is it really you guys capitulated even more thing Ethiopia did they're slowly dying because we don't have enough you know what okay good no one's noticed okay I can show just on go I do notice that that's why I'm like confused why I keep like giving turkey stuff do I keep giving - no I took that from Ethiopia oh the I know never do something that that exploit by the way they will just the night and you can't request back so you now control Stanley Berlin okay yes for the six rubber well don't have that rubber protection so spiff I'm building level I'm building ten infrastructure I mean it will take your while to build it infrastructure think think about the house like oh just an infrastructure yeah building ten infrastructure no no in one province in one state I'm building ten infrastructure and it's level zero ii know that there's no level zero it just it's level one and I'm building 1000 for some reason that's yeah that did never patch that exploit it's great I love it stop using infrastructure exploits that's my infrastructure I'm breaking or did you guys do you guys like my my German no army of world conquest video yeah I do I like I can't refuse like a hundred percent of the time but you know yeah but you get the rough idea what's going on I'm just walking around safe I was jumping in a half games it is a really confusing exploit but it's one that dates back to EU four and they fixed in EU for they just never fixed enhancer vying for and it's the same engine so that's why it exists I mean I still don't get the reason like they work on 64-bit computers they have more multi-core processors in their computers why don't they actually make why don't they actually make multi-core processing we gotta stay with the you know that's 2022 alright yeah yeah we don't live in the future you gotta you know step up your game eventually over time you know so you can keep giving me how can you improve it's gonna be part of the game it's gonna be part of a deal see when they introduce it multi-core supported you'll see some money someone in chat this called this sniffing berry right now oh my god yeah jeez yes now you can change your labels you tonight that's for that [ __ ] I'm gonna drop some emotes in chair can I just point out how bad the font looks for this arm be heard in Europe it is in Africa that's pretty bad yeah it's this turkey is a pedo Joe you should become a sponsor on YouTube so you can use my Belgium ball amount but it's not even it's not a a PNG file like I'm using dark moon and I can't see it on the back actually yes phones is better than donations because you get to use all these fancy emotes and it puts the words in front of your name and chat so you would put home sir the law I wonder who they stole this idea from sniffing great subscribe to get spiffing Brits attention yeah go for it sniffing group and the sniffing Brits are you accusing me of stealing Daniels idea of putting service from someone's day I mean now that you mention it second why does this what is this army of 307 divisions in it all Paulin is slowly crumbling yeah it's at a 48 a minute I can build paratroopers I forgot again I just slowly I've decided that since like the Amazonas is just like a billion huge provinces I give up I'm just gonna circle the entire thing like the bathroom that don't obscure rounds right and read off the new subscribers we have proud liberal Sean leaks cool kg-99 ie in the brood rank loss bilal de duck Zanden neon green brother an old favourite anime porn as well as a few others like Poland builder broken or there's starting spending notice oh my god Jesus Christ yeah I think we're never gonna run out of like you know oh is this the fringe in seven divisions yeah no I think yeah the capital as far as Berlin's potato there were seven hundred of watching the capital divisions divisions Asians in general divisions in one progress zombies but we're mostly second we have 127 thousand mark oh no we have 140 mm yeah I mean we gained 200 thousand a month we do okay that's fine I'm fine mister what so we're not gonna ride another half a year these are all meant to be a hundred days a while ago but hey I'm gonna put some planes up there we will see what I can do lots of noses huge amounts of noses look at that noses there's sneezes crust oh oh the puns half its to pure - mm come on go for Bolivia's capital we're actually doing this I don't what to do anymore in you must have 300 lights on stream this is crazy 300 yeah we've made it I'm finally an hour per fortnight streamer on YouTube oh yeah how about we get some fortnight time lapses that could be you know it's a niche that no one's ever thought about yet no they know about it they want to better yet port the fortnight map over into Hawaii for and make time lapses for that even better for nightly why has nobody ever thought of pub G time that's this dude come on people do poop you commentating but no time lapse maybe maybe I'm telling to you why don't you do your thing so I can't host a private server yeah I mean if someone wants to host a pro minor inconvenience if someone's to host a server for me and give me spectator mode I will record a pop teatime loves someone clip that all we know we're not on that [ __ ] so 100f Teddy using shadow play no seriously clipping it's so useful on Twitch it's such a good thing oh yeah well oh I just was gonna beg right you to install this Ashley I'm trying to type in sites in this down low [Music] are we are we sure it's not like a famous youtuber brigade under the name of hahaha I checked the channel or they don't say anything about it hmm is it famous youtuber and not gonna say no is it Picard Warren is it