100% Speedrunning 60 Seconds Was A Huge Mistake

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today we're 100% speedr running 60 seconds by getting all 60 achievements in the game now our speedrun starts when we click begin adventure for the first time and we go into some Scavenging here the game gives us 60 seconds to gather as many items family members food and water as we can my general strategy is to get both Timmy since he's the best at Expeditions and Dolores so we can have an extra adult in case Ted dies then pretty much every item is useful in some way but the ones we really want to collect are the medkit Boy Scout book rifle axe radio and plenty of soup and water and once our 60 seconds is up we'll also get our first achievement home sweet home this puts us into the survival part of the game where each day we get to choose what we want the family members to do and if we should give them food or water I like sending out Timmy here as soon as possible with the gas mask to prevent him from getting sick and hopefully he'll be able to get us some more resources we'll also pick up our second achievement prepper for surviving 5 days now for food and water allocation I like giving the family food and water every 5 days but we'll wait until day 10 to start giving food there's also a lot of events that can happen in this game where we need to make choices that can help us or completely backfire on day six we got an event where we need to shower with our bug spray or everyone in the shelter would get sick so I ended up using it breaking our bug spray in the process and getting the all thumbs achievement which you get when you break something in your shelter one thing to mention about events by the way is a lot of them are either always good always bad or can be good bad or neutral so it's really important to just play the game a lot and memorize what you should do for each event anyways our next achievement was I Will Survive which we got for surviving 10 days in the shelter and on day 15 we got the first government prompt here we need to use our radio to talk to the government and then around every 10 days they'll give us a mission to do before finally rescuing us this will be the first ending we're going for before we got the first mission though we got the prompt of us getting the urge to be like a post-apocalyptic Snow White by saying yes to this we'll get a bunch of mutated cockroaches coming into our shelter and then the next day we're able to play the harmonica for them this gives us one soup one water and the Disco roach achievement along with the survivalist achievement for surviving 20 days in the shelter then on the next day we got the event to go raid a retirement home this might not be the most moral thing to do but we need to do it for the dark side achievement plus we got a medkit so pretty worth it speaking of the medkit by the way at this point both Ted and Dolores were safe unfortunately if both adults die in the shelter then it's a game over even if the kids are still alive sometimes after around 5 days of constantly feeding a sick person they'll get better on their own but unfortunately we didn't get that luck so I decided to sacrifice Ted stopped giving him water and gave the medkit to Dolores next up we got our first military mission where we need to shine a flashlight to show where we are for the military ending you always need to have the radio to hear the military's requests and then you'll have to use some other item to help them locate you so it's really important to have the items that they commonly need from here it's mostly just about making good decisions and keeping your family alive until the next mission comes up I always like to have a good amount of food and water and we can keep up our Resources by sending Timmy out on Expeditions every once in a while eventually on Day 36 we got our next military message where they needed us to Make Some Noise with the harmonica so that was pretty easy and 4 days later we also got the last man standing achievement for surviving 40 days then finally on day 47 we had to send Timmy out as a representative for a survival group and on day 54 we heard knocking on our door which I thought must have been the Army coming to save us except it wasn't it was actually a group of Raiders who stole all our resources thankfully I gave Timmy and Dolores food and water that same day and we were barely able to survive until day 58 when the actual Army came and saved us yeah that was way too close but hey that's our first ending and the achievement rescue time now before our next survival section we want do a scavenge on the Fatman difficulty one of our next achievements is the Manhattan Project where we beat every game mode on fat man so might as well quickly do the scavenge here and this is by far the easiest game mode since all we need to do is scavenge all our family members along with as many items as we can and that'll be the win I also got the achievements Family Guy where you rescue the whole family and got to get them all where you scavenge each item at least once then once we see safe for now we know we got the win so that leads us to the third G game mode survival here we don't have the beginning scaven section and instead go into the game with a random set of items I got pretty lucky this run with a bunch of food and water the medkit and Boy Scout book so I was good to go and our main objective for this one is to get the VIP ending for this ending we need to First survive until usually around day 25 then