He HATES them...but this is why we LOVE ❤ Trolleybuses in Cities Skylines! #TeaVille

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hello everybody welcome back to city skylines with me before here in the city of TV thank you very much for joining me hope you had a fantastic weekend I'm aiming today to try and get my city as close to if not over 100,000 citizens I've got to fire watchtowers right next to each other there did you notice that might move one of those and that is the aim for today I picked up a lovely area which is just down here on the right hand side as we're passing this big earlier down here last episode we made all of this the IT industry and we are gonna be working on this area through here we're gonna put some lovely suburbs to soften the jarring big gap between this big built-up area here and this big built-up area there that is the idea so we've got lovely beachfront we've got all these connecting roses we're going to need to have to plan out some road connections in here so we've got this road connection comes out here we've got this road the sort of dead ends there so we're gonna see what happens with that we've got this road here and we've got this road here so for the amount of people that are going to end up in this area I think we're gonna be okay we've also of course got this train line that comes down here up there as well where the wicked I don't think we're gonna hook into this monorail that monobrow just goes around the IT district here and let us just jump into here and rename this is the Olive district a lot of Heights down there I thought thought I saw olive twice I tea district there we go it's like the most voted for one so he might as well go for it IT district there we go fantastic what I finally got to name something I always forget whether we should start off with the roads and we could get these to run round well and that could give us some idea so what I tend to do when I'm working out what to do with roads like this is I just tend to place the roads down and see see how we go and just sort of follow my nose from there follow my nose do you know what I mean and so we're gonna have this as like a coast which is gonna come around here by the way my computer's working again noticed oh man the computer issues last week my motherboard basically broke that was the that was the long and the short of it all but it's a right flip in pain and I've got it all built up now and I can only get only you know first world problems I can only get 32 of my 64 gig of memory working which is ok I mean I'm not using that was the wrong button altogether I'm not using all of my memory when I play TV it's normally when I'm fixing up cities in city fix I'm using all the memory so let me just think yeah I want to buy this square down here actually let's go back to that there we go and I'm going to just get rid of all of this down here and just see we can connect this up these two in a way that makes sense yeah so anyway it's a took I was up ah extremely late on Thursday and then I was up there we go and then all day Friday I was messing around trying to get things working and she a it was just one thing after another neck yeah there we go and then we go up there excellent that's good let's get our train line hooked up as well right so we've got this coastal road that runs through there I want to connect this road up probably down in the middle here have some sort of we've got a t-junction there another T Junction here and we're sort of see how that goes and that's a big six Lane Road probably not gonna need that so let's change that to this one here I'm sort of banking on the fact that it isn't gonna be so busy here but we will see and I'm also going on the sort of organic organic look to the roads here I'm gonna just run that straight over the top now let's pause that again and do this and we're sort of bring that in down here I like the t-junction Street so we'll come out here and then we'll hook this one up and then we'll put the train line back in so what I'm doing here is I'm just going straight across with the anarchy mods on which cause the train line straight over then I'm using the movie Maude selecting the three nodes that are nearest the train line dropping those down to a reasonable depth that should be fine for cars to get underneath and then we just go back another couple of nodes and smooth it out a bit there we go and then we just want to upgrade this bit to be let's just believe that we want that to be a bridge going over there oh so saves tippity how I've missed you there we go we want to get a nice little bridge going over the top here so I tend to delete those and get them light to the edge and then force a bridge section across the top and then you can always use move it more to line it up a bit more if you want but generally speaking that would be all you need to do there we go so we've got another load coming in there and that one down there I mean for the amount of people are going to end up living in here that should be okay we could put a roundabout in the middle to branch off over here and maybe another connection down there let's see how that goes so let's just show you this if we go into Olive Heights if you got like a cool TV lated name for this area let me know I'll eventually get around to changing it Olive Heights let's go to themes I'm using the theme manager so normally it sounds like this enable theme manager and then if we go into theme manager you can see what is in the different field I think that is the one that we're going to go for so if I tick that box there it doesn't have in this one any commercial european-style buildings and is the only thing so we may need to set the commercial to something a bit different