Hearts of Iron IV MP - Players vs Devs - Day 2 Recap

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hey guys welcome to the second day of a three-day war no previous issues ever happened so I'm here to welcome you to Robert hey how's it going there's a ship boy Bobby here yeah and now we are gonna introduce that once again we have feedback gaming motorbiking Russian prince and tower back in the UK fighting for the glory of democracies all over the world by the came war very quickly but we'll get back to that and in the dev side we have lovely people Rafi nangan I'm Phil and PDR Allen storm fighting for the glory over Imperial Germany and the Kaiser well I've got a new Italy not go down without a fight as usual the the German reserves are actually pretty well placed right now if you if you look at the UK looks like they've they've got some plan naval invasions being set up again potentially and it looks like they they have a plan to trap the the Italian army of the army of Sicily in it in Sicily and destroy them but the the German their reserves could maybe they'll hold those ports yeah we'll have to wait and see what's going on right there so the Argan island in the entire Sun and air but will they manage to stop their seven divisions Italian in the port right here so oxt r2 ports so UK will get some supplies at least not them we'll see if they managed to get make something happen from there otherwise from the UK they aren't improving it carriers improving we have the British Invasion has landed and suddenly that's quickly oh god I must miss so yeah they're pushing forward what is that gonna be enough Germans instantly responding this I can really really us assume that just because there are four people in each nation they can just have everything under like constant observation and constant control instantly that's mission being sent on right here to block them from uniting and maybe they will actually remove this vision completely and the Italian a is not doing too badly either respond to that super super quickly yeah you know that I'm I'm a bit worried for those British divisions that have landed in the axe absolute tip of the boot they they don't have any they don't have any supply at the moment and it would seem that the Italian response has been Swift enough that you know I don't know if they're gonna be able to to be helped in time how is actually the UK fuel situation looking seven days there are seven more days of you right there and I'd like how the implants our team are working with pings to basically scrub and show defend right they're attack right here so what are the plans for determines right now they're doing the Central Powers focus are they gonna take down we might see the world war happen much quicker than expected it's August 38 right reddington 38 right now yeah pretty and if they do Italian coup then assassinate was leaning yeah if they let me join the faction of Germany yeah and they will be at war with UK and that would probably threaten France enough to pull them in and Germany so far has no way to get troops across from German soil to Italian soil I don't know how this is gonna go holy crap okay yeah there's a there's some Italian ships reinforcing in the Med right now and all I mean well Britain did lose some costly ships I would say the Italian Navy so far has taken much more of a beating and you know I think I think ultimately Britain has the naval strength to accept losing a couple capital ships and still be able to potentially you know long term outmatched Germany to see look what's going only to boot oh wait the late Ont for British divisions without holy craps oh they see their permanent stop deliberation this around surround them holy crap oh man you know they were probably they they probably messed up their shifting and let the combat and and then everyone got shifted into the extra tile I mean that's yeah one of the big dangers of using using an extra tile like that yeah and Britain really needs some air force over there desperately and probably some naval support as well if you look at the air dam the air control in Italy the UK has a lot more planes in the air space but their their air superiority is just is not as good mmm and the Italians are able to maintain a sly superiority edge with fewer numbers partially because flying over a friendly territory but I have an imagine it also has to do it with doctrine well the big question is why isn't Germany sending over any air volunteers hmm that's something several times I felt like I forget about it I don't think of it they can send their volunteers that would be huge yeah with 445 planes Britain is managing to continue to push up out of the boot it would seem but I mean this oh they have built they have successfully built a level one port oh I'm the tip and they thread and they have managed to get out I did they want that is huge they could not have been able to do that they would have had enough time to do that for sure if the Italian divisions weren't also being starved by the British Navy I really like my mouth I'd say that's a big victory for the British Navy right there a huge victory and now these reinforcing the place way to have a proper port wow man I feel honored to have witnessed Italian Dunkirk that was done carried that was just let's see what can someone take like find out what this province is called this someone someone go on on the Google and what is what is the the shores right here that isn't the smallest part of the of the tip of the the heel of the boot yeah what does that area called Italian coupe there we go it's happening Germany's doing the Italian coup to break them I saw they like this they gave docking access to Austria to try to improve relationship enough they want the military access but they are still quite far away 10 points maybe with spy influencing now that wouldn't work either that that wouldn't work so we're getting a couple of different names we're getting three Casa or liquor Santa Maria