How to Start a City in Cities Skylines, Part 5: 75k to 85k Pop |Vanilla + Sunset Harbor|

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[Music] hello welcome back to city planner place where we are building starterville and learning how to take your city for a population of 75 000 to approximately 85 000 this is the fifth video in this series uh part four was broken into two videos we're going to still consider that one video that's it today you might have noticed that the population threshold that i'm shooting for is significantly smaller than some of the previous videos there are a couple reasons for that number one we've already built this really uh significant downtown area with towers all over the place and at this point in time that's the only way that we're going to be able to maintain increasing our population by 25 000 in an episode and i want to keep this a little more simple and i also want to take a look at all of this infrastructure and start to make some modifications so i'm still going to focus on population but i still really want to focus on some infrastructure improvements in this area so we introduced sunset harbor in the last series of videos and i want that to be for a reason so we're gonna take advantage of some of the things that come with that dlc so we took advantage of some of them already and that is like over here we have some of our inland water treatment plants and we place the fishing industry although i have a couple of improvements i might want to make down the line we'll see one thing we didn't really think about are our airports and our metro and our transportation hubs so the base game comes with a couple of airports this kind of this kind of basic airport you get helicopter stops and depots one of the things that i really like is this metropolitan airport and that combines a helicopter depot a metro stop and an airport so the goal is going to be to to be able to place that and create a nice airport district today in addition you can see that we have our nice metro line here we don't really have a nice interface between metro and the buses yet we do have bus stops we have this bus depot right here and we're kind of just picking people up if we take a look we're just picking them up right in front of this we don't really have a very robust bus network so we're gonna improve that a bit today and place a bus metro hub so it's going to require quite a bit of reconfiguration so i think this is the first place that we're going to start so we're going to have to pause this because this is going to cause a significant amount of destruction the first place that we're going to start is with this this metro underground station now one of the things i always like to do before i delete these and it's just kind of a personal preference thing is i like to remove the stops i think it's easier to fix these later on if the stops aren't there and i know that we're going to need to move that because the uh the metro bus hub is a little bit too wide to place it where i want to place it and where i want to place it is basically right here right next to this so what we're going to do we have this road infrastructure that makes connections over here i'm going to relocate and redevelop where the bus depot is we don't need that downtown we just need it in close proximity to downtown so at this point i'm okay moving that into our little industrial area over here so i want to make sure that there's water there is and that there's power it's good so we're fine there so we're gonna scoot this over for just a second and we're going to place our new hub now you'll notice that there's some issues so there are the main issue is that we have this existing underground line so we have to get rid of that so we could be looking at a couple we have this inner city uh bus hub we have a normal bus metro hub we have a metro inner city bus hub and this train metro hub and this truthfully would probably be an interesting asset to consider too but we just are space constrained at this point so what i think we're going to do is get this as absolutely close as we can to that train station that's going to be for a couple of reasons but number one we know the train's done right here this is it number two uh i think that we could decorate a little maybe we'll actually scoot this over call it a quick mulligan move over one tile so we can get a walking path through here and then we're gonna have to connect up our metro stations and create some of our bus lines but i really like this location because people will be able to interface between these three modes with relative ease and that is the point so let's get a walking path right here and we'll do a little bit of landscaping i think that uh it's a valuable endeavor no matter what so a nice tree-lined street there and we'll put some other landscaping around here as well kind of to act as a buffer in between these two uses so someone could walk between the back of this and the front of this now and in between the stations we do need to make that connection that we just broke so let's take care of that it's saying that our distance is too short which is unfortunate but not unexpected so we'll just have to rebuild that not a big deal there we go perfect next we broke our underground metro well we broke our under underground metro network so we're gonna need to make some modifications now one of the issues with what we just did is that we now have these two stops that are in relatively close proximity and the other problem is that now when we're trying to to make this connection it's it's diagonal that's not a huge deal that we're gonna have to relocate this stop but these stops have a significant radius so we are gonna relocate this and i probably should remove those stops because they might give us trouble however i think we're gonna be okay for the time being so we're gonna reuse this and we will start another metro line i want to give enough breathing room to that main stop but i do want it to be far enough apart that people will use it and i think that we're going to consider this kind of the periphery metro line uh so it'll get the back end of downtown we've already got a line that goes in the front of it we need a line that goes at the back so we are going to use a little bit of eminent domain and take down some of these buildings that's all right i think this might just be a short one right now for the time being so now we are going to make these connections and draw our new route you might have noticed i did something kind of wonky here and came down i figured we could hit this up this uh this employment district down here and uh make use of this curve i'm trying to keep all of my turns as gentle as they can be that's really important with subways because you're going to want them to be as quick as possible if you can and the way that you keep them quick is by keeping your curves gentle so that's why i kind of have some of these sweeping uh turns and maybe i should make these connections because otherwise the train's not going anywhere all right so we've got that and then our last one over here done now we need to make this last connection between our old line and our new depot perfect so now we're going to want to go through and you'll see one of the reasons why i like to delete stops up front we're going to have some issues where you got trains jumping back and forth these old stops are somewhere along the line breaking it so that's going to be an issue and you'll see that it bugs out for a little while let's see if we can speed this up and get get past that okay we can't get past it but i did find the old stop so you can see they're right here so i've actually got to remove those stops from underneath where a building where the the old station was so that's not ideal in my mind i would prefer not to do that but we've got to do what we got to do so we've got this line established we're good that is kind of a kind of a stretch between these i could probably add one more stop in here you know what and i think i'm i think i'm going to so in reality i don't think that it would just it certainly wouldn't be this easy just to make modifications and add an another subway stop however we do uh have the ability to take liberties in a game so we are going to do just that that is the glorious part of gaming being able to step outside of reality for a moment and do something that is is realistic-ish but still just a lot of fun so there are a lot of slopes in this area and that's what i'm investigating right now and it's going to be a real challenge i'd love to orient this kind of up and down but it's saying that our topographies is kind of a mess and you can see that it all slopes with the in the direction that it won't let me place it so there are two ways that i could resolve that you know i could try to just demolish one of these massive skyscrapers and and figure that out uh and then and then grade i don't i don't love that idea so i think what we're gonna do is just look for an underutilized piece of land so i look at this and there's a kind of a top a smallish tower here maybe that's a place actually this one right here is actually two tile lengths we've got schools right there which is why it's preventing me that means that this could also be used