Half in the Bag Episode 53: Star Trek Into Darkness

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They always articulate so well the problems I have with certain movies.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/WhoH8in 📅︎︎ May 30 2013 🗫︎ replies

I agreed 100% with this.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 31 2013 🗫︎ replies

Note: You can skip the first three minutes and the last minute

I really enjoyed the film, but this review made a lot of sense. I enjoyed STID, but leaving it felt like something(s) didn't make sense. These guys have helpfully pointed out that a lot of things didn't make sense, starting with the plot.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/madesense 📅︎︎ May 30 2013 🗫︎ replies

They didn't address Khan's defeat, which I think was the most evident plot hole of all. You build up this incredibly strong super villain who is suddenly taken down just because Spock had a tantrum? What changed the game in their favor?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 31 2013 🗫︎ replies

Pretty spot on with a lot of my complaints, but I did enjoy and have a lot more fun with the movie than they did. I'm personally a lot more at peace with the fact that these films are retarded than they are. Though I'd really, really like for them to strive to be better.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 30 2013 🗫︎ replies

Nice! Was hoping they'd do one of these but didn't expect it so soon after release.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/handler0 📅︎︎ May 30 2013 🗫︎ replies

At least when he reviewed Star Wars Ep1, we have the dvds to confirm everything he said was wrong. Now we have to deal with our imperfect memory, and the freshness of the experience.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/motchmaster 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2013 🗫︎ replies

So far it seems that just about every time hollywood puts someone who is not a fan of the material into the writer/director's chairs, it's a shitty product. These guys were spot on in everything about the movie.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/your_obsoletionist 📅︎︎ May 31 2013 🗫︎ replies

It's Khan, not Kahn. Always has been.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HellOfAThing 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2013 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag everyone always complains about things on the Internet [Music] picture check [Music] button actuation check or say safety goggles good well this one's back up and running doesn't it feel good to actually be working again no it doesn't because before we are making money and not doing anything that was clearly much better yeah but now we're making money and making a difference in people's lives all these [ __ ] weirdos can now watch movies on a format with inferior sound and picture quality than what's readily available J before we were making money and doing nothing that was clearly much better you just said that what hi picking up yeah okay just a minute so how's the circus you mean the nightmare of our empty soulless consumer-driven Society no I meant the circus Jay tells me you people are all circus clowns here you go that'll be $30 awesome I got 60 Kennedy half-dollar coins if that's cool okay thanks for getting it done so fast I got this party I gotta go to sounds totally lame I'm still going like a coin collecting party you wish no some dude is having a retro VHS party at his house it's gonna be in a bad neighborhood and I don't even know the dude but it's gonna be pretty cool I mean lame anyway thanks hey Jake take a look at this come one come all to the ironic VHS viewing party a gay time will be had by all free PBR served until midnight BYO VCR Harry J do you know what the [ __ ] this means means that you can read yes but it also means that mr. plinkus is trying to get his hands on a working VCR he does that it'll be the end of our scan for sure oh my god have you seen star trek into darkness you think your world is safe it is an illusion enjoy these final moments of peace by now all of you heard what happened in London man who did it you turn on our top agents Star Trek The Fast and the Furious is the second film in the newly rebooted franchise by JJ Abrams the movie is essentially the same film is the first one Kirk learns to be a leader Spock gets emotional ahora and Spock have a lover's quarrel and some guy wants revenge things also blow up but this time things are more blow up II so Jay what did you think of star trek into darkness can we just get a movie about bones can we can we ditch all the dead weight and just get a movie by a proper screenwriter about a grumpy space doctor there is a TV show called bones you could just watch that but that's not about a grumpy old doctor is it house is about a grumpy old doctor I'd rather watch an episode of house I'm the most superficial level possible there's some entertaining stuff in this movie just like the first one the cast is all really good there it's a very well cast movie they play off each other well there's