Headlines Part 20

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year-in-review did you know the average American watches 27 hours of TV and day it's a fact you know here's a bad idea and you see why I didn't work out barbecue and Crematory idea on backburner okay I think here's an editorial don't lower adduction bar any further our kids are not getting a good induction keV any researchers you need to know this researchers overeating can set stage for obesity really I was stunned let me tell you something there's a reason you hire a professional advertising company to help you advertise your product you know to get the point of what your product is this says for a jug free America method laundry determined detergent the secret is our patent-pending formula that is so freakin concentrated [Applause] again an important piece of information for colonoscopy location matters it certainly does get your finger out of my ear well this seems a little creepy for sale body body bag like new Wow it's like new so it was used via celebration means any uma suits pure wood Italian fabric beautiful mahogany suit candy candy candy they look mouth-watering mouth-wateringly sweet but these glass treats are pure decorative delights oh yeah yeah and whose full buy candy children kids have some glass selective hearing or hearing loss hearing loss do you hear but no understand so mater you wearing a would suit a limited time only washer ultimate care to wash system look at this washer keV look go to have temperature control quiet wash sound insulation and like you need an all good washing machine look it's got a puss agitate Morin is nothing I love better than live Maine lobster all right you know when you're growing squash and you and you grow prize-winning squash and you have your picture taken always stand at least two feet away from the squash okay love this one Elm Ridge funeral home a name you'll remember service you'll never forget drop off here just push grandma all the cars or go by just slow down there you go they hear something I couldn't agree with more it's about time this law was in place attendance can now refuse to fly if pilot is suicidal excuse me folks I'm getting off didn't even understand this for sale mountain bile don't forget to reset your clocks and do this every year a big story in all the papers don't forget to turn your clock back an hour and you really want to turn your clock back if your clock says it's 288 well here's an angry man man with no arms and one leg wouldn't stop driving despite a long list of traffic violations it's ready more than three years in prison for bitterly driving out a license and kicking a state trooper okay got no arms in one leg and you're kicking the cop that's an angry guy this is an ad for diapers 0 to 9 months sizes up to 205 pounds you know I'll tell you something if you've got a nine month old that's any age person of the week each year a condo Falls businessman Gary Allen Allen who prefers to remain anonymous Gary Allen who prefers to remain anonymous as the bad weather apart strong winter storm had to fight wolf for Wyoming the Wind River mountains in the salt river expect 12 to 16 inches of snap this morning that's a bad storm and it Pizza Company I'm not buying a pizza from a guy without a shirt on okay [Music] farm animals in color let's look at some of the farm animals there's of course the ape and else you got for farm animals Oh of course the bear who doesn't have bears on their farm and of course the course oh the elephant what what farm would be complete without an elephant
Channel: Jibber Jabber
Views: 223,863
Rating: 4.7767582 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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