Pokemon FireRed but I added too many rules

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so pokemon fire red it's too easy i made it harder i try to beat it without poke balls healing items tms catching pokemon and evolving pokemon here's how it went and hey if you liked the video remember to subscribe i do appreciate it okay let's get this thing going boom which starter you guys will vote i-m-a-n-t that's me hello good stuff and we're going in so it looks like bulbasaur did win the poll which is good because if bulbasaur didn't win i believe we wouldn't have been able to win the game thank you i appreciate that a lot what's a good name for bulbasaur name heard little root you know what yeah i like little root how many magikarps we're buying you can buy a magikarp right at the start but we can't evolve it so there's no reason to get it i will buy one just because i haven't thought it through exactly but it's gotta be possible there's there's no way it's like it has to be possible we'll be fine all right we're gonna level up a little bit or we're gonna white out well um that's embarrassing that is lost 40 bucks to a spiro it's a little bit embarrassing not gonna lie i started running because of you nice exercise is always good you know exercise is um that's awesome what exercises do you do to stay in shape um [Music] nothing come on old man old man the old man caught a weedle that's disgusting you disgust me trapping pokemon like that in small tiny balls where they can barely breathe what a monster what a freaking monster what about bubble store then it was i didn't capture him it was gifted to me why'd you pick bulbasaur not squirtle because squirtle makes it so you can never beat the game uh but chad voted for bulbasaur why squirtle impossible because squirtle can't learn cut and up until the third badge you only have your starter i need to be very careful because every time that i lose a battle i lose five dollars of my own money because at the end of the challenge with every white out i will be gifting a sub why do so many people lie about their length that's a weird way to go about saying a height that's just why didn't you just say height when you say length that makes me think of like as long as you possibly can be so you like stretch your hands out you stretch your feet out your toes that's your length my length is probably like is it like seven and a half eight maybe i don't know how long how long our arms arms are about four hours long okay had to come with the username small ant when i had the small ant one i wanted the username one but it was taken so i had to add small ant onto the end of it or the start of it so uh that's why i had smallnet one will bulbasaur be the only pokemon nope here's the thing here's the thing if you get to the very end of the game with a level 100 bulbasaur and you don't have any items and you haven't been able to use items through all of the elite four by the time you get to lance in the final battle you wouldn't be able to defeat them because you don't have any items and also surf yeah maybe with struggled no because i can't heal it off is flash allowed i probably but can bulbasaur learn flash i don't know anyways uh brock was easy poison powder it's probably better than gravel oh sleep powder this is so hard um oh that might have been a mistake poison powder's probably better there's the move relearner right you need mushrooms for the relearner well i guess we can never relearn moves because that is not allowed litter is evolving no you're not you're not allowed nope don't do no no you can't do that okay we've prevented the evolution that'll happen a lot did you get the silver play button yeah actually my silver play button is just stuck in my closet it fell out of my closet once and like broke like i have the silver play button but i i dropped it on like something else and it has like a hole in it [Music] whatever i'll just get one for a million so uh for anyone curious how we get new pokemon without catching them here's an example [Music] absolutely we got a magikarp we can never revolve it but we got it who are we naming this after pink yoga yogo i'm going to name this yogo yoga yogo let's go all right now we have two pokemon can magikarp learn any hm magikarp learns nothing the only reason why i bought the magikarp is in case we get confused i can just switch like that it's just for fodder that is it did you go to college i did two years yeah do you think you go back yeah i'll probably go back to school part-time for like a math degree is my plan do you want to have a math related job i wouldn't be against it if i ever become a teacher and they asked what did you do before teaching i would show them this video that one right there three thousand people watched me nut live on stream had to pay for university somehow what do you think the hardest jim is gonna be third gym third gym's gonna be the hardest so second jim let's do this he's an everstone if i get never stolen i probably will give it to him but i'm not allowed to use items like even held items easiest second gem of my life cascade badge let's go all right we're probably going to lose this we'll see though and like i said every time i lose a battle i'll get to sub at the very end of the challenge it'd be like 10 subs because the rival the rival might take a few tries we'll see if we get lucky the sand attacks won't be too bad we hit one leech