Half in the Bag Episode 35: The Amazing Spider-man

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Unfortunately his Police Academy formula falls apart in the context of Spiderman reboots.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/spreedom 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

my god, they look so much younger

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/anincompoop25 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

I watched this review this morning. I think this was during the Nolan phase of superhero movies where everyone besides Marvel/Disney was dipping their toe in playing their fantastical characters more straight. Amazing Spider-Man and Man of Steel being the most blatant offenders.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/Hopefulmisery 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

All I can think of when watching that video is Kirsten's cunst

Edit: Reference

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Designer-Broccoli-10 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Is No Way Home the new Dune?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/MamaDeloris 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wow! Mike is a crypto-intellectual, and he's got a solid theory here. But that ain't just about Far From Home, that's the state of blockbusters these days, even under Covid days.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/InvisibleLeftHand 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt had some fictional musical called like "Spider-Man 5: too many Spider-Men"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/whatisscoobydone 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
previously on lost what's going on what am i doing Jay what's happening I don't know oh look like a cookout No aah oh my god they have weapons is this the end for half in the bag were you talking to me what we better run come with me if you want to live half in the bag me underwears hey thanks for helping us out back there yeah we really appreciate it yeah I think those guys were gonna kill us yeah it's really no big deal yeah believe it or not that kind of thing happens to me all the time on my lunch break really Oh what you guys are free to hang out here in the back of my comic book shop yeah so that he dies down oh wow yeah we would appreciate that all right is there anything around here we could read or do oh you know I've got a copy of the UH the new amazing spider-man film you mean the one that's in the theaters now oh yeah I've got a camera above it oh is it on your computer out there iPads oh god I got my data cam yeah not like that digital [ __ ] yeah I wasn't very easy smuggling in a 75-pound camera into the movie theater but I just slapped code on it passed it off was my [ __ ] child work like a charm yeah so Jay what do you say you want to watch the amazing spider-man with this weird guy it's better than killing myself well that was that hey why did we stand here and watch the movie there's two and a half hours long well to be fair it only felt like five hours yeah you know if you're gonna steal cars don't dress like a car thief you found my weakness in small knives the amazing spider-man is the new reboot reimagining remake thing about spider-man most recently directed by Sam Raimi this version however is directed by some guy named Mark Webb who are you talking to be quiet he's doing his intro please continue the amazing spider-man tells the story we've seen already except this time with a lizard instead of a man in a plastic Halloween mask the plot was clearly stolen from the 1971 films at as the lizard wants to turn humans into his own kind for either superiority reasons or lack of an arm complex or something spider-man must stop him I guess so between the three of us here rich I think you're the only one that has a lot of history with spider-man what do you what is your past experiences with spider-man no I've been a huge spider-man fan probably since I was 15 and Marvel doesn't want me to be a spider-man fan they keep telling me to go [ __ ] myself they don't like me they want little kids to read the books and I can go [ __ ] my so it's like the opposite of Batman but would you consider yourself like a spider-man expert day I guess sure you was surety close to them okay old-school spider-man expert I like I'm very out of the loop with this one you don't watch like the kiddie cartoon shows I haven't I haven't been buying the books for like the better part of a decade now oh wow so okay well I think it's only fair that we ask rich first what he thought of the movies so rich what did you think of the amazing spider-man better luck next time oh no yeah that's a good way to put it yeah I would say uh Sam Raimi FTW I gotta say I'll say this before before this movie I think it's come up before that I wasn't the biggest fan of the Sam Raimi spider-man hmm I know have a new appreciation for the Sam Raimi spider-man well I would say that the tone of the movie is the biggest one of the biggest problems because it is played a little more straight a little more realistically but that makes things like giant lizard monsters stand out even more than it would in the Sam Raimi universe to say the least tone and inconsistency is the problem with this movie that's that's the main thing now because it goes from very serious dramatic moments to kind of really bizarre kind of trying attempts of comedy the one thing that being light-hearted there's that part when they're playing basketball and he's playing basketball after he's gained as Spidey powers yeah there's like fun music playing and it's like when did this become a comedy all this ugh well the one thing that sticks out to me that was a groaner scene and I noticed you groaned when we watched it on your television over there yeah yeah um was when Spiderman or whatever his