2 "Speedrunners" thought they could beat me in a Minecraft Lockout

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I’m probably wrong, but I don’t think it’s available for download yet.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ATB10H πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

iirc its gonna be released for 1.17 soon?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thewerdwerdo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

it’s for subs in the discord

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/justn1tr0 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It is a custom made lockout mod. It is currently in the process of being updated to 1.17, and once that is finished it will be released to the public, by being posted in the #mod-downloads channel in Ant's discord (#mod-downloads is only able to be accessed by Twitch subscribers, Nitro boosters, YouTube members, or by redeeming the special role through smolCoins on Ant's Twitch)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Devinator26 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's a custom mode there currently working on it for the newest minecraft the 1.17 winter update and then it would be released into the public smant explained it better in the start of the minecraft locked with cj crow and kronos check its vod

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/catmat490 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
so two of my speedrunner friends cj and eric were convinced they could beat me at a minecraft lockout a challenge where you're given 25 random objectives and two teams compete to complete them as fast as possible if one team completes a goal the other team can no longer get it first to 13 wins i accepted their challenge and took them on at the same time two versus one here's how this insane lockout went and if you enjoy be sure to subscribe i really do appreciate it okay the opponent dies one of them needs to die i cannot let them we need to run i'm gonna start digging wood and you start punching him and then i'm gonna make a sword and kill him real quick yeah they're planning on killing me okay we just gotta immediately run oh three seconds oh he's running away from me he's running away from me go away i'll kill you i'm gonna help he'd be a silent passing he's not gonna know where he came from oh i okay okay i see where he's going here what there's a village okay he has iron armor he has iron armor i don't i can't i can't kill him i can't kill him you have a sword no he's going to get it he's going he's going to kill me he's going to kill him he does not have a sword but he's punching me to death run run run i'm running away turn left turn left oh no how did cj get a thing eric don't let him get you my sprit no i was on half a heart the entire [Applause] one oh my time yeah okay i'll leave i'll leave you i'll leave you just i'll leave you be for a second just give me a chance oh he's right here yeah yeah i regret telling that i was on okay yeah i regret much regret okay okay we're gonna go try and find some chickens let's go i got some stuff chicken there's a sheep okay we need to find a chicken come on please please please please please please please just one all i'm asking is one yes start just like getting tools if you can let's go let's go dude that's what i was like i just needed a seed oh baby they bred a chicken already damn it dude they're gonna freaking destroy me oh the hunger i don't even notice the empty hunger bar goal okay how about this i'll go and kill them so their hunger is refilled we gotta get like yeah we gotta try to get the quick ones before he can ride minecart oh we need five iron for that start looking for a shipwreck you might be able to get five iron information i am oh he's in the hole with me i'm dead i'm dead you did get me yep i never made like an axe or anything oh no i cannot find this yeah it's okay we got this flying to what what are you looking for uh i'm just trying to find diamonds right now actually you don't even have an iron pick what are you talking about that's actually oh never mind i cannot find this cj i can't find it it's okay just keep going really all right you think it's worth it yeah hey yeah samant what are you going for right now uh everything actually all at once all at once everything right now that no did you mine for the iron oh yeah you were right beside it i'm gonna find diamonds really quick there's lava pops this way all we need is one i don't have any food which is a little problematic come on diamonds please diamonds where are they uh how much is that 27 31 we need 31 iron for an anvil dude we're we are doing this how many hundred bars here i have uh three and a half okay uh i'm actually not feeling not be able to sprint any longer yeah yeah i got you what how did you find one just by chance i didn't even realize that was a goal you just happened to crazy that's so funny that they didn't even know they're winning because of dumb luck at this point ah frick dude bucket is nice i'm not eating the rotten flesh because it actually doesn't help it doesn't help with the hunger uh trust me once it gets down to a certain level it actually doesn't matter lava's in front of us like dracula in front so let's uh let's get this put this in here good and we're gonna jump in place for a while come on come on zero there we go what no i'm at one and a half how'd you do it tanner was your strat um i jumped okay that makes sense okay all right all right it's fine it's fine it's fine literally not fine any longer let's go back up to the surface and uh uh you know what maybe we'll strip mine for just another few seconds just to see if we get really lucky because if we can get lucky and get another goal that'll be excellent oh i just found a pillager outpost wait what's that pillared your goal um it's bad omen get