for school service so let's see if we can somehow make this work so this is going to be kind of a slower junction just by the nature of how sharp the curve is going to be but i think it's an important one so we're going to go with it we're going to also need to delete some of this older track here and start fresh not the end of the world but just something to be aware of okay so that's that's a much more logical uh configuration in my mind let's get this moving and i will add the stops there we go so we have a nice route that loops back and forth now and i'd imagine this being being east and west and now we're gonna have a north and south and east and west i guess line that goes on the lower side of downtown now this is going to serve a couple of purposes so i've been thinking a lot about an airport and where the airport would go and the thing you got to think about with an airport is typography and so this doesn't look like it's that much each of these contour lines is a meter so if you look we have one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 or so meters and then it keeps dropping the dark that's that's 10 so there's there's some issues here and there are other issues we have low density residential not abnormal to see near an airport but it does create noise pollution it's something to be aware of so i think that this is probably if if we wanted to level all this we could make it work but a place that i think might be the most convenient for this the most conducive to this kind of use would be across uh the river so we already have some noxious uses over here that aren't really super desirable to be next to so why not double down on that and let's add an exit to the interstate over here so we have excellent interstate access we can see if there's a place where we can add a collector to this area it's probably a little less likely we're probably gonna have to stick with our local roadway network and we're probably going to have to instead think a little bit more about transit so now that we have this new subway that goes right here we will be able to add a line right across underneath the river presumably so if we can and since we're going to be using our metropolitan airport we know that we'll have two stops there so in anticipation of that there's a lot of a lot of railway stuff going on here a lot of undesirable railway stuff so i'm gonna take care of that now well the first thing i want to do is get rid of the day night cycle i always forget that on it's just kind of one of those things that i do so we have this rail line that's coming in kind of diagonally i think what's going to be really useful and beneficial for us will be to tighten this up so i want to instead of having this bridge with the rail line over here what we're going to do is add another rail line underneath this bridge and really get those close to one another so let's go we will go into our train network and i'm gonna toggle topography just so i can see a normal view well that didn't work so we'll go up rather sorry i think i'm going to use my curved line tool we're going to turn off our road length and our grid and just have our road guidelines because i want to maintain the distance and have a nice parallel track here and that's the best way that i've been able to find to do it so i think i might have gone a little extreme on some of this we're gonna do is just have a gentle angle here now i will be the first to admit that i am not the greatest at railroad design uh if you are a regular viewer of my channel it's a critique that uh that i that i hear quite often that said i still like doing it it's still it's still a lot of fun for me so i still do it and i would encourage you to as well uh don't shy away from something because you aren't the best at it i think the only way you get better is to keep trying so i'm gonna bring this up over here it's not the prettiest i know a lot of people would probably use the curved road tool for this it's not my style it's just not what i do so i uh i used to be a big big big fan of the curved road tool and then i realized that for parallel roads and things of that nature i just do a better job when i don't use the parallel road tool but rather when i don't use the curved draw tool and see this is i think this is totally fine totally fine so i'm going to bring this up and the main thing i want to do here is eliminate where this is going i still want to make all the same connections but i want it to be different so i'm going to sweep this over and make a nice sweeping connection over there we have our parallel track bring this up now gently merge it in so now you could go either way that you wanted to go so that eliminates a lot of this craziness right here so let's eliminate all of this and look at how much land we're freeing up just because a railroad track was there or highway was there uh when you loaded up the map doesn't mean that it needs to stay there doesn't mean that it's the best configuration it just means that it's the configuration that came with the map so actually this this bridged portion might be beneficial so in fact i think we're going to to redo it so we might actually want this to start sooner so what i'm thinking is we need some way to get from this local roadway network to our future airport so to do that we're gonna have a bridge for the railroad track which is probably controversial i know that uh that's something that it has been critiqued in my builds on a number of occasions uh people would say that you know the airport or the the railroad would never go for this and i agree a rail a rail company would absolutely want the community to work around them and at least here in the u.s a law from the 1800s makes that the uh the law of the land so uh that would be the case we'd have to work around the railroad company but again this is another place where i'm going to take some liberties and be happy that it's a game where i don't have to worry about that nonsense so i'm trying to stretch this out as long as i can to make that that decline that that that incline is is really as gentle as it can be i could have probably gone through and not raised the elevation step quite so high that might have been i'm not going to say it might have been it it would have been a good approach but i didn't do that so we are going to suffer with uh what i've created the monstrosity that i've created so so i'm going to take a bunch of this out at this point and do know that when you delete these things and you add them back in you pay a maintenance cost so anything that was built with the map you don't have to pay maintenance on it's just it's a it's a gift from the developers but the moment you rebuild it you do have to pay that maintenance cost so you know that might be a good dissuasion uh from going crazy with uh modifications like like i'm doing right now but you might think to yourself the land is so valuable that it's worth my time and that's that's where i'm at the land is so valuable that it's worth my time so one of the challenges with this is you know you can see that over here i have i started branching into the two trunks a little bit sooner and that helps you create a really nice parallel track and a really nice angle so i'm gonna try to do something similar here but with bridging it's certainly gonna be more challenging let's create our parallel track first we'll do a little bit less over here so i think we're going to have to keep an eye on this because this could be a place that jams up if we aren't really careful so something to keep an eye on and that looks absolutely horrendous so we are going to not do what i just did so i'm really reluctant to combine this sooner but i think i might have to we're going to see how it works so it looks nice i'm worried about functionality this is not an aesthetic endeavor for me so let's see how it runs we got that one train that got stuck down here i think we can now add roads underneath we're just gonna test we're good that is nice and right here also good perfect that is exactly what i was hoping for they're making that turn it's slow but i'm not as concerned about speed this is an urban area this is this is is going to be a very busy area it's totally reasonable to expect a train to slow down in a highly urbanized area and it seems like these junctions are occurring in a relatively orderly and normal fashion so in my mind we are in a good place so i wanted to look to see if we had any collectors that we could potentially connect to over here we have made some decisions that make this a challenge so i think the logical connector would probably be the collector would probably be this one the only way we could do it at this point and i don't even know if it's possible would be to bridge over this train station and come over the top you know we could do that oh boy that is uh that is a a tricky endeavor endeavor so i don't love that why don't we take a moment to ponder on that though and think about our bus service for a minute we put in this nice uh hub and why do we do it if we weren't going to have service at the hub so let's move these stops to the hub so i'm just slightly modifying these routes and watching the craziness ensue this is one of the problems with modifying routes like this is you kind of end up