seed we're guaranteed a win sanded oh my god it just keeps sand attacking i could switch for an accuracy change that's true this is the reason why i have the magikarp oh my god the huge brain from him he read me like a book hopefully we can take this charmander out we'll see it growled me it's not an issue miss the sleep powder growl me again it crits come on why did it miss again oh my lord we might go down from this we'll see if we hit here we're fine yes we could be fine now we just need to leach seated all the way down okay razor leaf i'm just gonna sleep powder and get a little bit more hp back and just hope you know what that's probably enough uh okay pidgeotto now can we take out the pidgeotto i don't think so cause it's gonna gust me that is okay we have a chance we survived that dust let's go we need to survive like a quick attack from the rat at attack i don't think we can survive this because i need to take this out before it wakes up [Music] it's a little more hp okay little ruger level 24. yes i think we can win all it knows is teleport oh if they just didn't rat it down we would have lost but all it knows is teleport oh the dummy the absolute buffoon and abra woke up and we'll put it asleep and the emperor got taken out we have almost full health and now we just raise our leaf and win [Music] there we go we just won against you on the first freaking try easy so i believe um bulbasaur learns two more moves synthesis and solar beam that's it it also learns growth oh growth is very nice growth synthesis is a super good combo i love hikers because they're so easy to kill i'm not murdering hikers they're getting they look at me they approach me it's self-defense if anything i'm not murdering the hiker all right i i'm murdering the hikers pokemon and they're probably very sick the reason the hiker wanted all that attention was because haiku was like please my onyx is very sick i mean it's not sick anymore is the easy way to put it you'd say your worst fear is being immortal immortality like the not being able to die it would be a fate worse than death if you cannot die once it gets to the point where like all humans are gone once the world ends and you know the heat death of the universe is a thing you're still there for eternity in like eternal pain in suffering because you're alone and you don't have any stimulus you have nothing there is nothing eventually you'd stop thinking but still exist already at that point oh wait growth now the huge question becomes what do we delete we're gonna need to give cut to that so we need to delete one of these [Music] because we need to teach cut to little root we we have to sleep powder or leech seed we need to get rid of one of these which is more useful i think because we will have growth leech seed is the one to delete because you can sleep powder and then set up a bunch of growths and then razor leaf but yeah lead sheet keeps you alive as well pull all right i'll let you guys decide [Music] all right we got rid of leech seed is a green screen set up expensive uh my green screen is a dollar store shower curtain i got for two dollars and fifty cents canadian like it's it's literally just a green shower curtain from a dollar store turn off the green screen all right it's just a shower curtain it's just a shower curtain that's it like i'm gonna give you guys a description of someone's stream layout okay i've seen a few streaming setups recently i'm gonna describe one for you and you guys are gonna tell me what the streamer is like maybe how big of a streamer they are so they have a desk that is broken if you touch one of the legs it will completely collapse and the drawers on it the front of the drawers have completely fallen off so you can look directly into the desk and see everything that's inside beside that desk there is a small side table for like a bed where they have their computer set up with the sides taken off their computer because it gets too hot sometimes with an old small tv monitor on top of it on their desk they have two screens one cheap 150 tv the cheapest that they could get and a very very good monitor that works for like graphic design behind them they have a dollar store shower curtain and uh they're in about a five by five square foot area guess guess which streamer uh i'm talking about it's me you got it it's me how'd you guess does this have a early bird is that why it's waking up uh oh oh oh that sucks can oh kinesis i think we just white it out that's gonna take me out right no it didn't can i switch or did it take me out already oh yikes yikes a little still disabled okay come on don't be disabled anymore we can win this battle all right little roots disable no more don't wake up oh crap we're dead [Music] yup white out number two growth baby if we can just growth like twice and take it out we'll be good ah don't stand attack i hate you i hate you why does everything have accuracy lowering [Music] i really don't want to die but he won't freaking go to bed if this crits i'm going to be a little disappointed because then i wouldn't have been to do any of that [Music] oh i didn't even need to put him to sleep i wasted so many turns we may lose oh the level up might actually save us we'll see eradicate please out speed there oh it's gonna quick it's gonna quick attack and we're gonna get taken out [Music] there's another one don't use sleep powder just razor leave everything all