So I Confused My Minecraft Live Stream…

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this is the most confusing world in Minecraft history and I use this to troll my live stream this was the dumbest thing ever and so the Story begins right here with this normal looking nether portal let's go through another portal yeah what but actually this portal isn't normal see before the stream started I secretly snuck this illegal block into place making the portal impossible to life so I'd head upstairs to this trap chest for another flint and steal secretly activating these two 3x3 piston doors hidden below hiding the original portal and revealing this first one it was go time and the portal was fading to light am I doing this wrong and my viewers were now blaming the flint and steel so I went to get another one hold up let's try another flint and steel I went to the chest to activate the mechanism all right let's get another fun to steal then all right let's use it let's just use this one it had successfully worked but people had heard the sounds and if I got caught I'd be publicly humiliated so I revealed the portal here we go let's go through another portal I should be lit now I think and does the chat with Chloe crazy I ran through arriving here okay guys I'm need wood let's just cut down these three trees wait but there's four because this one is actually a player see before the stream my friend disguised himself as a literal tree and the only way to tell the difference was the slight difference in color so my plan was to cut down these three trees and turn around and the fourth one would magically be gone but spiffy how can this tree simply disappear introducing the tree height of 5 000 the plan was to step on this hidden pressure plate which I'd retexted to look like sand before the stream it would then activate this Redstone Network opening a secret compartment in the ground allowing the tree to quickly run inside and the ground would close up afterwards the mission began as they cut down the trees and my friend stood there nervously waiting ton of wood is what we need to do here we go we got we got enough trees here if my friend even slightly moves the entire plan will be ruined now everything was going well but as I searched for the pressure plate to open the mechanism I couldn't find it okay let's just go this way and without this my friend was stuck there in the open and just as I thought that it could couldn't get any worse the sky system had broken uh okay let's just go this way but buy some miracle I found the pressure plate I activated the Trap and people were confused how a tree had literally disappeared so I went Mining and ended up in this cave and right behind me in this water pool was a hidden Enderman well actually this is a player and before the stream I set it up so that you could carry any mob in Minecraft and you can probably guess why my dog is here I got into position and started Mining and we got iron as well let's take the iron there we go as my Enderman friend was sneaking out of the water and getting closer so I faced the other way and but we did we have a ton of calls to make sure that no one was suspicious of the Enderman so far so good and as I kept the viewers distracted there we go the Enderman picked up my dog ran towards the Ravine and chucked it into the burning lava down below what happened to your dog what do you mean he's right here see I had made a massive mistake because people had heard the dog getting injured and now the entire chat were asking me where the dog was oh good show them the dog what it was literally dead sight see the dog was actually still alive you see all this down here this is all completely fake I retextured all of these Bots to look like lava I then constructed a secret compartment right below where the dog would fall allowing it to fall straight through this lava and Landing safely in the water hidden below the dog was now gently drifting through these secret tunnels to its final destination you'll find out what that is shortly but now back in the meantime I had yet another issue the viewers started to realize that the Enderman was secretly a person so he had to find a solution fast but I'd actually been prepared for this possibility because we put Ender poles in my friend's inventory before the stream so I could kill him making it look like a real Enderman see I told you guys it was real now I headed to my farm and I jumped on this block turning it into dirt which secretly activated this command block sending a fake join message in the chat I walked inside his house and there he was but this is actually an NPC because I don't have friends my real friend was hiding behind this painting inside the house introducing two headed Steve before the stream I spent two hours remodeling the Minecraft code and it was now time for my viewers to meet him I began by going upstairs inside my friend's house and I needed to keep my audience distracted what do you got here a cartography table yo doesn't even have a map but as I was upstairs my friend snuck out from behind the painting deleted the NPC and took its place I went down the stairs and there he was yo what's up Buzzy how's it going man as the chat went crazy I was trying so hard not to laugh all right it's gonna be some Underpants but just as I thought that I was in the clear everything came crashing down as I went down the stairs I was expecting to find that my friend had put the NPC back in its place only something had broken with the character model my friend now looks like this oh my god um uh what I didn't have a clue what was going on but I knew if I didn't fix this I could get banned on Twitch I tried reloading the resource pack to fix it but it didn't work oh my God are you okay and I kept looking at my friend and I couldn't stop laughing so I had to meet my bike and run out the house but by some miracle I've reloaded the resource pack again and it fixed it and remember that dog that I mentioned was in the elevator earlier well it was now inside my friend's house you