Bi-Annual YouTube HOI4 Germany Stream Hair Transplant Fundraiser (Elite Difficulty)

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now we see if this works it worked before months ago it's been a but it's been a while since I've since I've done a live stream Oh over on the YouTube oh you are live my stream health is orange that's not good does my voice sound okay this time I think my do I sound okay everyone's just spamming chat okay brilliant click boy where is the giddy on who knows who knows voice sounds fine okay before I was like a deep deep deep person a deep a deep boy a very deep boy so welcome this is this is one of the biannual streams that you get on by subscribing to addicts the Rambler who knows how long it will last hopefully I'll actually do okay as Germany we're going to pop out my chat so I can actually see all of the all of the messages my voice is good oh hi Ellie how you doing Matthew awesome thank you for the eve 199 it's close one chat I think the super chat alerts should be working let me let me double check so I don't want people to donate without oh there we go hi yeah there we go the super chat oh wrong one the super chat alerts are working so there we go boom it's made that a little bit bigger that's what she said so what we're gonna be doing today is I'm gonna be streaming so I usually stream on Twitch if you're not aware but every now and then I'll do one on youtube just just to add a add a bit of spice to my life but I mean what players Communist China no no okay so what we've got here is me gonna be playing as Germany on elite difficulty with Ironman mode on so I'm going to make it so like you know I can't cheat now good army fuel Navy and air this is gonna be horrible but we're good we'll go for it we'll just jump on in and see how how horrible this is yay yeah I yeah everyone saying play is this specific nation clearly you haven't read the title of the stream so use your brain okay now first things first as Germany this is gonna be like a tutorial you're attempting model also playing Pokemon what I understand Pokemon does like take priority clearly don't suck thanks I will try not to its Rheinland best to do first it isn't is it no I'm gonna do four-year plan first and I bet you're all going to be going really because that's probably the wrong choice but that's fine this is I'm the real toy expert you know do the feedback gaming no oil challenge I don't know what that is I think you're trying to make it a thing isn't he but no one else has actually done it [Music] bring back the kaiser no we're doing full-on Nazi Germany don't tell YouTube and it's gonna go absolutely fine so one thing that I will need actually I'm gonna start building my naval bombers now and then we just sort that out by getting a little bit of rubber okay see this is fine it's fine I'm gonna reorganize my Navy as well actually because I don't really care about these but how's everyone doing everyone doing ok hmm I think that's okay I'll probably need a few convoys there is also a reason why chat in slow mode to avoid spamming because I know I know you rapscallions would all like to do that ok do the Angelus and demand the set to date and land what do you think I'm going to do I'm playing as Germany you fool ok so we're still lacking the rubber give me morning oh no I have enough now I don't need the tungsten farewell F in the chat for spam indeed we want a nice clean chat I think you're overestimating YouTube chat there super chastened a highlighted message if things go wrong can always go to Argentina I could I could and then lose the Falklands War Oh Danny players Germany and pop it everything about annexing anything I don't think so I appreciate the is that 699 Canadian thank you I shall put that towards my lunch today except I won't actually get paid that for a couple of months so my lunch is somewhat delayed play as Germany and pop at everything without annexing anything I don't think I can do that like I wouldn't need to I need to grow my industry like I'm playing on elite so it's gonna be quite tricky for me to do anything competently no lunch for me hey now I have a protein bar yay $6.99 equals 7 hey I don't think it does players Germany not do anything now that sounds like a plan okay so we've got one whole army third or von Bach was my favorite color my favorite color is green like a nice dark green you have berry cider mm-hmm well I'll be doing more IRL videos maybe so I'm planning on doing more kind of historical videos I just need to get a green screen when I'm in Canada stop looking 21 thank you that's a nice compliment I turned 30 this year actually I feel that you should invade Austria oh I will when the time is right but I'm not really used to play I play on regular difficulty mostly so throwing an elite difficulty and you can see it like I'm in Ironman as well so why are you so trash I fall oh run button yeah can't even I can't even stream competently 30 and still a virgin I can guarantee you oh wait no were you talking about yourself but don't ok then we go down the autarky room restore the monarchy no I'm not restoring the monarchy assuming I've practiced of the streaming I am on very our practice of the streaming yeah I don't do YouTube ones very often so savor it do the feedback no oil challenge like you already start with oil so how is that even a thing what the chat was quiet oh no no no I very much doubt we'll get there a chat very quiet chat how do you get laid you you have to meet someone that will consensually do that with you I don't know what you want from me unfortunately I won't be getting laid with you okay so at the moment I'm stockpiling I will need to prioritize my air force at some point but naval bombers are definitely definitely the way I want to go because I have a plan to invade the UK but where they they get a lot of buffs on elite so we might struggle [Music] six-six-six watching yeah an unlucky number Thomas an unlucky number or is it okay so you can tell that I'm not doing Rheinland yet I don't need to all the people telling me I have a small penis I haven't leaked my news yet so there's no way of you knowing what size peepee I have the UK dominates Dutch trade negotiations well I'll just conquer them later in the game anyway so Alyce's search history how to go good hello what I am doing a fundraiser for a hair transplant I just need you all to donate collectively $100,000 and then I have a full head of hair again so you know get on that please [Music] [Music] why do you make us observe your the viewer you will donate lots of euros I'll believe it when I see it me I'll believe it when I see it hmm no I've already made a mistake I've already made a mistake I'm not doing this optimally and it is finally not wearing earbuds now I invested in soundproofing headphones as I'm doing lots of flying the rest of the year I should anybody to wear them I don't need I don't need to there's no there's no one talking and I and I'd know the sounds of hoy so like the back of my head which is bull by the way you would donate by only in rights marks you will pay me two thousand dollars euros if I tell you I love you well I don't wanna lie to you so I bet I bet about that no face cam is the way one year is did oh do I bother sending volunteers to probably should run one journeys into well I'll send two little pandas bond is do I plan to attack first well it's poor to be historical I need to create some air groups okay that's what we do here we go 490 close air support so I can send a maximum of 200 planes and then I'm gonna send a hundred fighters [Music] hijack films what what is this so get some air XP which would be very valuable I always forget to do this okay I would like more civilian factories it might be better to do Rheinland now though let's do that let's do let's do right now now hair line looking great thanks I make it myself okay we've got our volunteers I'll probably give them a field marshal to von Kluge what kind of oh yeah easy this is gonna be fine everyone green KOAT gaming donated 1124 eat thank you very much gringo game a yeet right back to you too sir we are now 0.01 to me getting a hair transplant nice insert hairline joke again if you donate feel free to do hairline jokes that's fine I don't mind those and Matthew thank you very much for the $2.99 us D creeper okay it does the donations run way around sometimes doesn't it oh Jesus nice hairline you go there Thanks insert hairline jewel pear start lend-lease I'm just gonna give them like 1,000 guns once slow chat is gay I'm sorry but if you really think that I'm not gonna have slow chat on where there's 700 people in in in the game you have an edge or a faint yeah we're beating the Soviet volunteers destroying their equipment actually do you know what let's let we're not making any progress there so I'm gonna cancel that attack plop along over here and cut off their forces in Barcelona [Music] I forgot about me faux bills Oh men oh thank you for the two euros dak to us well I'm a man this is gonna be so much more difficult now that was a very well timed donation damn that sucks that's fine we don't need any faux bills I want to make it harder for myself Reef star Alex why would I restart if you if you restart your games every time you make a mistake then then you're not living life you're a coward Here I am achievements are unlocked oh my god why can't Helen find a job it's in a recession it's actually a pretty good one why can't hairline find a job it's in a recession oh damn they're making a push there we can help that the thing was then Italy is that hairline haha I think I probably heard that one before Alex leads we follow quite quite actually one thing I need to remember there is paratroopers you'll see I have a strategy for the UK and it will probably pay off Alex leads we follow mm-hmm I don't need to worry about extra fascism maybe I do yeah it'll help my too many people donating no no no you can never have too many donations set the youtuber to his audience okay we'll take that airfield boom okay so now we got the airfield we can move it over to here where it's now managing the region a bit better can you speak German nein there we go boom should you get high for if you want I couldn't tell you if you'll enjoy it or not do you think you might you