name Peter Peter Parker is that it yes he goes into the police station and he's trying to convince Denis Leary that there's a lizard running around and it reminded me that scene from gremlins when um oh that goes into into the police station and that the police are just drunk and they're like and they're making fun of his little monsters and he's like there's a giant lizard running around New York's and I'm like but you would have me believe that he in his spare time is running around dressed up like a giant dinosaur not dressing up in on a dinosaur he has transformed himself into a giant lizard and it sounds ridiculous saying there's a giant lizard running on sitting so it's like they didn't know how to handle that particular material the concept of a lizard man running around is schlocky and silly and stupid but then they they have that counterbalanced with serious dramatic relationship parents dead girlfriend Bulova so it's like those two elements should not be in the same movie and that scene was when they had to work together I've made enemies powerful enemies put those I love in danger but the one thing that has haunted me my entire life is finding the truth about my parents I try to just watch the movie and sort of keep whatever is outside the movie out of it just watch the movie this one it was almost impossible to do that with one because the Sam Raimi movies are still popular they're still fresh in people's minds they're not that old and to all the the politics behind why this movie was made it's almost impossible to look at it as a movie that they don't even wanted to make right it just comes across like something that was made to keep spider-man in people's minds and keep a franchise alive and then move on like that's all it feels like we just say that this movie portrayed spider-man more accurately than the Sam Raimi one which one did in costume with the quips this movie was probably a bit more accurate the jokey Spiderman that's kind of what they did with this okay uh as far as Peter Parker I don't think either of them really get it quite right though I'm this is one of those things where I'm probably too big a fan there's probably no actor they can ever find that will really satisfy me in that role what about Ben Affleck what about burgess Meredith maybe well I remember when we talked about the Fright Night remake and I was saying how they everything they changed to sort of justify doing a remake was for the worse and I kind of feel the exact same way about this the the Uncle Ben getting killed thing was was completely just it just happened and glossed over and it didn't affect spider-man as a character really at all for the rest of the movie yeah it's like oh he's gone and then the movie just keeps going it had no sort of impact or any kind of weight to it yeah I remember that being the most exciting moment in the Sam Raimi one yeah not when Uncle Ben gets killed but when you know like Peter Parker's their Uncle Ben's dad you hear like the police radio it's like my god I'm on the Romneys on then sick today and he puts his math it's good stuff and it goes back to me right then and it's effective like it was it distracting to you that Uncle Ben and Aunt May were Sally Field and Martin Sheen yes yeah but then yeah so the first hour or so of the movie is basically the exact same beats from the Sam Raimi one pretty much in different order minor variations but but less effective I would say like the Sam Raimi one too the first half of the movie where he gets the powers he's learning how to use the powers he's accidentally smashing the alarm and the sam raimi kind of did that to where he doesn't know how to use his powers yet yeah those are the best parts of both two movies and then in both movies they introduced the lame supervillain plot yeah and the movies instantly go down here perhaps I see same in both movies it's a superhero origin problem but we've discussed before it's whenever they establish him as the hero once that's in place the movie just goes boom yeah what does the interesting part is learning to be a hero yeah exactly I I did like I did like the way like the crime-fighting evolved in this way yeah it's gonna but it was a different take where it started officers like the revenge thing I'm gonna get the one guy and it wasn't like a sudden ship like now I'm gonna be a superhero protection city it was well now I'm gonna get the mask yeah now I'm gonna get the web-shooters it took its time a little more developing how he becomes spider-man yeah well we were discussing uh earlier the the sequence where he you were talking about the sequence where he builds his costume in this I saw that and he he sees the wrestler mask and then he goes home and he they kind of show him putting it together over his shoulder and then all of a sudden he has it and I was like hey neat he's gonna make that spider-man costume and I thought for a second he was going to knit his spider-man costume maybe make it out of like the web material super something super strong and durable yeah because in the Tobey Maguire version and this one they it's like this high school kid who lives in his aunt's house and all of a sudden he's got this movie quality costume out of nowhere so I thought they were going to show him like knitting the costume together like a spider would knit a web yeah he could hang in the corner of his room and hang upside down go with like threads and yes and and like show that the leg come out and like he made it like a spider made it yeah I was like that's gonna be great when I Oh didn't happen no it just has a cheap looking mask and then a couple scenes later yeah the full costume and what I was saying was this that's easier to accept in the Sam Raimi version because it's a little more fantastical a little more realist unrealistic so you're just like okay I guess he has a spider-man costume now but on this one