either a sketchy looking Trader will give you whatever's in his bag for one soup can or there will be a c by your door that you can let in by doing one of these we get sherov and the achiev out of the bag and sherov will usually just hang out for a while until it's time to start his events in the meantime I also got a quiet knock on the door in a suitcase outside usually this is a terrible idea to open up since it almost always makes you sick or injured but since Ted was already sick I just decided to do it and got the achievement a gift along with an additional soup right after that I also got the option to try to find sharov's owners with the address on his collar which we want to say yes to this will make sherov leave for a few days before eventually coming back but I was running into a problem here where I only had a very sick Ted and barely any food or water thankfully though the game gave me the event to fix my medkit with bug spray so I was finally able to heal up Ted before he died we also got our next sherov event where we investigate a wire that he finds in the shelter this leads us to two men who wire tapped her shelter and were listening in on us a couple days later we can hear them out and they'll explain that they were actually just interested in the cat they'll also offer the opportunity to help them with Miss to get into a VIP bunker so that'll be our next few objectives supplies were still a big issue though so when I got the opportunity to steal from our neighbors on day 46 you already know I took it and this decision saved the Run by giving us four water bottles which will be required a bit later by the agents next on day 48 the agents came back and needed us to help them with a mission this will always injure whoever you send and the injury will always kill that person before they reach the ending so I had to really hope for a medkit when we got back and thankfully we got the merryman event these people will steal from you if you have a lot of resources or give you stuff if you only have a little I decided to take my chances by saying yes and got the medkit we needed so we could heal up Ted finally to finish out this ending the Agents come back asking for either for food or four water and since we stole from our neighbors we were able to do this task then it was just a waiting game until we heard a knock on the door in got the achievements Manhattan project for beating everything on the fat man difficulty Men In Black for getting in to the VIP bunker and yes man for saying yes to every prompt and then winning funny thing too I wasn't even going for Yes Man here I just kept getting good events and it kind of happened so I'll take it next up it was time to be every game mode on the little boy difficulty I started with scavenge and it was a really easy win where I also got the achievements Girl Power for winning a scavenge with Dolores and 216 for collecting 10 water bottles throughout all my scavenges so far now after that I did a survival and they give you an incredible a amount of resources for the little boy difficulty now our goal here was to get the twins ending this starts when you hear a telephone ringing and sends someone to check it out then the callers will introduce themselves as survivors of a nearby town next on day 19 we got a letter on our doorstep which invited us to a meeting by sending someone there we learn more about the group of survivors led by a brother and sister who want to keep in contact with us also an important thing to note for this ending is to get it you can't steal it all otherwise the twins will stop talking to us you got lucky this time retirement home people but at least on day 29 the twins came back and needed a map to find a safe place for Camp which we easily provided then 10 days later they asked for a Boy Scout book so they could set up a school before finally rescuing us on day 49 which gives us our 19th achievement A New Hope now the only other game mode we need for the little boy difficulty is apocalypse and we'll be going for the most difficult ending in the entire game one important thing for this is to get as much food as humanly possible and that resulted in the super achievement for collecting a total of 10 soup overall our scavenges oh and I also got be prepared by bringing both the suitcase and padlock but now it's time to focus up and that's because our next objective is the cat lady ending in starting right from the beginning we need to do everything in our power to raise the amount of Soup cans we have thankfully something that helped with this was on day 32 we got the event where we hear mysterious sounds from the radio and we can tune it to find the right frequ frequency then we'll later get an event where we hear screams on the radio and can go visit that person's address by saying yes here as well we get the achievement Dawkins residence and two food along with it then on to the ending we need to get sherov again decline checking his address and also decline following sherov when he leaves the shelter this makes us skip the secret agent stuff entirely and instead we eventually meet a crazy scientist who owns the cat then after a while the scientist eventually starts asking us for either four food or four water now I didn't have the water he wanted but thankfully we aren't going for the scientist ending we're going for what comes after it we need to say no to the scientist three times in a row because he eventually gives up on his plans and leaves us alone now we just need to survive for a bit longer