but yeah that is what we're gonna go for so let me get some roads in here [Music] [Music] [Music] so just while I'm doing this bit here the idea is is I'm trying to have a secondary little road that runs along this section that we can actually build some houses off of but we'll connect it to this main road that goes through here yeah it's sort of not really something couple done before like this and but we'll have these is like a beachfront property but I don't want to build off this main road I want to keep that set foot but we do need a little bit of space from the houses so I'm causing some problems with the water here and there we go and then we can just smooth that out and I'm hoping that we'll sort of work okay I'm assuming that we've got some pumping services somewhere but if we haven't I'm just gonna pop some down here so hopefully these guys will come along yeah and sort out this water down here for me we shall see so this water front section it's going to be self-sufficient buildings only and it's going to be these ones here organic and local produce and we're only gonna put low density residential along the frontier I'll let it go they've turned up to pump away this water for us fantastic you'd probably didn't need to drive so deep into the water yeah [Music] so again as I'm planning these areas out I'm trying to make sure that each area has more than one way in and out and this one here only has one way in and out but it's only a small area this is gonna be slightly bigger so we've got this road this road this road this road this road all to give them access to a main road to get out of the area quickly that is the idea okay so this is what we've got so far we've got our main roads going through then we've got these little tiny sections here and then we've got this section along the front and I want to start putting in some houses and see what we get here I've just dotted around some services from fire police and health services just to help these expand and at some point I am gonna put maybe a local train stake this section here I'm not quite sure what to do with yet so we're just gonna hang fire on that but I'm probably gonna put a local train station in here and then have buses bringing everybody up to that and I'm trying to sort of build around this like Hill area that we've got here and this flat area that we've got up here as well so let us see what we can do right so this is how I've set all of this up lots and lots of low density residential each little area has some low density commercial and also we've put offices alongside any parts of near the railway line and that sort of thing a few shops dotted around a few offices people to go to work yeah we've got that all over the place so let us make this grow let this grow and see what we get [Music] [Music] [Music] well things are growing nicely I got our nice little beachfront along here I love these low residential green houses I think they look really cool along the beach here and we're up to almost sort of 86,000 something like that these areas are picking up nicely what I'm thinking is we've said about doing some buses but we've got this four lane at this nice yeah four lane road that runs through here and all the way down the front and it also runs up here so these two rows if we just look at it like this this one here and this one here I reckon even this one down here we could have some sort of trolley bus routes well if we have a look for lane road with trolley bus wires they will definitely fit in here and won't mess up the road layout we've got which is great what's going on there Oh teeny-tiny one hiding in the middle there that is nice so let's run these up here be careful we get to the corner there we go and I'm wondering how we're gonna work out our roots because obviously this trolley bus is gonna need a turnaround point as well I'm not sure I think we're gonna run it up this one with the trees we're gonna run it up that one there but when we get to the ends we've obviously got a roundabout there and around about there but that's got all sorts of stuff going on and it's a four lane roundabout a three lane roundabout a video two-lane trolley bus one so we might just have to work something else out to turn around the same over here as we get into this area we're now heading out to a roundabout and I don't want to get too close there and cause a problem can I run that off there and then attach it back on down here question mark let's see what we can do if we go like this because we do have some space there hook that onto there and then we turn this one into the so that gives us a little turnaround spot that ends the other end we need to do the same we've actually gone right to the end there I wonder whether if we change this load here back so we grab this one here yeah change that fact that and have a little turnaround spots coming off of here instead which side of the road they're coming down that side they have the crossover yeah that'll be okay again I'm probably making some decisions here that you know I'm putting things off of Main Roads and all that sort of stuff but this isn't gonna be that busy and it's gonna get less busy with the trolley buses in here as well so let's just run the trolley buses up and underneath here how are they looking for going under the Train let's have a look let's get down low is it sticking through the bridge at all no so I think we'll go with that that's good good good good good is what I want to see where we up to there let's go along here so where do we do the turnaround here I don't want to sort of get it too near to up here I reckon this little spot here if we do a similar thing if we come out here and then just sort of go up this way what's too close