might you know do you Joe it's got a game five more dollars to declare war on USSR right now wired aren't you one of my patreon you are on you five more dollars to declare war on the USSR right now no I'm not doing it that would be suicide would I buy holy four five if it was created but you know what I think I might is their tutorial on high for yes it's not the best it's ok if you're if you'll recall I did once get my well we were dating at the time but now my my ex-girlfriend did a video of her playing for the tutorial coin flip if I lose 30 quid too bad for me how to get your hair it takes years a bit receding to have something this majestic so I'm just killing the Soviet volunteers they don't need them poor Alex lost its girlfriend not really anymore Imperator Rome coming out maybe maybe now that they've released at one point - I'm definitely want to cover it a bit more Alex obviously left her for Drew no but you know I was obviously a bit kind of any more imperative room coming up potentially it's neat potentially why potentially but yet so I'm in hindsight is probably the best thing to happen my my now ex breaking out of me more time for hi I'm kidding but oh you want to see the date of course you're trying to race me oh Jesus there you go there's the date of course I can go commie are you insane can you still send him challenges No now I do get a lot of people still emailing me but I don't really do them the thing is al often hey any chance you can move the FaceCam a tiny bit down so we can see the date' I'm trying to race you there you go already done for you Andrew you're welcome what's the question someone asked me a question in chat I was going to answer let's go back old challenges yes so you're welcome you're so the challenge is a lot of them replayed were played on recruit like a surprising number of you play on the easiest difficulty and it's kind of like do I really want to fix games that are not hard to do and I just decided no no I don't because it just feels like like that it's too easy it's too easy my opinion on the media same video games cause violence I mean every everything you do in life could cause violence everybody every life action this happened to people can cause them to have violence so I don't know it's it's bonkers that the media seems to think that video games are responsible for mass shootings it's just kind of no have I seen the PewDiePie's wedding no I wasn't invited I don't know him because I'm not I'm aware you probably are referring to the video right okay so we've got the volunteers so far it's going okay we're in 37 I do need to start expanding my military but I don't have any military factories at the moment but that's fine that's fine we've got a lot of time to prepare why am i teeth so big cuz they are thick and beautiful this is the epitome of sexy English person I'm very sexy very sexy forgetting to play hurt pay me foe bills causes violence yet lack of funding for mental health I agree of you Thomas so few years ago I actually had some cognitive behavior therapy forgetting the be methyl bills causes violence - yeah so I had some cognitive behavior therapy and the person I had was in training but every single session she'd forget that she'd have forgotten everything we've spoken about so every session it was just like the repeat of the first session they're just like really really oh you know what let's try and get a thousand viewers how do we get a thousand viewers if you get a thousand viewers I'll get naked and I'm kidding I'm kidding YouTube I'm not gonna do that by showing my legs adapt you could handle my legs 1,000 of this lock just clickbait one fails of you actually can I I can probably change the stream title can't know how do we do that biannual hew tube for Germany Stream hair transplant fundraiser there we go I don't know how it updates I don't know how to update it oh there's someone donate or craft insure us your ankles so her street angles show us your ankles mate Jesus sorry about the snort there no I don't think you could handle even my ankles maybe maybe if we get to a thousand viewers that might do that I should return the kaiser in another game I might do that you should return the kaiser in another game sorry I know eating on stream is very uncouth but I was recording this morning oh yeah actually what happened what happened this morning I recorded a new video which I haven't edited yet but it's on a game called super power - I don't if anyone's heard of that me fo Bills lowers your construction speed pretty much and and your thingamabobs it helps lower your conscript now consumer goods pretty much yeah it was important for the early game when it comes to building which I'm now very much behind on how is my lack of appendix it gone don't establish Vichy France president gaming you or me to just take over everything hmm maybe maybe I didn't actually get to have my I didn't get to see my appendix like they wouldn't give it to me they have to send it off for testing for like cancer or something and then they've actually told me if I have cancer so I'm presuming I don't let's touch some wood though maybe I should touch my brain but then okay superpowers to the best non-functional strategy game it's the best non-functional strategy the green coke gaming I just I just I just played around with nukes the whole time that was quite fun thank you for the donation though sure [Applause] Harry Marston just coming in with a dollar thank you oh why did the Treaty more mushrooms the better mushrooms the lack of artillery my template offends you mate that's that is not better that is not matter at all you don't need artillery no templates to win come on who's this guy you'll see thank you much for that one euro thank you I don't know what you're saying because I don't speak German you have cancer of the hairline what's the Stratford USSR why I don't actually know do a back of the head reveal its Kyle my head it's just bold they go what's the Stratfor USSR I suck at USSR so what actually I actually you haven't played the USSR in a long time it's just building I build saves up until like late 38 then switch to Mills against the AI it shouldn't be too bad if you just like max out like maybe 40 combat with him from tree and stuff make sure you get some medium tanks I don't know against the AI nothing should be too hard because you can kind of kind of should nobody hours gonna be doing all you can also or you can also through the first scar all reggae I don't know what did come first actually don't know that at all someone did a donation of $1 know some British Panda didn't know you did streams I'm mostly unable to tune into most streams because I'm busy I'm happy to be able to watch thanks very much to the donation yeah I only do them very rarely I don't do them very often just when I take when it takes me fancy so I used to stream on Twitch about three times a week now I do it once a week at the moment I'm going to come back to streaming on Twitch so for what place don't go everywhere Eric okay great knees thank you very much for the 99 cents are we got ultra ultra alder needs to be modded let's mob that's mod alder ultra he'll if anyone in the chat isn't subscribed to all Dre you should subscribe to Audra I'll cancel that unsub then what spiffs challenge go toward the USA before the USSR go toward with the USA before the USSR I don't know I don't know yeah so all drew if you if you don't know who he is he makes his own Mead he has his own beef arms for God's sake and he plays a Victoria - that man is a legend so how does one become a mod well Audra gave me Mead at his house so that's that's a quick way to doing that and find me - you're home with your homemade Mead yeah you have beef arms ok medium tanks are important I'm not even concentrating on this I really need to though cuz I don't have enough of my air and air forces yet yeah that's not gonna be enough or just write funny yeah Thomas comments on every single video Ellie I actually trust to to Maude she's built she's a long time long time viewer started watching this year as far as I'm aware I'm also on twitch though am I finally more competent than Miss aleni we'll see maybe I should have played as Italy and then enable Italy but Cody thank you for the two $2 are you finally more competent than Mussolini maybe feedback gave me no oil challenge was so far and what no one's actually explained to me what is the no oil challenge you'll be emotion since 2017 Thank You Thomas is it literally you just don't build any refineries or trade for oil [Music] I'm just trying to get enough men in the field to do the Angelus that's my plan at the moment I do also want to start doing my air doctrines air is very important to my strategy more naval bombers fighters so close air support is gonna be important but not not the be-all and end-all air innovations naval rearmament we don't need that basically you got any difficulty and at all you can't trade for oil you are now skilled refineries oh I think if you don't want to invade the UK then it's fine right or you just pop it Romania or take over Romania once you start having control of some oil then it's that is pretty simple right isn't it my 72 year old grandfather has more hair than you well I have more testosterone so what's my favorite color green feyo Fisk is better okay feyo fits makes very good videos I agree what is an optimal infantry template looks like I don't know anymore honestly so you got like this is my 20 widths I would also add support companies to these I just want the air what does an optimal infantry template look like like for artillery and then the rest infantry people in chat let's help out Wyatt if I become bald what I dress like Mussolini maybe I already do and you just haven't seen me in mmm God happy horrible can you show how to make several types of ships without making others obsolete I try to make three types of Dedes for different roles by I I do not know I I still haven't learned how to do the new Navy stuff so I appreciate the for euros and Su Shalini it's back with 20 Norwegian Coronas drive it it's called server yeah I don't have a link at the moment sorry see you too lean is back Calma cool face okay a medium tank designer I think medium is gonna be the way to go for this yeah so when it