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[Music] in today's episode of the Tommy Kay show 84 people every nation except Shanxi it's a player are you kidding me I've never seen in my life let's think of it where I want to go III learned that I have to be much much more careful with what I say I know what I want to do my head but I'm not gonna tell any of you guys cuz then the whene'er are you doin a you want the cigarette proposal the French first love with pepper thank you very much yes I wish you good home traveler be careful on the road they're not as safe thank you very much good bye it sent some equip I'm on day two the friend but also on the other side and we're gonna send some equipment to to someone else it's just just a little bit you know just just to show our friendship you know nobody knows that it's just a boat coming in Sardinia for Tunisia and Savoy no jet let our duty 5 minutes the bowl comes a fee to work welcome to our first Italian Natura friend I think it's very obvious what you guys are going to choose mute all spice for 1 minute what's available activate it is so scary man west-east this is what a game what a game I'm [ __ ] loving let's go let's go yeah I'm gay I'm gay you Western Nestle no other sneaking up on us snake no honor well I here should come so happy but so this was great this was great fun what a game that was so much fun let me give test only when we lost everything we are free to do everything and with that movie quote I have like the snare just nothing every stream of a movie quote I don't know why probably gonna stop it in three days but welcome to Johnny K Sunday stream in my new apartment look at it it just took me one day to get all the stuff in this new apartment it looks amazing it looks kind of the same as before our thing but damn it feels weird living somewhere else it is truly truly weird man goddammit it is weird it is weird gentlemen give me a [ __ ] chance role play it only man [ __ ] hell 86 people it's just started what already Oh what oh my god 84 people every nation except Shanxi it's a player are you kidding me I've never seen in my life I need to finish my magic game real quick um every single nation except song Shanxi that is many people will leave in lack I know many people will drop but what the [ __ ] oh this is what ideas of [ __ ] goddamnit okay so you guys can send some ideas and [ __ ] oh god I'm so okay what's up for every single nation exception see is a real-life player the dream is real and I Benito Mussolini will now announce the economical up grain of Italy once more also I need to read the rules about the topi I don't know what wolves there are we are gonna grind to topi a bit I don't need any three two bulls give me SEC everybody's killed it don't start to gave me a [ __ ] hell we're gonna switch them into this so it's more XP bla bla bla bla I'm gonna bring them here that's 25 delete one by bomb again put them all take boom they all become cavalry now you delete the rest to get a quick man Bam Bam Bam si Senora you give this to the dolphin Graziani oh there's oh that's new oh that's the Mart wait what you have more field marshals in this evenin oh that's not like that right right that's not like this in Manila is it normally and this is Giovanni mess all right come on a mess yeah it's worth fifty six okay so let me do Italy guys arms getting to the correct research obviously construction obviously we need research electronic engineering we're gonna go into Scipio firepower it's very important that my brain knows that this is a war play game I'm on my own I'm not a support to Germany someone's gonna do mass moping and air I will do my own [ __ ] let's go to production okay boom the Navy is show before some is it too loud it should be too loud it's loud Bom Bom I'm gonna do some convoys fixed camera placement oh yes right this mod is ridiculously good I only care about stability right if it's stable it seems stable and this mod can reach a lot man this yeah I moved I'm in a new room don't you see and yeah I really think that there's modest ridiculously good let's think a bit where I want to go III learned that I have to be much much more careful with what I say I know what I want to do my head but I'm not gonna tell any of you guys cuz then all the streams I was like it's weird man I swear what's this war exhaustion oh my god what well I've shown ass I know tomatoes tomatoes it's gonna be like Tommy actually walk the ocean is low let me just find it out Tomatoes it's fine I will find it out but damn what you did was the smallest ridiculous tomatoes really cool really really cool men like to send non-aggression pact of our countries as to promote stability in the Alpine region Joseph that must be I'm guessing that's Austria just you know what come on we are willing to sign a non-aggression pact to ensure step-step stop Billy T in the Alps I need to find some friends I can't always been asked at Fox River in one but I gotta be careful we're signing a pact of Austria Switzerland apparently is calling out its neutrality which is very good for us I want to grind to topia a little bit so let's just chill well you don't have Giovanni mess of the day you actually have unyielding defender that's useless I obviously have a roleplay goal but I'm not gonna announce that openly yet because it's although there's like 80 students names that's literally a tea stream snipers lack of power overs oh oh yeah the big big debuff in error below what's that military bureaucracy also [ __ ] my country oh this is sort of different than vanilla thank you multimedia you have to Kim yeah but you have a lot of debuffs started by the way nay are