with some challenges so i don't want to make anything that's too crazy if at all possible but you can see that i'm really struggling with that so what i think we might need to do we are just going to go ahead and let's look at our routes and see where they go okay so this red line goes down the main drag kind of loops around we have two of them in either direction doing that and then a blue line that goes to the mall let's just redo these so i take no great pleasure in that but what we're gonna do is tr we're gonna use this as kind of our transfer point and have a system that goes up and down these grids because we've created a pretty tight grid at this point and even where it deviates and kind of meanders you can still see the grid so we are going to use that to our advantage so our first route is going to be a route that heads up and down this collector and we'll make stops every one two three blocks now it's important to mirror these stops you think that on the way to work you would want to be able to easily get on your bus and in the direction towards your work get off i guess i'm saying this wrong you'd want to have a reliable way to get to and from work uh with stops that are mirrored roughly so i don't love what's happening here in terms of there's some some looping let's look at the roadway network to see why that's occurring i think a lot of it has to do with this particular road here i don't know if we could have fixed that by moving this over at this point we are kind of beyond that unfortunately so we are going to not worry about that i'm going to place office next to this because i think this would be a difficult use to live next to and i remember that i removed some subway uh location so we should wear some metro stops so we should fill in the zoning in those areas so we've taken care of that actually i might just leave this we'll block some of those tracks we don't need to zone each and every little spot in the city it's fine to have some empty areas so all right well we've got that one weird oddity with our routes and i don't think that moving it's going to improve it at all i wish it wasn't doing that the only thing i could think of was maybe making this a one-way but even then we we have a different set of issues then so i think we're just going to live with it as it is i wonder whoops even if i were to leave that stop right there the buses can't seem to cross over this road which is the the primary issue that's okay it does create some traffic um oddities i guess we could call them but it'll work out okay so next route we'll create a new line and i want this route to go up and down this main drag so i think we're going to start we're going to have no stops until we get to the main drag we're going to leave the first one in relative close proximity to this north-south route and again we'll do every three blocks i'm gonna have a stop here because i want this bus to circle back around to come back so this is local service and i could certainly have limited stop express service too we had that before to the mall we might bring that back i'm not 100 sure this is going to be a long route so we might need to pump up the number of buses on here we'll have to keep that keep an eye on that so we're going to use that roundabout for our buses i'm not sure that that's going to be the best long-term solution these are just all things that we're going to want to keep an eye on and then we are going to again complete this line let's change the color so we can keep an eye on it so we'll use red for that one next i kind of want a line that comes down here and maybe comes back up this way well no let's keep it simple we will continue to use our existing pattern which is focusing on streets now i think that keeping it to a grid like this makes it incredibly navigable navigable easy to navigate uh i think that it it especially if you're learning a city having a bus system that follows roads and could be named after those roads how easy is that so one of the reasons that i'm able to make these connections here is we've added a bunch of path connections and we're forcing transfers at this station but it's totally fine that's totally fine they'll do it people do it in real life it depends on the type of system you have set up so we're going to we're going to consider this a timed system based on transfers now how well the transfers are going to work in this game in terms of time not so well but but they will still the sims await so um that's what we're kind of banking on for better for worse so we have a long stretch here where there aren't any connections so we might want to make a pedestrian connection through here the nice thing with this route is that it's connecting a variety of different uses so there are residential connections commercial connections and industrial connections so it would be it would serve multiple purposes taking people to stores it would take people to their uh to their place of employment and take them home and the same route could be doing that for different people on different shifts which is you know if you're designing a bus route if you could have it performing a variety of functions so that it's always full no matter what that's the dream right there okay so you can see that our service network is getting much much much stronger we're going to improve it right here by adding that quick connection now even though i've done this in the wrong direction people will still be able to cross to this stop from each of these streets and truthfully if we wanted to get really creative with it [Music] we could do something like this and have a ramp so that people could get from either side of the neighborhood to the other because there really is no cross street connection through here so at least now we have a pedestrian connection to get between the two neighborhoods right at these crosswalks couldn't be more perfect in my mind so that is ideal wonderful so kind of curious we speed this up let's see if we get some people using it there we go that is what we were hoping for now these stops are much more beneficial than they were before so you see your population's creeping up and you might wonder why and that is partially going to be due to some of this transit service it's going to increase the land values you can kind of see that there's little pockets of high land value and that's transit that's what transit does that's one of the reasons why when i'm talking to uh elected officials about transit one of the really big selling features of transit is that it does increase property values and as a result it can be it can have a very strong return on investment for a city so i'm just go i just want to go through some of these junctions and make sure that there's a way to interface between these routes right here is a spot that i'm noticing a bit of a problem so we're going to relocate these bus stops so that they're closer to the blue line and then add a niche additional bus stops i'm not overly concerned that's the wonderful thing there's a lot that can be said about buses as to to why they're not ideal but one of the reasons that they are pretty great is that it's easy to make quick modifications removing a pole in most cases as long as uh as long as you're it's not a you know long-term route that seen a significant amount of use and a significant amount of investment in the in the stops sometimes it's simple as using is moving a pole maybe um relocating a bench it's uh it's it's that's one of the most positive things that i think you could say about local bus service so this is a place that i would have loved to have had a better connection better local roadway network or um something because you kind of see that we have some wonkiness going on here so i'm going to add a stop i'm going to remove this one this is going to be an asymmetrical area in terms of transit service i'd love to have two stops there but i would have to do some pretty wonky stuff because we don't have a roundabout at that junction of that collector and that arterial this is interesting i don't know why it doesn't like this so i think this i think the stop is forcing the buses into the turn lane so we're gonna back this up a little bit and now yep now they can stay going straight so that gives me some ideas or or something to consider about other routes you see there's a lot there's a heavy bus presence on this particular road something to to be aware of i just want to do one more quick survey where are we missing service all right this road right here we're going to continue to build out our network i think i'm going to be quiet and just quickly build these routes okay so we've got a number of routes we could try to do something on the in the on this arterial we we don't have a lot of uh east-west routes i guess back here but i think we're okay for the time being you could also bring some of these local bus routes kind of meandering through these lower density areas that's something you can get away with with local bus service that you couldn't or shouldn't do anyway with higher capacity service but i just really want to focus on these these uh really significant corridors and try to get ridership up there and you know people are willing to walk within a certain radius i think we're gonna really lean