del Luca oh god slaughtering Italians name I lost only Germans I really wonder how much having this lost ability is costing Britain right now yeah they they have no reduction in consumer goods like yeah get so you get up to five percenter got one up son they were losing 0.1 1.8% factory output and they would have a factory output buff if they were more positive exactly if we compare with Germany it's looking fantastic awestruck how how did I get them in I'm really confused how did I manage pushed him up so far non grocery bag trade partners trade partner did they trade a crap home oh yeah Germany Germany's using their Germany's been using their operatives to put diplomatic pressure on so they've they've been making good use of their operatives to get that relationship level up yeah and that's especially for factions and non-aggression pacts so the non-aggression pact must have boosted up the opinion enough so they could also do the faction invite that's actually beautiful that means they're a walking path to Italy right now they still won't accept any kind of functioning bike right now and they're not doing any focuses yeah and they've they've now switched to boosting a non-aligned ideology and a Czechoslovakia so that's the the plans for Czechoslovakia are peaceful ones yeah still they want to invite them they don't want to crush them so they make them enough non-aligned hopefully then khuddam and then force me to a faction they have also managed to get Bulgaria on their side in the Central Powers so right now I think it's going fantastic for the developers and I'm I would like to say that they were to underdogs for this battle it looks like the the British Invasion of Italy is kicking off again Oh God units coming in let's see if they can do something tricky here you know I'm really I'm really sad that they're they're not pushing down in the southern tip of the boot and locking those divisions down that are gonna you know now go help up north they they had an opportunity to lock you know maybe they wanna guys maybe want to maybe a implanted should just draw them out of the south yeah I mean they've encircled Rome and Rome now has to reinforce the rest of Italy oversee which they're kind of cut off because of successful British naval rating so they very sad lost the connection but uh the the the Brit the British are making some spaghetti across the Italian mainland just really aggressively pushing and trying to keep the AI lock down now yeah and now suddenly Germans are doing assassinate Mussolini they probably lost ten days at least Anya's not doing it quicker I don't get it why didn't they do it earlier now they're well they're finally pushing now in the south of Italy I really wonder what took so long for that to get going like the Germans have divisions standing guard waiting to you storm into Italy I think there will be too late right now yeah I mean the the north of Italy is already cut off as long as Britain can hold it I mean it's yeah the the German the German volunteer divisions are doing their best to prevent this encirclement from happening but yeah it looks like Britain's going to secure it yeah they really went in a bit they built up some extra division then I am the new capital is in the north out Genoa oh so they are gonna try pushing right there and grab that with additional enabling nations but so far the Italians are holding the Italians are holding and if they hold on for just a little bit longer another what is it 48 days Germany was storming with everything they got I think yeah well as I mean all those divisions in southern Italy are effectively cut off now they they're they're being minimally reinforced by the ports if you look down there they're all attrition aha written has actually the attrition is not too bad yet Oh in some places is I want combs and distal as you're saying by the greatest Navy yeah we're not having a good day I think you're gonna see Italy get knocked out of the war right here you know I really I don't think Germany's gonna be able to assist in time like I kind of want to speed up the game yes we can see what's happening but them I don't know what's happening now nothing like five minutes speed trees do slow well the British troops are breaking through the mountains of southern Italy Oh they've even got an overrun against the the tired they'll supply it Italian oh man yes I pressed Windows button there you go thank you god no at this point not at this point oh god it almost worked all right P streaming from home yeah got a socialist distance stream like it wouldn't be an issue but I having to like jump into the streaming computer at work and yeah this if Italy's going for it Italy is gone the Italian the Italian Army has just been utterly devastated here Italy's Italy has just jumped in casualties by two hundred thousand over a couple of weeks actually we can double check exactly how many days I think they lost 67 days is the focus right there they lost 10 days they lost 10 days or not doing that focus hmm because AI never loses day in doing focuses and there we go Italy is gone when it have lost those 10 days it wouldn't have mattered now I I'm interested to see what the UK does here with Italy are are they going to puppet Italy I think they are I think they are I think that would really be the best call a democratic Italy for our times there we go there you go and there satellite thing all there Italia all there like non mainland areas I I can report that that the house the commercial has Commons is jubilant as they defeated Italy there have been many cries of rule britannia in the in the jugs if you're watching this and you don't know what's going on with the politic Hank we have been running a virtual House of Commons and I believe there should be a visual asset which can help explain us a bit more we found around 30 people in a discord server for the last couple of days they've been debating and voting on various laws to can to tell the influence of players what they