So how much easier are Minecraft Speedruns IF you cheat?

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When runs usually rely on nether luck very much so, much easier

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Vast2_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Bastion runs give a lot of gold. Runners can easily get more than 30 pearls without any cheats. TapL got 38 pearls in his new pb. He still had 15 by the time he finished the run. (small edit: he had an additonal 3 eyes, that he crafted and didn't need)

I have no idea what the other stacks of pearls would be good for. In a classic run on the other hand, the runner left with 2-3 pearl trades.

Sounds to me like he got some kind of god seed and cannot use it as pb now because of the mod. Actually kind of hilarious.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Glittering_Orange_97 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

SmallAnt is a legend.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Turtleurtle0901- ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Not a commentary/drama vid, just a speedrunner (Smallant) trying to determine how much of a difference the mod Dream was using makes. He also uses the most current 1.16 strats, some of which werenโ€™t discovered at the time of Dreamโ€™s 1.16 runโ€”some of them make the modโ€™s impact significantly more noticeable.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ImNotHere137 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 03 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so dream the biggest minecraft youtuber and speedrunner in the world recently admitted on twitter to accidentally cheating in his minecraft speedruns the plug-in he was unknowingly using increased blaze rod drops gave better luck on the piglet bartering increased ender pearl drops from endermen and lowered the chance of eyes of ender breaking these four things are all critically important when speedrunning minecraft as luck makes or breaks these runs so as someone who's been trying out speedrunning minecraft recently the thought crossed my mind how much easier did this actually make his runs so we're going to explore that exact question i'm going to find out how much easier it really is so what's our starting point well my personal best time to beat minecraft with a random seed and no glitches is 19 minutes 32 seconds actually only seven seconds slower than dream's best accidental cheated run and i haven't submitted it to the leaderboard or anything i'm mostly doing it for the fun of it but if my time was on the leaderboard i'd be around 350th place in the world so not too bad for someone that does it once or twice a week but nowhere near the top level minecraft speedrunners those guys grind out runs like 12 hours a day every day and huge respect to their dedication and commitment anyways i got my hands on a mod that does the exact same thing that dream described better luck on those four key things and i started up runs using the mod only to find that it made for a completely different experience to what i was used to here's how it went i eat some food this is a terrible entry but like whatever all right we're not splitting today i don't have splits okay um the first run that made it to the nether happened to spawn me directly on a fortress and i immediately started taking out blazes there's a rod oh another rod oh my god oh my lord oh this is all completely different experience oh i'm excited to kill blazes now i'm not afraid of them anymore this portion of the run for me generally takes like five minutes maybe three if i get lucky and this time i was in and out of the fortress two minutes unfortunately there weren't any piglets around so i ended up having to kill the run and start a new one a few runs later i got into the nether and saw an opportunity to try out some piglen bartering for ender pearls all right nine minutes this is slow but because we have good luck our bastion should be significantly faster than usual we're gonna pick that up there we go all right now we deliberately piss them off and it is now manhunt now follow me down into this hole and i can trade with them and let's watch these trades it was refreshing to have such good luck okay my god we have so many pearls there's no fortress within 300 blocks yikes i'm literally just gonna go in a straight line and hope we hit it don't hit him oh i'm so sorry no i didn't mean it i can't purl again or else we'll just die so one more for fun oh we're dead never mind all right runs dead no fortress anyways that sucked with all of this incredible albeit forced luck all that i needed was a single decent world like it it didn't even have to be good just decent that'd be enough to save massive amounts of time and only two hours into the stream i got one oh wait village okay ruin portal okay if we get obsidian from this i mean we need a lot of obsidian wait a minute wait that's enough to finish it okay because there's lava in the portal give me four so two thirds chance we all know that's a hundred percent raw let's go 100 every time good entry with basically everything you could ever want good to go let's go all right yes this is what i wanted light myself on fire not the portal all right four and a half minutes fortress in a bastion let's find the bastion it's this way oh it's right here that's a fortress piglen's a trade with and blazes to kill this was it a run that could really showcase the true advantage of having such absurd luck this gas screws up my run i'm gonna be a little frustrated [Music] [Music] gotta do this route normally in a bastion like this you'd expect maybe 16 pearls and a few extra if you're lucky in this run though that was not the case at all everybody in the hole time to trade give me everything i could ever oh my god now that's dream look all right uh oh there's more pearls oh my god look at how many this is stupid this is an insane amount of pearls like this is a bit much slow down i don't this is oh my god what is this this is absolutely absurd we only okay we need two uh two obsidian oh my god okay i left the bastion with 74 ender pearls way more than you would ever need in a run like like ever okay come on drop it drop it and we're going all right 16 eyes optimal blind travel this way i think this was my fastest pace i had ever been on by a long shot the portal dropped me just under an ocean yes we could just this way all right that's towards an ocean is that it oh my god how far was that blind okay we have six beds we have one in our inventory i think right yeah we have seven beds okay let's see if we can find the the portal room exposed portal rooms exposed it's right there one eye oh no we only have 16. what the hell okay let's make our beds and sleep in it too not quite though six one two three four five six and seven is that perching that's a perch okay right side focus all right well um that's a 13 minute 31 second time that is the fastest i've beat minecraft by six minutes [Music] took me two and a half hours this mod makes minecraft so easy i've been trying for six months to get a time under 20 minutes and in two and a half hours i got 13. that would have been that that's eighth in the world right now there are eight people that have a better run than that in conclusion this good luck mod basically turned speed runs into easy mode i never needed to worry about bad luck i didn't have to do any backup strategies i didn't even play the seeds super well runs with times like this usually take dedicated runners months of constant grinding to get the luck just right to get their records if i submitted this run as legitimate i could have gone from an okay casual runner to a world class top 10 speedrunner in a day it just wouldn't be fair at all and i'm really glad the whole situation is finally starting to work itself out but anyways thanks so much for watching if you want to watch other content from me remember to subscribe i really do appreciate it i've got lots of exciting stuff coming but for now i'll see you next time
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,466,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, speedrun, dream, cheating, dream luck, speedrunning, speedrunner, smallant1, challenge, modded minecraft
Id: fVxhXG7whho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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