in on that and that radius is about a quarter mile uh gen or an eighth of a mile uh to a quarter mile generally depending on the location i mean if it's a bus accepting culture you know you know in a climate that's maybe a little more conducive to walking you might see more of that so we did lose a fair bit of ridership and at this point it's difficult for me to say whether this is because of the new routes or because we've really improved metro service and that's faster and more direct for a lot of the the residents most likely so that could be the preference of many of the the people the other thing that we might want to take a look at is look at each of our lines and see if we have significant queueing you see that we have some massive cues so that's going to impact ridership so on this route for instance you know we can see that there are a number of stops that are just totally packed so i might might increase the number of buses you could do a whole bunch of math on here you could guess and check i'm going to probably do a little bit of guessing checking but you could do you could do a little math too the other thing we might want to think about a little bit is we have our buses coming from over here now we could add another location for a bus depot uh it might help out some of these more far-flung routes i might add one over here in this industrial area it seems to be an okay location for that in my mind so we'll use a little bit of eminent domain we're gonna make sure that we don't build within right-of-way let's see where we have a few routes coming together we don't want this directly on the collector and arterial but we want it in close proximity so we're just going to place it right here it's an area where you can see it making a lot of sense easy access to this arterial to get all over the place easy access to this collector to get to that arterial no bus is in service right now but that will change in the future okay so we've made improvements to this line and now we're starting to see some of these cues go down so we just need to kind of go through all of these and make those changes and you can see that we have a number of stops here that are just jam-packed so this one i'm going to actually increase even further this is a long route we want to be careful though because this could gum up our traffic if we're not careful we have a couple stops here i think we're gonna go 150 percent here as well [Music] whoa 400 passengers so i'm amazed that people are prioritizing the bus over the metro here that means that we are missing a connection so there must be some desire to get directly somewhere it's interesting you know are they trying to it looks like some of the passengers are trying to get down here so and that is a connection that we're not making we could connect this subway and see if that would improve things i think we are going to just crank this one the time being and then lastly we have our route eight this one's actually not that bad i think we're gonna put this one we're gonna increase it a little bit our budget but it's not that bad so i do want to take a look at our policies and let's see if we we do have free public transport i thought so and i think that's good because this is going to mean that our transit that our transit network is prioritized and when we look at our traffic we can already see some some problems in the network and this is how we're going to have to resolve some of that so we're at 75 traffic flow that's that makes me uncomfortable and some of this might be the buses and what that might tell me is that i need to back off the buses and look at higher capacity forms of transit that's it it's bouncing around a lot some of that is those buses being kicked out as we start these these new routes so probably not the best time truthfully to begin looking at all of these and really judging it so we'll come to that back to that later and in truth i that's something that i uh often tell elected officials when judging transit wait a couple of years because people make you know obviously the sims aren't gonna be making big lifestyle choices based on transit but in real life people do they decide to choose employment or housing based on transit and based on where it's located so i kind of want to add this short little circular route just to see how ridership does so i'm testing something here um and one of the reasons so i could make this a loop actually i can't make it a little interesting so i could have kind of a loop i could it doesn't connect all the way up so that's one of the challenges because these are going in different directions okay so yeah just kind of curious about ridership on this let's change the colors on these let's have a black line a white line and a gray line we're going to be very very boring you can see that it's it's not uh saying that ridership is high here but we are picking up a fair number of people on this route that's just kind of ping-ponging back and forth between these two stations so i would say that there probably was some value in adding this the other thing that i'm noticing is that as we improved our uh our bus service we lost some metro service which is unfortunate that tells me that some of these routes are parallel and more direct so that's kind of one of the unfortunate things you see some of these routes with just massive ridership and monster cues and that's telling me that you know reasonably we could do something better with high capacity transit what you notice is that a lot of these stops are kind of mirroring what's happening with our subway so maybe we even want to eliminate some of these stops maybe that's a way to to fix that so it can be really with with transit service the way that the game handles it isn't the way that reality handles it it necessarily you know if these two parallel routes all things equal are within close proximity of your destination you're going to choose subway every time and in the game you're going to choose the fastest route so something to be aware of that's why you have some of this craziness going on some of this will clear out over time let's take one more look at a traffic again not great and it's really all this one road and you see queues backing up in some some cases here but even some of the uh some of the roads around here are starting to suffer so if we had additional dlc asymmetrical roads might be able to help with some of this the other thing that could help would be targeted removals of some of these local road connections in particular this one's kind of close i could see that removing that right-of-way could potentially help got some significant sound issues here now and a lot of that has to do with the transit and the traffic there's just a lot going on here and a lot of destinations so um some targeted redevelopment might be warranted in this corridor this is really the bleeding the beating heart of the city not the bleeding heart this the spine look at that we haven't zoned a single tile we got to to megalopolis and that's what adding transit can do for you so with that i do think that it's time to get our airport placed so we're gonna take a look at our topography you can see that there are some challenges here but for the most part once you get away from this basin it's it's it's fairly flat we're going to want to make a couple adjustments so we are going to want to smooth this it's just going to be very very important here i want to see what the majority of the land is in this area and it looks like this particular contour is a popular one and i'm just keeping an eye on my soil availability because i don't want to have to do a bunch of soil moving it's one of the interesting things is you think it's harder to come up with phil than it is to get rid of it in some of my work i've found that having too much is just as big a problem and look we have maxed everything out we're gonna backfill over here smooth some things out so a lot of terraforming over here but we're going to be doing a lot so let's start working at our airport the one thing that stinks about this is there's a lot of trees here and unfortunately in vanilla there's not really a great way to get rid of all these trees it's not like i i believe even in the council version you're able to use basically a brush to get rid of all of these trees unfortunately we're gonna have to do it like this after the fact we're gonna do it like that after the fact that's insane so this is our airport hub and i want to orient this in a way that allows me to place other airports near it so we don't currently have a cargo airport but i kind of want to have a couple of airports to make this feel like a significant district so what we're going to do is try to find a place and you can see this is just it is so incredibly difficult to place these because of how flat the area needs to be so even though i did all that terraforming it wasn't enough so we do more alright so now we can finally do this so what i'm thinking is i want to have one airport in the front and one in the rear and this one requires me to build on a road maybe i'll hold off on this for the time being getting this second airport i do think it looks nicer when you can have more than more than one airport in the area i didn't leave myself with enough space