right let's play a game of accuracy please oh my god i i have to switch at this point i gotta have a switch it's gusted took it out as a crit that's fine razor leaf we out speed this should take it out yes good so now it's not going to sand attack but now cadaver is just going to kinesis um we don't have speed so we might as well razor leaf oh baby it missed let's go [Music] nice the one hit ko cadaver is a frail duck why didn't i just razor leaf all the way through why was i trying all this strategy freaking nerds trying to strategize we're gonna razor leaf we're gonna crit we're gonna win it's easy as that no problems whatsoever didn't quite crit that's okay it's gonna amber again no problem uh all we need to do is just razor leaf eradicate and we win i don't think the raticate will kill us with a quick attack right it might have been better to sleep powder but it didn't quick attack which was interesting yo we didn't even need to worry about it we're good rival was a bit tricky but it's fine brute force baby all right now we'll have a cut and we'll be able to make a little bit of progress little root learned cut awesome now that we have cut we're going to be doing some backtracking a little bit i think we won't ever have fly for a long time for obvious reasons because we can't get a pokemon with fly but this will allow us to get fly kind of you'll see you'll see all right so the reason why i am coming back here is uh because we need to go to the back door we're getting the old amber because that might be a little bit helpful in the future so now where do we go from here from the oh we haven't even done the third badge wait what am i doing are you able to just skip the third badge yeah we'll do we'll come back for the third badge later you can just skip gyms yeah in this gen you can skip the third gym the fourth gym until like the seventh or eighth badge or something all right rock tunnel i don't know the path i'm just gonna run until we find our way out oh we might be learning synthesis soon oh yeah then we'll have to make a very important decision get rid of sleep powder for synthesis i think that's the best play yeah we may white out here we'll see because i'm running out of razor leafs and i can't heal it off i don't know how to get out i believe this is the right way we've battled all these people already where am i going what is going on oh oh oh this is oh my god we're back at the entrance let's try that again why is this cave so dark though if only there was a way to make it brighter i know yeah we'll probably get rid of sleep powder because now we are finally learning synthesis yep we're doing it [Music] we need to heal okay and we get the coin case and this is the only thing that we need money for is buying some pokemon on the black market and we might not even need to spend money here because there's just coins on the ground there's 30 and now we're getting a second pokemon because we are not catching an abra we're buying an abra we obtain the abra now we're gonna grab evie there's a sub in chat named big evie so we're gonna name it big but also ellie yep there we go big alley so now we got two more pokemon on our team got big ellie and we got boop b we're making a little bit of a detour so now that we've got the abra we're gonna go in here we're gonna say hey i'm looking for the pokemon abra trade for the mr mime hell yeah i'm sorry boopy you did good kid you did good look at that minion okay it's level nine though we will need to train up mimi in a little bit let's see it's move set confusion barrier substitute pretty solid move set so yeah now our adventure with the incredibly strong bulbasaur is coming to a close all right time to raise up this little mimian to be incredibly powerful i can survive this mimion's getting strong sludge come on take one sludge let's go oh you see that exp just fly mimi in level 18. mimian's getting up there we're gonna catch up real quick like we're probably gonna go defeat erika and then koga with mimian about to use light screen yes absolutely these are going to be super useful we'll get rid of meditate and learn light screen channel and reflect yes so be very very useful like every single pokemon we defeat is just another level it's beautiful magical leaf that's so good yeah sure i don't know it learns a magic that's coverage dude like we don't have to deal with santa tags now that's hype all right we are going to get hitmonlee now hitmonchan learns all the elemental punches all of the elemental punches are special moves in this gem i want to heal you know what screw it we're just going to fight this guy grunt i'm the karate master leader here whatever all right hitmonlee and hitmonchan we take out now mimian i don't think it'll survive so we're gonna switch to yo yogo it's gonna hit me with the mind reader it's taking aim it's foresight and mind reader it really doesn't want to miss does it hi jump kick not a problem [Music] oh it outspeeds me how nice synthesis uh well this razor leaf should do the trick it only knows how to jump kick for an attacking move that's kind of funny wow that does nothing okay you know we'll growth that does so much that does so much damage what the hell i mean i am level i mean that makes sense but it out speeds oh oh oh it's a crit i believe that is a loss who knows we may still win somehow [Music] maybe it won't try and kao me ah mind reader i guess that's it huh should