where it's played relatively serious and more realistic yeah it's it's less believable that he would just have this great costume so rich Evans and everything I know about spider-man all the villains are a good-natured good-hearted scientist gets sucked into his own creation goes crazy and then dies at the end why is every villain like that because you have one man who wrote all the stories I think Stanley just has a fondness for dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde mm that that's desperate that's less to the best of my knowledge that's why it's just Stanley it's what he likes well spreader Minh doesn't really I don't think he has a lot of people say the green goblin is an arch-nemesis I don't think spider-man has a great arch-nemesis okay the green Goblin's motives to me have always been pretty weak it's always been I'm gonna get you spider-man because you beat me there's nothing really my personal about it's not that other other than spider-man beat him it's not like it's not like the Batman and Joker where they're just completely contrasting ideologies it's like Anarchy versus order it doesn't really there's nothing spider-man doesn't have anything comparable alas just this guy's a bad guy I gotta fight him now well listen movies certainly captures that I gotta stop him do you think what happened to you Peter was an accident do you have any fear the the thrust of the drama in the spider-man comic books hasn't been the villains they're just obstacles yeah it's always been how his personal life is affected by him being spider-man and that's why I mama comes yeah and that's what I like spider-man to so much I mean I think that's the best spider-man movie can would you agree as a spider-man guy spider-man - oh yeah yeah yeah that's cuz that's that whole movie is just personal [ __ ] being piled up topping those other things and that's the comic book yeah built like a soap opera okay you never get a sense for who Peter Parker is in this you never get a sense of what the villain really wants or what he's after other than he's gonna make everybody like I'm sad about my stomp er it's so sad stumpy arm every line of dialogue about my stumpy arm oh I turn into a lizard monster now I want to take over also Peter Parker was a [ __ ] because I was I was frustrated with him when after a lizard man is smashing a bridge up and after just having a scene with dr. Connors about regenerating limbs and turning humans into hybrid DNA he goes oh I got some questions about lizards smashing things and then and then finally at the end of the scene he's a guy I don't know why you're sorry just a blood and he's got like scales and Peter Parker's like oh I would I would have even gone to Oscorp who else would turn out a lizard monster you sure about that what are you reading oh this is the new issue of geek magazine oh it has spider-man on the cover I see that yeah there's an interview with director Marc Webb did they pick him because his last name is Webb yeah so there's some quotes in here I will read you okay um this is I think this is by one of the producers on the ending I can't tell you the final reason but I think when you walk out of the theater it leaves you with a provocative ending you've never seen anything like it or felt anything like it in a superhero movie it defies traditional storytelling in the end and I'm really proud of it you mean like like entirely different like first spider-man movie you haven't seen something like this in a superhero movie the authenticity and intensity of that relationship is something that's very unique did did every interviewing Pinocchio oh my god he says 3d one two three four five six seven eight nine times in this paragraph 3d 3d 3d threes in 3d 3ds great but Super Bass the producer it's the Rick McCallum syndrome yeah everything's great yes yeah everything it's it's their job it's their job to lie I guess I know that sounds like an easy one but I feel very strongly about the use of 3d in our film there are movies that are meant to be in 3d and then there are movies that are not meant to be in 3d we shot our movie in 3d and we choreographed it in 3d and it was meant to be made in 3d that's what separates us from so many 3d movies people have seen in 3d you added some of those 3d I did max oh my lord in simplest terms it was a jumbled mess yeah and it was a rehash of of the I'm gonna spread gas all over the city the magical gas those bad things and you got the staple of these movies they've been doing this since 89 yeah Joker speaking of Batman I'm now remembering that Batman Begins also has a plot where the bad guy wants to spray gas all over the city I'm sure that's just a huge coincidence how many comic book movies have to end with the bad guy wanting to spread a gas or a chemical agent all over the city to do something to all the citizens let's figure that you seriously want a list of little this the original bat in got an 89 one okay the drug the Joker will spray the laughing gas everywhere okay Batman begin begins Liam Neeson wants to spray the gas all over loosen an hallucinogenic yes yeah there's also the original x-men movie from 1999 magneto was going to do something on the Statue of Liberty that infected all the dignitaries or turned them all into mutants so I've got number three um there's this movie The Amazing Spiderman what happened in Blankman did they do this is like me she's one what other dumb minor point I want to bring up about the gas plot why was that like a hyper complicated machine who's like secret invention that we could never use it was too dangerous it's a [ __ ] mortar they could have done that in World War two I mean the graves it up a building and it's like charging up it's charging two minutes to detonation yeah I just shoots it up in the air and explodes it's a science thing what could he just push button the chemical light up and explode where