about dude we can get that here but i need to eat we can survive who do we have food there's like a million of them cj live cj live please for us all right i'm gonna get tools and stuff we're in a really bad shape what oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm actually dead oh no don't die dude please don't die dude now he knows what are they oh they're trying to get bad omen this could open up into some deeper caves that has diamonds revealed come on just one if i get one that's one goal this is perfect elevation perfect elevation for diamonds come on where are they i know there's diamonds here you know there have to be i'm getting the gold i'm getting gold don't worry please have some reveal time it's just one or two man it even just one five ideally no we need sugar cane um and leather to make book to make a book show we could actually do that one pretty easily i just need a single one we're wasting so much time right now boom baby let's go obtain a bookshelf damn it yeah they're doing so many overworld goals and i'm stuck underground right now why do no diamonds exist smelt some iron go up i can't smelt iron i don't have a crafting table i don't have enough wood to make a crafting table either get wood from the mine shaft we'd have to find that mine shaft again got it two let's go no no you know what we weren't going for it anyways so that's kind of okay okay we can go up now we're going up straight up we're gonna have to hope this is enough what's the score now four four please tell me we're close to the surface dude please please what the hell we're at 63 we have to be close to the surface we don't have wood i can't make a crafting table guys there we go we're at the surface thank god uh what is what is the bed goal oh it's alone in the overworld so we can't both be in the nether at any point because then he can get that if he ever goes to the nether uh and one of us also goes to the nether or dies or leaves the server are we allowed to do that is that like allowed i kind of think it's a good strat i'm not gonna lie uh maybe there's a shipwreck somewhere around if we can find a shipwreck that would potentially could give us a few goals i need to set myself i have a pumpkin pumpkin [Music] no oh no you set your spawn though uh no i'm back at spawn how are you guys doing what's up you guys having fun yeah we're vibing yeah me too i'm vibing too it's tied i'm your 4-4 it's nerve-wracking i know i just never know what you're going for it is scary we're gonna win still so hope so i hope so yeah cause it'll just fire around too i want you guys yeah you would think oh okay so that's what you're doing right now okay well you're avoiding doing your goals right now right obviously are you sure well no i mean you're avoiding like redeeming them so then like at the very end you know you'll be like oh god you got us haha yeah he's sitting right next to a bastion holding a piece of gold in front of a piglet with an emerald or sitting right there yeah i am just i am waiting with my goal waiting for you guys to sass me a little bit so i can just get it i hate you oh god okay i'm just gonna chop down trees and let them decompose and try and get an apple where's the apple where's the apple the odds aren't terrible to get an apple from one of these oh there it is let's go um i'm not going to go that there we go okay we'll be able to get absorption now there's nothing cool oh we found a golden apple absorb but a regular golden apple i didn't find one i made one uh how much oh he's cert i know what he's doing what am i doing no i know you're doing i i i'm not gonna i'm not gonna say it out loud just in case you're not doing it all right eric is alone eric is alone uh i think he's searching for the suspicious dude okay that's someone who's placed a block there yeah that's a crafting table wait a minute he was here i will track smalling and head uh he's not near me so we'll track cj is he inside of the glacier i have an idea you can come follow me if he wants he's super close he might be behind me for all i know check this out there we go why did that not work what did that make that that that should be it there we go yeah that was this wishes too it was just wrong no dude oh i've been searching for that one that's so sad man dude that's so sad seven to four let's go let's go find eric now was it five to four seven seven to four i think he said eric i found a lot of people i'm gonna start working you found a lot of people okay perfect uh i'm gonna start working on cake oddly it's fine you need a cow and you need sugar and an egg the egg is kind of the hard part oh my god cj's in the nether oh no sleep i can't i'm not alone in the overworld poincare has to be there as well but if we can get to point crow we can throw snowball at him kill him and then steal whatever goal he's going for all right uh three buckets of milk right and then what else do i need uh wheat right i don't have any food so if we get into combat it's gonna be scary oh my god he's close he turned that means he's super close all right here we go egg two eggs wait we can make we can make the uh we can make the cake adult piglet we're about to get a goal let's go distracted okay cj got a goal um damn dude okay good we got two milk um if we're able to get uh let's yeah yeah we'll be able to make cake right now let's make a cake um we just need some wheat three wheat right uh we'll get the bones from the skeletons we'll make a whole okay if i can make this cake then uh really fast he might still kill me but that's okay as long as we make the cake wait i'm missing wheat oh what'd you get let's go i was about to finish that dude let's go seven to six now ah i'm gonna go kill eric and then maybe since cj's in the nether i'll be able to sleep while eric is respawning we just need to make it eric now okay i'm actually gonna go to the nether really