Speedrunning Flash Games from your childhood

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you know all those flash games you played in the school computer lab i wanted an excuse to play them so i did what i do best and did some speed runs in this video i end the world save bug mars and beat the world's hardest game all as fast as possible here's how it went three two one go uh we're gonna start with um probably virus i imagine that's the easiest one disease name oh god we gotta name it um we're gonna name it corvid because you know crows man what the heck what's up with them huh well we need to increase our infectivity right but reduce symptoms i think that's what we do let's increase our transmission wait where did we start again where do we start in middle east so we're in the middle east where is the middle east again where is the middle east is this that's the middle east okay um let's get some heat resistance uh there's probably a lot of insects in the middle east let's buy that um waterborne we need another point okay good can we can we speed this up is this possible can we go boop boop oh my god yeah yeah there we go there we go let's see what's this country look like 700 800 infected a thousand infected oh my god look at that now it's starting to move okay pause we're gonna buy cold two moisture two drug two uh maybe rodent transmission as well in airborne and now we have a super virus on our hands we don't wanna kill anybody because the visibility will go up um average infections per day a lot uh we're just gonna continue to buy all of these it looks like we can buy everything for tra resistance and then we'll be able to spread super fast let's check this oh wait what's going on the governments of the us begin to begin researching vaccine it looks like things are starting to shut down oh god wait wait wait wait curfews it doesn't even have any symptoms how do they know let's i just need to see is oh no we lost already mad again i don't know how madagascar figured it out but i think this is a dead run like there aren't many healthy people left i think we need to start mass murder diarrhea and fever you say kill the fastest i think we can do better than that yeah it looks like kennedy how did the united states not get infected come on i don't really don't think this game is all that realistic okay disease let's unlock tier two we can buy tier two it's gonna get depression and fatigue so most of the world is depression and fatigue what's new new game all right that one's a reset unfortunate but it happens whooper whooper is gonna destroy the world um our visibility is nothing let's just buy a few different methods of this we started in greenland which is a good one to start in whooping cough oh my god this is genius anyways we're gonna try and stay under the radar here for a little bit diseases arriving everywhere now that we have transmission disease still visibility is nothing there's a few clean regions but we need to hit madagascar and new zealand ideally because those are the hard places to reach governments of earth and been you gotta be kidding me there's no way madagascar isn't shut down yet okay come on madagascar get infected come on there's one going in there's still one going in right no madagascar you've got to be kidding me madagascar you're going to be the only ones left alive you're going to be alone on this planet how many people have died oh you know a billion okay whooper is wiping out the earth except for madagascar apparently it took mercy on that but i mean we got to do this okay looks like people are starting to die um let's check the world again the completion is starting to go a little bit faster let's slow that down a little bit let's um i mean we gave everyone insanity dementia does that slow it down a bit uh diarrhea diarrhea buy okay we bought some diarrhea madagascar is gonna ruin this run if we start in madagascar that could probably be a really good thing approximate days of completion infinity days so i think we're fine on that front um looks like they won't be getting a vaccine for some reason anyone that's left you're tough but uh i'm sorry your liver is no longer there's 815 people left on the planet that that aren't in madagascar no liver only dire mankind has been able to successfully survive despite your best attempts no one is left on earth who was infected by your disease very sad all right that's a reset we're gonna have to try this again all right we're gonna do maybe parasite let's try it low visibility um parasite parasite what are we naming it what's a parasite okay we'll start with transmission of course yes and i just want to get level one resistance on everything and then like maybe it'll be able to spread it's kind of weird that there's an airborne parasite that doesn't really make much sense i'm just imagining a tiny little parasite flying through the air that's kind of terrifying isn't it oh my god okay our disease is starting to kind of pop off right now madagascar still doesn't have it though let's check the world lots of countries still don't have it yet but that's fine oh everything is starting to shut down looks like shipyards are shutting down if if madagascar shuts down we have no chance here it's only west europe and madagascar if we just hit those two places they started researching a vaccine that's scary because how many days how many days are left let's check the world every oh this this has a chance and the approximate day is still completion 29 we need to start killing people disease we're gonna unlock tier two unlock tier three and start think doing things that'll kill people let's unlock hemorrhaging hypersensitivity maybe insanity that well that's slow exposure to your virus it increases the chance of death in the infected shirt let's buy insanity that's gotta slow him down depression is a very visible condition is it really i i'm gonna give everyone depression i'm sorry disease depression bye