are and are not allowed to do there has been after yesterday we had we had a defeat in the Mediterranean and people very upset there was a single law change overnight to remove the requirement for the influences to rush towards in pure Federation Parvin has now given the players the freedom to choose when they would like to form the impro Federation at their own leisure rather than forcing them to do it by July 1940 which is given the player more latitude in their deployment of particularly political power God Wow so he yes meant to scrap like Manchu boys being fired if yeah yes yes there was considerable anger against particularly the first all dad was of yesterday after the sinking of HMS repulse and HMS furious in the eastern Mediterranean after they run out of fuel before they fought the battle and now join Sarah Lyons oh my god yeah you know perfect yeah I think the inaction of the German Empire might ultimately really work against them but we do have a really big showdown shaping up it seems that's gonna happen in Central Europe no now we can kind of figure out also what we're doing by boosting on the line certainement in check smoker let's see what is UK doing right now they gotta be absolutely celebrating and as you guessed last time Popat focus against iraq iran netherlands Garrigan security oil imports Oh where's the pasted text there and their guests modrich so slow so I'll I'm fascinated now let's see Germany rekindle impaired settlement nothing strange going on right there what is Italy doing help a new occupation so even though they turned Italy democratic they are gonna follow like their imperialistic overlords England why oh god I sitting okay by UK by occupying peaceful nations there's no mercy going on right here I'm really I'm really impressed that uh the UK was able to to knock Italy out despite some early setbacks and create a stronger Union of allies yeah but look at this oh they are going to naval invade they're going for all of them I guess as quickly as they possibly can yeah Iraq Iraq well Iraq is gonna disappear very quickly and with all those nations but the question is will they with the democratic nation of Netherlands accept Germany if they are war yeah I think so if you can invade sneden's they will accept German overlordship let's double check they will not they will not oh here goes interesting but I guess the more they loose it's gotta improve the shot surface but yeah Netherlands might just fall very very quickly right now in 1949 we all know that's when the right shot man was built and rekindle and pure sentiment has begun in Chekhov's walk in several nations and in Southeast Asia we have a little conflict breaking out between some British forces and the the Dutch East Indies how they are invading Gareth well Wow yeah we uh Indonesia has become a fighting ground and it will see it would seem that a the UK wants to secure all the natural resources they can away from Germany which the Dutch are sending all of their divisions to stop that so we'll see how how well that goes but yeah otherwise Netherlands in the mainland yeah they are falling and I really thought it would be more accepting since well they gave ACTA Kaiser but apparently they will not give up their freedom but it will be annexed so that's a non-issue so maybe that's the tactic of the influencers they're gonna surround Germany by so many different nations that are allied done the Germans will be spread too thinly around old front lines yeah I think they've definitely insured their naval dominance by getting Italy on their side yeah if they didn't destroy all of it all over the Italian Navy took some pretty heavy losses but I don't think they got destroyed they still have some capital ships you know they still have a bit of a sub fleet it seems although yeah their Navy is definitely not what it was at the onset yeah confident let's see to restore the Austrian while we've preformed austin hungarian empire czechoslovakia needs six percent more non-aligned support and hungary needs two and a half percent so we might just at any moment in a like a couple of weeks proof a massive austro-hungarian empire joy enough to help germany looks like Amsterdam's about to fall yeah so uh oh they may send in their spy maybe do some diplomatic pressuring another very quick war for the UK there we go there we go massive amounts of puppets joining the UK right now if we out God I yes yeah really list I really feel like Germany missed their opportunity to to really do something packed full uh during the the Italian British war find a way to get involved you know they are using it operatives to try to boost up sex worker as quick as possible what if they instead transferred some of them over to Iraq used to make sure what happened while Netherlands doesn't happen again if they diplomatically pressure down a bit once the war declaration with the UK arrives they will actually be happy to join diffraction and what's going on right here oh it would appear that uh it's China China well I'm not sure how they're gonna fight that war against each other but I here we are I bought them war is going on they do have war gold again shine as well so maybe the war will happen silly just a lot later than usually at thus and there we go the Japanese Shogun at the cleared war against China so non-aligned versus non-aligned pieces are only war I feel like all the time that Japan has waited to attack is really gonna work against them yeah me too this is gonna be a do doing prayer pants and that means all my speculations about them turn against well so it's Union if you like that that's probably not gonna happen yes this is another bad look for Germany because China has aligned itself at least focus wise with the UK so far and Japan could have been one of the the X factors that might have allowed Germany to have a bit more naval influence since they're both unaligned and them they could have gotten them potentially into a faction together yeah you know I mean it's