have growled well just quick attack unless is it just gonna continue to no it missed okay okay let's go big alley stand attack oh crap we're going down all right well that was it okay okay okay okay okay i'm ready this time i am so ready this time you got nothing on me buddy excellent hard kicking hitmon lee yes there we go we're gonna name this after macaroni cat because he has macaroni legs macaroni welcome to the team look at his legs they're little macaroni noodles uh i guess we should crush the fourth gym huh so we're about to do the fourth gym we haven't done the third gym yet but that's fine which pokemon are you missing the most not being able to catch i don't really mind i i really like this challenge because it's forcing me to use pokemon i don't usually use like i'm not gonna have a magikarp in my party i'm not gonna have a mr mime or a hitmonlee most of the time or an eevee just hanging out i would evolve it right you get to use pokemon that you wouldn't normally have the opportunity to try out it's very nice all right let's defeat erica though is it going to use a poison type move or is it going it's probably gonna use a status move i might as well just attack it's gonna like poison me yeah paralyzed yep acid that does a lot all right acid take me out that acid defense fell that's fine we're going to switch out after this uh we will learn cyber level 29 let's go baby side beam yes 65 that's beautiful one two and poof we got a confusion and side beam excellent brick to the break get your drain i think my special defense is pretty high yeah that's fine yeah i think mr mime is going to do a pretty good job of carrying once it levels up a little bit okay we're going to weaken it with ellie uh not even weaken it we're just gonna sand attack it just so it my mr mime can hit it totally fine hit some sand attacks one more sand attack yes yeah one more stand attack awesome totally fine all right now we won't out speed the vile plume but we have the chance to maybe have it missed and then we can confuse her side beam it maybe when it ko it misses we hit the side beam we're not paralyzed 18 ko not quite all right it's confused it can miss it's confused we have all the chances in the world it used a full heal i don't know why she only used a full heal but we just won the fourth gym let's go i'm remarkably strong yep i am rainbow badge will make pokemon up to level 50 obey me we timed this exactly right so mr mime only behaved until level 30 but now it behaves into level 50 so we're good to go just for efficiency's sake i think we're gonna go through the um rocket hideout next all right so we'll clear out the rocket hideout with uh mimian [Music] okay oh heck that's him oh sure let's fight him all right i'm fairly sure mimian could still take it out because of a magical leap and it's mostly gonna have ground types very nice there you go all right giovanni easy let's see silvesco good um well now we're able to get out of here and i guess we'll get the third badge let's do it bolt orb what is an electric ball who do you think you are get out of here shoo shoo easy wins easy wins and just one hikeos all the way down it's easy we are level 36 we're so over leveled now we need to go and get the poke flu let's do that next all right so we do have to find my rival so let's do it okay rival the man is here we're fighting him and because mimian is so freaking powerful with the psy beams crushing it gyarados level 22. who does this man think he is a gyarados no get out of here thrash oh no it survived a hit not a problem mimi and solo run maybe maybe but he's execute will i switch you know what i'll give my other pokemon a chance sure big ellie execute the execute do it [Music] might take a few hits that's fine it reflected oh that's not a good not a good thing all right in that case we will have to switch to macaroni and brick break it and hypnosis to me though that's no good don't make me send in the big boy woke up brick break not very effective totally fine all right i mean i'll send in the big boy i will send a mimion and it'll just defeat you like it might take two thigh beams but you're going down one sidebeam betty's cadaver will i change no there's no reason to change we have magical leaf if even if it kinesis is it's got nothing [Music] anybody use charmeleon will i change yeah sure why not let's disrespect the charmeleon with a little rude we haven't seen a little root in a hot minute razor leaf and oh it's a crit just disrespect that charmeleon another razor leaf there it goes down blue root level 43 how does it feel get out of here dude you're done smell you later oh no a marowak level 30 what am i ever going to do oh it actually survived a hit [Music] dear god two times that's it we're good we're good we're fine okay all right fuji i came to save you yep you came here viewing free will and yet the rocket people were keeping you in there this man's a liar i don't trust him give me your flute i don't trust you and we received the poke flute good stuff we're going to go and crush this area here these peeps let's go in the man is waiting for us okay cybee i'm literally up against a wall how am i supposed to fight this man okay mimian 43 guess what we just learned learn psychic let's go his starter is a charizard do we have anything to take out a charizard oh it has flamethrower i didn't expect him to be that strong at all well that's another white