and truthfully it's going to be difficult to make sure that there is enough space without really getting this close to the road let's give it a shot anyway this is ugly we are way up see if we can back this down just a little bit that's better oh at the very end that that'll work all right so i just wanted there to be a little bit more activity and what we're going to do just for aesthetic purposes is i think we'll make some little trail connections through here all right you can make a couple of other connections through here if you wanted to as well you know this isn't going to to function for anything but it'll just kind of look neat so sometimes it's nice to make these imagine you know some service vehicles being able to make connections through this area because you've provided them paths to do so it's just a nice vanilla way to be able to make some of these things happen truthfully that's not the best spot for it should probably have it right here this is certainly a challenge it's not something that's going to look great from up close but from far away looks like there's another path there looks like it's part of a uh an airport complex which i appreciate myself now in reality we probably want to see this road dip down so you don't have planes that are are cutting into cars so we're going to lower this route a little bit and then we will create a trench so that that road goes under that trench or into that trench rather turn our snap tubes back on i see that there's a nice depth and we could probably even go deeper with this if we really wanted to this is probably adequate too that was not the angle that i wanted but that's not a big deal we can fix that so i just from a lot of this is going to be aesthetic stuff at this point and one of the things i want to take a look at there's a lot of trees through here clearly we don't want airport or airplane wings clipping trees we don't want uh as as planes are landing for them to clip trees so you'd expect that many of these trees through here would be gone at least the ones closest to the runways so we're gonna get rid of all of those the other thing i like to think about is the path that the planes will be coming in so i like to clear some of those trees as well all right so to me that's a lot more believable so we're going to want to do the same thing with our road anywhere that these that we're going to have these connections so here's another one what i like to do is go ahead and use our runways to create our roads and then we can parallel that really nicely so we're going to again let's why don't we steal the great over here now that we've leveled everything we know that that's exact same one and we can create that trench over here again you know what it didn't work as well as i had hoped it's okay and it happens i can redo that so now i'm just going through and i'm making these connections i want it to be really gentle all of the curves through here it's these are slow roads you figure they'd be busy keep it gentle and now we're kind of coming into the home stretch in terms of the roadway network through here so i'm going to make a very gentle connection through here you can have another one straight through here and we are all set with that now this is oh no no we're not so we are not all set with that [Music] okay so now we have kind of a loop going around here it is a cul-de-sac and that is not at all advisable uh imagine that there was a fire emergency here that would be an absolute tragedy waiting to happen we also have very poor service coverage over here so we want to think about that a little bit too we also need some sort of interchange so i think the interchange is what we're going to worry about first and get that right over here we're going to pause for this all right so i am just using the interchanges that come with the game and i know that there are a ton of videos showing you how to make fancy interchanges and i love them i i personally will do custom interchanges sometimes but you don't have to you know that these are utilitarian in my mind you have a facility like this to carry regional traffic around the region so um in that regard why get overly crazy about it there's a purpose for these roads and if they're meeting that purpose good good enough okay so let's keep going here make our connections very good so i think that we could uh have a collector road meet up in here potentially right here now there's a very specific reason i say potentially right here first of all one thing i like to do to center roads so we'll make this connection right here temporarily now you can see that we have a nice a nice way to connect right into the middle so i'm going to use these as planning roads i'm just making these connections now that we have this i'm gonna upgrade this road we'll eliminate this and add some two-lane one-way roads and we'll make sure that this is facing in the right direction and now it's a nice way to get to the airport so the other thing that we could do with this is we could connect this over here if we wanted and kind of just have it end at the at this at this airport terminal that in my mind would be totally appropriate particularly if we were gonna have another road teeing in right here at least this isn't a cul-de-sac now it's still not ideal in my mind like i said i think it would be nice my curiosity i'm very curious whether we could get a bridge over to here that would be a really nice connection in fact i'm just looking at our transit real quick we've got got some stops there so that would change our network a bit let's give it a let's give it a quick quick go and i think this is going to be one of those unfortunate situations where modding is really useful because you can't make this connection across i'm not moving the train station again that's just not in the cards so we are stuck and i'm just seeing if it's all possible it seems like no matter how high i go it looks at that connection and it adds a pillar and that's what's preventing this from occurring it is possible okay so we are going to continue to attempt to make this bridge happen [Music] so this is insanely high i do not love how high it is hmm okay so i've figured out a way to make this work [Music] oh okay and i figured out a way to make it work with a local road not a collector which is what i want to do so we're going to try a little bit more putzing okay so this is a monster viadock but i think it's going to work so what we're going to do i want to look at this terrain over here and see if i can use some of this soil that i've accumulated i'll raise this up a little bit right here do the same thing over here and then i'll bring this down as best i can or bring it up the soil i want the soil to be at a very similar level to this bridge so we don't have to have more of a bridge structure than we need this just isn't going to work the way i wanted that's okay ultimately the main point was to be able to get this bridge over here and we're going to run into another set of challenges over here and that relates to this train track so i really wanted there to be a nice connection this is where all of these in all of these pieces of infrastructure start to conflict with one another so we're gonna just have to do the best that we can with the area configured in the way that it is so let's get some of our zoning back here because we know that we're in a good spot with that now at least we can start simulating again because we've been paused for a while and this is a massive bridge this would certainly be the showcase of the city so we're gonna just live with that i think i am gonna take this down a notch i tried to do some things that didn't work necessarily so no need to keep the crazy because that was what we were doing so i kind of wish we would have maintained our bridging right here because we're in a spot now where it's a bit of a struggle so the way that we're gonna i think create a tunnel that makes sense is to do the underground portion first and then bring it up we're gonna try to keep that underground section as short as possible and then we're gonna connect that directly to the bridge so we have as gentle a slope as possible so i think here i would want a roundabout if at all possible i know that might be controversial but i think it makes the most sense we don't want cars stopping right here this is not a good spot to stop so we are going to make a quick roundabout right now so i use the same trick that i usually do with roundabouts and i used the value to actually the the cost of the road to make sure that my my circle was round now the one challenge here is i removed this this road that made a cross through here which might mean that this goes out of skew i hope not it didn't all right we got really lucky truthfully normally that would uh would go all out askew but we're okay so now i'm gonna add one ways through here i'll have that go counterclockwise since we are on a right-hand side drive map so that there are no signalized intersections and we're going to want to take a look at all these signals because i think that we're going to want we're going to want to make sure that we have junctions that make sense this movement right here might get a lot of use regardless of the airport because it is a movement that is not available