did have to charge for two minutes for this we're saying a complicated gaseous complicated he should have put it in a little squirt bottle like that and it's gone around and squirted people well how do you feel about the portrayal of Gwen Stacy in this movie because I know nothing about Gwen Stacy I know Mary Jane just based on the other movie once Stacy in the comic books was just kind of a fairly generic love interest I mean I was never a huge Gwen Stacy fans only captured that greatness thing it's like you're saying it's movie yeah yeah I think Emma Stone is that her name yeah I think she's a fine actress just looks a little too much like Lindsay Lohan see I don't see that they look exactly alike I disagree are stupid I disagree completely watch this well I know you are a fan of Kirsten Dunst oh yeah I really liked her in the spider-man films in all films I've seen her in it's safe to say that I'm sexually attracted to Kirsten Dunst I want to stick my Dunst in Kirsten's const um I want to give it to her Pavlov's doggy style I'll ring her Bell till she salivates I want to her till she's sick give her melon cholera there's a like a thing on melancholia I don't even know who you are anymore I don't even know who you are at all I mean really I just met you two so there is no Jay jonah Jameson Uncle Ben and Aunt May are played by two well-known actors that we all hate Andrew Garfield is a flatline yes doesn't know how to say Peter Parker he plays him dumb at times confused at times and he's supposed to be a super intelligent scientist guy supposed to be a skateboarder he's supposed to be 26 different things all wrapped up enough and an offense photographer and a photography and a retiree I'm all wrapped up in a dumb expression on his face and the main bad guy who's played by James Spader is completely boring and a nun interest you're leading on one the best part of the movie for me most enjoyable aspect of the movie was Denis Leary oh yeah he didn't good you even did a great job I I that the spy I saw spider-man but now I want to see a movie cult was starring Denis Leary called cop dad nosy cop dad so you [ __ ] up Hollywood again but you still make tons of money so we're the [ __ ] sitting in the back of a comic book shop complaining about the movie that you're going to make tons of money on well we can't pay our rent or bills yeah it's it's them pretending to understand the material but not really understanding the material it's like all these these [ __ ] soulless producers and hack writers oh yeah spider-man's about gay characters and oh listen and it's gonna enthrall you and excite you and you're gonna feel the emotion of ever blab a bladder plug and and then really there just like product product product yeah money products and and then they all these all these like soulless horrible hacks I'll get together and they shove all the [ __ ] into something and then they take a dump well sometimes it fools people and sometimes it's more noticeable and this is one word just this is just such a joyless experience watching this movie that doesn't feel like like there's any passion behind it at all well it's the it's also on the flip side of that coin it's it's it's them not getting that amazing spider-man should be a colorful fun experience and then it's like the flip side of that coin is the Joel Schumacher going Batman needs to have collars yeah books are colors what's the cold biome oh they're called comic books not drama books right and and you're like that's not Batman yeah that man is not colorful Batman is dark and and moody and there's there's this like core conflict in Batman and it's not colorful that's wrong cider man is is is colorful yeah it's not dark and moody and conflicting you know he has a relationship problems and that sort of stuff but it really should be light-hearted and fun and adventurous in this is not and corny it's okay to be corny sometimes right I think the Sam Raimi movies are wonderful do you appreciate the same range I appreciate them a lot more now I appreciate Tobey Maguire more yes more so I'm so loud I'm still not completely sold on something above IRS Peter Parker but I have less problems than I did well we have a surprise for you because Tobey Maguire is here huh where oh I don't think he ever was here tell us a little bit about yourself mr. Parker what is your father - Peter fine everybody knew my father my parents left I was ready up Peter someday you'll understand it's it's a forgettable spider-man movie and there'll be another one so who gives a [ __ ] if it's bad hmm there's one Apple people counting the money yeah but but it's also like this this problem now of like chucking your wad too much where you you can't do this too often you can't remake things so quickly and then [ __ ] them up and then try it again and then it's just if the audience has a breaking point sure where we're just gonna go stop like we want original stories we why are you are you overestimating the audience I people like us they don't give a [ __ ] about us no care no I know but um I I do I will give an audience some credit like imagine if they rebooted this next year yeah another spider it's the one of my classes at school there was a budget thing a breakdown and it was the police academy movies and it was called the police academy equation okay and and it was police academy 1 and it showed budget to profit ratio police academy 1 budget to profit chair police academy to budget to profit police academy 3 now etc 4 5 6 done Nash and I think that's sort of I think that's what will happen with all these remakes is that if you keep rehashing the same story in the same [ __ ] and all these movies over and over again it you can you can get away with it for so long before it stops on a completely unrelated note they're working on a remake of police academy this is the most explosive adventure ever faced by the