comes to Navy now I'm very bad so I don't know how to finish them all off hence why I'm just getting some convoys and some subs so again I guess the AOA I'm building hopefully enough naval bombers to just bomb the Royal Navy out of the sky do I have another job no no I do YouTube full-time it used to be a combination of twitch and YouTube but now I generally just do more YouTube than twitch but I do want to get back into streaming on Twitch more but I'm kind of rebuilding like I'd be I'd be starting my twitch time from scratch because I kind of built it off of doing multiplayer Hawaii games which I don't do anymore so if you're all hoping that they're going to come back they're probably not [Music] do I believe my discord in any of my videos no it also used to be a private discord hold on I mean let me see let me see if I can send you an invite link although if you're if you end up being a troll we just will brand you immediately because it's let me see uh I don't even get an invite to the link to the server anymore Oh invite people there we go yeah I don't really make the I don't really advertise the discord much just cuz I'm not really that active on it anti-tank so look we're still it's 1938 and we're still at a minus 20 that's not good how can your friend learn how to play Hawaii tutorials [Music] yeah Alex how can I learn my friend - yeah just tutorials or you can teach your friend how to play I guess yeah it's not I wouldn't say it's very difficult to get to grips with it's more just to master it that could be a bit tricky like any paradox game really do I still have a girlfriend I have a different girlfriend so I guess the answer is yes but not the one that's been in any videos so the one that used to appear in videos we were broke we've broken up for like a year so we don't we're not yeah we have been together for a long time am i gay nope am i from Vancouver nope I just reside here for several months at a time do I still dress like a lady when there when I fancy it you know what's the mod for colored orders that's not a mod that's just the normal game do I prefer the UK or Canada I prefer the UK no sorry I prefer Canada whoops slipper the tongue where only men do I've in the field can I do Angelus soon 537 what's the best game of a four I've had might be this one today speaking with all of you okay [ __ ] start building mediums a hundred percent bonus for the next tank [Music] I might do that actually I would also like to fighter twos on my doing Fighter 2 is going to be a little way off shizer get your later hoes and our boys I would like to be neither of those president gaming if I'm quite frank with you it's very unlikely true and I through ISP and I will play Hawaii together Canada's really nice to visit but it's really big yeah Justin Trudeau knows these things I suspect you're not the real Justin Trudeau though how long has it been since they played with Gustaf oh my god good stuff I don't think I've never actually played with him did I didn't I just take over from him and refused to be his friend what will I play on Twitch anything really I might continue with a Skyrim playthrough I was doing your tourism eh I doubt it was I have VidCon nope I have never been invited is it like an invite-only thing for creators I don't know how it works how it is how do you stay so handsome with concentration face it just comes naturally do I think I have a small peepee why are people obsessed with my penis you're so handsome with concentration face I wasn't I wasn't your Khan yes what's the percentage of my scribes subscribes from Norway I don't know probably I don't know actually maybe 3% or something like that I still talk to Drew in ISP yes yes I do how many percent of your subscribers is from Norway I would estimate probably about 3% it's not a huge amount who is this boomer yeah I know I apologize for my being old whatever do the kitty aren't again yes I don't have the outfit with me in Canada though so I'd have to buy a new one how big of my hands my tech people are really obsessed why do you all obsessed with the size of my peepee big enough at least that's what lady said because they told me that size doesn't matter but it's that true van Salado Erica what what is that in reference to Howard Oh Shalini he's become a net channel member did that the size of your foot matter though who knows if you were is that is that to do with like panzer medals which countries on high for able to maintain a medium tank based army Germany opiates unit UK creeper creeper Carlos I'll actually I was playing Minecraft on on my twitch channel as well that's fun I enjoyed playing Minecraft it's creeper the same as boomer Panzer lead and Erica a German Mullins oh I thought you were referring to the tank dating simulator that I played he means the German March songs Erica is better oh yeah I thought you're talking about yeah I was about to respond with the tiger tank but clearly I was wrong my pee pee as big as Luxembourg or the Soviet Union Luxembourg yeah that's the a cute that's the actual size of it the size of Luxembourg it's deadly don't mess with the pee pee there are so many things to produce is Germany oh I imagine there'll be a DLC having having Spain what's my twitch name it's the same as my youtube name to ramble 1 4 6 [Music] nope that was wrong Mahmud had in more motorised I've been a member the into summer Oh the entire summer well I'm glad to have you I have been a memory in thir summer in baddest smiley face off don't be embarrassed all of the real Rambler fans our channel members I actually had a meeting with someone YouTube recently and they went yeah you need to push memberships more like wall I don't really stream much and then well the debt that's fine you should still push it it's extra money I'm not ok mr. YouTube literally recession that poor you don't need that just yet rude I would like signal companies don't really care about that I am supp November can I also what how'd you become a channel member you just click on the I don't know pollution device that shouldn't know okay demand Sudetenland I'm going full Germany now boys and Ellie I was also your dude your face is weird probably better-looking the new though but down pal own you've got rekt sir would've let have a moustache like Stalin no you felt you lost your hair at 20 well I've been losing mine since I was 21 that was nine years ago so somehow I still have some threads add to the age of 30 and that great good stream thank you try to pronounce spirit Panza spar wagons even comma foon for Zen timeat asunder craft bazookas vie hand it Vieira and joystick fear Panzer awakened on in wagons some random Austrian no appreciate the donation though but I have no idea what you just said fYI on one of your rare female viewers well welcome Rena welcome yeah my YouTube advisor also told me to do more collaborations with women to help increase my female viewership unlike me I play mat games that I don't know how I just do a 12 hour livestream of 1 mil subs ok download the greeter German overhaul and the German March collection mods makes playing as Germany way better feels very German I mean it situation me to do that now why it you should do a 12 hour lives team at 1 mil subs but Wyatt are you I you are my patreon right because I swear I've been shouting out a Wyatt green for like years on my end screams why is there a Rambler video that's cold potato is a cold remember as a potato what is there really [Music] yes that's quite funny why is there a video that's called Rambler is a potato [Music] let's look [Music] huh no there isn't you've lied at least that I can't find it maybe you didn't lie but I don't know if to trust you anymore hey Alex are you gay like your dad that means you it oh god what kind of idiot are you to try and type something like that let's just put user in timeout good lord anyway Alex's potato I do I do like potatoes no I don't think I'll be I'm and I forgot oh okay please don't cancel it have you been giving me $20 a month for quite some time division attack plus ten percent let me go actually it's probably speed that I need yeah [Music] you go you should have either after 100k yeah pretty much thank you for the dollar buff Alex Oh see this guy this guy can get on board with calls me powerful which processor do I have this one it's an i7 it's an old one in this PC what is my real job YouTube that's right kids you too could become the professional map game youtuber I can make the parameters potato did very quickly go for it I'll watch it on stream would I play the max set no I don't know I don't repeat my mods unless it's like a proper overhaul you know I can make a Rambler is a potato vid really quick do it where am i from I'm from the UK let's let's say England then but it's it's rather unpitying little mare do I edit my videos yep so a lot of the live stream videos that I had last year was was done by an editor but I haven't done any O's for a while so I do everything myself at the moment I'm English I'm not Canadian [Music] so should we get as many military factories as possible somebody saves I've only got 98 sears that isn't a huge amount for Germany what kind of beard a beard do I want I'd okay I'm okay being beardless I've tried having a beard before he didn't look very good I think I would like 24 more Infantry Division's then that should be enough for the start of the war I also want to get paratroopers lots of them died a favorite football team not like the thing is not really I support Arsenal because my dad does that because I made it up don't to boost any allied nation that I'll have to get that from the Dutch do I have any tips for starting YouTube and doing high fall or any game I would like if you if you went into the attitude of doing YouTube and like I'm gonna make a ton of money then you're not especially if you come in thinking I'm gonna become a professional youtuber doing Let's Plays it just doesn't happen anymore that's like 2011 YouTube any advice really I don't know just go into it with the would try and have fun rather than try and go into the attitude of like doing it for a job cuz this is my hobby for about five years before I've been doing it full-time so make stuff you're passionate about I'd save the queen god save the queen the hell's that Howard don't save