gonna be a slog the German empires justifying war goals against the nation of Sweden oh so do you want to take that tungsten and Yugoslavia out there go if you saw me I wanted to join their Central Powers and now they have it so yeah they lost a plate but they have gained now a full path they've kind of yeah made up Iron Curtain yeah pretty much more fashion Germany inviting Yugoslavia no civil war god Yugoslavia assault one those nations that are surprisingly strong if they now have oh my God if shiksa walk F becomes austria-hungary or well if they've actually form it I think during Jones's so actually coming back it's gonna massively increase yeah and Mexico has started going aggressively the King Morgan's got them all off and now joining Comintern oh yeah we have the Mexican Soviet republic this actually this could potentially end up in a situation where the the communist end up at war with the Allied powers and that could be great for Germany yeah because if Communist Mexico keeps invading Central America you know the United States might have just about enough of that and at the very minimum then if the United States goes war with the Comintern then I mean Britain might want to just not invite the u.s. to their faction just to stay out of it yeah it could be absolute terrible so Newton sends over troops to Mexico started push on the US border before they're ready that could be terrible for the UK yeah come on III I'm there we go xiexie forecast 40% there might be one more day that's required they are slightly over 40% three all right the current party needs to be non-aligned right they need to actually flip right now so I'm expecting right now when I press Intelligence Agency for Germany they're gonna cool Czechoslovakia no really come on guys you need to cool shucks Lockean out khuddam kudos I want to give you kudos but khuddam god damnit they have the next election in May 1940 but they are not strong enough right - oh wow ah damn just like that what I said current faction needs to be all to do the decision you need to be non-aligned but actually you accept the decision you don't need to be non-aligned so there's probably Austria or Hungary to visit turning there we go oh that that's a big day for the peaceful Central Powers yeah holy so actually Kim I think we can double check who actually created it oh if we actually kept track of their focus yeah but it doesn't seem to be in Hungary because then we would have the Hungarian folk street rights in Austria that formed austria-hungary and yeah just it would take a look at them they're nothing the smallest person anymore forty-eight civilian factory 36 military if we compare that with Italy fairly free civilian and very six military so they basically got Italy on their side peacefully yeah that's a lot of AI o AI wait to bring onto their side yeah and with that the old-time Yugoslavia and Bulgaria oh oh olan joined Germany oh man it is a beautiful faction to look at just look at that Central Powers oh god it's hidden yeah now it got even better Wow yes need Romanian to that and another perfect thing what I was gonna mention that Germany has less military factories than the UK oh no I mean the UK is out industry in Germany yeah because of all the puppets that are building there and some of that industry is being transferred over yeah so it has 88 militaries with 61 civilian and UK has 96 oh wow they have 96 military and 69 tsukina factories nice it's anything you guys want to see in the game that I missed or that I haven't thought about for a while I think I've gone through most apart here's the Japanese Chinese war which apparently u.s. is sending volunteers to right now Germany declared war problems stay we go who cares about that war we care about the world war that you started war against the developers and the influence with has finally become and there we go UK joining into this what this the Germans gonna do they have what they did begin they waited until they got 300,000 manpower in reserves are they gonna jump that manhole or to extend conscription I don't see anything other they're waiting for and there we go people are wanting join him but so far it's silliest upon the more and there we go it seems like the UK are the first want to make your move thank you France UK's Ally and Netherlands I'm making a first move shortening to German lines taking massive casualties of 5,000 versus 50 so it's a whole hundred to one man you know the the German Panzer 2 visions are actually despite having good armor they they're really I mean there's such a huge just stack of British divisions there that they're they're having a hard time getting through them and I mean if you look at the the British defensive stats I mean they're they're quite good and this is an example of where you know you really probably want to have an SPG battalion or two in your tank division or because you know now if you look at the tank divisions soft attack values they're just they're pretty low yeah and they're just really not you know able to cut through that infantry like they they could if they had you know some some mobile artillery or something thank you Kay yes both the German ciphers and Germany they are soon getting they're swallowing 110 days how broken the French ciphers but I think they might want to wait until they have both if we look at the French men manpower that's not a pretty sight that's all they have they have not managed to move the picture of the great warriors yet which using it and they are still a volunteer man so that doesn't increase very soon most of the Frenchmen bark in despair now and then we might see a break between imagine offline yeah Jeremy called in and one yet no it's alias Germany against the rest I guess they declare this war to make all of your allies ready group out on the different frontlines and just really make sure that once everything happens it's called out and and what's that u.s. currently breaking the land lease agreement with UK oh wow they're