all right yeah we got madagascar people are getting infected super fast this could be a really good run can't give me what i already have oh no how much like there aren't that many people left but no one is dying is the problem yeah the vaccine is being deployed i mean i the amount of healthy population might start to go up now it has not worked they're so vulnerable okay that that vaccine didn't work that is super good luck i accidentally opened up open office four go away let's just check yeah another s two years let's go okay let's make everyone in the world are really sweaty perfect i think we'll win this i think we're gonna win this one this might be a sub 10 minute run um yeah everyone's infected so we can just start killing people oh it's it's basically it's going from greenland it's like oh what ports are open okay looks like the u.s is closed oh it looks like that's closed okay it looks like okay that's close no i i would like to land somewhere please we're starting to serve yeah unfortunately it looks like the people will survive as the people that are in this ship are still alive and well who's gonna die first who's gonna get taken out first new zealand new zealand got taken out no signs of life and madagascar more like mega ass scar got him everyone's dying how much how many people are left one thousand wait oh my god we're about to win and come on die already united states yes time your disease has managed to exterminate humans off the face of the earth it's just that easy everyone's dead okay let's move on to the next game apparently someone once says we need to play um what's it called again frog fractions revolutionary the absolute best way to teach your child about fractions is is this just a game that teaches you fractions no i mean okay let's just go play what do we do okay okay i see it four out of seven seven over three cybernetic brain anything your regular old frog brain can do this newfangled cybernetic frog brain can do better sure oh my god is this scientific notation now i have no idea what's going on is this the whole game okay we're gonna get turtle upgrade your turtle to a friend you can ride him and grab fruit to the side okay can you go up okay you can go down what fruit like a billion yo wait can we go up now are the are they shooting at me oh my god they are shooting at me this is now a bullet hell game warp drive [Music] oh what the heck glad you could finally make it lieutenant hop run this something tells me this game isn't about fractions good flying with you lieutenant hop see you on the other side what are you talking about oh wait can we suck the the legs off or lick the legs off oh you hit the end of the legs okay got it oh something's happening oh no i'm under arrest mr hobb charges against your severe accused of breaking and entering into our native habitat bug mars with the intent to prolong our delicious space fruit how do you plead amphibious your honor are you sure you don't want a lawyer these charges carry a minimum sentence of 20 years hard labor how do you like to become a naturalized citizen of bug mars our bug flag has four stripes what do they represent protecting my precious space fruit from you goddamn commie space bugs your honor um bugs a little bit on the nose isn't it what is bug snooki's favorite flavor of ice cream does she eat bugs uh jerk question ice cream is unheard of on bob mars because of the climate yes they don't have they don't have ice cream we're gonna fire you into the sun but instead you've decided to issue a work visa if you'll just sign here box box box everyone loves a center signature [Music] my can we go down in mars we can go down in mars as conceived in 1632 by portuguese printing press operator andre felipe boxing was a gentleman's game in which two men would square off and regale each other with stories monotonous for days on end is this like a bennett foddy game a lot of you guys are saying the speedrun is very unoptimized i don't think you realize that this is basically just an excuse to play flash games wait what's this are we escaping bug mars is that it this is a story that you interact with by entering simple english comments a text-based adventure now engine room nearly every service in this room is covered with a sticky pink coop which seems to be thicker near a gray machine sitting in the corner dang it you definitely plot a course back to bug mars the engines roar and you feel you've been transmogrified into a human form you awake with the start what a horrible dream candidate hop what say you the allegations that you're not a natural-born citizen that you're under 35 and that you're a frog wait what what i've never done anything like this before i mean i guess i got through it is this the end did i win it's not over how many zork myths do you want to order nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine there we go i guess we'll let your successor worry about the inflation problem awesome okay okay wait presidential swimming pool let's relax dude when you're done taking a break we need to get back to work huh okay oh we can't lick anything maybe we can and that's time 41 minutes well what are we playing now world's hardest game three two one go uh play game all right this is fine okay i've definitely played this one before i i feel like everyone's played this one before got it okay death is a reset no how the hell do you oh i'm not the i thought it was the yellow dot for it i thought i was the yellow dot my bad that one was easy how did what what easy okay this one's easier than your okay i didn't okay i didn't realize we're getting personal with things go go go go go don't you speak about my mother like that good and we just gotta slip through this center now yeah we're perfectly safe um okay i'm just that good guys okay i find speedrun skips even when i'm not trying world record is five minutes for this that's crazy probably zero deaths too i bet right the song kind of