Minecraft but the Floor is Lava

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we're playing minecraft today with fondy let's uh let's talk to fundy and see i guess i'll call hello hello small and hello how are you i am doing good oh man what are we doing today this is crazy yeah today we are playing minecraft except the floor is lava every block that might be considered a piece of the ground or the floor has the properties of lava you touch it it's just like touching lava are you gonna it's it's dangerous let's go for it oh oh okay okay all right all right okay i see how it is it is oh that already oh oh boy oh boy it does hurt and it is lava so lava fire lasts quite a while but yeah it's uh it is a bit rough you know the grass that's the ground but what about oh my god the trees oh i see the trees aren't ground yeah and so all right this is how we're gonna have to beat the game is making platforms and like stuff like uh wooden planks stuff that's man-made is generally safe okay we need uh uh uh you're the speedrun master here of course well what is the first thing in minecraft that we need uh i guess what i guess let's get some wood because we're gonna need some white you're brilliant let's let's mine wood sounds good wait so what about what about water and such uh water does put you out but if you touch the bottom of water like if you touch dirt in water you'll still take lava damage but you won't be on fire i think we could probably beat this in a day you know it but i think with two people you you're you're far more experienced oh no oh i'm i'm very you're you're sorry i know i know minecraft really the the steps we have to do are what like get some stuff to go to the nether go to the nether get some blaze rods ender pearls beat the game right oh that's good yeah it's like it's like three steps do you want to see some crazy speed run like crazy skill check this out all right all right where are you at where are you guys there you go okay grind [Laughter] you want to see some crazy skill again okay do the jump check this out parkour actually this might be relatively safe oh okay i just yeah yeah i i saw it happen i was like you know what oh sure oh that is so brutal we should install a hacked client to allow us to bridge all over the place you hit the floor and you just continuously take damage shoot up you know oh oh what was that hack client sorry anyway so i just found like so many diamonds boats on land i wonder if boats on land will work i'm gonna try that actually just place a boat on the line see if it works okay moment of truth i'm testing the boat theory oh god no no no it's just it's a death trap it's a death trap does fire resistance work oh my god does you brilliant man fire resistance might work if we can just get to the nether i think this might be pretty easy okay well i guess we have a goal now and just get to the nether that's easy you want you want to start actually like properly mining yeah yeah okay i'll get wood and you could start digging okay over there oh how cute all the boats are placed down zombies [Laughter] oh an apple an apple ticket thank you thank you that'll work what i i regret giving you my apple i didn't deserve it i have nothing else to do everything is terrifying other than just mining i am struggling stop dying i just want you to see my hobbit hole all right all right uh that was the last death um it is now a hardcore world from this point on oh boy after after this after um after this one i just i that was uh it is now a hardcore world it is it is now a hardcore world oh i'm dead oh it's not a hardcore now it's not okay i got some diamonds really yeah i already oh my god jump straight into it nice i'm gonna walk over look at this okay how many are we looking oh i just wanted it just a single diamond oh my god all right so here's the thing i could be making two helmets yeah or go for one of us can have pants make some pants all right let's do rock paper paper scissors shoot paper oh man that's crazy the rigged i guess i mean it was ray do you pick the same answer i mean if i die we'll switch off the pants okay yeah take my pants if you insist my pants are yours the the the communal pants actually what's the difficulty can you see it's easy smaldy confirmed what does that even mean small oh did are they combining the names is that what that is should never cut the pen it's it's too late i got not one not two not three not four not five but four gold nice wait a minute how many was that that's basically enough to guarantee a uh fire resist potion what's it like uh like a five percent chance one percent chance i i don't even want to look it up i don't know i want to ruin my hopes yeah sorry my pet dolphin man these streamers be rich hey yeah i mean it i i recently you know i'm getting up there in subs and i figure what's something that no one has and a pet dolphin theoretically you want to buy a dolphin how would you even go about doing that i don't i is it even legal to purchase a dolphin i'm gonna make some weird search history today is it legal to buy a dolphin this is from cora there is no law in the united states that is specifically designed to protect the welfare of dolphins so it's it's illegal to buy them but you can own them so as long as you get one they can't take it away from you now that we are aware of the dolphin purchases i have found multiple diamonds hell yeah guys ready check this out got him oh that's still lava i placed a block but it's a block that's lava creepers are basically just straight up deadly because as soon as they explode even if they don't kill you with the explosion they knock you off the path yeah they do cause some problems oh i'm dead no oh if we don't get my stuff i'm like screwed because we have the diamonds oh right you're oh my god i forgot you had diamonds not just that i had oh i had enough to to make uh a charging table because i already had leather and sugarcane all right here we go i see the items [Music] you can make it i picked some up okay