world's most amazing superhero yeah if they remade spider-men next year and they called it what's another spider-man title a spectacular spectacular spider-man ultimate and I think I think people would grow yeah and go oh that's the ultimate irony is that the the more exciting the adjective the worse the movie's gonna get yeah well the personal spider-man oh this is great the amazing spider-man sir spectacular spider-man oh [ __ ] the actual title is the spectacular spider-man parenthetical trust us it'll work this time no but we're coming up on our third remake of our third incarnation of Superman yeah now the Zack Snyder Superman where the 70s one with a Christopher Reeve worked great you know it's an awesome Portland some third ones well that's that's the case for each movie it's like but the Christopher Reeve one was an iconic one and then they remade it and they [ __ ] it up yeah and then now they're remaking it again so I think like for me when they said Superman's coming out I'll be like again like it was a big deal when they remade it because it hasn't been made since 1978 yeah all the while Superman's back it's like all this although all the steam has been let out of the engine here's a question for you now with the the Christopher Nolan Batman coming to an end but since those movies were really successful they're remaking there oh I'm just gonna pick you're already working on they're already working on it yeah okay you got to keep it's already trained going cuz he's Christopher Nolan says I'm not doing anymore yeah so they're like well Batman is a money maker we can't just stop we have to we have to continue on I said I'm not even gonna wait a respectful five years this time why wait yeah why wait it's everything speeds up and everything becomes more disposable that's what I'm talking about that that thing there's a term in science called the carrying capacity I remember this from science class it's um it's how much how much the earth can sustain of populations before it reaches a point where people start starving to death and dying and then it resets itself and I think that's what we're getting to we're at the peak the carrying capacity of movies and ideas where it's it's like faster and faster and faster and faster professor we can't sustain it look and then it crashes I can't wait so we get to that point oh I can't wait we should say that there are movies like this around there still made they just they're just not the big yeah 10 pull movies can we squeeze in a little review of moonrise kingdom I would love to squeeze in a tiny little review of moonrise kingdom we won't discuss too much cuz I'm guessing you tonight moonrise kingdom is the best movie I've seen all year you should watch that instead of the Amazing Spiderman you will get a more emotional experience out of it now you will get a more satisfying movie experience more visually engaging it and it has better special effects mom no it doesn't but it's a great movie and and I'm sure there's a lot of our audience that I hate Wes Anderson because they think he's a snobby hipster type I would say this is one of his more accessible movies I wouldn't say I'm on the fence with Wes Anderson there's only been one thing of his that I haven't liked and I didn't give it past five minutes I started watching The Royal Tenenbaums and I saw Ben Stiller and he has two twins and they're all dressed in the same red jumpsuit and I said [ __ ] this movie now sorry you're missing out but I love the life aquatic life aquatics good and love Darjeeling Limited those are really really good movies yeah and Moonrise Kingdom fits right in it was a little slow at first but then all the characters that they set up really pay off and it's really charming it you know it's about about innocence yeah and innocence love and how that reflects on adulthood and the cynicism of adulthood and and it kind of opens everyone's eyes and it's really simple story that's really really nice movie so after watching The Amazing Spiderman you know that's a masterpiece I liked that part in the Amazing Spiderman when Spiderman kicks the Lizardman don't you mean moonrise kingdom that scene happened in moonrise kingdom I don't remember that is that that that [ __ ] little hipster Wes Anderson movie yeah [ __ ] that because a douchebag that guy's a douchebag because he makes movies with heart and soul I'd rather see a cynical cash crab like the amazing spider-man well I guess it's time to get going yeah we got to get back to the VCR repair shop oh so you're both VCR repairman yes interesting what do you two just hold on for one moment I have to make an unrelated phone call okay just just stay right there okay okay good mm-hmm well there was nothing suspicious about his extremely suspicious behavior no Jack yes I'm right yeah it's definitely over celebrity over shoulder I don't know maybe he's trying to like think of what we might want on the pizza I guess I'm assuming he's ordering a pizza based on yeah well you know yeah nothing they're a very dumb or very drunk they they think I'm ordering a pizza they they can clearly hear me talking about them nothing there they're really dumb it's gotta be then aah oh my god Jay fine I think he might be part of the conspiracy against stuff huh oh [ __ ] um we got to get out of here yeah uh or we got to take him out the Klingon phaser quickly use it oh my bad oh I think that one's done I think the top ones kill oh it's good to share you want to do someone I'll do a couple more yeah then we should from here yeah you
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 931,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, half in the bag, plinkett, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, spiderman, The Amazing Spider-Man (Film)
Id: NLzW9dSEx6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2015
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