Hardcore Minecraft but I can't Jump...

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we're gonna go here we're gonna go here we are going to do this and now there's no jump button and we're gonna try and beat minecraft without jumping so i'm just gonna jump into it i think does that sound good we can't jump on into it never mind let's walk on into it we're gonna do hardcore please be a good start oh hey a quick reminder if you do enjoy the video and aren't subbed yet remember to do that it helps me out a lot thanks but i'll get back to the video oh this sucks we're gonna have to walk over there okay timer there's a timer for you we're starting we can't jump but we can create slabs and now we're able to to actually go up stuff all right so we're just gonna get a bunch of wood first and then um we'll figure something out what's up have you ever beat minecraft i've beaten minecraft once last week now we just need to dig up some stone two three boom boom first thing we make is definitely a shield so let's do that right at the start here and just always have it equipped that is not a shield okay um you need to jump to swim and get out i don't think you do uh we'll probably test at some point here soon just for a piece of mind's sake oh dear god okay we desperately need armor i'm gonna like that that that single skeleton almost killed me it will take a little bit to get the like right amount of materials but uh oh okay we gotta lock ourselves in okay just do my best to lock myself in as fast as i can okay that should work all right you know what that that's good for the night i think i'm gonna start a a mine downwards it's gonna be strange just because i'm not used to having to go down this slowly yeah we're gonna probably start like a strip mine are you a physical or digital kind of guy digital i i really don't care about having a physical game as long as i can play it um you know i'm not jumping down there i'm very risk averse right now i only have four hearts like two skeleton arrows will kill me okay i think this is just a small cave with a dead end not necessarily why not stairs slabs are more efficient because you can turn one block into one stair or you can make one block into two slabs sure stairs are slightly more space efficient but it doesn't uh it's not as it's good overall i'm gonna go smelt this all and hopefully it's daytime we need to get food we need to get a bed will you go to the nether you have to go to the nether to beat the game yes we will be going to the nether and have small people if you can't beat the game in two hours i the only time i've ever beaten the game was in an hour and 51 minutes i think it was a speed run last week last thursday so i'm trying to after doing one speed run it's like you know what let's do a challenge run let's make it harder oh okay there's some food okay there's the sheep awesome please yes okay there'll be three here awesome this will work give me three sweet that helps a lot we got food there growing away we have some snacks we have full armor um let's make an iron axe because you guys said axes are better for attacking what's your objective mining right now i'm just trying to find some diamonds so we can start like enchanting stuff and uh and getting like fortune and efficiency because that's that's when minecraft gets really fun for me is once we actually have enchantments and can start moving with a little bit more freedom so i'm very lucky which means that we will find diamonds very quickly that's just the way it goes uh so we will be finding diamonds within i would say 30 to 40 seconds um in fact i'm gonna ignore the coal because i am so excited to find these diamonds almost to the diamonds they're just just right around this corner here where the promised diamonds oh i hope you forget about that dang it you can send some diamonds to the left all right i shouldn't have trusted you i should have just kept going forwards and there's gonna be diamonds right over here your other left ah yes on my right okay my other left of course all right you said it oh okay oh he actually got me the great part about hardcore is that you never need to worry about like oh i need to put this away in case i die you can just carry whatever the heck you want on you because like if you die it's all gone anyways okay we only have 18 left [Music] all right let's go smelt this stuff and cry that we didn't find any diamonds i feel like i i you know how i said i was lucky i take it back that's cause i said it yeah i need to say there's not gonna be diamonds in three two one now damn yo brown diamonds if you post the vaude it'll take it seemed like it only took 40 seconds yeah we'll just be like oh yeah it was just a quick 40 seconds like minecraft is one of those games they keep updating it so there's always like it's a game that's not going away i feel like it's been oh my god finally please be five diamonds oh yes please be five no oh my god it's only four but we found diamonds this is how much we mined and found four diamonds total all of these have been dug out is this not absolutely absurd like we found four diamonds and it just keeps going now that's normal not for me i'm lucky speedrunner and shambles technically a speedrun is a playthrough it's a very fast playthrough you know what i'm just gonna take the diamond pickaxe down i don't care i'm not afraid have some incredible stamina oh you know a buddy better stamina than anyone you've ever met and it pays off in the end let's go okay i'm not at all i don't care the reward [Music] let's actually go go home by the way all right bookshelf time do this do that all of our books that's exactly 45 we have the exact amount we need boom boom boom [Music] let's see what i got efficiency 3 oh that's crap that's so bad it is gonna be fortune three don't you think i'm gonna enchant one i might as well do the fully good one screw it let's do it no fear it's about the worst pickaxe you could get i mean no that is the exact that is the worst um okay not bad we got efficiency for unbreaking three now we'll mine for more diamonds if we find diamonds we won't mind them out yet but that'll help so much and look at that diamonds yo more diamonds let's go now of course now that you have diamonds you get the diamonds that's how it works all right let's go for it level 30 again yo that's the best pickaxe we could have got that's the best enchant fortune three unbreaking three efficiency four now we'll go and get that those diamonds that are sitting there one two three four five six fourteen for anyone curious that is why we got fortune one two three four five six twenty seven [Music] like diamond gear full diamond armor that's