some fun action the problem is with everything else yeah let me first off say this JJ Abrams can make a movie yes he is a a skilled action director the movie moves along at a fast pace the action set pieces are great especially the ending the cast is is fun they do a good job acting especially Simon Pegg he's he's fun as Scotty he's a good comic relief character and Karl Urban Karl Urban as bone he for me was one of the highlights of the book yeah very underused everyone else does the does their job well I'm not sure if I liked Quinto as Spock yet he he always seems mean or angry he does the the non emotion thing as some sort of mean anger again I see more of like an angst maybe and you can attribute that to their being there the young versions of them but but Nimoy's um Nimoy's Spock was was better and but Quinto has a different take on it and that's fine I don't like Kirk in this no I don't like we're on this the other ones are sort of cartoon characters but other than that you know the cast is fine the cast is fun and and that's pretty much all there is to say without getting into major spoilers because the movie does the advertising and the way that you think things are going to happen don't happen in the movie they could they take a lot of the the things you might expect and switch them up so we can't really discuss more without saying beware of spoilers after right now well Jane now that we've gotten the spoiler alert out of the way let's start talking about the movie oh where to begin hey guys are you talking about star trek into darkness cuz I just saw it who are you I don't know who's that guy I don't know I see homeless shall we begin so I guess you're gonna be joining us with our Star Trek conversation yes I dare you you familiar with Star Trek I've heard of it okay it's about pirates are you qualified to discuss Star Trek with us well I I used to be a movie reviewer for the newspapers mm-hmm back before the Internet what's a newspaper it's the thing with paper you use it the blind your bird cage III will say I was kind of off put by the movie like right from the start really I actually actually liked the beginning I liked the first quarter third of the movie well the opening to me felt like like what are the later seasons of a sitcom that's been on just a little too long where it's like the first line out of McCoy is dammit Jim and then Spock says something's illogical and it's like everybody going through the motions then give me the name of the movie Star Trek going through the motion it felt to me it felt like the whole movie not just the opening but the opening in particular it felt like like a children's TV show or cartoon show yeah just a random episode of yeah based on a bigger thing yeah I'm feature film like they made it like the Ghostbusters cartoon show like they go on an adventure were you a fan of the original series at all III can count the number of episodes of all the different Star Trek's that I've seen on one hand I am NOT a Star Trek guy I just know the movies the opening is is like a character joke on Kirk's tendency to blatantly violate the prime directive okay he just steals some scroll that they worship and runs away with in the beginning and there's like episodes of the original series were where Kirk goes down to primitive planets and he starts like reading people the Constitution yeah I see Kirk was never that reckless as reckless as people the movies like a hyper exaggeration yeah well that's every character yeah Kirk and in the original series was very by-the-book you know for the most part the the the idea that he's this crazy renegade is mostly from like Star Trek 3 and and Star Trek 4 when he was you know trying to save Spock trying to resurrect Spock and he steals the ship he knows this and then and he violates all these rules but on the TV show well that was my biggest not quite so much yeah but you can argue this is the young curve right yeah well that was my biggest problem with this movie I think was that I was wondering White Star Fleet even has ranks since nobody obeys orders ever in this movie especially Kirk the whole movie is someone saying Captain Kirk we shouldn't do this thing that you want to do because this bad thing will happen as a result and him just saying whatever we're doing it anyway they've activated the device captain when the countdown is complete the reaction should render the volcano on earth well let me ask you they use cold fusion to to stop the volcano cold fusion doesn't work that way hold right no cold fusion is a way of generating heat but the audience knows the word cold so that's like they could've just come up with some sort of random sci-fi thing and said this is the device that'll stop the book hey good have called it a cry on fire sure whatever but the audience has heard of cold fusion so I guess we'll call it that I get the point of the opening the point of the opening you got to boil things down sometimes and you can't get overly concerned with the details but boil it down Spock was gonna sacrifice himself blah blah blah and then that happens later in the film that's a role