out okay i think we just need to fight more trainers do you have strength hm already i don't have strength or surf no that would be helpful to teach to him though we should fight koga gold teeth beautiful all right old man get your teeth i guess we'll get rid of uh jump kick all right let's fight the gym leader let's go i think i'm just gonna sweep with mimian but we'll switch train a little bit [Music] okay i think that's the last pokemon we have only three levels until mr mime stops listening to us forever a little spooky but it happens so we need to take out our rival save mr bind for the charizard yeah we should do that but then we have to take out the pidgeot somehow yeah that's another one we're running back boys running it back i think mimian can handle the pidgeot get the lapras the lapras is right behind the man we have to win this fight to get the lapras that's the hardest part yo okay wing attack it'll do nothing it did more than i would have liked that's okay though psychic again pidgey intimidate lower the attack does not matter we're gonna growth it's gonna learn me it doesn't have a physical move so we can growth a bunch and get very strong it does have dragon rage but i have synthesis this would have been a good fight to have leachate it would have yes uses dragon rage all right now we'll just use synthesis good and we'll use synthesis again because he's probably in a dragon rage again it has tackled tackle does nothing now we can take two dragon rages so i will razor leaf whoa that damn he gave up he withdrew sent out charizard okay all right now it's time for mimian he's gonna take a flamethrower after a light screen beautiful psychic finally and now we just need to hit a psychic there we go finally took out the charizard we're good low root go now we'll let him drag and rage all he likes does not matter ah we'll just razor leaf not quite that's all right though we'll hit him with the cut he hits us with the dragon rage little root went down big alley check it check it check it quick attack no risk whatsoever feels very good sand attack all right confusion probably gonna take me out whatever oh it doesn't do that much that was a crit love love that mimian can take him out how does he hit all of his moves despite being sand attacked i don't know psychic i remember there was used to be like people that i was friends with the key word used to they said physic whenever they use this move and i was like what are you talking about just come on physic doesn't make any sense oh he has an alakazam he has now because i'm a calm mind lower the defense oh it's a crit yes let's go easy win okay it's fine easy wins it's all strategy baby smell you later nerd i'm saving immediately yo i'm not a rock and i came to save you we got a laugh chris let's nickname the lapras what are we naming her pancake welcome to the team okay pancake needs to learn a move real quick because we need someone to know surf parish song oh it has paris song that's so good in a challenge like this pancake learn sir we do need to level up pancake because pancake is gonna come in clutch yeah we're actually getting a pretty cool team you guys ready to fight giovanni all right surf it's only gonna tail whip please take it out oh never mind we're gonna switch [Music] and yoga yoga is dead again he did a good job i'm gonna confuse ray in paris song hopefully this doesn't one hit ko that didn't do half let me as well sir it's gonna hit itself in confusion [Music] we won't take it out in time macaroni hit itself in confusion check this out three two one and boom i hope pancake can take it out i'm gonna trust pancake and do it pancake out speeds [Music] let's go pancake level 29 all right good hello sir oh dear boy thank you for saving yourself no problem i'm rich i can give you anything could you give me a pokemon [Music] i can't use that come on old man useless we're gonna go do something real quick we're gonna get two more members of the team one thing we'll grab while we're here because why not mimi can learn mega kick aha no macaroni that's a pretty thick kick we got that thick kick right in the face okay you got a fossil yup old amber baby we received the aerodactyl we did not catch the aerodactyl what are we naming it my mom said kage kage welcome to the freaking team all right one more i have a helix fossil we got cheese you know why you know why check this out mac and cheese baby [Music] and cog of the aerodactyl what are we replacing i think we replaced our starter i'm sorry little root your time has come and gone you sit down with yoga yoga oh i do need cut that's true sorry big galley never mind i changed my mind all right so fortunately because i had foresight to get fly we can each fly to kage but uh let's go fight all the saffron stuff let's go sabrina anyways we'll light screen to start we'll psychic and i'll switch in a pokemon that can take the hit yo that does a lot nevermind we're not gonna switch we're just going to take the future site it's not going to do much mimian's going to take out sabrina cadabra's down level 38 you know what i'm going to fly oh i probably shouldn't have flown does no damage at all though [Music] if light screen lasted longer we would be able to take it out macaroni can take them meg kick kill it kill it yes [Music] yes you're gonna disrespect me with the mr mind get out of here that doesn't do a lot i need to take it out before it uses