getting on the interstate this is a very new movement for the downtown and it's going to be i would imagine heavily utilized so we're gonna go into our traffic routes let's make sure that we're prioritizing this collector we don't have any more junctions than we absolutely need we're good here all right let's get this running let's see what our bus routes are doing there they're they're taken away so unfortunately they're they're kind of circling around here so we could make this a formal collector by having this be a one-way loop so one way in this direction one way in this direction and now it is a collector there might be some value in that i think that we are going to do that we're starting to see some cueing right here at the bare minimum we need to get this junction here to not allow crossing because it's creating some issues we don't need we don't want so the reason i said that this creates a collector is as soon as you have one ways it's it's one half of a collector road now that's not just based on the number of lanes but it's the function of the road it functions as a collector at that point so that's one of the reasons you'll see these in downtown areas some points in time i wish that there was a more logical end point for this uh but there's not really so we're just gonna kind of leave it here this will be the end of it we don't have any transit roads so we're kind of just stuck with this want to make sure that our buses aren't doing anything crazy you see them starting to take this path right here it does the trick when you look at traffic we've got some significant traffic right here there might be some value in uh moving that couplet down but we just it's a kind of a kind of a kind of a challenge this is a challenging area there's a lot going on and now we have a new collector that is going to be bringing a lot of it's gonna be carrying a lot of traffic in the future okay so we need to get water pipes to this new area so let's do that now i'm gonna put these underneath the road where they belong we also need power to this location that's gonna be a little more challenging so we could have some low rise uh commercial uses along here i would see that is a fairly logical series of uses and that might be the best way that we can connect power out here so i'm going to do that just have some of those commercial uses i would imagine these are like used car rental type type dealers things of that nature this will be a way for us to to get our power across without having monster transmission lines so let's speed this up and see if that works [Music] so it's starting to work but i do see we're gonna need some sort of transmission line to get to the other airport unless we have businesses i don't want to get this right in front of the runway so i think we might actually have some sort of back door do i love this connection no i do not do i like it more than connecting over here yes i like that a lot more than this so the last thing i want to do is start to clean up a little of this messiness over here so i'm just leveling knowing that this is all level why not have nice clean trenches over here and really show the purpose for these there we go you can see that we're clearly trying to make sure that the road is below the runway so there's no clipping of cars with airport or with airplanes so we're good there we've got these uses wow that is a deep tunnel i don't like that uh there's one way that we can avoid looking at that though and that's just not looking at underground view so it'll do the trick so this now we the airport has nice convenient access to downtown but one thing it's missing is its connection to the subway and we're not gonna i don't think that we're gonna have uh any helicopter access today but that is something that we need to consider in the near future i think we're just gonna have a another kind of ping-ponging route going between the airport and the downtown junction so that is good in my mind i think that we're in a good spot with that so we are a little deficient in our population and i think there's an easy way to take care of that why don't we finish up this neighborhood we've done a lot today but one thing we haven't done is expand the city in any way at all outside the airport so i'm going to fill in the rest of this this little this little grid here so with these roads that i'm creating right now i'm not really there's no real rhyme or reason to any particular connection i'm just following basic rules uh so this is a fairly flat area i could be trying well i could be trying to use the topography to generate my roadway network totally logical but it's really not that bad you know it's you know five meters total terrain difference so what i'm doing is just kind of meandering these roads through here and finding continuity so that streets are of a certain length we don't want a bunch of little stubby streets nor do we want streets that loop back into themselves any more than we have to so i'm kind of thinking of a 1970s style approach or maybe even a little bit sooner than a little bit earlier than that 1950s where streets still had connectivity but they wanted to have some sort of curve for visual interest so you know and that's visual interest as a driver that's not visual interest as a pedestrian if that were the case we would want all of these streets to end in you know really excellent vistas so as you're walking down rather than this road terminating into that looks like a someone's tree and a bush maybe there'd be something interesting to see we're very close to downtown but this is what we are going to to see because we've made a an interesting choice with our with our roadway connections so some of those things that i'm generally trying to do i'd like to meet up roads at 90s if i can i would uh you know like i said have like to have connectivity through here if at all possible so i am going to create a temporary road through here just so that i can maximize my zoning i'm a developer right now so i want to make sure that i'm developing everything to the maximum extent possible okay so again i'm trying to mirror my highway here but it's a struggle i got a little bit close uh when i was originally building these roads and as a result i'm struggling a little bit to mirror this and i don't think that's the biggest deal in the world we can back off a little bit all i look at that is is a great sound buffer so we use this as our opportunity to turn a little bit and line things up a little bit better now we've got a weird gap here and i might want to change this a little bit so i can maximize density so this is probably where we actually want our road to be clearly we don't want two junctions on that collector as we have it so we're gonna just since we're planning roads right now anyway let's go ahead and we'll just relocate that no harm in changing not a big deal okay so i just i'm gonna make these last couple connections then we're gonna zone all this and a lot of it's going to be residential we're going to need some commercial corridors and we're not going to really do much with industrial we're going to do is have offices and offices are industrial so that's uh at least in the game i i know that when i first started out and honestly beyond that for the longest time i always thought that offices were commercial but it makes sense so commercial isn't necessarily employment type uses but both industrial offices are and when you have a business park for instance you kind of expect to see those types of uses together so uh good on the developers for putting two and two together there i know that even as a planner i did not it didn't uh it didn't make sense to me i was stuck in my sim city mindset so we've got some nice grids through this area that don't necessarily connect everywhere i think it would still be fairly easy to navigate in this area though here we're gonna have a loop i don't like these uh this is a cul-de-sac with a cul-de-sac there are gonna be some people who would love to live right there so we do need to think about where people are going to go to shop so i love to have these little commercial corridors uh the other thing you can do is just in the corner neighborhoods have a little pocket of commercial wouldn't you love to have a a neighborhood bar or a you know corner store you could go to that's that's really what those are back here i think we're going to have like a little hidden office park you sometimes see those even near residential areas where there's just a little bit of office development now before this all builds out we need to make sure we have water here so this is right of voice i'm okay crossing here that's totally fine in my books i i always say keep the water pipes under the rub but what i really mean is keep the water pipes within the right-of-way and if you're doing that you're keeping it real and i i i i think that building water pipes is truthfully kind of a fun mechanic and if it's in the game i think that you should make it a fun part of the game and part of that is putting the water pipes where they should go [Music] so i'm looping the water pipe system it's not necessary in the game it is nice if you have disasters on if for some reason your water network were to be destroyed and you have a loop your city's not