How I beat Minecraft's WEIRDEST Official Update

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for april fools this year a version of minecraft was released that completely changes how the game works they got rid of the inventory system you can only ever hold one thing at a time and there's no crafting grid is it even possible to beat minecraft like this well yes but it's very weird here's how i did it let's get into this okay so we can see that there is no inventory if i press e my inventory button nothing happens but anyways you can pick up a block and you can place down a block and we're gonna be minecraft like this so my first idea i can't actually craft anything so right now the game is just mine but if we can find a village they have crafting tables we need to run until we can find a village so we can craft some like tools i mean we'll only be able to hold one tool that's better than nothing so we're just gonna run for a little bit can you hold multiple the same block no wait what happens if i press q you cannot throw blocks use offhand oh my god wait wait wait yeah yeah yeah wait but we're two handing it where'd it go oh wait a minute wait can we hold two exploit oh my god okay this is huge we just doubled our inventory space that is absolutely massive try aiming up and right clicking a village oh my is that a portal okay that that's enough lava we can get to the nether oh no wait isn't it only desert villages that have crafting tables oh this is gonna suck what structures have crafting tables um igloos and desert villages spruce villages as well okay oh my god i bet there's a crafting table in here ah that's a little rare okay we need to find a crafting table in here there's got to be one okay uh no no no no no okay maybe i'm wrong maybe there aren't any um any crafting tables in here but i thought there would be man why did they make these so rare and so useless right freak off frick off what the hell where'd it go where'd it go wait what okay shoot him go get him get him get him shoot him oh my god oh this is the best okay how do i get rid of them okay i could toss them i could toss them this is so good we can just control these guys and have infinite bow and arrows i want to pick up something else come here hey move let's go wow i'm strong a peace offering for the village i come bearing gifts now give me a crafting table villagers i wonder if a chicken works like a paraglider like you fall slower i'm gonna try it next chicken i see we're doing it oh chicken here we go here we go wait really it actually acts like a paraglider oh my god wait what you can fly you can fly okay okay we're here with the chicken all right where's our crafting table bam what the hell ah ow what is hurting me by a falling block okay um so we can't craft anything how do we make eyes of ender i was told that it is beatable you have to throw a crafting table on the ground are you are you sure i'm just gonna be honest i feel like this isn't gonna work chat wouldn't lie to me you wouldn't right you wouldn't waste my time on april fools the crafting table has to be in the middle yeah a likely story just throw it upwards oh true true true wait check this out yeah yeah i thought you guys were lying new recipes unlocked check your book yeah my book thanks really great all right here we go doing we're doing sticks this is so stupid it does work okay oh i guess so pickaxe for mining make a stone pickaxe i don't have stone yet we're about to get stone though no it's one use you get you get one use so you just can't use tools tools work fine they're just in one use that's not fine wait we have soap touch hands you guys say right that initial village had um a a ruined portal we could punch out a rune portal and and complete it it's gonna take a little bit but a hundred percent we can get obsidian yeah for anyone curious this is snapshot 22w13 one block at a time okay we're gonna set our spawn here and i'm just gonna punch out obsidian and pick it up um i think what we do is we punch out that corner that corner that piece up there and then this piece here wait how many minutes does this take four minutes per is it possible to make at least like a stone pickaxe you should get gas for the ed what does ed mean am i about to say eat these nuts or something is that is that what's about to happen oh ender dragon it's been longer than four minutes this is taking way longer than four minutes what are we doing here it hasn't even been four minutes it's been three minutes this is imagine if it didn't give me it it just plays like like the witch laughing sound instead wouldn't that be fun doesn't it take eight minutes don't don't no don't do that it takes four minutes okay that is correct right here yes if we can just get like a better tool like let's see do we need to haul a crafting table all the way over here pick up a cat and you'll run faster really doesn't feel like i'm running any faster 100 i am all right well that's nice at least wait and you guys said i could stack ah [Applause] i may have picked up the creeper i'm going to become a wall of death does that would have binoculars what the hell die die do you dare approach me would you like to join the turret collective why don't we cap it off with a good little friend here hello no oh what have i created oh god wait i created a super skeleton uh anyways okay well that was fun but we need we need to make some progress we need to get to the nether we just need to find another crafting table and then we'll bring it back to spawn okay wait spruce village potentially over here i'm not sure that you can actually beat the game i can beat the game i will beat the game boots wait you guys said if i throw it up does that count wait that one worked ow ow ow ow i have no idea what's going on anyways okay we need a crafting table let's grab a grab and table get the heck out of here we're gonna grab this and we're gonna leave okay this should make four crafting tables i think this this really doesn't work as expected but you know it it gets the job done there we go there's some crafting tables all right so this should uh make up five pickaxes there we go okay okay so this should take less than four minutes now i don't know how long it's like a minute right and okay maybe we did spend nearly an hour to save eight minutes mining obsidian but it was a fun hour okay we picked up skeletons and chickens and foxes and dolphins there we go we just gotta and let's go get one or more of those pickaxes because you can only use them once apparently oh my god there's a flinted steel right there okay here we go balm one more one more we just gotta dig out a corner the final obsidian piece now we need to light it somehow but not you does this work it does time to go to the nether an hour and a half in apparently you can throw blocks at enemies and it will hurt them so that's how we're gonna kill blazes i guess uh but we do need to find a fortress now we're exploring there's a fortress so close let's go now there's like a decent chance i die here they're gonna shoot me and set me on fire hope only one spawns yeah ow ow ow ow ow ow i'm dead i'm alive did they they burned my block yeah yeah we could kidnap a blaze and then run away with it to isolate it that's so true okay