you doing a you want the cigarette sure sir and smoking is bad for you sugar but you cigarette let's see the pizza welcome to doorman me no hablo espanol a is it a holiday I can speak English so fine they all do hey forget about a mr. mr. Baldwin are you doing you're doing okay so thank you we would like to discuss something quite important with you yes sir sorry you want to discuss Lots yes words what you have been force in the island of rhodes whatever sir so the foreign minister has been it has informed me that you are willing to talk and negotiate with the island of rhodes well I say I'm willing to meet with you at but I'm not willing to give away my country oh yeah understand me sir okay hey sir with all due respect you know I'm a fascist leader if I give away an island to a democratic nation the people of Italy will think I am I have no cojones that well if I'm honest and we have in all of this internal difficulty at the room some of our is the peaky blinders subject what are they doing yeah we're not quite sure but we just we just had a little bit of a battle the outside cable street that was the Ike's so you be careful with this guy called that what's his name Churchill but the cigar you careful man he kills people is [ __ ] I seen it yeah be careful man yeah he's pretty crazy yeah you keep them out well sir thank you sushi thank you well mister I mean no disrespect to your country but the question of roads I don't I don't have the strength question you know roads is italiano parapet arrow for not the main yes so our proposition to you would be in exchange for three civilian factories we'd be willing to purchase the island of Rhodes and Dudek and Dodecanese and then we can maybe discuss at a later point of like returning it we just need it for naval bases at the moment with all due respect I don't mean knowing will of this but this is not good off I don't like the software I'm a girl you know but maybe we can make exchange there is a very important oh I Londo in the Mediterranean called Malta we won't be willing to switch the great military base of roads from out behind that that's saying that something we can do L forget about Thank You economics in rpm I'd say motor is worth a lot more than roads once why it's in the center of the Mediterranean and how about the center of victory yeah sir if I may ask you know we enjoy fishing yeah yeah my friend once again I mean noticed its back though okay this is not ill will but with the I've not been willing right now to sell the island of the roads I'm sorry okay we can understand motivated motivated I think they have to better can have a good a good time in law Roma ciao ciao bella ciao you're not gonna sell roads the [ __ ] buongiorno signora bloom in the past she was muy bien way is it Valley I have read the little beautiful through this book map top-notch Metheny I like the glasses break it so the French Republic had made a proposal of a discussion about through the French Italian relations and develops so the transfer fee would ferment to sign a nonaggression pact between our nation and establish a union of scientific mr. bloom and as I say in my letters now you clean what is not good for our nation must come together and despite being offered [Music] or your goatee your shirt beside you come here and forth to the wedding day of my doctor and you ask me for non-aggression [Music] you design this back [Music] except a great affordable I wish good home traveler be careful on the road they're not as safe [Music] this deal let's send some equipment there to the friend but also on the other side we're gonna send some equipment to to someone else just just a little bit you know just just to show our friendship you know nobody knows that it's just a boat coming and it's leaving it's leaving vanessi on it goes to Barcelona nobody knows greetings aleni I the people of 7000 stop let's bring democracy to the people of Autopia welcome to the land of Palio no Bambino a welcome let's strain the army a bit now the things I need to take an idea that actually makes sense right I'm taking economic ideas to be honest mr. mr. Blum let me be let me just be straightforward to you as a friend Italy has no ambitions in the West we don't want any war with France but Italy as ambitions in the East to ensure our campaign into the East we need to find a good relation with Paris whoever may reign in there so I want you to know that my support friendship is yours in all these matters and if out of Hitler even though I think there might be an uprising coming soon to take him down will become a major threat in Europe you will have my insistence sir hey it's MEA hello Adolfo because I finally we meet yes very very over here a lot of the old my friend I hear a lot but we don't interfere into each other's business as we are both fascists mr. Italy understand and we complain today I like we have the same ideologies same ideals but when you come to Rome and say we should care about each other's business it sounds to me that you will build the great German Empire that might one day be so big and so strong it might threaten the sovereignty of Italy how can I trust you signora Hitler I can guarantee to you that we have no claims whatsoever in Italian lands since there are no Germans living in them currently what do you mean currently why did you say currently hey because I'm pretty sure that South Tyrol is Austrian land but currently would not support any claims of the Austrians currently currently mr. Hitler man I don't like this word you know I already feel pressure and soft alone now hey what the [ __ ] listen my friend I'm a politician I meant to speak in these mysterious ways it