going to die but totally up to you just something i like to do and you're more than welcome to leave it just like this that works too and you can see that i did that over here by the airport and i i'm kind of just curious at this point where am i at in terms of in terms of uh you know some of our core city services but we haven't really done a lot so it's we're not in a position where we really need to worry all that much so i think we're gonna could i have an office corridor along here these are gonna be higher density than some of the residential uses but i'm at this point we're kind of a ways away and you'd expect unfortunately to see less mixed use and more uh more concentrations of single uses not the greatest approach to zoning in my mind we do have a couple of corner bars we could certainly make some pedestrian connections through here we probably should before all of this gets built out we're certainly changing our approach over here then from then from our other area that's okay got a couple pedestrian connections through and now the moment we've all been waiting for residential so residential everywhere and we are going to try to get our population up that's what uh that's what we do in this build as we try to hit population milestones it's difficult to do that unless you are building up uh increasing the density and adding additional zoning opportunities so one of the things we're going to need to look at and that's going to increase the desirability of this area is schools so we have zoned this but we have an opportunity to to get this going so let's get some of our schools in this area i want the high school centrally located we're gonna have two elementary schools so not overly concerned about their location i left this these couple of big squares that i could put parks in so we're gonna add some larger parks in those areas and you can see that oh it fits perfectly that's great we are gonna need to destroy that house eminent domain and the city appreciates your contribution and we'll have a couple of other parks these parks are going to pay for themselves the parks are they increase property values and tax base so that is why we're going to add them in and try to blanket the entire area with different types of parks i have dog parks i have a little playgrounds particularly near the elementary schools i think it makes a ton of sense to have playgrounds so this is a large playground you could certainly go for the small playground we have one over there not a huge deal the other thing that we could do is look and add a basketball court near the high school now the other thing i kind of want to look at is we have some of these other areas over here where you see pockets of unhappiness and what that means to me is that we haven't done a very good job adding amenities to make residents in these areas happy so i'm going to look at the zoning i think this is commercial office yep we're going to want to have some plaza space in there so let's add the paradox plaza pdx happening right now so seems to be a good time and over here we have a lot of residential and absolutely no place for anyone to recreate so let's take a look again so we could add some unique buildings as a way to kind of get things going so one of the things that i did inadvertently but that adds a lot of interest is i inadvertently added the european uh elements to this this uh to this game so if you're seeing some european buildings like the city hall that's because i turn the the european buildings on inadvertently um that's okay you can do that and that's certainly something that can make your game feel like it has more happening in it i am going to disable that for the next time around so i wouldn't worry about that being in here i'm just being very careful not to use any of those buildings so i'm going to put the statue of wealth in here the main reason i'm using that you see that it has a high entertainment level has some noise pollution but put it next to a noisy use you can look at some of these other buildings and see if any of them would be appropriate so we have the aviation club we forgot about that over here another neat asset that comes with sunset harbor if we wanted to get this in we would really need to do some work over here unfortunately that stinks so i think i might add it across the road for the time being maybe we'll relocate this to a better location later on down the line so this is kind of the the hobbyists you know private airport you see that there there's some interesting stuff happening now that i've placed this here you've got airplanes coming right over the top of this thing it's okay though it works curious let's see yeah we're getting some passenger service here nothing at this you know we might if we didn't have unlimited money basically at this point in the game we might be a little more concerned about that traffic flow going good in this area getting some utilization not crazy we've certainly got some traffic things that we might want to fix that said i'm not seeing a lot of backups it might be a couple places for roundabouts and the commercial demand is kind of out of this world right now as is the industrial demand i think we're going to take down some of that industrial demand by converting some of this old dirty industrial so we'll clean up the city a bit now that we have education we can up zone some of this stuff and that means that at some point we're going to have to clean up this this uh trash collection system that we have here but this will work for the time being and you can see that this has taken care of a lot of the industrial demand that we had in this area the other thing i could think about is up zoning in some of these areas so we have a lot of low density uh commercial here you could see this completely becoming up zoned rezoned to a higher density would make perfect sense to me this would probably be more spotty and if you're playing you can certainly go through and do that and just have targeted little nodes of density totally rational i would support that a million times over but we're gonna go kind of quick with it so we're just increasing that mid-rise uh area which i think is totally rational in fact i might go a few more blocks back [Music] and that's going to be a killer for our population for just a minute we're going to let this go and watch things come back to so we are just now back to 80 000 people which means that we've grown by roughly four to five thousand people this episode so far so i think that we have enough zoning to accomplish our our goal right now but what we need to do is really focus on some of the other things so we've got some junction issues over here that we just created so you can see that there are no signals on some of these roads we have signalized intersections where they don't make sense let's just go through and fix some of these all right and then the other thing i want to think about a little bit is again that value so you can see that there are areas where we don't have high land value where we are incredibly dense so near the school over here let's look at that happiness again because that's really what this color that the the happiness is that's really what a lot of this is coming down to residential commercial happiness are not all that high we're okay but we're not we're not great and that's showing itself in land values so let's get back to our park coverage and continue to build out our park network and i think i just want to have a make sure that we have small playgrounds and plazas in places that make sense so we have a lot of offices over here now eminent domain will add a plaza same thing over here a bigger closet and that remedies a lot of that that land value issue that we have over here now this is more significant again i'm locating these on the local roads we've got some trash um incineration plans over here let's relocate those obviously super realistic to relocate the incinerators but i don't want these sort of uses over here if we've changed the zoning to be offices go through and we will re-zone that we have this little pocket of industrial and truthfully if we've eliminated the rest over here i kind of want to go through and eliminate all of it and really clean up the land over here and now we have a little bit of a you know sort of a suburban office type of area over here it's going to develop very quickly the land will clean up and this will be good for the city now there are a couple areas where you could target a little bit more density this is one of those areas we could just go through and add a road connection or even just some dead ends that will increase our density in this area which will help us because we are struggling with in particular some of our other zoning districts not residential we we're looking at commercial and needing more commercial so we're going to continue to up zone some of these areas rezone increase the density now i wish that this was a little more realistic in the approach i wish that i could just change the zoning the buildings would stay and then eventually some of them would convert but that's not the way that the game handles it and that's okay it's it's a game so we will deal with it so there are other things to consider you know we have uh you know pollution obviously