valid Vala fisk is it gay was Volvo cameras gave his bill you're sniffing hard so for all of you watches who don't know who game as well as he was a temporary hold for you to Blues now long since left us I think maybe but he may be still be going with his clickbait but basically what he did was he contacted he got on to all paradox youtubers discards and got banned effectively for tormenting the admins trying to get collaborations so gamers Ville is successfully banned or for every single paradox youtuber discord like that's that's a chef cube novels of banned that's worse than Jeff queue because Jeff keeps it's actually still only Jason yeah no I think no gamers will is definitely bound gave us those banned I was having a chat wave like a few over oh when you take him a week to just move one tile in Africa Jesus Christ for everything Mia Pope geez bed for line yeah what's that just obvious that's why okay so I can't really play dough steps okay okay sorry I'm gonna have to never talk again I just realized we broke in the Netherlands we broke something oh yeah do you guys who buy the pub chief Mel where someone's mentioned is he breaking something I ran somewhere that gets onto your PC and forces you to play an hour of pop G to get access to your data Bert that's awful what the [ __ ] yes great excellent seems logic yeah I read somewhere on to the NHS system now I remember I got a ransomware which is really creepy because like it had it contained the program which read out the message that they wanted to convey to you and I was sitting out tastes like yeah literally but it was like a cramp and it was really telling you you just be right you know I was sitting at home and suddenly I hear this like warning you've been hacked please watch million heck warning warning Oh dope is actually Tommy people are in the chat I'm not alone anymore when you find these people and when you fight a Finland Finland fight Finn's in Afghanistan that's quite interesting derpy same poopsies better for my controversial views controversial views okay I want to see you ban him don't say I can't so I hate for no because they're not for night but still I hate for tonight you're sponsored by Epic Games am I correct yes sponsored by every game Robo now um cilix flame just donated 100 Norwegian kroner is it thank you very much here's some money 40 greetings from Norway oh it's actually nice to have so I wasn't saying sniffing chair all the time so thank you very much from Norway to be honest I should I would donate to say snuff if you want to hop on the discord master still explain I can give you the VIP room if you have me think so no don't bring the sniffers this card yeah yeah you know yeah the discards a lot more strength of my run frosty air since you said that you'd be splitting up ranks of donate I'm gonna get the top rank right because they give you like 2000 money yeah yeah you gave me - you gave me two K Hungarian pesos donating yen and now I'm gonna donate right here the Malawian kaca which is like 2 billion for maybe $1 listen Bob Wian currency is what way now bellowing crunches with regenerations oh my god I'm actually [ __ ] doing this wrecking the Soviets we are actually breaking the Soviets we're also breaking a spife look at this [ __ ] look I'm a mastermind I'm a master oh you know is this the largest encirclement that's taken half a year meant going as well he's like well guys I'm an Intel coming to be on there's two guys did very well you're encircled my entire country around how many people do we have in the disc culture about 60 new people I think Jesus Christ and the sniffing brook just donate his saying sniff with a load of nose emojis what the promise sniffing roots donated to his entitled to the VIP ring so we can't ban him for using the word sniff yes I can it's not gonna [ __ ] rescue us yeah I know but it does mean you can join the discord what we can do Ricky can we set up the bots that automatically deletes work to leave the word sniff sniff if you want me to I could go ahead and made a [ __ ] second oh dude you can wait a [ __ ] second oh it's amazing that before Matt no one's ever done that no one has ever done that in there sniff sniff sniff sniff why did the Soviets not have a commander can all the Snickers in chat actually tell me who sent you here or did you just accumulate by yourself saying the word sniff and the kind of freak regulator yeah Oh Alf you can't tie marks I need to tell I need them to tell me who sent them to let them speak I'm here now oh stop yeah stop talking about I need them to say who said them and Pedigo stop disguising yourself as one no good I've been placed in a timer No thank you very much listen explain it was very nice for you to donate sniffing wait can you unban me so I can say something a bit and sniff we actually can't yeah yeah a mistake and now you have to look for it that's good let's go through the soap soaps now again so we know how what's happening on three very old favourite I'm a boy collects family company Karl Marx subscribers comment also for the e group the e Grievous shots it's like saying stuff you know oh the chat said snooze oh Jesus Christ he'll explain back at it again with a 200 Norwegian kroner don't know che have some more money that's 20 pounds that's maybe 80 we're on the track to actually buy my second bonnet - this time around ladies and gents I thought you already at that no I haven't actually got a second monitor the funds that were meant to go to the second monitor had to accidentally get used up there's much money going emergency it was a matter that involved mango and she needed some cash to do something so happened and