before we can start the next ending but one big problem here is since we're getting into the later days people like the Raiders and firefighters start showing up at our doors more often and try to either steal our supplies or murder us so here's where I used the padlock we had to stop a group of firefighters and got the pacifist achievement and this is why it's important to keep a ton of protection items saved for the late game anyways we'll just keep on Surviving and I like trying to leave the shelter whenever possible what we're hoping for is to find a fridge which we bring back home and here's where the fun starts since from now on every single day sherov will create a clone of himself and steal a soup can this is why we needed a huge stock pile of soup because if we run out they kick us out of the shelter by the end we have a total of 10 cats here and this win will give us the cat lady achievement for the ending and the anola gay achievement for winning each game mode on the little boy difficulty so we're doing really well now you might think it makes sense to start going for the Dead Hand achievements where you beat every game mode on the SAR bomber difficulty but we're going to save those for the end of the speedrun instead we'll be focusing on getting a bunch of the other achievements including the Bad Endings where the family doesn't survive and for our first bad ending we're going for feline domination in this ending we want to have basically the same plan as cat lady but we don't need the enormous amount of food oh and also during this run I got the terrified screams event like the previous run but instead of checking the address we're going to say no then after waiting another 2 days the woman goes silent and we hear a harmonica so we can respond to that doing this gives us the not alone achievement and we see some aliens in the sky so that's pretty cool anyways right after this we found the fridge they started taking our soup and since we didn't have enough cans we got kicked out of the shelter getting us the achievement feline domination and oneway ticket which you get when you die during a run now it was time to get the very last sherov ending and for this one we're going to help the scientist oh first though we got a pretty cool Easter egg where sometimes when Ted dies his bones turn into a robot doesn't give us an achievement or anything but it's pretty cool so I thought I'd mention it I did accidentally get an achievement a little later though I was trying to check my amount of food to see if I should give sherov some soup since if we refuse he'll injure us and then I ended up clicking a fly moving by which resulted in the take that brundle fly achievement kind of funny it worked out that way but a nice surprise then it was just the waiting game until day 48 where the scientist requested four food and I was barely able to give it to him while also having enough food for the remaining days I also got lucky here by getting the event where a group of strangers come to the shelter and for either food or water they'll protect you on your next Expedition and I had plenty of water but that'll come an important later since for now we're focused on the scientist R return and once he finally does he wants us to join him for a dangerous experiment I only had Dolores in the shelter so I had to use her which resulted in an injury so on day 64 when I saw Dolores and Agony I set out on an expedition with the help of the group we gave water to earlier giving us the achievement what goes around and this Expedition also thankfully resulted in a medkit so after using that on Dolores we finally got a knock on the door on day 71 which was the scientists and the achievement soup can into space yeah not the best sending for Dolores but that's another one for me now at this point we had 31 out of the 60 achievements required to 100% but they're only going to take longer from here and because of that I needed a brain break so I started ramming myself into a toilet see one of our next achievements requires us to hit obstacles 1,337 times and this is the fastest way to grind it out all you have to do is Ram the toilet until the timer's up and then restart the scavenge this also conveniently gave us the achievements stuck in cover where you don't make it to the Shelf shelter and unplugged where you ram the toilet with enough force to move it eventually after a pretty nice break of no thinking we hit 1,337 and got the achievement Torah Torah Torah but now it's time to go from one of the easiest achievements to one of the hardest ones where we need to stay alive in the shelter for 111 days and even though both Timmy and Mary Jane died super early this run we had a good amount of food and water so I was good to go for the foreseeable future all I needed to do was focus on choosing the right options in events and keeping dolores's sanity up as much as possible by letting her do things like listening to the radio unfortunately we can't get sherov this run which raises sanity a lot because we'd end up getting the cat lady ending before finishing out all the days we need and yeah other than that it's just the waiting game until finally we reached day 111 and the achievement Conrad style but here I decided to go just a bit farther since I thought we might be able to get an extra achievement or two and this was a great idea because soon after we got danger zone where you need to break or use the medkit gas mask rifle radio map and flashlight over the course of one run so that's a nice