slaps [Music] i can't imagine it gets boring right or old okay we can't die anymore damn no i ruined it i ruined it the road to 420 begins just got to get there not even halfway through the game it's it's the heart world's hardest game you'd expect it to take a little bit longer than you know five minutes [Music] got it what the hell this doesn't seem that bad in a speed run this seems terrible yeah okay inconsistent hitboxes i like how this game has a sequel the world's hardest game too i thought i thought the first one was the is the world's hardest game no longer the world's hardest game now why is it still called the world's hardest game if it has a sequel anyways that was close this level seems significantly easier than the last one i'm gonna be honest with you the impossible quiz we already did we've already played that on stream i actually couldn't do it i guess it is impossible okay there we go okay all right all right we know how to gamer focus no thinking only gaming come on i i wasn't thinking hard enough i was only gaming you have to have a balance of thinking and gaming got it how the hell do you i missed the button my finger just missed the key good okay that one was way easier this one's so hard you'll never do what wait wait oh the hitboxes are fixed on this one uh the thing is now we'll have to come back that was yeah lose focus for just a moment that's what happens oh i was trying a new strat we're not going to see 420 i will not let it [Music] i'll not let it happen i will not let it go past 4 20. what i was on the other square [Music] god finally think i can just make it if i hold it yeah this should wait a minute this is i think this is just supposed to trying to overwhelm you no never mind they actually do play a purpose got it hold right from the beginning ah good strategy hold upright from the beginning it worked once we'll make it eventually yo wait a minute huh um okay interesting but we got it oh my god how the hell are you how gotta keep going okay [Music] man we got every one of them too okay this one doesn't see it doesn't appear that hard on the surface i wonder if it like actually is difficult or not the hardest part will probably be getting up all right shouldn't take more than two deaths sure wait do we just hold no please tell me you don't have to do these all in one take and how the hell do you do those diagonal ones let's just do the easy one i have no idea how to get on the edge though how i i don't see a path okay it might just be tap diagonal [Music] wait a minute it's a lot easier than it looks okay oh wow okay well never actually it's not bad at all oh okay what the heck is this come on this should be easy right what if i can get onto the edge i wonder if it'd be easy if i just get onto the edge you know let's try that i think that would be fun okay oh it is a checkpoint let's go okay guess what we're doing we're just rushing through the rest of the game baby want his bottle oh god yeah we're gonna get pretty damn good at these switchovers they suck but we gotta do them here follow this one and go switch over never mind you gotta switch over earlier than that got it gotta follow this one down ready and go yeah we can make it through this we should be able to get to the checkpoint all right we made it to the checkpoint oh oh i just saw the top side what the f up and then zigzag we can't zigzag there's a huge wall that's moving left and right don't get hit okay get back on those ah that's the wrong way damn it i made it through dude gonna follow this one up okay i feel like there's a really easy way to do this i don't know what it is but it feels like there's an easy way to do this this one seems easier than the last for sure though yay okay like see what i did there how do you make it so you don't get hit by that in the middle it's so hard because here's the thing your brain has to like comprehend two different patterns at once and you can't you have to keep like it's like a poly rhythm these stupid blueberries [Music] are destroying my psyche ow okay just focus here don't mess up i didn't mess up the following level is impossible okay impossible sure okay what do we got here okay we got some slow moving balls and some fast moving ones okay we got yeah two going around the perimeter they move way faster than me i don't know what it is but like this one doesn't seem as oh god okay what this one doesn't seem as bad [Music] no cycles oh you say that every round but like this one does seem kind of easy it's just okay like they sink up sometimes and create like a solid wall that's so hard to get through like right there here's a wall like how do you get through that i guess you turn into it and wait for it to turn yeah i guess you anticipate the turn there safe zone wait for them to fix i'm not gonna wait it's just it's uh it's a speed run we can't wait for cycles to get easier we just gotta get good okay move that across good that okay okay okay don't wall me okay it was close okay okay okay okay death wall no these damn walls dude and down and up mm-hmm i have to hide here go back yep slide past back to the center or here go back yep three hours 23 minutes oh i should have practiced before i did that one huh but you know i'm curious as to where that would put me on the leaderboard let's just check that puts me 40th in the world but honestly that took it out of me man that really took it out of me i think i'll probably call it a day here i know we only got through three games but like i'm kind of exhausted i we got a participation trophy exactly um we are going to raid
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,951,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smallant, speedrun, flash games, frog fractions, speedrunning, meme speedruns, eazyspeezy, plague inc, the worlds hardest game, worlds hardest game
Id: axlRyqKPB6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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