quick he's gonna think i'm going into the nether and then we'll go and attack him oh he's in the netherlands he's in the dinner sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep right now i can't sleep it's not nighttime i'm going in and out yes he wants to come for me maybe he knows it i see him he's the one he's on he's not in the nether he's not in the nether maybe he knows it i see him he's gone he's not he's not in the nether he's not in another okay okay yes no can you kill him or no no no no i'm not confident you better run i'm not caught thanks oh no eric okay oh no what happened to my spine where'd my spawn bed go all right i'm out of there okay how can we get three diamonds easily i have an idea we need to find an ocean ocean will give us a lot jack can i get a sea lantern from a monument yeah how rare are they monuments are pretty rare because i found a i found um i found a i found an ocean monument dude there's no way dude there's no way we're gonna really quick do this the shot will tell him yeah so i gotta be quick here hey eric what's up i'm getting swarmed by enemies do you have a bed near you you wanna sleep why so you don't get swarmed by enemies either it's like a don't do it don't do it wait oh no no you don't actually even if i wanted to sorry about that well you don't have a bed no i don't have a bed i just wanted to get rid of enemies but okay all right no bastion we gained information because i was like if he doesn't have a bed he can't sleep while i'm in the nether i found a village i will get a bed unless he's like removed all the beds from this village i he might actually have done that oh he didn't he didn't oh he's trying to sleep now is that his first time in a bed i shouldn't have slept i should have i should have picked it up that was my bad that was actually a big mistake because like you notified him i found a third god damn fortress you have got to be kidding me oh wait yeah clay in a swamp means diamonds so zed is plus six it's not 100 but it's very common i can't believe i'm actually doing diamond dowsing dude it works as diamond dowsing baby all right let's go find some freaking lava now okay lava pops there we go if we find the lava pops we'll be able to enchant and that's another goal for us and then we'll be able to go to the surface it may oh here it is awesome how do i void mine if you think besides drinking milk well in a single player world you could do two render distance um but i oh my god i'm so mad at myself right now what a loser hey he's my friend don't call him a loser i'm only on oh they died that's hard are you guys doing okay i just looked to the side at something and when i looked back i was falling down into the lava so where are you asking if i'm doing okay just everyone is dying [Laughter] are you doing okay yeah i'm actually doing really good yeah that that diamond dowsing was it was sick what the hell is that you got all the time dude i could have found a bastard so quick how many more do we win we need four more goals so we're gonna go up to the surface um if we could find there's a few things why am i digging what am i doing there we go how much to nine how much health do guardians have by the way it's like a lot they're not the strongest things in the world but they can mess you up if there's a lot of them right there there's i'm facing it's 1v1 okay you should be able to get it i got i got um one shark how many shards do we need chat four shards five crystals let's see mountains biomes okay let's get the water bucket and i i'm digging straight down any emeralds oh look at that emeralds all right i got it i got the i got the last one i just need to make it nice dude seriously got it let's go all right that's so rare nah it's all strategy baby oh cj you're in another yep oh i found a bastion i can just get into the bastard and get the achievement but i don't know that i'll be able to get out because i don't have any gold armor i think to be able to win this we need to start going for the hard goals like maybe chain armor we need three things that's it wait we have 20 emeralds 21 emeralds we might be able to do the uh chain armor because here's what we're gonna do we're gonna get all of the wheat in the town we're gonna trade it to the farmer to get diamonds or to get emerald sorry you oh you okay legs now they're panicking because they're like wait a minute what is he doing what is he doing you know what i'm doing be afraid no no he's doing it he's doing it he's doing it so i need to find desert temple uh and then while i'm finding desert we'll get rabbit's foot netherwork plays powder and rabbit's foot okay yeah searching for this goddamn pyramid which doesn't exist got it nice no oh i just man my chat had to teach me how to do bastion binoculars wait that doesn't that shouldn't work on a server it worked what that is so bad for us [Music] okay come on yep okay go to your table yes sick damn ah you got the chain armor i'll be honest i don't think he's going to go to another there's no reason for him too yeah it would be bad for him because then we could get that goal i found one please please have one in here damn it there wasn't there wasn't one oh damn i got lucky there then there's honey there we need four of those though we need four we got one this could be good um do we have flowers i'm gonna bring flowers a little bit closer because this is oh two now here's maybe an idea like if we get the last goal we could just go into the nether and go into a fortress to get the potion of leaping i'm amazed that they still don't have potion of leaping yet that is actually baffling to me i don't have iron for a thing what but man he's having a really rough time what are what are you up to actually me yeah i'm hunting you down to end your life so if we're able to complete one more goal we can just rush the nether hey there's eric nice i found