I challenged Minecraft's Best Speedrunner to a test of skill

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illumina is the greatest of minecraft speedrunner of all time he's had a world record in basically every major speedrun category and he's been doing it for nearly 10 years now despite all this i decided to test his skills one-on-one to a minecraft lockout a challenge where we get 25 random objectives like write a book or eat glowberries and we race in the same minecraft world to complete 13 of them as fast as possible we have a compass that points to the other person at all times and anything is allowed can i beat this speed running legend let's find out three two one go kill a silverfish write a minecart write a book breedhoglin where are the easy goals use a composter oh that's free okay we're gonna get wooden tools and we're gonna try and use a compost as fast as possible there's flowers all around there i don't think he'll immediately try to kill me it's a little oh here we go i'm just good okay no he is immediately going to punch me i think i kind of escaped let's just get out of here okay wait i have an idea isn't using a composter like literally like free okay okay we got a composter good what that's so rude where okay wait we can write a book potentially think we okay we got ink uh we can get paper here we just need to find a chicken i need a i need a uh squid trick you oh i need a feather oh my gosh i saw a chicken too i might have to go back with the chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken where is it come on don't do this to me yeah can they even spawn in this biome i don't even know ah oh there was a chicken at the beginning i didn't even see it you gotta go back for it i know what i'm going for either do you know what i'm going for he's probably gonna get the right of mine cart goal illumina was not going for the mine cart goal instead he had spotted a ruined portal and started looking for its chest while i collected 11 iron for the minecart and rails he found the chest and ate the apple for the absorption goal yes no no don't do it don't do it right as i got into a minecart titan score back up oh no i had to do with something at least but this even back and forth couldn't last forever and illumina found something that gave him a massive advantage village with a village he could easily tame a cat kill a zombie villager and wear chainmail armor illumina started scouring the village for cats where are the cats where are you as i was frantically searching shipwrecks for leather armor damn to no avail but i didn't want to get completely swept and knew i had to accomplish at least something soon so i headed into an underwater ravine in search of diamonds illumina was not having a good time in the village is there just not cats and villages sometimes stop moving please just stop moving just just know what are you doing i managed to find a single diamond incredibly fast getting me that goal so i headed for bedrock to get another quick one illumina was still trying to create a zombie villager during all of this why was it taking so long why though stop just frick i'm so mad right now there's another [Music] what the frick i'm getting hard trolled with this zombie villager thing i haven't found what i'm looking for yet so what are you looking for a certain block that is very hard you know what i'll i'll just show you what it is one second chad can i make it to bedrock before smalling oh no oh no oh oh no there we go bam ah that's the block i was trying to get by some miracle i'd managed to pull ahead by two points the only way for illumina to even the game back up was to make a bold play and did he ever what do i do uh the gold goal is distract the piglen so i gotta get to the nether like soon despite there being a goal to avoid catching on fire illumina found a lava pool and built a portal inside the lava where at any moment a fire could have started and given me a point lucky for him there was no fire and he jumped into the nether on entry he immediately saw piglets and chuck some gold at them another insanely risky move there was a goal to avoid collecting obsidian and piglens when given gold drop obsidian 10 of the time again lucky for him though he managed to get the goal all while not getting a single obsidian drop oh why is he making these sounds with illuminae the nether there was one more reason why on paper this was a bad move this goal sleep alone in the overworld i had anticipated aluminum might try to enter the nether and already prepared a bed just in case the moment he entered the nether i was ready he went to the daytime yeah so i didn't get that goal but it did mean that we only had the 10 minutes of minecraft day to spend in the nether or else risk the other person getting the goal we get hogwarts with only a few minutes left in the minecraft day illumina noticed a crimson forest nearby oh he grabbed crimson fungus and bred some hoglands for another fast one okay good oh my god that was fast illumina expertly navigated the nether without catching on fire picking up obsidian and completing two goals all before night time hit the score was even again four to four i wasn't completely idle during all this though i'd been sailing the seas for more loot and as he left the nether i found exactly what i was looking for oh warm ocean right here okay we're gonna catch tropical fish let's go that's a boat let's go we got it bucket of tropical fish um i actually did that before you it's a bug no it's no it's a fish haha comedian there is also one more shipwreck on the horizon please give me more leather armor i don't want to kill cows anymore they don't deserve it let's go [Music] being two points ahead i was surprised at how well i was holding up against this speed running veteran that feeling lasted for about 20 seconds all right all right wait oh you're the village cat oh i knew that cat didn't just mean one point now that he was in a village i understood he could easily get the zombie villager and chainmail goals i had to find a village before the night hit to try and steal at least some objectives away from him it's almost nighttime he's going to get a zombie villager tonight he's gonna oh my god there's a village okay i need to kill the big man as fast as possible and i need to get villagers out in the open i don't see a zombie spawn yet where is a zombie wait isn't that a zombie villager what is that call again um kill oh i don't see any zombies he had a zombie villager just happened to spawn but i did notice him start to trade with villagers he's trying to get chainmail armor right now and i knew that it would take a while do i just have to like trade a bunch this is gonna take forever isn't it so i left in search of diamonds and glowberries i did find a few and only needed five more when i'm pretty sure he's still doing the trade for chainmail right now because he hasn't achieved any other goals and he hasn't talked which is bad you