isn't it we might lose a few houses coming out of here wait stop with the deleting of the things some really clever and go like that man that Junction is so close to this one hmm can I do something else here instead can i connect that up see that's connected down there let's wonder if I remove that connection there try again there we go excellent we'll take that off that off that off and that off I think we should be okay I know this has only got one exit in and out up there which is down here if we get any problems I can always bring a road up there but I think we're gonna be okay get a lot of problems with trash 135 no trash collection I've been put in we've got the new trash waste transfer facility there we've got also a recycling center there this thing is where it all comes to plenty of space still in here it seems to be a little bit slow the new trash collection we should see how that goes anyway right so I think that should work out well all we need to do is add a trolley bus depot this little spot here would just be perfect for that yeah and then let's run our line down here again keeping it away from junctions as much as possible I'm putting one stop in between all the junctions here yeah there we go and let's see what we've got loads of stop there's people waiting already at the stops we put in which is fantastic got 24 stops so I'm assuming this is gonna give us a huge amount of vehicles 12 vehicles yeah that's not too bad well let's follow there we go let's follow our first vehicle and enjoy our trolley bus routes something else I need to do is go through and sort out all the junctions as well we've still just got automatic traffic lights everywhere but we need to do give way signs and yeah really make some informed decisions about how we're going to deal with our traffic like parked cars on the main road I mean it's a visual thing it doesn't stop the traffic we may change that we shall see [Music] here we go here's a little turn around a stop on the top by the IT district I just love it when you come up the hill when you just see that in the in the distance absolutely brilliant [Music] oh look at all these people waiting people are loving the trolley buses okay so let's take a look let's come out of that view there there we go let's take a look at our trolley bus line so if we just pause there a sec grab this guy and go to line details so we've got all these stops down here we do have quite a few people waiting but I don't think we need this many trolley buses at the moment we've got 12 so I'm gonna pop that down to 8 I think would be enough for now but I'm hoping that that's gonna keep the traffic flowing along here in this area here pretty clean it's all low density so we should be doing okay right I want to go through here and sort out the junctions so next issues are traffic managers been updated 11.5 uh-huh so just worth mentioning if you want to turn off the little hints you can use this question mark here to turn them on and off which is good and as always we've currently got a vehicle to spawn and disabled so it's hard mode bigger traffic jams that's what we're going for yeah as you use these now you're gonna get this information pops up underneath to tell you how to use them which is absolutely fantastic and a lot of the GUI area the GUI has been made a little bit bigger on some of them which is also handy as well so we're gonna make that give way on there and let's just check here that's gonna give way coming out the little side junctures not too fast that's gonna give why that's gonna give I want to keep the main road flowing with no traffic lights whoops jumps no traffic lights down there this one here also say that's why jumps if it see this one here I probably would put some traffic lights in there sometime traffic lights maybe I definitely want to put in dedicated turning lanes and then yeah the normal traffic lights that are in here will probably be fine we'll just leave it at that these we want giveaway coming out giveaway coming out that is a main road going up so I'm definitely gonna put turning lane some hits in control and click separating turning lanes for entire Junction you can see that our changed and then yeah we've got traffic lights there this here we're gonna do that to give way for those coming out and then that should be fine and then we'll do a similar thing going up this road so you give y-you give why I could do dedicated turn lanes on these as well but at the minute it's just not too busy so I'm not too fast yeah you give away when you come out you give way there and you give way there let's give them waker that's a roundabout I'm pretty sure that is everything that we need to do at the moment for this area yeah so that should keep on coming along nicely and definitely those trolley buses are gonna keep the traffic down still got some buildings moving in which is nice now thinking of some more transport options we've got this train station down here we've got all this water along here and some nice little gaps on the beach I'm just wondering whether we could add into this area here some of our boats where are our boats here we go so some of these are ferry stops along here we could add a ferry stop right by that I'm just thinking where's our next ferry stop around here these are all fisheries that's a fishery our next ferry stop is all the way over there whether we can have one connect in that section to this section now they will leave that set but we'll make our ferries local but I definitely think we could add a ferry stop into here even just a little small one like that coming up the side and then the ferry can run along the water we can then have another one down there we could have another one down here and then definitely