is my job I cannot I know that speaking receivers raise your job mr. Hitler and if I have a weird feeling that many people might die because of your mysterious speaking sir but that is not the fact I'm a great friend of Otto von Habsburg and the Austrians I'm willing to sign another prospective view and even guarantees of your intervention on both sides if you are willing to sign this contract that has a war in it saying a law a thing in it that says that the matters of South Tyrol or matters of Italy in Austria not of Germany okay I agree I'll have to yield that's not a contrast yeah hmm it shall be done I guarantee there will be no intervention in Italian matters we only seek to make allies and enemies as the evil the evil okay man okay my friend okay let's check us let's shake hands a little conflict occur okay man okay you can get a nicer pizza up without any toppings but that's what you draw runs like and then I hope the next time we meet it will be once more in peace yes of course molto Boehner seniority very good because dialog last sayonara hasta la vista goodbye look at your pan oh no no no no no no no no no no mister heckinger why wait is there hekia she must be given wait oh it's it's it's not even whoa whoa what it's a buck tomatoes we should hot joint someone let them take this nation and he's they transfer everything to Japan it's a buck no imagine would have been simple Aziz it's a buck my friend hello what it seems the new leader has arrived in France from here the last one had a bit of dementia problems it seems like it you are most welcome just as your predecessor to Rome and then please snap tea can you get the [ __ ] out on the front room and wait that's my own voice what do it my own voice came out of Matty's mic and then I screamed at myself that I should shut the [ __ ] up imagine that [ __ ] anyway mr. France yes this of mr. France your penis has and I had a very very close relationship that was looking for a demilitarized boarder non-aggression pacts are maybe more future cooperation for itself already not just buying just buying 16 of your steel my question here today is would you like to continue this pact I had to repeat ourselves you know I think I can do even better than the previous battle I'm listening sir so um obviously issue the Demilitarized border is that both sides we have maintenance defenses to make anymore very bad for foreign aid we propose we give you Savoy this is Italian clay and in return we give you we give you um Savoy and Tunisia and in return we get island of Sardinia and a non-aggression pact in currencies and which which mean that you know we will have no other interests and anything through with it you can do wherever the [ __ ] you want well then the answer my apples goal is to have a great defense review because I think that you and me together have a lot more different enemies to look for in Europe and at least to be sure that there's no war between us will be great you want to give away some way and Tunisia for Sylvania sir many mean to disable to be Tunisia and Garvin soon of course it's the whole state of Judaism [Music] sir I am a great Democrat and I will now undergo a national referendum if the people fairly and I will bring you their choice in today's time in a really traditional thank you very much sir thank you see you in a second gentlemen I told you the chapters to people of Italy the buso dis Savoy the deaf handle salvinia or tunisia it's a boy gentlemen I'll give you five minutes the bowl comes a three to one welcome to our first Italian natural random I think it's very obvious what it has orange juice a few moments later sure enough here we go gentlemen I'm gonna obviously vote for Centennial Tunisia I think it's very easy for that's so many boats that's like the biggest role will be around extreme my dear friends mr. da da da hello I'm happy to inform you that the people of Italy in the suburb of random voted for though it collects it and voted for the deal savoy to persuade adopts probably given over for the island of celini it's brought I think she goes to this to sign this very nice yes my friend let's let's call this pact the French Italian friendship pact to show the goods that our countries of France in all the matters wonderful we are very much okay how does this Schumer give me a second oh I'm on my I was about to give you a little e sir haha box state there you go sir thank you very much thank you for the Italian yeah I just gave a lot of factory sir that's sure yeah my friend woman that was also something about like just I wanted to tell you we just saw the uprising of the Union of North American workers Canada the US and Mexico oh succumb to communism the East is succumbing to communism we must stand together against the spread but war between our nation's would only lead to the ultimate victory of communism extremely true still my friend the the King of austria-hungary ultimen Augsburg has officially taken away his claim on South Tyrol do you agree this to do this move of Otto von Habsburg so Mussolini I told from the very beginning I have no claim on South Tyrol Italy not even a different man thank you sir net welcome the third the first time ever in its existence I will announce my secret goal of the invasion of Yugoslavia a communist country that must be dealt with I am asking all German people Berlin and Vienna to not interfere to this war and maybe in the future states like Vojvodina and vest Bernard can maybe be given to Otto von Habsburg I believe there will be no intervention in the return in the return of the former lands of Slovenia Croatia where would you know and WestBow not arrest can be all yours and