reversal and it's the thing that's the thing vodka yeah I I saved your life swap and then at the end I you saved my life not to get it that was the point of the movie yeah but um the Spock is like hollering about the prime directive such action violates the prime directive shut up Spock we're trying to save you dammit la la blah blah blah but the whole mission was a violation of the prime directive if this primitive culture and the volcanoes gonna kill them all like Star Trek prime directive says that you can't interfere with that it's a natural progression of the planet if we can determine the cause of these geological disturbances we might be able to reverse the process why they time directed like Picard was ready to let that whole planet die it's possibly something that Spock was going along with because Kirk ordered him to when Spock probably would have filed a report either way yes but he kept mentioning prime directive prime directive prime directive and and you know they I think they threw that in there because people heard it and that's let you die so so let's continue on there we have our action opening for action action purposes it feels like an Indiana Jones opening yes yeah a previous adventure that they're on and then it kicks off the movie but the point was that Kirk saved Spock's life and stuck his neck out for him his [ __ ] didn't care because he's an emotionless Vulcan except for when he's not except for no reason except for when he's highly irritated angry or crying right it's an emotional assault which is all the time which is all the time so that's the opening and then we get into the plot Jay what's the plot the kickoff to the story is a guy blows up a building dig off in search of him and then they discovered apply from there and I appreciate that it was a little simpler than just planets being destroyed everywhere because that's what I was expecting they would just blow their wad because every movie has to be huge now so it's basically they go off in search of this guy they discover there's more to the story than they thought and that's basically it and it's relatively simple in that regard see I thought Star Trek 2009 was it a simple story it's yeah I would say it less of a story than this one I mean it's basically guy wants revenge wants to blow up planets of people he hates right enterprise has to stop him and it's just a framework to hang an enterprise origin story all right all pointing the movie is to get Kirk and the captain's chair yeah no one in darkness it doesn't have that it's in their origin is taken place and now you need a more complicated story and I I think they drop the ball I think the story is just excuse for things to happen it's just things well what I was thinking of during the movie I don't believe what twist and other plot twists and the problem with the movie is the script completely the script because it looks nice the actors are good but I was watching it and it felt like they came up with all these set pieces or things they wanted to have happen like here we want to have a reference to Wrath of Khan here we want to have them shooting through space and having to go into that little entranceway you know like they came up with all these things they wanted to put into it and then play connect the dots with the story as opposed to writing a good story if you were going to say what is star trek into darkness about I would say I don't know it's about two hours long it almost felt like a Mission Impossible movie or some sort of like action diehard thriller type thing where it's like the bad guy as the switcheroo and he's gonna do this and then he's hidden this in the missiles and and it has the the bad guy got caught on purpose which has been like I've given that a pass with like Skyfall and what else was that it and recently the Avengers did that I think the Dark Knight is what sort of kicked that off being and everything but they do it in this and it's like all right I've had enough of this okay I'm actually shocked the III didn't think they'd do it having somebody screamed calm no I I left out loud when they did that and that's what really for me I was thinking like that original sequence in Wrath of Khan he goes calm that's like an iconic thing not just in Star Trek but in pop culture at this point and then you have this movie that's rehashing everything and it's like you're not gonna make don't you interested in creating your own iconic moments like doing something original Hollywood is is like big these days they're not interested in appealing to a niche audience you you talked to most people and you just mentioned Star Trek and they go and they they don't want to have anything to do with it and and the studio doesn't want to spend whatever they spend on this 190 million yeah they don't want to spend 190 million to make 185 million this so they they they want China's money they they they mean I don't I don't think a blockbuster is considered a blockbuster unless it makes 1 billion dollars yeah so they're never going to make another Star Trek movie again we're outnumbered outgunned no idea what I'm supposed to