i picked some up you got some refreshed okay okay all the items despawned they did yeah you got some of them though right except the diamond i see yeah yeah some of them are still there okay i'm gonna bridge i'm gonna bridge no place box please yes oh you legend go go go go okay at least we can run past there at least we can run past i have some batting good news the pickaxe is gone including all the diamonds good news this is the last thing that did survive was the pants okay we got pants at least i have found the legendary item we've been looking for being pants or obviously i'm wearing those but i'm gonna show you this this is ridiculously cool i got a healing contraption over here a healing contraption yeah so what you do should come inside yep click the door you say you spawn and you jump on this block instant full health that's amazing [Laughter] what technology i guess do you want to make our way back i mean we have flint and steel in the butt oh i got you baited how did i die haha pence are mine oh god oh boy where's your water bucket i don't know where is it i don't know at least i got the pants here take your other stuff back okay where's the helmet there's a helmet somewhere okay i wonder i i don't know we'll find it someday i'm sure all right oh well it was a good life [Laughter] i guess let's get out of here let's go back to our hole yeah the hobbit hole i missed it okay safety home sweet home portal is nearly done um i just need to make all of the obsidian and i think i'm going to do like noob portal strats as opposed to the speedrun strats because i don't want to risk you oh man you gotta do the speed run all right all right okay i got it okay um that was wrong okay um not a big deal no problem you guys could probably see the gears working in my brain so hard to place the water in the right spot and then i just placed it in the center of the lava yep there we go that's better i made a spare bucket um all right portal has been made oh that was no okay um where are the pants do you not have the pants i don't have to pay oh my god it just burped me what is burning what is going on is there full blocks there must be a full block somewhere oh i hate it oh no it's a flame i hate it let's light it and go let's just just go for it full send all right let's go i'm terrified stay in the portal remember stand up oh boy this is burn it does it does just yeah if we can oh my god look at all that lava what okay horrible place to be yeah why am i so afraid of lava everything is lava okay okay i have the warped fungus on a stick i have a shield and then i think i can explore i'm gonna try it i'm gonna i'm gonna get on the strider and i'm gonna try and explore we got pig steps we got pig step yo we got big step oh hell yes okay when we make it back home we're listening to the pig step i've never used one of these guys okay hey what's up hey i'm a little bit afraid of having this guy walk on land because i mean if the horse takes damage i imagine this takes damage too right oh that's a good point yeah you might be right moment of truth they don't take damage when they're walking on blocks for everything everything i'll explore a little bit and see if i can just find some fortress uh where is this let's go back down how do you heal these little lava fellas one took some fall damage oh no no no i uh he still okay i mean he's okay but i have no idea where i was yeah it's right over there okay um as long as i'm not in the nether it won't despawn okay 32 329. all right i'm home welcome home with the gold oh my god you want to see the loot that i have oh absolutely let's see it all right we have ridiculous all right this is actually going to be ridiculous once you see this so let's start it off with the with the all right gear yep golden carrots nice all right now let's get into the better stuff ten okay and now let's get into the badass stuff what keeps going i mean i think the odds are in our favor to get a potion uh fire is this potion but wait uh one thing before before we do anything else i just gotta pick something up oh oh i know yeah oh i know oh boy you want to do the honors let's crank that volume up baby nice [Laughter] [Music] i guess if you want to start feeding penguins that gold to see what you get great and i'll uh i'll make my way back to the strider oh my stuff is still there oh my god there's no way you can make it okay i reset the timer i found a strider with it with it with a saddle oh that's my that's mine my stuff should be around it did you follow wait really just a random strider he's just vibing in a lava with a saddle what i can explore we can both explore yeah all right we are exploring albeit very slowly because i'm on soul sand and the strider is out where oh we do have enough the strider died from fall damage from landing in lava what okay we got a strata boy in here sweet all trapped okay did your mushroom stick burn yes uh we can get another one you want to call it for today say uh we'll beat it next time or something if we if we decide to oh we aren't going to beat it next time you bet all right sounds good to me oh how what did we do last time so we got um we got this what did we get it's i mean we got we got to the nether in short um we just need to find a fortress very very true and we're going to start that off with this little thing with these six blocks in the chest right there yeah we can make a uh what is it a respawn anchor oh yeah we can so we can respawn in the nether on the fly we can just go place the thing die respawn dive respawn just keep going like that it's a very good idea i think what i'm gonna do is you can do that strategy where you you take the the anchor and i'll go in like the opposite direction i think i i made like a huge path of slabs i'm just gonna keep in a straight line and i'm going to hit one eventually right oh i found one on one fortress no no i did really i did it's right it's literally just straight ahead okay okay okay okay okay okay how many hearts are you on oh half a