Cellini what do you say it is mr. Bullen deferred I was just hopefully willing to give away Vojvodina investments to our Beaufort great friend Ottoman Habsburg but you are also now claiming the states of Croatia and Slovenia sir sir I'm not claiming these loans I'm just trying to support my allies Klaus of course I'll not involve myself in a massive war with you so if I called Slavic lands make this deal done with mr. France work himself you will support his decision depends if it's way too extreme I might not even support it okay then I shall talk to him next that is very good in my plant invasion of Yugoslavia well I'm deferred claims Slovenia and Croatia to your country this I cannot accept but will be bullying a transfer of Vash Medina and best bonnet to his Highness Otto von Habsburg the wrong protocols were an agreement that we signed with Austria and Hungary concerning our economic cooperation between our three nations and a position against the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia since forming these agreements into an alliance treaty will make it possible to defend Austria which is subject of the loss of the Reich I don't know where Austria will go yet man I'm guaranteeing him Australia can still join me that'll be a good move I've just now seen your message I'm sorry but despite your claims my ancestors ruled over those lands and therefore I cannot abide your annexation of them I shall let you know that those who proposed a session a nation very interesting very interesting this so much such an interesting game there's so much interesting [ __ ] happening it's really really cold corny no we do not stand on your camps in Yugoslavia and the spyder planned invasion we will still transfer up across our territories to you so you would agree to this no claims on my Yugoslavian territory but west bonnet and Bush would Dina will be given to you that's the deal I'm giving it the drummer welcome back well in the third hello um I believe you do you will have to mute we're not immune to try and encrypt the data a bit sir you know what I mean with our new before new file technology called the mozzarella coat we will now mute all spice for one minute mozzarella called activated oh no the mozzarella encryption has stopped got them thank you very much we'll attempt to share your recipes with my cooks thank you sir yes thank you that's very good goodbye I need to sometimes shoot myself there's some deals going on I just can't show on stream it's too crazy I can take a new idea Oh innovation ideas I like innovation let's take innovations and now I take this one researching facilities plus 5% research I like decide your stuff that's so cool that is really really cool I just got 5% research that is yet Austria took down Yugoslavia and I can't stop it that's very very offensive to world's the Italian state bell the siege of Belgrade is on the way Austria I finally finished my accession of York stare approach we can make a deal in which I give you the Mafia Montenegro Macedonia after taking after forcefully taking down Belgrad you now have full power over these states we think in order to show respect to Rome you must give all Adriatic locations to us the Catalan people seek to partition themselves to a UK state what I showed you the goodwill of letting you behave Savoy back which is Italian people we only want Catalonia to have the same dignity [ __ ] thank you so calm he wants to free Catalonia well then let me roleplay this way I have an idea well if Catalonia is freed you and UK will have no more claims on my friend Spain is that right let's rotate that mate we might release Catalonia so they stop annoying us this is true we only want Catalonia then there will be peace in our time in the French sphere my friend can we discuss the path forward not right now you truly are our best friend you can yell Europe and the Sun Shawn ok let's talk to Spain lots of [ __ ] going on man Spain Spain Spain my friend the French English Coalition is demanding the freedom of Catalonia or will be aggressive towards you if Catalonia is freed you will you will be out of their crosshairs so restless look at South America and affectionate mode yeah I like that I like that think they create content they fight each other this guys fight this guys and this guys find it there that's cool you know when South America all unites hey I'm Brazil hey Argentina you're one of your knife with me and let's take all most of America boring that's cool what a great game great great game we have you're going man Javier Javier composed us almost as be any tu eres EE piano la gente esta muy loca Senora welcome to Rome my greatest of allies king of Spain yes I'm good how are you we live in a world of backstabbers and war mongers we have to be very careful with who we trust indeed I come to you to bring news of the French have offered a deal where in exchange for Catalonia they would turn over all of their North North African possessions hold on what right yeah exactly and essentially he doesn't wish to fight me at all regardless of Catalonia I just need your opinion on that seeing as how you are my closest ally and see hub you know you're coming you're coming for advice this the giving away of Catalonia would leads to our factions of Rome protocols owning 66% of North Africa all that will remain will be Egypt under us with mostly we will be very close to the closing of Gibraltar and the complete takeover of the Mediterranean I as your friend will advise you to take this deal very well but I will let the French Prime Minister know that I do always welcome in this room my friend thank you sir oh very interesting very very interesting oh