do the problem the problem with fandom is they care more about branding than they do substance yeah that's definitely the case it says Star Wars here's my money yeah it says spider-man here's my money and and we have to look at it from we can't just say well they didn't make a sporting Star Trek movie you know we have to look at it from both sides well I'm looking at it from the Bristol is as a movie I'm familiar with the original movies and I saw all the Wrath of Khan stuff from that but I was just watching this as a movie and as a movie I just thought it was so sloppy and lazy as far as the writing goes it's in the right hands as far as the director goes yeah it's in the wrong hands as far as the writers go because they are plugging in references they're making a big dumb action movie and I'm not naive enough to think that they're gonna make Star Trek the motion picture again she's never gonna know yeah yeah but you can have an action Star Trek movie with better writing right and that's the major problem it's like same with like the Transformers movies like there it's just [ __ ] yeah thrown up on the screen for reference purposes purposes for branding for people although having that moment oh it's Caan ooh he screamed Caan just like them you know the Klingons they've heard of Klingons they've heard of tribbles and they just throw all that stuff on there throw a thin plot about action and betrayal and revenge and everyone's family and blah blah blah blah blah and and then just market it and sell it yeah but you know I think there have been other movies like the James the new James Bond movies like where they're a little sleek sleeker they're better written and well they're they're interested in trying to tell a story even if it ends up being kind of sloppy like people might say well how could you give a pass to Iron Man 3 it's full of plot holes but not like this movie and some differences they were trying to do something with and that's actually the biggest thing to point out for me was the reveal of Caan in this because a lot of people were really upset about the Mandarin reveal in Iron Man 3 and to me that's the big difference between this movie and that movie is is Iron Man 3 like they when they were doing that that it would piss off a lot of people people that are really into the comics really into the Mandarin but they had the balls to try something different and as someone that's not into the comic books I saw that as a clever twist on the type of thing you see in movies like that like oh that's that's creative I wasn't expecting it and then in this movie they'd say my name is don't-don't-don't Khan and anyone that's not familiar with star Trak is gonna go what does that mean and anyone that is familiar with star trek is gonna say so what's the point of that and and in the context of the movie Kirk and Spock should have said okay okay yeah it's it's yeah there's no purpose to it on a storytelling level as opposed to the Mandarin reveal in Iron Man 3 you so we know why the movie exists it exists to make a whole bunch of money and appeal to mass audiences let's talk about the plot now and you had said something to me before about how fast the plot moves yeah this movie is like a like a magic trick where it's like they're distracting you over here so you don't think about how nothing really makes much sense rich Evans what was the plot of this movie other than Khan once worth the detail the plot of the movie is is terrorists blows up billing as an excuse to assassinate a bunch of Starfleet captains as a pretext to send Kirk on a mission to assassinate him so they can shoot missiles at him but the missiles have frozen people in them for some reason that was a story I went that was so bizarre that I thought it was amusing actually an idea frozen people inside these missiles well what Marcus Admiral Marcus didn't know they were inside he know who did not know because because terrorists man put the people in the missiles yes so he can surrender to the enterprise and reveal he's Khan so that the Admiral can show up and shoot at the enterprise so that Kirk and Khan can team up to shoot people so bad Khan can betray Kirk so that Spock can trick Khan into putting missiles with people on them on the ship to blow up so that enterprise can crash and blow up and then fight Admiral Marcus Admiral Robocop Admiral Robocop he he got worried because Romulans from the future blew up Vulcan and blow up all the Starfleet ships so he says we need to have a militarized Starfleet but politically that's not going to fly so because of that Starfleet ships we're looking around the galaxy that makes no sense but as a flimsy excuse things they explain in one line like oh so we went searching for things yes and so they found Conn floating on a ship I guess they somehow knew they were superhumans but I guess so they wake up just one they just wake up calm coincidentally it happens to be calm coincidentally have become the wake-up Khan and say Khan you're a smart Superman I guess you also know how to build an incredibly advanced person because you know with your knowledge of technology