what we like to see okay there's that good i think it's time right good luck in the nether thank you thank you hmm don't be in the sky was it raining was that just me so where to huh oh dear god that does a lot still we need to go we gotta go dude hey hey you come here hey i need you to give me a fire resistance potion all right is that a fortress i don't know if that's a fortress or not is that a fortress if that's a fortress then we got super lucky and we might be able to finish today oh it is it is a fortress oh my god we got so lucky holy crap oh yo he almost gave me every single uh uh ender pearl that i needed that's better luck than my other run that i did okay well we are now going to the fortress a terrible fortress here we go i need to lean forwards because they're just super dark on my monitor oh oh why is he not eating why is he not eating what the hell what the hell really great time for him to not eat huh i thought we were dead i thought we were dead i thought we were done oh there's a spawner there's a spawner right there what perfect music for a tense moment like this i'm going to explore and try and just kill stray ones [Music] hey he saw me oh go go go go go okay run [Music] you're still going okay this gallons are three blocks tall oh no why did he step in his path i might die here i'll fight you off i'll do it [Music] let's go back kill the blaze the juxtaposition yeah very nice back up at level 30 we got seven blaze rods that's technically enough to beat the game with there's the portal okay okay the portal re-linked somewhere else that's weird where am i why did the portal come here oh it's here here it is okay just gotta focus your portal was just there yeah my portal is here but it brought me outside anyways and we are able to make eyes of ender to find the portal which is good i'm starting to get hungry i think i'm going to finish this on friday my legs are broken okay let's get back into this we're almost actually have all of our gear enchanted we have what three more enchants that's it there's a glitch if you throw your diamond sword in the lava you get all the achievements wow i guess it just didn't pop up then huh you hate whoever did that we have 28 diamonds in my inventory what what else am i gonna use them for it wasn't even enchanted sword sword sharpness four knock back two on breaking three that's nice though all right i guess do you guys want to go to the nether and i want to get three or four more blaze rods that's all we need three or four more blaze rods let's go i'm a little scared still but let's go ah i thought the door was too high no no no no no no no no no oh it's a dead end it's a dead end we gotta fight we gotta fight there's multiple calm we're fine we're good we're chill ugh he got me oh there's a little skeleton too golden apple golden apple where did it come from what we need to go we gotta go that's right that's right loser lou you can't escape yeah you better friggin run i'm gonna kill you okay sorry i just gotta oh he couldn't get me looks like there's no wither skeletons to deal with we're just gonna take on oh god there are so many why are there so many spawning why did 400 spawn all at once it didn't even okay no no we'll come back later i'm so scared i'm so scared just just just charge that's a good we're good we're gone we're gone we needed four that's it it's chill everything's fine we just gotta get back to the portal and i think we're done in the nether now uh start make some potions uh i'm gonna make all of these into eyes of ender because we do need at least 12 or around 12 most likely all right we need to go back to the nether i didn't get any glowstone we need glowstone okay that's enough we're good we're gone we're done we're done here we're good we're leaving forever goodbye potion of swiftness let's use redstone on it and i think we're ready to go where are we going we're going to fight the ender dragon okay so this is going to be our loadout most likely okay we got our four golden apples we got our potion of swiftness slow falling and strength all the slabs i think we'll need arrows this is infinity i think we're good this is what we're gonna do where are we going [Music] this way do you think jump this is really a challenge yeah if you don't not prepared you just fall into a hole and die it's over this way now okay no okay yes so it's got to be here i'd like to hear oh spider hisses reckless jumping into holes that i didn't see wait a minute why is there light there oh that it's a cave on the surface oh god damn it we found it finally this oh my god that took far too long all right let's go baby okay we haven't been here yet one eye we need one more ah we need to kill a single enderman oh there's an enemy of whoop i heard a voo where's the whoopee boy at where is he probably through here probably through here yes please give me a pearl darling yes okay you called it darling i mean i was trying to be nice so it would listen you know sometimes you just gotta charm them okay you ready why why do i oh my god just dig in i'm going to dig in it's just it's a bit stressful when there's a massive dragon right there all right let's do this let's do this thing here we go a little low okay please nice good shot good shot no climbing required baby come on yes okay no we did not get that one okay we're about to though there it is nice how many towers we got left is that it no one more i think that's it we now just have to kill him let's do this that's right okay that's some damage good getting good with a bow i'm learning during the fight how to use it for combat come on get back down here buddy or if you don't want to get hit by arrows anymore so we have slow falling for that exact moment right there yep get out of here good yes oh what a shot one hit left get down here i'ma finish i want to finish him off with the sword it's not doing any damage oh there we go we did it free the end no jumping give me that beautiful exp oh nine hours 39 minutes you know i know a lot of people could do it faster but considering that's the first time i've ever played a hardcore minecraft it's pretty good i'm pretty happy with that and yeah thank you all so so much for watching this was fun i like this i i am totally down to play more minecraft and i think it'll go over
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,156,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mc, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, dream, minecraft survival, hardcore, speedrun, challenge run, speedunner, jumpless, no jumping, fundy
Id: j4zWy1RWU6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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