he's also man Germany's factions scary man jeroni is so scary man West East this is what game what game I'm [ __ ] loving this on first of October mo Cellini will announce his great plans for Europe and the Mediterranean in this world there's no friendships there's no allies there's no love no hope no luck all there is is you and all you are people of Italy I've never take you serious I've never been seen as strong anymore the time has come you the Italy claims what is rightfully theirs I was never friends the fault of an iceberg and his Treasury will be met with violence shortly I'm calling forth the Roman air force to take down his empire and everything else world's recurring the Congo Free State into our faction wars on the horizon I also only knows this tendency when he is a greeter well-integrated my friend will be able to great on the edge because it seems to be integrated into the British Empire my friend prepared to attack on France prepare prepare right now I will France already surrendering 45 days go go go this might be trick something is going on here I'm going dude I have a world of leisure ready for you who this this is also a Mercer welcomes too mostly and mr. mr. Dahlin yeah how can i over here today and for in in in Rome well so I think you might be aware as we are all great fascist nations often than one elephant in the room but I I just like to say as we've heard a little bit of information from some fellow fascists that people are trying to plan an attack was France and I are trying to make an agreement and I find that quite disrespectful I find a crime disrespectful that you think that I'm stupid enough to let us would mostly take down all of France resulting into a Western superpower that cannot be tamed anymore if we make no justice we're not actually going to take them over we just changing their government but I think you'd be okay with that if you're also a fascist leader with you're not you think just because I'm a fascist I'm allowing a super faction in the West between us both to Nations last night Czech France just took away all the soldiers out of his country and I'm telling you that I cannot accept the axis of evil in the West that will overcome complete power in Europe I mean France has already ceded move Africa in exchange for Catalan but this is not a kindergarten my friends is not a playground this is real world war politics I am arguing and debating with the argument of the balance of powers your faction will indeed become affection of also don't forget that Sapir naval power and all of Europe and I'm a naval nation that cares about my training in order to cease this imbalance of power I think that Spain Italy needs to drain so we can know that the balance is given we are talking about Catalonian the ops the probox Kousaka Sylvania and mono we've just fought hard for these business well I got nothing yeah you did not fought for anything sir and the decision that you are in right now I could just walk in my friend this is the reality of the matter my friend and as to show the pressure of the urgency openness Jonas's era has now been announced leading to war elegance frauds in 70 days once again my friends this is not a playground this is real life a few moments later ah dang he just gives it all away he just gives it all away we need an urgent audience with you Kizer pretty sure that Brees pretty sure that's breaking the rules I'll get it it's okay it's okay let's just explore I'm too tired to pause the game now and just I don't have time for pauses I have a met girlfriend waiting my friend Wilhelm you are here on urgent business as we see also closely has just integrated all of France into his empire yes disgusting bag forming a nation of unbelievable power we need to assemble the Avengers of fascism and kingdoms actually sorry oh yes yes engine idle power stew take this man down also most we have to this is just wrong this is very disgusting act and as I said before through our secret messaging system all the request is l sauce hello ringing nothing else my friend it's great to hear we are even let's do this Kizer if it's shown that the inevitable capitulation of also mostly is on the horizon we shall meet to the Paris conference clear talking about the participation of this Empire yes okay and let me just say at last that it is more obvious than ever that our nations have to work together to take this man down against the Dark Lord's all over himself mr. Ostrow closely holy crap holy crap that's the real life's out on now holy [ __ ] look at that [Music] well that's gonna be interesting Bulgaria Romania and Turkey will try to steal as much as they can from me leading into an inevitable war in the Balkan with them while being threatened by a meta playing mostly that has a lot of Tanks don't think I can beat that [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that is gonna be scary come on man he just gave it all way he's calling them from it's a sign that also mostly is obviously calling them for help well he's just I said it people are starting to kind of be me with the state house for a tool you just gave it all the way like that it's gone such a meme dude no mostly yes United with the eastern solder buff pecked [Music] only with your help we will be able to stop this faction of evil in return we won't give away Romania and Turkish land to you great Stalin rawa [ __ ] hell man they just United and it's up just about yeah he's he's going into the open what Sweden the Iceland don't cares or his backstabbing Iranian he's Maxim Aranea very well done leader of France who now is wrong our warm talk of hostile Mosley thankfully you're technically so I didn't