that's 300 years old I can't think of a more perfect person to build a modern day super ship yes you have a superior intellect so build us a super ship and a whole bunch of super missiles and Khan says ok I'll do that in exchange for waking up my crew and killing all of you and then they agree but Khan obviously thinks that they're going to actually do that the superior intellect doesn't you know warrant him the ability to realize the Admiral probably will double-cross them no nobody can detect that in this movie with any other care No so Khan builds the ship and then they say go away now Kai I don't know what happened to him it makes no sense then Khan has a magic ring um that will when you drop it in a glass of water will blow up like a huge explosion so instead of using his superior intellect and physical ability to set up the bomb himself because the purpose of setting off the bomb was to assemble the senior Starfleet guys so that Khan could get revenge on them for not waking up his friends right right yes so he somehow just hangs around the hospital and then this this guy was poor guy whose daughter's dying Khan has the magic blood that will save this daughter so he puts it in the machine he says here guy I'll save your daughter if you drop this magic ring into a glass of water and blow up something this is the secret base of section 31 yeah so the guy agrees to do it the Khan saves his daughter and then even though he just saved his daughter the guy could have called the police and said yeah he blows up the building after the fact he blows up the building after the fact usually to be Farah Khan could have killed his daughter if they did that okay Khan could have also set off the bomb himself yes he could conquer you know the only reason Khan didn't set off the bomb himself so they could introduce the magic life that's the only reason that's in the movie yeah so yeah so in order to set up things they're shoved in without consequence or without logic right so then they blow up the Records hall which wasn't really a record hall it was the secret base in order to assemble the senior staff so that Khan could assassinate them for the purpose of revenge because they didn't wake up his friends after he helped them right well I think Kahn was actually trying to trick them into firing the missiles at the Klingon homeworld because the missiles he secretly put his ok his own crew members on the missiles so I think that was a was a smart kind of plot II tricky thing to do but how did he know that they were going to fire the missiles and why didn't he just take the missiles yeah whatever yeah I'm saying at least they they may have tried just in clever there of it like the missiles were a delivery system did Conn disable the explosive component that makes no sense that does make no sense that he disable it but I think well he didn't want his friends to blow he says the point point of putting them in the missiles though was the smuggling yeah so I think he wanted to smuggle his people under internal world I think there water I think the original excuse was that they wouldn't shoot the missiles at Klingon homeworld and then his people would be on he'd wake them all up and then they declare asylum with the Klingons if these are super missiles what were they really going to shoot 72 exactly or just one I thought they were just gonna shoot one I know and so Khan Khan isn't very smart and nobody's very easy to be fair he's not very smart in the Wrath of Khan either where Kirk does knows basic tricks and Khan Falls that's true that's true yeah I'm not sure that qualifies I watched you murder innocent men and women I will make you answer for what you did rich Evans was there a point in the movie where they they said to bones all these people in the crowd tubes are all supermen like common that's what I was curious about because I was thinking at the end when they're chasing Khan and they're like we need him we need his blood I was like what about the other 72 people yeah I'm trying to remember if if the 72 people were just followers we're all point of saying this they're all in hands I think that's the thing though this movie it's like the dialogue moves so fast and it's just trying to get past it but you can't keep track of anything I can I can I can kind of buy bones wanting Khan alive because even if they are the other 72 are genetically engineered the only one that bones know knows for sure and it's the only one he tests bring back the dead is Khan yeah cuz he tested the blood well luckily death is not a problem now in this universe no no I expect to see 12 resurrection I was actually really curious how they're gonna work around that in the next movie they'll come up with some [ __ ] excuse as to why that isn't uh it's like he knew something I'd love it if there's like contraption and cons strapped to it and just all day long they're siphoning off his blood so they could send it to hospitals well to be fair he's he strapped to a wall saying kill me to be fair I think death by murder or electrocution or phaser blast probably Khan's blood wouldn't help it was the fact