achievement to get out of the way next up was the achievement new species in this game if you have Mary Jane in the shelter and see either the event where there's a pipe leaking green goo or the event with mutant spiders Mary Jane has a very small chance to become a mutant she's also incredibly useful in this form because she can't get any ailments like injuries sickness or tiredness and she no longer needs water just food so I used this opportunity to send her out on as many Expeditions as possible later in this run we also got the event where there's a coded note left at her door and Dolores has the opportunity to solve it we'll say yes here and then a few days later Dolores cracks the code and gets directions to a nearby secret location so we let her go there wait a few more days and get the Enigma achievement where Dolores meets up with an old friend and gets extra supplies next up we got the unbreakable achievement where you need to defend the shelter from Raiders through three times which was pretty easy with all the resources we had followed by The Liberation achievement basically when you're in late game and send someone out for an expedition they have a chance to get captured by Raiders then if you stay alive for a bit longer you can get the chance to go attack the Raiders with either a sword or an Axe and you'll save the person that was captured this was a super productive run but here's where I decided to start the next one especially since some achievements need to be done at the beginning of a run like the achievement Pro Gamer where you only bring a pack of cards in the checkerboard to the shelter it's a pretty funny one then I decided it was a good time to do the game's tutorial the tutorial teaches you about how to salvaging in survival Mechanics Work and once that's done we get the achievement Atomic drill now was time to go back to the hard achievements and for the next one you need to win by always saying no thankfully most things aren't a yes or no question for example when we got the open the door prompt I had to say no which made the family lose some sanity but 2 days later when the game asked if we wanted to give Timmy a birthday present since we click on items instead of the check mark or an X it's fine to give him the checkerboard hardest part about this honestly is just constantly reminding myself I always have to say no it's super easy to stop thinking for a second and say yes when there's a good event only to lose that run and for the endings we need to go for either the military or twins ending since they're usually the easiest finally once we get some knocks on the door we say no to that as well which keeps us in the shelter but gives us the naysay achievement since it would have been the win next next up it was time to get pancake the dog you can rescue in this game but he's much harder to get than sherov since we have to help him four different times first we get a prompt where we hear a growl in the darkness and need to use the flashlight to see that it's just a dog then a while later pancake comes back asking for some food so we'll give him a soup can third pancake wants to lead us somewhere and we need to take some gear to protect ourselves while out and finally pancake comes back injured and we need to use our medkit to heal him up giving us the friend in need achievement pancake's also pretty good to have in general because while you do need to feed him every once in a while he can go out and find some more resources for you but we weren't going to do that now because what I was looking for was sherov in this game you can only have either pancake or sherov at one time and if you get sherov after pancake pancake will get kicked out getting us an achievement but unfortunately I stayed alive all the way till day 80 and just couldn't get sherov so we'll need to get that achievement later finally I lost to a group of Raiders which gave me the achievement this is the end now I wanted to get another easy achievement so on day three of our next run I clicked on the radio over and over until I heard some ominous music then on day seven we repeatedly click the radio again until we hear some weird alien noises and get the miracle achievement yeah I don't really understand this one I also got the achievement new order a few days later basically when you go on Expeditions you have a chance to find a fire station which gives the achievement this is super rare and completely RNG so it was nice to get out of the way up next I decided to get the whole family together and make them go crazy the strategy for this is to always choose options that lower sanity like here I got an event where there were weird noises in the shelter which made the family worried so by not distracting them with the checkerboard it made Ted Dolores and Mary Jane insane now one important thing about insanity is if people remain insane for too long they'll eventually leave the shelter but thankfully with just a little bit of time I would was able to get Timmy to which gave us the Cuckoo's Nest achievement next up I wanted to explore every place in the shelter in a single run for this one anytime there's a prompt where we have to explore the shelter we do it and eventually we got the achievement no stone unturned oh by the way yes I got pancake for the second time here but no I still couldn't get sherov yeah there's a lot of RNG in the speedrun now our next achievement is called Lumber sexual for this one we need to keep Ted alive until he grows a full beard and have the axe then sometimes