truly love till fine it's just some emergency temporary funds suspect how do you like that message thank you very much sit explain that's very nice of you I will put it towards my second monitor this time around also I'd like to point out for the last two months I've been paid nothing by YouTube because I left my network and switch to YouTube Adsense is my network and YouTube Adsense hate me you wanna know how much you paid me for being of them for a solid month $2 robust last month do you know what kind of ads I get on my phone when I watch this video let's do you gay porn ads get porn ads have you been getting the bunny token ad sexy dance girl what I mean the ads you get are based on your watch history are they not know it's a mix actually it is a mix it's to do the SEO they'll go with because it could be that Rob Aziz video was flagged to be mature so the only ads that would be shown on it would be the adult hands me and Ricky might be someone who is old enough to qualify for an adult but how does YouTube know that it's got your age and it knows what you've watched and it knows what it's like the video basically that's like you know you know how videos get flagged you might notice that some of those videos do better than others and the way to tell which ones do is turn on you turn on the closed captions and that's what YouTube is reading to analyze what it said in the video and one of those videos recently didn't do as well as the others but look at a few huh like a few k views or whatever feedback noticed it and so Dave went onto it and read kind of the closed captions and in like in the first two minutes you guys make so many jokes using like really dark stuff that it's it's quite clearly that the video is being flagged and given a high treyton and the worst thing is YouTube doesn't tell us what age ratings we put on our video so Bo doesn't even know why that video is doing not as well as others o might look at that and suddenly think well evidently I need to stop making all four videos and make more ICP videos which to be fair he does cuz if I could love ICP yeah that's what you choose like I'm sad that Bowl doesn't invite me to their sleepy it's really fun honestly as I see begin to the best don't you brag that really makes it better I was in one of them yesterday also is almost falling 15 division or anything you have zero school Turkey this is Oh God cynics flame another two hundred donations send your message on discord same name is I just have here started me to VIP whenever you have time ok get second pursued seriously buddy thank you very much do anything do things oh it's turkey yeah because because it make special food okay right I'll go I'll have to sort of the VIP rank on this guy I think the stream should finish after we did this peace deal I feel alone yes you have any hear me and for some reason I have access to the zone Italian what the some reason I realized it's after trash the only thing that's making you win the battles is to procure amount of organization exactly yeah we have a modified no you Pope did Argentina yes Mongolia's wine lovely world we live in I think I think we're done here cuz you know there's no way thanks for like a few thousand people that turn up see this it's been a very interesting Street for me we got EU for Street tomorrow would still be a continuation of the game we've been having so yeah same time 7:00 p.m. I'm sure Fraser will you be in Lord you don't know I play you for us do you dope you'll be there yeah you can't join there are countries that haven't been consumed by me yet so don't worry Jesus Christ explain another 200 Norwegian kroner donation their last donation for the evening have a nice evening honestly sit looks thank you this is this is the largest anyone's donated in one go to me what do they like it's not is technically not as much as what else given me over a course of several oak months but that is crazy thank you very much yeah well so don't be given the VIP room please that's fine you can take her off him do it manually I will be sorting out this this VIP plus rank so thank you very much to all of you've been watching the stream thank you very much you're all really wonderful thank you for seriously watching this crazy Wow I've been blown away it's it's been great evening for me streaming I have actually realized I've left loads of cans of alcohol next to me I didn't even drink any of them I've just been so busy playing the game six pints lined up for EU for tomorrow so each each war I win is another pint that's how I think we should do it truly nerve aggressive expansion never never never because it's broken right now I know it's you can play it with well thank you very much thanks for ending it with a sniff the real high point of the stream I hope to see many of you sniffers in the chat tomorrow feu 4 so have a good evening and please just sniff off what games crash to the sniffing revolution of the sniff uprising
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 156,807
Rating: 4.8212466 out of 5
Keywords: The Spiffing Brit, Multiplayer, Da9L, Bokoen1, paradox interactive, real time strategy, the Da9L, theDa9L, tutorial, Paradox Extra, Developer, 2.0, Update, DLC, Live Stream, HOI4, Hearts Of Iron 4, hoi4, timelapse, waking the tiger, trailer, update, comparison, Isorrowsproductions, ISP, Drew Durnil, Feedback gaming, feedback, live, Three Day war, exploit, florryworry, guide, quill18, surviving mars, china, germany, history, top 10
Id: tv85_zxewOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 15sec (8535 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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