that he was irradiated so maybe death by a red radiation there's no longer a problem that's the only thing that it'll solve get a blood transfusion um well how did how did the head of the triple die okay okay I think even no tribbles head human blood magic blood you can sprinkle it on anything it's it's dumb script writing blood pours blood into a toaster in the toaster we'll start hopping around I actually feel really bad that I didn't even think about that till you just mention that the data that they're putting in human blood well there's so much of this movie that you're just like it's overwhelming I didn't mind that the ending I like the the warp core it's different it's different it's not the the clean tube with the it's it's more grittier and more Star Wars II with all the technical connections and stuff and he's kicking it and it's I like that at the point of it all you know details aside self-sacrifice save the ship and but the thing is it's like we've seen that movie already who's called Star Trek to the Wrath of Khan and you'd have your first Star Trek 2009 fine but now do something different yeah not doing fanservice stop borrowing ideas stop borrowing the exact same storyline put your own little twists on it whatever but we need a new story need a new plots any of these characters to do new things and and the tired it's starting to get tired the the only thing up there only trick up their sleeve as far as the characters go is that we're a family and family works together and we're Kirk and Spock are best friends there's nothing else that they can do there's nothing like how about something really complicated character wise but they've they've when when you take complicated characters and you boil them down to cartoon characters that's what they did in the first one yeah and that's what you're left with James Kirk is a hothead who learns to lead he did in the first one in this one does that Spock is an emotionless guy who learns to be emotional at the right time he did in the first one he does it in this whoo I love Spock Scotty is wacky bones is there bones is there bones bones says his his his corny line he's grumpy and grumpy and so now we've boiled them down to cartoon characters you you can't build them beyond that so every movie will be about we're best friends Turki and why are Kirk and Spock best friends anyways because general audience has heard of Kirk and Spock in these movies if the entire legacy or cannon of Star Trek didn't exist and just these two movies existed Kirk would hate Spock and Uhura would have no reason to fall in love with Spock Spock is a big [ __ ] in this movie and Kirk is as a hothead college jock guy who runs around screaming and everyone's yelling and those two would not be best friends there's no reason for them to Kirk dying in the thing Spock would just go okay he's crying and he's screaming like my biggest thoughts my two biggest thoughts through this movie were why do you Spock and Kirk like each other and why is Kirk not been kicked out of Starfleet yet [Music] we'll walk over your cold corpses can we talk about the stupid scene with old Spock no oh no you want to talk about the stupid scene with old Spock sure let's talk about that scene I I thought Leonard Nimoy said that he was never going to play Spock again after the first one they also said that Khan wasn't the villain in this one so III think these people are just liars you know what happened even if Leonard Nimoy said that and he meant it they took one of those bags of cash and just dropped it in front of him he said okay can we film it on the Skype that tweet fara was probably about two hours of work on his part well yeah he just sits there they filmed it in his home too that's what it looked like I was like the biggest show up is how is them put the camera right this face yeah you don't even have to put the ears on but what does that guy need cash for he's like 89 years old what does he need a bigger headstone so the point of that scene is the movie has done such a poor job of setting up how bad Caan is supposed to be that they have to bring back old Spock since directly address the audience and say trust me he's a bad guy but I rewatched Wrath of Khan after this and he's not like the worst thing he's a bad guy but they treat it like and it's because the audience is familiar with Khan he's the most famous Star Trek villain well now he's he's hyper-charged common right but the best part about it is is Khan or Spock says he's like I'm not supposed to tell you anything about the future and but what you may experience on your own but whatever and they just explains it anyway I remember that in the last one Tori's comes off like a doddering old fool is just like recklessly saying all these things about the future it annoyed me that that Spock would have thought to call himself to ask about that in the first place I mean as far as he's concerned Kaunas just a nobody three years ago he just met why would he assume that the old Enterprise also had an adventure where they ran into Khan because they wanted to put Leonard Nimoy in the body yeah also it's been