right here heavily polluted that'll get better over time uh sound pollution is another thing to think about you can see that this corridor as we have increased the density in the zoning it's become louder and louder the highway is loud so these this this makes this area less attractive to residential uses this might be a good area for offices and it's certainly not great for some of these other sorts of lower density residential uses but it will it'll it'll work it's just not ideal let's get back to our parks and we still have some need for parks over here or some unique buildings so i think unique buildings might actually be a better approach in this area so we have a number of things i would think that something like the colossal orders office would make a ton of sense over here we could modify the roadway network just slightly to add this building in now i understand that we're losing some residential but that's a we'll make it work we'll add that back in this is going to help out a lot you can see these buildings over here already redeveloping that is increases the population so that's that's good to see a lot of pedestrian connection there and truthfully we should probably add some landscaping as well so the other thing that adding that building does is it adds a point of visual interest as you're coming in off the highway another massive building along the riverbank so i really like that and you can see that our population is just exploding and this isn't because we're zoning a whole bunch it's because we're improving the land value we're not even perfect over here just yet let's make it even better i want this to really be an excellent place so i think the mega church would be an interesting option but i think it's really the sort of thing you want to have it's kind of a terminating vista as you're coming down a road you see this thing and it's right there it's the point of visual interest and as i'm thinking about the best places for this i might actually want to grade out a bit of land right here let's actually eliminate that and we are going to go rogue so i don't like adding land i think that this is very unrealistic we're gonna do a little bit right now this is our time so we're gonna take advantage of it so this looks incredibly unnatural and ugly let's work on that a bit and this will get better with time once we get some grass growing there so i like this use in this particular location because it doesn't generate a lot of noise and generates a ton of entertainment so i don't want to go too far with this road because i don't want to change topography but i do want to add some residential next to it within close proximity and then we're going to landscape around it we'll add some larger landscaping along the outside and then kind of step down these trees will look a little better with time i believe as long as we let time pass and grass starts growing there things will start looking good i do want this to be attractive from across the road so we are doing a little bit of work with it i'm going to eliminate these buildings because they're not the max density they're kind of showing up like that because they were there when there was only one tile so now we got this excellent view from public works campus of the mega church that's not the view i'm worried about though i'm worried about this view you're coming downtown you're going past the burnt bean and look what you see down the center that that makes you want to walk that is visual interest it's right down the center it's it's something something to see something to behold and it's blocking that view of the public works campus which is perfect you look around that feels special all right i like that now let's see what that did to the land values around here in the immediate proximity very good very good so we should probably do more around here we've got some issues so i'm gonna again add another plaza this will help in this particular area and you can see the land values just explode as we add that let's look at our land uses over here we have commercial again so i think i want to add another plaza over here so i'll do the plaza with trees i'll take out a couple buildings more eminent domain thank you i know that is painful at least for me to continue to keep doing that but it is necessary if we want to level up our buildings same thing here residential so we want a park so i i think that it's just more natural to have parks in residential areas and plazas in commercial and industrial areas but you can do whatever you want that's just that's just me you see that when you look at the city now we don't have park life uh so this is the best we can do but we have excellent coverage for parks excellent coverage for parks just kind of everywhere the other thing that we could have done over here is added a floating cafe but we have our fishing industry so it's kind of challenging to add something like this you think that it would block this uh industry which would be a little challenging in my mind to justify we'll have one more very high because you get this crazy dock and then the floating cafe way beneath it but it'll work fishing island there floating cafe two of them at least we have good views the way to fix this would be to actually lower these closer to the water it's just really challenging in this particular map because they have these cliffs right along the the coast it's it's just kind of kind of rough and we are slowly approaching our next milestone which is 85 000. we should be there any minute i think that we're gonna just kind of hang on for a minute and admire what's what's going on maybe take a look at traffic still hopping around that 79 77 78 there are some challenging spots but you know i've mentioned this road a lot in this episode it's a long road this goes all the way to the highway and it interestingly doesn't connect to the highway over here although it might at some point in the future this is a very busy corridor and sometimes busy corridors are fine it means vitality that means business activity that means people doing things getting places you need to have corridors like that every city has that busy corridor and that is this corridor in the city the more interesting to me is that this isn't really getting a lot of use i thought it was going to be more busy oh got some water we'll take care of that i might just loop this we've already got it almost all the way around i would expect this to be lubed and we've done it we uh uh like a little too soon i i thought we had done it but we are just a little bit shy hey we've done it we've reached oh no i should just stop talking because the more i talk the uh the the harder it appears to be to reach that but we are we're at approximately 85 000 bouncing around apparently uh i got very close in my zoning so close in fact that i hit it and then i go down i hit it and then i go down so might need just a little bit more one away two above wow we're all over the place but we've hit our next threshold and uh i'm really pleased with how this turned out i think that we've used the dlc uh well i think that we've done a lot with transit you can see that we've got some ridership now 4 000 rides every a week our buses are packed uh we've got people on our metro we've got people coming here by train the one thing we don't have just yet that we might want to add and i'm going to do it quickly uh and and deal with the ramifications in the next episode is the inner city bus terminal i think that that would be a a completely rational thing that you'd see in this particular area and that right about here on this local road we're not gonna use eminent domain we'll just place that right here and worry about that in the next episode because we want more ways to get to this city and i think this is an important way to to get here so that will be a future a future concern so i do thank you for joining me as you can see we're way over the threshold at this point i guess if way over it is 300 people thank you so much for joining me if you enjoyed this episode please considering the like button if you aren't subscribed to my channel please consider doing so and if you want to be notified when i release new episodes hit that notification bell i want to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters they help me create this content and improve my equipment and i want to thank you for for coming along with me on this journey i'm going to leave you with a brief city tour like i always do thank you so much i'll see you in the next one bye-bye [Music] so so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ah
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 73,691
Rating: 4.9512467 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities:skylines, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines how to start your city, how to play cities skylines, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines no mods, cities skylines tips, cities skylines xbox one, cities skylines ps4, cities skylines sunset harbor, city planner plays, cities skylines transit, cities skylines airport
Id: 963yH-_urSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 48sec (5208 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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