Pokemon but I can only use SHINIES

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alright we all know that beating pokemon soul silver using only shiny pokemon is obviously possible so i can imagine you're only here for one of three reasons you want to see how long it would take you want to see how many resets there were or you just want to see some shiny reactions so i'm going to cut pretty much everything else out and give you what you want but i've got one small request from you if you do want the full experience or just need something to listen to in the background while you do other stuff check out my vod channel i'll be uploading the whole thing over there anyways let's get into it so we're gonna be beating pokemon soul silver using only shiny pokemon only shinies i can't catch a pokemon to use hms all of them need to be shiny every single one so one in 8 000 chance to find a shoddy pokemon i think it'll be quite fun why did i decide this was a good idea i don't know i really don't know and yes the starter has to be shiny there's a few reasons why i specifically picked pokemon soul silver for this challenge it's because it is the fastest game to start which started what i prefer to dial is probably my favorite from this generation so ideally we get a total dial yeah you guys know i have the patience to actually do this so i'm gonna save right here so here's the starters we can pick from we see chica rita we can see totodile and we can see cyndaquil the great thing about this generation is you know right here before we even pick the pokemon you get to see if it's shiny so none of these are shiny so let's try again we're gonna do this legitimate what are the odds 1 in 8 192 i think all right second try nope let's do it again i tell the story tell us okay i'll try and think of a story what could we talk about ghost stories um i believe it was christmas day i was sitting in my room i had just gotten my nintendo ds for the first time i remember we we ended up talking [Music] we got it that's a shiny toenail that's the one i wanted to 1352 resets baby didn't take that long i told you i'm feeling lucky let's go give a nickname yes what are we going to nickname this beautiful shiny totodile uh all right you guys aren't gonna let it forget we're gonna name it nine inches all right we got total dial we're on our way oh it's so shiny it's so good i've never had a shiny tote dial please don't put the explanation for the name nine inches in the youtube video everyone will be so confused maybe okay so that's gym one what nine inches is oh evolving at that sickle mohawk 10 inches all right not bad let's go fight the uh the second gym now well i guess we got the second badge leader whitney first try i need a special attacker i have two physical attackers okay well we'll go get a shiny eevee or something it'll be cute and then you guys will be able to vote on what we evolve it into where do you even get an eevee is it soon oh you can get it in goldenrod remember 1368 is the starting point we're doing total resets on this recent counter not resets for each pokemon all right oh my it takes so long to check all right not as shiny on the first attempt here we go so we're taking a break we're gonna get the fourth badge and then we'll try evie again we got the fog badge one of the pencil sharpening titans foot cream is in chat right now [Music] we got it foot cream showed up we got the shiny eevee let's go i told you i'm lucky i told you that's the eevee let's go we are naming this cream because foot cream appeared right when we got the eevee last time so we're naming it cream oh he looks so good but i will let you guys choose on on what we're gonna evolve this into let me start a poll it looks like umbreon won we're gonna evolve this into an umbreon saving hope we can get it within within 100 attempts that's my that's my prediction for this this gyarados fingers crossed [Music] oh what first ah it's first oh i can't it's so bad i'm so bad at faking it it's shiny one oh two oh oh we got it gyarados was caught who are we naming her what are we naming her [Music] all right sounds good [Music] me welcome to the team all right let's take a look at me [Music] ah thank you for picking me no problem just just for the sake of it i'm just gonna do this because i think it'll be funny [Music] if we catch it i'm releasing it [Music] i can't use it you're not shiny i can't use you see ya [Music] bye bye was released what were the odds on that by the way how lucky was i there that was a 0.4 chance i told you guys i'm lucky all right chuck took him out 10 inches getting bigger getting stronger and that's chuck was if he's still an eevee would you believe me if i told you it hadn't evolved yet you're better training than me yeah i'm better in every way also how did we get this team by chance yeah we got um we got me we got my 10 inches and we got my little man cream how did we cut how did we get here it's just by chance that people always keep saying these things are gonna get the gert dratini and ty rogue what's a girt am i gonna get the girt gonna reset for an electrode no it'll just self-destruct and we'll lose it it sucks it doesn't know self-destruct i'll let you guys vote do we want a blue electrode 64 of you said yep all right we'll do that then name it gert are we gonna name this one gert all