Mario Odyssey but the floor is lava

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this is an idea i've had for a while and it wasn't really possible until i did a stream recently where i did custom levels in super mario odyssey that stream attracted some super mario odyssey modders and i said i have a modding id and i asked them to message me and so crafty boss whipped this up in less than a week and i am going to show you it today oh hey if you enjoy the video remember to subscribe it helps me out a lot anyways hope you enjoy it's gonna be tough just as an example you know so yeah lava burns you so we're going to have to go through the entire game without ever touching the ground so um i guess we'll start by jumping on this railing then or i'll try at least and then just gotta very carefully navigate around it's all good should we do a death counter yeah all right i'll do a death counter our death counter will be right here the creator of this they said i don't know if it's even possible but hopefully you don't reach a section that is unbeatable uh so we'll see um i i don't know if it's possible we're gonna figure it out as we go along but we're we're doing it we are here for it and there's the cutscene this is so hype this is so cool yeah okay i can i can jump across this we're good also i'm fairly sure captures also die on the lava i'm not quite sure i guess we'll find out what about two-player mode we may need to switch into two-player mode for certain sections for sure but i'm gonna try and do it in one player mode you guys think i can just roll all the way across this maybe no no i can't i cannot roll across that that was a bad idea uh that was a mistake that i will not be making again what odd little fellows you mean dead little fellows there's supposed to be yellow goombas there okay think i can make it in here without dying um come on get in the door don't die don't die oh my god we're in let's go i think i'm dead though no safe zone okay good good good good how do i oh gosh i'm pretty sure let me just test this yep okay uh captures die on lava too something i'm gonna say is that um there's some surprises later on in some of the the later kingdoms i'm not gonna spoil it but there do be some surprises and that's a death it uh it's gonna get a little crazy i think i can make it through without using the frog yeah you see the frogs just spawning and instantly dying you guys see that come on stop okay we're fine that was just a weird jump that's all that was okay just a weird wacky jump but yeah they did an incredible job okay we're out good is there on to a safe spot oh god well oh it's a bit spicy up here looks like the boss fight is safe yeah okay boss fight's good first kingdom is done let's see this kingdom oh my god the intro cutscene it's terrifying okay this seems pretty straightforward for now but we'll see if it gets more complicated later oh wait does oh apparently chain chomps are immune to lava okay first moon out of 124. oh wait did it not fall i wasn't paying attention did the bridge not fall over oh god did you guys just see that boss fight sure and yeah the bridge didn't fall over no damage no damage okay a little bit of damage i wonder if the dino is immune as well you guys think the dino would be immune as well i guess we'll find out if the dino is immune oh he's a big tough boy oh god oh little framing it might be the waterfall yeah it seems the dye oh it's probably the particle effects that the dino creates when it walks that's probably it because it's all the illumination stuff from the from the lava that's fine it just get it allows me to do this frame perfect jump all the way up into the boss fight oh dear god okay well what's this i don't know what is this oh it starts with burning okay it starts wait i can't uh i have to get her to chase me chase me okay because i have to stand on this platform speedrun strats then oh oh oh no don't hit me big brain strats i think i got this fight first try okay good good good good just one more hit and we're safe that'll work that'll work okay just gotta just gotta run oh please stop please stop [Music] okay first try easy no problem oh we're gonna instantly get burned won't we okay yep that's gonna hurt yep okay we're done cascade kingdom this is gonna be in a lot of places much more difficult than superstar mode it's terrifying this is so cool [Music] okay okay okay i got this like you just got to jump on the icicles no big deal just jump on the tiny icicle no problem i'm an expert it's chill it's sh we're good how is there ice on the lava i don't freaking know dude i don't know something that i will say is that sub areas are unchanged because they just didn't have enough time to finish we won't be doing any sub areas unless we absolutely have to let's see though i guess let's go into the ruins then apparently uh craftyboss had to change like like several like 1000 of these models or some crazy number like that there we go okay we're in the ruins this section isn't too bad should be able to fly around i got the checkpoint so i can do this okay this might be a bit tricky to get back up though oh no cappy disappeared that's a death ah can you ride jacksies on lava i don't know it's worth a try runes are nice and safe i like that are 2d sections considered sub-areas no i'll go into 2d sections if they're not in the sub-area i think that's fine if it's in the over world where it has been changed we're good to go i like how the poison stays poison it's just like deadly slightly less deadly deadly slightly less moment of truth can we run around with the jacksie now this may kill us it may not i don't know he can run across the lava let's go i think we can oh it spawns the moon pog dude [Music] that works okay so i can do that gotta gotta nail this one perfect is it right here maybe it is get the moon [Music] where the birds gather let's go okay this one's a little easier because i think i can stand on this yes very nice all right two more moons i have the perfect two moons this 2d area seems to be fun okay check out this hot strat oh what a hot strap [Music] there we go sand kingdom that sand kingdom done we're moving we're zooming so you know how the floor is lava what about the water that makes it pretty easy water is obviously not the floor light kingdom should be an easy kingdom right right well uh what if there's just no water we drained lake kingdom it was evaporated by the lava this should be a safe moon to get yes all right i wonder how fun rango would be huh you guys want to try rango i don't know how the heck i'm gonna get up to rango but uh can i climb up is it possible check this check this out one two three this