getting so much from so many other nations but not too much and big Krishna's German is not declared war in Sweden they even lost the war goal against Sweden I guess they decided was a bad idea to invade them as long as they couldn't just walk over and if you look at the training going on right now over the Netherlands I mean oh oh wow sink okay I'm gonna give players like two seconds just remember exactly where they were and let's see yeah war has been created losses are for the one K versus 30 K so German is actually post them in losses right now oh that might be because of the massive submarine raids that is currently happening Germany's losing so many cook there's so many convoys right now but at the same time German subs against French subs and let's begin playing once again so how's it going right there yeah there are German subs hunting the convoys of the well basically the entire Atlantic yeah well at night maybe East Atlantic but not lot gone right here hmm yeah I really think that Germany squandered their opportunity to to make a big difference when they they didn't find a way to get into war with the UK earlier yeah they were really really strong and I think still Germans have the advantage on land but the longer time goes on the harder it's gonna be for them like it might just be advantageous right now to just call all of them in right now but Romania is no longer even close to be able to wanting to go into Central Powers so unfortunately I think this map will be incomplete Germans they are continuing fighting on nothing happening really they are killing the AI troops charging in right there I guess that's it dangerous part about a week I've been talking about how powerful the different AI fraction has been to join either UK or Germany but you are usually a bit more said that player usually are so we'll see how much you actually come to be bring in to the war yeah I mean it's pretty much a stalemate right now and in the Netherlands and England and Germany kind of have parity in their forces there yeah I can't actually young over so I guess we is gonna enjoy their lost Minnesota war only from the German side since they were the aggressors and we're gonna leave the plans of the UK a bit more hidden left is Daniel white is Robert came inside yeah left this Daniel I'm a senior QA at Eric's and right is Robert game designer on Hart's arm for and Germany lovely amazing Denmark this is what they were supposed to do while ago oh wow German s no fuel at all it's gone oh yeah you're right yeah they uh I mean they they have a lot of planes in the air right now and they're they're probably just you know but it seems to be there barely barely out of oil no actually they're losing their missing for care day never mind they really need to increase that trade they should definitely do it with Romania at least trade all their oil and maybe increase the trade with salt Union yeah I mean they they have enough oil available to them right now between Romania in the Soviet Union they seem to be getting more of it but again they don't have a lot of civilian factories for being Germany and I I I mean they still have 34 building for them they they got to be having to trade more and more ways their war machine grows wait I can jump between Central Powers oh man in Germany's what Germany's tungsten trade with Portugal's has been completely annihilated in Germany's down- 60 tungsten right now so I met their tanks aren't even producing no their their artillery no their any tank guns if it completely stopped producing and their tanks their production is way slowed down yeah I wonder why don't you shift it around they can remove that start trading actually with British Malaya and British Ross right now since they're not calling to the war but otherwise singing trade with Soviet Union they can trade it oncee kick in trade with Norway even they can trade more with Sweden maybe or them can keep the block off no they keep the trade more with Sweden as well they can do pretty much everything they can fix it right now yeah I mean the only thing they can do is trade across the Atlantic but I think that the the the Baltic is still safe for them to trade across Wow Stefan plan once more and we can also see that the Germans have really turned around the war right now Wow at least in losses for decay vs. 155 K and both factions well UK have of course invited Netherlands well yeah they did the Germans 2k war against I don't know but otherwise that the rest would come wealth is outside the same with the rest of the German factions and we all see that Croatia have split from Yugoslavia so it looks like they're planning for something that I mean honestly if I was the UK right now I would just not do anything risky or aggressive and I would just keep making airplanes because I mean if they're if they're tracking the the air losses they have to know that their airplanes are currently better than the Germans yeah they don't transfer to air war into German soil which means Germany we recover a lot more of those fighters yeah I mean the they'll they'll definitely they're giving their potentially giving Germany the edge in the experience game but I think that Germany's losses are still so bad that any any benefit they have an experience from fighting over their own territory is definitely being offset by just the sheer losses yeah fighters I mean look if you look over northern Germany right now in the in the in the past week Germany has lost 460 fighters 254 of the British and they are just getting their lungs ripped out in the air right now but now Germany invaded and Luxembourg took it and oh they might sneak around the Maginot Line but UK manage to get troops in the way right there god I was very very kills just imagine if they would have entered here holy that could have been absolute terrible but he did the K war against Belgium as well and Belgium is so far alone but they still managed to hold on Wow I really thought that was gonna be a great move from