screens psychic almost down alakazam is a bit of a concerning one which is why i'm going to send in pink i shouldn't have sent a pancake okay check this out check i'm sorry cheese but i need to sacrifice you we got hit by the psychic pay attention here because it's important that you recognize the high level of pokemon thinking we light screen alakazam uses calm mind that's terrifying okay then you switch in the pancake he combines again a little bit scary but what's he doing paris song [Music] and now the alakazam is on a timer there's no way we can lose my parish count fell to two let's sin in macaroni macaroni can take on the alakazam snapped it out of its confusion doesn't matter its parish count fell to one it's going to use an attack and you know what we're gonna take the attack we're just gonna take it it's gonna psychic and it's going to perish we'll send in kage and i will diagnose the alakazam with dead precisely and we defeated sabrina level 70 and now mimian will behave okay uh so we will be going here now yeah we need to get the key for the gym oh ice beam pancake delete a move to learn ice beam absolutely a powerful ice type move now what did we get rid of i think paris song we keep get rid of body slam maybe all right everybody same body slam level 29 yes ancient power that's excellent it does only have five power points but it is 60 power it's a physical move in this generation it will help out a lot is this the key secret key here we go i think we have a pretty good team for this gym i'm blaine the red hot leader no you're not even cool you're like the most neutral like normal person i've ever met fire blast neutral damage it's gonna do nothing pancake can take it surf it it fire blasts again it'll miss its next fire blast we'll be fine or we'll just take it out in a single hit let's go rock slide pony na bae orca nine ooh it has intimidate it's level 47. i'm so scared hi jump kick fire blast it's not gonna do much [Music] see it didn't do that much it used bite [Music] all right now we switch in our uh our kage right and we just get the guaranteed ko with the ancient power we out speed we're good to go 2 000 experience level 35 i'm just a tad under leveled and yet this fight is easy now all we got to do is slide the rocks baby it's super effective we took them out defeated blaine first try easy every time we're on the islands we're gonna do it we're gonna take out all of the trainers on one island just because it's really fast levels and um then we're gonna fight the last gym are you big dumb bird yeah a used endure it thinks it can endure me i'm mega kicking it i'm strengthening it it will take me out in a single blow me and psychic man a rock slide would be awesome yeah it would be and psychic we took that big bird out took out the big ol fire chicken why'd you kill it not like i can catch it this gym is perfect for training pancake it's beautiful i just constantly press the a button and everything just dies all right should we take out giovanni too late the answer is yes all right we'll surf the ryhorn is that just a second rhyhorn all right very nice neato queen probably has double kick oh it out speeds and uses earthquake i think my defense is pretty good yeah at least half oh beautiful beautiful damage ice beam it won't do too much earthquake that's gonna do more i'm pretty sure the attack is higher yeah that's okay do we have any super effective stuff i don't think so but kage is pretty strong now we can fly with kage see what he got he's got thrash for me poison point that's gross okay it's confused and use the full heal to get the rid of the confusion rather than heal him okay he's thrash again cog is here by the poison and he actually hits the fly doug trio will i change sure little root let's see what you got buddy little buddy [Music] there's a lot we'll survive we'll get a crit crit to hp i survived five hp let's [Music] we missed it whatever i'll take them out with kage then how we defeated giovanni easy as could be how many badges now that's all of the badges we have all eight badges now so we can go finish the game here is our team going into the elite four kage macaroni pancake low root mimi and cheese she's just vibing he's just living his life the man once again he's got a pretty solid team holy crap it's level 47. that's fine wanna ko ah not quite [Music] we can always ice beam that shouldn't do too much what's your plan to delete four without healing in between battles i'm trying to think of we're gonna have to ko most things in one hit because my pokemon are under leveled right now i don't know yeah i'm not using the daycare it's not worth my time actually we don't even switch out for excuse because we have an ice type attack now nice naive one at ko alakazam is the scariest pokemon will have to fight but i think that'll help you a lot yeah use calm mind well it's dumb then it's a calm mind but it's a dumb one and ancient power should take out the childhood okay [Music] defeated the man we're able to move on you might fall short on pp it'll be close we'll see though let's just do one attempt just out of curiosity just to see how it goes we may need to grind for a brief moment and is that a pokemon player loss okay we lost we got to the second one that's a white out reset to eight okay all right so we do need to train to be a little stronger so now pancake is level 60 kage level 60 minion level 60 and let's see if