clearly established how powerful Khan is in this new movie what else in what other information is he hoping to get like an Achilles heel like Khan will die instantly if you say these magic words the thing is there is no point of that scene they don't learn anything new he's a bad guy okay thanks Leonard Nimoy other than other the strictly fanservice I'm an old Spock and going look it's buggy because everyone goes yeah if people clapped when he came on-screen yeah people gasp when they heard calm did they when you saw it didn't people gasp risk-on yeah yeah and then um I was like the minute the minute kirk punched him twice knead it and fall over I'm like oh he's Khan yeah of course but I mean audiences don't know Khan was a Superman they just know Khan was the bad guys know the name original Khan wasn't even a Superman like that I mean even know he was a eugenics experiment but he wasn't an x-man in the original space seed Kirk just beets caught up at the end it takes a claw but it just starts hitting Khan [Applause] [Music] and this one con single-handedly takes out an entire platoon of Klingons yeah what did you guys think of Benedict the Cabbage Patch whatever oh my god Benedict Cumberbatch he's an actor that nobody knew who he was a year ago but now everybody pretends that they've been fans of him for years it's very bizarre III a lot of people seem to like him in this movie I thought he was serviceable I didn't really do anything that struck me is terribly like threatening or saying he's fine he's fine he's no Ricardo Montalban no but no there's not that like Flair you know he's just like generic guy you know they're very different characters yeah which is almost like again why make him condone mostly a name only yeah yeah this this con is like a psychopath serial killer con the Contra cara de Montalban con is like flamboyant egotistical I'm better than you but Ben's shirts openly yeah like you're worse we're superior beings yeah this superior beings instead of in a character way it just translates into physically being superior yeah and that's the part of the dumbness of the script cons the danger of Congress is like superior confidence and his superior ego and his brashness and is willing to do anything and that's kind of what made him a more of an interesting villain this con is just you can punch me a hundred times and I won't I this Humberto cabbage patch his he's more Hannibal Lecter than he is Ricardo I was thinking of some some lions during the parts where they've got a behind glass yeah I can't tell you how much I hit em that's what the movie completely fell apart with me when he comes in and he's got the giant starship the minute I saw the giant starship I'm like oh we're doing that again yeah cuz that's that's every Star Trek movie now they did it nemesis they did it in 2009 well how are you supposed to show that the bad guys threat unless he has a bigger ship that was one of the cool things about the Wrath of Khan though the Wyatt is actually a weaker ship than the enterprise and and Khan takes advantage of the situation with his cunning mm-hmm he best Kirk with an inferior ship and that's that's just great yeah this is just like the bully ship comes in and we're gonna have the boss fight because the audience can very easily see oh they're bad because they've got the bigger scarier ship Jay are you suggesting that these screenwriters wrote this film to appeal to dumb masses yes [Music] after ripping off the dramatic ending of the Wrath of Khan with all of the emotions and the drama they really needed a stupid foot chase where people punch each other well it's also it's Spock yes it's this Spock punching a guy or repeatedly well who's the next one what what are they gonna dredge up from just all Geordi where do you go Wow do you think it's possible they'll bring in like the Borg or something no bigger board Q yeah it's gonna be the super bored cube it's gonna be the size of the earth rich that's way too small it's the size of the solar system it's gonna knock planets it's gonna suck planets up but we're gonna be assimilating the Sun yeah they'll bring the doomsday machine man the big ice cream cone yeah yeah but it's gonna have like moving parts no it's gonna have a giant mouth that eats things it'll be real see I don't know what that is right off the bat so they won't put that in there comforting lie told to protect you enjoy these final moments of peace but I have returned to have my vengeance and then the movie ends they all put on nazi uniforms and the movie ends well then it cuts to a year later and they're doing a memorial for all the people that died I guess is what that's for and then Kirk Kirk you know even a year later there's no mention of the the looming threat of a Klingon war no no and Kirk also mentions that we we shouldn't give in to senseless vengeance and that's what everybody did that's how they won the day actually yeah the ship's tense up she's gone [Applause] oh she's if you're to explain to a layman like everyone will say well of course it's Star Trek it has Kirk and Spock and the Star Trek Enterprise in it what is the