was a mistake this was a mistake we're fine all right well in that case we can do this hey you can breathe in here um cappy i could breathe out there as well cappy you get with the times dude dory is dead i mean dory must have evaporated with the water or something wait is oh there's a little bit of water left in the kingdom let's go is the boss serena have lava let me check looks to be safe in that case i think i'm going to get other moons i want to try moons that are lava let's go say hello to captain toad oh god there's lava down here no go wait no damage no damage i guess there's a moon here captain toad's jacuzzi we're gonna get the shards moon i feel like that one's gonna be more fun uh-oh i take it back we can take a death let's chill no okay well there's a death death number four just yolo death strats okay ready ready ready there's a ledge there that we could stand on also i could have warped um okay shards there's another shard over here so let's grab that can i walk on this i can okay there's another shard in this spot okay and there's one on the archway that i can grab here okay all right we're just gonna take take the death if i need to he's fine he spawned the moon oh that's slippery okay all right looks good moonshine's in the lake i've been told by the mod creator that wooded kingdom is one of the most difficult ones and that they were only able to get i think 10 moons but uh yeah i've always wanted to visit california oh my god this looks like hell i believe this has a moon in it yes it does and it instantly breaks because it's in spicy hot lava now for the hard part how the heck do we get to the rest of the kingdom oh looks like we can't talk to the sphinx yes we can if we can make it over there we can we can definitely make it over there check this out boom bomb bomb jump up here okay dive onto that yes dive onto this okay there is a platform in front i can yeah oh that's spicy okay no that's hot i died such a small little platform ground pound in the right spot let's go okay can you answer my riddle uh they want flowers i'm correct yeah i don't know if we can make it through there if i'm being i'm being completely honest with you i i really don't know if we can fit that oh there's a ledge there's a ledge we can make it through there okay i can make it to that ledge for sure we just gotta bomb bomb cap throw land on cappy what apparently there there is lava there it's just not visually there should be fine just stand on the edge okay we can get the chat point down here at least and we can start doing some stuff see if i can get this nut around the corner i doubt i can get this nut around the corner maybe i might be able to not if i take damage like that oh no i definitely can because there's railings yes don't fall into deep woods oh god land on the railing yep yup [Music] okay i think if we go through this area backwards we might be able to do it we might be able to get the moon inside don't be lava don't be love it okay it doesn't burn baby just absolutely demolish this guy wall jumps wall jumps yes a little scared and then we can die that's definitely doable 100 that's doable wall jumps now i will have to do one lava bounce in here yep i'm gonna try a bit of an aggressive strat here and it works kind of uncomfortable being on this amount of health but it's fine it's all good [Music] ow that's spicy okay land on the railing okay we're just gonna i have an idea that is not going to work unless it does check this out oh it will work it's going to work okay bounce into it yep roll oh oh that's death yeah okay nice very good very very good yep this is impossible though it is absolutely not impossible check this out there we go there we go okay none of the dead end finally got it is it possible to jump into the arena is the question on my mind i think it is i think it is possible if i'm very careful here i should be able to yep okay oh dear oh dear apparently it does bubbles that's interesting and we're dead okay so if you land on the railing the boss fight triggers but you don't take damage that's a start okay we got bubbled back okay back onto the tiny little square and we're dead i should do this good there we go no damage first phase done awesome [Music] stand back on a little square no damage it's easy [Music] easy [Music] three more moons we gotta get and then we can leave you know what i'm gonna try one thing here because i think i might be able to make this work i i might be able to climb up this platform lava but no lava oh this is standable wait a minute you shoot fire how about you eat fire bottom this will work i didn't even realize this whole area was safe that works well okay can tanks drive on lava as it turns out tanks cannot they can get a single shot out but wait if they can respawn though they can shoot me it's gonna take a few tries but i think we can get in here that's what we want to see here we go move away nice okay jump in and try and figure out what we're doing nice okay uh there's a ground pound moon over here that i can grab grab this one yes [Music] there might be enough goombas just barely to get her to love me but on the next attempt there will be enough goombas please love me please let me let me love me apparently it doesn't work apparently she only loves you if you're tall enough it's kind of weird champion nice that's some big brain game knowledge baby wait how am i even gonna get up there actually i know a way to get up there just some more big brain game strats that's what i like to see lmao how i just know how this game works inside and out that's this kingdom done that's done cloud kingdom next oh wait it didn't um it definitely is still lava i just wanted to see if it was lava or not so uh yeah you think the this okay that area oh am i dead oh no we got brought back over here okay we're fine it's all good okay just gotta go around ah that's spicy i love how the hat flails okay good we're getting the punches in if i could make it there on time we could do a strat but i really don't think we can make it there in time unless oh speed running baby speed running bowser give me your hat whatever damage boosting let's go easy bowser fights he's dumb he's done all right on the lost i just i just want to see the kingdom oh my god that's a little hot that's a little hot mario
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 5,154,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, the floor is lava, floor is lava, mario odyssey, mario, smallant, smallant1, super mario, challenge, no touching the ground, mario but, switch
Id: Mm8n6y6E9c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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