the queen basically I'm making an overhaul mod and I I know a mega nation based on you well the nation be I don't know there's there's only been a few of them I think there's like Rambla stone once Rambler nation ramblin ace y'all I don't know what I like would you like to know you always gets Alex what you're doing I am trying to beat Roy for on elite difficulty so far it's going okay I think I don't know if I know if I have enough planes in production probably not so let's pump that up I should have been building about three a day at this point so I'm actually quite behind on my yeah [Music] would I play your mod once I fish wouldn't you finish it I guarantee nothing which is kind of what I say to everyone so I can't guarantee I will Rambla Rio you'd be the bad guy brilliant I love being the bad guy what was my job before YouTube I worked in marketing so I worked for a a telecom company but I was in a specific team that gave out money to film makers in British Columbia and Alberta so I would pretty much just promote their stuff and increase increase their viewership so in my first year I managed to increase their viewership by between three and four hundred percent that's pretty good I got a job interview cheese spicy salsa Mingo I don't really do that how much to please probably with just me and you yeah I never need to do private games like I barely play Hawaii when I'm not doing this so when I'm not when I'm not doing the youtubes I don't really play it much so yeah I don't really do private games I have my headset on wrong yes because like then their noise canceling and I like to hear if like the doorbell goes does that help increase your viewership just what help increase my viewership love your channel from Pakistan oh hello please tell me the skills you picked up doing that job Oh what shall I do what shall I do here guys I'll let you decide the view the viewer your job in marketing hmm holding a patron biome now just one is a ridiculous one oh damn and your bank just shut down your card oh dear and it's all everyone's saying and it's all most people are all right opinion on Trump wanting dreamland it was mainly to distract from the other things he was doing wasn't it like I don't think he was ever actually serious they would go through I'm missing one how is the molotov-ribbentrop at least 850 k-mer in oh okay well I'll do eastern claims first but I need to get ready football like my production is quite poor right now no one wants to join me how come my change between Canada in the UK I just like it here and I've been in Canada and luckily I have a job that I can do wherever I am also my girlfriend lives in Canada so that's kind of a big reason that keeps coming back okay only having 20 combat with mediums at the star the war isn't great if I'm being completely honest with you which I am and what is this freakin Oh what'd I ever do a girlfriend's dream probably not she doesn't want to be on camera and I am perfectly okay with that where I had my previous girlfriend Eden appear on videos we would get lots of like weird people trying to like be creepy and message here on Instagram and also lots of racist stuff so I'm more than happy with my current girlfriend wanted to maintain her privacy yeah nice hairline thank you keep work and love separate I agree which is what I'm doing now Snell are you yeah let's just train some snails for garrison divisions 16 helping a fellow streamer with time for 350 free Finny Frank you very much for your the Tank Girl for the free fitty mucho appreciate oh he's respectful and the sex God of the whole community it's true it's true it's not commonly known how much of a sex good I am but it's true I use I use sex Thomas how much of an air force do I have at the start of the war oh I've made a mistake everyone that's not enough why do I have 50,000 guns Jesus I've done it up hardened my frosh am i doing multiplayer no is drew a giver or receiver well he's in a wheelchair right now isn't he he doesn't really much of a choice sounds like why did I break his leg well he just happened to be in a position where I could I'm kidding I did break his leg he go annex well thank you very much for the 20 Canadian Canadians are very generous here you go Alex just buy a clipper and shave your head it's way cheaper Zini face thank you I do have a pair of clippers but I don't really use them for my head hair if you know what I mean sorry that really wasn't necessary why is the Texas speech speaking with an Indian accent I wanted to be representative of the whole Commonwealth so you'll notice that I think it's a when someone does it donate us is it super chat they're Welsh if they donate then they're Indian you know just keeping it keeping it real what am i lacking artillery bollocks you always want to make sure you have enough big guns I haven't even done Westfall that's not smart of me like I mean III really have messed this up I spent way too much time talking of all of you yeah you're putting me off my job now I'm kidding it's fine it's forgiven you're still the true sex gourd Minecraft's collab unlikely who would want me to do a collab with goo diamond who defects that I need to be very careful by why research now because I am way behind on everything that I wanted to have drew Danil well you'd have to get like I drew is a very elusive person you would need to get like I don't know I don't know how I did it's very difficult to arrange a collab with him despite me having tried before so I am more than happy to do a Minecraft code out with him but it's it's a difficult man to get a hold of especially now he can't get to a phone why do you not do minecraft co.labs on him oh just add Caleb's in general is P Andrew don't do Hawaii anymore give her card and drew dat watches that's pretty much how it'll go I think okay how many make getting a day now okay for fighters a day start calling Mussolini sue Cellini how much is 500 Norwegian kroner that's quite a lot of donations now Jesus start calling mostly nice leaves Olli me okay alright Cicilline come join me you're part of me now but you're in me I'm in you we're in each other potato fit is lifted the dumbest thing ever okay you've actually made one have you but the dough fit is done literally the dumbest thing ever 55 USD well guys that is quite the plow that's um Jesus thank you very much that's a lot of money it's very generous what do you thank you sue Cellini I probably should have got some more cast as well how many were getting Jesus like hungry really needs to give me all of their aluminium jeez Louise I think I told drew break a leg Andrew didn't understand well he's American what do you think about the Hydra update it's alright I personally don't like the naval changes they're not really my kind of thing like I've never really been a meta maybe person and now I'm even further away from that than ever so they're almost trained I lack the rubber always make sure you have all the rubbers you need that 100k donation go hey man look I want to retire so it was a joke like the donation goal was a joke I wouldn't actually expect people to today a hundred thousand dollars I'd definitely be able to afford like the best Troy hair transplant that money has to offer though with that if I chose to actually use my money on there that'd be kind of crazy it's my view on modern Europe people are still proud of their nationalities don't they although I think in England is a little bit like if so you see someone flying a flying English flag rather than a Union Jack you're kind of considered racist just a little bit odd but hey how are you gonna do [Music] when did this chapter religious mist as it turned religious I have a feeling I'm gonna run out of fuel oh well we can get ice forgot about him there you go haha completely forgot about one effective Partizan's yeah let's get old Himmler in Asher Heinrich your daughters moved did it it's concerning guess I'll die then okay so I don't think I'm particularly ready for war [Music] in fact I pretty much know I'm not going to be my feet hurts from Gamescom and I spent too much money on useless stuff but here you go Josh appreciate that hopefully had a good time at Gamescom despite wasting money my Vegas actually I just need 400 and then naval bombers I'm almost ready to go my secret plan so we're gonna we're gonna see if this plan works if it doesn't then I then I've majorly effed up already we're not even at war we don't we already don't have control how do we do there we go right so if I declare war boom hmm what time is it over there it's 10 to 12 so it's midday for me so I'm gonna give you the adieu order to go new the order to go and new the order to go I have my border protected against the frosh and this is where we'll see if I can win what Oh am i an absolute clunker I am an absolute longer everyone with ha they're using fricken bombers on me what you never played tuba simulator I I need to find a way to be self-sufficient on rubber and oil Romagna oh Jesus I forgot I spearheaded my tanks they were a bit ahead of the suggest you focus on subs oh I have Stelios don't worry okay so I need to like reorganize this stuff at some point I'm producing so we're only getting some of it through our Belgium doesn't cost me any convoys this is a problem can I show my infantry and tank template they're very basic they're all twenty wit at the moment I haven't had time to get forty wits oh geez these are terrible anti-tank do I have only 700 yeah my templates are bad currently that will change and I also just let the AI battle-plan I haven't actually been controlling this myself from Norway well thank you very much greetings to you too but you kind of want a farm Poland a little busy you get some XP but this is going very well indeed for thinking with the $5 pre-trade that who can give us who can give the best puns right now who is capable of punning with six viewers away from a thousand everyone six viewers away oh the no guarantee and Ankle revealed or something people really want to see an ankle reveal dancing they're still holding on to Danzig that's a lot of French no matter are they actually bombing a wittle into the war I don't need to know yet anyway got to watch the whole stream to keep up the great work thank you don't touch my finger you touch my finger oh