another one at the end here as well yeah I think that would work out well let's can those are this one here just thinking about some road connections maybe we can just sort of connect up over here and have a little Ridge going over the railway line that could be quite good so let's pop ah 80% traffic flow fantastic so maybe let's see if we can do something here there we go and then this Junction here we're just want to give this some dedicated turning lanes for people coming in and we're gonna make this give way there fantastic and then this little tiny piece of road on the end we're gonna give that one of these asymmetrical road so it's got dedicated turning roads going for each direction then one coming in there we go people are coming down here ready even though there's nowhere to go and let us pop our fairy path on off every pathway let's pop in our fairy line no off every pathway I was like the first time let's do that and here comes our first fairy all the way from the Depot over here on the other side of the city I've connected up our fairy ways and he's gonna work his way all along the sea frontier past our island into our new area [Music] past our lovely little fishing area well apparently they're just making cooked fish now which is absolutely fantastic might even be barbecued fish that's what I've heard anyway and here we come around the corner hopefully the waters deep enough to who get to our new first ferry stop right here by our train station so while that's running along there Here Come a couple more I might just change which boats are put on here we've got some funny ones there I want to put a walking path from here it's all over here so anybody wants to get there doesn't have to walk over that road so I think that's a good idea [Music] okay so I've done stood a few parks around the place as well which I've completely forgotten about let's just put another little one in here and there we go a nice dog park so everybody's pleased about that and then I just want to add a train line connection through here as well we've got this piece of load here which to me jumps out as being perfectly good for adding a train station - so just straight across there now I can't let's build up here a little bit like that yep that's good get rid of those and then we can add in let's take a look at what we've got in here just a nice small simple train station that one there let's just take a look at that oh that one fits in nicely doesn't it yeah I'm liking that one a lot so then let's connect on that ah little noises in the background that constant probably get slightly annoying after a while right if we go I'm gonna go straight across there like that and then I'm gonna bring that in here whoa what a curve let's turn off the curve in this one here get reminded about that all the time there we go that's a bit better and I'm just wondering actually whether we could change that to be a bridge as well like this one over here so if we bring that up to there change that to bridge go straight turn off the move it Marge grab this line go one to the other there we go and if we set those both at the same distance the bridge will look exactly the same there we go I think that's pretty much it and then all we need to do is add a stop from here now I'm gonna create a coupler lines I know that we should be able to get from there all the way up to here yeah and back again or just thinking then so we've got that one it's gonna get busy this hopefully we only get one train on that now let's remove a vehicle with only want one vehicle on there and then I'm gonna create a new line from there and we're gonna go up into here I could have that as a train station that is a metro there this is the next one we're gonna add a stop to there and then we're gonna follow it all the way through here all the way up to our main train station here we go and as you will point it out to me there's other sides there's a side here isn't being used there it is that one there so we're gonna go there and then we're gonna grab both of these on the way back as well we'll add a stop there and then finish off back over here there we go so let's just see how many vehicles that's going to put on for us four stops three trains I reckon we could pop that down to two and that would be absolutely plenty so that is another way that people can get in and out of this section there we go with all the other trends what we've got and I think that's certainly looking better that transition between this area here and that area there now I would like your ideas on what to do here I think here we're gonna definitely put some smaller at some medium buildings in between the small ones and the large ones so some normal high-density would sort of bridge that gap between the two this area here I'm not entirely sure let me know if you've got any cool and fun ideas of something we could put in there in the comments below I would very much like to hear that but what are we up to population wise ah 18 nearly 85,000 we are still growing a bit still making tons of money that elusive 100,000 is there it's within our grasp but we are so close we will get that very soon well thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed this one please leave a like and I will see you all very soon for the next episode take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 147,996
Rating: 4.9596786 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, teaville biffa, teaville city skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines expert, cities skylines tram, trams, cities skylines trolley bus, cities skylines trolleybus
Id: xssz4nc6Rm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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