come with me can we fly with you we cannot fly with you oh he's mine he's almost okay i snagged him you are going to sit in this room like a good blaze come on die eat slime whoa no rod it's a 50 50 chance okay time to go kidnap this one of them walk here wait for the fire zigzag zigzag zigzag they're angry i kidnapped their best friend running running we got the strat ooh they're shooting me still okay okay grab the cream beat them up eat them up this is working no rod no rod why are there just random bricks around no is that how this works wait a minute it's smelting the netherrack wait where'd the what the heck why is it on my head we got a rod pick up a chicken uh we're gonna go back really quick to spawn now okay good we're gonna go through now don't please don't deal oh no re-light it oh my god okay wait i put this down here can i do this i'm holding fire in my hands okay okay so the next step is getting a um an ender pearl ender pearl let's go it's time to go make an eye of ender okay we have our blaze rod and wait how do how do i put it down okay that works i i do have to craft this in the blaze powder though ah it did it did it let's go okay so now we need to go grab the ender pearl and then please work yo alright we have an eye no no okay wait maybe i need to put it in the off hand i really thought that i could just hold crouch and right click and it would work as usual i was wrong um but apparently you guys are saying that fortress chests can help because i specifically ignore them because i was like what are they going to give us nothing all right let's see what this gives me it's got to be the most tedious challenge one of all time it is it's kind of fun i'm like with the the extra like chicken ability and stuff i'm having a good time what is it going to have interesting you can pick them up so we just need to find a bunch of these then can you build an end portal in the nether does that work you know what we'll do we'll we'll build it at our portal and if it doesn't work we'll rebuild it in the overworld this is going to take forever oh my god i'll try tossing the portal straight up oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute if it's not what we want we just grab it from the air [Music] among us how do i how do i put this back down i might need to just die wait whoa whoa okay so we throw it up move over [Music] one is in place okay what is the name of this mod um 22w13 i don't know the mod creators they just they're really not good with the whole naming scheme thing it's weird okay we got one grab our chicken again all right let's go back that's around direction please please turn not that way turn up that's down there there we go check this good ha ha two four of twelve one third done this this chicken thing is real cool though i like like this makes the nether so much more fun to explore they should implement this into the real game picking up chickens to act as paragliders yeah wait dev in chat is the dev like actually in chat you made this according to twitter seems to be true pog that's so sick can i build a portal in the nether i guess i mean you if you of anyone would know i would assume i'll check the code i didn't write the portal stuff bro he's checking the code we're out of chess in this fortress we gotta go find a new one i'm gonna check another quadrant the eye of ender code was entirely deleted that is so funny they just said no more eyes of ender no thanks no strongholds for you oh we found another fortress let's go let's hold them two we need to put this on our head and i'll throw it up it'll hit me in the head and now among us why do another chest have obsidian portal blocks b to me dude i i don't know oh no i can't take damage i can't get hit even once or else i'll lose the block and like i'll die [Music] oh he's getting mighty close there [Music] we're fine making it through another 130 blocks it's a straight shot yeah right over here look look look we're almost there put this in place for now and then we're gonna deliberately take damage we're gonna go pop oh that's ten blocks below us it's so deep let's just grab our chicken and try again cause you have one two three four five and then six yeah we're good so so close wtf are you seeing uh i am punching an end portal frame in the nether it'll eventually break and now i'm holding it and now i'm holding it in my off hand which is also a pocket dimension but just wait it gets better because i will be picking up another one holding it in my regular hand but that's not good enough because we also need to hold the chicken all right let's go how do you get off how do you get it off how do how do you get it off um crazy uh i take damage [Music] there you need to rotate it into place i think we may have to ow ah that the dude just jumped in that helmet just frisbeed over to me what the heck okay all right god that was scary the last two portal blocks that we need all right please activate please please yeah i didn't think so all right so now we have the fun job of uh manually lifting them up and putting them down one at a time there we go nice i hate kids you monster no don't worry i hate adults too all right three sides finished one side left hey one left the moment of truth if it doesn't work what are you gonna do probably cry like a lot come on come on come on give it to me already come on oh here we go i probably need to manually place it instead of throw it for the last one it's not copium it's not copium okay what i'll take it let's jump in and see what it looks like we probably won't be able to kill the dragon like this but let's just go and see what i'm going to try something it must have been bugged this time it'll work this has just been 40 minutes that's a that's all just 40 minutes of waiting and now it's lit oh my god please work please work please work please work it works uh this would be a good time to have a bathroom break or uh go to sleep for the night maybe yes yes they just they can just hold anything wait this one is holding a waterlogged slab anyways okay let's get all this stuff to kill the under dragon and there we go all right now just don't get hit by the dragon we have our incredible turret a little lower but it works and it works let's go whoa the the skeleton shoots where you look oh that is so nice because we can just hover over top of this and just wait for one to make it through ha whoa that explosion is sick yes now we're having a fight with the dragon grab it i could grab the dragon okay the chicken died now we just wait for the perch apparently what happens now [Music] we're riding the dragon ride the end yo wait are we in control of the dragon wait we are in control of the dragon oh that's the wrong button ride the end extra good luck all right there's no dragon health bar anymore does that mean the central portal is just active it is we don't need to kill the dragon you can just ride it it's gonna be time ready 50709 we beat it pacifist ending good ending we beat the april fool's release official release of minecraft
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,594,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q1E5VqCzgss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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