okay get you call you into the war suit Shalini I can't yet oh you'll get in at some point don't worry I cut I need your Navy to stay intact for a while call me into the war it's fine we're only in September that's fine why don't they want to join me want to be able to watch the whole stream but keep up the great work okay I think everyone can just be freaking aggressive now oh there we go all right so that frees up a lot of troops here easy-peasy everyone easy-peasy return of the Kaiser will know the Kaiser isn't returning today I like so much rubber [Music] the lack of rubber is an issue did we hit oh no now we've lost a viewer we need all of those that that didn't take long at all okay so we lost two submarines and they lost 10 that's a pretty good exchange right when we lose they lose lately all 16 subs aha so this is what I really wanted to do then I'm gonna bomb them in the channel when they think that they're safe Alex drew is too powerful film we've hit a thousand oh okay well I guess like that that bun doesn't work okay here you go there you go ankle you're welcome that was only the left one you'll see the right one when we hit 2,000 viewers there you go ankle reveal everyone you're you're welcome for that experience sexy ankle I know I really have maxed out my building slots would you like to have a girlfriend I have a girlfriend no I'm probably not going to do his no oil challenge [Music] why 12 all my civilian factories gone i think i'm trading them all aren't I the pain someone just told me that they're learning English from your episodes Oh would you rather go of season on versions of during the same time or my girlfriend my girlfriend no doubt no doubt no doubt girlfriend is Eva Braun like no it's not although am i protesting too much his girlfriend is Eva Braun listen sue Cellini it is not okay so Italy is probably already lost its Navy right oh no it's still there I'm sorry I picked my girlfriend every time over multiple Dru's which I know will disappoint all of you but that's just the way it is you're actually competent well we don't know yet how is my girlfriend I think she's all right haven't spoken to it much today she's on holiday oh my mom's missing me my mum you have a little challenge refused the Angelus I know I don't do challenge suggestions anymore I haven't for a couple of years every single time someone suggested it I've probably already tried it or done it it's just challenges don't really interest me at all anymore ever Luxembourg all right so conquering Amsterdam was be as easy as right-clicking with my tanks maybe I'll just attack with everyone - is it Belle Delphine no what's my dad's name why his real name my dad's name Oh cuz alex is like the best name ever don't you know I'm producing zero fight of the day commander lack so much rubber his mum seek larder who I have no idea who that is holy Angeles Batman so once I've dealt with France I'm gonna consolidate my position of course of course ooh Cellini can't even make it through his girlfriend is a laxative wanderer why do I have eres purity in the Benelux I don't are you having a mofo Alex mom is Clara I don't know who Clara is who is Clara his girlfriend is Alexis the wanderer be a bit weird if my girlfriend's the same name as me actually which imagine that that would be a little bit weird but I regret not upgrading to forty combat wave tanks at this point like this video now what and who's got good lips thank you appreciate that now the French are reinforcing like the idiots they are oh no my tanks have been in surcoat good oh thank god I could have been very embarrassing the good old RAM to fail no block them off again they have a lot more divisions than I was expecting and why am I still not able okay well let's let's redo these front lines because it's clearly they're not working help me in Africa help me you know free AE oh my god sue Cellini no I'm sorry but you've you've you said to call you into the war and I did and now you're suffering and that's not my fault okay so soon my next plan can be put into action with my naval bombers in the channel soon TM I'd rather watch Alex than ISP thank you but we're all just content creators trying to do our best really when are we gonna watch the potato vid I don't even know this up has anyone uploaded the potato said potato video okay well let's try and trap some French and British Sally why didn't the tank into the battle why not upgrade your fighters to the next type I can't produce any at the moment as it is because I lack a lot of rubber so I just don't have enough okay thank you for the dollar in circling the French I love it I love killing French French in a totally normal way of course not in like a weird sadistic way in content in context of the gang saved it would you do a stream of Bo ISO or stream with fans no I don't host multiplayer games anymore I did that for two years consistently on on on twitch and I just decided didn't want to do them anymore so everyone had two years to do that and if you haven't had the opportunity I apologize but I'm doing it again where are you from from England can i play minecraft no not today maybe at some point I can play some minecraft isn't discord under the channel means the potato Venus in discord under channel means okay so this is the your boy Alex the Rambler is indeed a potato [Music] well you weren't joking you actually spend time doing that oh okay right I'm surprised someone you actually did that but you did that's what you call quality content indeed indeed it is quality content coming at you well I thank you for calling me a potato potato potato tomato tomato however you want to call it don't eat it I don't even need the west wall anymore gimme where are my tanks nice so it's gonna Francis actual taken long to fall that I wanted to do but then I guess I am playing on Elite difficulty so you'd expect it to be a bit harder that's what she said see they changed to fight or to their money-making to a week my rubber really is suffering at Dunkirk them this time next month we'll be in Perry am i part of the Illuminati no how many before I hit 100 million I don't think I'll ever hear 100 million subscribers it's a very ambitious target heck I don't even think I'll hit a million so a million is a lot for a strategy gaming channel we've taken Paris okay so now I need to put some people on garrison duty which I probably definitely do that so much see I took out France no you didn't those are lies I would establish Vichy which I know a lot of you won't like but I have to see I took out France cool face smiley face Daleks but you can say I deserve to hit a million but it still doesn't really have anything to do with what people deserve it's kind of just blind luck and all the time right so with this now I've got so much to organize this is what so this is why I don't really stream a lot because you have to do so much behind the scenes it's very difficult to oh my god 190 billet aluminium so a lot of it like everything in the videos you'll see it's like cut out actually had I removed that from the region now [Music] all right so what we have here is Aris purity in the channel which is great what the Frick they're trying to Sonny out a breast I don't think so France is invincible who else can we invite no no so I'm gonna try and take out London ASAP they have more planes than us mainly because they can produce them I can't hair yes okay so that's a bit of a bug where they give Vichy France all of North Africa I think and then I think that if I want to get their Navy case Anton so [Music] what what can I just have the Navy oh they already have their Navy okay that's good they took the French Navy that's fine I'll let the Yale I do whatever it wants of it okay so now wait they can miss a periodic in the English Channel I can just naval invade them okay except I don't want ten divisions okay so okay so what you want to do it something to invade naval invade from several different places so hopefully we'll have a chance to take one of one or the other opinion on try wanted to buy green that we've already announced that question come on now and then I think where are my paratroopers because I want to do something with my paratroopers you know competent do you know what I am competent winking face who else thinks miscellaneous fitting lies here and where will my transports please tell me I started with I swear I start with them okay all right so 15 paratroopers once that's gone on for a few days and my headphones okay yeah I just like to have one in one out you know what I mean okay I'm losing manpower quite rapidly and why is that oh sorry sue Cellini my bad players the UK has the UK and reestablish the king's body I can't really do that right now all I'm trying to do let's figure out how I can not Muslim Issei Shalini so I'm gonna pair a drop in various places it's like this kind of stuff is very time-consuming which is why you have which is why you'll always see it cut out of the videos because I don't really think this kind of stuff is fun for people to watch but hey ho that's what happens on a live stream isn't it just good to do what you can not taking over they usually fortified over very heavily so I'm going for a wide spread and who doesn't love a wide spread how many fighters am I making I'm gonna have to put them all on two fighter twos it's just rubber unlocking I need to take out the UK livestream just means extra content it's true the music is terrible in your videos by the way Oh what will I do now why is there not soundtrack oh sorry okay so so you can take out 10 UK destroyers for the price of free naval bombers like naval bombers a king so I've reduced their Navy quite considerably yeah the exchanges that we're taking here is beautiful so we're taking out the majority of the home fleet before our Navy even enters into any kind of contact with them sniffing bones okay so exchanging okay there yeah it's just rubber I need all the rubber can can people like donate rubber please I need are you there Jeeves Jeeves give me your rubber come on trees alright let's try it without the but I didn't even leave the frickin paratroopers are you serious where are they going alright well they send another 24 divisions over and the tanks I'm gonna delete his orders cuz that's a frickin mess all 