come to hear insults you what you want are you going to use your justification my friend that times of the SSD water creation has just been caught I told you the Communists would come you didn't listen sir you didn't let the time is now then either all fascist nations unite against the red thread and East or we will all perish together it is time for non-aggression pact between Berlin London world what I'm gonna invade Moseley right now well he's got a couple are you listening Church nice politician we got Germany I'm trying to micro he's like with some micro gibberish I'm in the front lines out here in the Eastern Front is it Roller one all over again mostly is calling you see Spain's now go bigmouth justifying first leave the group get them out of here get the bottom here frets it has happened the final Wars here in a sauce against the world we do not join not what transfer his entire [ __ ] country team up three low fools I'm now marching against East let us all die United in Bella Roma and Victor it's purely something take him all taking quick and show them who they are messing with mostly I'm just waiting for you mostly I really got a [ __ ] pay some attention right now Bulgaria has been taken down good I get the clear on him which is stupid 100 this why why would this take so long he's in his faction that's so stupid he called on Turkey I need to pay [ __ ] attention right now do you think you're funny you think you're funny let's see let's see a funny one let's see how funny all we do let's see a funny one let's see how funny you are let's go let's go again [Music] just moving on the river he's gonna defend the river I know that already the oldest tanks are you getting [ __ ] I'm holding I'm holding a moment they do get get get revolving in as well submarines nothing getting all of Iran's fuel here when you're gone thankful fuel thank you finish this take Sofia take Sofia finish the Sun about paint I think turkey is a major yeah I need to take on cut out [ __ ] the bell of Istanbul Thank You Boyd thank you there we have the Swiss bar depending the Pope very nice very nice I call all legions put all through the salt on the ops I mean what is this on roni on the road many will die but Romola forever the infinite attack infinite the organization oh I'm losing so much my power I like going all in here with [ __ ] oh I'm out of guns cuz I sent all of them to our I sent all the guns to Germany well there's the gun works option oh there's war exhaustion this mod or they god there's why exhaustion now it hasn't gone it's nice nice nice I'm getting a lot of gun safe oh man every Roman soldier is dying I'm sending like every soldier won't ever had into this I cannot take good good P Co coming pistol coming big that's so big I just pray that Japan will not backstab us that will just hurt yeah he can't break me impossible okay there we go let's get that [ __ ] done real quick you wish - no I'm not sneaking up on us snake no honor while we're defeating it obvious that the Western answer no and not a snake soft cycle into starting how did that feel mr. honor talkin out isn't giving away a barren wasteland to secure our interest in China's so stupid of course Westerners of course last I checked it was you're already oil reserves mr. Needham you donate you don't even know come get some don't even know anything you've got [ __ ] damn it even Japan coming now that piece of [ __ ] monkey man it's like I already have enough issues no he needs to do this - yes I'm getting tired I also have to leave soon that's attack I need to attack this is getting stale maybe and me me we need to finish this man decide your [ __ ] are equal this this this mod is still great yeah guys I can't this is getting too late I'm already putting my girlfriend on a too much [ __ ] man I've already putting her under too much she does not deserve that this cannot break its I've 1k defense I don't understand yeah yeah yeah I can't need to go man it's getting too late but still this was great this was great fun what a game that was so much fun well gentlemen I'm sorry after college it's getting way too late Appletree me nine hours my family's waiting in another city because I live in a new city now I'm sorry I have to call it to you man but it needs to be done [ __ ] hell goddamn what a [ __ ] stream it's weird man and yeah thank you for watching I need to go I don't need to go this is the outcome and thank you source for all donations subs gifted thank you for free cameras please send me the the the screenshot thank you so much god damn it I wish I could talk more it is ridiculous what's going on here thank you so much face for coming see you in some base faced force coming in the new apartment the takeover still real kiss on the on the tip of the penis and I need to get my ass on the highway right now bye bye later boys [ __ ] [ __ ] you Hector man [Music]
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 365,255
Rating: 4.9182057 out of 5
Keywords: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN EVERY NATION IN HOI4 IS A PLAYER! 84 PLAYERS IN HOI4 ROLEPLAY! - HOI4 Multiplayer, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 rp, hoi4 roleplay, hoi4 role play, hoi4 man the guns, hoi4 multiplayer, hoi4 roleplay multiplayer, tommykay, tommy kay, tommykay hoi4, hoi4 tommykay, hoi4 mp, hoi4 what happens, hoi4 biggest game ever, hoi4 80 man multiplayer, hoi4 all countries are players, hoi4 diplomacy, hoi4 italy, hoi4 italy guide, hoi4 best rp game
Id: z9dBvZwRyvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 49sec (2989 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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