the managed to sneak in there but unfortunately it doesn't seem like it Wow oh there we go neutral Japan has joined with neutral Germany and now the UK has something to worry about in Southeast Asia you know the Japanese forces are starting to do their typical naval invasions of China and if and also the Japanese forces are now shifting it looks like to set up probably naval invasions of the Dutch nation Dutch East Indies when you could be real big for the the central powers a resource game yeah and since Japan joined the Central Powers I can now go and observe them wow it's such a weird bug in QA all the time but it's also starting to run out of time right now a small extra look at war before we have to turn enough and tomorrow of course continue with this three-day war god I'm so happy about how this turned out there's lost it when they can in vain intervene in Italy I don't know I don't know about that the soft pressure they have exerted on Germany has taken its toll yeah and there might be something going on in austria-hungary I saw just a ping from the Germans about the founding of both right here there are two German Oh God yeah they're gonna go in I think in Italy then move their tank divisions to the southern border and if they manage to break through this Italy will fall very quickly they break through the two divisions here and there we go German declared own Republic Republican Italy but Oregon break this UK have reinforced that line quite heavily and now I see a lot of red and United States have joined allies now oh man that's now the interesting thing here is that now that the ua USA is and the allies is communist mexico gonna find a way to get the Comintern working with the central powers yeah because if that happens and the entire weight of the soviet union shows up in central europe to help fight the Allies that could get really interesting really fast yeah as you can see right now austria-hungary is just throwing himself against the battles and it's not going really well and it seems like you're calling in most of their allies yeah everyone is joining the war left right and center I mean it's it's you know you got like six provinces of mountain tiles to cross that border and that is just not what you're going to take into well so things are really starting to become a world war now I guess they wanted to start job just before the end of session they have concrete Albanian parts and Sara parts so they should be united and strong right there how is Romania still there refusing curing the Central Powers this will be interesting we are going to need to pause though because we are out of time here we go I guess we're out of time for the day guys you know you have a chat with Toria and Bratton from the respective teams will we stop awesome hello world war has begun yes a bit later than we anticipated but we're actually quite happy with how it is going and there was some setbacks but the German push is not successful so far now I'm calling in their allies they might not have known that but it has given us the ability to invite the United States or faction yeah we know that calling in like first Mike in Japan and then us coming in on your side so it equalizes very very quickly also China is now in the eyes which gives us two extra victory points oh right very nice going on you have notice who soviet union's ally is you mean mexico yes of course but if there is a war between Mexico and the United States that could turn ugly for us but we don't necessarily have to accept the call to arms France will probably but you know we can lose France well you can lose France ready you heard it here Falk UK as usual willing to sacrifice French lives for UK development thank you report and well we look forward for tomorrow thank you guten tag what's this Lewis how's it going sir good danke Shoen everything is going great I've got my tea I've got my biscuits and then after dinner I get a little bit of beer it's wonderful have you have you looked at the fate of your nation recently yes it is great we have lots of allies all over Europe we did notes have how peaceful and actually non aggressive you were while UK declared war left right and centre we have noticed this as well and so I sent an open letter to the British Parliament pointing this out that I as the Kaiser truly do want a peaceful future but it seems that Parliament has not done anything about this and they have just continued to declare war left right and centre as you say I am shocked and appalled that the victors of the previous war in which they accused me would stoop thus to such low death so I I wondered why you'd then declared war in France well we felt that we finally had to take a stance as British imperialism was flooding over all of our neighbors in in Western Europe they first took France then Italy then the Netherlands what what are we supposed to do just sit back and watch the British dastardly infect all other countries with their slanderous propaganda hmm well I I guess I guess you have a point there besides Frances has delicious cheese to go with my with my after-dinner beer nice cheese butter goes well with that well we can at least say that you're winning the mustache war France is trying but you care just completely given up there yes they may even have to shave off their mustaches terrible it's such a loss thank you guys for your update I think of the German nation and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow ah Thank You Sharon juice [Music] you
Channel: Long Game Short
Views: 7,145
Rating: 4.936759 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi4 mp, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 germany, hoi4 multiplayer, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 resistance, paradox interactive, pdx, montage, recap, let's play, paradox grand strategy, grand strategy, hearts of iron iv
Id: 19MaGPVgU10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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