24 can go onto there and then [Music] this shouldn't have gone this easily where are their units people and I'm more confident than Alex no no I am competent I am and this is on elite on Ally difficulty I'm annihilating them it's a normal for Germany's manpower to be that low no I should probably go up to the extensive [Music] ha ha ha ha we lost 19 bombers they lost ok they're losing so many ships too so if you're wondering how to beat the UK this is it just have naval bombers supporting your Navy and your win every time [Music] am i a bro I guess I must be an expert bro to pull this off where is pony's one-wayness balloons I don't know mate I don't know but thank you thank you both for your donations 400 is that rubles a browser potato dough skis kurta over heel avoid an end bag there vent earring say oh really [Music] Oh [Music] Canada I will puppet Canada British Raj I will puppet the British Raj liberate to Scotland sure this is going to be gross there we go nice DKK 17 Thank You Jonas Jonas for that donation Oh muskan thank you very much for these five dollars that went very well German Raj love it you'd love to see it nice I wonder what all by myself lying back I won the war all by myself kissing face right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifier jaws right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass right magnifying glass magnifying glass okay if no one else could do donations like that that'd be great looks at Norway is there not Germany no I haven't ever needed to take it I haven't even needed to take it but my next target will obviously be the USSR rikes and Cree rights and Crete you know it sir we're in May 1940 and we've already done that damage to them that's that's that shows you the competence that is Alex the Rambler see and you've all sinned now I haven't actually been cheating is I'm literally unable to cheat I'm I'll do 5-speed when I'm able to right now it's obviously more prudent for me to get stuff set up but don't worry five-speed is coming still lacking aluminium to feed the Soviet Union with just artillery you defeat the over Soviet artillery you do it what okay somehow Alex always cheese do I like a nice ball I play I do some archery from time to time we should not kill nor we throwing feasts then I will not kill No left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass listen to the left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass I can still hear it refine glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass left magnifying glass nice an extra ninety two divisions to send against the Soviets like don't thing I can lose now so but if I if I were to feed the Soviets then that's where I'll probably in the stream if I defeat them who knows whatever I'll be able to or not daddy please notice me I've met something else done okay stop now indeed it has you're still trading rubber oh I don't need to I don't need to anymore do I I have a bit of a surplus I have unlimited rubber but not enough aluminium for [ __ ] sake why is them are still alive because then Matt doesn't exist so why won't you join me you [ __ ] oh all right then fine you can join me I didn't even need Thee okay well there's gonna be sitting there on hmm don't eat this what why'd you not repair the fleet I don't really need to do I it's not really essential Rambler it's a potato [Music] invade everything I mean there won't be much point innovating too much [Applause] I still like aluminium and I still have military factories that I'm not producing and living with I don't need to produce anything though that's the thing am I married no I'm not married maybe one day never know unlikely anytime soon mama Mao will be [Music] gonna introduce a massive tank corps for this invasion so unlike the Germans back in the day I'm actually gonna prepare well I'm actually have the resources I need to win this fight okay they can be the backup line okay that's a whole lot little airborne grease Oh sue Selene you're not producing any artillery who asked tungsten British Rajesh should be that German Raj now are you going producing it I'm gonna be a friend Oh wrong one that's the friendship pants if Alex was a virgin would Australia exist Andrew would be strict what kind of the comments that go in good lord to make twenty biscuits blend 150 grams of children to make twenty biscuits blend 150 grams chilled butter chunks with 175 grand sifted plain flour and some dried rosemary until it looks like 100 grams crumbled Stilton and mix in 65 grams chopped walnuts sounds pretty tasty to be honest thank you for the 10 euros how many tanks am i lacking 5,000 tanks I'm your favorite YouTube channel with my friends they say I'm weird for watching World War 2 videos yeah and you know what enjoy whatever you damn please just because you might find jobs because they might find something where doesn't mean he actually is doing well indeed you are [Music] wait what we need we have one person oh I need more divisions than they do I misunderstood I misunderstood my bad well I guess we can't have war with the USSR yet I guess I'll just keep preparing and then Willie destroy them I guess is how it's gonna work I could also upgrade my equipment and stuff like that but I am also not gonna bother there's not ready - but this - point make the bad who are you chat about me [Music] make the bed bleed Oh was in you mean Soviet the Soviet bear sorry I get it I get it now I get what you're saying can you make some sort of beginner tutorial um not really like so I'm very just trying to get their hair transplant Thanks so I'm very specific about the kind of videos that I release and tutorials just don't really fit in with what the channel is all about just joined hope you get that hair transplant Thanks oh my god Italy r2 chief made into a dough wrap and chill for 30 minutes made little balls into the palm of your hands it sounds very good Thomas it sounds very good part two knead into a dough wrap and chill for 30 little balls in the palm of your hands flatten and bake a few centimetres apart for 12 minutes at 160 degrees Celsius very tasty have I started propecia no I haven't it's more of a meme the donation go is a meme I don't actually care if I am if I go bald well I am going bald anybody care if I go bald I don't care about my hair I used to really care a lot but it's kind of like what's the point hasn't proposed to you yet disappointed face what if I told you that he's straight would you believe me you are competent soo Shalini have you started propecia it's too late for propecia it's too late now now I think I started losing my hair before Thomas died losing his just saying I am so confident aren't I smiley face you are competent yes holy moly I don't know the Soviets will stand much of a chance geez Louise I am just going to deploy the tanks then dump them [Music] Oh I'll I think the games crashing [Music] notice backers back they will note being more holy for co.labs as I've mentioned many a time the people that I did the collapse with don't play for you for anymore I don't know what you're saying that on [Music] oh you detonate money but you can't no worries no pressure oh god Connie we should at risk known text die Seco fear on Verdun huge a spike it [Music] [Music] [Music] the Soviet Union officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a Marxist Leninist sovereign state in Eurasia that existed from 1922 to 1991 indeed it was Jerald indeed it was and soon it will be a new land under Germany can i form the greater German Reich let's close the Burma Road thank you can you know no when will you play minecraft do you actually watch a live stream minecraft or oh my god you're my daddy senpai okay American Empire thank you I just want to launch the war well they're throwing themselves at me which is great please ramble for a bit what would you like me to ramble about I could ramble about the actually something that I was about the second Punic War which is an area of history that I've always liked of Punic Wars and it's kind of you need to call Muslim you see it Cellini forever dollar bills face before I would struggle to you for it's kind of weird to think that in traditional like wars if you defeated your opponent in battle you should see you struggling especially if you had had beaten your opponent so dramatically like Hannibal did for the fight three times can you please ramble for a bit the prophecy to surrender or at least try and get some peace but the Romans didn't do that they're just like nah it's all in on or we're gonna die and then because they kept fighting it's just kind of its kind of bonkers of the Hannibal can never actually defeat them so they couldn't get to well you never successfully assaulted the city of Rome instead he conquered a lot of southern Italy mumbled about for about ten years and never actually seized the opportunity to cuz after kanae he probably could have taken the city but he didn't he didn't choose to it's kind of like it's a bit weird and I because my Harv all that said Hannibal knew how to win a victory but not how to use it they go hopefully there's enough of a rabble for you somehow they're doing all right against my maybe I need more casts oh that's how you want to play it is it where's my casts those British Isles borders are scary yep I'm not gonna disagree of you there sir oh wow we're exchanging very nicely indeed hold on am I actually lacking fuel I don't like that [Music] otome what the heck's oswald mosley is invaded northern russia nice okay so I'm gonna try and get a pocket here are the Soviets actually have a lot of divisions that's a lot say cha cha real smooth move better boom boom boom boom boom - boom boom turn in there take it back now y'all is that to your liking can you see how I'm doing Italy yep I mean you're doing pretty alright maybe not down here but in general you're doing fine I might stop battle planning with my tanks and actually control I want to do properly can you see how I'm doing if the tanks we're just going to right-click see cha-cha real sorry oh yeah I've already done that use fifty thousand use code fifty thousand heavy tank freeze for a good time that sounds like quite a nice code to use I'm not gonna lie to you I wouldn't mind using that code so I wouldn't use code f 50,000 