you randomly get the opportunity to cut Ted's beard with the axe and if it works he gets a shave and we get an achievement a lot of times it doesn't work though which results in an injury for Ted but you got to take the risk at this point we had 50 out of the 60 achievements done so I decided to take another break from the really RNG ones so here we're heading over to challenges first we need to complete the scavenge challenge called holidays this is super easy where you just need to collect all your family members and a few specific items giving us the achievements Challenger and holidays but next we need to do a survival challenge and I chose shelter alone for this challenge we need to survive with only Timmy for 30 days and it's got a fair bit of RNG first right when we spawn in we just kind of need to hope that Timmy doesn't go insane at least for the first few days otherwise he'll leave the shelter before day 30 then after getting the right luck it was time to defend the shelter against Bandits the big thing about this challenge is to always try to get more resources since the bandits come every few days and we need the right items to deal with them I used a guide I found on the wiki which said what items to use when and other than that it was just making smart decisions with events finally we got to day 30 and there's the Rogue one achievement for completing a survival challenge and once we go back to the base game we can also give the family some festive hats that we got from the holiday challenge giving us the Mad Hatter achievement now next up we needed some more luck because basically what we need to do here is have cockroaches come to the shelter in and then never kill them or use any items to drive them away this is hard because when you have cockroaches the family is more likely to get sick but we stayed alive and eventually they held up a sign that said we come in peace so of course this is the perfect time to use some bug spray and get the Bug Hunter achievement also yes you do have to wait for them to show that sign it's pretty messed up but now last thing before we do all the game modes on the hardest difficulty is the raining cats and dogs achievement which I finally got around 6 hours in feels bad to kick pancake out but I'm pretty happy it's done so it's time to do every game mode on SAR bomba and I started with survival this one is pretty similar to the easier difficulties just grab all the family members and get as many resources as possible but now we had to go from the easiest game mode to the hardest so one thing you may have noticed during this video is a bit into the run I got this new part of the notebook and that was our tank parts randomly on Expeditions the family sometimes notices a vehicle parked over on the street if you send one of the adults over to check it out it becomes a tank and if you send the kids over it becomes an ice cream truck then over many more runs you slowly start to build up this vehicle by giving it reinforcements arming it with weapons decorating it and finally giving it Wheels I worked on this over the course of the last 7 hours and now it's time to use this tank to beat the hardest game mode Survival on SAR bomba the reason this game mode is so hard is it starts you with two people barely any food or water and almost no resour resources so while it's possible to beat it with other endings the tank is by far the most likely one to get still it's not exactly easy since we need to have five full Soup cans when we find it on an expedition so we have to keep sending our people out on really dangerous Expeditions and do everything in our power to get just enough food to fuel up the tank this took me attempt after attempt but finally it happened we were able to get the Panzer achievement and Ted got to leave the shelter on a tank but we still no needed to beat apocalypse on SAR bomba and get the ice cream truck ending so I went back to regular runs and slowly started working on that it was pretty much just scavenge at every opportunity until we got the ice cream truck event add some reinforcements and reset into a new run over and over I also made sure to trade with people as much as possible since we also needed the fair exchange achievement where you do 30 trades over the course of the game but finally it was on to the last two achievements Stay Frosty and Dead Hand now the nice thing about apocalypse is you can get a ton more resources here than in scavenge so I used that to my advantage and got the whole family plus seven food then it was just about doing Expedition after Expedition until we finally found the ice cream truck gave it Fuel and ended the speedrun as soon as we received our last two achievements with a time of 84208 which is a world record since I'm the first person to do this run all right subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 1,482,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, 60 seconds, 60 seconds reatomized, 60 seconds game, 60 seconds world record, 60 seconds speedrun, 60 seconds speed run, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunner, world record, speed run, 60 seconds 100%, 60 seconds all achievements, 60 seconds full game, 60 seconds all endings, 60 seconds perfect run, 60 seconds ending, 60 seconds dlc, all endings, 60 seconds all ending, eazyspeezy speedrun, eazyspeezy 60 seconds, 60 seconds funny, speedrun world record, 100% speedrun
Id: rU4z29HVNT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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