right we'll name this electrode gert cream is evolving he's so handsome look at him we are now going to get an electrode a shiny electrode all right and we're doing this it has been six hours but i'm getting hungry i'm getting tired that is it for now shiny only again what's up we'll get it next time i'm gonna call it a day here i've been live for five and a half hours doing this didn't get it yet next week we will still trying to get electrode i've been trying to get electrode for the past 20 hours i'm here for it boom well that's it for the encounters today is that a crow thing yeah crow is notoriously bad at exploiting what he wants no no no no no no no i said if i ever skipped a shiny i'm gifting a hundred subs do i just do some pencil sharpening and then call it a day come on 221 that is a new world record you know what we're doing we're getting gurt so what i'm promising you today is that the stream will not stop today until we get a shiny electrode it's a 1 in 8 192 chance if it takes all night it takes all night i can do two 24-hour streams you've been doing electrode for a week no i've been doing it for two months now how many resets today um i think we're at one thousand or fifteen thousand one hundred fifty nine at the start of the stream one one thousand fifteen thousand oh my god [Music] we got him let's go okay we just need to catch him now we just need to catch him um he's roll out if he sweeps my team with rollout before i catch him i am going to cry [Music] he doesn't have self-destruct yet no wine please on no weakest attack if a critical hit on a weakest attack happens it dies one two three we got good all caps g u r t dirt let's school baby i get to sleep tonight i said if we get it within the first few hours we're gonna get eight badges so we're gonna get the eighth badge today then we're gonna open up with gert we're trying price all right seven badges in four shiny pokemon oh best dragon type mask you can hold your own against the elite for it blah blah blah blah blah my shiny pokemon are gonna freaking blind you dude and we defeated claire i won't concede to this all right sore loser dratini i think will be our next shiny hunt dr zutini nice [Music] not a shiny and it begins back to the grind yeah already back to the grind i'm very happy i didn't have to get an all-nighter as well oh my god [Music] how many resets was that what was that god that was fast i was expecting to be here for like another three weeks oh my god well i guess we're gonna try and get lugia today a 0.3 chance of getting it in 24 tries he's so pretty that's two shinies in a single stream [Music] first try there's no way it's not gonna be first try but it might take so long to start the battle not first try that is it for the day we will get this next week i hope how did you reset 16 421 times you will see and we reset i think 300 times last week on this oh my god how many that was seven what i had i thought we were gonna be here for like weeks okay sure i'm down we have a master ball too i've been live for exactly 20 minutes oh my god that literally that was seven encounters um i'm gonna try using an ultra ball if we can get a master ball maybe we'll catch another one you've got to be kidding me what is going on i just we're gonna nickname peach so we got the shiny within seven encounters which it's one in eight thousand one hundred ninety two and then a one in two hundred fifty six for the ultra ball you guys wanna go beat the game i can use fly now let's go i don't have to run everywhere you guys said we needed to level up grow up learn how to use pokemon like a real traitor we beat lance let's go what an absolute flex that hall of fame looks pretty dang impressive but that's not over because we need to get another shiny and we need to defeat red you guys said we need to get a ho-oh so we're not done yet oh wait for the first encounter oh it's not a shiny i'm hoping this doesn't turn into another girl yeah we reset 13 000 times and [Music] that was like 400 resets [Music] let's go i think we could beat the game today you know what i'm not i'm not even screw it master ball oh that's so nice i don't have to sit here for a month thank god let's go beat this game huh who are we leaving behind i'm leaving me behind be free it came back me didn't want to go never mind okay if only one of your pokemon know an hm it can't be released you guys ready for our final final shiny what clover is evolving clover evolved into dragonite now the name makes sense i'm so under leveled let's do it let's go oh my god pokemon so silver with only shiny pokemon 16 884 resets that was insane i don't have anything else for you today other than uh to say i hope you guys have an excellent afternoon evening whatever oh hey uh if you liked the video uh remember to sub and if you really want to watch this stuff live you can check me out on twitch as well i stream every weekday
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 8,411,272
Rating: 4.9556279 out of 5
Keywords: gaming, video games, nintendo, pokemon, challenge, can you beat, Pokémon, platinum, pokemon nuzlocke, gen 4, speedrun, challenge run, smallant, mah-dry-bread, shiny, shiny only, soulsilver, heartgold, hgss, shiny pokemon
Id: dcUUbGb77tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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