heavy tank three for a good time oh god I've gone way quicker than my line should have done shall I see how what the kind of casualties are though in terms of equipment so we've only lost this amount and they've lost ninety three thousand equipment holy sugar sticks how do I feel about restoring the USSR what well I'm not restoring am I and I don't think it's being restored in real life is it well it's not yet but like I don't really talk about my political affiliations but even if I did it'd be quite boring like I don't I don't have extreme political views you know sorry to disappoint any of you that may be expecting me to be like a secret Nazi or secret communist I'm not when's the next collab are you just asking that as a meme now Ori there is not going to be another whole collab oh wow that's the 36th division recently do you think a more competent Andrew yes sue Selena you are more competent than drew Daniel if I could travel to any time period what would it be are we the Punic Wars I would like to go and see the Punic Wars oh if we take the ports here then they're gonna be having a bad bad time aren't they don't hurt your attack take literature bad get a girl well I can continue fixing disaster games nope it was very difficult to find one that was actually fun to fix as I mentioned it the star the stream a lot of people would semi ones on recruit difficulty and it's like well recruit difficulty shouldn't be a challenge and it wouldn't be fun to show on stream or in a video so I have to stop the advance soon yeah we're given the day of rest by after their thing Paul yes destroy them destroy them all companies that okay amount that's bad it doesn't really matter yeah okay so we're entering winter so we might stop here have we achieved our aims of this first part of the wall probably like I could probably keep attacking in winter but I don't really know that I want to [Applause] but the Soviets are still pretty looking they're pretty strong how many men have they lost two point three eight million oh it we might as well just keep attacking Hey [Music] oh my god the French they're taking Leningrad the absolute mad lads actually I'm gonna stop the assault it's getting a bit crowded so my ninety two divisions here aren't really needed in fact their foliage is causing lots of attrition Army Group yeah all of our supplies getting overrun [Music] daddy Alex how is my real mum what okay it's getting weird now there now the Alex how is my real mum how to freak them how to freak me out by calling me daddy any donation calling me daddy will just instantly freak me out Oh hahaha army group North for send another encirclement nice and I think we're about to do one there yeah we've done another one nice calm way to this film Cuba calling me daddy please don't call me daddy I'm sorry to break it to you but I I can't be a father figure I don't think that's legal if you'd like encirclements don't you yes I do specially nice ones like this like they just don't stand a chance I'm playing on 5-speed for God's sake oh my god oh my god aha yes die daddy is getting cold here in the basement oh my god so weird so if I'm doing right thanks how you doing all they're launching a counter-attack let them come we will hold them in Russia [Music] how many catalysts up to now free million three whole million and I'm out of oil [Music] [Music] jeez daddy give us the sweet milk the is wrong with some of you oh my god [Music] but I rather live in ancient Rome or Japan ancient Rome over ancient Japan [Music] would you rather live in ancient Rome or Japan oh god damn it they got a little peepee oh this would be an easy target Asian that yeah like my tanks can pretty much decimate anything that they come across just play roblox will play roblox guys come on play multiplayer no physically make me our guys have been encircled sing love it I don't know what that is what tank template do I have it's ten mediums and ten motorized sing Java else could better land a song that's Tiger frim guys I got a bit too ambitious here they swarmed me [Music] how do you play high for multiplayer [Music] [Music] how much money for me to play roblox 500 pounds I just got let them attack me for a while oh I might take that airfield though I'm bald and Reich fine full hair someone making fun of my hairline again so what's happening right now so what am i lacking am I actually lacking inventory equipment by lack steel [Music] [Music] okay I am actually surprised at how well the Soviets are holding although it has only been one year yeah so yeah if people want to if you'd be when we play Minecraft 500 of British pounds which is basically two powers and two like two dollars now they were treating it might be retreating yeah cuz I don't wanna play roblox so this is trash it's a trash game it's trash I've tried playing The Rise of Nations for it that is also trash how my supply I think my supplies okay sorry I'm just replying to my mum got a reply to the old mum mummy do i watch spiff not regularly it's difficult for me to have the time to watch like 40-minute edited videos but I've hung out with him a couple of times IRL lovely chap has to be said he's a lovely chap you never played tuba simulator how did I manage to get so many divisions I just trained them I just produced the equipment and then I trained them that's it that's all you got to do what you never play egg do blossom you'll adore okay so we've lost mm medium tanks and mm by attrition who they lost 400,000 infantry equipment 10,000 light tanks ted-like surely they're gonna run out of manpower soon but that's not really how it works is it might have to shore up the front line here a little bit what you trained in deploy divisions this is the new meta I think it might be the new meta guys sorry I'm still replied to my mom I know I know I shouldn't be doing this on stream but with an 8 hour time difference they'll begin my parents were going to bed soon [Music] alright I'm back this this war negates the Soviets is taking longer than I thought it would I thought they're just going to be pushovers honestly I have underestimated the Soviets for the final time but I'm going to try and do an encirclement encircle meant a hassle game language playing dragon aide origins that was my favorite RPG for a time I live in area 51 it's true they are loose all right we've opened the gap then we just push in finish off the encirclement and look like an absolute legend am I going to write area 51 No I don't have time for that sooo Shalini is tired oh no come on sue Selina you can make it to the end of the wall Carney see it Shalini is tired 22:15 yeah I was expecting this to be over in a matter of months kind of just like how probably Germany expected it to - oh we did it nice well I'll give you your chicken nuggets I don't have no chicken nuggets what do you want from me I ain't got nothing for you general attack [Music] that was my infantry template it's just a 20 combat with trash it's not anything it's not very good [Music] that's probably why I'm struggling so much because I haven't bothered to change around my infantry templates the things you know but we're reducing the size how many caches they taken now five million that's quite a lot we could do better but remember this is unlike the toughest difficulty it's the toughest of the tough am i attached going used to go when I was younger the tanks when they have supply cannot be stopped I think it's area 69 in Vancouver only at mine on Friday nights how old am I I'm 30 30 years young do I believe in water the sheep or might who you should know that I am quite behind on the means I'm not really up to date with the maymays do I like hip-hop no I'm more I'm more into rock rock and a little bit a little bit of metal just like basic stuff there nothing too fancy you're the oldest youtuber in YouTube you are 30 there are people older than me not many and I think in the current kind of games that I play I am one of the oldest yes but I'm still kicking it with the kids sue Cellini they need some coffee I could actually you do have a copy my troops are so tired I think they need some coffee oh I literally just right-click to the do I know the who who doesn't who are you see one might say I'm a boomer it's the hair transplant serious you missed out on a maymay no I'm not getting ahead when I've done if I will see if I was like a millionaire probably that a really good hair transplant would cost you a good like twenty to fifty thousand dollars and it's just like that's the house deposit isn't it like you're spending a house deposit on your hair I'd rather have money so what's my GUI what's it yeah what's the GUI how many hours of YouTube one yeah Thomas I think you're like probably the if you if they gave like a like a reddit school but the YouTube comments you probably have that one of the highest Karma's on all of YouTube the amount of videos that I see you've left like a tricky funny comment on and everyone's I voted you it's insane so Army Group center is making great progress army group South it's doing all right Army Group middle am I married no how old are you really I'm 30 do you think I'm lying about my age I'm 30 years old like I'm not lying that that lays my egg oh my god oh he almost hit Moscow by themselves my troops are so tired they need some coffee well you did that twice he's 17 okay they are lying about my age by the way oh this could be a nice encirclement my troops are so tired I think they need some coffee hey we took Moscow nice give me so much money for that hair it's true I think you're probably on the top donator of the of the stream am i planning to have kids are you planning to have kids I don't think so I'm not a big fan of children I have given so much money now that you have enough money for pay ah we're going sir commence left right and center no you don't okay it's over it's done what's my favorite food why do you hate kids so no no I said I'm just not a fan of them like there's there's a difference between me not wanting kids and me hating kids like not everyone wants kids love your videos tweeted from Germany Thank You red bandana what's my favorite mod what DeKeyser Ike what is your favorite mod Kaiser right Kiev is still holding out like an absolute Chad not for long road if you hate a kid you didn't get