we can do it so let's fight lorelei rock slide we did one at ko dugong excellent i don't think we can ko cloister in one hit but it's just gonna pale anyways it flinched huge pogs [Music] probably can't take an ancient power all right lapras is the hard one hit the rock slide oh flinch confuse ray that's okay that's okay it's gonna heal though ancient power please hit it and yes good please break free break through yes good okay we're gonna have to hit him with a physical move then huh i guess kage okay half good he didn't flinch we can take one we can take one okay yes we can good didn't miss let's laura lie down awesome awesome awesome save the game let's go onyx pancake and surf took it out it's gonna send in hitmonchan now mimiad should be able to take out the rest good [Music] i need to save a psychic i think i'm gonna have to save a psychic for something else magical leaf okay that's bruno down after this we definitely have to psychic [Music] took it out bruno is gone good here we go just psychic everything then i'll only have two psychics for the final fight is the problem psychic good pancake can ice beam this that out speeds no yeah i should have done a rock slide i need to save this for lance psychic does she have two goal bats or just one i'm not sure side kick just one yeah good hunter we will switch and i am going to use a physical move on it i won't be able to take a wing attack it's defensive suck yeah good good i'm something special thank you so much two more battles that's it let's go he opens up with what is it a gyarados in this one anyways let's fight him kage we were intimidated to start rock flight hits should one hit ko but the intimidate and it flinched let's go okay uh we can win attack that slide withdrew [Music] i think we outspeed i think we do let go what an idiot all right what a dummy just sends in his own aerodactyl to die was that like a switch fodder or something i speed it out speeds lappers ain't fast yeah all right as long as we hit this for good should take it out yes gyarados is down i think we could take it out with macaroni we just high jump kick a few times you do outspeed it that's good hyper beam that's what i was afraid of but now it can't move so send a pancake and we'll ice beam good that worked out well now we just need to survive the dragonite and we can move on to the final fight safeguard yes he didn't even attack let's go very nice we defeated lance now we just have to defeat the final battle the man you know what that means i'll tell you you're the most powerful trainer okay whatever dude i don't have much pp left we really can't miss any moves i have two rock slides good that should take it out in one hit right yeah it should do it yeah let's go okay gyarados so i will change because the intimidate i'm going to try and take out the gyarados with little ruthville i think we could i don't know why i growth we're gonna reflect it does so much still i need a psychic that's not gonna ko is it ah it doesn't even do half hit yourself yes okay charizard this has to hit or else we just lose this has to hit good we hit the charizard yes and it went down okay okay right on we can survive a single hit from a ride on especially with the reflect still up we should out speed though four times super effective one hit okay the alakazam i am still terrified of i have no idea how we're gonna deal with the alakazam paris song i guess how do we survive for that many turns though i don't know like we're off fly and hope it won't hit ko's sleep powder and misses okay ah miss sleep outer giga drain no don't be enough to kill me yes okay we can guaranteed wing attack now yeah that's fine that's a guaranteed ko yes doesn't matter if he heals again will alakazam out speed aerodactyl i don't know stop healing there we go alakazam change yes pancake you should be able to take one psychic you should be able to just take a single psychic please i beg you please survive a single psychic oh easy oh we won yeah we're good no issue whatsoever we're good yeah that is way less than i thought i thought it was gonna like take me out or something we're good all right alakazam became confused psychic pancake you did it you did it that's all thanks to you all right kage there's gonna fall the one fly and he's stuck doing nothing it hurt itself in confusion and his bearish count fell to zero and that's it pokemon fire red no catching or revolving pokemon and no using any items here is the pokemon hall of fame league champions are honored here what is the team that got us here kage level 62 aerodactyl cheese level 50 nominee macaroni pancake little root and mimian what a squad what a squad and there we go how many hours was that because we used speed up 18 hours that's not bad we sped up six extra hours sweet all right i gotta give some subs okay i gotta gift eight subs as well because we have eight whiteouts there you go there's your eight subs welcome to the ant colony you ate make sure to follow the stream if you haven't already check me out on youtube if you haven't already you know all the social stuff twitter all that jazz yeah i'll be back tomorrow see you then bye
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,276,068
Rating: 4.9416356 out of 5
Id: JBeLCekah_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 10sec (3070 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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