should not do that this early on i have chainmail he got chainmail far faster than i expected this is where things began to go very very wrong for me while searching for diamonds i managed to find some drip zone to tie the score seven to seven unfortunately illumina was also searching for diamonds where the diamonds at though huh i just need five oh i see uh something that i need i need only a few what is he doing right now i don't know we're tied though that's for sure yeah this is chill diamonds uh we got two more diamonds which is very much not enough dude there's like a billion diamonds over here dude i only need like oh three i need that and that yeah i'm really try i need to what i've been mining for diamonds for so long well i've been mining for shorter and i got and got luckier that was that was all skill there was no luck to that whatsoever wait is this a lush cave have you found a glow berries yet yeah they're delicious i just found some all right aluminum managed to pull ahead by two points but it didn't stop there since the rest of the goals were only completable in the nether i went in to explore there was still a major problem though i could only explore for 10 minutes at a time as the sleeping goal still persisted illumina knowing i couldn't go far in the nether devised a plan go burn him wait a minute that's genius oh my god is that his portal oh my gosh going in i'm going in oh hey let's go what's going on you saw me and went through my own portal didn't you come back here no no no no we could talk this out we could talk this out we could talk this out get back here no just like that he got another point and took everything from me and he carried that momentum forwards getting lucky once again oh lordstown it's a bridge load stored bridge it's not no no yeah yeah yeah that's that the score was now 7 to 11. for me to win i had to complete six of the seven remaining goals and there was no way i could force him to pick up obsidian so here is what i was forced to do sleep alone in the overworld obtain an end crystal kill a silverfish get the levitation effect brew a lingering potion and obtain an ender chest i had to complete all of these goals before illumina was able to do just a single one illumina had everything i had nothing you can't give up no i i never give up i spent the day getting some basic tools and food the night hit and alumina was still in the nether i slept for one point immediately after i entered the nether for one final gambit i gotta get to him as fast as possible before it's too late there was still a small chance i could win and i was not giving up without a fight we still have a chance it's right there he's at that spawner what what huh hey what's what's going on what's this all about hey where are you going hey we're gonna make a deal what can we trade okay give me everything you have and i'll keep you alive [Music] it worked it worked oh oh we can still win this oh my god that sets me back in this one pivotal moment the odds swung completely in my favor i got some blaze rods from the fortress killed the gas for its tear and made an end crystal nine to eleven i swept through a warp force for ender pearls everything was coming together there was no way i could lose right okay it's literally useless but okay infested stone there are silverfish what isn't fake portal room like really rare is this it oh my god yeah not only did alumina find the rarest structure in minecraft but it also happened to generate with the fake portal room containing infested cobblestone blocks for me to win now i had to complete every remaining goal on the board i had to do the seemingly impossible i had to obtain an ender chest without picking up obsidian but on top of that i had to get this speed runner to pick up obsidian himself somehow i think it's a stalemate no it's not how do you have this you know what if we just don't get obvious we we will despite this massive setback i quickly came up with a plan i just figured it out i threw an eye of ender and sprinted towards the stronghold i need to find iron and i need to find a lava pool right now if we do that we win after a few minutes i found the stronghold dug down and activated the portal this was the moment that was going to secure my victory take vl on the aubie to make the ender chest i just have to feel like super quick about it i just need to find like one chest eight hobby [Music] four three four five six seven [Music] thank you in a single instant i completed the two most difficult goals on the board i had mined five iron and made a hopper i turned the lava underneath the portal to obsidian and mined it out feeding it into a chest i knew the easiest goal of the moment was for illumina to craft an ender chest he's gonna pick up obsidian because what he's doing right now is he trying to do the ender chest he'll pick up him city on last second but i'll craft it before him if i could craft one faster in that tiny window between him getting obsidian and crafting it i would win so i sat there staring at eight obsidian in a chest and waited the moment alumina grabbed that obsidian from the chest i was ready go go go now with my victory nearly assured all i had to do was defeat the dragon without no everything's not fine my stuff's gonna despawn i don't have any blocks with a single lapse of judgment okay everything's fine everything's fine i re-entered the portal without a pickaxe and had to punch my way out before my potion making items despawn oh my god no yeah i'll rush hand i have no other choice oh gosh oh gosh [Music] i didn't know i was underground i'm throwing it all away part three all right let's go yes where's my stuff it's right there come on we could do it we could win i believe has it been five minutes i don't know myself my stuff place powder first place dozer first that's most important okay okay with 13 seconds left before my items disappeared i finished the dragon off and it was now a race to get to an end city for the final goals and i had a massive head start well show me a city show me a city for illumina to win this i'd have to get astronomically unlucky you never found anything i would have wondered if i had found something no no no i just want to find an end city please don't make the end city luck make me lose this this is too much on my heart man what's uh what's too much on your heart what's going on the fact that we're both looking for an end city and literally it's just whoever finds one first at this point i've traveled so many blocks thousands um is smaller no hey hey hey it's smaller if i just made a wooden pickaxe oh my god so illumina won in the end but i'm gonna rematch him soon thanks for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,950,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, speedrun, world record, lockout, illumina, speedrun race, smallant1
Id: U9KnNktuZnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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