he's hunting me down that's not obvious that's what i thought that's what i thought you better run man no no you can't do this no you can't do this yeah again we're good everything's fine i'm sure it is yes yes yes no he got you damn it good oh i've been planning that i was like if i could just kill eric while you're in the nether and sleep as he dies then yeah we were talking about that we were saying there was literally no way for you to get that one unless that happened and what's that specific scenario dude and now we're free to go to the nether we just need to find a fortress 12 to 8 they need five if we simply get two blaze rods we win we can still get potion of leaping but he needs literally one more i'm on my way oh it's the rabbit foot i i have everything i just need to get to the overworld there's a fortress let's go all right this could be it let's go we need to find the interior and then we win this is it this is the interior i'm getting back to overworld right now get that potion of leaping because i think that's he's going to try to do that to get an easy out it's a dead end what why does this not lead anywhere i'm so confused it doesn't have any netherwart nothing really what are the odds no netherward we need to find a new fortress an entirely new fortress come on man show me another is that another one or is that a bastion that's another one yeah all right i got it no no oh my god we gotta do honey now and i need to leave the nether um how do we get out i didn't mark my portal coordinates i found a the captain yeah i found the captain with the banner right yeah yeah get the kill and you're good got him let's go there maybe i think it was there bad omen no you're catching up back workout we didn't get that bed when we'd be winning right now or we'd be tied actually we could still win we just need honey now payne but we need honey he's in the overwatch i'm running towards him i'm chasing him down we need one more goal there's only three goals left can we need two natural beehives i'm not breeding bees it takes too long these are all of the like super late game goals and it's not just find the stronghold if we find the stronghold i'd be doing that right now but it's go into the end we don't have pearls for that any bees there's just no oh is that a b that's a b b hive cj is very far away guaranteed wait but that one knows i'm human if you can snipe that end like these he's right there oh my god he knows i'm here you just put lava down behind him and we're fighting next to water bring it on coward need a golden apple yes i did i did i did you better run oh god you better run you are so dead i got fire resistant in the other two are you serious yeah you that deal literally nothing out for you man i'll pour one out for you i just have to wait three minutes i got an eight minute one i extended it with glowstone man i don't think he did there's no shot he did i don't think he did because he didn't have his uh you better run oh god oh god i ran 5 000 blocks for this i didn't think about the fact that we would be fighting wally and fire resistance i don't think it crossed either of our minds that you would have it i didn't have fire resistance i lied okay oh my god i wouldn't have been able to get him anyways uh so there was another beehive when i was chasing him right to the right oh here it is you guys got any juice for me nope all right uh let's gather some flowers to put them right in front of the hives and then that's all we need realistically we we break his hives right right you can't make any more beehives right we get his stuff and then and then we make beehives and then we got it oh you see me yeah you see me i do oh my god you're right up there yes how's it been recently how's the streaming going how's the youtube they're really stealth they just they like their privacy all right they don't know they just want to pollinate in peace oh my god here we go time to piss off some beads baby [Applause] follow me friendos come on guys let's go look at that they're pollinating they're pollinating check the level four one more yes the honey level didn't go up come on hurry up it's night time but why did they they should it should have it was at level four a b that was pollinated went in and now it's night time i'm not covering the hive of an obsidian although they will be here soon i have an idea okay a little bit hard to see right [Applause] is that them on the left we know they're coming no there he is there he is all right we gotta hide the bed somewhere in here i'm going to keep going follow me now follow me we got to get this bed there they are there they are here we go defend the bees they're digging where are they what did he get you no where are they there they are there they are okay wait cj's around me though where is cj distract him you gotta distract him i'm uh screw it we're killing eric he's trying to distract me eric is there to distract me they're in the walls we gotta wait a minute all right all right all right move don't eat you're so loud i think wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i think that's it i think that's what i've done you're mine i see you they don't know i don't you know i'll freak you right i don't now we can't talk a deafened yeah he's easy because i don't need to i got it oh my god dude i gotta see this where where's your where's your hive you guys want to see the best part uh if you enjoyed the stream again be sure to follow i do minecraft you know a few days a week generally again thank you for watching good stream everybody let's go
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 4,291,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lockout, minecraft, race, dream, manhunt, speedrun, smallant1, pointcrow, cj, cjya
Id: Mmt9Dn4Q4MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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