difference between old Star Trek and new Star Trek not without saying this has more better special effects or action what's the difference actual science fiction where the enterprise would run across strange phenomena since phenomena like interesting science fiction twist on something Star Trek classic Star Trek is also about politics it's a bit heavier than the action shallowness yeah I would say it's it's not like we're looking back and at all the Star Trek it's not all totally cerebral right you know there's a lot of silly episodes here and there but overall it's about it's a show like people just say the Star Trek is boring search exploring but and you don't want to be that person that goes Luther look cool it's not stirring I'm not mad that the new movies not Star Trek I'm mad that the new movie is a unengaging action film but I do judge it as an action film yeah well that's that's my problem it's like you want to make Star Trek an action thing like appeal to a different audience now okay can we at least have a coherent story out of that the story failed to make me care about what happened to these people yeah yeah it's it's a problem with establishing the characters making them into cartoon characters but it's the lack of um I think it's it's the lack of just general like a general morality story I mean that's pretty pretty much yeah pretty much what Star Trek is in the future like Gene Roddenberry's vision in the future is that everyone gets along not with the not with alien races but humans we all get along we all work together and and we all abide by this code of ethics or or this these moral decisions we have to make and that's usually what most of the shows were about being presented with some sort of moral dilemma and having to deal with it and that's why next-gen was good because there's numerous episodes like that like the data measure of a man where Picard has to kind of make these choices and and I think that's that's what Star Trek fans and ethics yeah well there's probably a way to incorporate those elements into a broader bigger action movie but nobody has any interest in doing that they have an interest in remember Conn remember tribbles here they are and now here's splosions well because the connections to classic Trek are just on the most superficial level right it has none of the meat and potatoes of what made Star Trek Star Trek I mean it's pretty if you want to see colorful things that's a good movie if that's all you want so you just want to see colorful things and well well filmed explosions and well filmed action but none of it means anything yeah none of it really leads to anything then you're gonna enjoy it I guess [Music] no ship should go down without a captain [Music] so Jay after talking about Star Trek The Fast and the Furious for over two hours now would you recommend this film no if all you want to see if you want to just sit in a comfy air-conditioned movie theater and see some action maybe because it does look nice it's a good-looking movie and the action is well executed but if you want anything beyond that then absolutely not yeah I see I would probably say go see it huh I it's it's really difficult for me because it's it's a thing that exists you know old Star Trek still exists and and it's like yes it's not Star Trek it's not a plot about some moral decision or ethics or something really detailed politically Star Trek universe it's a it's a really dumb action movie really dumb but you get to see the enterprise blow up and crash and fall into the sky and things blow up that's a fun ride yes studio yes I'll take that check now sir would you recommend this film well I just like to say you know while I have everybody's attention and I have an audience I just want to say that 9/11 was an inside job 9/11 was an inside job if you want to learn more go to 9/11 preserve the truth slash 9/11 was an inside job dot org or like me on Facebook preserve the truth Wow do you think his whole reason for sitting here and talking about the Star Trek with us was just an excuse to give his website address I think so I believe in you Jim what are you doing back there what what's that what's whiskey no that oh this well this is the lamest movie ever I mean Jeff who lives at home yes what no not technically this is actually a fake tape you know the microwave in the back you mean the one I used to cook my lunch in every single day yes that one well I smashed it in a million pieces because inside every microwave is something called a magnetron so I augmented this VHS into a WMD I'm not following let's just say we're gonna crash blankets little party [Music] I literally use that microwave every day we can get another microphone [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,960,305
Rating: 4.8831573 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red, letter, media, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, mr. plinkett, plinkett, star trek, star, trek, into darkness, jj abrams, damon lindeloff, movie, review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2013
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