heart oh my god oh my god like there's a bridge all the way here you can just walk i want to say we should test whether or not you can walk on nether bricks but you don't have a heart anything that we haven't made counts as lava so i'm pretty sure nether brick counts as lava okay all unfortunately okay like once we're there we can set the respawn there oh yeah that's true that's so freaking precarious so how many do we need we need one blaze rod to make the stand and then one blazer to turn the blaze powder to make a fire resist and then we can use the other blaze powder to turn it on right yep so just two blaze rats first blaze run yes okay one more it's in this chest right click the the anchor okay respawn point set uh oh no definitely friends it definitely burns okay uh i'll take back in a bit okay sounds good yeah okay there's a blazer right at our house right at our spawner oh god i'm just going to punch him to death give us the rod you got to be kidding me man what the heck i'm used to the fire you can burn me all you want blaze all right i'll do it i'll do it i'll just finish them off guess what did you get it i didn't get it oh my god i hate it how this is absurd i killed another one no rod two three no got it you killed it you got the rod yeah we got one we got one okay that's enough that's enough we can make fire resist from that are we going i guess we're going let's go back come on both places i got both blaze rods yep now the one big big question is did it work does this work i hope our whole theory of winning is based on this 100 of what we are doing is based on the idea that fire resist potions will work yes we made it back okay legendary the thing that might be our salvation three two one [Music] it works i'll make more potions and you can get some food oh i just took damage what from what from all damage no fire damage okay you got me so scared okay we'll just build here we'll just build scared you you forgot i have fire resist i'm just kidding chat i keep jumping into lava and spooking chat it's great oh i got the lapis no way yeah i got lapis weekend i'm going back i'm going back we can enchant now let's see what this diamond sword can get to me knock back in sharpness one sharpness one sure why not boom yeah where's that beautiful let's see what the pickaxe has got efficiency one it's better than nothing let's go i mean i guess we could just like go fight blazes now if you want to get all the blaze powder so we need what like eight blaze rods to get um almost guaranteed yeah pretty much guarantee we find it oh i hear blazes i found the spawner i'm at six how are you at i'm at five so we got 11. i mean oh i guess we'll kill these and leave just to prove a point yeah we don't need that we don't need any more he just keeps giving me five resist potions of course when we were like trading with them before it refused to give us any and we got an ender pearl three pearls nice so we have one yeah we had nine now nope how many do we have ten baby ten okay simply you got it i forgot it that's the last one oh god oh no oh no i ran out of juice i'm fine though okay i am making the eyes they are made so man good this is it all right uh you take half i'll take the other half and let's finish this game off sweet yeah that's eight minutes ready and watch it it is around let's go this way minus 118. here we go okay so now it's you see how it used to be 93 118 and now it's minus 94 ish yep which means we're getting closer all right here we go what is this weird phenomenon okay okay that's good we're very close down yeah yeah yeah it's like it's like right goddamn here yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna throw another one once across this water and it's probably gonna turn around and it'll be just like straight down yeah yeah yep straight down from about here nothing oh here it is yeah yeah this is it oh the journey's end the entrance staircase sweet hey you got it let's go man that was a fast portal okay that was you ready i'm ready got a spawn point set i put the bed right beside there all right fire resist saying just in case but hopefully we never see that again you ready [Music] count is down three two one go all right i'll build all right got one there's just that one there got that one i think that's all the towers that's perch that's perch he's going right yeah yeah that's perch you gonna bed okay i didn't get it i was just good okay i'm moving in for the head okay all right these decent hits decent hits not bad perch that's perfect yeah that's perch you go for it ah okay yes oh i don't have more i don't have more okay i'll go we're running we'll run in get him i'm getting them [Applause] [Music] there we go minecraft with the floor is lava yeah man the day one was exhausting but day two crushed it yes episode two let's get the let's get the wither yeah i did some off-stream grinding i got um four soul sand and three wither skeleton skulls yup yup yup yup just what we need let's see if we can do it one two strength potion cheers buddy food let's do this okay all right there he goes oh guys one more shot one more shot i'll just spin around you shoot him i got him okay there we go melee oh i got an enderman after me oh go away oh he's so low oh there we go and there's there's one more there's one more thing we need to do what's that can you give me and yourself a milk bucket three two one cheers end stone doesn't burn us there it is there we go that's it we managed to finish this thing off super fun so be sure to check out fundy if you haven't already thanks so much for watching everybody and i will be back tomorrow
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,857,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, Minecraft But You Can't Touch The Floor..., minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, the floor is lava, floor is lava, lava, minecraft but challenge
Id: 2vHs-8fPAlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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