any ad revenue that's not true actually the best age group for ad revenue is between the ages of 25 and 34 according to my YouTube employee that I speak to every now and then apparently I have one of those now and why do I have a girlfriend yes can you play minecraft I sometimes play it on my twitch channel how old am I I'm thirty we've been over this guy's I'm thirty you're 14 you've probably spent way too much pocket money on me then sue Cellini good lord save your money in fourteen you haven't taken your parents credit card have you what job do you have this this is my job I play video games for a living I mean there's more to it than that but yeah that's that's the long short of it do I have any pets no if I want a dog I want a nice Labrador it's my girlfriend sex what kind of question is very oh my god what I wouldn't be going out forever didn't find her attractive would I know sexy is that forty yeah Tibetan encirclement it's getting there she's much more what kind of school did you do another no normal I don't have it I don't know I don't have a degree so I didn't finish University School of Life you need to show us picture of your girlfriend no I don't you unsubscribed okay I'm pretty sure they don't really have any troops left anymore you want to see my girlfriend now no none of you are entitled to see any aspect of my personal life you want Eden no you don't okay yes also even isn't my girlfriend we broke up a year ago and I'm pretty sure she would never have dated any of my viewers well if I donate loads of money what what why you know even if you donated loads of money I still wouldn't show you a picture of my girlfriend good lord five hundred pounds no Christ this isn't the Jeremy Kyle show I want to bang her okay well you're just getting banned from there we go I've hidden your messages you'll never show up on the channel anymore good job close donor there just 20 there just there's ten and tens with these companies who is Jeremy Kyle it's kind of the equivalent of I'll who's that American guy Jerry Springer the Jerry Springer Show what country do I live in my technical residence is the UK for legal purposes that I spend several months of the year in Canada so I spend probably more time abroad that I actually do in the UK but because I'm a nuke a citizen and I don't have a work permit anywhere my citizenship is UK so I'm working on becoming a permanent resident of Canada one day it's a way off unfortunately where I'm self-employed it makes it very difficult to immigrate countries unless you unless I had like a net value of like a million dollars or something you want to see my gaming keyboard it's not even a gaming one I don't think it might be so many wants to see your girlfriends or wants to see your gaming keyboard it's that one it's a razor or not a Croma whatever that is do I know any other languages I cannot speak any other language fluently other than English I don't have a gaming mouse so I have ooh I have repetitive strain in my wrist so I have to use like a oh my god I can't I can't do it without it going everywhere I use a therapeutic mouse so like you hold it like this like that can I speak German nein wanker scram that's another word for it yeah yeah so like my my kind of RSI is quite bad so like the your forearm muscles there should be quite soft in mind just like a solid lump so when I want to move it around it's literally just like I don't know you can't really then if you can hear that that's like a whole muscle just which is basically solid so if you've been noticing less videos recently that's part of the reason that just cuz I can't hold a mouse for too long it's my favorite nation to players in Hawaii mmm depends what modern playing really I do quite enjoy playing as Germany although is clearly I'm Khaleel doing alright like Germany isn't too much of a challenge am I using a music mod nope I'm using the built-in high fall music player but I get so where I have a sizable youtube channel paradox just generally gives me all of their codes for free so when they gave me a copy of Hawaii it was the one that comes with all the DLC can you see me Schnabel is Klein no I don't know what that means so I'm not going to repeat things that I don't know what do they mean well templates really basic infantry ones they're bet rash but I'm against the AR I'm against the AI so nothing's too difficult there you have a tiny wee wee I mean I wish hey how'd you come to that conclusion no one none of you seen my penis and golf my previous girlfriends have said size doesn't matter so joke's on you right how tall am I um like five-nine five-ten I have a 69 Lightyear peepee what if I have hat so what cities do they even have left oh no we've got it so Canada's got he's got the weird man the scary man I'm talking with the new and I'm 14 well you might be too young to know this but people come in all shapes and sizes what's my national spirit German rocketry German air innovation triumphant will autarky and general star I prefer boxer shorts ones with a bit of room in so you can like jiggle it about you know another god save the queen before I go please god save the queen there you go I like your head shape thank you do you have legs yes I revealed my ankle on stream recently don't you know don't you feel your audiences be young and immature I mean that's just kind of mmm the YouTube streaming I think when people can kind of hide behind anonymity kinda can bring out the worst in people it's just the Internet really general thank you for the one pound Isaac to wear glasses all the time I need so not not day to day but four screens yes anytime I'm looking at a screen or a book but yes as you can tell when people are commenting stuff like bisexual stream do you have titties you know it's yes people are definitely immature why don't you unlived in the UK I mean look about a mess Bernard prefer Canada it's a nicer place you're a cool dude and I took grab a drink a few but those are just dreams well I mean if any of any of you here are going to paradox con you'll see me there so always feel free to come up and say hello I am quite awkward in real life even more awkward than when I'm streaming my mum says you look like a virgin Christ the fact that you had to go and talk to your mum and ask her theme might plus I think you're lying she probably said that to make you feel better in fact she probably wants to me give me a number whereas Paradise corn is in Berlin she's married wouldn't stop me what happened to hi boys we didn't really like the stream time so we just kind of stopped 4:02 okay so that's actually called that now no I'm kidding I'm gonna do that good lord you live there because they legalized you know what I haven't actually had weed for a very long time and it's legal in Canada so I should I should just go into a marijuana store and be like oh you might give me Ashley but I haven't can you give him your sexy face there you go if they're actually a paradox Khan yeah there is actually paradox on so I'll be there the whole time I'm going to Berlin five October I won't see you there I'll still be in Canada oh my god just capitulate already Stalin you idiot die this is just ridiculous now what did you want to become before you were a youtuber a business owner and or an actor and I guess to a certain extent I now do both because I this is a business and I try my best to entertain people which is all kind of exacting is entertaining people so I've managed to achieve through a weird way what I've been wanting to do my whole life kind of you can be the new mr. bean you did a swab or I did don't tell your mum actually I'll tell her later it's fine just a little goodnight donation thank you Silas appreciate that just a little goodnight donation winking face keep up the great work thank you do i watch English football no not really I use I watched some of it with my dad when I'm when I'm in Canada sorry when I'm in England I'll watch a game or two of my dad he has the BT sports what do I think about Tommy K nice guy haven't met him in person yet but I will be at Paris con so I'm looking forward to it you were an anglo-saxon indeed I was Alex you are funny and hot AF Oh No thank you wouldn't say I'm sorry I read another question as I was responding to that what am I gonna do if my channel dies I don't know probably start maybe a freelance editing and social media it's not a gaming mouse it's uh it's just anchor it's for it's the repetitive strain why drew is that money bar thingy I'm coming to the end of the stream now so I just took it off so let's try and I'm just taking all the stuff so I can form the greater German Reich at least I hope I can I think I can I think I can where's Moscow Moscow or Moscow how would you pronounce it what province in Canada I reside most the time in British Columbia so I'm right on the west coast so quite it's probably the one of the nicest areas of Canada to be in alright where the fook is the greater German Reich goddamnit well rip but I think I did all right that was on Elite difficulty I didn't take Stalingrad oh I did whoops oh well what you're gonna do I gotta give the Russian Empire some land you know a few factories but I said that's it that was the stream I hope you enjoyed it I'll properly stream at some point maybe closer to Christmas on YouTube but if you want to watch my other streams I usually live on Twitch it's all over the place at the moment but hopefully I'll have a thank you smooth aleni have a good one and I've been to Finland I haven't it's on the list yeah I'll be back on YouTube soon bye you're the best Smiley's and I'll be back streaming on Twitch at some point so go finding me there if you want to no pressure but I stream all kinds of stuff there so it might be it might be stuff like Skyrim minecraft other strategy games anyway toodaloo for now have a good rest of your Sunday bye mwah
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 270,049
Rating: 4.7556696 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 germany, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hearts of iron 4 germany inronman, hearts of iron
Id: yHSZb7E9K8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 41sec (11861 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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