guys told me my dog was there there he is he's right there I then went to a Minecraft village and entered this house but don't let it fool you because this house was about to start moving oh wait there goes my crafting table I was now inside this house when it went for a stroll around the area I'm just chilling inside my house right now and as my chat began to lose brain cells I was struggling not to laugh but you might be wondering spicy how is this house moving well for this troll I'd mined out an entire chunk below my feet and as I'd approached the house my friend had been secretly waiting down below he activated this Minecart that was said to go round on the track on the cave floor but the trick was that the minecart was secretly attached to the bottom of the house and after finally managing to get out of the house I was faced with this yo how's the weather out down there I had secretly remodeled the Minecraft villagers to make them look completely broken but these villagers weren't the only thing that were broken because I'd also messed with the iron golem making it now have a slight malfunction but the main troll is actually here no no no I'm referring to this see these are Minecraft motors which basically lets you do stuff like this and before I went live I'd place this motor right below the house attaching it with glue I then stuck every single block together meaning that the motor could rotate the entire house so the plan was that on the stream my friend would secretly activate the motor enabling the house to start spinning but this this just wasn't enough because I had secretly attached the motor to every single thing in the village like this tree an entire Farm let the confusion begin I started by exploring the village as my friend was now activating the spinning house um let's go inside the house I don't think I can get inside for some reason what's happening and does the viewers quickly got confused I decided to head to the other side and someone thought that they saw the tree move I don't know what they're talking about but as I turned around I saw this one of the motors had malfunction them was now spinning up one million miles an hour and this is starting to like the server and it was likely soon going to crack so we needed a solution fast otherwise we would never make it to the most confusing thing in Minecraft my friend had tried switching off the machine but it wasn't working so in a moment of panic he did the only thing that he knew and used TNT but this wasn't a small amount of TNT um the whole area was now exploding and it was damaging the next troll so I moved quickly and you might have noticed a moment ago that this came up on my screen see this random player had found my server during the stream and had joined so I ran over to see them and soon realized that this player wasn't even moving oops see that's because this is actually a chest and I'd placed this here off stream so that I could run over to the Steve and open him in half it was now or never so I ran towards the fake Steve oh here he is Stevie and it was time to confuse my audience so I dropped him some food yo take some food man only the food was now stuck inside his body and people were now realizing that this was a fake player he's an NPC nah I don't think so but I now realized that I'd made this far too obvious and people could clearly see what I was up to so to cover up the troll my friend quickly snuck in and took his place and I think it had worked no he's not he's good the switch had successfully taken place and people couldn't understand how the chest was now moving oh he's literally in the height of human being as the audience were distracted they went into the water swam past his fish and entered the secret portal that I set up before the stream which then brought me to here see I bought this house so that no matter which window you look through the inside of the house will be different every time I approached the house and looked through the first window yellow wall he met his house out of yellow and they told my viewers that this was Stevie's house so they were less suspicious but now the second window was completely different it's it's kind of big you know and then the third window was even more insane he put lava inside his house it's literally made a word people were now asking me to go inside the house so they could understand what was happening so I went inside only to make them even more confused you want to go inside okay here we go that was kind of nice inside see I'd set up a secret portal in the doorway which connected my wooden house to this entire Castle meaning that the house is 15 times bigger on the inside uh what else we got here what else we got ah this is kind of small because as I walked around people soon realized that my wooden house had turned into a Holly I then left the house and decided to run over here we had finally arrived at what I believe to be the most confusing thing in Minecraft history and after removing 8 million blocks from under the ground and spending three hours sticking together this entire biome it was ready ladies and gentlemen I present Minecraft's first moving buyer oh my God I was now standing on top of a world that was moving across a while this is insane see this entire biome is attached to a secret Minecart and at the approach the end of this Minecart Track I was now standing on a wall because that was falling out of the wild not sure why but I think I might be lagging a little bit am I lagging hello
Channel: Spifey
Views: 6,174,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft challenge, spifey, minecraft manhunt, minecraft but, challenge, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, 100 players, minecraft survival, dream smp, minecraft map, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, so i triggered my minecraft live stream, confusing minecraft, cursed minecraft, so I confused my Minecraft live stream
Id: 1Gkt-25X9ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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